Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach

Page created by Sergio Norris
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
Subject: Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 30, 2020
From: Weekly Bulletin 
Date: 8/28/2020, 1:14 PM

                          Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
                                 Hermosa Beach
                             Pastor Rev. Paul Gawlowski, OFM Conv
                            Associate Rev. Carlos Morales, OFM Conv
                                      Phone: 310-372-7077

                                 Parish Staff Contact Information

                            LIVE STREAM MASS SCHEDULE
                            Watch here on the parish website

                    OLG Parishioners Celebrate Live Mass
         Daily Mass takes place in front of the Rectory at 8 a.m. Mon-Sat. Masks required.
         Bring a chair. Come and receive our Lord’s most precious body and blood.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
Live Sunday Masses are celebrated outdoors in the church parking lot. Registration
required. For details, click here.

All masses are also live-streamed directly here on the parish website and on our
YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

If you are unable to attend in-person to receive the Eucharist, you may say the Act of
Spiritual Communion Prayer:

                                       My Jesus,
             I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
                              I love You above all things,
                       and I desire to receive You into my soul.
             Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
                        come at least spiritually into my heart.
                     I embrace You as if You were already there
                            and unite myself wholly to You.
                     Never permit me to be separated from You.

                                 Weekly Celebrations
Fri., August 28 - St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Sun., August 29 - The Passion of St. John the Baptist
Thurs., September 3 - St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
August 30, 2020                          September 6, 2020
First Reading — The name of the           First Reading — Warn the wicked and
LORD has become like fire burning in      try to turn them from their ways (Ezekiel
Jeremiah’s heart (Jeremiah 20:7-9).       33:7-9).
Psalm — My soul is thirsting for you, O   Psalm — If today you hear his voice,
Lord my God (Psalm 63).                   harden not your hearts (Psalm 95).
Second Reading — Be transformed;          Second Reading — Owe nothing to
renew your mind; discern what is good     anyone, except mutual love (Romans
(Romans 12:1-2).                          13:8-10).
Gospel — Those who lose their lives for   Gospel — If two agree about anything
Jesus’ sake will find them (Matthew       for which they pray, it shall be granted to
16:21-27).                                them (Matthew 18:15-20).

(Click dates for full mass readings.)

Ministry Dedicated to Prepare Engaged Couples
The LA Archdiocese Office of Marriage and Family Life helps prepare engaged
couples for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Marriage Preparation programs will take
place via ZOOM. In this way, couples will complete their six-month marriage
preparation requirements. The One Day In-Person “Picture of Love” Marriage
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
Preparation Programs in English and “Y Serán Los Dos Uno Solo” in Spanish have
been canceled through December 2020. For further information, contact:

English: Candy Metoyer cmetoyer@la-archdiocese.org 213-637-7250

English Zoom Sessions
August     29
September 12, 19, 26
October    3, 10, 17, 24
November    7, 14, 21
December    5, 12

Spanish: Graciela Villalobos gvillalobos@la-archdiocese.org 213-637-7561

Spanish Zoom Sessions
August      29
September   12, 20, 26
October     4, 10, 17, 25
November     7, 15, 21, 29
December     5, 13

Did You Know?
Teach children about dealing with disappointment
Many young children are facing a whole new world: less playdates, fewer in-person
classes, changing sports requirements, wearing masks, waving instead of giving
hugs. While this is hard, it’s a great time to talk to your children about how to handle
disappointment when things change. Talk to your children about God’s love for us
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
and how even if we struggle to understand what is happening, God is with us
through it all. For more tips, visit https://lacatholics.org/did-you-know/.

Enseñe a los niños a lidiar con la decepción
Muchos niños pequeños se enfrentan a un mundo completamente nuevo: menos
fechas de juego, menos clases en persona, cambios en los requisitos deportivos,
uso de mascarillas, saludos de lejos en lugar de abrazos. Si bien esto es difícil, es
un buen momento para hablar con sus hijos sobre cómo manejar la decepción
cuando las cosas cambian. Platique con sus hijos sobre el amor de Dios para
nosotros y cómo aunque luchemos por comprender lo que está sucediendo, Dios
está con nosotros para sobrellevarlo todo. Para obtener más consejos, visite

Parish Email, Text Scam Alert
Regretfully, members of our parish, staff, volunteers, and advertisers in our bulletin
have received emails or text messages pretending to be Fr. Paul or others in our
parish community asking for money, usually in the form of requesting you purchase
online gift cards. This is a scam; please do not fall for it.

