LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims

Page created by Diana Burgess
LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
VOL.XVIII • NUM 35                                                                                                     31 de octubre de 2012
A San Antonio Tradition Since 1913                                                                               Una Tradición en San Antonio desde 1913

 S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
                                      employees, among them Harley
By Amanda Lozano                      Popham one of the volunteer line-           men who offered his time.
                                         “It feels good to go help people
  More than 50 CPS Energy             out when they’re in need, you
employees left in a convoy of 26      know? We do it here all the
vehicles to Richmond, Virginia to     time. We work around the clock
aid those affected by Hurricane       during the storm to get peoples
Sandy. Over the weekend, Do-          lights back on. That’s what we
minion Energy; a utility company      do. I don’t mind, as long as I’m
servicing several Northwestern        back for Thanksgiving!” he said
States asked CPS Energy to assist     laughing.
in restoring power in the hurri-         The CPS employees will be in
cane stricken state. Local utility    Virginia from 10-14 days. CPS
officials were more than glad to      Energy promises they will show
oblige.                               workers’ progress through Face-
  “All utilities who work in this     book status updates. CPS asks
kind of industry have somewhat        you show your support and ap-
of this band of brothers’ kind of     preciation by commenting on their
feel.” Albert Cantu, spokesper-       Facebook page and keep in touch!
son of CPS Energy said. “So it’s         In the meantime, the Red Cross
something we don’t mind doing.        has sent over 1,300 disaster work-
And we hope that in the future if     ers from across the country to the
anything should happen to us that     northeast to help out. From San
we could rely on other utilities to   Antonio two volunteers were sent.
assist us if we need it.”             Local officials said you can help CPS Energy crew members prepare for their trip to the Eastern Seaboard, in the aftermath of Hurricane
  This was a voluntary effort by         See Hurricane Sandy on page 3 Sandy. They will help restore power to numerous communities. (Photo Amanda Lozano)

Incrementa intención electoral en los jóvenes                                                              (CIRCLE, por sus siglas en inglés),    de Youth Engagement Fund.
                                                                        Por Ana Cristina González          la Universidad de Tufts realizó una       Con tan solo 6 días antes de
                                                                        investigación y reveló los resulta-    las elecciones, las encuestas a los
                                                                                                           dos de una encuesta en los votantes    jóvenes de los Estados Unidos
                                                                       Tan solo quedan 6 días para las     menores de 30 comprometidos            demuestran varios cambios.
                                                                    elecciones presidenciales en los       con el partido demócrata o con el         Primero, la proporción de los
                                                                    Estados Unidos y las encuestas         republicano.                           jóvenes que están totalmente con-
                                                                    muestran grandes oportunidades            Tufts University es una universi-   vencidos de votar ha incrementado
                                                                    para ambos partidos; sin embargo,      dad privada, ubicada en Medford/       9.9 puntos, de 44.7 por ciento a
                                                                    no cabe duda de que el papel que       Somerville, cerca de Boston, Mas-      54.6 por ciento.
                                                                    juega la juventud del país no se       sachusetts.                               La proporción de quienes han
                                                                    puede subestimar.                         La encuesta, a cargo de Youth       estado al pendiente de lo que ocurre
                                                                       Desde el mes de agosto, cerca de    Education Fund, utilizó las            en la política y las propuestas de
                                                                    la mitad de los votantes registrados   respues­tas de 1,695 jóvenes de        ambos candidatos también ha in-
                                                                    en varios estados del país tienen      entre los 18 y 29 años durante los     crementado de 56.1 por ciento a
                                                                    menos de 30 años.                      meses de junio y julio.                71 por ciento.
                                                                       Más de dos tercios de los vo-          Asimismo, 1,109 jóvenes fueron         Si las elecciones fueran el día de
                                                                    tantes menores de 30 años apoyan       sometidos a una encuesta durante       hoy, Obama sería el ganador de los
                                                                    al Presidente Barack Obama.            el 12 y 23 de octubre, esto con el     votos de jóvenes -con un promedio
                                                                       El ex gobernador Mitt Romney        fin de proporcionar evidencia más      de 52 por ciento a 35 por ciento-
                                                                    tiene el 35 por ciento del apoyo       poderosa sobre cambio de opinión       entre los votantes registrados del
                                                                    de los votantes de ese grupo, y un     con el paso del tiempo.                mismo grupo.
                                                                    9 por ciento no se compromete a           “Se han realizado dos encuestas        “La sabiduría convencional sos-
                                                                    votar.                                 desde el mes de junio y hemos en-      tiene que el entusiasmo en la juven-
La intención electoral ha incrementado 9.9 puntos en los jóvenes de    De acuerdo al Centro de In­         contrado prominentes cambios en        tud está en el suelo comparado con
acuerdo a encuestas realizadas de junio hasta el mes de octubre por for­m a­c ión e Investigación de       la opinión de los jóvenes”, afirmó     las elecciones del 2008”, explicó el
la Universidad de Tufts, de Massachusetts. (Foto cortesía)          A­p rendizaje Cívico y Compromiso      Alexandra Acker-Lyons, directora                 Vea Electoral en la pág.6
LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
2                                              LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                        31 de octubre de 2012


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LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
31 de octubre de 2012                                                                                   LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                                           3
    Calendario de la comunidad
                                                                                                        Hurricane Sandy...
                                                                                                        the cause, as well. The Red Cross       in helping out, be sure to have
                                                                                                                                                                                 (continued from page 1)
                                                                                                                                                                                         All flights leaving to Baltimore,
Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012, 6 p.m.-9 p.m., the Esperanza Peace and Jus-
tice Center invites the public to its Annual Celebration of Dia de los                                  said what is needed most are fi-        them call us so we can set up            Washington D.C, and Newark
Muertos and to El Rinconcito de Esperanza’s Grand Reopening of La                                       nancial contributions. These are        an orientation,” Anna Sweeden,           have all been canceled. If you had
Casa de Cuentos and La Casita, 816 S. Colorado Street at Guadalupe.                                     used to provide food, shelter and       spokesperson of the local San            a flight to any of these destina-
Readings of Calaveras and musica by Las Tesoros de San Antonio and                                      other assistance to those affected      Antonio chapter said.                    tions, especially with United or
by Eva Ybarra. Ponche y pan de Muertos, and ofrendas for altares,                                       by disasters like Hurricane Sandy.        You may also call (210) 224-           Southwest, be sure to call your
made by community members, will be offered to both living and dead.                                       To donate go to          5151, if interested in becoming a        airline and rebook your flight.
For more information please call (210) 228-0201 or visit our website                                    or text the word REDCROSS to            Red Cross volunteer.                        “It will hopefully clear out by                                                                                 90999 to make a $10 donation.             At airports in the affected areas,     the end of the week,” Richard
MUERTITOS FEST 2012– SAY Sí commemorates Día de los                                                     Contributions are also being ac-        over 25,000 flights have been            Johnson, public information offi-
Muertos with a three-day celebration of life and death. The 6th Annual                                  cepted at our local Red Cross lo-       canceled from the Northeastern           cer for San Antonio Aviation said.
Muertitos Fest offers insight into the significant cultural holiday for                                 cated, 3642 East Houston Street.        states. Here in San Antonio, about          If you have any questions
the whole family. SAY Sí will kick off Muertitos Fest with Muertitos                                      “We are also in need of vol-          25 flights have been canceled in a       regarding flight cancellations,
Fest Fiesta on Thursday, November 1, 2012, 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Muertitos                                     unteers. If anyone is interested        period of two to three days to date.     please call (210) 207-3534.

                                                                                                          San Antonio celebrará el
Fest First Friday, November 2, 2012, 6 p.m.-10 p.m., is a free night
where visitors can enjoy the exhibits, altars, festive food and artisan
booths. The festival will conclude on Saturday, November 3, 2012,
12 p.m.-3 p.m., with Muertitos Fest Family Day.

