Your Learning Partner - Semester 1, 2020 Learning Opportunities - Independent Schools Victoria

Page created by Katherine Williamson
Your Learning Partner - Semester 1, 2020 Learning Opportunities - Independent Schools Victoria
Your Learning Partner

 Semester 1, 2020 Learning Opportunities
Your Learning Partner - Semester 1, 2020 Learning Opportunities - Independent Schools Victoria
Supporting teachers as
            lifelong learners

Teachers, like their students, are expected to be lifelong
learners. For teachers, this means their training and professional
education doesn’t end when they gain their qualifications and
start work in a school. They have to do more. Throughout their
careers, they are obliged to engage in continuing professional
learning that they have to document and apply.
This requirement recognises that teaching, like learning, is a
dynamic process, where content, curriculum and methods can
change and new ideas can emerge to meet the changing needs
and expectations of students and society.
Supporting this professional learning is an essential part of the
way Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) supports staff in our
Member Schools.
Central to this work have been the courses, seminars and other
events delivered through ISV’s Development Centre.
Over the years, the range of what The Development Centre
offers has grown to assist school communities as they confront
new challenges.
                                                                     And while it helps grow your confidence and expertise,
But we recognise that we have to adapt – not only in what we         isLearn will also grow your networks, allowing users to build
offer teachers and other school staff, but in how we deliver our     relationships and foster collaboration that lead to greater
services.                                                            learning opportunities – so you can better meet the needs
That’s why we’re building on our record to provide support           of students.
in flexible ways that meet the demand for learning programs          As we ready ourselves to make this exciting new hub available
required by all school staff.                                        to you, our website – – continues to provide
Soon we will be launching isLearn, an addition to the                details and registration opportunities for our full selection of
isEducation suite of online products developed by ISV to             programs.
support schools in every area of their complex operations.           To learn more about what’s on offer now, and what
isLearn is an online gateway to new ideas, a hub of individualised   we’re planning for the future, please contact our
learning options for everyone working in schools. It will allow      Development Centre.
you to register for programs, engage with presenters, join
discussion forums, store resources, and document and track
all the learning events you’ve taken part in.
It will enhance our existing work by providing learning
opportunities that are accessible when and where you need
them, becoming a digital companion of the face-to-face
programs offered at The Development Centre and the in-school         Michelle Green
support we will continue to provide.                                 Chief Executive

                                       The cover illustration, Oranges, was created by
                                       Kalina McMaster when she was a Year 10 students
                                       at Plenty Valley Christian College.
Your Learning Partner - Semester 1, 2020 Learning Opportunities - Independent Schools Victoria
Stay at the top of your game
           with isLearn

isLearn from Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) is a     And while it helps build your confidence and expertise,
gateway to the new ideas and approaches shaping          isLearn also grows your networks. Through it, you’ll
modern education.                                        build relationships and foster collaborations that lead
                                                         to greater learning opportunities – so you can better
It allows you to keep learning so your students
                                                         meet the needs of your students.
can, too.
                                                         isLearn is a professional learning and development
Through isLearn, you’ll have access to the best
                                                         hub to support you and your school to thrive, innovate
practices in education – either through ISV programs
                                                         and excel.
or by connecting with experts in your field.
                                                         It allows you to benefit from a personalised learning
With evidence-based strategies and an easy-to-use
                                                         experience with a trusted learning partner in ISV.
interface, isLearn makes professional learning simple.
                                                         Our programs are evidence-based, flexible and meet
You can even track your progress by earning digital
                                                         the needs of administrative staff, educators and
badges at each stage of your development.
                                                         leaders, through:

    face-to-face learning in The Development Centre            customised in-school learning experiences

      our online community, networks and courses         collaborations with local, national and global partners.

In summary isLearn let’s you:
■   receive quick and timely responses to your needs from a partner who values and understands the Independent
    school sector
■   collaborate within and across the sector as often as you need, building networks and connecting
    to course creators
■   access multiple approaches and ideas within the contemporary education landscape.
Visit to get started and be kept in the loop about new programs, resources and tools.
Introducing New Features

The Digital Companion
isLearn is changing professional learning experiences in 2020 with the introduction of the Digital Companion.
Now you can stay in touch with other learners, track your experiences and access shared resources
anytime, anywhere.

