Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag

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Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
Mit Teste-dich-Seiten

Mein Anoki-Übungsheft:

Read and Draw 3/4

  Englisch      Lösungen
Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
Welcome to

                                So lernst du mit dem Anoki-Übungsheft


                                                                                            Travel and adventure Travel and adventure
                                                                                                                                          Übungsseiten                                                                                            Mach Pause!
ur in.
                                                    Welcome to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hier kannst du knobeln,
                                                                                                                                                     æ   Read and draw lines.
                                                                                                                                                         Lies und verbinde.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    malen oder rätseln.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Anoki’s flute

                                                                                                                                                                                  Cut the cane.                           Find a cane.
n        buffalo

         bear                 raccoon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Teste dich!

                                                                                                                                                     æ   Read and draw.
                   snake                  bear                                                                                                           Lies und male.
he buffalo and the snake are brown.                                                                                                      Deine Lehrerin/dein                                                                                                                        Teste-dich-Seiten
.                          The bear, the buffalo and the snake are brown.
                                                                                                                                         Lehrer kreuzt an, was du                                                                                                                   Hier kannst du dein
nk and
    is white.
       black, brown   and white.
                 The raccoon is black, brown and white.
                                                                                                                                         bearbeiten sollst.                                                                                                                         Wissen testen.
                                                                       35   05.03.2021 12:24:20
                                                                                                                                                                                  Play the flute.                     Put holes in the cane.

                                                                                                                                                     cane = Rohr/Stock holes = Löcher flute = Flöte                                                               9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Test 2
                                                                   05.03.2021 12:24:20                                                  DO01_161054_Anoki_Read_draw_3_4.indd 9                                                                            05.03.2021 12:24:12

                                                                                                                                                     This is Anoki’s bedroom.                                     Anoki goes to school by bike.
                                                                                                                                                     Anoki is wearing green socks.                                His bike is red and orange.
                                                                                                                                                     There is an eagle on his T-shirt.                            Anoki has got a suitcase.
                                                                                                                                                     Anoki is sitting on a brown chair.                           The suitcase is blue.
                                                       Für weitere Informationen zu den Anoki-Übungs-                                                                                                                                      Für Lösungen zu diesem Anoki-Übungsheft
                                                       heften den QR-Code scannen
                                                                                10 oder 5f5m29                                                                                                                                             den QR-Code scannen oder h6y8mz
                                                       auf eingeben.                                                                                                                                                          auf
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                                                                                                                                        DO01_161054_Anoki_Read_draw_3_4.indd 43                                                                            05.03.2021 12:24:25
Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
Hallo, ich bin Anoki.
                                                            Für jede Seite, die du fertig hast,
                                                            malst du eine Staffelei aus.
              2         3         4         5

6         7        8         9         10        11          12           13

     14       15        16        17        18         19           20           21           22

23    24/25        26        27        28        29         30            31           32

     33       34        35        36        37        38/39          40           41          42   43
Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
                                                                                           Hello, I’m David.
                                Read and colour in.
                                                                                           Welcome to my school!
                                Lies und male aus.

                                                      8                   4
                                          1                       3
                                                                      8                      2

                                  8           2                   5                                                8
School and free time

                                      5                                            1

                                                  4               6
                                                                          5                        5
                                          7               4

                           1:         yellow                                  5:           green

                           2:         red                                     6:           orange

                           3:         brown                                   7:           black

                           4:         blue                                    8:           white
Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
æ   Read and number.
    Trage die richtige Zahl ein.

6                                  2             3

                                                                School and free time
1                                  5             4

1 pencil case                      3 scissors    5 pencil

2 folder                           4 sharpener   6 ruler
Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
æ   Read and draw.
                               Lies und male.
School and free time

                           David has got a pencil case , a sharpener and a ruler on the desk.
                           Hanna has got a folder , scissors and a pencil on the desk.
Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
æ   Read and draw lines.                      What do you
                                              do with …?
    Lies und verbinde.

                  You put a worksheet       in your pencil case.

                  You cut paper             with your pencil.

                                                                       School and free time
                  You draw lines            in your folder.

                  You write                 with your ruler.

                  You put your pen          with your sharpener.

                  You sharpen your pencil   with your scissors.

Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
æ   Read and draw.
                               Lies und male.
School and free time

                           Grandpa is reading a book.   Mum is watching TV.

                           Dad is cooking a soup.       David is listening to music.
Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
æ   Read and tick the correct answer.
    Lies und kreuze an.

                                                       School and free time
                                        yes   no

David is listening to music.

Grandpa is cooking.

Mum is reading a book.

Dad is watching TV.
Read and Draw 3/4 Mein Anoki-Übungsheft: Mit Teste-dich-Seiten - Ernst Klett Verlag
æ   Read and tick the correct answer.
                               Lies und kreuze an.
School and free time

                                                                              yes   no

                           3 girls are playing hide and seek.

                           A boy and a girl are playing in the sand.

                           1 boy is on the swing.

                           How many children are in the picture?   6 (six)
Mach Pause!

æ   Read and draw lines.
    Lies und verbinde.
                                                     Anoki’s flute

                       Cut the cane.                                     Find a cane.

                      Play the flute.                                Put holes in the cane.

cane = Rohr/Stock   holes = Löcher   flute = Flöte                                                          9
æ   Read and draw.
                         Lies und male.

                     1) head              5) bottom
Body and food

                     2) arm               6) hand

                     3) leg               7) foot

                     4) knee              8) back

æ   Read and draw lines.
    Lies und verbinde.

       Arch your back.                 Put up your bottom.

                                                                         Body and food
          cat                    dog   boat               tree

                Bend one knee.                    Lift your legs.

æ   Read and draw lines.
                         Lies und verbinde.

                                        I eat with my              foot.

                                        I wave with my            mouth.
Body and food

                                        I nod with my             knees.

                                        I run with my             hand.

                                        I bend my                 head.

                                        I kick the ball with my    legs.

æ   Read and draw.
    Lies und male.

1) grapes            5) cheese

                                        Body and food
2) pizza             6) water

3) watermelon        7) sausage

4) carrot            8) sandwich

æ   Read and tick the correct answer.
                         Lies und kreuze an.
Body and food

                                                                          yes   no

                     David and Hanna are having a picnic.

                     There are 5 watermelons.

                     David has got some grapes, cheese and 2 sausages.

                     David is eating pizza.

                     Hanna has got 2 sandwiches and 2 carrots.

                     How many animals are in the picture?    7 (seven)
æ   Read and draw.                                       What’s in your
    Lies und male.                                       basket?

                                  My picnic

                     (verschiedene Lebensmittel; individuell)

                                                                               Body and food
æ   What’s healthy, what’s unhealthy?
                         Read and tick the correct answer.                             ?
                         Gesund oder ungesund? Lies und kreuze an.

                                                                     healthy   unhealthy

                         water                                         x
Body and food

                         carrot                                        x

                         ice cream                                                 x

                         pizza                                                     x

                         grapes                                        x
Mach Pause!

æ   Read and colour in.                                                         Was brauchen
                                                                                wir dafür?
    Lies und male aus.

                                               Anoki’s berry smoothie


    tomatoes             strawberries             apples          raspberries   carrots        gooseberries

blueberry = Blaubeere   raspberry: Himbeere   gooseberry: Stachelbeere                                         17
æ   Read and draw.
                              Lies und male.
Seasons and senses

                                  spring               summer        autumn                  winter

                          In spring it can be rainy.            In autumn it can be windy.

                          In summer it can be sunny.            In winter it can be snowy.

æ   Read and draw lines.
    Lies und verbinde.

                   You can fly a kite

                                             in summer.

                                                               Seasons and senses
                   You can pick flowers
                                             in winter.

                   You can build a snowman   in spring.

                                             in autumn.
                   You can eat ice cream

æ   Read and draw.
                              Lies und male.
Seasons and senses

                          Hanna is picking flowers.   David is eating ice cream.

                          Hanna is flying a kite.     David is building a snowman.
                                                                                   Test 1, S. 42
æ   Read and tick the correct answer.
    Lies und kreuze an.

                                                                 Seasons and senses
                                                 yes   no

David and Hanna are flying a kite.

Mum is picking flowers.

Dad is eating ice cream.

Grandpa is building a snowman.

