Open House Miss Clever's 4th Grade - Northeast Tacoma Elementary 2021-2022 - Northeast Tacoma Elementary ...

Page created by Cory Chambers
Open House Miss Clever's 4th Grade - Northeast Tacoma Elementary 2021-2022 - Northeast Tacoma Elementary ...
Miss Clever’s Grade4 th

     Open House
 Northeast Tacoma Elementary
Open House Miss Clever's 4th Grade - Northeast Tacoma Elementary 2021-2022 - Northeast Tacoma Elementary ...
Meet your Teacher
Ms. Clever                        My Favorite Things:
About Me:
                                  Food: Seafood
                                  Drink: Coffee, sparkling water, Diet           Put teacher
Hello! I’m so happy to meet                                                      picture here
you! I am so excited to be back
                                  Candy: Anything fruity, sour,
at Northeast for my fifth year!
                                  chewy…especially Dots and gummy
This is my 19th year of
teaching! I am originally from
                                  Colors: pink, purple, red
Federal Way and now live in
                                  Hobby: Camping and Shopping!
North Tacoma. I look forward
                                  Book: Anything dystopian fiction like
to us all working together and
                                  Hunger Games or anything by Margert
learning together during this
                                  Petersen Haddix
time of distance learning.
                                  Subject: I love teaching math!
On a personal note, I have a
daughter, Payton, who is in
7th grade and is a competitive                      Charlie
gymnast. I also have a fur
baby. He is a Shih Tzu Poodle
                                                                          My daughter, Payton
named Charlie.
Open House Miss Clever's 4th Grade - Northeast Tacoma Elementary 2021-2022 - Northeast Tacoma Elementary ...
Academic Expectations
Class Work Policy:
• Any unfinished daily class work, not completed in class, will be
   finished during weekly Friday “Pickles and Ketchup” time
• All online work is accessible from home

• 20 minutes of reading a night
• Math practice for previous taught skills and/or word problem
• Homework should not take more then 30 minutes total
Academic Expectations
Make-Up Work (after an absence):
• Absent work may be finished in free time in class,
  which there is not much of, or at home.

• Unfinished absent work will be finished during
  weekly “Pickles and Ketchup” time.

*If a student has a pre-planned absence, please request
work that will be missed prior to the absence if possible.
We are always glad to send homework with siblings,
neighbors, etc. at your request.
Language Arts
The Common Core State Standards for reading focus on
foundational skills, literary text, and informational text. The
standards focus on deeper reading with a more complex text.
Writing, to respond to reading, is large part of the curriculum.

The writing curriculum focuses on writing basics, narrative,
informational, and opinion writing. Students will be required to
use the entire writing process: pre-write, draft, edit/revise and
publish. The expectation is for students to write using an
introduction, two to three body paragraphs and a conclusion.
Students will also often need to supply evidence and details
from a text in their writing.
Common Core math standards will focus heavily on problem solving. Students
will learn multiple ways to solve problems. Students will learn the standard
traditional algorithms but will also learn alternative methods. This gives students
an opportunity to choose a method that makes sense for them. Also, by using
more than one method to solve problems students can prove their
understanding and check their work for accuracy. Students will study the
following units:
• Place value
• Multiplication and division with whole numbers
• Fractions concepts - including addition, subtraction with like denominators;
    multiplication of a fraction by a whole number; equivalent fractions;
    comparing; representing a fraction as a decimal
• Measurement including standard and metric, area and perimeter; measuring
• Geometry with 2-D shapes; identifying lines, angles, rays, classifying shapes
    by their properties
• Factors, multiples, patterns, multi-step word problems using all four
Social Studies
Social Studies will be taught to both classes by
Ms. Clever.
4th Grade social studies focuses on Washington
state and covers:
• State Symbols
• Native Americans
• Geography/Regions
• Government
• Important people
• History of Tacoma
Science will be taught to both classes by
Mrs. Grelson.
• Life Science – Human body, vision, and
  the brain
• Earth and Space Science – Earth’s
  features and processes
• Physical Science – energy, energy
  transfer, and electricity; sound, waves,
Students are welcome to bring snacks to class daily and eat them
at any time they choose. If students choose, they may bring
healthy snacks (snacks not meals) from home daily. Please try to
limit snacks to things that do not require utensils and make
minimal mess.
• Fruit, dry cereal, popcorn, vegetables, granola/breakfast bars,
   nuts, crackers, cheese, lunch meat, tortilla chips, baked chips,

Please do not send:
• Candy, cookies, chips, Cheetos, pop, juice, sports drink,
   yogurts, etc.
More Information
• If you have any questions or concerns, at any
  time, please email me at

• You can also access Schoology to use the rainbow
  buttons to access our different online learning
  platforms and to view student assessment grades
  – These grades do not necessarily reflect the final report
    card grade but show where you child is at right now
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