The Sports Coaching Model Based on Youth as Rural Sports Activists

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 443
                     International Conference on Science and Education and Technology (ISET 2019)

 The Sports Coaching Model Based on Youth as
             Rural Sports Activists
                                  Boedi Siswanto                           Soegiyanto KS
                            Universitas Negeri Semarang             Universitas Negeri Semarang
                                Semarang, Indonesia                     Semarang, Indonesia

                                       Sugiharto                              Sulaiman
                             Universitas Negeri Semarang            Universitas Negeri Semarang
                                 Semarang, Indonesia                    Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract - This study illustrates the use and the                 sports organizations, sports facilities and infrastructure
implementation of the sports coaching model based                 as well as the aspect of local government policy.
on youth as rural sports activists. The research
                                                                      The achievement results obtained by Tegal
design used a research and development from Borg
                                                                  Regency in the multi-event of the Central Java
and Gall that had been modified. The steps of
                                                                  Province Sports Event, with the three times
research and development began with learning
                                                                  participation in that multi-event, show the lack of
something that would be developed from the results
                                                                  continuous athlete coaching in all sports. As a result,
of the needs analysis, developing the model,
                                                                  there is still a shortage of potential and talented
conducting a series of trials and revising the
                                                                  athletes. This is in line with the data obtained from
findings during the trial until it finally obtained the
                                                                  sports instructor, coaches and athletes.
required model. The data analysis used thematic
analysis. The results of the study illustrate that the                In order to support the continuous athlete
sports coaching model based on youth as rural                     acquisition, the acquisition of talented athletes and
sports activists can be used and applied as one of                potential athletes is started with the introduction of
the community's participations in efforts to                      sports by the environments which are, in this case,
improve sports coaching in Tegal Regency. The                     family and community. Then, it is followed by the
results of the study can be recommended to the                    coaching initial stage from the school at each sports
local government of Tegal Regency in determining                  club and the role of sports clubs that have been doing
sports coaching policies in order to improve                      the achievement coaching. At this initial stage, the role
regional sports performance.                                      of the local government in encouraging the community
                                                                  to do sports is very important. Therefore, it is expected
Keywords: the sport coaching model, based on                      that the community participation encourages the
youths, as rural sports activists                                 movement of healthy living and develops its
                                                                  participation in boosting people to help and to improve
                 I. INTRODUCTION                                  the potential of community in their region so that it can
                                                                  develop optimally. This is in accordance with the
    The arrangement of the Sports multi-event in                  opinion of Darai Cooke (1996) which provides an
Central Java Province is one of the benchmarks that               overview of a strategic approach in developing sports
can be used as an evaluation of the sport coaching from           towards the best performance. According to him, it
each district/city in the Central Java Province followed          starts with the role of the family as a strong foundation
by 35 cities/regencies. Based on the medal results,               stage in sports. Then, it is continued in the early stage
Tegal Regency ranked 32 out of 35 cities/regencies in             of school and it is identified by the participation of
the PORPROV Central Java multi-event in 2018. The                 school sports clubs and the steps of achiever sports
same results were also obtained by the contingent of              clubs in recruiting athlete candidates and potential
Tegal Regency in the same multi event back then in                athletes.
2013. The results of the achievements obtained still
show some weaknesses in the process of sports                         At the same time, it is followed by the local
coaching in the Tegal Regency, particularly in some               government with its policy in encouraging the
aspects such as athletes, coaches, management of                  community to do sport activities that lead to a healthy
                                                                  life and to bring out the prospective talented athletes

                                Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
   This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 27
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 443

