Page created by Ray Todd
9 WHEELER AVENUE                               85 GEORGE STREET, PO BOX 226
                        WHITEHALL, NY 12887                                  FORT ANN, NY 12827
                      PARISH PHONE: 518-499-1656                          PARISH PHONE: 518-639-5218
                            Fr. Joseph Busch, Parish Priest; Email: Joseph.Busch@rcda.org
                      Fr. Zachariah Chichester, Parochial Vicar; Email: zach.chichester@rcda.org
                                          Residence Phone: (518) 499-1656
                                        Deacon: Rev. Mr. Bob Wubbenhorst

                                      The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
               Saturday:             4:00 pm     Our Lady of Hope (Confessions 3-3:30)
                                     6:00 pm     Chapel of the Assumption (summer schedule)
               Sunday:               8:30 am     St. Ann’s (Confessions 7:45-8:15)
                                     10:30 am    Our Lady of Hope
                                     12:30 pm    St. Mary’s
               Weekdays:             9:00 am       Our Lady of Hope (Thursday & Friday)
                                     6:00 pm       St. Ann’s (Tuesday)
                                     9:00 am       St. Mary’s (Wednesday)
 Eucharistic Adoration: St. Ann’s: Sun. 9:30am-11:30am; OLH: Mon. 8am-Tue. 11:00pm, Wed. 8am-10pm, Thu. 8am-Fri.
      6pm; and before Masses. Devotions: The Holy Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet, 30 minutes before all Masses.

Our Lady of Hope Staff:                                            Additional Sacramental Celebrations:
Emily Skovira, Secretary & Bulletin Editor                        Reconciliation and Penance (Confession)
     Office: Our Lady of Hope 499-1656                               The sacrament of God’s loving mercy, healing and
     Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. 9:45am—2:00 pm        sanctification: Thurs. & Fri. 8:00-8:30 am (Our Lady
                                                                   of Hope) & after Mass
     Office Email: olhsecretary@nycap.rr.com
                                                                   Tues., 5:00-5:45, 6:30-7:00 pm (St. Ann’s, before & after Mass)
     Bulletin Email: olh.sa.bulletin@gmail.com                     Fri., 5:00-5:45 pm (Our Lady of Hope)
Gina Neron, Bookkeeper                                             Sat. 3:00-3:30 pm (Our Lady of Hope)
                                                                   Sun., (St. Ann’s) 7:45-8:15 am
Kenneth Blanchard, Church Custodian                                (Also available after weekday Masses and by appointment)
St. Ann’s Staff:                                                    Usually scheduled for midday on Sundays. Please see Father to
Gina Neron, Secretary & Bookkeeper                                 schedule an appointment for a simple preparation program.
     Office: St. Ann’s 639-5218                                     Matrimony
     Hours: Sundays after Mass & Wed. 3:00 pm—6:00 pm              Couples wishing to celebrate this sacrament are kindly asked to see
                                                                   Father after Mass at least six months prior to the proposed date so
     Office Email: StAnnFortAnn@gmail.com
                                                                   that initial interviews & sacramental preparations can be made.
Parish Trustees:                                                  Anointing of the Sick
                                                                   Please see Father after Mass if you are expecting to undergo
Nancy Gordon and Colin Thompson, Our Lady of Hope                  surgery or are seriously ill so that we might gently & prayerfully
Daniel Dorsey and Joan Monahan, St. Ann’s                          celebrate this sacrament of God’s healing.
                                                                  Holy Orders & Consecrated Life
Faith Formation Coordinator: Debbie Morris                         If you would like to discern a priestly or religious vocation, please
                                                                   call Father’s residence. Also see: www.AlbanyVocations.org

