REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye

Page created by Christine Hartman
REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye
                                                Term 2 Week 1
                                                29th April 2021
                                         A Nurturing Community of Active Learners

                                                                                                              Diary Dates
      Through the Principal's eye
                                                                                            3rd - 7th May     Three Way Learning Conversations
      Welcome to the second term of 2021. This term we have                                 5th May           Assembly 2pm Hosted by M2
                                                                                            9th May           Mother's Day
      many events to look forward to across Preschool to Year 7.                            10th - 21st May   NAPLAN Testing
      These include R-2 Dream Big excursion, Year 3-7 Monarto                               10th & 17th May   Vision Screening
      Camp and the Preschool visit to the Botanical Gardens. We                             10th May          Volunteer Induction 6pm
                                                                                            10th May          Governing Council Meeting 7pm
      also have celebrations such as Reconciliation Week where
      we promote cultural understanding and connection.
      This term the Year 3, 5 and 7 students also participate in                                Notices Sent Home
      NAPLAN ; a national assessment of Reading, Grammar and
      Punctuation, Writing and Numeracy. As NAPLAN is                               22nd April     Under 7/9 &13's Soccer Information
      completed online, the testing time runs over the two weeks of                 29th April     Friday Fitness Year 3-7
                                                                                    29th April     Year 3-7 Monarto Zoo Camp
      Weeks 3 and 4 . Last term we successfully completed the trial
      of our systems and the NAPLAN platform. Our young people
      in Year 3 were confident when using the laptops and the
      online platforms during the practice test. We look forward to
      our RSS young people using their dispositions to participate
      in these assessments as well as they can. Of course NAPLAN                           Welcome Back
      is only one data set that we use and review to track and                   Hello, I hope you had a fantastic
      monitor the learning of each child and young person across           holiday and you are ready to get back to
      the school.                                                        learning. Today the Cross Country students
      In Week Two we will be seeing most families attending the            went to Aberfoyle Park to participate in the
      Learning Conversations between parents/carers, children, Southern Valley Cross Country event. If you see them
      young people and their teachers. These conversations          ask them what they enjoyed most about the day. Next
      are an opportunity to share learning progress and set          month all Year 3,5 and 7 students will participate in
      goals for the rest of the year. It also shows our approach      NAPLAN which goes over 9 days, although some
      of being a team around the child or young person to          students are nervous we will all try our best. The Year 3-
      achieve and be the best that they can. Thank you for           7s will spend 3 days and 2 nights at Monarto Zoo for
      supporting this process.                                         this year's camp. Everyone is very excited as it's
                                                                          the first time the camp has been held at the
      Kind Regards,                                                           Zoo. We will get to experience what
      Karen                                                                               camping feels like!

Sherriffs Road, Reynella S.A. 5161                      Principal: Karen Knox
Ph 83811407 Fax 83814932                                Wellbeing Leader: Tracey Middleton                          Governing Council Chairperson: Elle Young
                                                                                                        by Mia
REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye
Dream Big Excursion                                                    Finance News
      Years F-2                                                WINDOW OPEN - 8:30AM – 3:30PM MON- FRI
At the end of last term a note went home regarding
the upcoming Dream Big Excursion which is on                            SCHOOL FEES 2021 - $246.00
Thursday May 20th for all children in years F-2.                          DUE BY END OF TERM 2

Please return all notes and payment to the front                         PAYMENT REMINDERS:
office by Thursday May 13th.                                    LITTLE SPROUTS KITCHEN GARDEN VISIT –
                                                                 PRESCHOOL – return form and money by
Many Thanks                                                            TODAY, Thursday, 29th April
Pam, Jen, Michelle, Kellie and Cheryl
                                                                YEAR 3-7 CAMP – MONARTO SAFARI PARK –
                                                                    Final Instalment due Friday, 7th May
           Year 6 / 7
                                                                  DREAM BIG (FOUNDATION-YR 2) – return
        Secondary School                                            Consent Form and payment due by
                                                                          Thursday, 13th May
Tomorrow the Year 6 / 7 students will bring home their            SCHOOL FEES, PRESCHOOL FEES AND
Starting Secondary School in 2022 Information Packs. In          MOST EXCURSIONS/CAMPS CAN BE PAID
this pack will be a copy of the letter that will be emailed            THROUGH THE QKR APP
out to all parents / carers along with the unique link and
code to register your interest for a Secondary School in      Anita Barnes
2022. If you have any queries regarding this process

                                                                 Canteen News 2021
please contact Karen M in the Front Office.

                                                              Please make sure that your child’s profile is showing
                                                              the correct class as this assists when being ordered.
                                                              We are looking for a parent or two to volunteer
                                                              picking up lunch orders from Reynella Primary
                                                              School on Wednesday or Thursday at 12.30pm and
                                                              bringing them back to school. Unfortunately we did
                                                              not have any volunteers in Term 1 but we hope

Save those Bread Tags!!
                                                              there is someone in our school community that can
                                                              assist in this area.
                                                              With outsourcing to Reynella Primary we rely on
Each year the Festival of Music (choir) supports a            assistance from parents to keep canteen availability
charity. This year we are collecting bread tags, that         open for our students. If you would like to volunteer
will then be recycled and made into wheelchairs.              please let Front Office know as soon as possible.

We would love to have your bread tags if you have             Anita Barnes
no other use for them! Please collect as many as
possible and hand them in to the Front Office in a
zip lock bag.

Thanks in advance
Cheryl (choir teacher)
REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye
Car Movement
                                                              The Scholastic Book Club Orders for the current Issue
If you would like to come along and discuss our               (Number 3) are due back by Wednesday 12th May
forward planning for car movement around the                  2021.
school, please come along to the meeting on                   Please return orders and payment to the Finance Office.
Tuesday morning 4th May at 9.00am. Please meet
in the Front Office to sign in prior to the meeting.          Thankyou

Karen Knox & Elle Young                                               SAPSASA Swimming
           School Banking                                           My SAPSASA experience was one of my best
                                                                    memories this year. I was a little nervous, but when
The Commonwealth Bank School Banking service will
                                                                    I got into the pool all the nerves washed away. I
resume here at RSS on Wednesday in Week Two and
                                                                    entered in three events Freestyle, Breaststroke and
continue each Wednesday after that. If you would like
                                                                    Backstroke and they were all fun!
your child to utilise this service you will need to open an
account at the Commonwealth Bank in their name.
                                                                    I think everyone should give it a go if you know
Once this has been done you will need to provide the
                                                                    how to swim. Even if you come last it is still a great
following details to the Front Office and we can then
                                                                    experience. The staff are friendly too.
issue them with a deposit book.
                                                                    Bailey Winter
     Account Number
     Date of Birth
     Account Name

Sam Cooper
Banking Coordinator

         Learning Club
The Smith Family Learning Club will resume
for Term Two on Tuesday 4th May from 3.15
to 4.15pm in the Studio. If you have
registered for Learning Club we look forward
to seeing you there.
REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye REYNELLA SOUTH SCHOOL NEWS - Term 2 Week 1 29th April 2021 Through the Principal's eye
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