How many animals are in the picture?    3 (three)
æ   Read and draw.
                              Lies und male.

                          I see with my eyes.

                          I hear with my ears.
Seasons and senses

                          I smell with my nose.

                          I taste with my tongue.

                          I touch with my hands.

æ   Read and draw lines.
    Lies und verbinde.

                   I can taste fresh apples   in autumn.

                                                                Seasons and senses
                   I can smell the flowers    in winter.

                   I can hear the wind        in summer.

                   I can see snow             in spring.

                   I can touch the hot sand   in autumn.

Mach Pause!

      æ   Colour in.       (individuell)
          Male aus.

Mach Pause!

æ   Read and draw lines.
    Lies und verbinde.

 Anoki’s dog has got a
 good nose.
                                                           He can see every footprint.

 has got a good sense of taste.                            He can hear all the animals.

 Anoki                                                     He can smell the fox.
 has got good eyes.

                                                           She finds the best berries.
 can hear very well.

footprint = Spur   very well: sehr gut   berries: Beeren                                    25
æ   Read and draw.
                                  Lies und male.

                              1) wardrobe          5) chair
My home and my clothes

                              2) bed
                                                   6) sofa

                              3) armchair
                                                   7) table

                              4) lamp

                                                   8) shelf

æ   Read and number.
    Trage die richtige Zahl ein.

1    bathroom
2    living room
3    kitchen
4    bedroom

                                                                      My home and my clothes
5    garden                                              4   1

                5                                3           2
Where is David ?		            David is in the bedroom.
æ   Read and colour in.
                                  Lies und male aus.
My home and my clothes

                              The sofa is green.        The table and the chairs   The bed is yellow.
                              The armchair is red.      are blue.                  The wardrobe is brown.
                                                        The lamp is orange.

æ   Read and draw lines.
    Lies und verbinde.

                                                                                        My home and my clothes
    T-shirt   jacket       dress   jeans   pullover   trainers   socks   sandals

æ   Read and colour in.
                                  Lies und male aus.
My home and my clothes

                              David is wearing a red pullover and blue jeans.
                              His socks are white and his trainers are red and white.
                              Hanna is wearing a pink and green dress.
                              Her sandals are brown.
Mach Pause!

                                        Ich packe meinen Koffer
    Read and draw.
                                        und nehme mit …
    Lies und male.
                     Anoki’s suitcase


suitcase = Koffer                                                          31
æ   Read and colour in.                     Come with me
                                Lies und male aus.                      on a trip!
Travel and adventure

                            The car is red.                  The bike is orange.
                            The boat is blue and white.      The plane is white and red.
                            The train is black and yellow.   The bus is green and brown.
æ   Read and draw.
    Lies und male.

I go to school by bike.

I go to Berlin by train.

                                   Travel and adventure
I go to Australia by plane.

I go to London by bus.

I go to an island by boat.

æ   Read and tick the correct answer.
                                Lies und kreuze an.
Travel and adventure

                                                                          yes         no

                            Hanna and David are going to school.

                            They are going to Australia.

                            There are many people.

                            Hanna and David are going by plane.

                            They have got suitcases.

                            How many people can you see?   I can see    (fourteen) people.
Welcome to
æ   Read and colour in.                                              America!
    Lies und male aus.


                                                                                                  Travel and adventure


                                    snake                  bear

The wolf is black.                          The bear, the buffalo and the snake are brown.

The eagle is black and white.               The raccoon is black, brown and white.
æ   Read and draw lines.                      What do the
                                Lies und verbinde.                        animals do?

                                The snake
                                                       is howling.

                                The eagle
Travel and adventure

                                                       is washing its food.

                                The wolf
                                                       is shaking its rattle.

                                The bear               is flying high.

                                The raccoon            is catching a fish.

                                The buffalo            is eating grass.

                                                                                        Test 2, S. 43
Mach Pause!

æ   Read and draw lines.               Kennst du dieses Tier?
    Lies und verbinde.

                           The skunk

æ   Read and colour in.
                   Lies und male aus.


               It is dark. Hanna and David are back at the campsite.

               They are sleeping. David is dreaming:

               The dragon           is red and black.

                                         The unicorn          is white and has got a golden horn.

