Saint Ann Catholic Parish - 806 North Washington Street, Kaufman, Texas 75142 (972) 962-3247 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 ...
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Saint Ann Catholic Parish 806 North Washington Street, Kaufman, Texas 75142 • (972) 962-3247 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 non Fax: 972-932-4003 • •
St. Ann Catholic Parish April 12, 2020 Mass & Readings Please join us to pray the Rosary before every mass and the Daily Novena to the Precious Blood at the end of the Daily Sat., Apr. 11 (White) – Genesis 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a; Psalm 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 30, 35; Genesis 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9, Mass. 10-13, 15-18; Psalm 16:1, 5, 8, 9-10, 11; Exodus 14:15—15:1; Psalm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday — 8:00am Exodus 15:1-6, 17-18; Isaiah 54:5-14; Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Isaiah Saturday — 4:30pm 55:1-11; Psalm Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Baruch 3:9-15, 32—4:4; Psalm Sunday —8:30am 19:8-11; Ezekiel 36:16-17a, 18-28; Psalm 42:2-3, 5; 43:3-4; Epistle Sunday — 11:00am — Spanish Romans 6:3-11; Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Matthew 28:1-10 5:00 pm Community of St. Ann Por favor únase a nosotros para rezar el Rosario antes de cada _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sun., Apr. 12 (White)– Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, misa y la Novena Diaria a la Preciosa Sangre al final de la 22-23, Colossians 3:1-4 or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8; John 20:1-9 Misa diaria. 9:00 am Mass All Children preparing for 1st Communion Martes, Miercoles, y Viernes — 8:00am 11:30 am Misa Comunidad de Santa Ana Sabado — 4:30pm ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Domingo — 8:30am Mon., Apr. 13 (White) – Acts 2:14, 22-33, Matthew 28:8-15; Psalm 16:1 Domingo — 11:00am — Español No Mass _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tues., Apr. 14 (White) – Acts 2:36-41; John 20:11-18; Psalm 33:5b PRAY FOR THE WHOLE WORLD! 8:30pm Steve and Louise Valek ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wed., Apr. 15 (White) – Acts 3:1-10; Luke 24:13-35; Please pray for the repose and souls of the all depart- Psalm 105:3b 8:30am +Jay Daniel Espinoza ed loved ones of the St. Ann community. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thurs., Apr. 16 (White) – Acts 3:11-26; Luke 24:35-48; +Saturnino Escobedo Psalm 8:2ab 6:00pm +Isidro Becerra ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Fri., Apr. 17 (White) – Acts 4:1-12; John 21:1-14 Father Jet Garcia Psalm 118:22 Pastor 8:30am +Jesus Patino Parish Staff Mass Attendance Financial InformaƟon Deacon: Bill Jasmin Apr. 04 & Apr. 05, 2020 Business Manager: Susan Duerr Sat. 5:00pm Regular: ____ Parish Secretary: Zulma Drake Sun. 9am Parish Catechetical Leader: Alma Sipriano Building ____ Sun. 11:30am Youth Ministry Leader: Marisol Saenz Children’s ____ Facilities Manager: Rafael Castaneda St. Lazarus ____ Parish Advisory Council: Amanda Brown 806 North Washington St., Kaufman, Texas 75142 Development: ____ Finance Consultative Council: Robbie Sutton (972) 962-3247 MASSES: (972) 932-4003 FAX Altar Needs: ____ Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. English Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m., Other: _____ Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Sunday/Domingo 9:00 a.m. English • • 11:30 a.m. Español Weekday Masses Visit our Website at Tuesday 8:30 a.m. English Wednesday 8:30 a.m. English Like our Facebook page: Thursday 6:00 p.m. Español Friday 8:30 a.m. English 14 day Sanctuary Candle Adoration Every Friday 9am - 5pm The Sanctuary Candle for the Blessed Sacrament Adoracion al Santisimo los in the chapel is provided for : Viernes 9am-5pm 03/29/20—04/25/2020 Confessions/Confesiones +Jay Daniel Espinoza Saturday/Sabado 3:30 p.m.- 4:30p.m.
