Page created by Wesley Lyons
Republic of Serbia

educaTional                                                                                                                             + PROMOTION OF COOPERATION
                                                                                                                                          BETWEEN SCHOOLS AND THE

cooperaTion                                 Focus: Quality development in               Focus: Cooperation between
                                                                                                                                          BUSINESS SECTOR + VOCATIONAL
                                                                                                                                          EDUCATION AND TRAINING + QUALITY
                                                                                                                                          DEVELOPMENT + EXCHANGE OF
with Eastern and South-Eastern Europe       vocational education and training           schools and business                              EXPERIENCE IN EDUCATION POLICY
in the pre-university sector                Example: Project “EFFECTIVE                 Example: Project “ASSURING                        WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF ERISEE
                                            QUALITY DEVELOPMENT IN                      THE QUALITY OF IN-COMPANY
                                            VET THROUGH SUCCESSFUL                      LEARNING IN SCHOOL-BASED
                                            CHANGE MANAGEMENT –                         VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND
+ Promotion of cooperation be­tween         Strengthening the leadership                TRAINING“
                                            competences of school leaders”              The project supports the Serbian Minis-
  educational institutions in Austria and
                                            Quality development in VET is a devel-      try of Education in developing the quality
  in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
                                            opment priority in Serbia, Bosnia and       of in-company training in school-based
  to sustainably support educational        Herzegovina and Montenegro. The aim         VET. Based on an analysis of the differ-
  reforms in the pre-university sector.     of this regional project is to strengthen   ent formats of WBL in school-based
                                            the leadership and change management        VET the project has supported the                OeAD Regional Cooperation Office
+ Learning from each other between          competences of school directors for         development of an internship regulation          Sarajevo (responsible for Serbia,
  education systems at the interface        effective quality development through       as a legal framework for improving the           Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  between developments in education         tailor-made professional development        quality of internships. The implementa-          Vilsonovo šetalište 10/II/236
                                            programs. In Serbia over 150 VET school     tion of this regulation will be supported        71000 Sarajevo
  at national level and at EU level.
                                            directors will be trained.                  by round tables and trainings for over             /OeAD.sarajewo
                                                                                        150 VET schools.                                 www.oead.at/serbia
Higher educaTion
and mobiliTy

Transnational cooperation    CEEPUS                                   Erasmus+                                 eTwinning                                    EURAXESS
supports institutional       (Central European Exchange               Erasmus+ supports internationalisation   eTwinning is the community for schools in    Euraxess provides information and advice
capacity development.        Programme for University Studies)        and modernisation in higher education    Europe. It offers schools in Europe and      for mobile researchers and supports them
Stays abroad contribute      Student and lecturer exchange with       as well as intensified academic          selected partner regions a platform to       during research stays in Austria.
                             Central and Eastern European countries   cooperation through mobility and         communicate, cooperate, develop projects,    www.euraxess.at
to personal competence
                             for academic development.                cooperation projects with partner        exchange ideas and be part of the learning
building and strengthen      www.oead.at/ceepus                       countries worldwide.                     community of Europe.
the innovative capacity                                                                                        www.etwinning.net                            Scientific & Technological Cooperation
                                                                      OeAD | National Agency for Erasmus+
of institutions and entire   National CEEPUS Office Serbia                                                                                                  (S&T Cooperation)
                                                                      Austria: www.erasmusplus.at
                             Foundation Tempus
education systems.                                                                                                                                          S&T Cooperation programmes are based on
                             Ruže Jovanović 27a                       Erasmus+ National Agency Serbia:                                                      inter-governmental and bilateral agreements.
                             11000 Belgrade, Serbia                   Foundation Tempus                                                                     www.oead.at/wtz
                             https://tempus.ac.rs/what-we-do/ceepus   Ruže Jovanović 27a
                                                                      11000 Belgrade, Serbia
CulTure and                                                                                                                   The OeAD                                                                     ST. PeTersburg
language                                                                                                                      Agency for Education and
                                                                                                                                                                                             Lviv          Chişinău
as a gateway to the world!                                                                                                                                                           Sarajevo              Odessa
                                                                                                                              The OeAD advises, supports and
Lectureship programme                                                                                                         connects people and institutions in
The lectureship programme is a mobil-                                                                                         education, science, research and
ity programme for teaching German                                                                                             culture with its future-oriented
language and Austrian literature and
                                           Culture and language                    Franz Werfel Scholarship                   programmes.                                                       OeAD-HeadquarTers,
cultural studies at universities abroad.                                                                                                                                                              Vienna
www.oead.at/lektorat                       Offers for German teachers: teaching    for university lecturers of German
                                           materials, teacher training             studies dealing with Austrian literature
                                                                                                                              As an agency of the Republic of
                                           www.kulturundsprache.at                 www.oead.at/werfel                         Austria the OeAD thus contributes
Univerziteta u Beogradu | Filoloski                                                                                           to inclusive, equal and high-quality
Fakultet / Katedra za germanistiku         Ernst Mach Scholarships                 Richard Plaschka Scholarship               education.
https://fakulteti.edukacija.rs                                                                                                                                       Internationalisation and the support for transnational
                                           for students and university lecturers   for university lecturers of historical
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu | Filoloski       of all disciplines who want to spend    studies dealing with Austrian history      European and international             cooperation and mobility associated with it are valuable
Fakultet / Odsek za germanistiku           a study or research period in Austria   www.oead.at/plaschka                       exchange as well as transnational      aspects in education, science and research.
https://unsff.ff.uns.ac.rs                 www.oead.at/mach                                                                   mobility serve as the agency’s         High-quality education, science and research need
                                                                                                                              most important tools.                  an international orientation.

www.grants.at             Austria’s largest database                                                      Study in Austria
                          of scholarships for international
                          students, graduates and                                                         + Study in Austria: Information about study
                          researchers in Austria.                                                           options and living conditions in Austria

                                                                                                          + Advice on entry and residence in Austria

                                                                                                          + Accommodation in Austria

Editor and Publisher: OeAD-GmbH | Ebendorferstraße 7 | 1010 Vienna | Headquarters: Vienna | FN 320219 k
Commercial Court Vienna | ATU 64808925 | Managing director: Jakob Calice, PhD | Editor: Ursula Hilmar,
Doris Lobersiner, T + 43 1 53408-0, info@oead.at | Graphic Design: Alexandra Reidinger | Photo credits:
istock.com/AzmanJaka; unsplash.com/Joshua Earle, Helena Lopes | September 2021
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