Saint Genevieve Parish Schools - Covid-19 Mitigation Plan Parent Presentation August 31, 2021

Page created by Darlene Rodriguez
Saint Genevieve Parish Schools - Covid-19 Mitigation Plan Parent Presentation August 31, 2021
Saint Genevieve
 Parish Schools
   Covid-19 Mitigation Plan
     Parent Presentation
       August 31, 2021
Saint Genevieve Parish Schools - Covid-19 Mitigation Plan Parent Presentation August 31, 2021
Welcome and Prayer
    Mr. O’Donoghue
Saint Genevieve Parish Schools - Covid-19 Mitigation Plan Parent Presentation August 31, 2021
Saint Genevieve Parish Schools - Covid-19 Mitigation Plan Parent Presentation August 31, 2021
If you have questions during or after the
       presentation, please email:
We will send out a FAQ in the next few days.
Saint Genevieve Parish Schools - Covid-19 Mitigation Plan Parent Presentation August 31, 2021
Saint Genevieve Parish Schools
   Covid 19 Mitigation Plan

       Why Mitigation?
Saint Genevieve Parish Schools - Covid-19 Mitigation Plan Parent Presentation August 31, 2021
Overview of Mitigation Strategies

The idea of Mitigation is to layer different approaches to
            reduce risk of Covid-19 spread.

Our mitigation protocols are in alignment with LACDPH
                    and the CDPH.

 Mitigation requires all of us as a community to do our
part (students, parents, faculty, staff, leadership team.)
1. Daily Health Check-Before Coming to School
Symptom Check
●   Fever or Chills
●   New Cough
●   Diarrhea , Vomiting or Nausea
●   Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing
●   Fatigue
●   Runny or Stuffy Nose
●   Muscle or Body Aches
●   Headache
●   Sore Throat
●   New Loss of Taste or Smell
Mitigation Strategies
2. Masks

 -Required for everyone to wear masks indoors

 -Cloth or surgical mask acceptable

 -Cleaned or changed daily
Mitigation Strategies

3. Washing Hands/Hand Sanitizer

  -Wash hands when possible

  -Hand sanitizer-on person and in school
Mitigation Strategies

4. Cleaning:

   -In accordance with CDC Guidance, daily cleaning of
classrooms, bathrooms, offices, etc.

  -Disinfecting Wipes for high touch areas.
Mitigation Strategies
5. Ventilation

     -HVAC systems serviced and filters changed and
upgraded following CDC Guidance

   -When appropriate, opening of doors and windows
for air flow
Mitigation Strategies

6. Physical Distancing When Possible

 -Different Drop off/pick up locations and
 staggered pick up times

  -K-8 grouping of students during recess, lunch, after
school program

 -9-12 class levels
Mitigation Strategies
7. Limiting Who is on Campus

 -Parents asked to make appointments

-Zoom appointments and meetings

 -Any visitors complete a health screening
Covid-19 Vaccine for 12 years and older
-Full FDA Approval for Pfizer-BioNTech Covid 19 Vaccine

-Vaccines are Safe, Effective and Readily Available

COVID-19 Vaccines What Parents Need to Know

Unity Across the Americas | COVID-19 Vaccine
Covid-19 Vaccine for 12 years and older
-Full FDA Approval for Pfizer-BioNTech Covid 19 Vaccine

-Vaccines are Safe, Effective and Readily Available

COVID-19 Vaccines What Parents Need to Know

Unity Across the Americas | COVID-19 Vaccine
Where Can I Get the Covid 19 Vaccine?
LAC | DPH | COVID-19 Vaccination - How to get vaccinated

SG/Mission Community Hospital Vaccine Clinic (4th one hosted by SG)
- September 7th 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
-On Site at SG (In tent outside the church)
-Anyone 12 and older welcome
-Please email Mr. O’Donoghue at
-Quarantine required if exposed to someone (close contact) with Covid-19 and if
you are NOT vaccinated.

-Close contact is within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more in a 24 hour period.
(Masked or Unmasked/Inside or Outside)

-Quarantine is 10 days without a Covid-19 Test or 7 Days with a Covid-19 Test if
test taken after day 5 of exposure.

-If fully vaccinated, no need to quarantine unless symptoms OR if recovered
from a lab confirmed Covid-19 in last 90 days no need to quarantine.
-Anyone with a confirmed case of Covid-19 is required to
isolate for 10 days (out of school and any school activities)
after symptoms first appear or after the date of a positive test.

-Does not matter if vaccinated or unvaccinated. If you have a
positive case of Covid-19 you must isolate.
Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated
                       Summary of Key Points
If VACCINATED and exposed to Covid-19 (close contact) there is no need to
quarantine unless symptoms.

If UNVACCINATED and exposed to Covid-19 (close contact) quarantine is
required for 7 days (if a negative Covid-19 test after day 5) OR 10 days if no
test is taken.

Having your child (and all eligible members of your family) vaccinated is a
way to protect against the Covid-19 virus as well as a way to keep your child
and other students in school for in-person learning.
Protocols for Youth Sports                                      (September 1, 2021)

                *Guidelines may change-have changed three times in past week.

-Masks   must be worn for indoor sports (Participants, coaches, spectators)

-Indoor moderate or high risk sports for youth of all ages and
staff/coaches/volunteers require weekly testing UNLESS Fully vaccinated.

-Outdoor moderate or high risk sports for youth ages 12 and older and
staff/coaches/volunteer require weekly testing UNLESS Fully vaccinated.
No screening test required for under 12 playing OUTDOOR sports.

Moderate or High Risk Sports: (SG Sports) -Baseball, Softball, Cheerleading, Flag Football,
Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Martial Arts.

-For Fully Vaccinated youth participating in outdoor sports tests required only if
there is a positive Covid-19 case among players or coaches/staff.

                Thank You!
    If you have additional questions, please email
      We will send out a FAQ in the next few days.
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