PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania

Page created by Annie Potter
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
Launceston                                                                      July - September 2021

Access the Community ○ Learn New Skills ○ Wellness and Reablement ○ Social Connection



    Christmas in July

                                         Naidoc Week is 5th – 9th July, so we have incorporated
                                         activities into this program to celebrate the history, culture and
                                         achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,
       Tasmania Zoo                      including learning how to dot paint. Potting plants, watering,
                                         swapping garden cuttings and maintaining our garden are some
                                         new activities you will see in this program. The Launceston hub
                                         will be visiting Tasmania Zoo (lunch provided) and regular outings
                                         include ten pin bowling, shopping and eating out.
                                         You also have the exciting new opportunity to join in our weekly
           Evandale                      swimming. Come along for some fun, a splash, play some games,
                                         swim laps or enjoy watching others from the sidelines.
                                         Regular exercise and relaxation sessions are fun, gentle and suit
                                         all abilities – so give it a go!
                                         If you have suggestions, activities or events you would like to see
        Tamar Island                     in our next program please fill out our activity suggestion forms
          Wetlands                       which are located in our hubs. There is never a suggestion too big
                                         or small!
     Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
Check in TAS app
The Tasmanian Government now requires any visitors or clients to use the Check in TAS application when
visiting any of our offices, hubs or exercise programs. This will help to keep yourself, your loved ones and
our community safe. You can do this by using the Check in TAS app on your mobile. If you don’t have the
app a staff member can assist you.

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                               Can’t sca
                                        n? Enter
                                                   the code
                                                               081560 m
                                                                                           anually to
                                                                                                        check in.

    Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
Hub News
You will no longer need cash on the day for lunches      The programs will feature special events, wellness
or activities (although you may bring extra              activities, arts and crafts, recreational activities,
spending money if you wish).                             and outings.

These costs will be invoiced to you by our finance       The social hubs are found at the following
team monthly. If you have any questions regarding        locations. You will attend the hub that is hosting
this process or your invoices, please contact the        the activities tailored to your goals and needs.
finance team on 1300 227 827.
                                                         42 Canning Street, Launceston
You will be required to book in to activities in         67 Main St, Bridport
advance to ensure that we have adequate staffing
and remain COVIDSafe.

Short notice cancellations
All NDIS funded clients are required to provide          All other clients are required to provide notice
more than two (2) clear business days’ notice for        before 5pm the day before their support is due to
cancellations of support. If support is cancelled        occur.
with less than two (2) business days’ notice CBS will
claim for the support from a client’s plan.

This is in line with the National Disability Insurance
Scheme Price Guide.

Guide to Activities
                There is a cost associated to this activity. CBS will send you an
                invoice at the end of the month.

                These activities are out and about in the community.

                These activities are in hub.

                Feature activities.

                Wellness activities. A range of activities to get you out and
                about within the community.
    Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
JULY 2021
                                                                         THURSDAY - 1          FRIDAY - 2
                                                                     Fun & Movement       Breakfast Brunch
                                                                     Reserve Café 57      Splash Swimming

     MONDAY - 5              TUESDAY - 6           WEDNESDAY - 7         THURSDAY - 8          FRIDAY - 9
Naidoc Week             Basket Bounce           Fun & Movement       X-Box Bowling &      Breakfast Brunch
Discussions                                                          Exercise
Bingo                   Aboriginal Heritage     Naidoc Art           Hogs Breath Café     Tenpin Bowling
     MONDAY - 12            TUESDAY - 13          WEDNESDAY - 14        THURSDAY - 15          FRIDAY - 16
DJ Craig Livin In the   Balloon Bash            Basket Bounce        Body & Mind          Breakfast Brunch
Free Choice In Hub      In-Hub Roast & Trivia   Legana Hotel Lunch   Plant Spring Bulbs   Visit to Museum
     MONDAY - 19            TUESDAY - 20          WEDNESDAY - 21        THURSDAY - 22          FRIDAY - 23
Interactive Games       Basket Bounce           Balloon Bash         Fun & Movement       Breakfast Brunch
Hot Chocolate &         Meadow Mews             Winter BBQ & Quiz    Xmas In July         Splash Swimming
Reminiscing             Shopping & Lunch                             Decorations

     MONDAY - 26            TUESDAY - 27          WEDNESDAY - 28        THURSDAY - 29          FRIDAY - 30
Balloon Bash            Fun & Movement          Winter Warm Up       Basket Bounce        Breakfast Brunch
Free Choice In-Hub      Xmas Bingo              Xmas Cooking         Xmas In July         Splash Swimming
Activity                                                             Celebrations

                                        Please remember:
                              Please bring along something warm as
                            we move into the colder months of the year.

        Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
Social Hub Program - July
           Featured Activities
Naidoc Week: Celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples 05/07/21 to 09/07/21

Christmas In July: Join in the festivities and enjoy a traditional Christmas meal with all the trimmings

           Out and About
Reserve Café 57: Choose from a delicious menu lunching with friends $ 01/07/2021

Hogs Breath Café: Enjoy a delicious meal in a spacious and casual environment $ 08/07/2021

Ten Pin Bowling: Come along and play a few games of bowls or if you prefer you can watch and cheer on
your colleagues $ 09/07/2021

Legana Tavern Lunch: Experience the scenery on a drive up the Tamar and lunch at the Legana Tavern $

Queen Victoria Museum Visit: Experience the history & art the museum has to offer 16/07/2021

Meadow Mews Shops and Lunch: Browse in the many shops and enjoy lunch at the bakery $ 20/07/2021

            Wellness Activities
Fun & Movement: In-hub, guided by Matt Lancaster through the CBS DVD, assisted by staff 01/07/2021,
07/07/2021, 22/07/2021, 27/07/2021

Splash Swimming: Enjoy an hour in a private pool with your friends, splash, sit, swim have fun in the water
02/07/2021, 23/07/2021, 30/07/2021

Basket Bounce: A fun way to exercise and laugh, try and beat your personal best 06/07/2021, 14/07/2021,

Body & Mind Pampering: Cleanse your body, mind & soul with our pampering session 15/07/2021

Winter Warm Up: Warm up and have a laugh bashing the balloons 28/07/2021

X-Box Bowling & Exercise: Join in a friendly game of bowls & exercise 08/07/2021

    Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
Social Hub Program - July continued

           In-Hub Activities
Breakfast Brunch: Enjoy an early brunch before heading out for an afternoon activity 02/07/2021,
09/07/2021, 16/07/2021, 23/07/2021, 30/07/2021

Documentary Aboriginal Heritage: Learn about Aboriginal culture, tribes & heritage places 06/07/2021

Naidoc Art: Experience the unique aboriginal art style 07/07/2021

In-Hub Roast & Trivia: Enjoy a yummy hot roast to warm you up then test your general knowledge

Plant Spring Bulbs: Let’s plant some bulbs to brighten our days in spring 15/07/2021

Hub Hot Chocolate & Reminiscing: Stay warm with a delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows, chat
about the old days, school days & fun times 19/07/2021

Winter BBQ & Quiz: Rug up, get some fresh air whilst enjoying the comfort of eating your lunch inside
followed by a winter quiz 21/07/2021

Xmas In July Preparations: Get creative and add some snow to your decorations 22/07/2021

Free Choice In-Hub Activity: Choose from a wide selection of fun activities within the hub 12/07/2021,

Xmas Bingo: Have fun with friends and a chance to win a chocolate if all your numbers are called!

Christmas Cooking: Decorate your own rum balls to either take home or to have in the hub for Christmas In
July celebrations 28/07/2021

    Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
Social Hub Memories

Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
      MONDAY - 2           TUESDAY - 3           WEDNESDAY - 4           THURSDAY - 5            FRIDAY - 6
Basket Bounce         Winter Warm Up          Fun & Movement         Balloon Bash           Breakfast Brunch
Bingo                 Giant Jenga Challenge   Hot Chocolate &        Tasmania Zoo           Splash Swimming
    MONDAY - 9            TUESDAY - 10          WEDNESDAY - 11          THURSDAY - 12            FRIDAY - 13
Movement to Music     Basket Bounce           Fun & Movement         Winter Warm Up         Breakfast Brunch

Quick Quiz & Cuppa    UNO Challenge           Blenheim Hotel Lunch   Create Your Own Pizza Splash Swimming