                                             Adults Seeking Sacraments
                                             For adults who would like to receive
                                             Baptism, Eucharist, or Confirmation or
                                             just want to learn more about the
                                             Catholic faith, please register for the Rite
                                             of Christian Initiation (RCiA) here. RCIA
                                             will begin Sept. 17, 2020 and will be
It is a cause of great joy and celebration   conducted by the team using online
to help you baptize your child (or           conferences until it is possible to meet in
children) into the Catholic Church,          person.
especially here at Our Lady of
Guadalupe Church. Taking this step is        Online Registration for Family Faith
an integral part of your faith, the          Formation, Confirmation, and
beginning of your promise to raise your      Continuing Education Programs
child in the teachings of Christ and the     Registration is now open for the 2020-
Catholic Church. During these COVID          2021 Family Faith Formation and
times, we offer virtual classes via Zoom     Confirmation programs (First
for infant baptisms (ages birth to 5 years   Communion, Confirmation, and other
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
old) on the second Wednesday of each         programs for youth of all ages). For
month from 7-8:30 p.m. in English.           more information and to register your
Please contact our team at                   child, go to https://wp.me/P722BA-1Ww
baptism@olgmail.org for a registration       God bless you and your families.
form and more information. If your child
is over 5 years old, our team will provide   Inscripciones en línea para FFF,
you with additional information on the       Confirmación, y Otros Programas
baptismal preparation process.               Se puede matricular a sus hijos en los
                                             programas de FFF y Confirmación de
                                             2020-2021 (primera comunión,
                                             confirmación y otros para sus niños de
                                             todas edades). Los programas
                                             continuarán en el nuevo año escolar. Se
                                             encuentra información en este enlace
                                             https://wp.me/P722BA-1Ww y también
                                             aceptamos inscripciones en línea alli.
                                             Que Dios les bendiga a ustedes y sus

NEW Parish Phone Hours
We are answering the parish office
phone line 310-372-7077. You can reach
a real, live person during the following
         Tuesday-Friday 1 - 5 p.m.
          Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
In addition, the parish staff is reachable
by phone outside these hours at their        Be Part of Our Livestream Production
office extension. The staff directory        Team
listing is here. Our parish office remains   Christine and Miguel Ruiloba designed
closed for in-person visits.                 and run our live stream video for our
                                             Masses. Now that they are experts, and
                                             since we are having more Masses, they
                                             have graciously offered to train
                                             volunteers to do this new ministry.

                                             If you are interested in running the live
                                             stream system at any of our Masses,
                                             please contact Christine Ruiloba at at
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
She will teach you until you are
                                           comfortable setting up the camera
                                           equipment, operating the control panel,
                                           and selecting the video overlays and
                                           camera angles. Proper storage of the
                                           equipment after Mass will also be

             Un mensaje del p. Carlos

Confesión de nuestra fe, es un compromiso.
Pensé en olvidarme del asunto y dije: “No lo recordaré; no volveré a hablar en su
nombre, pero había en mis entrañas como fuego, algo ardiente encerrado en mis
huesos. Yo intentaba sofocarlo, y no podía.” Pero Jeremías no pudo olvidarlo
porque esa había sido su confesión de fe en Dios. Incluso cuando se sentía
inseguro, confiaba en Dios, eso es lo que este domingo nos invita confesemos y
profesemos nuestra fe y hagamos obras de bien, no solo palabras.

Desde luego, Dios hará lo que tenga que hacer sin que nuestras posiciones le
coarten, como no podía ser de otra forma. Esperará nuestras oraciones y súplicas
pero, luego, al fin, con su infinita sabiduría actuará en consecuencia. El problema,
claro está, no es de Él, es nuestro. Y llega a ser muy grave cuando intentamos
domesticar o suplantar a Dios, en función de nuestras actividades humanas. Y así
querremos que haya un Dios español, o francés, o nacionalista, o comunista o,
incluso, ilusoriamente cercano a situaciones de pecado que él jamás podrá aceptar.

