REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents

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REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents



                                   NYSAR represents
                                    in Washington
                                      and Albany

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                                                                                 N E O
                                                                                  N IB


REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents
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REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents
Volume 13, Issue 3

                                                             NEw YOrk STaTE

                                                                    NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, INC.

  9                                                                                                        CONTENTS
                                                                                                              4                    President’s message
                                                                                                              5                    From the CEO’s desk
                                                                                                              6                    New York news briefs
                                                                                                              9                    Legal Line: Understanding the broker’s rights
                                                                                                                                   under the Exclusive Right to Sell Agreement

                                                                                                                                   is important for all licensees
                                                                                                        12                         NYSAR leadership team tackles federal issues
                                                                                                        15                         NYSAR’s government affairs team keeps
                                                                                                                                   REALTOR® bills moving forward
                                                                                                        18                         Succeeding in a limited inventory market
                                                                                                        21                         Local board RPAC events
                                                                                                                                   keep the ‘fun’ in fundraising
                                                                                                        23                         NYSREEF unveils new website
                                                                                                        24                         RPAC of New York thanks its 2016 major investors
                                                                                                        28                         2016 Summer/Fall
                                                                                                                                   National Designation course schedule


                                                                                                                                       View current and past issues of
                                                                                                                                   New York State REALTOR® at
NEW YORK STATE REALTOR ® (ISSN 1555-8343) is published bimonthly by the New York State Association of REALTORS ®, Inc., 130 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210, 518.463.0300. Subscription rate for members is $2,
which is included in the dues. ©2016 by the New York State Association of REALTORS ®. Permission to reprint material may be granted upon request to Editor, NEW YORK STATE REALTOR ®, at the above address.
Published for: New York State Association of ReAltoRS®, Inc., 130 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12210-2220, Telephone: 518.463.0300, Fax: 518.462.5474, E-mail:,
NYSAR officers: Linda Lugo, President; Dawn Carpenter, President-elect; CJ DelVecchio, Secretary/Treasurer; Duncan R. MacKenzie, CEO NYSAR Staff: Salvatore I. Prividera Jr, Director of Communications,
Editor of New York State REALTOR®; S. Anthony Gatto, Director of Legal Services; Michael J. Kelly, Director of Government Affairs; Ali Mann, Director of Divisions; J. Austin Moran, Director of Information Technology; Kristen Pooler, Director of
Marketing; Patrick Reilly, Vice President of Board and Member Services; Libby Rentz, Vice President of Finance; Priscilla Toth, Director of Education Published by: Naylor, llC, 5950 NW First Place, Gainesville, FL 32607, Telephone: 800.369.6220,
Fax: 352.332.3331, Publisher, Heidi Boe editor, Ruth Ellen Rasche Research, Catherine Rios Project Manager, Douglas Swindler Advertising Sales, Brawley Adams, Tracy Jones, Haley Sivils
layout & Design, Gordon Klassen GKDS
While this publication makes a reasonable effort to establish the integrity of advertisers, it does not endorse advertised products or services unless specifically stated.
NYSR online - You can read New York State REALTOR® online at, PUBLISHED MAY 2016/NYR-S0316/3014

                                                                                                                                                                                                New York State realtor® 3
REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents
President’s message
                                  Our commercial colleagues know that if     damage across New York State caused by
                              our government decides to revoke the IRS       Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy is
                              1031 Like-Kind exchange, it would have a       still fresh in our minds. We also need for
                              negative effect on commercial real estate      FEMA to provide more accurate flood maps,
                              sales. And on the residential side, we all     and wider options for affordable insurance.
                              know that if our government decides that           While you may not think about threats
                              homeowners can no longer deduct their          to our business on a regular basis, please
                              mortgage interest and property taxes on        be aware that they do exist and your state
                              income tax returns, it would create barriers   association is hard at work to protect our
       Linda Lugo             to homeownership.                              interests and those of homeowners. But, we
       2016 NYSAR President       Each March your NYSAR Leadership           can’t do it alone. Here’s how you can help
                              Team travels to Washington, DC to speak        protect your livelihood and homeownership:
                              to our United States Senators and members          1. Reach out to your member of Congress
                              of the House about important issues such as    and let them know that these issues are
                              these and the preservation of private prop-    important.
                              erty rights. During our two-day trip this          2. Respond to Calls for Action. With only
                              year we met with 14 Congressional leaders      a few clicks of a mouse you can tell your
                              from New York to discuss the importance        member of Congress about the importance
                              of keeping the 1031 Like-Kind Exchange,        of these and similar issues.
                              mortgage interest deduction and property           3. Get involved with the New York State
                              tax deduction. These are vital components      Association of REALTORS® to make your
                              to real estate ownership.                      voice heard.
                                  While meeting with our legislators we          4. Invest in RPAC. The REALTORS®
                              pointed out the need to extend tax relief      Political Action Committee helps us to stay
                              for mortgage debt forgiveness beyond the       in the forefront with our legislators. It is
                              December 2016 expiration date. This pro-       an investment that will help preserve your
                              tects underwater homeowners from incur-        future.
                              ring a large tax bill on phantom income in         I encourage you to read the state and
                              connection with a workout or a short-sale.     federal issue updates in this issue, starting
                              Unfortunately, New York still has a large      on page 12. Becoming educated about the
                              number of properties in foreclosure across     issues is the first step to being an effective
                              the state, making an extension vital to        advocate for your industry.
                              distressed homeowners who are trying to            In closing, I want to offer a constant
                              responsibly address their situation.           reminder that we want you to stay safe in
                                  Next year, we need to get the reautho-     your business. Keep your eyes open and be
                              rization of the National Flood Insurance       aware of your surroundings while out in the
                              Program. The extension of the NFIP             field. Safety first! ●
                              brought stability to housing markets where
                              flood insurance is required for a mortgage.
                              Without this program, home sales in flood
                              zones would grind to a halt. The horrific

                          “If it’s your dream and your life
                        and your business, you need to be
                    responsible for protecting it.” - Sonja Foust