who can be recruited by sports clubs. Those talented                          II. RESEARCH METHOD
athletes, then, can be fostered and practice on an
ongoing basis.                                                     The research method used in this study was
                                                               research and development from Borg and Gall.
    The sports coaching model based on youth as rural          Educational Research and Development (R&D) is a
sports activists is a sports coaching model that has           process used to develop and validate educational
never been used so far in the process of sports                product. The step of this process are usually referred
coaching. This is the first urgency of the sports              to as the R&D cycle, which consist of studying
coaching model based on youth as rural sports                  research findings pertinent to the product to be
activists. The second important thing is this coaching         developed , developing the products base on these
model can empower rural and urban youth. It is one             findings, field testing it in the setting where it will be
step of work to overcome the problems that arise by            used eventually, and revising it to correct the
considering the area of sports coaching throughout             deficiencies found in the field testing stage. In more
Tegal Regency. According to BPS Tegal Regency in               rigorous programs of R&D, this cycle is repeated until
2018, there are 287 rural/urban areas which are very           the field test data indicate that the product meets, its
potential to get the seeds of talented athletes and            behaviorally defined objectives (Borg and Gall,1983;
achievers who have not received any guidance in a              Akker, 2009; Ali & Asrori, 2014; Arifin, 2012; Dick
good and regular sports practice. As a result, in the          and Carey,1996; Seals and Richey,1994; Richey and
future, the seeds of talented athletes and many                Nelson, 2009;         Sugiyono, 2011; Sujadi, 2002;
outstanding athletes will be obtained. The role of youth       Tessmer,1998)
plays an active role in the development of rural
communities. It is in accordance with the goals of                 This research is a part of the overall research on the
youth development carried out by local governments.            analysis of Tegal Regency regarding the sports
As agents of change that have national vision, the role        competition between regions in Central Java Province.
of youth is to develop their potential so that they are        The competition was the multi-event of the Central
able to move the community to be better (Permenpora:           Java Province Sports Week in 2018 which was less
2013).                                                         optimal, including some aspects such as coaches,
                                                               athletes, sports facilities and infrastructure, sports
    The third urgency of the sports coaching model             management as well as local government policies. The
based on youth as rural sports activists is one step to        steps of research and development began with learning
empower the function of youth as agents of change              something that would be developed from the results of
who have national vision. It is expected that they             the needs analysis, developing the model, completing
develop the potential of the community as an effort to         the expert validation, testing the revision results, and
answer the problems that arise in the community of             then revising the findings from the trial until it finally
Tegal Regency regarding the lack of improvement in             obtained the required model.
sports achievement. The role of youth as rural sports
activists is one step that can be done by people in their
region to play an active role in community                                      III. DISCUSSION
development, particularly in sports. This is in
accordance with the strategic plan of the Ministry of          The implementation of research and development
Youth and Sports in 2016-2019 which states that youth          includes:
are pioneers of development who respond to
challenges and problems that arise in the community.             a.   A need analysis, as a first step in this research
This is also strengthened by Law No. 40 of 2009                       and development, was done by analyzing data of
concerning youth which provides direction for youth                   achievement from Tegal contingent in the multi-
development that has competitiveness and plays an                     event of the Central Java Province Sports Week
active role in national development, including in sports              in the past 10 years. Data collection was done by
development aspects. Therefore, coaching towards                      doing observations and collecting data from
sports achievement should be done optimally in all                    interviews. The data collection was also
aspects so that it encourages the implementation of                   supported by gathering some documentation to
sports coaching in rural areas. Sports coaching can                   strengthen the obtained data results. It is expected
provide an improvement in regional sports                             that the data collected can strengthen other data
achievements. Youth development plays an active role                  on the coaches and instructors of achiever sport
in building regional communities in accordance with                   and the policy makers of sports coaching from
the potential and the support from the community in its               the Tegal Regency government. The results of
region.                                                               the needs analysis showed a coaching model was