                                                                                                          Día del Árbol en grande
DIAPER DRIVE – Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers are
in need of major need in post-natal care – DIAPERS for the residents
of Haven for Hope. This Friday, November 2, 2012 from 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Strategic Skills Training Institute, 816 Camaron, Suite 1.10, is the drop
off point. At the same time you have a chance to learn about Adult                                                                              8 a.m. en el parque San Pedro            mantener su árbol vivo y sobre el
                                                                                                        Por Ana Cristina González               Springs Park, ubicado en el 1415         cuidado de cada día que le debe de
CPR, Child CPR, Infant CPP and Automated external Defibrillator.                              
All this is available for $25 and a package of diapers.                                                                                         de la avenida San Pedro.                 dar al mismo.
CENTRO CULTURAL AZTLAN - On Friday, November 2, 2012,                                                                                              Será un mini maratón para toda          En el evento diversas personas
                                                                                                           Este sábado 3 de noviembre,          la familia en donde además podrán        le proporcionarán información
Centro Cultural Aztlan will celebrate the 35th Annual Día de los Muer-                                  el departamento de parques y
tos Exhibition, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. For more information call 432-1896 or                                                                            adoptar árboles y disfrutar de otras     sobre el cuidado del medio am-
                                                                                                        recreaciones de la ciudad de San        actividades que darán comienzo a         biente y el cuidado que necesitan
visit our website with citywide listings of Día de los Muertos events                                   Antonio, en conjunto con Alamo
at This year’s festivities include the 1st                                                                          las 9 a.m. y terminarán a las 12 del     sus árboles y plantas dependiendo
                                                                                                        Forest Partnership, realizará una       medio día.                               del lugar en donde se encuentren.
annual Lowrider Trunk altares, as well as Avenida de los Muertos Ar-                                    celebración especial de otoño por
tisan Market - featuring Dia de los Muertos art, fine craft, jewelry, and                                                                          La donación para correr el mini         “A nivel nacional el Día del
                                                                                                        el día de los árboles, “Tree’K Fun      maratón es de $15 por persona.           Árbol es celebrado durante la
more. Carnaval de los Muertos Procession led by Carnaval de San Anto.                                   Run and Adopt a Tree”, en donde
FREE LANDFILL DISPOSAL DAY - The City’s quarterly cleanup                                                                                          A las 9 a.m. se plantarán árboles     primavera, pero nosotros lo cele­
                                                                                                        todos podrán participar corriendo       para la comunidad.                       bramos ahora porque el otoño es la
event, Free Landfill Disposal Day, is on Saturday, November 3, 2012                                     y adoptando arbolitos.
from 8 a.m. -1 p.m. to dispose of unwanted items with some exceptions                                                                              Esta actividad será seguida por       mejor estación del año para plantar
                                                                                                           El evento dará comienzo a las        una demostración de cómo puede                Vea Día del Árbol página 10
(no contractor, commercial, industrial or hazardous waste). Participants
must show a CPS Energy utility bill along with a picture ID to show
that they are a City of San Antonio solid waste customer in order to
enter the landfills. For more information on Free Landfill Disposal
                                                                                                             FREE HOME IMPROVEMENTS TO REDUCE UTILITY BILLS
Day, call 3-1-1, follow SWMD on Facebook at
                                                                                                             You may qualify for the Casa Verde SA weatherization program and receive FREE home
SASOLIDWASTE or visit the SWMD website at www.sanantonio.                                                    upgrades to save money on your CPS Energy bill. Join us at one of our next events to apply!
                                                                                                             Thursday, November 1     Monday, November 5               Tuesday, November 6       Thursday, November 8
                                                                                                             10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.   10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.           10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.    10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                                             Avance Headstart         CPS Energy Westside              CPS Energy Southside      CPS Energy Southside
                                                                                                             934 Flanders             Customer Service Center          Customer Service Center   Customer Service Center
                                                                                                                                      803 Castroville Road, Ste. 406   726 S.W. Military Drive   726 S.W. Military Drive
                               A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc.
                                                                                                             Bring copies of:
       TINO DURAN                          ARIANNÉ                        GONZALEZ
       Publisher/CEO                    VILLANUEVA                         Reporters                         • Most recent CPS Energy bill
     TINO DURAN JR.                     Director of Sales               ANGELA COVO                          • Photo ID for all adults in your home
    Director of Operations          Marketing & Advertising              Senior Reporter                     • Proof of income for adults over 18 years living in your home
       NINA DURAN                       JOE AGUILAR                    MARIA CISNEROS
       Editor-in-Chief               ELOY HILBURN III                         Sales                          Acceptable proof of income are:
    ADDA MONTALVO                     Production Assistant                JOSE FRANCO                        • Pay stubs for the last 30 days
        Spanish Editor                   MILYANKA                             Sports                         • Award letters for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
      MARCO LOPEZ                     ROBERT PEREZ                      REY GONZALES                         • Signed Declaration of Income Statement if household receives cash only
     Production Manager               Staff Photographers                 Circulation
                                                                                                             • Verification of Unemployment Compensation payments
     JOE SANDOVAL                   DENNIS AYOTTE JR.                        EFE
      Assigments Editor                ANA CRISTINA                      News Services                       • Documentation (i.e. Federal Income Tax filing) that verifies self-employment gross income
La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816
                                                                                                               for previous year or previous quarter of 2012
Camaron St Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price in the U.S.A.              CPS Energy representatives will be processing Casa Verde applications.
$125 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the
                                                                                                             Help available in Spanish.
positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists
are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the con-            Customers must meet specific income guidelines and criteria to qualify for the program.
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is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee
in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights
Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America.
LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
4                                                     LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                               31 de octubre de 2012

                        BARBACOA                                                                                                                                          9

               SATURDAY & SUNDAY
               ALL MEAT                        REGULAR
            $ 650 LB                       $     550 LB
        WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES                      SPECIALS GOOD 10-31-12 THRU 11-06-12                              LONE STAR CARD ACCEPTED

            TOTINOS                                          SPAM                                7UP, SUNDROP,
                                                                                                 CANADA DRY &
                                                                                                                                        KRAFT AMERICAN
             PIZZA                                                                                  SQUIRT
                                                                                                                                        SINGLES CHEESE
                            125                           $299            12 OZ
                                                                                                       ¢ 2 LITERS                         $199                    16 SLICES

               A-1                                     HOJAS PARA HY TOP CAN                                                            IMPERIAL POWDERED

             MARINADE                                   TAMALES   TOMATOES                                                                OR BROWN SUGAR

        $199                      16 OZ                    $299               16 OZ                   59¢                  14.5 OZ           89¢                     16 OZ

               PORK                                    TRIPAS                                         SEVEN                             BEEF FINGER
               STEAK                                           30 LB BOX                              STEAK
            $159                  LB                           $2750                                  $299                     LB            1
                                                                                                                                            $ 69                        LB

         AGUJAS                                             SEASONED
                                                                                                  CARNE DE
                                                                                                  PUERCO AL
        NORTEÑAS                                             FAJITAS                               PASTOR                               CHOPS ASS’T
             $ 99                 LB                        1
                                                           $ 89     LB                           $189     LB                               $189                       LB
                                               MEAT SPECIAL #7                COOK OUT PAK #1                      COOK OUT PAK #2                   MEAT SPECIAL #1
    SHOULDER                           •
                                                       ROUND STEAK
                                                      CHUCK STEAK
                                                                          LBS. BEEF FAJITAS
                                                                          LBS. BEEF RIBS
                                                                          LBS. FINGER RIBS
                                                                                                             5 LBS. BEEF FAJITAS
                                                                                                             5 LBS. BEEF RIBS
                                                                                                             5 LBS. FINGER RIBS
                                                                                                                                                            SHOULDER STEAK
                                                                                                                                                            PORK STEAK

                                       •   4   LBS.   PORK CHOPS                                                                             •   3   LBS.   GROUND MEAT
                                                                      •    3
                                                                          LBS. MRK MADE                    • 5 LBS. MRK MADE                 •   3   LBS.   CHUCK STEAK
                                       •   4   LBS.   SEVEN STEAK         COUNTRY SAUSAGE                    COUNTRY SAUSAGE
                                       •   4   LBS.   GROUND MEAT                                                                            •   3   LBS.   FRYERS
                                                                      • 5 LBS. LEG QTS                     • 10 LBS. LEG QTS