4 MAY/juNe 2016
REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents
From the CEO’s desk
                         Illegal discrimination in housing has no        has proposed a change to current state and
                     place in a free and open society like we enjoy      New York City laws requiring co-op boards
                     in New York and across the United States.           to respond to applications under a reasonable
                         In April we celebrated the 48th anniversary     schedule, which would reduce the potential
                     of the federal Fair Housing Act. Yet, nearly five   for discrimination to occur.
                     decades since the act’s inception we are still          NYSAR is also vigilant in ensuring
                     making strides to ensure fair access to housing     that state enforcement efforts are fair and
                     for all who are financially qualified.              grounded in law. Recently, NYSAR alerted
                         The evolution of protecting individuals         our membership that an erroneous report
 Duncan MacKenzie    from discrimination for non-financial rea-          from the New York State Department of
 NYSAR Chief         sons advanced recently when the New York            State (DOS), which listed “Arrest Record,”
 Executive Officer   State Board of Real Estate approved a request       “Conviction Record” and “Predisposing
                     from Gov. Andrew Cuomo to expand state              Genetic Characteristics” as protected classes
                     fair housing protections on the basis of gen-       with respect to housing discrimination. There
                     der identity. As professionals who help bring       are no current laws, rules or regulations mak-
                     buyers and sellers together, REALTORS® see          ing “Arrest Record,” “Conviction Record”
                     on a daily basis the fulfilment that comes          and “Predisposing Genetic Characteristics”
                     with homeownership. In fact REALTORS®               protected classes. NYSAR contacted the DOS
                     incorporated gender identity as a protected         immediately to resolve the matter, which they
                     class in our Code of Ethics in 2014.                did in a clarifying email.
                         Despite great improvement over the last             New York State’s REALTORS® vigor-
                     half century, the sad truth remains that hous-      ously support the ideal that no one should
                     ing discrimination still exists. REALTOR®           be discriminated against based on race, color,
                     anti-discrimination efforts include advocat-        national origin, disability or familial status
                     ing for greater transparency in the process of      as well as the additional protected classes
                     approving cooperative housing purchases.            under New York State Law including sexual
                         Today, co-op boards can deny the sale of        orientation, military status, age or being a
                     a co-op that has been agreed to by the seller       victim of domestic violence.
                     and the purchaser and may do so without                 As advocates for fair housing, REALTORS®
                     giving a reason for denial. Even more trou-         believe in building strong, diverse communi-
                     bling is the fact that a co-op board has no         ties where all are welcome. ●
                     obligation to act within a specific timeframe.
                     The board’s inaction over time can cause a
                     purchaser to lose their financing. NYSAR

        “New York State’s REALTORS® vigorously support the
     ideal that no one should be discriminated against based
     on race, color, national origin, disability or familial status
       as well as the additional protected classes under New
        York State Law including sexual orientation, military
         status, age or being a victim of domestic violence.”

