Pilot Program 2018 - The Innovation League - Access Ed

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Pilot Program 2018 - The Innovation League - Access Ed

Pilot Program

www. theinnovationleague.org   857 999 5488
Pilot Program 2018 - The Innovation League - Access Ed
The Innovation League exists to increase the
number of students from underserved
communities attending competitive colleges.
We achieve this through mobilizing PhD
students to facilitate research projects with
young people.

The Problem                                        In 2015 college graduates
                                                    on average had incomes
                                                           that were
Today, more than ever, Americans need to

invest in higher education to meet the
demands of a growing global economy.
College is the best investment that young
people can make in their future. For colleges
and universities to serve as gateways to                 than high school
economic opportunity and social mobility,                   graduates
they must be open to young people from
diverse backgrounds. We believe access to
a high-quality college education is a civic      Highly competitive colleges enroll:
With an ever growing attainment gap, and          3%       of students from
                                                           families in the
declining graduation rates, many young                     bottom economic
people have lost faith in the power of                     quartile
education to change their lives. We know
that selective institutions have the resources
                                                            from the top
needed to support exceptional outcomes for
underserved students, including graduation        72%       economic quartile
rates and post-college labor market success.
Yet, the nation’s most selective colleges
admit the smallest share of low-income
The Innovation league
In Massachusetts, 65% of students from lower income         MASS.
backgrounds enrolled in college, but only 50% of them
entered 4 year institutions.
Despite benefiting from the best public school systems in
the country, MA schools report a persistent attainment
gap. For example, only 53% of economically
disadvantaged students scored proficient or higher in the
2017 10th grade MCAS tests, compared to 83% of their
wealthier peers.
The Innovation League’s programs are designed to
support young people from underserved communities in        Self-Efficacy
Massachusetts. We focus on making an impact across
three key areas:                                            Critical
Aspirations                                                 Thinking
Being part of The Innovation League increases students
sense of belonging and academic self-efficacy, as they
visit campus and work collaboratively with PhD
researchers in small seminar groups.

We mobilize PhD researchers to share their expertise with
school students, advancing their subject-level knowledge
and key academic skills, including: critical thinking,
research and communication.

The Innovation League increases students’ awareness of
effective college application techniques by connecting
students to expert information, advice and guidance on
admissions and financial aid processes.
Partnerships and Impact
The Innovation League is supported by AccessEd.
AccessEd has been established by the co-founders of
The Brilliant Club in the UK, Jonny Sobczyk and Simon
Coyle. The Brilliant Club is an award-winning and
independently evaluated charity that exists to increase
the number of students from under-represented
backgrounds progressing to highly-selective universities
in the UK. It does this by mobilizing the PhD community
to share its academic expertise with state schools.            Impact Evaluation
Since establishing The Brilliant Club in 2012, Jonny and
                                                             PhD researcher led tutorials
Simon have grown a system-level organisation that is         in the UK make it significantly
now active across the UK, working with over 30 leading       more likely an under-
universities and over 500 schools. This year, it will        represented student will
mobilise 600 PhD researchers to deliver programs of          progress to a highly-selective
university-style tutorials in those schools to over 10,000   university.
young people.                                                 Learn more about our
                                                             impact evaluation:
As well as operating at a national scale, Brilliant Club
programs also have credible evidence of impact. The          www.thebrilliantclub.org
average for low-income school leavers progressing to a
highly-selective university is 11%. An evaluation by the        AccessEd Network
Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)
found that the average for The Brilliant Club in the UK is   United States
58%. Further, the evaluation found that The Brilliant Club
has a statistically significant impact on the likelihood a   South Africa
student will progress to a highly-selective university,      Hong Kong
compared to a control group.
                                                             United Kingdom
AccessEd exists to support education leaders in other        Republic of Ireland
countries to design and pilot new university access
programmes that mobilize PhD researchers. The
Innovation League belongs to the AccessEd network,
benefitting from the collective expertise of researcher
and practitioners engaged with fair access to higher
education globally.
Program Outline                      Pilot 2018

       Registration                    by 5th Feb

   Academic Seminars                   March-April
                                     typically weekly
      6 Academic Seminars              after school
       led by PhD Students

    Visit to College
      Campus Day 1                     April-May
                                     over a weekend

   Research        Admissions
    Groups        Advice Session

    Visit to College                    Parents/
     Campus Day 2                      guardians
    Research      Feedback and
   Symposium   Graduation Ceremony
Program Details

   Registration                      Academic Seminars
The Innovation League’s             Modelled off the style of learning at universities
program is aimed at middle          like Harvard, MIT and Oxford, students study in
and high school students that       small seminar groups of up to 6 students led by
have demonstrated the               an expert PhD student. Over the course of the
potential and drive to succeed      program students participate in 6 university-style
at a competitive university. We     seminars, facilitated virtually or at the school by
believe schools know their          the PhD students. Students are guided through
students best and do not set        “super-curricular” content, developing their
enrollment criteria based on        critical thinking and communication skills, as they
attainment. We ask teachers to      work towards producing a final assignment. The
register students (in cohorts of    cohort model builds student community, fostering
15-20) who they believe will        their sense of belonging and encouraging
most benefit from the program.      academic progress.