    MONDAY - 16            TUESDAY - 17         WEDNESDAY - 18          THURSDAY - 19            FRIDAY - 20
Balloon Bash          Music Memories with     Fun & Movement         Body & Mind            Breakfast Brunch
Café Next Door        Free Choice In Hub      Boardgames & Trivia    Inside Out Gardening   Splash Swimming
    MONDAY - 23           TUESDAY - 24          WEDNESDAY - 25          THURSDAY - 26            FRIDAY - 27
Winter Warm Up         Basket Bounce          Fun & Movement         Balloon Bash           Breakfast Brunch
City Mission Café & Op Winter BBQ & Quiz      Ten Pin Bowling        Bingo                  Splash Swimming
    MONDAY - 30           TUESDAY - 31
Winter Warm Up        Body & Mind
Reserve Café 57       Giant Jenga Challenge

                                      Please remember:
                            Please bring along something warm as
                          we move into the colder months of the year.

        Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
Social Hub Program - August
           Featured Activities
Tasmania Zoo & Lunch: Visit Tasmania Zoo which exhibits the largest collection of rare, exotic and native
species in Tasmania and enjoy a picnic lunch $ 05/08/2021

Blenheim Hotel Longford: Choose from a variety of country style meals in a homely pub environment $

Music Memories with Skip: Take a trip down the musical lane & reminisce to old favourites 17/08/2021

           Out and About
Café Next Door: Browse the gift shop whilst waiting for your meal to be served $ 16/08/2021

Ten Pin Bowling: Come along and play a few games of bowls or if you prefer you can watch & cheer on your
colleagues $ 25/08/2021

City Mission Café & Op Shop: Find a bargain and have some lunch all under the one roof $ 23/08/2021

Reserve Café 57: Choose from a delicious menu lunching with friends $ 30/08/2021

           Wellness Activities
Fun & Movement: In-hub, guided by Matt Lancaster through the CBS DVD, assisted by staff 01/07/2021,
07/07/2021, 22/07/2021, 27/07/2021

Splash Swimming: Enjoy an hour in a private pool with your friends, splash, sit, swim have fun in the water
$ 02/07/2021, 23/07/2021, 30/07/2021

Basket Bounce: A fun way to exercise and laugh, try and beat your personal best 06/07/2021, 14/07/2021,

Body & Mind Pampering: Cleanse your body, mind & soul with our pampering session 15/07/2021

Winter Warm Up: Warm up and have a laugh bashing the balloons 28/07/2021

X-Box Bowling & Exercise: Join in a friendly game of bowls & exercise 08/07/2021

    Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
PROGRAM - Community Based Support Tasmania
Social Hub Program - August continued
           In-Hub Activities
Breakfast Brunch: Enjoy an early brunch before heading out for an afternoon activity 06/08/2021,
13/08/2021, 20/08/2021, 27/08/2021

Hub Hot Chocolate & Reminiscing: Stay warm with a delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows, chat
about the old days, school days & fun times 04/08/2021

Quick Quiz & Cuppa: Enjoy catching up with friends and put your thinking caps on for a fun quiz

Create Own Pizza: Choose from your favourite toppings and enjoy a delicious pizza 12/08/2021

Free Choice In-Hub Activity: Choose from a wide selection of fun activities within the hub 17/08/2021

Inside Out Winter Gardening: Pot some plants or swap garden cuttings and water our garden 19/08/2021

Bingo: Have fun with friends and a chance to win a chocolate if all your numbers are called! 02/08/2021,

UNO Challenge: A fun card game everyone can enjoy 10/08/2021

Boardgames & Trivia: Test your skills & knowledge with friends 18/08/2021

X-Box Bowling & Exercise: Join in a friendly game of bowls & exercise 25/08/2021

Giant Jenga Challenge: Use your skills to build a high as you can, enjoy the laughs with your friends
03/08/2021, 31/08/2021

Winter BBQ & Quiz: Rug up, get some fresh air whilst enjoying the comfort of eating your lunch inside
followed by a winter quiz 24/08/2021

     Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
Social Hub Program – Bridport
   WEDNESDAY - 7         WEDNESDAY - 14        WEDNESDAY - 21          WEDNESDAY - 28
Exercises & Bingo     Exercises &            Guess The Person       Exercises & Christmas
                      Reminiscing Quiz       Childhood Photo        In July Lunch The
Rummikub & Cards      Rummikub & Cards       Rummikub & Cards       Rummikub & Cards