                                                                                          New York State realtor® 5
REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents
New York news briefs                                                                               Look to NYSAR Member Perks
                                                                                                   for your dental insurance
                                                                                                      NYSAR is pleased to announce
Graduates of the NYS REALTOR® Institute Recognized                                                 that enrollment for dental and vision
                                                                                                   insurance is now available year-round.
                                                                                                   Through NYSAR Member Perks part-
                                                                                                   ner USI Affinity, you can access com-
                                                                                                   petitive, flexible coverage from MetLife.
                                                                                                   As one of the largest dental insurance
                                                                                                   providers in the country, MetLife is well
                                                                                                   positioned to offer NYSAR members
                                                                                                   a range of dental options, affordable
                                                                                                   rates and a large network of participat-
                                                                                                   ing dentists. Key benefits of the NYSAR
                                                                                                   Dental Plan include:
Newly minted GRI designees Lisa Lilley of Horseheads (Signature Properties) left, Alexandra           • Three plan choices to suit your
Tsiatis of Little Neck (Douglas Elliman), Susan Kelley of Glens Falls (Coldwell Banker Prime            needs and budget.
Properties), Melania Darling of Philmont (Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, Blake), Jill Sackler
                                                                                                      • Competitively priced coverage with
of Merrick (Charles Rutenberg Realty) and Laura Copersino of Whitestone (Douglas Elliman)
                                                                                                        group rates.
celebrate achieving the designation.
                                                                                                      • Comprehensive, nationwide net-
   New York State REALTORS® who recently earned their Graduate, REALTOR®                                work of dentists.
Institute (GRI) designations were recognized at the Desmond Hotel and Conference                      • Freedom to choose your dentist.
Center, in Albany, NY. Jim Pugliese, chair of NYSAR’s Faculty Development                             • Coverage for orthodontia.
Sub-Committee, emceed the graduation ceremony. To earn the GRI designa-                               Plus, you can also purchase vision
tion, REALTORS® must successfully complete a rigorous 90-hour program, which                       coverage as a rider to your dental policy
includes national core curricula as well as the study of state-specific and local-interest         or as a standalone policy.
continuing education syllabuses.                                                                      For full plan details and rates, visit
                                                                                                   or call 888.834.3713 to speak with a
NYSAR prepares local board/                    Apply for a NYSREEF                                 benefits’ counselor.
association leaders to work                    scholarship by July 31
with the media                                     Any individual, who has at least one year       Participate in NYSAR’s Housing
   During April, NYSAR pro-                    of experience in real estate sales, is licensed     Opportunities Month this June
vided spokesperson training to                 and practicing in New York State, and holds            The NYSAR Housing Opportunities
more than 40 current and future                primary REALTOR® membership in New                  Foundation will be conducting its sev-
local board/association leaders                York State is eligible for one of the National      enth annual housing opportunities
who by virtue of their office will             Association of REALTORS® designation                month fundraiser this June to raise
serve as spokespersons.                        program scholarships offered by the New             awareness about affordable hous-
   This training, provided as                  York State Real Estate Education Foundation         ing needs in New York State and the
a free service to local boards/                (NYSREEF). Scholarship awards are not               foundation’s mission of assisting
associations, covered the basics               based on need. Applicants should show posi-         first-time homebuyers in achieving
of radio, television and print                 tive motivation toward real estate education        the American dream of homeown-
interviews, REALTOR® pub-                      and proven interest in furthering their real        ership. Keep an eye out for commu-
lic relations case studies, and                estate career.                                      nications from NYSAR on how you
an overview of online reputa-                      Scholarships are awarded twice a year;          can participate.
tion management. This year’s                   in February and in October. Applications               The foundation is a 501(c) (3) chari-
program provided attendees                     for October awards are due by July 31.              table organization with the goal of assist-
the opportunity to participate                 Individuals are eligible to receive only            ing moderate-to-low income individuals
in mock television interviews,                 one scholarship per year. Each applica-             and families in becoming homeowners
which were recorded and cri-                   tion must be supported by two letters of            utilizing a variety of means including
tiqued to assist each member in                recommendation and must include a letter            public-private partnerships, education,
improving their skills.                        from the applicant describing their need,           counseling and financial assistance to
   NYSAR thanks the following                  how the scholarship will benefit them and           both individuals and organizations whose
boards/associations for hosting                their future goals relating to the use of the       activities facilitate homeownership. Visit
Spokesperson Training sessions                 scholarship.                                        N YSAR
this year: Greater Binghamton,                     For more information, visit                     for information on our programs
Greater Capital, Hudson Gateway,                                         and services.
and Jefferson-Lewis.
6 MAY/juNe 2016
REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents
Sign up for NYSAR                                  NYSCAR to sponsor 15th annual REALTORS®
committee service in 2017                          Commercial Real Estate Conference
    If real estate is your livelihood and you’re      The 15th Annual New York State Commercial Real Estate Conference will be
passionate about your business, NYSAR              held Monday, June 13, through Wednesday, June 15, 2016, at the University Sheraton
encourages you to get involved and help            in Syracuse, NY.
guide the future of your state association.           The event will kick-off with a full day pre-conference CCIM session on Monday,
Give your time, talent and expertise by            June 13, with “High Tech Marketing,” followed by an open house reception where you
assisting the association as it strives to meet    can meet the NYSCAR officers and staff and ask questions about your membership.
the needs of its more than 50,000 members.         The following days include: updates from commercial institutes – NYS CCIM and
Don’t sit back and leave it up to someone          SEC; a legislative update from NYSAR Director of Government Affairs Mike Kelly;
else. This is your association; make your          a keynote reception with commercial real estate tech blogger Duke Long; a full-day
voice heard!                                       marketing session; and several continuing education credit courses.
    Committee service gives you the oppor-            This event is sponsored by the members of the REALTORS® Commercial Alliance,
tunity to network with your peers from             which includes: the New York State Commercial Association of REALTORS®
across the state as you work together to           (NYSCAR); the New York State Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM)
accomplish the association’s goals. It will        Chapter; and the Society of Exchange Counselors.
also give you a much deeper understanding             For more information or a registration form for this premier event, please visit
of our industry’s issues, the value of being a
REALTOR® and can prepare you for a role
in leadership.
    You may select up to six of the more           REALTOR® of the Year and Community Service Award nominations
than 25 NYSAR committees available                 due by June 15
in 2017 – three termed/closed commit-                 NYSAR is seeking nominations for the 2016 REALTOR® of the Year Award.
tees and three open committees/forums/             The award, which recognizes the outstanding personal leadership skills, and the
working groups. With everything ranging            industry and civic commitment of one NYSAR member, will be presented during
from Communications and Marketing                  the NYSAR Fall Business Meetings.
to Legislative Policy and Professional                In addition, NYSAR will recognize up to three REALTORS® for their activities
Standards, you will be able to select a com-       supporting their community with the Community Service Award. The deadline
mittee that suits your interests.                  for nominations is June 15. Visit for details.
    All members are invited to be active
committee members; there are no restric-
tions based on age, industry experience or         Apply now for the 2017 NYSAR Leadership Academy
any other qualifier you might believe applies.        Polish your leadership skills, raise your profile and gain valuable experience by
    Volunteers are asked to be sure they will      being a part of the 2017 NYSAR Leadership Academy! This advanced leadership
be able to attend the association’s 2017 busi-     program provides member participants
ness meetings, which are Feb. 4-9 in Albany        with a unique opportunity to develop
and Sept. 22-27 in Verona before commit-           their leadership skills and prepare to
ting to serve. Please note that committee          provide meaningful contributions to the
sign up will be available online only between      three-tiered REALTOR® organization,
July 1 and July 31.                                their business and community, while
    For information and to sign up, visit          also enriching their personal and pro-                                     fessional lives. Any full-time NYSAR
                                                   REALTOR® member in good standing,
                                                   who has been in the business for at least
Warren County                                      three years as of Jan. 1, 2016, should
Association of REALTORS®                           consider applying. Visit for
changes name to Southern                           full details and to download an applica-
Adirondack REALTORS®                               tion. Applications must be submitted by
    The Warren County Association of               5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1, 2016.
REALTORS® has changed its name to
Southern Adirondack REALTORS®. The
change better reflects their growing mem-          Two NYSAR members voted into NAR’s ‘30 Under 30’ Class of 2016
bership geography and MLS service areas,              Congratulations to Judith Gabler, RealtyUSA in Delmar, and Mandy Friend
which includes all of Warren County and            Gigliotti, Keller Williams Realty in Rochester, for being voted into the National
portions of Washington, Saratoga and               Association of REALTORS®’ 30 Under 30 Class of 2016. According to the award
Essex counties. For more information,              criteria, they exemplify the ingenuity, dedication and prowess that are raising the
visit          bar in real estate today. ●

                                                                                                           New York State realtor® 7
REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents
Inside the numbers
63  The percentage of baby boomers that would like to buy
                                                                     1  The number, out of four homebuyers, that say they want
a single-family detached home, according to a recent study           to buy a home because their rent is too high, according to a
of the housing preferences of the boomer generation by the           recent survey by the brokerage Redfin. This number is rising,
National Association of Home Builders.                               up from one in eight last August.

88 The percentage of growth in homeownership rates
                                                                     75 The percentage of renters that want to buy a single-family
that will be attributed to minorities from 2020 to 2030,             home, according to the Housing Opportunities and Market
according to the Urban Institute. Hispanics are expected             Experience (HOME) survey from the National Association
to drive most of that growth.                                        of REALTORS®.

46 The percentage of homeowners with a mortgage that
                                                                     $30 trillion
                                                                       The amount of money expected to be passed from baby
believe they will see their equity increase in 2016, according       boomers to millennials over the next decades, fueling a housing
to a study by the lender loanDepot. The majority expect              boom, according to a report from National Mortgage News. ●
to see a gain by as much as 10 percent.

                                                         Upcoming NYSAR
                                                         radio show schedule
                                                             NYSAR Radio is a free, Internet-based live call-in show hosted by
                                                         NYSAR’s Director of Legal Services Anthony Gatto, Esq. You can call him
                                                         at 518-436-9727 with your real estate-related legal questions and have them
                                                         answered live on the air. Even if you don’t have a question, you’ll benefit
                                                         from listening to the answers to your colleagues’ questions. Visit NYSAR.
                                                         com for the link to the Internet broadcast.

