RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Five Transitional Deacons Ordained - Diocese of El Paso
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Fr. Trini Fuentez · 1952–2021 Story on Page 4 THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Vol. 30, No. 5 Celebrating 30 Years serving the Diocese of El Paso May 2021 Five Transitional Deacons Ordained By Fr. Michael L. Lewis Special Correspondent On a night he deemed “his- toric,” Bishop Mark J. Seitz ordained to the order of deacons five seminarians studying to be- come priests in the Diocese of El Paso. In a Mass celebrated April 16 in English, Spanish, and Cre- ole at St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church, José William Arévalo Narváez, Astry Déraly, Cesar Garcia-Ortega, Edroud Jean and Sergio Legareta Carrasco became the largest group of transitional deacons to be ordained in the diocese in more than 20 years. “What an amazing, historic night for our diocese,” Bishop Seitz said at the beginning of the Mass. “It’s been a good while since we’ve ordained five men to the transitional diaconate. It is a sign, in the midst of so many struggles this last year, that the Lord is present doing good work in our lives.” After hearing Scripture ac- counts of the bold witness of the Above: Bishop Mark Seitz prays first Christian disciples and the the Prayer of Ordination during abundant generosity of Jesus in the diaconate ordination Mass the multiplication of the fishes on April 16 at St. Frances Xavier and loaves, Bishop Seitz exhort- Cabrini Church in El Paso. ed the candidates to live authen- Left: From left, Deacons Sergio tic lives in service to the Gospel. Legareta Carrasco, Astry Déraly, “There’s something about José William Arévalo Narváez, God’s work; it’s always authentic Edroud Jean and Cesar Gar- to the core,” Bishop Seitz said. cia-Ortega were ordained transi- “He breaks through artifice. He tional deacons. reveals truth. He calls those who Photos by Fr. Miguel Briseño are to be his disciples to live it — not just for 8 hours a day, 5 days More photos on Page 5 a week, but 24/7 in all we do.” Referring to the promises that the candidates would make to Se ordenan cinco diáconos transitorios the bishop during the ordina- tion rite — promises of service, prayer, celibacy and obedience — Bishop Seitz called them to be generous in their self-giving. Por P. Michael L. Lewis “Qué noche tan increíble e “Hay algo en la obra de Dios; generosidad”, dijo. “Vive la vida “I ask you to live the prom- Corresponsal especial histórica para nuestra diócesis”, es auténtica hasta la médula”, célibe, no sólo como una forma ises you will make at this altar dijo el obispo Seitz al comienzo dijo el obispo Seitz. “Él rompe de estilo de vida de soltero fácil, tonight, not grudgingly, not spar- En una noche que consideró de la misa. “Hacía tiempo que no con los artificios. Revela la sino como algo que te libera ingly, but generously,” he said. “histórica”, el Obispo Mark J. ordenábamos a cinco hombres verdad. Llama a los que van a ser para dar tu vida aún más en el “Live the celibate life, not just as Seitz ordenó al orden de los al diaconado transitorio. Es un sus discípulos a vivirla—no sólo servicio al pueblo de Dios. Vive some form of the easy bachelor diáconos a cinco seminaristas signo, en medio de tantas luchas durante 8 horas al día, 5 días a la la promesa de obediencia, no lifestyle, but as something that que estudian para ser sacerdotes este último año, de que el Señor semana, sino 24/7.” sólo en las cosas grandes, sino en frees you to give your life even en la Diócesis de El Paso. En una está presente haciendo una buena Refiriéndose a las promesas las pequeñas, buscando ser fiel more in service to the people of misa celebrada el 16 de abril en obra en nuestras vidas.” que los candidatos harían al obis- en tu respuesta a lo que la Iglesia God. Live the promise of obedi- inglés, español y criollo en la ig- Después de escuchar los po durante el rito de ordenación te pide. Rece con la Iglesia de ence, not just in the big things, lesia St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, relatos de las Escrituras sobre el —promesas de servicio, oración, buena gana, reconociendo que but in the small things, seeking José William Arévalo Narváez, audaz testimonio de los primeros celibato y obediencia—el obispo este es el corazón mismo de su to be faithful in your response to Astry Déraly, Cesar García-Orte- discípulos y la abundante gen- Seitz pidió a los candidatos que servicio al pueblo de Dios”. what the Church is asking of you. ga, Edroud Jean y Sergio Lega- erosidad de Jesús en la multipli- fueran generosos en su entrega. Tras las promesas de los can- Pray with the Church willingly, reta Carrasco se convirtieron en cación de los peces y los panes, “Les pido que vivan las didatos y el canto de las letanías recognizing that this is the very el grupo más grande de diáconos el obispo Seitz exhortó a los promesas que van a hacer en este de los santos, el obispo Seitz transitorios en ser ordenados en candidatos a vivir vidas auténti- altar esta noche, no a regañadien- Continued on Page 5 la diócesis en más de 20 años. cas al servicio del Evangelio. tes, no con parsimonia, sino con Continuado en la Pagina 5
2 - The Rio Grande Catholic Editor’s Column May 2021 EDITOR’S COLUMN Welcome to the World, Eva Mae I n case you were wondering, week. Annie and I were able this article is not celebrating to get a home routine going the 30th anniversary of the that bore some resemblance to founding of the Rio Grande normalcy. But after about five Catholic. That edition will be weeks, our collective patience published in June. However, if was tested again. you will indulge me, I would like At 4 a.m. on March 25, my to share a bit of my family’s life wife called and said she was over the last 9 weeks. suffering from severe pain in In late February, my wife, her abdomen. Immediately, I Chrissy, then about 6 months Fernie Ceniceros thought, “It’s time. The baby is pregnant, and I thought it would coming today.” I rushed to the be a good idea to take our 3-year- doctors merely had to manage hospital, and just a couple hours old daughter Annie on a day trip her blood pressure. Then, she later, we went from a family of to White Sands. Little did we could come home and take it three to a family of four. Eva know, it would be the last outing easy. So, they decided to keep Mae, “Evie” for short, was born we would have as a three-person my wife overnight for observa- at 32-weeks gestational age on family. tion and see what tests would March 25 at 8:12 a.m., weighing Throughout the day, Chris- reveal. 