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Health Care is Your Right NOT A PRIVILEGE New York City wants everyone to have health coverage. We can help you get a low to no cost insurance plan. You and your family can get access to: A Primary Care Doctor Specialty Care Prescription Drugs Mental Health Services Hospitalization Call MetroPlus today, or visit one of our community offices or a NYC Health + Hospitals location near you. 1.800.475.6387 METROPLUS.ORG MKT 19.042 2 MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES • MET2600 Public Option Ad ENG 10x11.25.indd 2 4/16/19 12:42 PM
Flights of Feeling B y Hannah Miller Most New Yorkers’ closest brush with wildlife is the park pigeon. They may be unaware that over 200 bird species pass through the city on their spring migration routes. They also may This sculpture of the double not understand how serious a threat global The Common Redpoll bird in this mural crested cormorant will soon warming is to these birds. carries a pencil to symbolize knowledge. appear on Broadway. To raise awareness of how climate change affects avian species, birding organizations He said birds face significant Peregrine Falcon. The sculptures, Broadway, Gitler &_____ Gallery is also have launched two educational art projects challenges from habitat loss some of them the size of minivans, behind the Audubon Mural Project, which that can be spotted on the streets. caused by deforestation and are made from recycled wood and it produces in partnership with the National On May 17, the Broadway Mall urbanization. Birds also do not include information about the Audubon Society. Launched in 2014, the Association will unveil Birds on Broadway, adapt their migration patterns to birds and how they are threatened project aims to have public murals painted a 12-sculpture installation created in seasonal shifts caused by climate by climate change. of the 314 North American birds that the partnership with New York City Audubon, change that affect their food “It’s a way for people to National Audubon Society classifies as the New York City Department of Parks and supply. learn about birds in the city and threatened by climate change. Recreation and Gitler &_____ Gallery. This “The problem that global wildlife,” said the artist behind the Located in Harlem, Hamilton Heights and new exhibit is an offshoot of The Audubon warming is presenting is that project, Nicolas Holiber. Washington Heights, the murals are painted Mural Project, an art installation in Northern plants respond to the local Holiber is the youngest on building walls and roll-down storefronts. Manhattan. temperature,” said Stephenson. artist to have a solo exhibition “We really seek out spaces that are sort of “Anything that can bring attention to birds “If things get warm early, the on the Broadway Malls. He unloved,” said Gitler. and birding is important,” said birding expert insects will come out and then previously worked with the Parks There are currently 80 murals that depict Tom Stephenson, who works with New they’ll be done by the time the birds show up.” Department on public art installations and was 110 species. Over 70 artists, the majority York City Audubon, an independent, non- The Birds on Broadway exhibit is designed recommended by Gitler &_____ Gallery. of them New Yorkers, have worked on the profit organization protecting birds “living to bring attention to these challenges. The “We really wanted someone who had murals. in the 30,000 acres of wetlands, forests and installation spans the Broadway medians experience working with reclaimed materials,” The National Audubon Society plans grasslands.” between 64th Street and 166th Street. It said Avi Gitler, owner of Gitler &_____ to release an educational curriculum this “In the U.S., there have been major features species that are either native to New Gallery. “He’s led the charge in designing fall inspired by the murals and Holiber’s declines in bird populations in the last 50 York or pass through the city on their migration these sort of complex sculptures.” years,” said Stephenson. routes such as the Snowy Owl, Wood Duck and In addition to sponsoring Birds on See FLIGHTS p23 Más de 200 especies de aves pasan por la ciudad en sus rutas de migración de primavera. Vuelos con valor Por Hannah Miller presentará Birds on Broadway, una instalación de 12 esculturas creada en colaboración con New E l roce más cercano de la mayoría de los neoyorquinos con la vida silvestre es la paloma del parque. York City Audubon, el Departamento de Parques y Recreación de la Ciudad de Nueva York y la Galería Gitler & _____. Esta nueva exposición es una rama del Proyecto Mural Audubon, una instalación de arte en el norte de Manhattan. Es posible que no sepan que más de 200 “Cualquier cosa que pueda atraer la atención de especies de aves pasan por la ciudad en sus las aves y la observación de aves es importante”, rutas de migración de primavera. También es dijo el experto en observación de posible que no comprendan aves Tom Stephenson, quien trabaja qué tan seria es la amenaza del con ‘New York City Audubon’, una calentamiento global para estas organización independiente sin fines aves. de lucro que protege a las aves Para aumentar la conciencia de cómo el “viviendo en las 30,000 acres de humedales, cambio climático afecta a las especies aviares, bosques y pastizales”. las organizaciones de observación de aves han “En los Estados Unidos, ha habido importantes lanzado dos proyectos de arte educativo que disminuciones en las poblaciones de aves en los pueden verse en las calles. últimos 50 años”, dijo Stephenson. El 17 de mayo, la Broadway Mall Association Vea VUELOS p23 MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES • 3