                                                         June 21

                                                         July 19
                                                         Disclosures Other Than Agency

                                                         August 16
                                                         Environmental Issues

                                                         September 20
                                                         Commission Issues

                                                         All shows start at 10 a.m. All dates and topics subject to change.
                                                         Missed a show? You can download the podcast from ●

8 MAY/juNe 2016
REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents
Legal Line

Understanding the broker’s rights under
the Exclusive Right to Sell Agreement
is important for all licensees
By S. Anthony Gatto, Esq.
NYSAR General Counsel
and Liz Celeone, Esq.
NYSAR Associate Counsel

                                        he Exclusive Right to Sell    Understanding the ERTS and the rights,
                                        Agreement (ERTS) is a         liabilities and obligations associated
                                        document used by brokers      with it is important for all licensees.
                                        throughout New York State.       According to the Real Property Law
                            Brokers and their associated licensees    §443(1)(e): “Listing agreement means
                            utilize the ERTS in securing the exclu-   a contract between an owner or own-
                            sive listing and marketing of a prop-     ers of residential real property and
                            erty for an agreed upon period of time    an agent, by which the agent has been
                            with the owner(s) of said property.                          continued on page 10

                                                                                 New York State realtor® 9
REALTOR REALTORS in Washington and Albany - NYSAR represents
continued from page 9
                                                                                                          authorized to sell or lease the residential
               “Agency is consensual in nature and                                                        real property or to find or obtain a buyer
                                                                                                          or lessee therefor.” Also according to RPL
                 may be unilaterally terminated by                                                        §443(1)(d): “Listing agent means a person
                                                                                                          who has entered into a listing agreement
              the consumer. At any time during the                                                        to act as an agent of the seller or landlord
                                                                                                          for compensation.”
               term of the listing, the owner(s) can                                                          There are also regulations that are
                                                                                                          applicable to brokers taking a list-
                terminate the agency relationship.”                                                       ing. One such regulation appears in
                                                                                                          19 NYCRR §175.24 titled “Exclusive
                                                                                                          listings—residential property.” Under
                                                                                                          175.24(b), all ERTS must be in writing
                                                                                                          and contain a required disclosure, “In
                                                                                                          all commission agreements obtained by
                                                                                                          a broker which provide for an exclusive
                                                                                                          listing of residential property, the bro-
                                                                                                          ker shall have attached to the listing or
                                         Access 24/7                                            printed on the listing and signed or ini-
                                                                                                          tialed by the homeowner or the home-
                                                                                                          owner’s agent the following explanation
                                                                                                          in type size of not less than six point:

       is your ultimate industry resource                                              EXPLANATION:
                  offering 24/7 access (from any device) to:                                                  An “exclusive right to sell” listing
                                                                                                          means that if you, the owner of the
                                                                                                          property, find a buyer for your house,
                                                                                                          or if another broker finds a buyer, you
                                                                                                          must pay the agreed commission to the
                                     The latest                                                           present broker. An “exclusive agency”
                                   real estate and   Market data                                          listing means that if you, the owner of
                                   industry news     and insights                                         the property, find a buyer, you will not
                                                                                                          have to pay a commission to the broker.
                                                                                                          However, if another broker finds a buyer,
                                                                                                          you will owe a commission to both the
                                                                                                          selling broker and your present broker.
                                                                                                              175.24(c) also requires that “if an
                                                                                                          exclusive listing of residential property
                      podcasts,                                       Legal resources                     is obtained by a broker who is a member
                    webinars and                                       and legislative                    of a multiple listing service, the listing
                    infographics                                          updates                         agreement shall provide that the home-
                                                                                                          owner shall have the option of having all
                                                                                                          negotiated offers to purchase the listed
                                                                                                          residential property submitted either
                                    Professional                                                          through the listing broker or submitted
                                                     Member Perk
                                    development                                                           through the selling broker.”
                                                     discounts and
                                    opportunities                                                             There are also regulations prohibit-
                                                     special offers
                                                                                                          ing certain activities related to a listing
                                                                                                          agreement. The use of an automatic
                                                                                                          renewal is prohibited by 19 NYCRR
                               Login to today!                                                  §175.15: “No real estate broker shall be
                                                                                                          a party to an exclusive listing contract
                                                                                                          which shall contain an automatic con-
                              Connect with us::                                                           tinuation of the period of such listing
                                                                                                          beyond the fixed termination date set
                                                                                                          forth therein.” Net listing agreements