4 lbs., 11 oz. sy could not shake a terrible After 24 hours of observa- Initially, Evie was able to headache. We honestly thought tion, we finally got a diagnosis: breathe on her own. But she nothing of it — just another al- preeclampsia again. But this soon suffered a pneumothorax, lergy headache, perhaps? So, we time, the treatment was a surprise minute ruptures to her lungs, went about our day, had a great to our little family — my wife which filled her chest cavity time with Annie in the sand, and would have to stay in the hospital with air pressure that needed to returned home. for the duration of her pregnancy. be relieved with tubes on both My wife still had this headache The goal was 7 more weeks, to her sides. She was placed on throughout the evening, how- get the baby to her 34th week of breathing support for the first ever, and she didn’t feel quite pregnancy. And just like that, our week of her life. But signs of right. She then noticed her ankles family’s life got turned upside hope abounded. On March 27, had swollen to twice their size. down. Evie was baptized and welcomed Immediately we thought to check Chrissy’s first 72 hours in to the Church. The next day, my her blood pressure, because this the hospital were the scariest, wife got to come home. Then, was a complication associated because the doctors could not the next part of our journey be- with preeclampsia, which Chris- get her blood pressure down. But gan — life with a premie baby in sy had during her last pregnancy. after trying different combina- the neonatal intensive care unit, Sure enough, the monitor kept tions of medication, we started to where time is measured from delivering bad news: high blood see the numbers stabilize. Still, update to update. pressure readings. We called our there was an altogether different Yet, as the days progressed, Big sister Annie checks on her new little sister, Evie, sleeping soundly OB/GYN, and his response was complication we had to figure Evie rapidly improved. After the in her crib at home. not one any pregnant woman out — how could Annie see her first week, she didn’t need to be wants to hear: “You need to go to mom in the hospital? It took a lot sedated nor intubated anymore. the hospital right away.” of explaining how Mom had to She gained weight, little by come home, and my little family here at the Pastoral Center who At this point, Chrissy had only stay in the hospital and couldn’t little, and was eventually able to was finally all in one place at one endlessly prayed for our little been pregnant for 27 weeks, come home for a while. But breathe on her own. time. NICU graduate. We absolutely barely the end of the second tri- eventually, Annie was allowed to On April 24, 9 weeks after My wife, daughters, and I wish would not have made it without mester. Though we were worried visit the hospital. Chrissy first went to the hospital to express our overwhelming your unwavering support. But about the health of baby and With the help of family and and almost one month after Evie gratitude to Bishop Seitz, our we are all doing well, now — all mother, we still had hope that the friends, we got through the first was born, she was finally able to family and friends, and everyone four of us, thanks be to God! Bienvenida al mundo, Eva Mae E n caso de que se lo pre- de su tamaño. Inmediatamente sorpresa para nuestra pequeña cinco semanas, nuestra pacien- es, comenzó la siguiente parte gunten, este artículo no pensamos en comprobar su familia: mi esposa tendría que cia colectiva volvió a ponerse a de nuestro viaje: la vida con un celebra el 30º aniversario presión arterial, porque se trataba permanecer en el hospital duran- prueba. bebé prematuro en la unidad de de la fundación del Rio Grande de una complicación asociada te todo el embarazo. El objetivo A las 4 de la mañana del 25 cuidados intensivos neonatales, Catholic. Esa edición se publi- a la preeclampsia, que Chrissy era 7 semanas más, para que el de marzo, mi esposa llamó y donde el tiempo se mide de actu- cará en junio. Sin embargo, si me tuvo durante su último embarazo. bebé llegara a su semana 34 de dijo que sufría un fuerte dolor alización en actualización. permiten, me gustaría compartir Efectivamente, el tensiómetro embarazo. Y así, la vida de nues- en el abdomen. Inmediatamente, Sin embargo, a medida que un poco de la vida de mi familia seguía dando malas noticias: tra familia dio un vuelco. pensé: “Es la hora. El bebé viene avanzaban los días, Evie mejo- en las últimas 9 semanas. mediciones de la tensión arterial Las primeras 72 horas de hoy”. Me apresuré a ir al hospital raba rápidamente. Después de A finales de febrero, mi altas. Llamamos a nuestro ob- Chrissy en el hospital fueron y, apenas unas horas después, la primera semana, ya no era esposa, Chrissy, que estaba stetra/ginecólogo y su respuesta las más aterradoras, porque los pasamos de ser una familia de necesario sedarla ni intubarla. embarazada de unos 6 meses, y no fue la que ninguna mujer em- médicos no conseguían bajar- tres a una de cuatro. Eva Mae, Ganó peso, poco a poco, y final- yo pensamos que sería una buena barazada quiere oír: “Tienes que le la tensión. Pero tras probar “Evie” para abreviar, nació con mente fue capaz de respirar por idea llevar a nuestra hija Annie, ir al hospital inmediatamente”. diferentes combinaciones de 32 semanas de edad gestacional sí misma. de 3 años, de excursión a White En ese momento, Chrissy sólo medicamentos, empezamos a ver el 25 de marzo a las 8:12 de la El 24 de abril, 9 semanas Sands. No sabíamos que sería la llevaba 27 semanas de embara- que los números se estabilizaban. mañana, con un peso de 4 libras después de que Chrissy ingresara última excursión que haríamos zo, apenas al final del segundo Sin embargo, había una compli- y 11 onzas. por primera vez en el hospital y como familia de tres personas. trimestre. Aunque estábamos cación totalmente diferente que Al principio, Evie era capaz casi un mes después de que Evie A lo largo del día, Chrissy no preocupados por la salud del teníamos que resolver: ¿cómo de respirar por sí misma. Pero naciera, por fin pudo volver a pudo librarse de un terrible dolor bebé y de la madre, aún teníamos podía Annie ver a su madre en pronto sufrió un neumotórax, una casa y mi pequeña familia estuvo de cabeza. No pensamos en ello la esperanza de que los médicos el hospital? Nos costó mucho diminuta rotura en los pulmones, por fin en un mismo lugar. -¿quizás sea otro dolor de cabeza sólo tuvieran que controlar su explicar que mamá tenía que que le llenó la cavidad torácica Mi esposa, mis hijas y yo por alergia? Así que seguimos presión arterial. Luego, po- quedarse en el hospital y que no de una presión de aire que hubo deseamos expresar nuestra abru- con nuestro día, nos lo pasamos dría volver a casa y tomárselo podía volver a casa durante un que aliviar con tubos en ambos madora gratitud al Obispo Seitz, muy bien con Annie en la arena y con calma. Así que decidieron tiempo. Pero finalmente, Annie lados. Estuvo conectada a un a nuestra familia y amigos, y a volvimos a casa. mantener a mi esposa toda la pudo visitar el hospital. sistema de respiración asistida todos aquí en el Centro Pastoral Sin embargo, mi esposa siguió noche en observación y ver qué Con la ayuda de la familia y durante su primera semana de que rezaron sin cesar por nuestra teniendo ese dolor de cabeza revelaban las pruebas. los amigos, superamos la primera vida. Pero abundaban los signos pequeña graduada de la UCIN. durante toda la tarde y no se Tras 24 horas de observación, semana. Annie y yo pudimos de esperanza. El 27 de marzo, No lo habríamos logrado sin su sentía del todo bien. Entonces por fin tuvimos un diagnóstico: poner en marcha una rutina Evie fue bautizada y recibida en apoyo incondicional. Pero ahora se dio cuenta de que sus tobil- preeclampsia de nuevo. Pero en casa que se asemejaba a la la Iglesia. Al día siguiente, mi es- todos estamos bien, los cuatro, los se habían hinchado al doble esta vez, el tratamiento fue una normalidad. Pero al cabo de unas posa pudo volver a casa. Entonc- ¡gracias a Dios!