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord CCD Registrations Registrations for CCD class are cancelled until further notice. Registros de Catecismo Las inscripciones para la Catecismo se St Ann Food Pantry is running low cancelan hasta nuevo aviso. If you would like to donate any can and non perishables items you may bring them by the office or leave them in the Narthex. Help us, to Help others in Need!! RCIA, CONFIRMATIONS, AND FIRST THANK YOU! HOLY COMMUNION ARE CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. In light of the ongoing concerns over COVID-19, the Diocese of Dallas has issued the following directive for all parishes within their Diocese - RICA, CONFIRMACIONES Y LA Mass, Adoration, Baptism, Confirmation, PRIMERA COMUNIÓN SE CANCELAN Confession, Marriages, Funerals, and Quinces HASTA NUEVO AVISO. will be discontinued until May 04, 2020, and may be extended. The church will be open daily from 9AM-4PM for individual prayer time but no groups Registraciones Generales may gather. Social distancing of at least 6 feet is to Se aproximan las inscripciones del catecismo para el año 2020. be followed. If you would like you can mail your Para poder registrar a sus hijos hay algunos requisites que se tithe to the church @ tienen que seguir para no quedarse fuera este año: Los padres tienen que ser miembros contribuyente y activos de Santa Ana St. Ann Catholic Parish desde Enero hasta la fecha de inscripcion para poder calificar. Esto significa de asistir amisa y estar usando sus 806 N. Washington St. sobres antes y despues de la registracion. Si usted no esta reg- Kaufman, TX 75142 istrado como miembro de la Parroquia y necesita sobres par- roquiales favor de registrarse en la oficina parroquial. 2020 Faith Formation Registrations En vista de las preocupaciones actuales sobre CO- Registrations are around the corner and to ensure that your VID-19, la Diócesis de Dallas ha emitido la siguien- children get registered you MUST meet the following require- te directiva para todas las parroquias dentro de su ments: Parents must be an active and contributing members of Diócesis: the parish from the beginning of January in order to qualify for La Misa, Adoración, Bautismo, Confirmación, registration. This means using your envelopes each Sunday when you come to mass. So if you are not registered as a mem- Confesión, Matrimonios, Funerales y las ber please stop by the parish office. Quinceañeras se suspender án hasta el 04 de Mayo de 2020, y pueden extenderse. La iglesia estará abierta todos los días de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m. para Ladies Society/Damas de la Sociedad tiempo de oración individual, pero no se pueden reunir grupos. Se debe seguir el distanciamiento Monthly meetings are the first Tuesday of each social de al menos 6 pies. Si lo desea, puede enviar month at 6:00pm in RM #4. su diezmo a la iglesia @ Meeting on Tuesday, May 05, 2020 St. Ann Catholic Parish Las reuniones mensuales son el primer Martes de cada mes a las 6:00pm en el cuarto #4. 806 N. Washington St. Kaufman, TX 75142 Junta el Martes 05 de Mayo 2020
T. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH TX FMAN, TX St. Ann Catholic Parish April 12, 2020 Easter Week Easter Sunday, we r ead fr om the Acts of the Apostles to hear Peter's preaching about the Resurrection. The Letter to the Colossians r eminds us “You have died and your lives are hidden with Christ in God.” The Gospel is from John's Gospel and gives us the fir st stor y of that Easter mor ning - Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb and runs to Peter and the “disciple Jesus loved” to tell them. They run to the tomb and discover for themselves that it is empty. The first reading for Easter Week is from the Acts of the Apostles. We hear Peter 's pr eaching the Good News and experience the first deeds of the Apostles, which parallel the acts of Jesus, including the conflicts he experienced and his power to heal. The Gospels this week are all resurrection appearances. These wonderful stories contain some common elements. They ap- pear designed to make it clear that this was not a group of disciples who dreamed up the resurrection, because they were hoping for it so much. In fact, they found it difficult to be- lieve. The Jesus they saw and experienced was not a “ghost.” Instead, he had a body. Monday, is the story of Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, as well as the “cover-up story” and pay off of the guards. Tuesday, we read of Jesus' appearance to Mary Magdalene, through the eyes of John's Gospel. Jesus missions her to announce the Good News to his brothers. On Wednesday we are treated to Luke's marvelous story of Jesus' appearance to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They were sad, because they had hoped the story would have turned out differently. Jesus tells them why he had to first suffer and die in order to enter into his glory. As they stopped to eat, “he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” Thurs- day