     $299 LB                                          20 LBS. FOR
                                                       $   5496
                                                                              17 LBS. FOR
                                                                                      $   3975
                                                                                                                   30 LBS. FOR
                                                                                                                           $   6775
                                                                                                                                                            15 LBS. FOR
                                                                                                                                                            $   3465
            MEAT SPECIAL #2                    MEAT SPECIAL #3                MEAT SPECIAL #4                      MEAT SPECIAL #5                   MEAT SPECIAL #6
    •   4   LBS.    ROUND STEAK        •   3   LBS.   SIRLOIN STEAK   •   4   LBS.    SIRLOIN STEAK        •   2   LBS.   SEVEN STEAK        •   3   LBS.    ROUND STEAK
    •   4   LBS.   BEEF RIBS           •   3   LBS.   CHUCK STEAK     •   4   LBS.   SEVEN STEAK           •   2   LBS.   RIB STEAK          •   3   LBS.   SIRLON STEAK
    •   4   LBS.   GROUND MEAT         •   3   LBS.   FRYERS          •   4   LBS.   BEEF RIBS             •   2   LBS.   LEG QTS            •   3   LBS.   PORK CHOPS
    •   4   LBS.   PORK STEAK          •   3   LBS.   GROUND MEAT     •   4   LBS.   GROUND MEAT           •   2   LBS.   PORK STEAK         •   3   LBS.   SEVEN STEAK
    •   4   LBS.   SEVEN STEAK         •   3   LBS.   PORK STEAK      •   4   LBS.   PORK STEAK            •   2   LBS.   GROUND MEAT        •   3   LBS.   GROUND MEAT
                   20 LBS. FOR                        15 LBS. FOR                    20 LBS. FOR                          10 LBS. FOR                       15 LBS. FOR
                        5620                          $   4040                        $
                                                                                          5780                            $
                                                                                                                              2382                           $
LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
31 de octubre de 2012                                                      LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                    5

  Wolff aims to make S.A. the state’s music capital
                                          “…we’re going to do something
By Angela Covo                         about that,” he said.                     Starting in 2013, the county plans
                                       to establish “a vibrant music scene
   Move over, Austin! Last week,       in San Antonio” with a major annual
the Greater San Antonio Chamber        music festival at Mission County
of Commerce hosted Bexar County        Park – a festival intended to attract
Judge Nelson Wolff’s “State of the     national attention.
County” address for more than 600         Describing the eight miles of Mis-
business and community leaders         sion Reach as the largest restoration
who filled the Texas Ballroom at       project in the United States, Wolff
the Grand Hyatt.                       explained that on the Mission Reach
   While the Judge touted the fi-      of the river and near Mission San
nancial strength of the county in      Jose, “We are transforming Mission
spite of the country’s challenging     County Park into a major modern
economic picture and covered the       music venue.”
whole spectrum of county activities       “Ya gotta see this,” Wolff said.
from streetcars to suburbs, he also       The goal is to complete the venue
announced a very ambitious goal: to    in early 2013. “We are planning an
make San Antonio a world class mu-     annual major music festival cen-
sic capital to rival Austin’s claim.   tered on the park,” he added.         Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff gives the “State of the County” to more than 600 business and
   Wolff explained that Austin got        Other Highlights                   community leaders at a luncheon hosted by the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce last
far ahead of San Antonio – but with       Regarding the mayor’s Pre-K Wednesday. Richard Perez, president and CEO of the Chamber, presented the beautiful bronze wolf
this sweeping plan, he intends to
reverse the tide.                                      See Wolff on page 6 (on the right) to the Judge at the conclusion of his remarks. (Courtesy photo)
LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
6                                                              LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                   31 de octubre de 2012

Arte hecho con hojas de tamal beneficiará a estudiantes
                                        diando artes culinarias en Rose-
Por Ana Cristina González               mary’s Kitchen, ubicado en el               1700 de la calle Tampico, en Mis-
                                        sion Verde Center.
   La temporada de tamales ya              Rosemary’s Kitchen forma parte
llegó, y es que con el cambio de        de SA Youth, una organización
clima a todos se les antojan unos       con 27 años de antigüedad que
tamalitos recién hechos.                apoya a las familias de bajos re-
   Por esto, el viernes 2 de noviem-    cursos para que sus hijos continúen
bre, “Día de los Muertos”, Deli-        sus estudios, y para que los padres
cious Tamales estará llevando a         terminen sus estudios de preparato-
cabo su primera subasta artística       ria para continuar con una carrera
“First Friday’s Tamale Art Auc-         sin importar la edad.
tion” en Casa Hernán, ubicada              Por su parte, Delicious Tamales
en el 411 E. Cevallos, a partir de      es una compañía que fue estableci­
las 6:30 p.m., con el fin de apoyar     da en 1985 por Valerie González,
a los estudiantes de Rosemary’s         presidenta de la empresa. González
Kitchen.                                asegura que apoyar a la comunidad
   En el evento, además de disfrutar    siempre ha sido un factor impor-
de una tarde llena de estas particu-    tante en su vida, y por medio del
lares obras de arte, se podrá cenar,    liderazgo y compromiso con la
por supuesto, tamales y disfrutar       comunidad, su compañía es ahora
de bebidas.                             la empresa líder en producción de
   Este evento estará subastando        tamales en San Antonio.
por primera vez obras de arte              Delicious Tamales ha sido ga-
hechas a base de hojas de maíz,         nador de varios premios otorgados
(que se utilizan para envolver a        desde 1996 hasta el 2006 por Read-
los tamales).                           er’s Choice Awards, patrocinado
   Estas obras de arte serán creadas    por San Antonio Express-News.
por artistas y celebridades locales,       Para cualquier duda sobre el
quienes de esta manera apoyan a         evento artístico llame a Ruth M.         El evento subastará artesanías el 2 de noviembre a beneficio de los estudiantes de Rosemary’s Kitchen,
jóvenes que se encuentran estu-         Medellín al (210) 326-0048.              que forma parte de SA Youth. (Foto cortesía)

4 SA initiative, Wolff repeated
                                         (continued from page 5)
                                           “I believe such a program will        hesitancy when it comes to talking     graphically available to everyone        Introducing “The Bexar Coun-
his support for the program and         inspire students to excel academi-       about rail.”                           as the center of population and the   ty Games”
noted County Commissioner Kevin         cally,” the judge said.                     The Judge also mentioned that       importance of having the county          Another county initiative for kids
Wolff’s opposition to the program.         About the streetcar and chil-         until now, we were also the only       hospital, which is a teaching hos-    is the new “Bexar County Games.”
   “Kevin and I have different opin-    dren’s hospital                          major American city without a          pital, and the medical school right      The county is in the process of
ion on this – but I do want you to         Wolff also underscored the coun-      stand-alone children’s hospital.       around the corner.                    funding a total of 13 amateur sports
know he is going without supper         ty’s plans for a streetcar system for       “It’s critical to try to do it,”       It would cost about $350 mil-      parks, with six completed and a
tonight,” Wolff joked.                  the Alamo City, saying San Antonio       Wolff said, “but the hospital busi-    lion to build and negotiations are    seventh under construction.
   The county is also supporting        is the only American city in the         ness has got some pretty sharp         ongoing, Wolff said. A vote is           They plan to have at least 4000
other education initiatives including   country that does not have light-rail,   elbows.”                               coming up at the Medical Founda-      kids from the ages of 6 to 18 com-
a San Antonio Broadband Network         a streetcar or a commuter rail system       He believes the “best chance        tion Board and the parties need to    pete in track and field, swimming,
for public agencies and universities    in place.                                of success” is to create a new         complete their agreements for the     soccer and basketball at four of the
and a new program that will fund           “I don’t know why this is so hard,    children’s hospital in the medical     new 200-bed facility.                 facilities. The winners will have the
$3,500 for local college students to    but it’s not for the faint-hearted,”     center, citing proximity to research      “I hope the project will work,”    opportunity to go on to regional or
intern at local arts agencies.          he said. “We seem to have this           facilities, the fact that it’s geo-    he added.                             state games.