The Rio Grande Catholic Bishop’s Column May 2021 - 3 INSEITZ INTO THE FAITH How Can We Sustain the Spring? I n light of current events that nition wells up within us and den death of Fr. Trini Fuentez, can make it difficult to recog- issues from our mouths in cries the rector of the Cathedral, that nize the victory of Christ in of “Alleluia! He is Risen!” All temporality in which we live the midst of our trials, I updated creation echoes our song. Easter confronts us even more urgently. this reflection from a number of lilies trumpet the acclamation. It clings to us and attempts to years ago. Birds returning from the winter keep our eyes fixed on things of The long days of winter are be- pilgrimage pick up the refrain. earth rather than the in-breaking hind us. Spring is definitely here. Animals that have shivered of glorious heavenly realities. Summer will soon be upon us. through dark cold nights scurry In fact, as strange as it may See how the dead brown earth about rejoicing in the warmth of sound, we may soon find our- has come back to life. Roses and the sun. Yes, all creation shim- selves longing for the simple cactus flowers abound. Once bar- mers with new light and life. certainties of our Lenten winter. Bishop Mark J. Seitz ren trees have clothed themselves If we are so fortunate to be The penitential acts and the ser- in a mantle of green. caught up in this wonder, to hear vice that characterized the former we live in this ‘now’ when ‘now’ once again impinge and yet, in So it has been in our spiritual this Alleluia song of creation, we season will seem somehow easier is not what it was, but not yet another sense, life would never journey as well. The long dark will long for it to go on into eter- to maintain. Alleluia requires what it will be?” be “ordinary” again. days of penance, fasting and nity. It is a glimpse of heavenly more energy. It is more foreign Their answer was to develop So it must be for us. Christ prayer that marked our Lent have bliss, a sweet taste of the ecstasy to our sentiments than our former a whole new way to live in the has indeed Risen, conquering been replaced by the brightness to which God calls us. But as this sad refrains. midst of the world. For them our sins, removing our shame! of Easter glory. We, who have passing time unfolds, we will be- So, the question arises, where this meant to share their food He has ushered in for those who tearfully faced our failures to gin to see that this is not yet our do we go from here? There is no and everything they had, to meet seek him a spring that will never love and to serve the Lord and forever — that this frail in-be- going back to winter; how can regularly for the “Breaking of end. Do not allow your former one another, now find ourselves tween in which we live cannot we sustain the spring? This is a the Bread,” the Eucharist, and to life to claim you. “For you have lifted up, restored, forgiven, sustain our Paschal elation. question with which the Apostles join their voices in praising God died, and your life is hidden with reconciled and filled with a joy We all had to face our own and other disciples struggled af- (see Acts 2:46–47). After the Christ in God. When Christ your and peace that opens before us a mortality and that of those whom ter they emerged into the sunlight unparalleled joy that came with life appears, then you too will whole new vista. we love during this past year of from the reclusion of the upper Christ’s Resurrection they knew appear with him in glory” (Col. The rapture of this recog- pandemic. Now with the sud- room. They too asked, “How do that ordinary life would have to 3:3). ¿Cómo podemos sostener la primavera? A la luz de los acontec- y a los demás, nos encontramos del éxtasis al que Dios nos llama. penitenciales y el servicio que tenían, reunirse regularmente imientos actuales que ahora levantados, restaurados, Pero a medida que el tiempo que caracterizaban el tiempo anterior para la “fracción del pan”, la pueden dificultar el perdonados, reconciliados y lle- pasa se desarrolla, empezaremos parecerán de alguna manera más Eucaristía, y unir sus voces para reconocimiento de la victoria nos de una alegría y una paz que a ver que éste no es todavía nues- fáciles de mantener. El aleluya alabar a Dios (ver Hechos 2,46- de Cristo en medio de nuestras abre ante nosotros un panorama tro para siempre, que este frágil requiere más energía. Es más 47). Después de la alegría sin pruebas, he actualizado esta totalmente nuevo. intermedio en el que vivimos no ajeno a nuestros sentimientos parangón que supuso la Resur- reflexión de hace unos años. El éxtasis de este recono- puede sostener nuestra euforia que nuestros anteriores estribillos rección de Cristo, sabían que la Los largos días de invierno han cimiento brota dentro de nosotros pascual. tristes. vida ordinaria tendría que volver quedado atrás. La primavera está y sale de nuestras bocas en gritos Todos hemos tenido que en- Entonces, surge la pregunta: a incidir y, sin embargo, en otro definitivamente aquí. El verano de “¡Aleluya! Ha resucitado”. frentarnos a nuestra propia mor- ¿a dónde vamos a partir de aquí? sentido, la vida no volvería a ser pronto estará sobre nosotros. Toda la creación se hace eco talidad y a la de nuestros seres No se puede volver al invierno; “ordinaria”. Mira cómo la tierra marrón de nuestro canto. Los lirios de queridos durante esta pandemia. ¿cómo podemos sostener la Así debe ser para nosotros. y muerta ha vuelto a la vida. pascua anuncian la aclamación. Ahora, con la repentina muerte primavera? Esta es una pregunta Cristo ha resucitado, venciendo Abundan las rosas y las flores Los pájaros que regresan adoptan del Padre Trini Fuentez, rector de con la que los apóstoles y otros nuestros pecados, eliminando de cactus. Los árboles, antes el estribillo. Los animales que la Catedral, esa temporalidad en discípulos lucharon después nuestra vergüenza. Ha inaugu- desnudos, se han revestido de un han pasado noches frías se la que vivimos nos enfrenta con de salir a la luz del sol desde rado para los que le buscan una manto verde. alegran del calor del sol. Sí, toda mayor urgencia. Se aferra a no- la reclusión del aposento alto. primavera que no tendrá fin. No Así ha sido también en nuestro la creación brilla con nueva luz sotros e intenta mantener nuestra También ellos se preguntaron: permitas que tu vida anterior te viaje espiritual. Los largos y y vida. mirada fija en las cosas terrenales “¿Cómo vivir en este ‘ahora’ reclame. oscuros días de penitencia, ayuno Si somos tan afortunados como en lugar de las gloriosas reali- cuando el ‘ahora’ no es lo que “Porque han muerto, y su y oración que marcaron nuestra para quedar atrapados en toda dades celestiales. era, pero tampoco lo que será?”