Jesus appears in the room where the disciples are gath- ered. “Peace be with you” he says and then eats with them and shows them his wounds. On Friday, we have the powerful appearance in John's Gospel at the Sea of Tiberias. Peter de- cided to return to fishing. Jesus appears and re-missions him. On Saturday, the week concludes with the summary of ap- pearances in what appears to be an addition to the end of Mark's Gospel. On the Second Sunday of Easter, as we celebrate Divine Mer- cy Sunday, we get a pictur e of how the ear ly community gathered around as “Many signs and wonders were done among the people at the hands of the apostles.” John's Gospel gives us two post-resurrection stories that feature Thomas, the doubting apostle. “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
T. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH TX FMAN, TX St. Ann Catholic Parish April 12, 2020 Información sacramental Sacramental Information MATRIMONIO: El pr imer paso es poner se en MATRIMONY: Fir st step is to contact the office to set contacto con la oficina para concertar una cita con el up an appointment with Fr. Jet. Padre Jet. BAPTISM: English baptism classes ar e held ever y 3rd BAUTISMO: Las clases de bautismo en Español se Monday of the month at 6:00pm if necessary. Please llevan a cabo el ultimo Sabado del mes a las 9:00am. call the office one week prior to register if you are planning Por favor llame a la oficina una semana antes para on attending the class. (Classes may be taken before the ba- registrarse si usted planea asistir a la clase. (Las clases by is born.) pueden ser tomadas antes de que nazca el bebé.) REQUIREMENTS: REQUISITOS: • Both Parents and God Parents must attend the Baptism class before the Baptism. • Tanto los Padres como los Padrinos deben asistir a • Godparents are to be (1) fully initiated into the Catholic la clase de Bautismo antes del Bautismo. Church; baptized, received 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation, (2) be at least 16 years old, (3) practicing • Los padrinos deben ser (1) plenamente iniciados en the faith, and (4) if married - must be in accordance la Iglesia Católica; bautizados, recibido la 1ª with the Catholic Church. Comunión y Confirmación, (2) tener por lo menos 16 años, (3) practicar la fe, y (4) si están casados - You will need to come into the office to fill out the proper deben estar de acuerdo con la Iglesia Católica. paperwork and set a date. Baptisms are held the 2nd Saturday of every month un- Usted tendrá que venir a la oficina para llenar el less told otherwise papeleo adecuado y establecer una fecha. Quinceañeras Los Bautismos se celebran el segundo sábado de cada mes a menos que se indique lo contrario La celebración de los Quince Años es una tradición dentro de la Comunidad Hispana, cuando una jovencita cumple quince años. Parish Organizations REQUISITOS: Knights of Columbus– Billy Littleton Ladies Society—Carol Shiels • BAUTISO, PRIMERA COMUNION, CONFIR- Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts—Julie Cato MACION o estar en el process de la Confirmacion Fund Raising Committee—Robbie Sutton Renovacion Parroquial—Oscar Palacios • para más información porfavor llame a la oficina Padres y Madres Orantes—Baudelia Sanchez Las Samaritanas—Maria Salazar For those with medically confirmed gluten Grupo de Intercesores—Juan Diego Jaquez intolerance we will offer gluten-free Host. Please notify the priest prior to mass if yo need this service. The gluten-free Host will be distributed at the end of the Communion line. Para aquellos con intolerancia al gluten confirmada médicamen- The Blessed Sacrament is exposed every Friday, from 9am - 5pm. te, ofreceremos Hostia sin gluten. Por favor notifique al sacerdo- ADORACION AL SANTISIMO te antes de la misa si necesita este servicio. La Hostia sin gluten El SanƟsimo esta expuesto todos los Viernes de 9am - 5pm. se distribuirá al final de la línea de Comunión. If you believe that you, or someone you know, is a victim of past or Denuncia de abuso: present abuse or sexual abuse, please notify law enforcement. In the Primero, notifique a las autoridades locales. Segundo, notifique al event the abuse involves a minor, please also contact the Texas De- Departamento de Servicios para la Familia y de Protección de Texas a partment of Family and Protective Services through the Texas Abuse través de la Línea Directa de Abuso de Texas (1-800-252-5400 o Hotline at 1-800-252-5400 or Finally, if Finalmente, si la acusación involucra a un the abuse involves a member of the clergy, a parish employee, or miembro del clero o un empleado de una parroquia o la Diócesis , por diocesan employee, please also notify the Diocese of Dallas Victims favor notifique a la Coordinadora de Asistencia a las Víctimas de la Assistance Coordinator, Barbara Landregan, at 214-379-2812 Diócesis de Dallas, Barbara Landregan, al 214-379-2812. or
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