SPA Executive Board Meeting Date: April 17, 2014

Page created by Jeffrey Bowman
SPA Executive Board Meeting
Date: April 17, 2014
Call To Order:
The meeting held in the SPA/ SGA Meeting Room and was called to order at 2:57 by Torri
Sepulvado, SPA Vice President.

Roll Call:
Members Present
   1. Rusty Bruce
   2. Torri Sepulvado
   3. Dalton Dodich
   4. Samundra Kharel
   5. Brandon Bergeron
   6. Marisabel Ponce Cordero
   7. Emiko Kodama
   8. Joshua Fabre
   9. Grant Ordoyne
   10. Taylor Degruise
   11. Staci Weiland
   12. Bobby Singh

Members Absent
   1. N/A

Advisor Present:
   1. Paul Forbes, Assistant Director of Student Union and SPA Advisor

Supreme Court Justice Present:
   2. Blake Thibodaux

                                   Officer’s Report:
President- Rusty Bruce

      Final meeting with FAA is Wednesday, April 30th
          o Please bring any comments or complaints to Rusty
      Sent applications to various departments to get more students involvement across campus
          o Among those are Mass Communications and Art Dept.
          o Please help promote applications for SPA
o This will also give Taylor a wider selection range for her Board next year
      May 1st is the last meeting
         o Be sure you have anything that needs to be voted on at this meeting

Vice President- Torri Sepulvado

      Annual Reports
          o These are due by next meeting, May 1st
      SPA Banquet
          o Quote: $26 more than estimated
                 We will amend this is New Business
          o Guest list and menu is settled
Secretary- Dalton Dodich.

      The motion to pass the SPA Executive Board Meeting minutes from April 10th, 2014 was
       made by Dalton.
          o The motion was seconded by Grant.
          o The motion passed with 11 in favor, no opposition, and no abstention.

Business Manager- Samundra Kharel

      No Report

                                 Committee’s Report:
Spirit and Travel- Bobby Singh

      First 30 Days
           o Organizing a trip for an Away football game

Multicultural- Emiko Kodama

      Crawfish Day
           o Asked committee members for help with the event
      First 30 Days
           o Sept 10 or 13
           o Chocolate fountain for International Chocolate Day

Union Activities- Joshua Fabre

      Post-Evaluation form for Easter Egg Contest is completed
          o Art Dept. was very helpful with the event
          o First Place: Ashley Hebert
          o Second Place: Sabrina Bodenheimer
          o Third Place: Emilie Ulicsni
   Working on events for the Fall
         o Ideas: centered around football games

Entertainment- Brandon Bergeron

      Committee meeting
          o Moving BBQ to next semester
          o This will NOT be his First 30 Days event
      Surveys for Alive @ 5 will be available for the next meeting along with his Annual
      Torri: add First 30 Days to your agenda for next week’s meeting

Special Events- Staci Weiland

      Crawfish Day
          o We need a SPA Board member at the T-Shirt stand, Entrance, and…
          o This is a CLOSED event to Nicholls students, faculty, and staff ONLY
          o T-Shirts: we wanted to sell the shirts through the bookstore so we would have one
              less thing to worry about
                   Issue: University policy: we cannot sell the shirts through the bookstore
                           Other organizations in the future would also want to do this
                           Breach of contract between Nicholls bookstore and Barnes and
                   Instead, we will be handling the sales ourselves
                           Can also sell these through the student life office
                   Board Members:
                           Email your shirt size to Staci
          o Rusty: hand-sanitation station
                   Used these for Swamp Stomp
                   When we get these stations in, be sure to check these for damages
          o University staff will be handling the scanners so students won’t be put in the
              position to have to turn people away

Publicity Team Report- Taylor Degruise and Marisabel Ponce Cordero

      No paper next week
      Crawfish Days shirts are in
          o $5.00 per shirt
      Video Contest for NACA
          o Best campus tradition
          o Taylor had the great idea of entering Crawfish Day in the contest
          o Trying to find a broadcast major to assist us
Webmaster- Grant Ordoyne

      “Get to Know SPA Executive Board”
          o Marisabel and Grant are only two that remain

Supreme Court Justice:

      No report

                                     Old Business:
      SPA Banquet Proposal
          o The motion to increase the budget by $26.00 for the 2013-2014 SPA Banquet
             coming out of the General Programming budget was made by Torri.
                 The motion was seconded by Grant.
                 The motion was passed with 11 in favor, no opposition, and no abstention.

                                    New Business:
      None

      Torri
          o Budget requests
                   If your committee needs more money for next Fall, then a written request
                      should be filled out so that we can adjust it.
      Schedule for remainder of semester
          o April 28th: Last day for applications
          o May 1st: Last meeting
          o May 2nd: Crawfish Day
          o May 6th: SPA Banquet

                         Advisor’s Report: Paul Forbes:
      Need to post all of the minutes and other important documents before the end of the
      Crawfish Day
          o We will have 4 scanners for the event
          o All the items that we need are either completed or in progress of being completed
          o Spreadsheet of costs
   However, we may be able to shave off a few of the costs with certain
                  T-shirt sales will be applied to costs afterwards
      Sample of First 30 Days Activities
          o Our focus—what is SPA going to do for these days
          o Also included important dates for next Fall
          o This included cost of previous First 30 Days events

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:42 by Rusty Bruce, SPA President.
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