   Welcome to all new                                                                                        Please have all
 parishioners & visitors!                                                                                 bulletin submissions
       We wish you
 every blessing in the Lord!                                                                                  to our editor
    Visit our website at:                                                                                     no later than
     www.olhstann.org                      MISSION CHAPEL OF OUR LADY OF HOPE                              Mondays at 8:30am.
                                     2026 LANDS END ROAD, HULETTS LANDING, NY 12841
SEPTEMBER 19, 2021                                                        THE 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

In today's First Reading, it's like we have our ears pressed to the wall and can hear the murderous grumblings of
the elders, chief priests and scribes - who last week Jesus predicted would torture and kill Him (see Mark 8:31;

The liturgy invites us to see this passage from the Book of Wisdom as a prophecy of the Lord's Passion. We hear
His enemies complain that "the Just One" has challenged their authority, reproached them for breaking the law of
Moses, for betraying their training as leaders and teachers.

And we hear chilling words that foreshadow how they will mock Him as He hangs on the cross: "For if the Just
One be the Son of God, He will...deliver Him..." (compare Matthew 27:41-43).

Today's Gospel and Psalm give us the flip side of the First Reading. In both, we hear of Jesus' sufferings from His
point of view. Though His enemies surround Him, He offers himself freely in sacrifice, trusting that God will
sustain Him.

But the apostles today don't understand this second announcement of Christ's passion. They begin arguing over
issues of succession -- over who among them is greatest, who will be chosen to lead after Christ is killed.

Again they are thinking not as God, but as human beings (see Mark 8:33). And again Jesus teaches the Twelve --
the chosen leaders of His Church -- that they must lead by imitating His example of love and self-sacrifice. They
must be "servants of all," especially the weak and the helpless - symbolized by the child He embraces and places
in their midst.

This is a lesson for us, too. We must have the mind of Christ, who humbled himself to come among us (see
Philippians 2: 5-11). We must freely offer ourselves, making everything we do a sacrifice in praise of His name.

As James says in today's Epistle, we must seek wisdom from above, desiring humility not glory, and in all things
be gentle and full of mercy.

A service of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

The Holy Mass is shown “live-streamed” online on our                               "By His Eucharistic presence, Christ dwells
YouTube channel and our Facebook group                                             in our midst. Out of love He has enriched
page (see olhstann.org) on Sundays at 8:30 am.                                     the Church with His unceasing presence.
                                                                                   As God in former days dwelt in the temple
                                                                                   of Jerusalem, He now lives in our churches
                       WEEKLY CONFESSION                                           and chapels. He invites us to remain in
                          QUOTATION                                                close contact with Him. Through
               “A disobedient soul will win no victory,                            Eucharistic adoration we concentrate our
               even if the Lord Jesus himself, in person,                          attention on Him as we yield to the
               were to hear its confession.” --St. Faustina       fascination of His invisible gaze. Opening our heart, we
                                                                  entrust all our petitions to Him." - Jean Galot, S.J
    Please see front cover for times of healing.
                                                                         Adorers needed at Our Lady of Hope:
                                                                        Immediate Opening: Thursdays 2 to 3 p.m
               OUR ADORERS’ TESTIMONIES                           For more information contact: Nancy Gordon at 499-2620
                                                                               or AdoreHisMercy@gmail.com
               “Since I began going to Adoration I
               honestly am at peace with my life. Any                         Adorers needed at St. Ann’s:
               troubles I encounter I think this is my                         Sundays 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
               small sharing in the cross and that makes           Commit to every week, once a month, or as a substitute.
               my troubles seem so trivial.”