. vida está escondida con Cristo Cuaresma han sido sustituidos esta maravilla, para escuchar este De hecho, por extraño que Su respuesta fue desarrollar en Dios. Y cuando se manifi- por el brillo de la gloria pascual. canto de aleluya de la creación, parezca, es posible que pronto una forma totalmente nueva de este Cristo, la vida de ustedes, Nosotros, que hemos afrontado anhelaremos que continúe en nos encontremos añorando las vivir en medio del mundo. Para entonces también ustedes serán con lágrimas nuestros fracasos en la eternidad. Es un atisbo de sencillas certezas de nuestro ellos esto significaba compar- manifestados con él en gloria” el amor y en el servicio al Señor felicidad celestial, un dulce sabor invierno cuaresmal. Los actos tir su comida y todo lo que (Col 3,3). THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC Celebrating 30 Years serving the Diocese of El Paso 499 St. Matthews St. THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC (ISSN#1079-9621) is published monthly for $12.00 per year El Paso, TX 79907 by the Office of Communications, Diocese of El Paso, 499 St. Matthews St., El Paso, TX Phone: (915) 872-8414 Fax: (915) 872-8435 79907, Phone: (915) 872-8414, Fax: (915) 872-8435. “PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT EL PASO TX.” POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to: THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC, Publisher: Most Rev. Mark J. Seitz, D.D. Twitter: @BishopSeitz 499 St. Matthews St., El Paso TX, 79907 Editor: Fernie Ceniceros THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC is a monthly newspaper assisting the Bishop of the Diocese Twitter: @FCenicerosphoto of El Paso by communicating the events and themes of the faith life of the local and univer- Layout Editor: Rev. Michael L. Lewis, S.T.L. sal church through news reports, features, columns and photographs. Articles and photo- graphs become the property of THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC. If photos are on loan to the Advertising Manager: Norma Muñoz newspaper, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope for their return. Printer - PDX Printing. Spanish Translation: Fernie Ceniceros Contributors: Janet M. Crowe, Fr. Wilson Cuevas © 2021 by THE RIO GRANDE CATHOLIC @DioceseofElPaso @ElPasoDiocese @ElPasoDiocese All rights reserved
4 - The Rio Grande Catholic Diocesan News May 2021 Beloved Cathedral Rector Dies After Battling Cancer By Fernie Ceniceros Fr. Trini began his studies at sensibility will be greatly missed, Editor, Rio Grande Catholic St. Charles Seminary in El Paso not just in his cathedral parish, along with several classmates but throughout the diocese,” Just days after sharing news from Pecos that included Msgr. Bishop Seitz said. “He was a that Fr. Trinidad “Trini” Fuentez, Arturo Bañuelas, the current cherished friend and respected rector of St. Patrick’s Cathedral pastor of St. Mark’s. He then brother to many of our priests, in downtown El Paso, had been completed his seminary forma- all who have fond memories of hospitalized, suffering from the tion at the Pontifical College his fraternal concern. We pray advanced stages of cancer, the di- Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, that the Lord will give him the ocese was saddened to announce along with Msgr. David Fierro, reward of his labors, the fullness his passing May 3 at the age of now the pastor of St. Frances of life promised to those who 69. Xavier Cabrini Parish. preach His holy Gospel.” Born in Pecos, Texas, Fr. In addition to his priestly min- The cathedral will continue Trini was one of 15 children of istry in numerous parishes, he to be served by its other priests, Daniel and Joaquina Fuentez. He also served as a defender of the Fr. Miguel Perez and Fr. Alfonso faithfully served the Diocese of bond at the Diocesan Tribunal; Bonilla, until a new rector can be El Paso for more than 40 years as as a member of the Presbyteral named in coming weeks, Bishop a priest at St. Joseph’s Parish in Council, Personnel Board and Seitz said. El Paso, San Antonio de Padua Diocesan Finance Council; and Funeral and memorial services Parish, St. Joseph’s Parish in Fort Queen of Peace Parish. He had priest,” said Bishop Mark Seitz. as a vicar of several regional were still being planned in the Davis, Christ the King Parish in been rector of the cathedral since “We ask the entire El Paso vicariates throughout his priest- days after his death, but were Balmorhea, Santa Lucia Parish, 2015. community to pray for his soul hood. He was also the diocese’s expected to be announced and San Elizario Mission and Chapel, “The Diocese is in mourning and the souls of all the faithful vocation director for six years. live-streamed on the diocese’s Most Holy Trinity Parish, and over the loss of this beloved departed.” “His warmth and pastoral social media and webpage. Muere el querido rector tras luchar contra el cáncer Por Fernie Ceniceros como sacerdote en la Parroquia fieles difuntos”. Consejo Presbiteral, de la Junta pensa de sus trabajos, la plenitud Editor, Rio Grande Catholic de San José en El Paso, la Parro- El P. Trini comenzó sus de Personal y del Consejo Finan- de vida prometida a los que quia de San Antonio de Padua, estudios en el Seminario de San ciero Diocesano; y como vicario predican su santo Evangelio.” Apenas unos días después de la Parroquia de San José en Fort Carlos en El Paso junto con de varias vicarías regionales a lo La catedral seguirá siendo compartir la noticia de que el P. Davis, la Parroquia de Cristo Rey varios compañeros de Pecos largo de su sacerdocio. También atendida por sus otros sacerdotes, Trinidad “Trini” Fuentez, rector en Balmorhea, la Parroquia de que incluían a Monseñor Arturo fue director de vocaciones de la P. Miguel Pérez y P. Alfonso Bo- de la catedral de San Patricio en Santa Lucía, la Misión y Capilla Bañuelas, actual párroco de San diócesis durante seis años. nilla, hasta que se pueda nombrar el centro de El Paso, había sido de San Elizario, la Parroquia Marcos. Luego completó su for- “Su calidez y sensibilidad un nuevo rector en las próximas hospitalizado, sufriendo de las de la Santísima Trinidad y la mación en el Pontificio Colegio pastoral se echarán mucho de semanas, dijo el obispo. etapas avanzadas del cáncer, la Parroquia de la Reina de la Paz. Josephinum de Columbus, Ohio, menos, no sólo en su parroquia Los servicios funerarios y diócesis se entristeció al anunciar Había sido rector de la catedral junto a Monseñor David Fierro, catedralicia, sino en toda la memoriales también se estaban su fallecimiento el 3 de mayo a desde 2015. actual párroco de la Parroquia de diócesis”, dijo el obispo Seitz. planificando en los días pos- la edad de 69 años. “La Diócesis está de luto por Santa Francisca Javier Cabrini. “Era un amigo muy querido y un teriores a su muerte, pero se Nacido en Pecos, Texas, el el fallecimiento de este