City unveils NYC Care card T he city has unveiled the NYC Care card to be used for the new public health plan intended to provide healthcare coverage to about 300,000 New Yorkers currently ineligible for insurance. Announced in January, the NYC Care plan will allow users direct access to NYC Health + Hospitals’ primary care physicians and pharmacies. “We want people to have primary The program will launch in the Bronx on The plan is aimed at 300,000 New Yorkers currently ineligible for insurance. care,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. August 1 and will be available across all five boroughs by the end of 2020, city officials City officials said an estimated 300,000 they can speak to an on-call clinician and get expected to enroll in NYC Care in the first six said. New Yorkers, including undocumented prescription refills. months. At a press conference at Lincoln Hospital immigrants, are currently ineligible for The blue-and-orange NYC Care card lists De Blasio also announced the appointment on Tues., May 7, Mayor Bill de Blasio said health insurance and will be able to use NYC the cardholder’s primary care physician and of Marielle Kress as Executive Director the goal is to connect the uninsured, who Care. co-pay costs for primary care, specialty care, of NYC Care. Kress, a native New typically use emergency rooms for medical The program will eventually be open emergency room visits and hospital care. Yorker, previously worked in the Obama care, with primary care doctors. to anyone who has lived in New York City As part of the initial rollout, the city will administration to expand the scope of the “We want people to have primary care. We for six months or longer and does not have allocate $450,000 to partner with Bronx Medicaid program. want people to know where to go the first time an affordable insurance option or who is community-based organizations to help with “New York City is doing something no they feel sick, not when it’s already too late,” ineligible for insurance. outreach and enrollment for NYC Care, de other city, no other state, has attempted,” Kress said de Blasio. “We don’t want to see people The city is investing $100 million in NYC Blasio said. said. “This is a true blueprint for guaranteed hospitalized who could have been helped early Care. Seven new NYC Health + Hospitals access to health care, a wider range of services on, but waited and waited and waited because NYC Care cardholders will have access doctors have been hired in the Bronx to than anywhere else provides, regardless of they didn’t know where to turn.” to a 24-hour customer assistance line where serve approximately 10,000 patients that are income, regardless of immigration status.” Se anuncia cobertura El programa estará disponible en los cinco condados a finales de 2020. de NYC Care L a ciudad ha presentado la tarjeta para fines de 2020, dijeron funcionarios de la NYC Care que se utilizará para el ciudad. En una conferencia de prensa en el Hospital nuevo plan de salud pública destinado a Lincoln el marte, 7 de mayo, el alcalde Bill de brindar cobertura de atención médica a Blasio dijo que el objetivo es conectar a los no aproximadamente 300,000 neoyorquinos asegurados, quienes suelen utilizar las salas que actualmente no son elegibles para el de emergencia para atención médica, con los seguro. médicos de atención primaria. “Queremos que las personas reciban atención primaria. Queremos que las personas Anunciado en enero, el plan NYC Care sepan a dónde ir la primera vez que se sienten permitirá a los usuarios acceder directamente enfermas, no cuando ya es demasiado tarde”, a médicos y farmacias de atención primaria de dijo de Blasio. “No queremos ver a personas NYC Health + Hospitals. hospitalizadas que podrían haber recibido El programa se lanzará en el Bronx el 1 de ayuda desde el principio, sino que esperaron y agosto y estará disponible en los cinco condados esperaron y esperaron porque no sabían a dónde acudir”. las 24 horas, donde pueden hablar con un médico se espera que se inscriban en NYC Care en los Funcionarios de la ciudad dijeron que de guardia y obtener repuesto de recetas. primeros seis meses. aproximadamente 300,000 neoyorquinos, La tarjeta azul y naranja de NYC Care enlista De Blasio también anunció el nombramiento incluidos inmigrantes indocumentados, los costos del médico de atención primaria y de Marielle Kress, directora ejecutiva de NYC actualmente no son elegibles para el seguro de del copago del titular de la tarjeta para atención Care. Kress, nativa de Nueva York, trabajó salud, y podrán usar NYC Care. primaria, atención especializada, visitas a la sala anteriormente en la administración de Obama Eventualmente, el programa estará abierto a de emergencia y atención hospitalaria. para ampliar el alcance del programa de cualquier persona que haya vivido en la ciudad Como parte de la implementación inicial, la Medicaid. de Nueva York durante seis meses o más y no ciudad asignará $450,000 dólares para asociarse “La ciudad de Nueva York está haciendo algo tenga una opción de seguro asequible o que no con las organizaciones comunitarias del Bronx que ninguna otra ciudad, ningún otro estado, ha sea elegible para el seguro. para ayudar con el alcance y la inscripción en intentado”, dijo Kress. “Este es un verdadero plan La ciudad está invirtiendo $100 millones de NYC Care, dijo de Blasio. para el acceso garantizado a la atención médica, dólares en NYC Care. Siete nuevos médicos de NYC Health + una gama más amplia de servicios que cualquier Los titulares de la tarjeta NYC Care tendrán Hospitals han sido contratados en el Bronx para otro lugar, sin importar los ingresos, sin importar Marielle Kress. acceso a una línea de atención al cliente abierta atender a aproximadamente 10,000 pacientes que el estado de inmigración”. MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES • 5