       10 MAY/juNe 2016
805933_Editorial.indd 1                                                                  4/7/16 2:25 AM
are prohibited by 19 NYCRR §175.19(b)           terminate the agency relationship. The        the type condemned, or was it received
which states, “No real estate broker shall      owner(s) may terminate the seller agency      in payment of some legitimate service?”
make or enter into a ‘net listing’ contract     at any time and without reason. This,             In this case, the owners wanted to
for the sale of real property or any inter-     however, does not negate the owner(s)         cancel the listing agreement, but Dickson
est therein.” (A net listing is where the       obligation for commissions, fees, etc.        made it clear that he would not release
listing agreement calls for the property        called for in the listing agreement in the    the owners unless they paid him $3,000.
to be sold at a certain price and any           event the owner(s) choose to cancel the       The DOS found that the owner’s actions
monies received in excess of that price         broker’s marketing of the property. Unlike    were not done in bad faith or as a device
would go to the broker as a commission.)        agency relationships, listing agreements      to escape paying a broker’s commission.
    Understanding the underlying legal          can only be terminated bilaterally. The       There were allegations against the bro-
basis for a listing agreement is also impor-    only manner in which the seller can be        kerage for not providing brokerage ser-
tant. When a broker enters into an ERTS,        relieved of their contractual obligations     vices under the name appearing on the
there are actually two separate agreements      under the listing agreement is through an     listing agreement. The DOS found that
between the broker and the owner(s). First,     unconditional release. The unconditional      Dickson breached his fiduciary duties of
there is the listing agreement. The listing     release must be signed by both the broker     good faith, obedience, reasonable care
agreement is a contract between the par-        and the owner(s).                             and skill to the owners and demonstrated
ties setting forth the rights and obligations        Unlike an unconditional release,         untrustworthiness. In the decision, the
of both parties. Simultaneous with the          a conditional release may require the         DOS stated that Dickson attempted to
listing agreement, there is also an agency      owner(s) to pay some fee or extend the        extort money from the owners by refus-
relationship between the broker and             time under which a commission will be         ing to release them from their listing
owner(s). This means that for an active         paid if the property is sold. This can also   agreement unless they paid him $3,000,
ERTS, the broker has two agreements             be done in the listing agreement. Some        which amounted to an unearned com-
with the owner(s) and each agreement is         listing agreements contain paragraphs         mission. Since Dickson demanded an
governed by different laws.                     requiring the owner(s) to pay a market-       unearned commission from the own-
    RPL §443(3)(a) requires that: “A listing    ing fee in the event they terminate the       ers, under color of a “termination fee,”
agent shall provide the disclosure form set     broker’s agency relationship or authority     Dickson was required to release the
forth in subdivision four of this section to    to market the property. In such cases, the    owners from paying a commission or
a seller or landlord prior to entering into a   owner(s) would have to pay a fee for all      termination fee arising from the subject
listing agreement with the seller or land-      marketing the broker has done for the         transaction. As was cited in the deci-
lord and shall obtain a signed acknowledg-      listing. The broker should be sure to only    sion, “One can hardly fathom a more
ment from the seller or landlord, except as     charge for services rendered. Brokers         effective means of removing the incen-
provided in paragraph e of this subdivi-        should not include a flat fee in the list-    tive for engaging in devious conduct...
sion.” When a broker places a property on       ing agreement as a penalty. In the case       than a penalty which insures that the
the MLS, the authority to market the prop-      of New York State Department of State         malefactor is denied the fruits of his mis-
erty is created by the agency relationship      (DOS) v Russell Dickson (1416 DOS 07)         deed.” Kostika v. Cuomo, 41 NY2d 673,
and the scope of marketing the property         this matter was addressed to the detri-       394 NYS2d 863, 865 (1977). Dickson was
by the listing agreement. According to          ment of the broker.                           fined $3,000 for his actions.
19 NYCRR §175.10: “A real estate bro-                Dickson was a broker and had an              A broker is under no obligation to
ker shall never offer a property for sale       owner sign a listing agreement with           release an owner from an ERTS merely
or lease without the authorization of the       Dickson Realty and a “termination of          because the owner(s) requests it. The
owner.” The authorization is given by the       listing agreement” where the owner(s)         broker and owner(s) have unilaterally
owner(s) to the listing broker by way of        agreed to pay Dickson a $3,000 flat fee if    entered into a contractual agreement
agency. Without the owner(s) agreeing           they terminated the services of the bro-      obligating both parties to fulfill the
to the broker acting as the seller’s agent,     ker and/or withdrew the property from         requirements set forth in the agreement.
the broker would otherwise be prohibited        the market during the term of the listing     As the broker’s fiduciary duties to the
from advertising the property.                  agreement. The decision pointed out that      owner(s) do not apply to the broker’s
    Agency is consensual in nature and          it is well known in New York law that,        rights under the listing agreement, an
may be unilaterally terminated by the           with respect to brokerage agreements,         owner is unable to direct the broker to
consumer. At any time during the term           “...the right of the principal to terminate   release them from the listing agreement
of the listing, the owner(s) can terminate      [the broker’s] authority is absolute and      because of the agency relationship.
the agency relationship. The seller can do      unrestricted, except only that he may not         Licensees who understand how the
this verbally or in writing (writing would      do it in bad faith, and as a mere device      ERTS functions are better able to clearly
be preferred so the broker has proof) and       to escape the payment of the broker’s         explain the ERTS to potential clients
the broker must immediately cease in all        commissions.” Furthermore, “Brokers’          while protecting the broker’s rights.
marketing of the property and withdraw          fees must represent charges for actual        Furthermore, an advanced understand-
the listing from the MLS. No exceptions!        services...the issue is, was the payment      ing of the ERTS will help to minimize the
Brokers are prohibited from refusing to         in fact exacted as a special premium of       risk of potential liability to the broker. ●

                                                                                                         New York State realtor® 11
NYSAR leadership team
tackles federal issues
By Michael Kelly
NYSAR Director of Government Affairs

            ach year NYSAR’s leader-            that we have faced in the past have been        quickly as Congress began its work in
            ship team makes its way to          extended until 2017 or beyond and are           January and gridlock set in. But this
            our nation’s capital to lobby       not immediately pressing for Congress           might not necessarily be a bad thing
            New York’s Congressional            to take action on.                              from the REALTORS® perspective and
delegation on key real estate matters.              In March, NYSAR President                   I’ll explain why.
Some years we march on Capitol Hill             Linda Lugo, Secretary-Treasurer C.J.                Pressure to do an overhaul of our tax
with one or two action items that we            DelVecchio and Legislative Steering             code has been building for years with
push to get done such as flood insur-           Committee Chair Moses Seuram were               support from both parties and in both
ance reform. Other years we’re trying to        in our nation’s capital to meet with our        houses of Congress. But while political
prevent certain things from coming to           Congressional delegation. Over a two-           pundits and many in the public decry
fruition such as banks entering the real        day period the NYSAR leadership team            Congressional inaction, I am often more
estate marketplace. This year was a little      met with the offices of 14 members of           scared of what Congress could do to the
bit different as our main priority was to       the U.S. House of Representatives to            tax code and the negative impact it could
lay the groundwork for future battles           discuss our key legislative priorities at       have on real estate. When Congress has
and educate Congress on the impor-              the federal level.                              considered overall tax reform in the past,
tance of our key legislative priorities.            In late 2015, Congress passed and           some lawmakers have expressed support
    Political dynamics always play a role       the president signed into law a bill            for a “clean slate” approach where all
in the proceedings of government and            that extended or made permanent a               government programs are on the table
this year was no different. Currently           large number of temporary tax provi-            for consideration to be reduced or elimi-
Congress is closely watching the presi-         sions, several of which had real estate         nated. This includes several hallmark
dential race and is reluctant to take up        implications. Some political pundits            real estate tax provisions including the
major legislation as it awaits the outcome      thought this feeling of bi-partisanship         mortgage interest deduction and the
of November’s elections. Additionally,          would roll into 2016 and lead to seri-          deductibility of local property taxes.
the entire House of Representatives is          ous discussion of comprehensive indi-           There is broad support for the mort-
up for re-election this year with many          vidual and corporate tax reform. Well,          gage interest deduction in Congress, yet,
House members involved in primary               in typical Washington, D.C. fashion,            some federal lawmakers have sought to
races as well. Lastly, several of the issues    that type of positive thinking faded            trim the deduction by eliminating the

NYSAR Secretary/Treasurer CJ Del Vecchio, left, President Linda Lugo and      Representative Tom Reed (NY-23), second from right, visits
NYSAR Legislative Steering Committee Chair Moses Seuram discuss key issues    with NYSAR Legislative Steering Committee Chair Moses
with Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, who represents New York’s 21st District,   Seuram, left, President Linda Lugo and Secretary/Treasurer
during leadership team’s visit to Washington, D.C.                            CJ Del Vecchio.