director de CIRCLE, Peter Levine.
                                                             (viene de la página 1)
                                        gunda en octubre, se preguntó a los sociales como Facebook y Twitter.           desde apenas hace unas semanas,       conferen­cia de prensa.
“Por otro lado la intención de votar    encuestados sobre el tema de mayor     “Los jóvenes votan cuando se les         pues la mayor atención de parte de      Otra encuesta realizada por
ha incrementado con rapidez”.           importancia para ellos. Un 37.9 por pide e inculca que voten”, explicó          los medios y de las campañas han      Youth Engagement Fund asegura
   Según Lavine, aunque el presi-       ciento eligió “trabajo y economía” Smith. “Desafortunadamente, los              ido directamente a los adultos de     que un 72.6 por ciento de los ciu-
dente Obama tiene a la mayoría          como el principal.                   partidos y los candidatos nacio-           la tercera edad y a otros sectores    dadanos encuestados opinan que
de los votantes jóvenes de su lado,        Según Heather Smith, presidenta nales aun no logran encontrar la             electorales.                          los jóvenes tienen el poder de
Romney puede obtener considera­         de la organización no partidista manera de incitar a los jóvenes a                 “Muchas veces los políticos        realizar muchos cambios en los
bles votos de personas que están        “Rock the Vote”, los jóvenes votar”.                                            subestiman el voto de los jóvenes,    Estados Unidos.
abiertas a opiniones y cambios          han visto mayor información du-        Asimismo, Acker-Lyons de                 quienes en realidad pueden ser          Del mismo modo, los encuesta-
nuevos.                                 rante las últimas semanas sobre Youth Engagement Fund asegura                   los que tomen la decisión final       dos aseguran que los padres y las
   En las dos encuestas realizadas,     la política y propuestas de ambos que los votantes jóvenes han sido             de las próximas elecciones”, co-      amistades son quienes influyen más
la primera en junio y julio y la se-    candidatos gracias a los medios de importancia para las campañas                mentó Ackey-Lyons durante una         en hacer que los jóvenes voten.
LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
31 de octubre de 2012                                                     LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                                           7

 Putting an end to the domestic violence cycle
                                            First realize you are not alone. You care and so much more. Don’t worry      “If you are afraid of the person you   It’s time to stop hiding behind
By Giselle Guadrón
                                          may feel alone but there are so many about payment because these services are with then you are being abused,” sunglasses, clothing, make-up and                   people, organizations and shelters are free of charge.                       Peláez emphasized.                     concealer.
                                          ready to help.                           Remember if you are beaten once,      For help or more information on        Domestic Violence Awareness
   Imagine the perfect person asking                                                                                   Family Violence Prevention Services month may be coming to an end, but
                                            If you reach out you can receive     your  significant other will continue
you out on your dream date. You can’t shelter for you and your children, to beat you until you decide to put an visit or call (210) 930- help putting a stop to this violent cycle
help but be on cloud nine because life therapy, legal assistance, medical end to that violent situation.               3669. Their crisis hotline is (210)
                                                                                                                       733-8810.                              must continue throughout the year.
can’t get any better than this.
   The next time you go out your date
he tells you that you look fat in your
dress and demands that you change.
You agree and change into something
that your date has picked out.
   Then those demands turn into in-
sults and then, put downs.
   Pretty soon you’re being controlled
and the one time you were slapped
has turned into daily slaps and even
   Doesn’t seem so perfect anymore
                                                         La manera más fácil y segura de deshacerse
does it? More importantly it doesn’t
sound like love. That’s because it’s                         gratis de medicinas que no utilice.
not love.
   This is domestic violence and in
this kind of situation you can end up
losing your life. According to statistics
one out of four women in the U.S. will
be in an abusive situation.
   Domestic violence is something
that goes on behind closed doors and
in public.
    It’s also a situation in which the
victims can be men and women, and                                        NO                                         NO                                           SI
affects any sexual orientation.                               Botarlas a la basura                       Botarlas al sanitario                        Traerlas a MedDropSA
   Marta Peláez, president and CEO                                                                              (inodoro)
of Family Violence Prevention Ser-
vices, says that a violent relationship
doesn’t necessarily start out violently.
                                                                                                                                                             acepta én se
   “There is a pattern of progressive
behavior and domestic violence very
seldom begins with severe brutal bat-                                                                                                                              n resid
tery,” said Peláez.
                                                                                                                                                               peligr      uos
   That’s why it’s hard for the victim
to realize they’re in an abusive rela-
                                                                                           Sábado 3 de noviembre                                                     o
                                                                                                                                                              domé sos
tionship. The abuser has taken away
their dignity, respect, self-esteem and
                                                                                           De 8 a.m. a 1 p.m.                                                      sticos.
since they are isolated the victim feels
even more alone.
   Typically victims blame them-
                                                                                           City of San Antonio
selves and their choices for the abuse.
   If you don’t know what to look                                                          Southeast Service Center
out for when it comes to domestic
violence here are some red flags you                                                       7402 S. New Braunfels
can look out for to keep you or a loved
one safe:                                                                         Patrocinado por
  • Isolation
  • Mood swings
  • Possessiveness
  • Extreme jealousy/insecurity
  • Putting you down constantly
  • Checking your phone/email
  • Making false accusations                                                                          En asociación con
  • Telling you what to do/wear
                                                                 Alamo Area Council of Governments | Bexar County Medical Society | CPS Energy
  • Explosive temper
  • Shoving/pushing                                             H-E-B | Home Instead Senior Care | Reliant Home Health | Restorative Health Care
  • Slapping/punching
                                                   San Antonio River Authority | SeniorBridge | U.I.W. Feik School of Pharmacy | UTSA College of Sciences
   If you recognize any of these red
flags don’t feel ashamed or scared.
There is a way out of this situation.
                                                                                                                      210-704-SAWS (7297)
LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
8                                                          LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                            31 de octubre de 2012