               The fairy       has got brown hair and a blue dress.

                                         The troll        is green and has got orange socks.

æ   Read and number.
                   Trage die richtige Zahl ein.

                     1     The dragon             3   has got a horn.

                     2     The fairy              4   has got a big nose.

                     3     The unicorn            1   has got wings.

                     4     The troll              2   has got brown hair.

æ   Read, tick and draw.                                  What can you
                                  (individuell)           draw?
    Lies, kreuze an und male.

      a unicorn             a dragon              a troll         a fairy

Teste dich!

                  æ   Read and draw.
                      Lies und male.

                  Anoki is cutting paper with scissors.   Luna is kicking the ball with her foot.
Test 1

                  Emil is eating grapes.                  Anoki’s dog is picking flowers.


Teste dich!

     æ   Read and draw.
         Lies und male.

                                                                                         Test 2
     This is Anoki’s bedroom.             Anoki goes to school by bike.
     Anoki is wearing green socks.        His bike is red and orange.
     There is an eagle on his T-shirt.    Anoki has got a suitcase.
     Anoki is sitting on a brown chair.   The suitcase is blue.


School and free time

                                               to be on the swing      auf der Schaukel sein
                                               to cook a soup          Suppe kochen
                folder        der Hefter       to listen to music      Musik hören
                pencil        der Bleistift    to play hide and seek   Verstecken spielen
                pencil case   die Federmappe   to read a book          ein Buch lesen
                ruler         das Lineal       to watch TV             fernsehen
                scissors      die Schere
My words

                sharpener     der Spitzer

                black         schwarz          orange        orange
                blue          blau             white         weiß
                brown         braun            yellow        gelb
                green         grün

Body and food
arm         der Arm           hand         die Hand
back        der Rücken        head         der Kopf
bottom      der Po            knee         das Knie
foot        der Fuß           leg          der Bein

to arch     krümen, wölben    to lift      anheben
to bend     beugen            to put up    hochheben

                                                               My words
basket      der Korb
carrot      die Möhre         pizza        die Pizza
cheese      der Käse          sandwich     das Sandwich
grapes      die Weintrauben   sausage      die Wurst
picnic      das Picknick      water        das Wasser
                              watermelon   die Melone

Seasons and senses
                autumn   der Herbst
                spring   der Frühling
                summer   der Sommer        to build a snowman   einen Schneemann bauen
                winter   der Winter        to eat ice cream     Eis essen
                                           to fly a kite        einen Drachen steigen lassen
                                           to pick flowers      Blumen pflücken
My words

                ear      das Ohr
                eye      das Augen
                hand     die Hand
                nose     die Nase
                tongue   die Zunge         to hear              hören
                                           to see               sehen
                sense    der Sinn          to smell             riechen
                         das Sinnesorgan   to taste             schmecken
                                           to touch             fühlen

My home and my clothes
armchair       der Sessel
bathroom       das Bad            kitchen       die Küche
bed            das Bett           lamp          die Lampe
bedroom        das Schlafzimmer   living room   das Wohnzimmer
chair          der Stuhl          shelf         das Bücherregal
garden         der Garten         sofa          das Sofa
                                  table         der Tisch

                                                                       My words
                                  wardrobe      der Schrank

dress          das Kleid
jacket         die Jacke
jeans          die Jeans          sandals       die Sandalen
pullover       der Pullover       socks         die Socken
                                  trainers      die Turnschuhe
                                  T-shirt       das T-Shirt

Travel and adventure
                bike        das Fahrrad
                boat        das Boot
                bus         der Bus        bear       der Bär
                car         das Auto       buffalo    der Büffel
                suitcase    der Koffer     eagle      der Adler
                plane       das Flugzeug   raccoon    der Waschbär
                train       der Zug        skunk      das Stinktier
My words

                                           snake      die Schlange
                                           wolf       der Wolf

                dragon      der Drache     unicorn    das Einhorn
                fairy       die Fee        wing       der Flügel
                hair        die Haare
                horn        das Horn       to dream   träumen
                                           to sleep   schlafen