12 MAY/juNe 2016
deduction of second homes or narrow          reinvests sale proceeds into another
the scope of eligible Americans.             investment vehicle. REALTORS® across
    Early tax reform discussions have        the country work with clients look-
also led some to begin discussing the        ing to sell one real estate investment
elimination of deductions of property        for another investment of “like-kind”
taxes. For high-tax states like New          value or greater, and they are often
York, New Jersey, Connecticut, New           modest in their price and scope. This
Hampshire and Illinois this would be         tax provision is a critical component in
devastating. But some lawmakers in           the commercial real estate marketplace
Washington make the argument that the        that encourages economic re-invest-
nation should not be paying to reduce        ment in our communities and must be
the pain felt by residents in high-cost      protected.
states. Rather these states should reduce        Any reduction to these tax provi-
their spending and taxing. While I           sions would have a dramatic negative
understand this logic, there are many        impact on New York’s housing market.
tax provisions that benefit one state,       Homeownership rates in New York have
region, or segment of our economy over       traditionally lagged national figures
others. For example, I can assure you the    and if either of these deductions were
lawmaker from Nebraska has an affinity       compromised, that trend would only
for farming-related tax provisions, much     get worse. We need to continue to ask
like how their counterpart from New          our lawmakers to implement measures
York feels about real estate deductions.     that encourage homeownership and all
    I know you will find this shocking:      of the ancillary benefits it brings, not
Sometimes in politics, facts are inter-      increase the cost to own a home.
changed with mistruths and mischar-              Since the national housing market
acterizations. While many in Congress        decline in 2007-08, many states have
don’t truly understand what a 1031           been working through a backlog of short
exchange is, nor the benefits it brings,     sale properties. This process has taken
some are proponents of its elimination.      longer in New York than most states as
Opponents of this tax provision have         foreclosures are required to go through a
characterized it as corporate welfare, as    judicial proceeding. As such, New York
a tax benefit or a loophole only available   still has thousands of properties that
to the extremely wealthy. This couldn’t      are still in foreclosure or are working
be further from the truth. IRS provi-        through the short sale process, which
sion 1031 doesn’t allow anyone to avoid      is cumbersome and time consuming.
paying taxes, rather, it simply delays       First enacted in 2007, the Mortgage Debt
the payment of those taxes as long as        Forgiveness Act ensures that distressed
the seller of the investment property        homeowners who receive a modification
                                                                continued on page 30

NYSAR Legislative Steering Committee Chair Moses Seuram,
left, President Linda Lugo and Secretary/Treasurer CJ Del
Vecchio deliver information about key REALTOR® issues to
Congressman Chris Gibson (NY-19).

                                                                                         New York State realtor® 13
You have a voice.
                      NYSAR boldly champions your interests at
                       the state Capitol – so that you can focus
                              on your clients and career.
                          Get involved to advance REALTOR® interests by:
                            û ,QYHVWLQJLQWKH5($/7256®3ROLWLFDO$FWLRQ&RPPLWWHH* 53$& 
                            û 5HVSRQGLQJWR&DOOVIRU$FWLRQ
                            û 3DUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKHDQQXDO5($/725®/REE\'D\

                   Visit for full details about NYSAR’s
                         legislative advocacy efforts and more.
NYSAR’s Government
             Affairs team keeps
              REALTOR® bills
              moving forward
                                                           By Jared Burns
                                                  NYSAR Government Affairs Associate

           ust like our REALTOR® mem-              measures on behalf of REALTORS®. And              Under NYSAR’s proposal, the pro-
           bers constantly stay on top of          as we head further into the legislative ses-   gram would help potential first-time
           the housing market conditions,          sion, progress is being made on key issues.    buyers in New York save money in an
           NYSAR’s Government Affairs                  One of NYSAR’s top issues this year        account while allowing those individu-
staff members have their eyes and ears             is advocating for a statewide First-Time       als and couples to take a state income
on many legislative and regulatory pro-            Homebuyer Savings Account program              tax deduction each year on the amount
posals simultaneously to ensure that               (A.4427), which has been sponsored             saved. Individuals could save up to $5,000
the best interests of the industry and             and introduced in the state Assembly by        every year, while a couple could put up
homeowners are served.                             Assemblymember Phil Ramos (Suffolk).           to $10,000 into the account. This would
   NYSAR prioritizes our legislative               The bill continues to gain momentum            assist a large segment of New Yorkers,
agenda and responds to issues affecting            and support from REALTORS®, legislators        who want to purchase their first home,
our industry. NYSAR provides every state           and the public. As we seek a sponsor in        but cannot afford that initial hurdle of
legislator with a list of our priorities at the    the state Senate, interest in the Assembly     a down payment and closing costs. The
beginning of each year, giving clear rea-          continues to grow with new bill sponsors       First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account
sons for why we support or oppose certain          being added.                                   program would help those future home
                                                                                                                    continued on page 16

                                                                                                             New York State realtor® 15
continued from page 15
owners save more money to buy their
first home more quickly.
                                              A day in the life
    NYSAR is also progressing in its
fight for greater transparency in the
                                              of NYSAR’s Government
purchase process of cooperative hous-
ing units. Our state co-op bill, which        Affairs Department
would require a reasonable time period
for the approval or denial of a co-op         By Michael Kelly
application with a reason stated for          NYSAR Director of Government Affairs