GOSPEL READING: SEPT. 19, 2021                                        PARISH SUBSCRIPTION TO FORMED
       THE 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                    Awesome Online Media! A Gift
Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey                                for You: The Best Catholic
through Galilee, but he did not wish anyone to know about                                  Content. All in One Place. Our
it. He was teaching his disciples and telling them, “The                                   parishes have gifted you with unlimited
Son of Man is to be handed over to men and they will kill                                  access to the best eBooks, talks, and
him, and three days after his death the Son of Man will                                    videos in the Church today. Register
rise.” But they did not understand the saying, and they                                    at FORMED.org. Enter parish name
were afraid to question him.                                          "Our Lady of Hope" and choose the one in Whitehall. St.
                                                                      Ann's, St. Mary’s, & The Chapel of the Assumption also
They came to Capernaum and, once inside the house,                    contribute to this subscription and are welcomed to use
he began to ask them, “What were you arguing about on                 it. You can use the app “FORMED” as well!
the way?” But they remained silent. They had been
discussing among themselves on the way who was the
greatest. Then he sat down, called the Twelve, and said to                            THE ST. ANN CANDLE
them, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of                   will burn from September 22 - September 28
all and the servant of all.” Taking a child, he placed it in                              For: Catherine Chichester
the their midst, and putting his arms around it, he said to                               by Bruce & Betty Wescott
them, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my
name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not
me but the One who sent me.” (Mark 9:30-37)
                                                                               THE BLESSED MOTHER CANDLE
                                                                          will burn from September 22 - September 28
                                                                                          For: May Wescott
         WEEKLY SCRIPTURE PASSAGE                                                     by Bruce & Betty Wescott
Since we live by the spirit, let us follow the spirit’s lead.
(Galatians 5:25 )                                                               THE ST. JOSEPH CANDLE
                                                                          will burn from September 22 - September 28
                                                                                          For: Jim Lafayette
                     CATECHISTS NEEDED                                                by Bruce & Betty Wescott
               Faith formation has started. Two cate-
               chists are still needed at each Our Lady of
               Hope and St. Ann’s.
Love Your Faith? Share It! The church needs you! We
need dedicated people who are passionate about passing on
the faith and fostering the love of Christ in the hearts of our
young people and children.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact Debbie
at 518-744-8678 or Emily at 518-499-1656 as soon as possi-
ble. Thank you for prayerfully considering this opportuni-

                        FAITH FORMATION
                Faith formation classes have begun. If
                you haven't already registered your child,
                please fill out a registration form, which can
be found at the front entrance of each parish, or go to our
parish website olhstann.org and print one out.
There is also an online giving option for the Faith
Formation registration fee which you can find at:
olhstann.org (simply hover over the About tab and then
select Online Giving for either Our Lady of Hope or St.

            The next Knights of Columbus meeting
            at Our Lady of Hope will be this
            Tuesday, September 21, at 7:00pm
            (OLH Parish Hall).

SEPTEMBER 19, 2021                                                              THE 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