Ablang, Friederike, Berlin, 3.5; 12.6; 16.1; 16.2; 16.6; 32.3; 32.6; 44.2; 45.1; 45.3; 45.4; Ackroyd, Dorothea, Bielefeld, 12.3; Fröhlich, Anke, Leipzig, 1.5; 1.41; 2.1; 3.1; 3.6; 5.2;
5.3; 5.5; 5.6; 5.7; 8.1; 9.1; 9.2; 9.3; 9.4; 17.2; 17.3; 17.4; 18.1; 19.1; 19.4; 23.2; 24.1; 28.1; 28.2; 28.3; 29.1; 32.7; 35.3; 36.4; 36.7; 37.1; 37.2; 37.3; 42.1; 42.2; 42.3; 42.4; 46.2; 46.3;
46.4; 46.5; 46.6; 47.1; 47.2; 47.3; 47.5; 48.1; 48.2; 48.3; 48.4; Hesselbarth, Susann, Leipzig, 2.3; 2.4; 2.7; 2.10; 44.1; 44.3; 44.4; 44.5; 44.6; 44.7; 45.2; Hochmann, Carmen,
Gütersloh, 41.2; Hoppe-Engbring, Yvonne, Steinfurt, 18.2; 18.3; 18.4; 18.5; Josef Hammen, Trierweiler, 12.5; Kranenberg, Hendrik, Drolshagen, 32.2; 32.5; 40.2; 40.4; 40.5;
Oser, Liliane, Hamburg, 40.1; 47.4; Ostadal, Manuela, München, 31.2; Reich, Bettina, Zwenkau/Leipzig, 15.2; Sauerborn, Annika, Mainz, 12.7; 46.1; Schumann, Friederike,
Berlin, 2.1; 4.1; 6.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.4; 7.1; 11.1; 11.2; 11.3; 11.4; 14.1; 20.1; 20.2; 20.3; 20.4; 21.1; 22.1; 27.1; 30.1; 34.1; 35.2; 38.1; 38.2; 38.3; 38.4; 38.5; 39.1; 41.1; Svetlana, Kilian,
Bonn, 12.1; 12.2; 12.4; Vogel-Jaich, Anja, Berlin (Vogel, Anja), 32.4

                                                                                                               7 6 5 4 3
2. Auflage		                                                                                               2                    | 25 24 23 22 21

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Die letzte Zahl bezeichnet das Jahr des Druckes.
Das Werk und seine Teile sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Nutzung in anderen als den gesetzlich zugelassenen Fällen bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen
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© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2018. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Das vorliegende Material dient ausschließlich gemäß § 60b UrhG dem Einsatz im Unterricht an Schulen.

Autorin: Vanessa Thiel

Entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Projektteam des Verlages.

Externe Redaktion: Antje Maria Greisiger, Leipzig
Gestaltung: kognito – Visuelle Gestaltung GmbH, Berlin
Titelbild: Anke Fröhlich, Leipzig
Satz: Anja Fengler, Potsdam
Druck: Plump Druck & Medien GmbH, Rheinbreitbach

Printed in Germany
ISBN 978-3-12-161054-9
Dieses Anoki-Übungsheft bietet                                 Anokis Welt im Überblick
   • englische Lese-Mal-Übungen,
   • einfache Aufgaben zum Textverständnis,                         Deutsch ⏐ Richtig schreiben
   • Vokabeltraining,
   • Themen wie adventure und fantasy.                               Deutsch ⏐ Anfangsunterricht

                                                                     Deutsch ⏐ Texte schreiben

   Passend zu diesem Heft:                                           Deutsch ⏐ Lesen

   • Word Trainer 3
      (978-3-12-161048-8, 5er-Paket: 978-3-12-162052-4)
   • Word Trainer 4
      (978-3-12-161049-5, 5er-Paket: 978-3-12-162053-1)              Sachunterricht
   • Comics and Stories 3/4
      (978-3-12-161050-1, 5er-Paket: 978-3-12-162054-8)
   • Fit for Five 4
      (978-3-12-161051-8, 5er-Paket: 978-3-12-162055-5)

Mein Anoki-Übungsheft – ideal zum selbstständigen Trainieren!

                                               Dieses Heft im 5er-Paket:
                                               ISBN: 978-3-12-162083-8
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