No Place like Home No hay lugar como el hogar Por Sharon Paul-Sylvestre cambios en el estilo de vida. Una de las cosas más importantes que hacen las enfermeras E s hora de celebrar la Semana Nacional de las Enfermeras, marcada en los calendarios de todo el país para de atención domiciliaria para ayudar a las personas que cuidan es educarlas a ellas y a sus cuidadores familiares sobre cómo realizar cambios en la dieta, el acondicionamiento físico reconocer a los hombres y mujeres que y los medicamentos de manera segura. Es útil han dedicado su vida al campo de la saber por qué los cambios son importantes enfermería. y contar con apoyo mientras usted trabaja para que formen parte de su nueva rutina de La Semana Nacional de las Enfermeras se bienestar. celebra del 6 al 12 de mayo. • Resistente como uñas y gracia bajo Aquí en Nueva York, las enfermeras de el fuego. Las enfermeras de atención atención domiciliaria ayudan a sus pacientes a domiciliaria atienden los teléfonos y entran mantenerse seguros y saludables durante toda y salen de diferentes entornos día tras día. su vida, desde los primeros Deben adaptarse rápidamente días de un niño hasta los años a una variedad de situaciones dorados, y todo lo demás. estresantes. Ya sea que se trate Como enfermera registrada de una cirugía de emergencia o de atención domiciliaria que de tratar rápidamente una herida trabaja con el Servicio de horripilante, las enfermeras Enfermería Visitante de Nueva pueden ser algunas de las York (VNSNY, por sus siglas personas más difíciles que en inglés), me siento honrada conozca. Te ayudarán a mantener de contar entre los médicos la calma (y la presión arterial expertos que encuentran formas únicas de bajo control) y son muy hábiles para Home care nurses go above and beyond, says the author. mantener la calma sin importar lo que suceda. conectarse con los pacientes y ayudarles a lograr la mejor calidad de vida posible. • Cuidado que sigue dando. Si bien los By Sharon Paul-Sylvestre important things that home care nurses pacientes solo pueden ver a sus médicos para do to help those they care for is Es posible que se sorprenda I al conocer algunas de las una visita rápida en la oficina, las enfermeras t is time to celebrate National to educate them and their de atención domiciliaria coordinan la atención family caregivers about how formas en que las enfermeras Nurses Week, marked on to make dietary, fitness and de atención domiciliaria van más allá de con sus pacientes de manera continua para calendars across the country to sus “descripciones de trabajo” estándar para formar relaciones de confianza que apoyan su medication changes safely. atención. Ellos monitorean a los pacientes fuera sus pacientes: recognize the men and women It helps to know why the • Enseñar es cuidar de la oficina y pueden informar a los médicos who have dedicated their lives to changes are important, and it sobre los cambios de salud para ayudarlos a helps to have support as you también. Diabetes, artritis, presión the field of nursing. arterial alta, salud del corazón: mantenerse bien y evitar viajes innecesarios work to make them part of al hospital o la sala de emergencias. Las your new wellness routine. a medida que envejecemos, la mayoría de National Nurses Week runs from May nosotros enfrentaremos problemas relacionados enfermeras de atención domiciliaria también • Tough as Nails and Grace under Fire. 6th through May 12th. Home care nurses are on the phones and con enfermedades crónicas que requieren Vea HOGAR p16 Here in New York, home care nurses in and out of different settings day in help their patients stay safe and healthy and day out. They must quickly adapt to throughout their entire lives, from a child’s a variety of stressful situations. Whether first days to well into the golden years— it’s dealing with an emergency surgery or and everything in between. quickly treating a grisly wound, nurses As a registered home care nurse working can be some of the toughest people you with the Visiting Nurse Service of New know. They’ll help you keep your cool York (VNSNY), I am honored to count (and blood pressure under control) and are myself among the skilled clinicians who highly skilled at staying calm no matter find unique ways to connect with patients what. and help them achieve the best quality of • Care that Keeps on Giving. While life possible. patients may only see their doctors for You might be surprised to learn about a quick visit in the office, home care some of the ways home care nurses go nurses coordinate care with their patients above and beyond their standard “job on an ongoing basis to form trusting descriptions” for their patients: relationships that support their care. • Teaching is caring too. Diabetes, They monitor patients outside the office arthritis, high blood pressure, heart and can inform doctors about health health—as we age, most of us will face changes to help them stay well and avoid challenges related to chronic illness that Las enfermeras, argumenta Paul-Sylvestre, son médicos require lifestyle changes. One of the most See HOME p16 calificados que buscan ofrecer la mejor atención. 5030 Broadway, Suite 807 New York, NY 10034 T: 212-569-5800 FOUNDERS/ EDITOR PRODUCTION TRANSLATORS PUBLISHERS Debralee Santos Ramon Peralta Yamilla Miranda F: 212-544-9545 Roberto Ramírez Sr. Erik Febrillet Verónica Cruz EDITORIAL STAFF MEMBER: Luís A. Miranda Jr. Gregg McQueen Chamber of Commerce of OFFICE MANAGER Washington Heights and Sherry Mazzocchi Jennifer Saldaña Inwood 6 MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES •
Target to open Washington Heights store R etail giant Target is coming to Washington Heights. The Minneapolis-based company signed a lease on April 23 to rent 23,757 square feet of space at 600 West 181st Street, according to public records. The site is a two-story commercial building on the corner of 181st Street and St. Nicholas Avenue that is already home to large retailers such as Modell’s, The Children’s Place and AT&T and ONLINE Rainbow Shops. in Spanish Target’s Washington Vea la versión Heights store is slated EN LINEA to open in 2020, the en español company said. The lease is for 15 years, and lists the landlord as Joseph Chehebar, whose family owns Rainbow Shops. Target recently announced plans to open nine additional stores in New York City, wouldn’t fit, according to a company including Columbus Circle, Astoria, Kips press release, offering “a curated mix Bay and Hell’s Kitchen. of the categories guests find in our full- It is part of the company’s strategy to size Target stores — including food and open small-format Targets about one- beverage, apparel and accessories, health third as large as a full-size store, designed and beauty, and home decor — all based for urban areas where a full-size Target on the community’s needs.” Free Programa Performing gratis de Arts Summer verano de ( formerly known as Empower Youth Through Performance ) Program ( formerly known as Empower Youth Through Performance ) arte y musica Statement Arts, con el apoyo de Dance Project de Washington Statement Arts, with the support of Dance Project of ABOUT US Heights, United Palace, y el Museo de Sugar Hill, ofrece un ABOUT US Washington Heights, United Palace, and Sugar Hill Statement Arts was conceived at programa de verano gratis para niños en-promesa. Impartido por El programa Statement Arts fue Museum, are bringing a free Summer Program to the High School of artistas profesionales de teatro, StART Young está dedicado al concebido en la High School of at-promise kids. Taught by professional theater artists, Environmental Studies (HSES), Environmental Studies (HSES), an underserved public school in teatro musical. Los niños trabajan con diferente tipos de artes StART Young is devoted to Musical Theater. Children will una escuela pública de poco New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen. incluyendo música, bailé, improvisación, actuación, escritura de recursos en la comunidad de work with different art forms including, but not limited to, Inspiration for Statement Arts guiones, monólogos y mas, para crear y realizar una exhibición Hell's Kitchen, Nueva York. music, dance, improv, acting, script writing, monologues, stems from the success of the Statement Arts fue inspirado por ongoing Project: Urban Arts. escrito por ellos mismos. el continuo éxito del Proyecto: and more to create and perform their own original show! Started in 2003, Urban Arts, is Urban Arts cual fue iniciado en el an art enrichment program LOCALES LOCATION 2003. Urban Arts es un programa whose goal is to supplement arts United Palace, 4140 Broadway en la calle 175 de enriquecimiento de artes con United Palace, 4140 Broadway at 175th Street education in the NYC public el objectivo de complementar la school system. educación de artes que ofrece las SESIÓN 1 Grades 3-6 (Limitado a 25 estudiantes) escuelas públicas de Nueva York. SESSION 1 Grades 3-6 (Limited to 25 students) * THERE IS A $25 REGISTRATION FEE REQUIRED FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS. Monday – Friday | 9am - 2pm | 8 de Julio - 19 de Julio Monday – Friday | 9am - 2pm | July 8 - 19 SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE, * HAY UN COSTO DE INSCRIPCIÓN DE $ 25 PLEASE INQUIRE: La exhibición tomará lugar en el Museo Sugar Hill el viernes, REQUERIDO PARA TODOS LOS PARTICIPANTES. with a Performance at The Sugar Hill Museum on Friday, July 19th at 1PM or (800) 804-0081 19 de Julio a las 1PM HAY BECAS DISPONIBLES, POR FAVOR CONSULTE: o (800) 804-0081 SESSION 2 Grades 7-11 (Limited to 25 students) StatementArts SESIÓN 2 Grades 7-11 (Limitado a 25 estudiantes) StatementArts Monday – Friday | 9am - 2pm | July 22 - August 2 Monday – Friday | 9am - 2pm | 22 de Julio - 2 de Agosto with a Performance at The Sugar Hill Museum on Friday, August 2 at 1PM La exhibición tomará lugar en el Museo Sugar Hill el viernes, 2 de Agosto a las 1PM July 8-19, 2019 & July 22-Aug 2, 2019 8 de Julio - 19 de Julio & 22 de Julio - 2 de Agosto Applications Due June 1 | More Info at Aplicar antes de 1 de Junio | Más Información en MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES • 7
BUSINESS SERVICES ATAX Marble Hill, NY Bookkeeping You can now save money and time without the need of hiring an in-house bookkeeper. Let us organize your books while you focus on running your business! Affordable Packages Starting at $49 Per Month Bookkeeping - Tax Preparation Payroll - Incorporation Services Call Us or Visit Our Website Today! (718) 889-3100 8 MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES •
Fire in Apartment 5G The building’s façade was blackened by smoke. Six killed in fatal Four children — all age 11 or younger — and two adults died in the blaze, which broke out around 1:30 a.m. at the seven- fire uptown story New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) building, located on the corner of By Gregg McQueen 142nd Street and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard. A family of six was killed when Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro said that firefighters responded within three minutes an early morning fire swept after receiving a call around 1:40 a.m. through their fifth-floor apartment The brick building is 109 years old and on Wednesday. is part of the Frederick Samuel Houses, a 40-building complex operated by NYCHA It is the deadliest fire in New York City with over 1,400 residents. since 2017, in which 12 residents were “When the firefighters arrived, fire killed in a Bronx fire. met them at the door of the apartment, fire was out the windows on two sides of the building,” said Nigro, who explained that firefighters were able to push into the apartment quickly but were unable to save “Every morning you saw her, she would the victims, who were all found unconscious This was the deadliest fire since 2017. say something to make your day,” she in two bedrooms. remarked. “It’s just a pity to know she’s Police have identified the victims as 45-year- gone. Always saying something positive.” old Andrea Pollidore, her children, Elijah, 3, Nigro said the fire is believed to be Brooklyn, 6, Andre, 8, and Nakiyra, 11, and accidental, and likely started on the stove and her 33-year-old brother, Matt Abdularaph. quickly spread to the entire apartment. The “Hearing that four children were lost in a