     Sacrificial Giving                                                    OUR LADY OF HOPE PARISH
    SEPT. 12, 2021 REGULAR COLLECTION                                 In honor of our Patroness and in thanksgiving for the many
             Our Lady of Hope: $1,307.00                              wonderful blessing she has secured for us over the years
          Our Lady of Hope Online: $818.00                            from her Son, Jesus.
          Chapel of the Assumption: $380.00
     St. Ann’s (weekly avg. for 9/5-9/12): $1,151.00
                                                                                OCTOBER 3, 2021
                St. Ann’s Online: $333.00                                  FOLLOWING THE 10:30 MASS
   SEPT. 12, 2021 MONTHLY COLLECTION                                             Grill-out and potluck lunch. Hamburgers and
               Our Lady of Hope: $1,200.00                                       hotdogs will be provided. We kindly ask that
             Our Lady of Hope Online: $390.00                                    those with a last name that begins with A-L
             Chapel of the Assumption: $108.00                                   please bring a side dish to share, and those
                     St. Ann’s: $467.00                                          with a last name that begins with M-Z please
                 St. Ann’s Online: $100.00                                       bring a dessert.
    Thank you for your sacrificial donations!
                                                                                 Please R.S.V.P. for this event by
Please consider online-giving below. Online-giving helps our                     Monday, September 27.
churches to consistently pay our bills, employ our staff, and
reduces our counters' handling envelopes; thank you!
                                                                                 *Everyone should bring their own chair.
Online Giving: Visit olhstann.org and select Online Giving;
or to visit the Online Giving website directly go to:                         There will be sign-up sheets at the
 www.osvhub.com/our-lady-of-hope-church/funds for                     entrances of the church if you would like to
               Our Lady of Hope                                       volunteer to help out with this event.
    www.osvonlinegiving.com/1726 for St. Ann’s
                                                                                          PRAYER CHALLENGE!
                                                                      Please continue to offer up your prayers for the parish
       UPCOMING SPECIAL COLLECTIONS                                   prayer challenge. This is our loving response for Our Lady's
                   This Weekend: September 18 & 19                    call to prayer, especially for the conversion of sinners. We
                                                                      will offer Our Lady of Hope a large spiritual bouquet of
                     Special Collection for Haiti                     prayers on the weekend of the Celebration, in thanksgiving
                 This weekend, September 18 & 19, we will             for her protection and asking for her help in restoring the
                 hold a special collection for relief following       faith of the lukewarm in our community: praying for hearts
the devastating earthquake in Haiti as requested by Bishop            to opened to the Love of Jesus.
Scharfenberger and the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops. Please be generous as always in helping
our brothers and sisters in the poorest country in the                        RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT
western hemisphere.                                                   “Healing the pain of abortion, one weekend at a time.”
                                                                                                       Rachel’s Vineyard is a retreat of
          Next Weekend: September 25 & 26
                                                                                                       healing and reconciliation for wom-
           Catholic University Collection                                                              en and men whose lives have been
Next weekend, the Diocese will be taking up the National                                               touched by abortion. The retreat
Collection for The Catholic University of America. Catholic                                            will be held October 22-24, 2021 at
University is a national research university with over 5,700                                           the Dominican Retreat & Confer-
undergraduate and graduate students in more than 250                                                   ence Center in Niskayuna. The
academic programs in the heart of Washington, D.C. By                                                  weekend will combine discussions,
giving to the collection, you are supporting both future                                               spiritual exercises, the Sacrament
Catholic leaders, religious and lay, who are being formed by                                           of Reconciliation, a Memorial Ser-
an exceptional, Faith-rooted education and the University’s                                            vice and a Mass of Entrustment.
various research and training initiatives that support                                                 Participation is strictly confidential
dioceses and parishes in responding to the most pressing                                               and offers a beautiful opportunity
needs of their faithful. The Catholic Project - an initiative         to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. The cost
that aims to heal the breach of trust many have experienced           is $195, which includes a private room, meals and retreat materi-
as a result of the current crisis in the Church, an online            als. Financial assistance will be available for those unable to pay
Child protection Certificate Program, a Master’s program in           the entire cost. For more information or to register contact: Pat
Ecclesial Administration and Management, and a                        Mousaw, 518-222-1160, Katie Bolibaugh, 518-495-3574 or Kathy
credentialing program that prepares recent graduates to               Kelly, 802-282-2028 or e-mail: rachelsvineyardalbany@yahoo.com.
serve as campus ministers are a few examples how the                      For a complete listing of retreat dates and locations contact: 1-
University is serving the Church and nation. Please give              877-HOPE-4 ME or visit the Rachel’s Vineyard website:
generously. Learn more: collection.catholic.edu.                      www.rachelsvineyard.org.