Would you like to know the future?                                                                                                                                              Confirm Times with
                                                                                                                                                        or call 1.866.420.8626
                                                                                                                                                                         ALL DIGITAL PROJECTION
                                       my future.                               see what she would see in my cards.   current career. At this point she
                                                                                                                                                                          PALLADIUM O
                                          Deborah related to me how she            Deborah’s husband set up a         didn’t know that I am actually in         IH-10 at LA CANTERA                            798-9949
                                       started in the business while living     small table for her and she brought   the middle of opening a new bar                 RESTAURANT · BAR · CAFE GELATO · D-BOX
                                                                                                                                                                                   O 3D
                                       in Detroit. At first she would get       out her Tarot cards. I used my        downtown and that, yes, my entire         H CLOUD ATLAS: THE IMAX EXPERIENCE E 11:00 AM,
                                                                                                                                                                2:30, 7:00, 10:30
                                       strange messages that she couldn’t       poker skills to shuffle them and      career is based on networking. She        H CHASING MAVERICKS B 11:35 AM, 12:35, 2:35, 3:30,
                                                                                                                                                                5:20, 7:10, 10:00, 8:20, 11:00
                                       quite explain. These were visions        then split them into three separate   also guessed exactly that my some         H CLOUD ATLAS E 12:00, 3:30, 8:00
                                                                                                                                                                H FUN SIZE C 11:45 AM, 2:00, 4:15, 7:10, 9:25
                                       and things she was seeing in her         piles as instructed. These would      of my best friends were my current        H SILENT HILL: REVELATION E 6:00, 8:25, 10:45, 11:15 AM,
                                                                                                                                                                1:30, 3:45
                                                                                                                                                                H SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D E 7:30, 9:40, 12:25, 2:50,
                                       head. As these messages increased        represent the three main areas of     business partners.                        5:15
                                                                                                                                                                DBOX 12:25, 2:50, 5:15, 7:30, 9:40
                                       over time, she knew that something       my life. Instantly, she began.           She moved on to relationships          H ALEX CROSS C 12:05, 2:55, 5:10, 7:40, 10:00
                                                                                                                                                                H PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 E 11:10 AM, 12:10, 1:20, 2:20,
                                                                                                                                                                3:35, 4:35, 6:20, 7:20, 8:45, 9:35
                                       or someone was trying to speak              Looking deeply and attentively     and said I had been through a major       ARGO E VIP 18+ 11:00 AM, 1:35, 4:25, 7:25, 10:15
                                                                                                                                                                HERE COMES THE BOOM B 12:00, 2:35, 5:15, 7:35, 10:20
                                       through her. Eventually, she joined      at the cards (which she says are      break-up which had left me in a lot       SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS E 9:45 PM
                                                                                                                                                                SINISTER E 11:20 AM, 1:50, 4:20, 7:35, 10:05
                                                                                                                                                                FRANKENWEENIE B 10:45 AM, 3:15, 7:45
                                       a group in her community who all         tools which help her focus) she       of pain. That it had been hard to let     FRANKENWEENIE IN DISNEY DIGITAL 3D B 1:00, 5:30
                                                                                                                                                                THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER C 11:40 AM,
                                       shared the same gift. Deborah calls      began telling me what she saw.        go of her and that I still had love       2:10, 4:40, 7:05, 9:35
                                                                                                                                                                PITCH PERFECT C 11:35 AM, 2:00, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45
By Luis Muñoz                          it a “gift” because she feels this       First, she explained to me who I      for her. She said that we had begun
                                                                                                                                                                TAKEN 2 C 12:10, 2:40, 4:50, 7:15, 9:15
                                                                                                                                                                HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA B 12:35, 4:55, 9:20
                                                                                                                                                                HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3D B 10:35 AM, 2:45, 7:05
                                       thing allows her to help others cope     was and how others may view me.       as great friends and that she felt we     LOOPER E VIP 18+ 12:00, 2:30, 5:10, 8:00
                                                                                                                                                                END OF WATCH E VIP 18+ 10:45 PM
   Zombies, haunted houses, vam-       with countless obstacles.                She mentioned that I was a person     would always remain great friends.                                BIJOU
                                                                                                                                                                LOOP 410 at FREDERICKSBURG                     734-4552
pires, and of course my favorite,         She says that her favorite part of    who liked to keep in shape, a per-    In fact, she said that the friendship          ART FILMS · FOOD · BEER · WINE · AGE RESTRICTED
candy! Yes, it’s time that time of     her job is helping people find clo-      son who has a happy soul, but also    would only grow stronger. She             H CLOUD ATLAS E 12:35, 3:10, 4:20, 7:00, 8:15, 10:00
                                                                                                                                                                H V/H/S E 1:40, 4:45, 7:25, 10:10
year again… it’s Halloween.            sure. Mostly, she helps people for-      that I had to work to stay healthy.   was dead-on. As for the future, she
                                                                                                                                                                H THE PAPERBOY E 12:00, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45, 10:25
                                                                                                                                                                ARGO E 1:00, 3:55, 7:15, 10:40
                                                                                                                                                                THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER C 12:10, 2:55,
   Don’t worry though, I promise       give themselves; this includes the       She said I was someone that was       said I would meet someone in one          5:30, 8:00, 10:25
                                                                                                                                                                SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN C 12:50 PM
this is not one of those articles      living and the dead. Yes, you read       giving and that others came to me     or two years and that I should stay                       SILVERADO 16
                                                                                                                                                                LOOP 1604 at BANDERA                           695-5279
which will bore you with the his-      right, Deborah says that many of the     for advice.                           away from group sports before the             CAFE · BEER · WINE · D-BOX · RESERVED SEATS
tory of All Hallows Eve. Instead,      spirits which still hang around do          Next, she started looking into     end of the year to avoid a leg injury.    H CHASING MAVERICKS B 11:20 AM, 1:55, 4:30, 5:30, 7:15,
                                                                                                                                                                8:05, 9:50, 10:40
this year I decided to throw myself    so because they have not yet found       my career. She said that I was           All-in-all, I found Deborah to
                                                                                                                                                                H CLOUD ATLAS E 11:50 AM, 3:25, 7:00, 10:35
                                                                                                                                                                H FUN SIZE C 11:05 AM, 12:20, 1:20, 2:35, 3:35, 4:50,
                                                                                                                                                                5:50, 7:05, 8:05, 9:20
deep into one of Halloween’s most      closure in this world. People like       extremely happy with my career.       be very personable and friendly.          H SILENT HILL: REVELATION E 1:30, 3:50, 6:10, 8:30, 10:50
                                                                                                                                                                H SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D E 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:40,
mystical traditions; I had my Tarot    her help those spirits “cross over”      That a long time ago, I found the     I found her to be very precise in
                                                                                                                                                                DBOX 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:40, 9:55
                                                                                                                                                                H ALEX CROSS C 11:40 AM, 2:10, 4:40, 7:25, 10:10
cards read.                            so to speak. In fact, she mentions       right path in life and was on the     many ways. One last thing, she            H PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 E 12:25, 1:25, 2:45, 3:45, 5:00,
                                                                                                                                                                6:00, 7:10, 8:15, 9:30, 10:30
   Now, I know what some of you        San Antonio is a major center for        exact career path I should be fol-    mentioned a “grandmother-type”
                                                                                                                                                                ARGO E 11:10 AM, 1:50, 4:40, 7:45, 10:30
                                                                                                                                                                HERE COMES THE BOOM B 11:35 AM, 2:00, 4:35, 7:05, 9:40
                                                                                                                                                                SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS E 10:20 PM
are thinking. Tarot cards, psychics,   the supernatural given it’s bloody       lowing. She said I was a very loyal   soul always around me, looking            SINISTER E 2:10, 4:45, 7:30, 10:00
                                                                                                                                                                H KIDTOONS: CHUGGINGTON: TRAINTASTIC
                                                                                                                                                                ADVENTURES I 11:00 AM
mediums, it’s all fake, right? Or      past at the Alamo. She added that        business person, and she saw me       after me. Hey, I’ll take any kind of      FRANKENWEENIE B 11:10 AM, 1:20, 3:25
                                                                                                                                                                PITCH PERFECT C 4:40, 7:15, 9:45
is it? Listen, I understand that       downtown, specifically the San           as a “dragon slayer,” someone that    protection I can get!                     TAKEN 2 C 12:10, 2:45, 5:05, 7:35, 9:55
                                                                                                                                                                HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA B 11:20 AM, 1:55, 2:50, 7:20, 9:35
many people don’t believe in the       Pedro area, is filled with spirits who   gets the job done. She said I was        So, is she the real deal? I’ll let
                                                                                                                                                                HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3D B 12:40, 5:05
                                                                                                                                                                              MAYAN PALACE
supernatural. Yet, there are mil-      still linger around. Spooky right?       someone who has a large network       you decide.                               IH-35 at S.W. MILITARY                         923-5531
                                                                                                                                                                    D-BOX · BEER · SPECIAL MENU ITEMS · GAMES
lions of people around the world       Whether you believe it or not, you       of business relationships. She saw       To set up a reading privately or           *ALL WEEK, ALL SHOWS BEFORE 1PM ARE $4*
                                                                                                                                                                       UPCHARGES APPLY FOR 3D AND D-BOX
who do. Nowadays, there are even       have to admit, it all sounds fascinat-   my career growing soon or moving      for parties, you can email Deborah        H CHASING MAVERICKS B 11:30 AM, 2:10, 4:50, 7:30,
TV shows such as “Long Island
                                       ing. I was hooked and I was ready to     into something else related to my     at                   H FUN SIZE C 12:30, 1:30, 2:45, 3:45, 5:00, 6:00, 7:15,
                                                                                                                                                                8:15, 9:30
Medium” which feature those who                                                                                                                                 H SILENT HILL: REVELATION E 1:00, 3:20, 5:40, 8:00, 10:20
                                                                                                                                                                H SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D E 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:00,
make a living by using their “su-                                                                                                                               DBOX 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:00, 9:20

                                                                                                                                                                H ALEX CROSS C 11:50 AM, 2:15, 4:40, 7:05, 9:25
pernatural” skills. So, why not be                                                                                                                              H PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 E 12:25, 1:10, 2:40, 3:30, 4:55,

                                                                                                                                                                5:50, 7:25, 8:10, 9:45, 10:35
                                                                                                                                                                HERE COMES THE BOOM B 11:30 AM, 2:00, 4:30, 7:05, 9:35
open-minded for a little? After all,                                                                                                                            SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS E 10:30 PM

                                                                                                                         ys &
                                                                                                                                                                SINISTER E 1:10, 3:35, 5:00, 6:00, 7:40, 8:25, 10:15
it’s the perfect season for it!                                                                                                                                 FRANKENWEENIE B 12:10, 2:35

                                                                                                                                                                TAKEN 2 C 12:30, 2:40, 5:05, 7:35, 9:50
                                                                                                                                                                H HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA B 12:20, 5:05, 9:40
   I met Deborah, A.K.A. “Mys-                                                                                                                                  HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3D B 2:45, 7:20

tique Lady,” a couple of weeks ago                                                                                                                                             NORTHWEST 14
                                                                                                                                                                LOOP 410 at IH-10                              349-6514
while hanging out with the crew                                                                                                                                 H CHASING MAVERICKS B 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45
                                                                                                                                                                H FUN SIZE C 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10:10
                                                                                                                                                                H SILENT HILL: REVELATION E 1:05, 3:25, 5:45, 8:05
from “Daytime @ Nine” at Terror                                                                                                                                 H SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D E 12:00, 2:20, 4:45, 7:05,
Mansion. From the moment I met                                                                                                                                  H DHENIKAINA READY I 2:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                H ALEX CROSS C 7:10, 9:30
                                                                                                                                                                H PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 E 12:10, 2:45, 5:10, 7:30, 10:00
her, I knew there was something