that denial, has been introduced in
the state Senate by Senators Kemp                            ne of the best things about    constituent issue or solve a problem when
Hannon (Nassau) and James Sanders                            my job is getting the oppor-   they introduce a bill. But very often,
(Queens). We are also teaming up                             tunity to speak with mem-      they are unaware of the consequences
with New York City Council mem-                              bers at local board events,    or impact this legislation may have in real
ber Jumaane Williams, chair of the            whether it’s at an RPAC event or a meet-      world scenarios. Specifically, legislators
Committee on Housing and Buildings,           ing of their board of directors. At these     are frequently surprised to hear how we
to introduce co-op transparency legis-        events sometimes I’m asked: “What’s it        believe the bill will impact the housing
lation in the New York City Council,          like to be a lobbyist?” or “What are the      market, our members and the clients they
while continuing our fight at the             day-to-day activities of the Government       represent.
state level.                                  Affairs Department like?” I’ll respond            Over the years we’ve also built strong
    After a series of meetings in the state   here by clarifying it’s not as glamourous     relationships with legislative staff in
Assembly, NYSAR’s bill requiring two          as the media and some television shows        both houses. Because of this, we often
hours of agency-related coursework            like Netflix’s “House of Cards” portrays.     receive requests for opinions on legisla-
in a licensee’s initial two-year term         Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and         tion that is moving through the commit-
(A.9474) gained a key sponsor and has         it’s always exciting, especially with New     tee process and/or may be headed for a
been introduced by Assemblymember             York politics. But our day-to-day activi-     vote. This is a great opportunity to once
Helene Weinstein, chair of the Judiciary      ties aren’t full of glitz and glamour, and    again explain our position in support or
Committee. We are currently in the pro-       our lobbying efforts don’t take place in      opposition, or simply relay that we don’t
cess of seeking a sponsor for the bill in     a smoke-filled, shady backroom.               have a position on that proposal.
the state Senate.                                  Tracking the activities of the               Much of what we do, with the assis-
    Additionally, NYSAR serves as the         Legislature, state agencies and the exec-     tance of NYSAR’s Legal Department,
conduit between the National Association      utive branch is a fulltime job that is part   is related to adhering to state and fed-
of REALTORS® and local boards and             of each and every day in our depart-          eral lobbying, campaign finance and
associations, keeping you informed            ment. Every morning our staff reviews         election laws. Did you know NYSAR
about legislation being discussed in          legislation introduced in the Assembly        currently oversees the activities of
Washington, D.C., such as flood insur-        and Senate to determine whether or not        three separate political committees
ance, federal tax deductions, property        it has a direct or tangential impact on       that are registered with the New York
rights around federal and private bodies      our members or the real estate market.        State Board of Elections? By far the
of water, and easing of condominium           In total, we review more than 10,000          most widely known is the REALTORS®
financing regulations.                        pieces of legislation each year. We don’t     Political Action Committee, which is
    REALTORS® have a strong voice             have a vested interest in most of these       funded by REALTOR® member, local
in our state and federal government.          bills, but we closely watch approximately     board and corporate investments and
Through the support and investment            1,500 of them and from that group about       used to support lawmakers that are sup-
of our members, NYSAR continues to            20 to 30 make our annual legislative          portive of our industry at the federal,
have a significant impact on policies that    priority list.                                state and local levels of government.
impact the housing industry by provid-             A typical day when the Legislature is    The REALTORS® Advocacy Committee
ing expertise and feedback on poten-          in town will include attending a com-         is our political committee that we use
tially harmful or helpful legislation and     mittee meeting in either house. We            to conduct “issue-based” campaigns
regulations. NYSAR will continue to           will also often have direct, one-on-one       in support or opposition to a legisla-
keep you informed on its progress and         meetings with lawmakers and/or staff          tive proposal or ballot initiative. This
any new initiatives in its goal to pro-       regarding a bill they are sponsoring or       committee is financially supported by
tect property rights and advocate for         opposing. This is our opportunity to          NYSAR’s and NAR’s Issues Mobilization
home buyers and sellers in New York           educate lawmakers about an issue or raise     Funds. Its efforts have included cam-
State. The latest updates can be found        an unforeseen problem with a bill they        paigns in support of New York’s Tax Cap
in the Government Affairs section of          may be carrying. Lawmakers are try-           law, the Adirondack Works campaign in ●                                  ing to “do the right” thing to address a                         continued on page 29

16 MAY/juNe 2016
Succeeding in a li
inventory market
By Ciara Hassenpflug
NYSAR Communications Coordinator

                 any areas of the country       listing, I find my true passion for helping
                 are currently experienc-       them comes through when I actually get
                 ing a declining inventory      face-to-face with the prospect.”
                 of homes available for             Getting that face-to-face time is
sale, and New York State is no different.       something Tony D’Anzica, broker-
In a market such as this, it’s important        owner at DynaMax Realty NYC, Inc.,
for REALTORS® to understand the chal-           agrees with. While posting flyers and
lenges that their hopeful buyers are fac-       sending mass mailings, both by snail
ing, and also how to handle their seller        mail and email blasts, are still popular
clients who might be overwhelmed with           methods of attracting attention from
offers. However, in order for your clients      potential clients, they might not be
to be a part of the home buying and sell-       the most effective in today’s market.
ing process, you need to first find and         “Probably the best way is to work on
cultivate those clients.                        developing personal relationships and
    Kyle Kelly, licensed salesperson at         also to speak about your business/indus-
Coldwell Banker M&D Good Life in                try at real estate-related events. I would
Moriches, utilizes his social media             say this is what helps me the most.”
accounts to help show potential buyers              Dana David, licensed salesperson at
and sellers the amount of activity going        RealtyUSA in Williamsville, admits that
on. “It’s a powerful message when you           acquiring new listings in this market is
show how quickly homes are selling due          not easy. She said a large percentage of
to high demand and low inventory.” He           her business still comes from personal
said in recent months, two out of every         referrals. “I’ve found that if I focus my
three posts he creates yields either a          time and energy on my current clients,
buyer or seller, if not multiple leads. “It’s   their referrals will follow.”
not usually a post about a specific home            Preparing the would-be buyer in
that gets the best response,” he said. “It      advance of stepping into a limited inven-
is posts about the market and activity          tory market is crucial. “Explaining our
in general that starts a conversation.”         market is not easy,” said David. “It is
    Kelly also targets short sale candi-        very dynamic, and sometimes hard to
dates and expired listings with his mail-       understand that everything you see on
ings, specifically focusing on the ones         television is not as it seems!” She said
he knows he can help, going back as far         it’s incredibly important for buyers to
as two years. “The market has changed           be sure they are making offers based
so much in the past two years that the          on the comparable sales, not necessarily
listing conversation has become much            the list price. “Many times, the two are
more positive.” He chooses not to spend         very different.”
money on “farming” or “every door”                  For Kelly, the conversation always
mailing systems, instead doing the work         begins with helping them find the right
himself, sifting through listings one by        mortgage professional and to get them a
one searching for opportunities. “When          pre-approval in-hand. “I explain that the
I take the time to really investigate the       reason we need that pre-approval now