PL in a Box
Now, regional Member Schools have even greater access to high quality professional learning with PL in a Box, available
through isLearn:

                                  Step 1: Select from a wide variety of ISV professional learning offerings.
                                  Step 2: Your core PL in a Box is created with a customisable presentation, resources
                                  and collaborative tools. Designed with maximum flexibility in mind for in-school,
                                  professional learning.
                                  Step 3 (optional): Choose additional features, such as online coaching, video
                                  conferencing, school visits or action-research assistance, to fully ensure you are
                                  supporting your unique improvement agenda.
Snapshot of Learning Events

                     For the full program, look out for isLearn, coming soon

                                    January 2020                                                February 2020
      Date            Seminar                                      Date           Seminar

      Monday 20       Teaching Year 11 Chemistry                   Thursday 13    NCCDSSD and State Support

                      Units 1 and 2                                               Services Funding for Staff
                                                                                  New to the Process
  		                  Teaching Year 12 Psychology

                      Units 3 and 4                                Wednesday 19   Problem-Based Learning

                                                                                  (Session A)
      Tuesday 21      Teaching Year 11 Biology

                      Units 1 and 2                            		                 Problem-Based Learning

                                                                                  (Session B)
  		                  Teaching Year 12 Chemistry

                      Units 3 and 4                                Thursday 20    An Introduction to Video
                                                                                  Publication with Adobe
      Wednesday 22    Teaching Year 11 Physics

                      Units 1 and 2                            		                 Smartphone Visual Media

                                                                                  for Marketing
  		                  Teaching Year 11 Psychology

                      Units 1 and 2                            		                 Strategies for Auditing
                                                                                  your Curriculum
      Thursday 23     Teaching Year 12 Biology

                      Units 3 and 4                                Friday 21      Amplify your Unit Planning

                                                                                  for English
      Friday 24       Teaching Year 12 Physics

                      Units 3 and 4                            		                 Emerging Principals

                                                                                  Program (Day One)

                                                                   Monday 24      Amplify your Unit Planning

                                                                                  for Mathematics

                                                               		                 Developing Higher Order
                                                                                  Thinking Skills in learners

                                                                   Tuesday 25     Amplify your Unit Planning

                                                                                  for Science

                                                                   Wednesday 26   Getting started with

                                                                                  Onenote in the classroom

                                                               		                 Restraint and Seclusion

                                                                   Thursday 27    Building Academic

                                                               		                 Using your VCE Data

                                                                   Friday 28      Amplify your Unit Planning

                                                                                  for Middle School
                                                                                  (Years 5 to 8)

                                                               		                 The School Musical –
                                                                                  Connect and Create

        Leading Schools              Supporting Students
        Managing Operations          Teaching and Learning
March 2020                                             March 2020
      Date           Seminar                                  Date           Seminar

      Monday 2       Rich Mathematical Thinking               Friday 13      Thinking Routines for
                     for Years 4 to 7                                        Student Resilience

  		                 Survival Guide 101 for                   Monday 16      Southern Cross Program 1
                     New Individual Needs                                    (Day Three)
                     Coordinators (Day One)
                                                              Tuesday 17     Creating a System where
      Tuesday 3      Curriculum Practices in                                 Coaching can Thrive
                     Victoria – What’s
                                                          		                 Leaders of teaching and
                     happening in schools?
                                                                             learning network

                                                          		                 Southern Cross Program 1
                     Crisis Management
                                                                             (Day Four)
  		                 Risk Managers’
                                                          		                 The Learning

                     Network Meeting
      Wednesday 4    Building Data
                                                              Wednesday 18   Advanced Skills for Personal
                     Confidence Network
                                                                             Assistants and Executive
  		                 Concept Thinking: Critical                              Assistants
                     and Creative Inquiry
                                                          		                 Southern Cross Program 2
  		                 Supporting EAL and                                      (Day Three)
                     CALD Students in
                                                              Thursday 19    Being Bold at Work
                     Secondary Classes

