Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021

Page created by Brenda Hicks
Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021
Highlights from Fr. Kevin’s Installation on October 31, 2021

                                    Office Hours
             Sunday 8 AM - 2:30 PM | Monday - Thursdays: 9 AM - 4:30 PM

                Sunday Masses in English Misas Dominicales en Español
          Saturday: 4:00 PM | Sunday: 7:00 AM; Sábado: 5:30 PM | Domingo: 1:00 PM
         8:30 AM;10:00 AM; 11:30 AM; 4:00 PM
Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021
Page Two                                                  November 14, 2021                                 St. Vincent de Paul Church

                       Annual Thanksgiving | Food Drive
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will once again be having our Thanksgiving Food Drive on
                      the weekends of November 13th/14th and 20th/ 21st.
 We will be accepting non-perishable food donations as well as collecting money to provide
     meals for the poor and less fortunate of our parish. Suggested food items include:
 Canned chicken breast           Spaghetti sauce or tomato sauce         Dried spaghetti and pasta shells        Tuna
 Cup of Noodles                  Canned vegetables                       Top Ramen                               Canned fruit
 Canned beans                    Dried beans                             Canned soup                             Dry rice
 Mac & Cheese                    Cereal                                  Cookies                                 Beef Stew
 Peanut butter                   Jelly or jam                            Canned pasta                            Lasagna, etc...

                                                        Chef Boyardee Ravioli
                                  Thank you all for your generous support throughout the year.

      Welcome—Patty Carrillo                                           Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast!
                                                           Join us next Sunday, November 20, in the
    Congratulations—Eliut Sanchez                          Parish Hall for a delicious breakfast of
                Patty Carrillo has joined the Parish       pancakes, sausages, eggs, juice and coffee.
                Staff as our new Faith Formation           Breakfast will be available after the 7 am,
                Administrative Coordinator. Patty has      8:30 am and 10 am Masses. You can’t beat
                been a long-time parishioner and catechist the price of $7.00 per adult, $5.00 per child
                in our Children’s Faith Formation                    and $20.00 per family (2 adults + children under 13
                Program. She is a very welcome addition              years). Frittata (sausage or veggie) $8.00.
to our Parish Staff. Patty looks forward to meeting all of           Best of all, profits from the breakfast will support
our families with children in Faith Formation.                       the Knights’ service projects.
Patty can be reached at 714-842-3000 x114 or
reled@svdphb.org.                                                           Sunday Offering
                                                                Total Envelopes/Checks/Cash                   $      15,104.00
                  Eliut Sanchez has now assumed the
                                                                Online Giving                                 $       7,891.08
               position of Coordinator for Liturgy &
                                                           Total Sunday Offerings: Oct. 31, 2021              $      22,995.08
               Family Life. She has hit the ground
               running after starting her new position the Total  - Budgeted    for Sunday    Offering         $     21,000.00
               day we celebrated Fr. Kevin’s Installation                                                ┼ $           1,995.08
               as Pastor. Eli is looking forward to        [ Average Sunday Collection to Date: $22,124.00 ]
working with all our current Liturgical Ministers and is   National Needs Collection:                          $        3,762.00
ready to welcome any parishioner who is interested in         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

serving at Mass. Contact Eli at 714-842-3000 x101 or                     Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
liturgy@svdphb.org for any questions regarding liturgies                               November 14, 2021
                                                             Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not
or serving at Mass.                                                               pass away. — Mark 13:31
Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021
Page Three                                          November 14, 2021                        St. Vincent de Paul Church
                             Thursday, November 25            Please plan on joining us
                                   9:00 AM                    for the…...
                             Food and Mercy House             Fiesta of Our
                                                              Lady of Guadalupe
                                   Collection               Saturday, December 11
                           Don’t forget to bring your gifts Bilingual Mass: 10 AM
                           of non-perishable food and/or    Fiesta: 11 AM – 3 PM
                           money to be brought up during    Come honor our Blessed
                           the Offertory of the Mass.       Mother with the parish
The food items will be donated to the St. Vincent de Paul   community. Enjoy delicious
Society. The money will be donated to Mercy House to        authentic Latin food, entertainment, and activities for the
assist homeless families, men, women, and children.         kids, plus our opportunity drawing.
Your generosity will be greatly appreciated!                Some of the areas where help is needed include setting up
                                                            and tearing down of festival, running game booths and
 MISA DEL DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS donating baked goods.
       Jueves 25 de noviembre a las 9:00 AM                 If you would like to contribute, please contact Patty
      Colección de comida para Mercy House                  Ledezma at parishlife@svdphb.org or (714) 842-3000
No olvide traer sus obsequios de alimentos no perecederos x115.
o dinero para ofrecerlos durante el Ofertorio de la Misa de
 “Acción de Gracias”. Los alimentos serán donados a la                        P r ay i n g t h e Ro s a ry
 Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl. El dinero se donará a                       Join us Monday through Friday
Mercy House para ayudar a familias, hombres, mujeres y
   niños sin hogar. ¡Su generosidad es muy apreciada!                               in the church at 8 AM
Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021
Page Four                                             November 14, 2021                         St. Vincent de Paul Church