   WEDNESDAY - 4         WEDNESDAY - 11         WEDNESDAY - 18         WEDNESDAY - 25
Exercises & Word      Op Shopping & Lunch    Exercises & Clothes    Exercises & Plant
Games                 at George Town         Swap                   Swap & Gardening
                                                                    Information Chat
Rummikub & Cards                             Rummikub & Cards       Rummikub & Cards

    WEDNESDAY - 1        WEDNESDAY - 8          WEDNESDAY - 15         WEDNESDAY - 22          WEDNESDAY - 29
Exercises & Lunch The Exercises & Winter     Exercises & Bingo      Exercises & Share       Launceston Bus Outing
Bridge Café           Movie Morning                                 Favourite Recipe        Lunch at Reserve Café
Rummikub & Cards      Rummikub & Cards       Rummikub & Cards       Rummikub & Cards

   JULY                                                  AUGUST Continued…
   Exercises: In-hub, guided by Matt Lancaster           Plant Swap & Gardening Information Chat: Share
   through the CBS DVD, assisted by staff, every         your knowledge of gardening & plants with each
   Wednesday                                             other and swap plants or cuttings 25/08/2021
   Bingo: Have fun with friends and a chance to win a
   chocolate if all your numbers are called! 7/07/2021   SEPTEMBER
   Reminiscing Quiz: Chat about the old days, school     Exercises: In-hub, guided by Matt Lancaster
   days & fun times 14/07/2021                           through the CBS DVD, assisted by staff, every
   Guess the Person Childhood Photo: How well do         Wednesday
   you know your colleagues 21/07/2021                   Local Lunch Outing: Enjoy your favourite fish &
   Christmas In July: Enjoy at lovely two course         chips at The Bridge in Bridport $ 1/09/2021
   Christmas lunch & dress in Christmas colours $        Winter Movie Morning: Watch an old time
   28/07/2021                                            favourite movie with morning tea with friends
   AUGUST                                                8/09/2021
   Exercises: In-hub, guided by Matt Lancaster           Bingo: Have fun with friends and a chance to
   through the CBS DVD, assisted by staff, every         win a chocolate if all your numbers are called!
   Wednesday                                             15/09/2021
   Word Games: Test your general knowledge and           Share Favourite Recipe: Bring along your favourite
   your spelling, nothing too serious, lots of fun       recipe and share with others (photo copying will be
   4/08/2021                                             available) 22/09/2021
   Op Shopping George Town: Enjoy looking around         Launceston Bus Outing: Lunch at Reserve Café
   the shops & having lunch in a lovely country town     57 and shopping, errands or movies (bus at own
   by the water $ 11/08/2021                             expense) 29/09/2021
   Clothes Swap: Bring along your unwanted clothes
   and perhaps someone will have something you
   might like 18/08/2021                                                                                 11
       Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
                                                WEDNESDAY - 1           THURSDAY - 2            FRIDAY - 3
                                            Interactive Games       Fun & Movement         Breakfast Brunch
                                            Meadow Mews Shops       Hub Hot Chocolate &    Splash Swimming
                                            & Lunch                 Reminiscing
    MONDAY - 6            TUESDAY - 7          WEDNESDAY - 8            THURSDAY - 9            FRIDAY - 10
Balloon Bash          Movement to Music     Fun & Movement          X-Box Bowling &        Breakfast Brunch
Reserve Café 57       Bingo & Boardgames    Ten Pin Bowling         Hub Client Meeting     Splash swimming

    MONDAY - 13           TUESDAY - 14        WEDNESDAY - 15           THURSDAY - 16            FRIDAY - 17
Body & Mind           Balloon Bash          Basket Bounce           Rock & Roll DJ Style   Breakfast Brunch

In-Hub Spring BBQ     Free Choice In-Hub    Prince of Wales Hotel   Giant Jenga Challlenge Splash Swimming
                      Activity              Lunch
    MONDAY - 20       TUESDAY - 21            WEDNESDAY - 22            THURSDAY - 23           FRIDAY - 24
X-Box Bowling &   Basket Bounce             Fun & Movement          Spring Stroll          Breakfast Brunch
Hangman Word Game In-Hub Roast & Trivia     City Mission Café & Op Arm Chair Travel        Splash Swimming
                                            Shop                   America
    MONDAY - 27           TUESDAY - 28        WEDNESDAY - 29            THURSDAY - 30
Basket Bounce         Spring Stroll         Body & Mind             Balloon Bash
Bingo                 Tamar Island Wetlands Legana Tavern Lunch     Free Choice In Hub

                                     Please remember:
                            Please bring along something warm as
                          we move into the colder months of the year.

        Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
Social Hub Program - September
           Featured Activities
Prince of Wales Hotel Evandale: Take a nice drive in the country & have lunch with friends $ 15/09/2021

Rock & Roll DJ Style: Join DJ Craig who will share music facts & film clips 16/09/2021

Tamar Island Wetlands & Lunch: A beautiful view down the Tamar Valley towards the peaks of Ben Lomond
and enjoy spotting around 60 species of bird life, lunch provided $ 28/09/2021

           Out and About
Meadow Mews Shops and Lunch: Browse in the many shops and enjoy lunch at the bakery $ 01/09/2021

Reserve Café 57: Choose from a delicious menu lunching with friends $ 06/09/2021

Ten Pin Bowling: Come along and play a few games of bowls or if you prefer you can watch and cheer on
your colleagues $ 08/09/2021

City Mission Café & Op Shop: Enjoy a look around, find a bargain & have lunch $ 22/09/2021

Spring Stroll: Stroll into town to get some fresh air and enjoy a hot chocolate $ 23/09/2021

Legana Tavern Lunch: Experience the scenery on a drive up the Tamar and lunch at the Legana Tavern $

           Wellness Activities
Interactive Games Morning: Sport of your choice & challenge your friends on our X-box 01/09/2021

Fun & Movement: In-hub, guided by Matt Lancaster through the CBS DVD, assisted by staff 02/09/2021,
08/09/2021, 22/09/2021

Splash Swimming: Enjoy an hour in a private pool with your friends, splash, sit, swim have fun in the water
03/09/2021, 10/09/2021, 17/09/2021, 24/09/2021

Body & Mind Pampering: Cleanse your body, mind & soul with our pampering session 03/09/2021,
13/09/2021, 24/09/2021, 29/09/2021

Movement To Music: Choose your favourite tune to exercise to 07/09/2021

Basket Bounce: A fun way to exercise and laugh, try and beat your personal best 10/09/2021, 15/09/2021,
21/09/2021, 27/09/2021

    Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
Social Hub Program - September continued
           In-Hub Activities
Breakfast Brunch: Enjoy an early brunch before heading out for an afternoon activity 03/09/2021,
10/09/2021, 17/09/2021, 24/09/2021

Hub Hot Chocolate & Reminiscing: Stay warm with a delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows, chat about
the old days, school days & fun times 02/09/2021

Bingo: Have fun with friends and a chance to win a chocolate if all your numbers are called! 27/09/2021

Hub Client Meeting: Share your ideas for future program activities, is there something new and exciting you
would like to try? 09/09/2021

In-Hub Spring BBQ: Get some fresh air whilst enjoying the comfort of eating your lunch inside 13/09/2021

Free Choice In-hub Activity: Choose from a wide selection of fun activities within the hub 14/09/2021,

Giant Jenga Challenge: Use your skills to build a high as you can, enjoy the laughs with your friends

Hangman Word Game: Enjoy catching up with friends and put your thinking caps on for a fun game with
word & letters 20/09/2021

In-hub Roast & Trivia: Enjoy a lovely hot meal and test your knowledge 21/09/2021

Arm Chair Travel to the USA: Learn about the American culture & enjoy a burger, fries and donuts

     Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
Social Hub Memories

Community Based Support Social Hubs Program, Launceston Contact 1300 227 827
About Community Based Support
             Community Based Support is a state-wide, Tasmanian,
           not-for-profit organisation that has been around since 1988.

 We assist older people and people living with disability, to live independently at
 home for as long as possible. We do this by providing support to people in their
                      homes, as well as in the community.

   We specialise in Home Care Packages and Disability (NDIS) support services,
      that help people to achieve their goals and live the life they choose.

  If you would like to know more about how we can help you to live the life you
choose, please speak to the hub leader at your CBS social hub or call our office and
       ask to speak to Ebony or Peter. They are very keen to hear from you.

                        Launceston Office
                                  42 Canning St
                          Launceston, Tasmania, 7250
                                 P: 1300 227 827
                                   F: 6208 6699
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