exact circumstances surrounding the cause of single family is just extraordinarily painful. the fire is still under investigation, he stated. Two adults, four children — this is a gut- “It’s a difficult operation for the wrenching moment for all of us,” Mayor Department,” Nigro said. “We’re in the Bill de Blasio said outside the building on life-saving business and we take this very Wednesday morning. was liked by her neighbors. “She was so lovely. Everyone loved the mom. She was personally when we’re unable to save this Maxine, a woman who works as an aide family,” Nigro said. Neighbor Gusta Martínez so full of life. She was kind,” she said. “It’s wipes away tears. for an elderly tenant in the building, fondly recalled Pollidore as a loving mother who such a loss.” See FIRE p22 Incendio en el 5G “Este es un momento desgarrador para todos nosotros”, el alcalde Bill de Blasio. El edificio es operado por NYCHA. Seis personas de Es el incendio más mortífero en la ciudad de Nueva York desde 2017. El edificio de ladrillo tiene 109 años de antigüedad y forma parte de las Casas Frederick Andrea Pollidore, de 45 años, sus hijos, Elijah, 3, Brooklyn, 6, Andre, 8 y Nakiyra, 11, y su una sola familia Cuatro niños, todos de 11 años o menos, y dos adultos murieron en el incendio, que se desató Samuel, un complejo de 40 edificios operado por NYCHA con más de 1,400 residentes. hermano de 33 años, Matt Abdularaph. “Escuchar que se perdieron cuatro niños mueren alrededor de la 1:30 a.m. en el edificio de siete pisos de la Autoridad de Vivienda de la Ciudad de “Cuando llegaron los bomberos, el incendio los recibió en la puerta del apartamento, el de una sola familia es extraordinariamente doloroso. Dos adultos, cuatro niños: este es un Por Gregg McQueen Nueva York (NYCHA, por sus siglas en inglés), fuego salió por las ventanas de ambos lados momento desgarrador para todos nosotros”, ubicado en la esquina de la calle 142 y Adam del edificio”, dijo Nigro, quien explicó que los dijo el alcalde Bill de Blasio afuera del edificio el U na familia de seis fue asesinada cuando un incendio en la madrugada barrió el apartamento del Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard. El comisionado de bomberos, Daniel Nigro, dijo que los bomberos respondieron dentro de tres bomberos pudieron ingresar al apartamento rápidamente pero no pudieron salvar a Las víctimas, quienes fueron halladas inconscientes miércoles por la mañana. Maxine, una mujer que trabaja como ayudante de un inquilino anciano en el edificio, minutos después de recibir una llamada alrededor en dos habitaciones. quinto piso el miércoles. de las 1:40 a.m. La policía identificó a las víctimas como Vea FUEGO p22 MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES • 9
“My son is dead” Advocates call for “Every 36 hours, someone is killed,” said Marco Conner, Deputy Director of Transportation Alternatives, who declared safer streets the rash of deaths an “emergency” that must By Gregg McQueen be acted upon. Advocates pushed for the passage of D Intro. 322, a stalled piece of City Council ebbie Kahn doesn’t always legislation that would create tighter standards want to get out of bed. for street design. Commonly known as the Vision Zero “Why bother? My son is dead.” Design Standard bill, the legislation Kahn’s son Seth, a college student at the would require the city’s Department of Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), was Transportation (DOT) to adhere to a 10-point killed by a bus driver on Ninth Avenue in checklist of features that enhance safety Manhattan nine years ago. when redesigning a street. The DOT would It is a pain that reverberates still. be mandated to publish the checklist on its “I go through days and don’t remember website and explain the elements applied. what I’ve done. Sometimes I don’t bother The bill would require the DOT to include even getting up out of bed,” she said. safety elements like protected bike lanes, “Please help me give meaning to Vision Zero is getting hazy. pedestrian islands and extended curbs in my son’s death,” said Debbie Kahn. So say Kahn and traffic safety proponents every redesign project, or offer detailed alarmed by a spike in pedestrian deaths explanations on why it didn’t include those "THE LOVE OF OUR LIVES" on New York City streets. In a solemn elements, Conner explained. gathering on the steps of City Hall on Tues., He acknowledged that Vision Zero — a Parents Debbie and Harold Kahn shared in He was the love of our lives and our only May 7th, advocates, city lawmakers and program launched by Mayor Bill de Blasio 2015 with transportation blog Streetsblog child. Seth was always a very careful person families of victims laid flowers in memory in 2014 to eradicate traffic deaths — has what happened on the day their son Seth who looked both ways when he crossed of those killed in traffic deaths in 2019, and accomplished a substantial amount of good, was killed. In 2014, the MTA reached a the street. As Seth was walking across the took turns reading the names of each victim. noting that traffic deaths had declined for settlement with the Kahns, according to street in the crosswalk at Ninth Avenue at So far in 2019, 64 people have been several years prior to 2019, but said the DOT court documents. 53rd Street with the walk signal, he was killed in traffic incidents, according to New is not applying safety upgrades consistently Seth was 22 years old on November 4, 2009; struck from behind, run over and killed by York Police Department (NYPD) statistics, within its projects. his 23rd birthday was one month away and he an MTA bus that was making a left hand turn marking a 30 percent jump compared to the was excited about plans that he had made. from 53rd Street onto Ninth Avenue. See DEAD p19 same time period in 2018. “Mi hijo está muerto” Defensores piden acuerdo con las estadísticas del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York (NYPD, por sus siglas calles más seguras en inglés), lo que representa un aumento del 30 por ciento en comparación con el mismo período en 2018. Por Gregg McQueen “Cada 36 horas, alguien es asesinado”, dijo Marco Conner, director adjunto de Alternativas D ebbie Kahn no siempre quiere levantarse de la cama de Transporte, quien declaró la racha de muertes como una “emergencia” sobre la que se debe actuar. “¿Por qué molestarse? Mi hijo está muerto”. Los defensores presionaron para la El hijo de Kahn, Seth, un estudiante aprobación de Intro. 