                                        FREE MOVIES
                                                                                                                                                                H CAMERAMAN GANGA THO RAMBABU I 3:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                HERE COMES THE BOOM B 11:50 AM, 2:15, 4:50, 7:25, 9:55
interesting about her. She had cer-                                                                                                                             SINISTER E 12:20, 2:40, 5:15, 7:55, 10:25
                                                                                                                                                                PITCH PERFECT C 12:05 PM
                                                                                                                                                                TAKEN 2 C 12:30, 7:20, 9:35
tain energy which I found intrigu-                                                                                                                              HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA B 12:15, 4:40, 7:00
                                                                                                                                                                HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3D B 2:30, 9:15

                                         For a Year!
ing. Deborah mentioned she was a                                                                                                                                                      RIALTO
psychic medium so I asked for her                                                                                                                               LOOP 410 at PERRIN BEITEL
                                                                                                                                                                    FULL RESTAURANT MENU, BAR & WAITSERVICE

card and set up a private appoint-                                                                                                                              H CHASING MAVERICKS B 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45
                                                                                                                                                                FUN SIZE C 11:40 AM, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40
ment with her.                                                                                                                                                  SILENT HILL: REVELATION E 11:55 AM, 2:25, 4:55, 7:25, 9:55

   Walking in to Debora’s home, I                                                                            to Text & Play the                                 SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D E 1:10, 3:40, 6:20, 8:45
                                                                                                                                                                ALEX CROSS C 11:05 AM, 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45
                                                                                                                                                                PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 E 12:15, 2:45, 5:10, 7:30, 10:00
                                                                                                                                                                SINISTER E 11:25 AM, 2:05, 4:45, 7:40, 10:10
can honestly say that I didn’t know                                                                                                                             TAKEN 2 C 11:10 AM, 1:40, 4:30, 7:15, 9:25
                                                                                                                                                                HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA B 2:00, 7:00, 9:20
what to expect. I mean, there wasn’t                                                                                                                            HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3D B 11:15 AM, 4:15
                                                                                                                                                                                 EMBASSY 14
anything weird about it. She has a                                                                                                                              281 N at BITTERS RD                            496-4957
                                                                                                                                                                           PIZZERIA · BEER · WINE & COFFEE
couple of nice dogs, her husband                                                                                                                                H CHASING MAVERICKS B 11:20 AM, 12:20, 2:10, 3:15,
was friendly, and the house was                                                                                                                                 4:50, 5:50, 7:35, 8:35
                                                                                                                                                                H CLOUD ATLAS E 12:00, 1:00, 3:40, 4:30, 7:20, 8:20
                                                                                                                                                                H FUN SIZE C 12:15, 2:35, 4:55, 7:10, 9:25
neat. I guess everyone has an idea                                                                                                                              H SILENT HILL: REVELATION E 12:25, 2:45, 5:05, 7:25, 9:45

                                                                                                          MOVIE TRIVIA
                                                                                                                                                                H SILENT HILL: REVELATION 3D E 11:25 AM, 1:45, 4:00,
of what a psychic’s home is sup-                                                                                                                                6:25, 8:45
                                                                                                                                                                H ALEX CROSS C 12:40, 3:00, 5:25, 7:50, 10:15
                                                                                                                                                                H PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 E 12:30, 2:55, 5:20, 7:45, 10:10
posed to look like from all of the                                                                                                                              ARGO E 1:25, 4:10, 7:05, 10:05

                                                                                                                                                                HERE COMES THE BOOM B 11:35 AM, 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:40
movies we’ve watched over the                                                                                                                                   SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS E 10:15 PM
                                                                                                                                                                SINISTER E 4:55, 10:00
                                                                                                                                                                PITCH PERFECT C 11:40 AM, 2:25, 7:30
years. Sitting on her comfortable                                                                                                                               TAKEN 2 C 12:50, 3:10, 5:30, 7:40, 9:55
                                                                                                                                                                HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA B 11:30 AM, 4:20, 9:30
leather couch, I felt as if I were        Four finalist selected from correct entries                                                                           HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3D B 2:00, 7:00
                                                                                                                                                                 *RUSH HOUR EXTRAVAGANZA*
talking to a friend rather than to a    each day. One grand prize winner will receive                                                                             NORTHWEST . RIALTO . EMBASSY

stranger who was about to tell me        free movies for a year to City Base Cinema.                                                                                     $5.00 SHOWS 4-6 PM
                                                                                                                                                                 H No Passes      Showtimes for October 28
LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
31 de octubre de 2012                                                LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                                        9

Un día para conocer la identidad afro-nativo americana
  El Instituto de las Culturas          Este día, los visitantes podrán
Texanas, de UTSA, realizará este      interactuar con miembros de fa-
sábado 3 de noviembre un Family       milias texanas de la comunidad
Day para celebrar la herencia de      nativo-africoamericana, podrán
estas culturas.                       escuchar las historias de los
                                      cuentacuentos, lectura de poe-
Adda Montalvo                         sía, aprender de la historia de su                   música y las danzas. Además, de
                                      presentaciones musicales.
   Desde hace varios siglos atrás,      Asimismo, se podrá visitar la
la comunidad de nativoamerica-        exposición “IndiVisible. African-
nos se empezó a fusionar con la       Native American Lives in the
africana, dando así origen a una      Americas”, exhibición itinerante
cultura que ha estado invisible por   proveniente de Smithsonian Insti-
mucho tiempo, pero no por eso es      tution Traveling Services.
menos importante.                       De acuerdo a un comunicado
   Y con motivo de la actual ex-      de prensa de UTSA, “a través de
hibición “IndiVisible. African-       temas de política, comunidad,
Native American Lives in the          resistencia creativa y modos de
Americas”, el Institute of Texan      vida, la exhibición cuenta his-
Cultures llevará a cabo en su         torias de integración cultural y     Familia Foxx (Mashpee Wampanoag, 2008). De izquierda a derecha Anne, Monét, Majai (bebé), Aisha
sede un Family Day este sábado        difusión, así como la lucha por      y Maurice Foxx. (Foto cortesía de Kevin Cartwright, NMAI, y familia Foxx)
3 de noviembre de 10:00 a.m. a        definir y preservar la identidad”.
4:00 p.m.                               “Desde la llegada de Cristóbal     leyes con motivos raciales los          Esta exhibición ha sido desarro­     Más información sobre la ex-
   Con los $8. de la admisión         Colón a América, la vida de los      oprimieron… Y sus métodos de         llada y producida por el National     posición en Institute of Texan
regular (12 a 64 años), $7 para       nativos y africanos ha estado        resistencia fueron involucrarse en   Museum of the American Indian,        Cultures en www.texancultures.
adultos mayores de 65 años, y $6      entrelazada. Desde tiempo pre        movimientos sociales, juntándose     the National Museum of African        com, o al teléfono (210) 458 2300,
para niños de 3 a 11 años, podrá      coloniales, se casaron, estable­     para pelear contra condiciones       American History and Culture, y       o visitarlos en UTSA Hemis-
ver la exhibición y participar de     cieron comunidades y compartie­      opresivas y recuperar sustentabi-    Smithsonian Institution Traveling     Fair Park Campus, 801 E. César
la actividad.                         ron sus vidas y tradiciones. Pero    lidad económica”.                    Exhibition Service.                   Chávez Blvd.

         Join today. Membership is free!

                                                                                                                                      Includes free and discounted
                                                                                                                                      services to help enhance the
                                                                                                                                      health and well-being of
                                                                                                                                      adults ages 55 and older.

                                                                 You’re invited to join Southwest General Hospital
                                                                 for a FREE Senior Advantage Thanksgiving meal.
                                                                 Please join us and feel free to bring a guest!
                                                                 FRIday, NovEMbER 9
                                                                 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Seating is limited.
                                                                 Classroom A, Southwest General Hospital
                                                                 Please call (877) 215-9355 to register                                                 7400 Barlite Boulevard
                                                                 or for more information.                                                             San Antonio, Texas 78224

LA PRENSITA S.A. gives back to Hurricane Sandy victims
10                                                              LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                   31 de octubre de 2012

Día del Árbol...                                 (viene de la página 3)
                                                                             FREE HEALTH SEminAr!