                                                                                                                PRAYER LIST
                                      Pat Sparks (d) by Annette Parrott
Sat 9/18, 4:00 pm          OLH                                                                             Alexandra Bisol, Rita
                                      Raymond H. Gordon (d) (25th Ann.) by Bill & Nancy
                                                                                                           Clark Burroughs, Marita
Sat 9/18, 6:00 pm         Chapel      Augusta & Cotter Nash (d) by Mary Ann & Larry                        DeGraff, Helen
Sun 9/19, 8:30 am        St. Ann’s    People of the Parish                                                 Donaldson, Rev. Robert
                                                                                                           Donnelly, Eva Garcia,
                                      Roland Gordon (d) by MOM’s Kitchen                                   Mary Ellen Hennessy,
Sun 9/19, 10:30 am         OLH        Henry Wubbenhorst (d) (60th Ann. 8/13) by Deacon Bob &
                                                                                                           Katie Jarvis, Kevin Jarvis,
                                                                                                           Amelia Jarvis, Joan
Mon 9/20                   OLH        No Mass, but the Rosary will begin at 8:30 a.m.                      LaCroix, Azélie Lechner,
                                      Steven Schraver, Jr. (d) by the Mancini Family                       Bennett Lechner, Andrew
Tues 9/21, 6:00 pm       St. Ann’s                                                                         Lechner Aggie Monty,
                                      Paul James Gallo (d) by Anmare & Christine
                                      Ann Parrott (d) by her family                                        Jared Mowatt, Kay Paige,
Thu 9/23, 9:00 am          OLH        Living & Deceased Members of the Knights of Columbus &               Marion Rayno, Brian
                                      Their Families by the K of C                                         Salvi, and Irma Valentine
                                      Michael A. Rovelli (d) by Tom & Patti Abbott
Fri 9/24, 9:00 am          OLH                                                                               “Eternal rest grant unto
                                      Pat Sparks (d) by Dolores Sbardella
                                                                                                              them, O Lord, and let
                                      Kitty Matte (d) by her family                                         perpetual light shine upon
Sat 9/25, 4:00 pm          OLH
                                      Pat Sparks (d) by Dolores Sbardella                                     them. May their souls,
Sat 9/25, 6:00 pm         Chapel      Patrick McNelis (d) by Dave & Toni Richards                             and the souls of all the
                                      Charles Bolster, Sr. (d) by Arlene Green & Charlene Bolster
                                                                                                             faithful departed, rest in
Sun 9/26, 8:30 am        St. Ann’s                                                                                peace. Amen.”
                                      Richard Foran (d) by Linda Burdick
Sun 9/26, 10:30 am         OLH        People of the Parish

                                                          OLH MEMORIAL FUND
                                     The following donations were made this week to the OLH Memorial Fund:
                    For: Jim Lafayette; by Lorraine Brooks, Charlene Toben, Les & Kitty Benjamin, Kathleen Martucci, Pat
                                                        Norton, and JoAnn Ingalls
                      For: Gracelyn Pippo; by Lee & Bill Roberts, Susan Weissinger, Maryellen Greco and Carol Rocque
                      For: Catherine Chichester; by Les & Kitty Benjamin, Carol Rocque & Family, The Parrott Family
                                                     For: Catherine Lloyd; by Maryellen Greco
                                                     For: Richard Newell; by Lorraine Brooks
Memorial donations are given in memory of loved ones who have died to keep them in our prayers and to help
the needs of our church. Every First Friday morning Mass is offered for them.

                                                                                                   GINNY RAE’S
      Parish Calendar of Events                                                                   1-518-747-3170
                                                                               Please tell our sponsors you saw their ad in our bulletin!
Sun 9/19   OLH          Family Faith Formation, 9:00-10:15 a.m., Our Lady of Hope
Sun 9/19   St. Ann’s Family Faith Formation, 9:45-11:00 a.m., St. Ann’s
Sun 9/19   OLH          Faith Formation, Confirmation Class, 6:00-7:15 p.m., Marian House at OLH
Sun 9/19   St. Ann’s Adoration for Vocations, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Wed 9/22   OLH          MOM’s (Mother of Mercy) Kitchen, 4:00-6:30 p.m., Parish Hall                              Jim & Mary Simonson
Fri 9/23   OLH          Adoration for Vocations, confessions 5-5:45 p.m., (Benediction at 5:45 p.m.)

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