Por tanto, el principal mensaje de las lecturas de hoy se centra en esos dos prismas
que aparecen claramente explicados. De un lado, la realidad divina no siempre
fácilmente comprensible. De otro, la lógica “pequeña” de Jeremías y de Pedro. Y
como siempre, en términos humanos, pero muy cercanos a Dios se explica Pablo
de Tarso en su carta a los fieles de Roma. Les pide - nos pide a nosotros con
enorme sentido de la actualidad - que no se ajusten a las cosas de este mundo,
sino que se busque, mediante el ejercicio sereno del discernimiento, la voluntad de
Dios. Y cuando, airado, Jesús responde a Pedro con dureza, llamándole Satanás,
está mostrando el criterio de Dios. Jesús habla como Dios.

Pablo aproxima en lenguaje humano la realidad de Dios. Conviene, tal vez, hacer
hoy hincapié en el Evangelio de Mateo de la semana pasada, cuando Jesús
confiere a Pedro la dignidad máxima posible: ser su sucesor y vicario en la tierra.
Pero cuando Pedro vuelve a ser Kefas y se opone a los designios de Dios en la
carrera de obediencia salvadora de Jesús, el Señor lo aparta abruptamente de Él,
como todos tenemos que hacer con las tentaciones, no ceder ni durante un instante.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
Y aquí, como decíamos antes, el problema es de Pedro, no de Jesús. El apóstol no
ha sabido discernir el camino de Dios que revela Jesús de Nazaret.

Y ese es un problema, o una carencia, muy importante para todos. Hemos de dejar
a Dios que actué y, asimismo, hemos de aceptar y reconocer por donde pasan los
caminos del Señor, respondiendo rápido y airadamente contra nuestra tentación
permanente: querer manipular a Dios y “hacerle de los nuestros”.

Por lo tanto no es fácil perder la vida aquí para salvarla, no, eso no cabe en nuestra
lógica tan interesada y querer ganar todo aquí y tenerlo todo allá también es nuestro
ideal, No, así no es la lógica de Dios, necesitamos morir, dar paso a Dios, estar
abiertos a nuestra conversión y cambio para poder construir el mundo de justicia,
paz, igualdad que deseamos, nosotros, porque ya Dios nos lo dio hace mucho.
Esforcémonos por entrar por la puerta Angosta. Paz y Bien.

                                             “Ignorance of Scripture is
                                             ignorance of Christ.”
                                                                        St. Jerome

                                            The Scripture Faith Sharing is facilitated
                                            by Carlos Diaz, one of our long-time
                                            parishioners who completed his Master
Join OLG's "Scripture                       Catechist training and the 3-year
Faith Sharing" Group                        certificate program through the Catholic
St. Jerome famously said “Ignorance of      Bible Institute. For information or
Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” If you   questions, contact Carlos at
feel called to know Christ be er,           scripture@olgmail.org.
consider joining us in OLG's weekly
Scripture Faith Sharing every Tuesday, 7    We meet via GoToMeeting
- 8 p.m., via videoconference.              videoconference. Join the meeting on
                                            Tuesdays at
We cover the readings for the upcoming       h ps://global.gotomeeting.com/join/815
Sundays. For each reading, a brief          419765. If this is your first time using
historical context is provided, followed    GoToMeeting, you can get the app
by the reading, reflection and               beforehand at
discussion.                                 this https://global.gotomeeting.com/instal
                                            l/815419765. Then join us at 6:45 p.m. so
                                            we can get you all se led in and familiar
                                            with the videoconferencing setup.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
Collection Total
                                               August 17 - 23, 2020

                                               Cash & Checks: $4,885.00
                                               WeShare: $5,113.00
“Abundance isn’t God’s provision for me
to live in luxury. It’s his provision for me
                                               Total: $9,998.00
to help others live. God entrusts me with
his money not to build my kingdom on
earth, but to build his kingdom in
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Hermosa Beach
A Retreat Offers Healing for Men
Rev. Jim Clarke, Ph.D., director of New Evangelization, LA Archdiocese, and
associate spiritual director at the House of Prayer for Priests and senior lecturer at
LMU, will host a one-day retreat from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, September 19,
2020. This practical workshop for men will offer ways to heal yourself and lessen the
pain of being human. Fr. Clarke is an author and retreat master having given retreats
and workshops for over 40 years. This event may move to Zoom. Cost: $50 Lunch