querido Además de su ministerio sacer- hermano respetado por muchos esperaba que se anunciaran y se P. Trini era uno de los 15 hijos sacerdote”, dijo el obispo Mark dotal en numerosas parroquias, de nuestros sacerdotes, todos los transmitieran en directo en las de Daniel y Joaquina Fuentez. Seitz. “Pedimos a toda la comu- también ejerció como defen- cuales guardan un buen recuerdo redes sociales y la página web de Sirvió fielmente a la Diócesis de nidad de El Paso que rece por su sor del vínculo en el Tribunal de su caridad fraternal. Rezamos la diócesis. El Paso durante más de 40 años alma y por las almas de todos los Diocesano; como miembro del para que el Señor le dé la recom- ORDINATION ANNIVERSARIES Diocese offers assistance for victims of sexual abuse Fr. Ron Sibugan, AA May 2, 2015 Bishop Mark J. Seitz invites anyone who has been a victim of sexual abuse by a priest, Fr. Mateus Pol, OSM May 3, 2018 deacon, religious, or any minister of the church, to contact the Victim’s Assitance Coor- Fr. Miguel Alcuino May 4, 1979 dinator, Mrs. Susan Martinez LCSW, at (915) 872-8465 or the Office of the Chancery, Fr. Federico Franco, OSM May 4, 1989 (915) 872-8407. The Church desires the healing of anyone that has been harmed. Fr. Hector Chicas May 11, 1996 La diócesis ofrece asistencia a las víctimas de abusos sexuales Fr. Fulgencio Mayorga (Extern) May 16, 1998 El Obispo Mark J. Seitz invita a cualquier persona que haya sido víctima de abuso Bishop Mark J. Seitz May 17, 1980 sexual por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, religioso o cualquier ministro de la iglesia, a contactar a la Coordinadora de Asistencia a las Víctimas, la Sra. Susan Martínez LCSW, Fr. Miguel Briseno, OFM Conv. May 19, 1990 al (915) 872-8465 o a la Oficina de la Cancillería, (915) 872-8407. La Iglesia desea la Fr. Kevin O’Neill, FSSP May 19, 2012 curación de cualquiera que haya sido dañado. Fr. Donald J. Adamski, OFM Conv. May 24, 1975 Fr. Michael L. Lewis May 24, 2019 Fr. Miguel Perez May 24, 2019 Fr. Edward Paul Roden-Lucero May 25, 1982 PDX Printing proud printer Fr. Edward Carpenter, Jr. May 25, 1995 of the Rio Grande Catholic Fr. Jose DelaCruz Longoria, MNM May 26, 1996 PDX Printing is a full service Fr. Matthew Robert Vierno, FSSP May 26, 2016 commercial print shop. In addition to newspapers, we print and bind Fr. Cong Chi Vo May 26, 2017 books, programs, brochures, Fr. Francisco Hernandez May 27, 2016 carbonless forms, flyers, posters, Fr. James “Buzz” Hall May 29, 1970 letterhead, envelopes, business cards and much more. Fr. Carl Quebedeaux, CMF May 29, 1982 Fr. Benjamin Flores-Ruiz May 29, 1993 Call us and allow us to bid on Fr. Frank R. Lopez May 29, 1993 your printing needs. Fr. Ralph Solis Jr. Fr. John Telles May 29, 1993 May 31, 1975 915.544.6688 208 Octavia St., El Paso, TX 79901
The Rio Grande Catholic Diocesan News May 2021 - 5 Above: Deacon Cesar Garcia-Ortega assists Bishop Mark Seitz as he incenses the altar during the ordination Mass. Right: Bishop Mark imposes his hands on Sergio Legareta Carras- co during the ordination rite. Above: Bishop Mark presents Below right: Bishop Mark re- José William Arévalo Narváez ceives the promise of obedience the Book of Gospels during the from Astry Déraly during the ordination rite: “Receive the ordination rite: “May God who Gospel of Christ, whose herald has begun the good work in you you have become. Believe bring it to fulfillment.” what you read, teach what you Photos by Al Baeza believe, and practice what you teach.” Left: The candidates for Continued From Page 1 ordination lie prostrate before the altar during the Litany of heart of your service to the peo- the Saints: “Sanctify by your ple of God.” blessing these men we present, After the candidates’ promises for in our judgment we believe and the singing of the Litany of them worthy to exercise sacred the Saints, Bishop Seitz layed ministries.” his hands on each candidate, invoking the Holy Spirit, before Below left: Edroud Jean kisses chanting the Prayer of Ordina- the deacon stole before Msgr. tion. Then, officially deacons, David Fierro vests him with each of the five were vested in it and the deacon’s dalmatic the deacon’s stole and dalmatic during the ordination rite. before being presented with the Photos by Fr. Miguel Briseño Book of Gospels, a symbol of one of the deacon’s most import- ant liturgical roles: to preach. “Gracias también, señor obis- “That you are all sitting here po, no sólo por ser un ejemplo is a real sign of the the One para nosotros, sino también por who has entered into your life recibir a muchos de nosotros and called you to this ministry,” de muchos países diferentes, Bishop Seitz said. “Don’t doubt haciéndonos sentir bienvenidos, for a minute that he won’t give creando un hogar para nosotros”, you the grace and the strength to dijo Legareta. accomplish all that he has called “Esta llamada es fácil de es- you to do.” cuchar, pero difícil de vivir. Pero Each new deacon said they it has been confirmed,” Déraly Continuado de la Pagina 1 tados aquí es un verdadero signo hoy se ha confirmado”, añadió were grateful to God for calling added. de Aquel que ha entrado en su Déraly. them to serve in the diocese and “In 2016, I was told it could impuso las manos a cada uno de vida y los ha llamado a este min- “En 2016, me dijeron que to the many people who have be difficult to become part of the ellos, invocando al Espíritu San- isterio”, dijo el obispo Seitz. “No podía ser difícil formar parte de warmly welcomed them. diocese, because I didn’t know to, antes de entonar la oración duden que Él les dará la gracia y la diócesis, porque no conocía “Thank you also, Bishop, not anyone and no one knew me,” de ordenación. A continuación, la fuerza para cumplir con todo a nadie y nadie me conocía a just for being an example for us, Arévalo said. “But since then, los cinco diáconos fue revesti- lo que los ha llamado a hacer”. mí”, dijo Arévalo. “Pero desde but also for receiving many of us thanks to the help of priests, dos con la estola y la dalmática Cada uno de los nuevos diáco- entonces, gracias a la ayuda de from many different countries, Bishop Mark, and others, but antes de recibir el Evangelario, nos dijo estar agradecido a Dios los sacerdotes, del obispo Mark making us feel welcome, creating most of all thanks to the grace símbolo de una de las funciones por haberlos llamado a servir y de otras personas, pero sobre a home for us,” Legareta said. and love of God, I feel very litúrgicas más importantes del en la diócesis y a las muchas todo gracias a la gracia y al amor “This calling is easy to hear, accepted here in the Diocese of diácono: predicar. personas que los han acogido de Dios, me siento muy aceptada but difficult to live. But today El Paso.” “Que todos ustedes estén sen- calurosamente. aquí en la Diócesis de El Paso.”