As we seek to support
underserved students, we do          The Research Project
ask schools to ensure at least
60% of the students registered      The Innovation League Research Project is designed
meet our targeting criteria. This   to provide students with an authentic experience of
means at least 9 out of 15          life as a researcher. When students visit campus
students should meet at least       they work in their small research groups on a
one of the following criteria:      defined project. Using what they have learnt over
                                    the course of the academic seminars, students work
• eligible for free school          together and prepare to present their findings. The
  lunches                           Research Symposium provides students with an
• high needs                        opportunity to present their work to their peers, and
• economically disadvantaged        where possible teachers and parents/carers, in the
• From historically                 style of an academic conference. PhD students
  underrepresented minority         provide students with feedback based on their
  background (Black or              seminar contributions and their participation in the
  African American, American        Research Symposium. To graduate from the
  Indian or Alaska Native,          program the students must typically have attended
  Hispanic/Latino, Native           at least 90% of the sessions.
  Hawaiian or Pacific
Admissions Guidance                                 PhD students
During the visit to a university campus, students   PhD students complete a
receive guidance about applying to competitive      competitive application to
colleges and the different financial aid options    participate in the program,
available to them. These sessions help to debunk    as well as a full
any myths around the college admissions             background check as
process and provide students with practical         required by the school. All
strategies on how to apply to college. Students     researchers complete
also hear from peer role models about their         training that is delivered
experience of applying to and studying at           by qualified teachers. The
competitive institutions. The Innovation League     training includes
will seek to connect students to high-quality       instruction on how to
information and guidance                            design and deliver a
                                                    super-curricular course.
                                                    Researchers receive
                                                    guidance and training on
                                                    how to create an inclusive
Digital Programs                                    and engaging
                                                    environment for students
The Innovation League embraces the possibilities    from diverse backgrounds.
that technology offers to engage young people       Our researcher training is
and scale our impact on college access. The         designed to harness the
Innovation League’s program can be delivered        passion and expertise PhD
in-person (with researchers visiting the school     students have for their
weekly for academic seminars), or as a blended      subject, by helping them
model (with some online seminars). Further          structure a robust and
information about implementation is available at    engaging program for
the planning stage of the program. All seminar      young people.
resources created by the PhD students are made
available to the school and can be accessed
online through our website.
Academic Seminar Curriculum
Each course of 6 seminars is individually designed by the PhD tutor and based on their
own cutting-edge research. PhD students produce a seminar handbook in line with our
template, which is designed to ensure that students are supported and challenged

Example Curriculum Overviews:
                               Fictions, Fakes and Mistakes: Writing Roman History
    Humanities                 Wars, Guns and Votes

                               The Moral Justification of Punishment
  Social Sciences
                               Cyborg Urbanization: Are Cities Natural?

                               The Fingerprints of Time
   Life Sciences
                               Understanding Viral Infections

      Physical                 Journey to the Coldest Place in the Universe
                               What’s Up is Down: Making Sense of the Quantum World

Every seminar handbook includes a rationale that serves as an introduction to the
course, providing a ‘hook’ to get students excited about what they will be learning.
Every seminar handbook contains a glossary of key vocabulary to introduce students to
technical and subject-specific vocabulary.

All seminar and homework resources, including activities and required readings, are
included in each handbook.
Feedback Criteria
Feedback criteria clearly outline success metrics for the academic seminars, including
seminar contributions and homework and the campus research project and final
Who We Are
Polly Goss is the CEO and Founder of The Innovation
League. Polly taught English in the UK and was Lead
Teacher with The Brilliant Club, before moving to the US.
Polly has a Masters in Education from University College
London and specialized in gifted pedagogy in urban
schools. Polly moved to Cambridge in 2016 with her
husband, a graduate student at MIT. Polly loves her new
home and being part of the dynamic educational
community of Cambridge.

Dr. Rajbir Hazelwood is the Program Director at
AccessEd, where she leads on the support provided to
education leaders to pilot new university access
programs. Rajbir completed her PhD on decolonization at
Washington University in St. Louis and was Assistant
Professor of Modern British History at Southern Illinois
University in Edwardsville. After 10 years in St. Louis, she
moved back to London to join The Brilliant Club in 2015.

Simon Coyle is the Co-Founder and Director at
AccessEd. As a result of his experiences as Teach First
teacher in a low-income community in London, Simon
was motivated to start The Brilliant Club with his friend
and colleague Jonny Sobczyk. The Brilliant Club began
as an after school project supporting students to develop
the knowledge, skills and ambition to progress to highly-
selective university. After a successful pilot, Simon and
Jonny secured a founding grant and went on to grow
The Brilliant Club to become the largest university
access charity for secondary school students in the UK.

To learn more about who we are and to get
involved with The Innovation League visit:
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