  		                 Transforming Learning
                                                          		                 Southern Cross Program 2
                     (Day One)
                                                                             (Day Four)
      Thursday 5     Behaviour Management 101
                                                          		                 Teacher Experts – Using
                                                                             Experience to Improve

  		                 Building a Strategic                                    Practice (Day One)
                                                              Friday 20      Emerging Principals

  		                 Round Table:                                            Program (Day Two)

                     Continuous Reporting
                                                          		                 New Business Managers’
  		                 The Art of Cognitive                                    Program (Day Two)

                                                              Monday 23      Amplify your Unit Planning

      Friday 6       Amplify your Unit Planning                              for Primary (Years 3 to 6)

                     for Humanities
                                                          		                 Feuerstein Instrumental
  		                 Effective Feedback                                      Enrichment Program –
                                                                             Basic One (Day One)

      Tuesday 10     Developing Leadership                		                 Student Assessment Project –
                     Agency                                                  Moving Forward:
                                                                             Learning Difficulties
  		                 Southern Cross Program 1
                     (Day One)                                Tuesday 24     Finance for Non-Finance

                                                                             Managers (Day One)
      Wednesday 11   Growth Mindset
                                                          		                 Feuerstein Instrumental
                                                                             Enrichment Program –
  		                 Southern Cross Program 1                                Basic One (Day Two)
                     (Day Two)
                                                          		                 Like Schools

  		                 Speaking Daggers – Teaching                             Network
                     Shakespeare in the Secondary
                     Classroom                                Wednesday 25   Feuerstein Instrumental
                                                                             Enrichment Program –
      Thursday 12    Southern Cross Program 2                                Basic One (Day Three)
                     (Day One)
                                                          		                 Finance for Non-Finance

  		                 What’s Next for your Performance                        Managers (Day Two)
                     and Development Culture?
                                                          		                 Management of Epilepsy

      Friday 13      New Business Managers’
                     Program (Day One)
                                                              Thursday 26    Feuerstein Instrumental
  		                 Southern Cross Program 2                                Enrichment Program –
                     (Day Two)                                               Basic One (Day Four)
March 2020                                                   April 2020
      Date           Seminar                                   Date           Seminar
      Thursday 26    Amplify your Unit Planning for            Wednesday 29   Supporting EAL and

                     Primary (Foundation to Year 2)                           CALD Students in
  		                 Survival Guide 101 for New                               Primary Classes
                     Individual Needs Coordinators             Thursday 30    Growth Mindset

                     (Day Two)

      Thursday 27    Feuerstein Instrumental
                                                           		                 How to Observe –
                     Enrichment Program –
                     Basic One (Day Five)                                     Learning to See,
                                                                              Unlearning to Judge
      Tuesday 31     Problem-Based Learning

                     (Session A)

  		                 Problem-Based Learning
                                                                                                      May 2020

                     (Session B)
                                                               Date           Seminar

                                                               Friday 1       The Learning Landscape

                                            April 2020
                                                               Monday 4       Apps for feedback
      Date           Seminar

      Thursday 16    Professional Telephone Skills
                                                           		                 New Leaders – Develop the
                                                                              Skills of an Effective Leader
      Monday 20      Beginning Teacher Program                                (Day One)

                                                               Tuesday 5      Disability Discrimination
      Tuesday 21     Anxiety Matters with
                     Young People                          		                 Instructional Leadership
                                                                              (Day One)
  		                 Highly Effective Mathematics
                     Teaching for Years 7 to 10                Wedneday 6     Better Teams
                                                                              (Day One)
  		                 Introduction to OHS for New
                     and Inexperienced Managers            		                 Reshaping Assessment for
                                                                              Inquiry Learning
      Wednesday 22   Occupational Health and
                                                           		                 Specialist and Mathematical
                     Safety for Experienced
                                                                              Methods Unit 4 SACs
                     Managers – Part 1
                                                               Thursday 7     Competent Minute Taking
  		                 Occupational Health
                     and Safety for Experienced
                     Managers – Part 2                     		                 Improving Data Literacy