6 - The Rio Grande Catholic May 2021 Marian Shrines Unite in May to Pray the Rosary to End Pandemic Vatican News Annunciation, Nazareth, Israel For all migrants. Virgin of Ta’ Pinu, Għarb, Malta Germany — For the Holy Father, — For all expectant women and May 16: The Cathedral — For all teachers, students and bishops, presbyters, and deacons. Marian shrines around the their unborn children. Church and Minor Basilica of the educators. May 29: The Shrine of Our world are commemorating the May 5: The Shrine of our Immaculate Mother of God, Help May 26: The Basilica of Our Lady of Lebanon, Harissa, Leb- Marian month of May by reciting Lady of the Rosary, Namyang, of Christians (St Mary’s Cathe- Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City, anon — For all consecrated men the Rosary each day to invoke South Korea — For all children dral, Sydney, Australia — For all Mexico — For all workers and and women. the Blessed Virgin Mary's inter- and adolescents. victims of violence and human entrepreneurs. May 30: The Pontifical Shrine cession to end to the pandemic May 6: The National Shrine of trafficking. May 27: The Shrine of the of the Blessed Virgin of the Holy and resume social and work-re- Our Lady of Aparecida, Apa- May 17: The Basilica of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsia, Rosary of Pompeii, Pompeii, lated activities, Pope Francis recida, Brazil — For all young National Shrine of the Immac- Zarvanytsia, Ukraine — For all Italy — For the Church. announced at a general audience people. ulate Conception, Washington, the unemployed. May 31: The Vatican Gardens, on May 5. May 7: The Cathedral of D.C. — For all world leaders May 28: The Shrine of Our Vatican City — For the end of As part of an initiative promot- Antipolo (Our Lady of Peace and and for all heads of international Lady of Altötting (Black Ma- the pandemic and the resumption ed by the Dicastery for the New Good Voyage), Antipolo, Philip- organizations. donna of Altötting), Altötting, of our social and economic life. Evangelization, the praying of pines — For all families. May 18: The Sanctuary of the Rosary will unite 30 shrines May 8: The Basilica of Luján Our Lady of Lourdes, Lourdes, around the world throughout the (Our Lady of Luján), Luján, France — For all doctors and month of May. Argentina — For all communica- nurses. Below is the list of shrines tion workers. May 19: Mother Mary's where the Rosary is prayed each May 9: The Basilica of the House, Ephesus, Turkey — For day at 10:00 a.m. El Paso time. Holy House (Our Lady of all people at war and for world Links to watch live, or after- Loreto), Loreto, Italy — For all peace. wards on demand, can be found seniors. May 20: The National Shrine at: May 1: St Peter’s Basilica May 10: The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Knock, Knock, Ireland Basilica of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, Santiago de Cuba, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FATHER! (Madonna del Soccorso), Vatican — For all people with disabili- Cuba — For all pharmacists and Msgr. Victor Kayrouz (Extern) May 1 City — For the entire world ties. health care personnel. wounded by the pandemic. May 11: The Shrine of Our May 21: Immaculate Con- Fr. Nam Kim (Extern) May 2 Also May 1: The Catholic Na- Lady of Banneux (Virgin of the ception Cathedral (Our Lady of Fr. Jose DelaCruz Longoria, MNM May 3 tional Shrine and Basilica of Our Poor), Banneux, Belgium — For Nagasaki), Nagasaki, Japan — Lady (Our Lady of Walsingham, all the poor, the homeless, and For all social workers. Fr. Flavio Alberto Hernandez, OFM May 7 Walsingham, England — For all the economically distressed. May 22: Santa Maria de Fr. Miguel Alcuino May 8 the deceased. May 12: The Basilica of Our Montserrat (Virgin of Montser- Fr. Jose Alfredo Ramirez, OFM May 10 May 2: The Sanctuary of Jesus Lady of Africa, Algiers, Algeria rat), Montserrat, Spain — For all the Saviour and Mother Mary, — For all people who live alone volunteers. Fr. Miguel Perez May 11 Elele, Nigeria — For all those and those who have lost hope. May 23: The Basilica of Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas May 12 who have not been able to say May 13: The Sanctuary of Our Notre-Dame-du-Cap, Trois-Riv- goodbye to their deceased loved Lady of Fátima, Fátima, Portugal ières, Canada — For all law en- Fr. James M. Coindreau May 16 ones. — For all prisoners. forcement and military personnel Fr. John Paul Madanu (Extern) May 16 May 3: The Monastery of May 14: The Basilica of Our and for all firefighters. Fr. Sam Rosales, SJ May 19 Jasna Góra (Black Madonna of Lady of Health, Vailankanni, May 24: Our Lady of Lourdes, Częstochowa), Częstochowa, India — For all scientists and Nyaunglebin, Myanmar — For Fr. Ralph Solis Jr. May 21 Poland — For all those infected medical research institutions. all those who provide essential Fr. Antonio Mena May 24 with the coronavirus and all the May 15: The Shrine of Our services. sick. Lady of Medjugorje (Our Lady May 25: The Basilica of the Fr. Tobias M. Macias, OSM May 28 May 4: The Basilica of the of Peace), Medjugorje, Bosnia — National Shrine of the Blessed Fr. Ivan Montelongo May 28
The Rio Grande Catholic Diocesan Migrant and Refuge Services May 2021 - 7 Priest Reflects on His Visa Experience: ‘You Must Not Lose Hope’ By Sandra Ramirez After about a year, Fr. Juan and equally emotional moment DMRS Communications Officer Victor received a notice that his that he jokes about now. application for residency had “When Annabel called to We would like to congratulate been denied because there were notify me that my documents had Father Juan Victor Gamiño Trejo no visas available. DMRS Depu- arrived, she was already crying. I on officially becoming a Lawful ty Director Anna Hey determined told her, ‘I was going to cry, but Permanent Resident with the it was improperly denied and since I heard you crying, now I help of Diocesan Migrant and applied to reopen the case, which don’t have to,’” he joked. Refugee Services. Fr. Juan Victor required another fee to be paid to Fr. Juan Victor credits the is originally from Mexico and USCIS. positive outcome of this process came to serve in the Diocese of Fr. Juan Victor recalls reflect- to his faith throughout the pro- El Paso as a religious worker, ing on how difficult the process cess, as well as the people in the which allowed him to work in was for him despite being a Diocese and those in his church the U.S., apply for a green card, religious worker who is at an community who were praying and eventually apply to become a advantage. He thought about for him. U.S. citizen. how much harder it must be for For those who are undergoing Fr. Juan Victor faced many people applying without that a lengthy immigration process obstacles throughout this process benefit. and are also worried about the that extended nearly two and a “They live in fear, unable to outcome, Father Juan Victor half years due to delays at U.S. trust the situations in which they offered this advice, “It requires Customs and Immigration Ser- are safe,” he said. “This situation patience, understanding and you vices, or USCIS. For a short peri- helped me understand what other must not lose hope.” od of time, Fr. Juan Victor was immigrants experience while If you or someone you know waiting on work authorization they wait and hope for their have questions about an immi- Fr. Juan Victor Gamiño Trejo shows the visa he was able to obtain documents that prevented him status to be approved.” gration case, contact Diocesan with the help of Annabel Veloz, left, a representative in the DMRS from receiving