322, una pieza estancada universitario del Fashion Institute of Technology de legislación del Ayuntamiento que crearía (FIT), fue asesinado por un conductor de autobús estándares más estrictos para el diseño de en la Novena avenida en Manhattan hace nueve calles. años. Vea MUERTO p19 Es un dolor que aún resuena. Las flores fueron presentadas en memoria “Pasan los días y no recuerdo lo que de los quienes murieron por tránsito en 2019. hice. A veces ni siquiera me molesto en levantarme de la cama”, dijo. Vision Zero se está poniendo borrosa. Así lo dicen Kahn y los defensores de la seguridad del tráfico alarmados por un aumento en las muertes de peatones en las calles de la ciudad de Nueva York. En una reunión solemne en los escalones del Ayuntamiento el martes 7 de mayo, defensores, legisladores de la ciudad y familias de víctimas depositaron flores en memoria de los fallecidos en muertes de tránsito en 2019, y se turnaron para leer los nombres de cada víctima. Hasta ahora, en 2019, 64 personas han muerto en incidentes de tránsito, de MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES • 11
A Merengue Master Class By Gregg McQueen decades. In the 1950’s, he came into his own as a member of the popular band La Orquesta E l Rey will reign again. The Alianza Dominicana Cultural San José and went on to produce original music for decades. Among his many popular recordings were classic merengue songs such as “Cuando Yo Me Muera” and “Merenguero Center is rolling out a slate of youth-centered programming to celebrate the life and legacy Hasta la Tambora.” of music pioneer Joseíto Mateo, known as “His life was the most productive life that “El Rey del Merengue.” any artist in the Dominican Republic had,” Born José Tamares Mateo in 1920, the said Cultural Center Director Leonardo renowned musician, composer and singer Iván Domínguez. “From 1938 up to 2018, was a vital figure in the percussion-driven he was singing, dancing, composing. He music that has been defined as a key musical did everything. He was the true king of genre of the Dominican Republic. merengue.” Mateo, who died in 2018 at the age of Domínguez is an established cultural 98, had a career spanning more than eight educator, with over 35 years spent teaching Dominican folk traditions. He learned to drum by the age of five, and was the Founding Executive Director of Conjunto Folklorico, one of the first Dominican folk arts youth programs in New York. Run by the Alianza Youth Services division of Catholic Charities, the center’s mission is to produce literary, performing, and visual arts programs that promote Dominican, Latino, and Latin American cultures, with an emphasis on Afro-Dominican artistic traditions. Among the events produced throughout the year for participants of all ages are poetry and prose workshops; film forums; and mask-making classes. The center has “We are bringing the music,” said hosted events with authors such as New Director Leonardo Iván Domínguez. See MERENGUE p21 Dancers perform on St. Nicholas Avenue. Una clase magistral ¿Se atrasó en sus pagos de impuestos de merengue a la propiedad? Podemos ayudarlo. Por Gregg McQueen El Programa de Diferimiento de Impuestos y de Intereses de E l Rey reinará de nuevo. El Centro Cultural Alianza Propiedades de la Ciudad de Nueva York (NYC Property Tax and Interest Deferral Program, PT AID) Dominicana está lanzando una serie de programas centrados en los jóvenes • Lo ayuda a permanecer para celebrar la vida y el legado del en su hogar y mantener su pionero de la música Joseíto Mateo, propiedad fuera de la venta “Fue el verdadero rey del merengue”, conocido como “El Rey del Merengue”. dijo Domínguez sobre Joseíto Mateo. del gravamen tributario Nacido como José Tamares Mateo • Difiere una parte o, en en 1920, el renombrado músico, algunos casos, todos sus cualquier artista en la República Dominicana”, compositor y cantante fue una figura vital en la música impulsada por percusión que se ha dijo el director del Centro Cultural, Leonardo Iván pagos de impuestos a Domínguez. “Desde 1938 hasta 2018, cantaba, la propiedad definido como un género musical clave de la bailaba y componía. Hizo todo. Fue el verdadero • Le permite hacer pagos República Dominicana. rey del merengue”. Mateo, quien murió en 2018 a la edad de 98 asequibles Domínguez es un educador cultural años, tuvo una carrera que abarcó más de ocho • Establece planes de pago a establecido, con más de 35 años dedicados décadas. En la década de 1950, se convirtió a la enseñanza de las tradiciones populares corto o largo plazo en miembro de la popular banda La Orquesta dominicanas. Aprendió a tocar el tambor a San José y continuó produciendo música original durante décadas. la edad de cinco años, y fue el director Obtenga más información ejecutivo fundador del Conjunto y haga su solicitud en Entre sus muchas grabaciones Folklorico, Uno de los primeros populares se encontraban programas juveniles de arte popular canciones de merengue dominicano en Nueva York. clásicas como “Cuando Yo Me Dirigido por la división de Muera” y “Merenguero Servicios Juveniles Alianza Hasta la Tambora”. de Caridades Católicas, “Su vida fue la vida más productiva que tuvo Vea MERENGUE p21 12 MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES •
Volunteering is Vital “We touch so many lives,” said volunteer Carolyn Ramey. C arolyn Ramey was born and raised in Harlem. you do, but the relationships you cultivate with fellow volunteers and the community as a whole. “As volunteers, we touch so many “I have lived here all my life. This is lives, in so many ways,” she said. my home,” said Ramey. “I have never As we think about how want to spend thought about living any place else. I am our time each day, here are a few benefits of very passionate about who we are and what volunteering: we do and how that drives a deep-rooted • It reduces stress – Being able to give and tradition of volunteerism in Harlem.” receive in unexpected ways can reduce Ramey has been an EmblemHealth your stress levels and elevate your mood. member and a regular at EmblemHealth’s As Ramey expressed, “Like chicken soup Harlem Neighborhood Care for the soul, volunteering location—which she can be a relief from describes as her personal challenges.” lifeline—since 2017. • It sharpens “Neighborhood Care’s your social skills – Volunteering programs offer a sharpens your social skills. As you personalized way to take interact with others, you grow social control and teach me connections, which cultivate a support commitment,” she said. system. Building a sense of Ramey recently commitment to newfound shared her thoughts networks can teach you on what volunteering to communicate and involved with an helps us be more empathetic means to her and how she got started. collaborate effectively. activity helps you to others and cultivates Despite being a volunteer since the 1990’s • It keeps you active – As scientifically build common a sense of purpose and at the Schomburg Center for Research in proven, volunteering improves health ground and make new personal accomplishment. Black Culture, Ramey said she realized with the release of good hormones. Many connections. Meeting that she still had a lot to learn about what it volunteering activities require you to people with similar Volunteering is one of the means to give back to the community. be physically active, and this can open visions and values can many ways to connect with “There are two main aspects to a new door for your health. This form of create friendships that one another and help create volunteering,” she explained. “Donation of stimulation boosts resilience and allows will last a lifetime. healthier communities. Check out New time, and engagement.” us to maintain a healthy level of physical • It gives you a sense of purpose – York Cares, the city’s largest volunteer For Ramey, what is truly transformative fitness. Volunteering is what you choose to do, network, at about volunteering is not only the work that • It helps you meet new people – Getting and a donation of your time. Volunteering to discover opportunities near you. MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES • 13
April 29 – May 4 Listen up people, It is a must that you watch current orange-haired occupant of the White the latest doc in ESPN’s 30 for 30 series, The House, it is that elections have consequences. Dominican Dream on ESPN ASAP. The moving With that said, please make sure you watch film tells the untold story of the life and career of Knock The House Down on Netflix. It may NYC basketball phenom Felipe López. Felipe was restore your faith in our democracy. on the cover of Sports Illustrated when he was Now that May is here, the Domino tables still in high school. Speaking of high school, Felipe will start coming out. For those that don’t know, was the consensus number-one high school recruit Dominoes is so much more than a simple game. in a class that included Allen Iverson. Director In fact, I have dubbed dominoes “Dominican Jonathan Hock does a masterful job of telling the Chess.” Please read my piece on our eternal story of a basketball prodigy and the loving family and undying love for dominoes at and community that he came from. Felipe López Dominoes. embodies the Dominican and the American Dream Seriously folks, I am not being hyperbolic, and this beautiful film delineates why. Warning: Harlem EatUp! is a must-attend event. I This film might make you cry so have tissues personally have been waiting for this year’s handy. Remember we said that. Harlem EatUp! since last year. Harlem EatUp! kicks off May 13 and ends May 19 so don’t That’s right, familia, The 2019 Uptown Arts sleep and get your tickets to this food and spirits Stroll kickoff is Tuesday, May 28 from 6:00- extravaganza. 8:30 p.m. at the United Palace (4140 Broadway @ 175th Street). Mark your calendars as the Keep checking us out at countdown has begun. You don’t want to miss this all out celebration of the arts Uptown. This year’s honorees are Mino Lora, Founding Executive Led Black Director of the People’s Theatre Project; O’Brien Editor-in-Chief Luna, singer-songwriter; Dance Theatre of Harlem, The Uptown Collective on its 50th Anniversary; Hike the Heights, which celebrates 15 years, and Warner Bros. Pictures, The UC’s mission is to become “the” definitive, transformative and community-based force impacting the arts, filming Lin-Manuel Miranda’s In the Heights culture, business and New York City’s overall perception of uptown this summer. Please come out and show Upper Manhattan. Its objective is to reset, reboot and positively your love and support for the arts Uptown. redefine Uptown’s artistic, political, cultural and business If we learned anything from the election of the spheres via the online space as well the collective’s initiatives and functions. 14 MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES •
MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES • 15