árboles en Texas”, afirmó Michael
Nentwich, guardabosque de la
                                      tiva a las 10:30 a.m.
                                         “Los árboles son esenciales para
                                                                                                                                   Southwest General
Ciudad de San Antonio.
  Además de las actividades que se
                                      la salud y el bienestar de todas los
                                      seres vivos”, indicó Nentwich.
                                                                                                                                   Hospital invites you
ofrecerán a todos los que asistan,
a las primeras 100 personas que
                                      “Los árboles mejoran el valor de
                                      una propiedad, incrementan el
                                                                                                                                   to a FREE seminar.
se registren para participar en el
                                      comercio y reducen el consumo
“Tree’K Fun Run” se les dará una
                                      de energía”.
bolsa con un árbol y una camiseta.
  Serán 400 árboles los que se           Para registrarse en el maratón
darán en adopción, uno por familia.   vaya al sitio y
  Quienes deseen adoptar un árbol     busque la pestaña “running”, o
deberán atender la plática educa-     llame al (210) 207-3108.                                                                             To register or learn more,
                                                                             Tuesday, November 6   STRokE AwARENESS & PREvENTioN                  call (877) 215-9355
                                                                             6 p.m. Classroom A    presented by Dr. Eric Brahin    

                                                                                                                                                          7400 Barlite Blvd.
                                                                                                               San Antonio, TX 78224

San Antonio celebrará en otoño el Día del Árbol porque en Texas
es la mejor época para plantarlos. (Foto cortesía)

                                                                                Cuando requiera limpiar, sacar, reorganizar, renovar, redecorar, transformar,
                                                                                ordenar, o darle un nuevo aire a su hogar, recuerde donar sus artículos
                                                                                usados a Goodwill.

                                                                                Porque cuando hace su donación o compra en
                                                                                Goodwill, usted está financiando los programas
                                                                                educativos y servicios que ayudan a personas a
                                                                                obtener mejores empleos y formación profesional.

                                                                                                    Buenas Cosas. Buenas Obras.
                                                                                                   Para más información, llame al 210.924.8581 o visite

31 de octubre de 2012                                    LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                            11

                                                    Starting December 17.

   Frequent 10-minute peak                                  Priority signaling
  service between the Medical                            to gets you there faster                                                               Free Wi-Fi
  Center and downtown and a
 convenient extension to UTSA

                                                                                                                        Real-time arrival
                                New bike racks to take                                                            information along the route
                                 your bikes on board

                                                                                     Convenient wheelchair
      Distinctive new
                                                                                    self-restraints for easier,
     passenger stations
                                                                                         faster boarding

12                                                        LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                                                                         31 de octubre de 2012

13th Annual Lights On Afterschool rallies celebrated
                                 gathered Oct. 19 at Lights On After-                                                           of local out of school time programs    ing the importance of keeping the      SA Youth and Kids’ Involvement
By Rudy Arispe                   school rallies held at five locations                                                          and centers such as the YMCA, Boys      lights on and the doors open for out   Network – North East Independent
                                 around the Alamo City that were                                                                & Girls Clubs, After School All Stars   of school time programs. Speakers      School District. Each organization
  Hundreds of students, parents, sponsored by the Excel Beyond the                                                              and others.                             at the rallies told supporters that    held art shows, talent shows, open
business and community leaders Bell SA network, an organized group                                                                The purpose of Lights On After-       tight budgets are endangering out of   houses and musical performances,
                                                                                                                                school is to celebrate the success      school time programs in San Anto-      among other activities.
                                                                                                                                of out of school time students and      nio and around the country, forcing      “Lights On Afterschool celebrates
                                                                                                                                draw attention to the need for more     many to cut back or even close their   the remarkable work being done
                                                                                                                                out of school time programs to serve    doors.                                 by students who attend our out of
                                                                                                                                the growing number of millions of          Some of the Excel Beyond the        school time programs,” said Cynthia
                                                                                                                                children nationwide who are unsu-       Bell SA members that participated      Le Monds, chairman of the board
                                                                                                                                pervised each weekday afternoon.        in Lights On Afterschool were the      for Excel Beyond the Bell SA, and
                                                                                                                                  The rallies were one of 7,500 such    Boys & Girls Club, Good Samari-               See Lights On Afterschool
                                                                                                                                events across the nation highlight-     tan Community Services, YMCA,                               on page 15

Boys & Girls Clubs members listen to SAPD Sgt. Meneses talk about
the dangers of being home alone and unsupervised afterschool. The
discussion was one of many citywide activities held Oct. 19 for the
13th annual Lights On Afterschool hosted by Excel Beyond the Bell
in support of out of school time programs which serve thousands of
San Antonio children. (Courtesy photo)

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31 de octubre de 2012                                               LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                                  13

Rampage de gira cayó al sótano en la división sur
                                       Gomez anotó su segundo gol de       Oklahoma City en el horario de      distritos escolares de San An-     primera cita, los derrotaron 3-2
Por José I. Franco                     temporada, el cual anotó de forma   las 4:30 p.m.                       tonio (se espera una asistencia    con súper golazo del defensor                  espectacular en la “cueva” de los      El sábado 10 le darán la bien-   de más de 8,500 estudiantes),      Colby Robak. Más información
                                       Lobos de la Ciudad del Viento.      venida a los Marlies de Toronto     enfrentarán a su rival deportivo   para asientos reservados y com-
   El entrenador Chuck Weber              En el segundo partido contra     (7p.m.).                            de la autopista 10, los Aeros de   pra de boletos de admisión la
lamentó que el Rampage fuera           Rockford, el central Casey Well-       El martes 13, en partido matu-   Houston, que vendrán coman-        puede obtener llamado al teléfono
barrido en sus tres partidos que       man marcó su primer gol vistien-    tino (10:30 a.m.), que dedicarán    dados por el entrenador John       (210) 444-5554, o visitando el
sostuvo en las plazas de los           do el uniforme del Rampage, con     a estudiantes de 46 escuelas de     Torchetti. A los Aeros, en su      sitio
rivales IceHogs de Rockford y          lo que dejó ver sus habilidades
Wolves de Chicago, encuentros          adquiridas en la NHL, donde jugó
que culminaron con marcadores          para el equipo Minnesota Wild,
cerrados, por lo que todavía le        asociado a la Conferencia del
restaron ánimos para retornar a        Oeste, en la del Noroeste.
San Antonio y enderezar la nave.          “Rampage en esta temporada
   En su primera cita contra Ice-      ha sido reforzado por talentosos
Hogs, Rampage, capitaneado por         patinadores, entre ellos pros-
el veterano defensor Nolan Yonk-       pectos que vienen a desarrollar
man, cayó con pizarra de 2-1 en lo     un buen estilo de juego. Los
que fue serie de tiros libres.         entrenamientos seguirán siendo
   El guardameta Dov Grumet-           bastante duros, ya que por el
Morris pudo realizar 42 salvamen-      momento tenemos bastante en-
tos con trabajo defensivo frente a     foque en que todos ellos estén
la mini portería.                      en excelente condición de juego,
   Ante los Wolves, San Antonio        que nos garantice ganar partidos
Rampage cayó con marcador de 6         y que ellos sean los beneficiados
a 5 goles, triunfo bastante celebra­   para cuando sean ascendidos
do por la fanaticada de Chicago        por el equipo mayor, Florida
que en la Allstate Arena se dio        Panthers”, comentó el timonel
cita para respaldar el hockey de la    Weber.
American Hockey League (AHL),             En casa (AT&T Center), Ram-
por estar todavía en huelga ju-        page tendrá cuatro partidos co-
gadores de la National Hockey          menzando el próximo viernes 2
League (NHL), cuyos equipos no         de noviembre durante la Noche
han tenido acción en espera de un      del Dólar, en su encuentro contra
pronto arreglo entre propietarios      el visitante Griffins de Grand
de clubes y representantes de          Rapids (7:30 p.m.).
patinadores de primera categoría.         El segundo cotejo lo jugarán
   El central canadiense Jared         el domingo 4 ante los Barons de
14                                                             LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                  31 de octubre de 2012