                                                                      Helping the Homeless
                                                                On occasion, we experience homeless people who are
                                                                “panhandling” on our church grounds. It’s natural as a
    Children’s Schedule for the week of November 14th
                                                                faithful Catholic to want to help these individuals, but we
    Sunday       11:25 AM-12:30 PM
                                                                would like to discourage our parishioners from the
    Monday       3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
                                                                practice of giving cash as it will only lead to more such
    Monday       4:45 PM – 6:15 PM
                                                                behavior. Should someone ask you for money, please
    Tuesday      4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
                                                                warmly invite them to visit the Society of St. Vincent de
    Wednesday    4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
                                                                Paul Pantry every Monday and Thursday morning from
    Thursday     4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
     Saturday     9:00 AM – 10:30 AM                           9:30 am to 10:30 am. The Society Pantry distributes fresh
                                                                foods, dairy, meats and boxed and canned goods. The
 Don’t forget to check this week’s ENEWS for all
                                                                Society's work is supported by your donations, so make a
     important information regarding Faith
                                                                donation to the Society instead of giving cash to an
           Formation and Homework.
                REJOICE ADVENT SMALL
              GROUPS ONLINE OR IN PERSON                               Ayudando al Indigente
               Parents, please sign up for our Advent Small
                                                                En ocasiones, experimentamos personas sin hogar que
              Group in English. The session will be in person
                                                                están "pidiendo limosna" en los terrenos de nuestra
               or online. This is a great way to grow in your
                   faith and share it with your children.
                                                                iglesia. Es natural como católico fiel querer ayudar a
                                                                estas personas, pero nos gustaría desalentar a nuestros
       MARK YOUR CALENDARS                                      feligreses de la práctica de dar dinero en efectivo, ya que
      NO SESSIONS/CLASSES THE WEEK OF                           solo conducirá a más comportamientos de este tipo.
November 21st | Happy Thanksgiving                              Si alguien le pide dinero, invítelos calurosamente a visitar
                                                                la Despensa de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl todos
NO SESSION/CLASSES on December 11th.                            los lunes y jueves por la mañana de 9:30 am a 10:30 am.
 Please join us for Our Lady of Guadalupe                       La Despensa de la Sociedad distribuye alimentos frescos,
              Mass and Fiesta.                                  lácteos, carnes y productos en caja y enlatados. El trabajo
                                                                de las Sociedades es apoyado por sus donaciones, así que
                Big Thank you!                                  haga una donación a la Sociedad en lugar de dar dinero
                                                                en efectivo a un individuo.
    We would like to thank all of the parishioners and
families who participated in the Movie Night, especially
 the Knights of Columbus who purchased and prepared
   all the food. We raised $400.00 for Youth Ministry.
        Dads, this is a great and rewarding ministry.
         Please prayerfully consider volunteering.

            Noviembre 21 por el
          Día de Acción de Gracias
     Por favor acompáñenos a la Celebración de
           Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
                   Misa y fiesta
Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021
Page Five   November 14, 2021   St. Vincent de Paul Church
Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021
Página Seis                                               14 de noviembre, 2021                 Iglesia San Vicente de Paul

              Formación en la fe de niños
     Domingo 11:25 AM – 12:30 PM
     Lunes 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
     Lunes 4:45 PM - 6:15 PM
     Martes 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
     Miércoles 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
     Jueves 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
     Sábado de 9:00 AM 10:30 PM
    No olvide revisar su ENEWS de esta semana para más
información sobre las tareas de la Formación en la Fe.
                               ADVIENTO GRUPOS
                              PEQUEÑOS EN LÍNEA                         Procesión Eucarística
                            O EN PERSONA EN INGLÉS                       Viernes, 19 de noviembre a las 6 PM
                              Padres, inscríbase en nuestro grupo
                                                                            Únase al Padre Gastón para una
                                pequeño de Adviento en inglés.
                              La sesión será en persona o online.        caminata pacífica en el vecindario de
                         Esta es una excelente manera de crecer en su     Oakview (calles: Slater Ave. y Beach Blvd.,).
                                 fe y compartirla con sus hijos.