HOME from p6 HOGAR from p6 unnecessary trips to the hospital or ER. coordinan la atención con fisioterapeutas, Home care nurses also coordinate care trabajadores sociales, ayudantes de atención with physical therapists, social workers, médica domiciliaria y otros recursos que el home health aides and other resources médico ordena o aprueba. that the physician orders or approves. • El hogar es donde está la salud. Al brindar • Home is Where the Health Is. By atención en el lugar donde vive la persona, las providing care right where someone enfermeras de atención domiciliaria ayudan a los lives, home care nurses help aging or adultos mayores o a quienes están confinados homebound individuals stay rooted a permanecer en sus hogares y comprometidas and engaged in their communities and con sus comunidades, y viven de forma segura live a safe and independent life for e independiente durante muchos años, evitando many years—avoiding the isolation and el aislamiento y la dependencia que pueden dependency that can develop in a nursing desarrollarse en un hogar para adultos mayores. home. Whether it’s a voice on the phone Ya sea que se trate de una voz en el teléfono or a knock on the door, nurses know that o un golpe en la puerta, las enfermeras saben home is where most people feel safe and que en el hogar es donde la mayoría de las connected to their community. personas se sienten seguras y conectadas con • When You Need Us, We’re There. At su comunidad. some point in our • Cuando nos necesite, lives, we all connect estamos ahí. En algún with a nurse. Maybe momento de nuestras vidas, it’s someone who todos nos conectamos con was there when we una enfermera. Tal vez sea were born, or gave alguien que estuvo ahí cuando birth to our own children. Maybe it’s the nacimos o que dio a luz a nuestros propios hijos. steady skill of an RN who supervised Tal vez sea la habilidad constante de una RN que care and helped us heal through a little supervisó la atención y nos ayudó a sanar con una laughter or noticed we weren’t our usual pequeña risa o se dio cuenta de que no éramos chatty selves during a phone health nuestros habituales conversadores durante un check-in. National Nurses Week is a time control de salud telefónico. La Semana Nacional to say thank you to nurses who are there de las Enfermeras es un momento para agradecer when we need them – wherever they a las enfermeras que están ahí cuando las might be. necesitamos, dondequiera que estén. Sharon Paul-Sylvestre is a Registered Sharon Paul-Sylvestre es una enfermera Nurse with the not-for-profit Visiting registrada con el servicio de enfermería Nurse Service of New York. For more visitante sin fines de lucro de Nueva York. information, please visit Para obtener más información por favor visite or call 800.675.0391. o llame al 800.675.0391. 16 MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES •
IN THE HEIGHTS IN THE HEIGHTS Buscamos residentes de Washington Seeking Washington Heights residents to Heights para aparecer como extras appear as extras in the upcoming feature Þlm en el próximo largometraje ”IN THE HEIGHTS” “IN THE HEIGHTS” Seeking people to play NYC / Buscamos personas para interpretar Washington Heights neighbors Ð a vecinos de NYC/Washington men, women, and children Heights: hombres, mujeres y niños Envíe un correco eletrónico a con: Email with: • Su nombre • Your name • Estado sindical (SAG-AFTRA o No sindicalizado) • Union status (SAG-AFTRA or NonUnion) • Número de teléfono • Phone number • Foto actual, clara • Current, clear photo • Incluir edad, en caso de ser menor de 18 años • If under 18, include age Filmación junio-septiembre en NYC. Filming June-September in NYC. Por favor, tenga en cuenta, actores de fondo/extras serán remunerados. De ser elegido, debe poder presentar una identificación válida y vigente para completar Please note, casting paid extra/background roles. If cast, must be able to present valid, unexpired ID to Þll out Federal I-9 form. el formulario federal I-9. 212 685 3168 • 212 685 3168 • Public Notice Aviso público Fact Sheet Hoja de información The New York State Department of Environmental El Departamento de Conservación Ambiental del Estado de Nueva Conservation (DEC) has received a Brownfield Cleanup York (DEC, por sus siglas en inglés) ha recibido una solicitud del Program (BCP) application and Draft Remedial Investigation Programa de Limpieza Brownfield (BCP, por sus siglas en inglés) y Work Plan from M4778 Broadway LLC for a site known as un Proyecto de Plan de Trabajo de Investigación de Remediación M4778 Broadway LLC, site ID #C231131. This site is located de M4778 Broadway LLC para un sitio conocido como M4778 in the Borough of Manhattan within the County of New York Broadway LLC, número de identificación C231131. Este sitio está and is located at 4778 Broadway. Comments regarding this ubicado en el vecindario de Manhattan dentro del condado de Nueva application must be submitted no later than June 14, 2019. York y está ubicado en el No. 4778 de Broadway. Los comentarios A copy of the application, Draft Remedial Investigation con respecto a esta solicitud deben enviarse a más tardar el 14 Work Plan and other relevant documents are available at de junio de 2019. Una copia de la solicitud, el Proyecto de Plan the document repositories located at Inwood Library, 4780 de Trabajo de Investigación de Remediación y otros documentos Broadway, New York, NY 10034 and Community Board relevantes están disponibles en los repositorios de documentos ubicados en la Biblioteca Inwood, No. 4780 fr Broadway, Nueva 12, 530 West 155th St, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10032. York, NY 10034 y Junta Comunitaria 12, No. 530 de la calle 155 Information regarding the site and how to submit comments Oeste, piso 5, Nueva York, NY 10032. Puede encontrar información can be found at sobre el sitio y cómo enviar comentarios en html or send comments to Steven Wu, Project Manager, chemical/60058.html o envíe comentarios a Steven Wu, gerente de NYSDEC, 47-40 21st St, Long Island City, NY 11101-5401; proyecto, NYSDEC, No. 47-40 de la calle 21, Long Island City, NY; or call 718-459-7801. 11101-5401;; o llame al 718-459-7801. To have information such as this notice sent right Para recibir información como esta notificación directamente en su to your email, sign up with county email listservs correo electrónico, regístrese en las listas de correo electrónico del available at condado disponibles en MAY 08, 2019 • MANHATTAN TIMES • 17
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