Healing Our World and Hearts: When We Are Changed
The global Covid19 pandemic has affected everyone. What does a healing response
look like? Participants will be invited to take a thoughtful look at their daily response
(prayer life) and discover simple, effective tools for spiritual self-assessment and
recommitment from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 20, 2020. Our
instructor, John McAndrew, is a theologian, teacher, counselor, musician, hospice
chaplain and poet, currently residing in Arroyo Grande, CA. He provides spiritual
counseling for clients as well as spiritual care for hospice patients and their families.
If you are unable to attend in person, a Zoom option may be available. Please call
for more information. Cost: $50, Event page on website:
https://maryjoseph.org/event/healing-our-world-and-our-hearts/. FB:

Pilgrim Walk with Sue Ballotti Sept. 1-27, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 the June 6 Along the Way annual pilgrim walking retreat will
be an independent experience and fundraiser for the Center. Every dollar goes to
help maintain the staff and grounds to provide a sacred and spiritual haven for all.
Cost: $30 for you and your family or small group ~ A Fundraiser for Mary & Joseph
Retreat Center
Event page on website: https://maryjoseph.org/event/along-the-way-a-personal-
pilgrim-walk/. FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/240108474001832/.

Important Date Changes at the Mary & Joseph Retreat Center

     The 8-day Silent, Guided, Directed Retreat: Meeting Christ Face to Face scheduled for August 2
     to Sunday, August 9, 2020, has been changed to Friday, October 16 to Friday, October 23,
     A Wisdom Way of Knowing: Introductory Wisdom School with Heather Ruce, SD, MA, SEP,
     scheduled for Tuesday, August 4 at 1:30 pm to Sunday, August 9, 2020 has been changed to
     Wednesday, December 2 to Sunday, December 6, 2020.

For reservations or more information on these events, call Jose Salas at 310-377-
4867 x250. Mary & Joseph Retreat Center, 5300 Crest Road, Rancho Palos Verdes,

Online Music Competition Now Accepting Applications
Mount Saint Mary’s University Department of Music is accepting applications for its
2020 Online High School Solo/Chamber Music Competition. Students will have a
chance to win prizes, and winners will be featured on the school’s Solo & Chamber
Music Online Event on Nov. 7, 2020. Submit your application and video by Sept.
18, 2020. For more information, visit www.msmu.edu/ensemble-competition.

Please Pray for Our Healthcare Workers and First
Responders, and Essential Workers
Please let us pray for all who are working on the front lines of this pandemic.
Doctors, nurses, all who are in the healthcare profession, first responders, and all
essential workers. If you have a loved one that you would like to pray for during this
difficult time, please send their name to bulletin@olgmail.org or call during parish
phone hours: Tues.-Fri. from 1- 5 p.m. or Sat. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 310-372-7077.