            Donación de Alimentos de
               Acción de Gracias
La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul volverá a tener los
barriles para donar Alimentos de Acción de Gracias este fin
de semana del 13/14 y 20/21 de noviembre. Aceptaremos
donaciones de alimentos no perecederos, así como recaudar
dinero para proveer comidas a los pobres y menos afortuna-
dos de nuestra parroquia. Los alimentos sugeridos incluyen:

      Estofado de carne        Salsa de espagueti     Puré de tomate
            Atun             Chef Boyardee Ravioli     Top Ramen
      Cup of Noodles             Fruta enlatada       Sopa enlatada
        Frijoles secos         Frijoles enlatados         Arroz
       Mac & Cheese                 Cereal               Galletas
     Crema de cacahuate         Jalea/Mermelada          Lasagna
      Pechuga de Pollo            Pasta Seca         Verdura enlatada

[   Gracias a todos por su generoso apoyo durante todo el año.
Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021
Page Seven                                            November 14, 2021                         St. Vincent de Paul Church
                                                                      The True Meaning of Christmas
                                                              You are invited to take a copy of the book "The True
                                                              Meaning of Christmas." It is a book that gives a tour of the
          November 15—21, 2021                                historical facts of Christmas. The books will be available in
                                                              the courtyard after all Masses next weekend. This is one way
Monday:        Margaret Them Tran †
                                                              that as a family we can prepare to welcome Jesus this
Tuesday:       All Souls Relatives of Ngo Family
                                                              Christmas. A donation of $ 2 per book is requested.
Wednesday: Robert O’Brien †                                   The books will also be available in the Parish Office while
Thursday :     Angelina Ruiz †                                supplies last.
Friday:        Teresa Tarassuk †

Weekend Mass Intentions                                        El Verdadero Significado de “La Navidad”
                                                              Están invitados a tomar una copia del libro “El Verdadero
Saturday, November 20, 2021                                   Significado de La Navidad”. Es un libro que nos da un
     4:00 PM: Filipek Family                                  recorrido sobre los hechos históricos de la Navidad. Los
     5:30 PM: Francisca Isabel Mendez †                       libros estarán disponibles en el patio después todas las Misas
Sunday, November 21, 2021                                     el próximo fin de semana. Esta es una manera en que la
     7:00 AM: PRO POPULO                                      familia se puede preparar a darle la bienvenida a Jesús en
                                                              esta Navidad. Se solicita una donación de 2 dólares por libro.
     8:30 AM: James Jen Kin III †
                                                              Los libros también estarán disponibles en la Oficina
    10:00 AM: All Deceased Legenaries
                                                              Parroquial mientras dure el suministro.
    11:30 AM: Tom Peters †
     1:00 PM: Teresa Gomez †                                               Prayer Group Meets
      4:00 PM: Bui Family Living & Deceased                      “For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
                                                                      there I am in the midst of them.” (Matt. 18:20)
                                                                A charismatic prayer group gathers together every
                                                               Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:30 PM for praise,
                                                                        worship and prayer in Room 4.
                                                                                  All are welcome.
          As a community, we are all encouraged
                 to pray for one another.                              For further information, please contact
                                                                Dorli at (714) 962-9736 or Nancy at (714)724-1732.
           Pray for Those Who Are Ill
   Dolores Hulick, Mark Votendhal, Pat Yanchus, Joey
Liberto, Rogelio Cerda, Ron Bowman Jr., Maricel & Peter
  Bravo, Dolores Pitcher, Jessica & Dianne Brahan, Lisa
Zmuda, Jennifer Russo, Georg Christa, Soledad Ledezma,        Monday:    1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63;
      Vivencia Villarubia Roque (RIP), Jorge Zamora,                     Ps 119:53, 61, 134, 150, 155, 158; Lk 18:35-43
     Janet DeFusco, Bill Danz, Eugenio Garcia, Arturo         Tuesday:   2 Mc 6:18-31; Ps 3:2-7; Lk 19:1-10
 Marmolejo, Vivian Samuel, Myriam Abdel-Sayed, Helen          Wednesday: 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31; Ps 17:1bcd, 5-6, 8b, 15;
    Fowles, Carrlee Lim, Anna Selley, Laurie & Daniel                    Lk 19:11-28
Kiltridge, John Vollaire, Micaela Ortega, Josefina Saucedo,   Thursday:  1 Mc 2:15-29; Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15;
                                                                         Lk 19:41-44 or (for the memorial of the
   Samantha Macatlang, Kyra Holden, Nathan Norman,
                                                                         Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31;
Michael Ruth, Jill Buck, Nicolas Sandoval, Rose Brezarich,
                                                                         Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33
Grace Lucido, Juli Nelson (RIP), Gerry Ericsson, Richard
                                                              Friday:    1 Mc 4:36-37, 52-59; 1 Chr 29:10bcd,
 Morales, Joshua Clarke, Víctor Manuel Valenzuela (RIP)
                                                                         11-12; Lk 19:45-48
Megan Thakkar, Linda Serna, Jim Kallal, Isidra Gutierrez.
                                                              Saturday:  1 Mc 6:1-13; Ps 9:2-4, 6, 16, 19; Lk 20:27-40
IS THERE SOMEONE IN NEED OF PRAYER?                           Sunday:    Dn 7:13-14; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Rv 1:5-8; Jn 18:33b-37
 A person who is ill | deceased | expectant mothers
  Email requests are accepted online on our parish website.
    Locate the button on the menu bar on the left side                   To access readings online,
                       of the website.                                   visit: www.usccb.org/bible
Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021 Highlights from Fr. Kevin's Installation on October 31, 2021
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