a salary in the Father Juan Victor remem- Migrant and Refugee Services Religious Workers unit. Photo courtesy DMRS U.S. However, he remained com- bered when he received the call at 915-532-3975 and dial 0 to mitted to his calling within the from Annabel Veloz, a represen- speak to the operator to schedule Diocese of El Paso and donated toll on him personally. Mexico,” Gamiño Trejo said. “I tative in the DMRS Religious a consultation. You may be eligi- his time as a religious worker. It “During that time, I was was unable to renew my driv- Workers unit, who notified him ble for free legal services. was a stressful time for Fr. Juan unable to leave the country to er’s license. This was somewhat that his documents had finally You can read more at www. Victor, which he said also took a visit my mother and my family in stressful for me. I was worried.” arrived. He said it was a joyous Padre y su visado: ‘No hay que perder la esperanza’ Por Sandra Ramirez reflexionó sobre lo difícil que 2N02021 I DMRS Communications Officer fue el proceso para él, a pesar de ser un trabajador religioso con Nos gustaría felicitar al Padre ventaja, y pensó en lo mucho Juan Víctor Gamiño Trejo por más difícil que debe ser para las convertirse oficialmente en un personas que solicitan sin ese Residente Permanente Legal beneficio. con la ayuda de los Servicios “Viven con miedo, sin poder Diocesanos para Migrantes y confiar en las situaciones de se- Refugiados. El Padre Juan Víctor guridad. Esta situación me ayudó es originario de México y llegó a entender lo que experimentan para servir a la Diócesis de El otros inmigrantes mientras espe- Paso como trabajador religioso, ran y confían en que su estatus lo que le permitió trabajar en sea aprobado”, dijo. los Estados Unidos y solicitar la El padre Juan Víctor recordó ciudadanía estadounidense. cuando recibió la llamada de El P. Juan Víctor se enfrentó Annabel Veloz, representante a muchos obstáculos a lo largo de la unidad de Trabajadores In 2001, 122 seed donors contributed $177,000 to create a de este proceso que se prolongó Religiosos de la DMRS, que Catholic Foundation and an endowment for the future. Thank casi dos años y medio debido le notificó que sus documentos you for playing a crucial role in the enduring history of the a los retrasos en el Servicio de habían llegado por fin. Dijo que Catholic Foundation. We invite you to give a "Gift of 20" to Aduanas e Inmigración de Esta- fue un momento alegre y emoti- dos Unidos, o USCIS. Durante vo a partes iguales del que ahora your favorite endowed fund. You can leave a lasting legacy un corto período de tiempo, el P. bromea. with a gift to your parish, school, ministry or charity fund, Juan Víctor estuvo esperando los “El día que Annabel me avisó and create something special that will last forever. documentos de autorización de que ya había llegado, hasta ella trabajo que le impedían recibir estaba llorando. Le dije: ‘Yo The Catholic Legacy Fund reached $20 million in 2020 un salario en los EE.UU. Fue iba a llorar pero ya te eschuche una época estresante para el llorar a ti, mejor ya no lloro’”, padre Juan Víctor, que, según él, recuerda. WE INVITE YOU TO BECOME A SAINT WITH A GIFT TO YOUR FAVORITE ENDOWED FUND también le pasó factura personal- El P. Juan Víctor atribuye el re- mente. sultado positivo de este proceso “Durante ese tiempo yo no a su fe a lo largo del mismo, así SAINT SERVANT pude salir del país para visitar a como a las personas de la dióce- mi mama y a mi familia en Méx- sis y de su comunidad eclesiásti- One time OF GOD ico. Los ultimos meses no podia ca que rezaron por él. Para gift of BLESSED $100 PRAYER WARRIOR firmar cheques, no podia recibir aquellos que están pasando por $20,000 $1,000 for 20 GIFTS months OF $200 un pago, no podia renovar mi un largo proceso de inmigración licensia entonces me estresaba y también están preocupados por for 20 un poco, me preocupaba”, dice Gamiño Trejo. el resultado, el Padre Juan Víctor ofreció este consejo: “Se requiere months Al cabo de un año, el P. Juan paciencia, comprensión y no hay Víctor recibió un aviso de que su que perder la esperanza.” solicitud de residencia había sido Si usted o alguien que conoce denegada porque no había visa- tiene preguntas sobre un caso de EVERYONE WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THE 15TH ANNUAL FOUNDATION dos disponibles. La subdirectora inmigración, póngase en contac- OF FAITH EVENT ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 del DMRS, Anna Hey, determinó to con los Servicios Diocesanos que había sido denegada indebi- para Migrantes y Refugiados en SPECIAL RECOGNITION FOR FIRST 20 SAINTS damente y solicitó la reapertura el 915-532-3975. del caso, lo que requería el pago Puede leer más en www.dmrs- SOFIA LARKIN MAJOR GIFTS OFFICER 915.872.8412 de otra tasa al USCIS. OR SLARKIN@ELPASODIOCESE.ORG • CATHOLICFOUNDATIONELPASO.ORG El P. Juan Víctor recuerda que
8 - The Rio Grande Catholic May 2021 SIDEWALK JESUS Interviewing for the Most Important Job replied. ready for the amazing joys that “Let’s try another question,” motherhood entails nor for the the interviewer continued. “If frequent feelings of uncertainty you are granted this amazing of whether you are doing a good opportunity, where do you see job. However, you will learn that yourself in five years?” it is definitely worth it. As I said, “In five years, I will definite- the benefits far outweigh the Janet M. Crowe ly be more self-confident and competent to do this job,” began difficulties.” “How do I know what to do? N Ms. Garcia. What do I do first? I can’t do ow, then, Ms. Gar- “Hmm,” interrupted the inter- this!” wailed Ms. Garcia. cia, let’s begin this viewer. “Don’t you realize that “Yes, you can,” the interviewer interview,” stated the each day will bring new chal- reassured her. “Love with all dignified man who sat erect and lenges and different problems. In your heart. Do your best. Accept balanced a notepad on his knee five years, your duties will have help when you need it. And that while staring with an intimidat- changed as drastically as the sea- is where the next step of your ing glare at the young woman. sons of winter and summer are new job begins. Let me introduce “Yes, sir,” responded Ms. Gar- opposites. In ten years, you will you to some people who want cia, trying to sound much more be doing none of the duties you ever, the benefits and perks are you go along or you won’t. It’s to help you become a wonderful relaxed than she felt. performed at the beginning but breathtaking. There will be heart- up to you. Any and all skills will mother and who want to help by “You do understand, of course, will be expected to be an expert breaks, but the absolute delight be learned as you try your best protecting your baby from any that this is a most important in your field.” and happiness will far outweigh to do what you feel is the proper harm.” position,” began the interviewer, “Yes, I understand that this is a the hard times. Once given this response to the situation. It’s all “I thought you said I would get “and your answers will deter- challenging position,” Ms. Gar- position, you will continue for on-the-job training, if you want no help, just on-the-job train- mine if you are qualified for this cia answered, “but I have always the rest of your life even after to put a label on it.” ing?” renowned profession.” wanted to do this job when the your projects have become a “Maybe I am not the right per- “Learning daily on the job, “Yes, sir,” answered Ms. Gar- time was right in my life.” success and appear to no longer son for this job, after all,” sighed yes, you