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 443

      needed to improve the sports achievements of              sports coaching can be obtained such as to develop the
      Tegal Regency.                                            community’s potential in the sports field; to channel
 b.   A sports coaching model based on youth as rural           the talents of young people - athletes achievers to the
      sports activists was developed from the results of        level of Tegal Regency; to provide a reference for
      needs analysis. It was reinforced by previous data        managing the sports organization and a reference to
      collection as a preliminary model that was                the monitoring team – the evaluation in the sub-district
      developed. Then, the expert validation of the             level on its implementation.
      initial model was done. The experts were from
      sports policy analysis experts, sports instructors,        b.   Basic     Principles     of   PPOP     Program
      sports coaches, and policy makers from the                      Implementation
      government. This produced a revised model of                    The Rural Sports Activist-based Youth
      sports coaching based on youth as rural sports            Development Program is developed by complying
      activists.                                                with some principles: Principles Adherence in
 c.   The next step was to carry out the first trial of         accordance with the regulations in the communities of
      sports coaching model based on youth as rural             the region; Youth-based with efforts to empower
      sports activists. The trial was done in a number of       youth in rural areas; Management that meets minimum
      villages in one sub-district area. Then, the follow-      service standards, Professionalism in terms of work
      up trials were carried out in some villages from          performance and program analysis results; The
      several sub-districts throughout Tegal Regency.           structured implementation that starts from the
      From the series of trials, it was expected that           planning, implementation and open reporting and can
      there would be a revision of the sports coaching          be known by interested parties and can be accounted
      model based on youth as rural sports activists            for to the stakeholders; Equitable in the process of
 d.   The revision results of the sports coaching model         organizing for all communities by considering the
      based on youth as rural sports activists can              limitations of the funds they have.
      become a sports coaching model in Tegal
      Regency that can be used and applied to improve            c.   The Recruitment Process of PPOP Program
      the sports achievements of Tegal Regency.                       Practitioners
 e.   Data       collection    used     interviews     and            The recruitment process for the PPOP Program
      questionnaires. It was also obtained and                  practitioner considers the competence and potential of
      supported by collecting documentation and                 rural areas in accordance with the sports branch that
      observation to strengthen the data results that had       will be developed
      been previously obtained. Therefore, it was
      expected that the collected data can be                   The recruitment mechanism of PPOP program
      strengthened by other data.                               practitioners involves the following stages:

                                                                a.    Determining the village area from each sub-
           IV. RESULT DISCUSSIONS                                     district
                                                                b.    Analyzing the branch sports that will be
The result discussions in this study include:                         developed according to the territorial approach
                                                                c.    Determining the branch sports that will be
 a.   Definition of Rural Sports Youth Activist-Based
                                                                      developed based on the analysis results
      Sports Coaching Program
                                                                d.    Analyzing the needs of PPOP Program
      The definition of the Rural Sports Youth
                                                                      practitioners voluntarily with regional data
Activists-Based Sports Development Program is a
                                                                      collection for youth who are members of youth
model of sports coaching that is carried out by young
                                                                      organization, sports scholars and sports trainers in
people of rural/urban village in the area of Tegal
                                                                      the rural areas.
Regency. The program is designed to arouse the
                                                                e.    Analyzing the training needs for PPOP program
enthusiasm in carrying out sports activities in the
                                                                      practitioners in the form of education and training,
community’s area. The program is carried out by local
                                                                      coaching clinics, training on sports organization
youth with the aim to encourage the community,
particularly children, adolescents and adults according
to their talents and interests on sport branches. It is              To maintain the quality of the implementation of
expected that the program can become a part of their            this program, assistance can be made for the
daily needs and it can produce numbers of talented and          implementation that does not have the trainer
gifted athletes in some of sports branch. This is the           qualifications by a co-trainer from the sports branch in
concept of sports coaching by considering the                   the sub-district level.
territorial approach. As a result, the benefits of the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 443

d.   The   Mechanism           of    PPOP       Program                  that shows the quality and implementation of
     Implementation                                                      the coaching program. It is supplemented with
                                                                         information on program implementation;
     The mechanism of the implementation of the                          recapitulation of athlete and coach data;
PPOP Program is carried out by rural sports youth                        recapitulation   of    athlete    competency
from the local rural/urban village. The program                          improvement; as well as photos of the
implementation is also coordinated with the rural                        activities.
office which is assisted by the Sub-District
Government in coordination with Department of                                  V. CONCLUSION
Youth, Sports and Tourism in Tegal Regency, and the
administrator of the sports branch under the                       The sports coaching model based on youth as rural
coordination of KONI Tegal Regency.                            sports activists is a program that can be implemented
                                                               as an effort to improve the sports achievements in
e.   Implementation                                            Tegal Regency.

      The implementation of the PPOP program is                               ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
adjusted to the agreed time of the implementation
process by using the facilities available in each              The authors would like to thanks to local government
rural/urban area. It is done through some                      of Tegal Regency for allowing this research to be
considerations of the training program such as the             carried out in determining sports coaching policies in
number of athletes and trainers by taking into account         order to improve regional sports performance.
the training process management and the follow-up to
the better level for those who are achievers.                                       REFERENCES

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