18 MAY/juNe 2016
                                               is because there is a lot of competition
                                               for the homes that are on the market.
                                               Although it may look like there are a
                                               lot of homes available, inventory is very
                                               much lacking.” He also makes sure to
      Success in acquiring new listings and    have a serious talk with his buyers about
                                               why homes may actually be listed just
 finding appropriate buyers is substantially   below market value to help promote a
                                               multiple offer situation and drive the
       increased by referrals from previous    price well above asking.
                                                   D’Anzica prepares a comprehensive
            satisfied clients, no matter how   market analysis report for his buyer
                                               clients, showing them clearly what the
                 limited the market may be.    market is like right now. “I also ask them
                                               to be patient and to focus not so much
                                               on buying a property now, but on wait-
                                               ing for the right moment when the right
                                               property becomes available.” He said
                                               by not rushing his clients, he is able to
                                               build trust because they know he isn’t
                                               just interested in making a sale to col-
                                               lect a commission. “They can see I’m
                                               also willing to be patient and to work
                                               long and hard to make the right deal
                                               happen for them.”
                                                   This patience is something that
                                               certain segments of the buyer popu-
                                               lation can struggle with, many being
                                               too patient for their own good. Kelly
                                               said the majority of his clients are mil-
                                               lennial, first-time homebuyers whose
                                               biggest disadvantage in this market is
                                               waiting too long to pull the trigger. He
                                               said a buyer who is downsizing or has
                                               owned a home already has been through
                                               the process and knows the urgency this
                                               market requires. Giving them as much
                                               information and education as possible
                                               will help ease their nerves and show
                                               them that you aren’t being a “pushy
                                               salesman” when expressing the need to
                                               act quickly when they do find a home
                                               they like.
                                                   Whether they are experienced or
                                               not, inevitably in a low-inventory mar-
                                               ket buyer clients will become frustrated
                                               with the process or struggle with the
                                               fact they aren’t finding a home that
                                               fits every item on their wish list. Kelly
                                               takes this opportunity to remind them
                                               that although a home is much more
                                               than an investment, it still is just that,
                                               an investment. By showing them what
                                               home values have done in the past,
                                               he is able to help them anticipate the
                                               direction of the values over the next
                                                                  continued on page 20

                                                          New York State realtor® 19
continued from page 19
      few years. Once they realize the return          One avenue that some buyers turn to                higher than what the market dictates,
      on their investment and the financial         in a low inventory market, when they                  with hopes of being able to have room
      benefits of owning over renting, he said      just aren’t finding anything existing                 to negotiate down. “In this market, it
      they are usually able to understand that      that suits their needs, is new construc-              is more beneficial to price the home
      the home doesn’t need to be perfect. “The     tion. David said that depending on the                either at, or just below market value,
      dream home can come later, as long as         desires of the purchaser and where they               to attract the most amount of buyers.”
      they start to build equity now.”              want to be, she’s found building new to               Homes that are in good shape and prop-
          Testing the waters and feeling out the    be a great alternative for certain price              erly priced are selling in days, if not
      market can also help a buyer who is feel-     ranges. “It allows my clients the ability             hours, said Kelly, and most of the time
      ing discouraged with the process. “I like     to know where they are going prior to                 for a higher price because of multiple
      to make sure my clients are in the game,”     selling.” She explained that if they were             offer situations.
      said D’Anzica. Maybe they have found a        to buy an existing home in this market,                   “If your home is getting traffic but
      property that won’t work because of an        many times they would be forced to                    not selling, it’s time to revisit your
      out-of-reach price point, but has features    sell their home first, then go find their             pricing strategy, and quickly before it
      the client needs or wants. He encourages      new property. “The transition from one                becomes stale bread,” said Kelly.
      them to make an offer and see what hap-       home to another is complicated in this                    His advice for his seller clients? “If
      pens. “There may be circumstances where       market,” she said. “This is why hav-                  you are in a multiple offer situation,
      a seller could surprise you.” For instance,   ing an experienced REALTOR® is so                     don’t get greedy!” Kelly suggests look-
      he said, there might be a need for a quick    important.”                                           ing at each offer through a microscope,
      sale due to divorce or death, or maybe it        Buyers in a low inventory market will              as sometimes the highest price offer
      is real estate owned or a short sale where    face their fair share of hardships, but it’s          isn’t always the best one. For instance,
      the bank wants to unload.                     not an entirely easy road for sellers either.         financing can be a big deal-breaker. Is
          D’Anzica said there’s no harm in mak-     While they will surely receive a great deal           there something that could cause a snag
      ing an offer and in the meantime his cli-     of attention for their listings, they will            if the buyer uses FHA financing, but
      ents gain experience, gain confidence,        need to deal with the sometimes tricky                wouldn’t be an issue with a conventional
      and become more comfortable with the          world of multiple offers and bidding wars.            or all-cash offer? Is the buyer asking for
      process by learning what the market limi-        When it comes to pricing, Kelly finds              help with closing costs? Are there any
      tations are.                                  that it is best not to price the home                 contingencies? All of these things need
                                                                                                          serious consideration, he said.
                                                                                                              D’Anzica’s first piece of advice is to
                                                                                                          ask sellers to understand what their
                                                                                                          motivations are. Is the motivation to
                                                                                                          make as much money as possible? Do
                                                                                                          they need a quick sale due to personal
                                                                                                          reasons or are there any time con-
                                                                                                          straints? “Once a seller understands
                                                                                                          what matters most to them, their deci-
                                                                                                          sions are easier to make.” In the case of
                                                                                                          a bidding war, D’Anzica advises sellers
                                                                                                          to know when to stop. “Set deadlines,
                                                                                                          ask for the highest and best offers, and
                                                                                                          take back-up offers,” he said.
                                                                                                              David said it can be hard for sell-
                                                                                                          ers to accept offers because they are
                                                                                                          always wondering, “what if?” Could
                                                                                                          they get more money if they waited?
                                                                                                          Her advice mirrors D’Anzica’s: Accept
                                                                                                          serious, qualified offers over waiting
                                                                                                          for a potential offer that may or may
                                                                                                          not be better.
                                                                                                              At the end of the day, David said the
                                                                                                          best thing you can do is to stay on top of
                                                                                                          all of your client’s needs, and that she’s a
                                                                                                          firm believer that if it is meant to be, it
                                                                                                          will be. “I always strive to find the best
                                                                                                          house for my clients, and I won’t stop
                                                                                                          until they are satisfied.” ●

      20 MAY/juNe 2016
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