Please Pray For:                            God who traveled before and behind the
       Linnea Larson-Hernandez              Israelites in their journey from slavery to
            Chuck Anderson                  freedom, surround and support the men
              Jenny Sisson                  and women working in your healing
              Julia Bacskai                 ministry today. Never leave them,
              Philip Warner                 comfort them, and keep them well. Give
                Jon Scully                  them the strength to care for those who
               Ian Nichols                  are sick and dying as well as the strength
              Mike Connor                   to receive help from others. Be with their
             Kristen Juarez                 families of all who serve. Send your
               Amy Marchi                   peace for their anxieties, joy for their
              Cathy DeMar                   fears, hope for their despair, and light
            Dr. Victoria Orton              for their darkness. We pray in the
         Amanda San Clement                 confidence of your love. Amen.
          Dr. Maureen O’Neill
                                            Dios que viajó antes y detrás de los
                                            israelitas en su viaje de la esclavitud a la
                                            libertad, rodea y apoya a los hombres y
                                            mujeres que trabajan en tu ministerio de
                                            sanidad hoy. nunca los deje, consuélelos
                                            y manténgalos bien. Dales la fuerza para
                                            cuidar a los enfermos y moribundos, así
                                            como la fuerza para recibir ayuda de
                                            otros. Estar con sus familias de todos los
                                            que sirven. Envía tu paz por sus
                                            ansiedades, alegría por sus miedos,
                                            esperanza por su desesperación y luz por
                                            su oscuridad. Oramos en la confianza de
                                            tu amor. Amén.
Please remember to pray for the sick
Sunday Mass Intentions listed here
                                         and the homebound of our parish who
include pre-Coronavirus Mass times.
                                         cannot celebrate the liturgies with us...
Our current schedule of Masses is here
on the parish website.
                                         Please pray that God's healing hands
                                         may rest upon Oscar Pena.
8AM +John Montes (Rosanne
                                         Augusto Camacho, Ana Maria Rocha,
                                         Victor Guerrero, Juan Flores, Andrew
                                         Faris, Carmen Santiyan, Vickie Lopez,
8AM + Audrey Robbie (Tom Baumann)
                                         Maria Enriquez, Jimmy Arena, Vanessa
5PM +Charles Zingarelli (Anna Harvill)
                                         Quinteros, Julian Zawlocki, Christian
                                         Nagasugi, Arianna Carrione, Ramon
7AM +Julio Avilez (Carmen Romana)
                                         Ortiz, Kenneth Hahn, Matt West, Tony
8AM +Herlinda Rodriguez Narez
                                         De Castro,Dolores Mansanto, Bobby
                                         Burt, Anne Harris, Odilia Alvizures,
9:45AM +Adela Siblesz (Cao Family)
                                         Yvonne Dahle, Barbara Malina, Marie
11:30AM Int. of Oscar Pena (Cathy
                                         Hoffman, Blaine Price, Jerry Fox, Ruth &
Arianpour, Catherine Tornero)
                                         Hector Minera, Shirley Erickson, Angie
6:30PM Int of our Parishioners
                                         Hegedus, Martha Zavala, Andre Farias,
                                         Rosario Ruiz, Del & Christine Orozco,
8AM +Mary Hulings (Tom Baumann)
                                         George Tumanjon, Mary Ann Hayden,
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2020               Mary Cueto, Bernardo Rosero, Nieves
8AM +Joe Romeo (Ladda)                   Gonzales, Paige Garnica, Jenny
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2020             Garnica, Elvira Orellana, Michael
8AM +Alix Benson (Dixie Girard)          Villatoro, Barbara Silviera, Linda
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2020              Newton, Jeff Beck, Susan Hein, Brian
8AM +Olivia Vallejo Guzman (Family)      Syjut, Ed Perne, Steve Black, Pat Little,
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2020                Lisa Brianna Atteo, Robin Leslie, Mary
8AM +Maria Vu Mung & +Joseph Cao         Pandey, Sonia Ramos, Dick Wise, John
(Family)                                 Duda, Teri Thomas, Chad Johnson,
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2020              George Anderson, Stephanie Solomon,
8AM +Bernie Paine (Family)               Carmen Corona, David and Irma Mann,
5PM +Sharon Acore (Family)               Sharon Schelegerif, Bill Hallett, Michael
                                         Motta, Robert Marshall, Alice Ramirez,
Sunday Mass Intentions listed here
                                         Lisa Krantz, Jake Ruehl, Luz
include pre-Coronavirus Mass times.
                                         Hernandez, Joe Hastings, David Preletz,
Our current schedule of Masses is here     John Ives, Joseph Wharton, Rosalie
on the parish website.                     Sala, Deacon Scott, Rita Hess, Bonnie
                                           Louvet, Senaido Vargas, John Feingold,
                                           Betty Hacker, Joel Massa, Richard
                                           Olvera, Maggie Baumann, Charlie
                                           Baumann, Grace Garcia, Karen

                                           And for those who have died:
                                           Erick Gonzalez, Ron Bone, Ralph
                                           Farlough, Carlos Rafael Minera

          Charles Hoover
           Carlos Huante Jr.
     LCpl USMC Aaron Nieraeth
              Alex Avila
   LCpl Jacob C. Slade, USMC
   Cpl Joshua Kai Climaco, USMC
Sgt. Terrence E. Ryan-Cole, US ARMY
             160TH SOAR

          Welcome home!
        SFC David Dougherty
       US Army Special Forces

Do you have a family member currently
serving in the military? Please forward
their names, rank, and branch of service
to bulletin@olgmail.org or call during
parish phone hours: Tues.-Fri. from 1- 5
p.m. or Sat. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

If you would like to request an announcement or an article for the OLG Weekly
Bulletin, please email it to bulletin@olgmail.org by noon on Wednesdays.
Sent by Catherine Tornero                                                                   Reply

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244 Prospect Ave, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 • ourladyofguadalupechurch.org
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