Five reasons why Spurs fans shouldn’t worry
                                       (former) big three together in
By Dennis M. Ayotte, Jr                Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett and                 Paul Pierce and were busy win-
                                       ning championships way before
  Every year around this time the      Le Bron James made “the deci-
conversation arises concerning         sion” to join forces with Dwayne
where the Spurs will finish in the     Wade and Chris Bosh. Collec-
Western Conference and every           tively they have more champion-
year (during the Tim Duncan-           ships that any other threesome of
era) they’ve finished near or at       teammates in the league.
the top.                                  The Young Guns: Kawhi
  This year is no different as         Leonard, Danny Green, Cory
Duncan and Manu Ginobili               Joseph, DeJuan Blair, Nando De
approach the twilight of their         Colo and Patty Mills all are 25
careers and whispers about what        or younger. Leonard is shaping
this year’s team might or might        up to be a Bruce Bowen with
not do. Fear not for here are five     offensive game and will be an
reasons the Spurs will finish in       all-star in this league for years to
Western Conference’s top three.        come. Green is the epitome of a
  Gregg Popovich: Has there            Spurs player as his fundamentals
ever been a coach in the history       and work ethic a bar none. Still
of the NBA that gets less respect      unproven, De Colo might just
than Spurs head coach, Gregg           be the next Ricky Rubio with
Popovich? I think not. In 17           muscles. Blair is an undercover
seasons as the Spurs head coach
                                       Charles Barkley and the sky is
Pop has recorded 847 wins (and
                                       the limit for Joseph. Don’t sleep
399 losses), won four NBA titles
and owns the third best win per-       on these kids.
                                          Management: The Spurs are           The San Antonio Spurs home-opener tips off Thursday, November 1, at the AT&T Center versus the
centage in NBA history heading                                                Oklahoma City Thunder in front of what is expected to be a sold out crowd. (Courtesy photo)
into the start of the season (.680).   the model franchise of the NBA
No respect.                            in the words of the Orlando Mag-       respect the Spurs consummate         Peter Holt and R.C. Buford.            meeting to catch a game, paint
  The Big Three: San Antonio’s         ic’s VP of Brand Management,           professionalism. They built a dy-      The Fans: The Black and              their sidewalk team colors in
big three were the most legit trio     Roman Vega. The Spurs might            nasty the past 15 years and if you   Silver loyalist are unmatched in       support and boast murals of the
in the league before the Celtics       not get recognition from the           have any questions just look up      terms of taking the definition of a    team’s stars on the back window
made their moves to bring their        media but internally executives        at the rafters and the bling-bling   fan to the next level. What other      of their vehicles? Spurs fans are
                                                                              on their fingers. Mad props to       cities let their employees cancel      one-of-a-kind. GO SPURS GO.
31 de octubre de 2012                                                      LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO                                                                                        15
Banda La Exclusiva de Jerez arrasa en su género musical
Por Mundo Musical SA

   Los amantes del género musical
zacatecano han sido gran parte del
éxito que “Banda La Exclusiva
de Jerez” ha logrado en sus cinco
años de haberse creada.
   La banda nació por iniciativa de
un experimentado grupo de músi-
cos encabezados por Pedro Gálvez
Rodarte, quien magistralmente
toca el clarinete.
   Por esta razón, Rodarte dice:
“Estamos agradecidos con
nuestros seguidores, que desde
que se formó Banda La Exclusiva
de Jerez nos han dado su respaldo.
Por igual a los artistas y solistas a
quienes hemos acompañado en sus
presentaciones de grandes concier­
tos y tradicionales festivales.
Nuestra música ya es reconocida
en las regiones norte y occidente
                                        Banda La Exclusiva de Jerez, única en la interpretación del género musical zacatecano. (Foto cortesía).
de México y en los Estados Unidos
gracias a los medios sociales, por      migo” y “Distancia”, temas que               En la mencionada producción
lo que nos estamos organizando en       los han ubicado en los primeros            discográfica resaltan los temas
nuestro repertorio musical que pre-     lugares de preferencia en pro-             “Quieres ser mi amante”, “La ven-
sentaremos en los próximos meses,       gramaciones de la radio mexicana           ganza del charro”, “Un millón de
para así concluir exitosamente el       y estadounidense.                          rosas”, “Quien te quiera como yo”,
año 2012 que nos ha dado muchas            En disco sencillo titulado “Arra­       y “El jerezano”, que es un corrido
satisfacciones y aceptación de          sando con La Exclusiva. A puro             interpretado con valor campirano.
nuestro estilo musical”.                110%”, Banda La Exclusiva de                 “Lo que más motiva a nuestra
   Las grabaciones discográficas        Jerez sobresale por la pureza de           banda es la entrega total de cada
de Banda La Exclusiva de Jerez          la mezcla de los instrumentos de           uno de sus integrantes, ellos han
han sido dirigidas magistralmente       aire, tales como las trompetas,            sido parte de abrir camino en el
por Efrén Dueñas Ramírez, quien         tamboras, clarinetes, tuba, saxo­          terreno musical. Su energía en           I Believe In:
también toca el clarinete.              fón, y las delicadas voces de sus          la interpretación de cada tema es          • Funding Public Education
   Dueñas Ramírez ha tenido a bien      intérpretes, el vocalista Valentín         con la que se nos ha premiado,           Fairly and Efficiently
seleccionar temas escritos por su       Gómez Trujillo y los segunda               por ello nos encontramos ubicados          • Reforming and Reducing
compañero, el trompetista, Efraín       voz Hugo Armando Ontiveros                 en un lugar especial de cada uno         Property Taxes
González Trujillo, creador de los       Almanza y Ricardo de Jesús Ro-             de nuestros seguidores”, definió           • Keeping Texas Business and
                                                                                                                            Job Friendly
éxitos musicales “Escápate con-         sales Caldera.                             Pedro Gálvez.                              • Meaningful Immigration

Lights On Afterschool...
                                                                                                                              • Right To Life
                                                                                                                              • God, Bible, Constitution for
                                                                                                                            Direction and Authority
                                                                                              (continued from page 12)        • Central Catholic High
CEO of SA Youth. “It is a power-        another 15 percent are in sibling care.    son that learning should stop when       School, Co-Valedictorian, 1977
                                                                                                                              • St. Mary’s University,
ful reminder that out of school time    Another 1.6 million would partici-         the school bell rings, particularly if
                                                                                                                            graduated at age 20 in 1980
programs keep children safe, inspire    pate in an out of school time program      the alternative is unsupervised time       • UTSA, Master’s Degree in Accounting, Concentration in Tax,
them to learn, and relieve working      if one was available in their commu-       in front of a television set, or even                               1984
parents of worries about how their      nity. In addition, the parents of nearly   more alarming dangerous or un-                                       • Real Estate Broker
children spend their afternoons.”       2.2 million children in Texas who are      healthy behaviors that can entangle                                  • Certified Public Accountant
   She added, “Unfortunately, we        not already in an out of school time       children in the afternoons.”                                         • Rotary Club - Paul Harris Fellow
don’t have enough out of school         program would enroll their children          Excel Beyond the Bell SA is a                                      • A.C.T.S. Brother
time programs, and too many kids        in one, if a program were available to     network of several local nonprofits                                 Accessible and Representative:
                                                                                                                                                        • Open and Transparent Government
are home alone in the afternoons        them – an indication of the consider-      and school district programs that
                                                                                                                              • Increase video teleconferencing for county to state Town Hall meet-
or out on the streets. We must open     able unmet demand for out of school        offer critical out of school time        ings.
more programs and refuse to let tight   time programs in the state.                programs during the after school           • Involve more County and City Leaders for more representative
budgets endanger the programs we           “We are all very proud of our out       and summer hours. These programs         voting
have.”                                  of school time students,” said Sandie      serve thousands of children every          • Improve relations with all sources of Media for Delivering the
   According to an America After 3      Palomo-Gonzalez, member of Excel           day, providing homework assis-           Truth About What is Decided in Austin.
p.m. study, 1.1 million Texas chil-     Beyond the Bell’s leadership team          tance, mentoring, tutoring, classes                     Michael Berlanga -Citizen Candidate
dren are responsible for taking care    and assistant vice president of grants     and clubs in sports, recreation,                 “With God, All Things Are Possible.” Mt. 19:26
of themselves after school for an av-   and programs at the San Antonio            mathematics, chess, and an array of   
erage of seven hours per week while     Area Foundation. “There’s no rea-          other subjects.                                            PPA By Michael Berlanga Campaign
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