      Thursday 23    Building Social Innovation

                                                           		                 Introduction to School-Wide
                     Projects through STE(A)M
                                                                              Positive Behaviour Support
                     (Day One)
                                                               Friday 8       Being a Teacher in 2020
  		                 Learner Profiles and Individual

                     Education Plans
                                                           		                 Round Table: Performance

  		                 We all have the Same                                     and Development
                     Amount of Time –
                     How do we use it?                     		                 That Was Unexpected!
                                                                              Making Sense of Probability

      Friday 24      Building Social Innovation                               Using Data

                     Projects through STE(A)M
                                                               Monday 11      Building a Culture
                     (Day Two)                                                of Curiosity
      Monday 27      Reducing the Impact of                		                 Experienced Leaders –
                     Dyslexia on Maths Performance                            Lead the Learning of
                                                                              Colleagues (Day One)
      Tuesday 28     Case Notes and
                     Record Keeping                        		                 Student Assessment Project –
                                                                              Moving Forward: Inattention
      Wednesday 29   Connecting Vision and Mission,                           and Behavioural Issues
                     to Student Achievement
                                                               Tuesday 12     Southern Cross Program 3
                                                                              (Day One)
May 2020                                              June 2020
      Date           Seminar                                   Date           Seminar

      Wednesday 13   Southern Cross Program 3                  Tuesday 2      Indigenous Memory

                     (Day Two)                                                Methods: Primary

  		                 Taking Video Production to                Wednesday 3    Indigenous Memory

                     the Next Level with Adobe                                Methods: Secondary

      Thursday 14    Leaders of Teaching and              		                  Maximising the Role of the
                     Learning Network                                         Learning Support Assistant
                                                                              for Coordinators Only
  		                 Southern Cross Program 4
                     (Day One)                                 Thursday 4     Advanced Skills for Personal
                                                                              Assistants and Executive
  		                 Transforming Learning                                    Assistants
                     (Day Two)
                                                          		                  Better Teams
      Friday 15      Emerging Principals                                      (Day Two)

                     Program (Day Three)
                                                               Wednesday 10   Experienced Leaders –
  		                 Southern Cross Program 4                                 Lead the Learning of
                     (Day Two)                                                Colleagues (Day Two)
  		                 Teachers as Architects                    Thursday 11    Learning Support Assistants:
                     of Learning (Day One)                                    Key Understandings and Skills
      Monday 18      Building Data                             Tuesday 16     Re-Designing Global
                     Confidence Network                                       Mindedness
  		                 Southern Cross Program 3             		                  Round Table:

                     (Day Three)                                              Timetabling Options
      Tuesday 19     Developing Further                        Wednesday 17   Instructional Leadership
                     Mathematics Unit 4 SACs                                  (Day Two)
  		                 Reshaping Middle Years               		                  Using Video to Improve
  		                 Southern Cross Program 4                  Friday 19      Email Etiquette Training
                     (Day Four)

      Wednesday 20   Being Bold at Work
                     (Day Two)

  		                 Nurturing Literacy –

                     Developing Lifelong Readers

  		                 Southern Cross Program 4
                     (Day Three)

      Thursday 21    Effective Differentiation for

                     Early Career Teachers

  		                 Southern Cross Program 4
                     (Day Four)

      Friday 22      Activating Student Voice

  		                 The NCCD and EAL/D Learner:
                     The Nexus between English
                     Language Learning and
                     Language Learning Disorders

      Monday 25      VIT Mentor Training

      Tuesday 26     Risk Managers’
                     Network Meeting

      Wednesday 27   De-escalation

                     Primary Schools
                                                                 Leading Schools             Supporting Students
      Thursday 28    De-escalation

                     Secondary Schools                           Managing Operations         Teaching and Learning
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