will do that. You are cia whose throat had suddenly “When the time is right in your need you. There will be tears as Ms. Garcia. strong and capable. But there are become very dry. life!” exploded the interviewer. well as laughter, sometimes both “Too late, my dear,” said the also people who are willing to “First, list your weaknesses in “There is never a right time or at the same time. You will never interviewer quietly. “You’ve al- help you become the best mother detail from largest to smallest,” a good time or a bad time, there be the same person, but you will ready been hired. Today, actually, you can possibly be. There are directed the interviewer. is just time. If you wait for the become a better person for just right now, you are already on the many organizations who genu- “My weaknesses?” Ms. Garcia right time, something will always doing the job.” job. Congratulations, this will inely care for mothers and their said, pausing to take a deep delay it. To do this job, you must “Oh,” said Ms. Garcia, feeling be the most demanding but most babies, and there are even more breath. “Well, sometimes I am a simply accept that it is happening quite overwhelmed at these rewarding position you could people who keep those organi- little unsure of myself, but I am whether you are ready or not. disclosures. ever imagine. Be happy! You are zations operating for the good of sure that I could do this job well. Can you do that?” “Now, what questions do you now a mother.” God’s precious children. Let’s And then…” “I think so, maybe,” stam- have about the job?” asked the “What? No, that can’t be, I’m meet some of them.” “Unsure of yourself? So, you mered Ms. Garcia. interviewer. sure I’m not ready,” stammered The young woman looks up as lack confidence in your abilities? “You probably want to know “You mentioned that my duties Ms. Garcia. the door opens. How can we be assured of your about the salary, perks and will constantly be changing,” “That’s the first step in your Who will she see entering the qualifications if you, yourself, do benefits,” the interviewer said. Ms. Garcia said. “Will there new job,” assured the interview- room to help her become the not believe in your own skills?” “The salary is minimal, in fact, it be any training for these new er as he patted her shoulder. mother God has planned for her blasted the interviewer. is nonexistent. You will have to duties?” “Realizing that no one is ever to be? “Oh, I’m certain that I can do find another method of making “Training! Ha!” laughed the ready, even those who think they Will you walk through that this job,” Ms. Garcia quickly money to pay your bills. How- interviewer. “You will learn as are. They aren’t. No one is ever door and offer your help? Special Collections / Collectas Especiales Collection for the Major Seminary Fund Appeal Colecta para los Seminaristas Mayores There will be a Special Offering on Saturday, May 8 and Sunday, May 9, 2021, Habrá una Ofrenda Especial el sábado, 8 y domingo 9 de mayo del 2021 para los for the Major Seminarians Program. Seminaristas Mayores. One of the most pressing needs in the Diocese of El Paso is the recruitment and Una de las necesidades más urgentes de la Diócesis de El Paso es el reclutamien- education of seminarians. The purpose of the Major Seminarian Office is to provide to y la educación de seminaristas. El propósito del Programa de los Seminaristas for the pastoral care of the diocesan seminarians and offer them support and guidance Mayores es el de proporcionar el cuidado pastoral a los seminaristas diocesanos y de once they have entered one of the major seminaries. ofrecerles guía y apoyo una vez que han ingresado a uno de los seminarios mayores. One of the greatest success stories of our Diocese is its efforts in the last few years Unas de las historias más impactantes de nuestra Diócesis a sido el esfuerzo en in increasing the number of seminarians who will dedicate their lives to the service estos últimos años de incrementar el número de seminaristas que consagran sus vidas of the church and God’s people. Currently the Diocese of El Paso has 28 seminarians al servicio para la iglesia y la de los feligreses. Actualmente hay 28 seminaristas es- studying at Assumption Seminary (San Antonio), Mundelein Seminary (Chicago), tudiando en el Seminario de Asunción (San Antonio), Seminario Mundelein (Chica- St. Mary’s Seminary (Houston), Conception College in Missouri, and Sacred Heart go), Seminario Santa Maria (Houston), Seminario Concepción (Missouri) y Sagrado Seminary in Milwaukee. The Diocese expects a total of 30 seminarians during the Corazon en Milwaukee. La Diócesis espera un total de 30 seminaristas para agosto next academic year starting in August. The Diocese must cover the expenses of the de este año. La Diócesis los ayuda económicamente con los gastos del seminario, su students’ tuition, room and board, and medical insurance. alimentación, hospedaje y seguro médico. On the weekend of May 8 and 9 please take the opportunity to contribute to the Por favor dé se la oportunidad de contribuir a la educación de los futuros sacer- education of the future priests of the Diocese. Thank you for your support. dotes de nuestra Diócesis. Muchas gracias por su apoyo. Collection for the Catholic Communications Campaign Colecta para la Campaña Católica de Comunicaciones There will be a Special Offering on Saturday, May 15 and Sunday, May 16, Habrá una Ofrenda Especial el sábado, 15 y domingo 16 de mayo del 2021 para 2021 for the Catholic Communications Campaign. la Campaña Católica de Comunicaciones. The Rio Grande Catholic and the Catholic Communications Campaign share an Nuestro periódico diocesano, el Río Grande Catholic, y la Campaña Católica de important mission in the Church; to contribute to the process of evangelization by Comunicaciones comparten una importante misión en la Iglesia; para contribuir al fostering activities in relation to television, radio and other media, and through spe- proceso de evangelizar fomentando las actividades con relación a la televisión, el cial projects of the Catholic press. radio y otros medios, y a través de proyectos especiales de la prensa Católica. The Catholic Communications Campaign provides funds for national and diocesan Esta colecta provee fondos para los proyectos de comunicaciones nacionales communications projects. Contributions to this campaign works in two levels. Half y diocesanos. Las contribuciones que los fieles hacen a la colecta de la Campaña of all donations are given to bishops to support communications in their dioceses. Católica de Comunicaciones funcionan a dos niveles. Los obispos destinan la mitad This means that the Rio Grande Catholic receives 50 percent of the donations that de lo recaudado para sostener las comunicaciones de la Iglesia en sus propias dióce- our parishioners give to this collection. The remaining 50 percent supports national sis. Esto significa que el Río Grande Catholic recibe 50 por ciento de las donaciones television, radio, internet, and print programs that reach beyond the diocesan level. hechas por nuestros feligreses a esta colecta. La otra mitad se destina a sostener las On the weekend of May 15 and 16, 2021 please take the opportunity to contribute actividades de la Iglesia a nivel nacional en televisión, radio, Internet y material to the Catholic Communications Campaign. Thank you for your support. impreso, más allá del alcance del nivel de las diócesis. En el fin de semana 15 y 16 de mayo, por favor dé se la oportunidad de contribuir a esta colecta. Muchas gracias por su apoyo.
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