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Kuoni reisen holding ag annual report 2016

Financial result 8. Exchange rates 2. Investments in connected companies 15. Capital 18. Personnel costs 5. Acquisitions and activities ceased 3. Events following the closing date of the main budget Controlled Companies and Joint Venture Report of the Auditors of the Accounts of the KUONI Group FINANCIAL REPORT 2016 Page 2/65
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE AND FINANCIAL SITUATION MILLIONS OF CHF Note 31 Dec 2016% 31 Dec 2015% Liquid availability 9270.5 16,0271.1 16,6 Deposits 6.7 0.0 0 , 1 0.0 Active Accounts and other receivables 10 331.5 19,6372.5 22.8 Early charges 195.1 11,6113.4 7.0 Current income tax credits 7.2 0.4 15.8 1 0 Total Current Active 805.0
47.6772.9 47.4 Property, Plants and Machinery 11 39.4 2.3 43.8 2.7 Start-up 12 600.2 35,6592.6 36.4 Intangible assets 13 163.2 9,7151.9 9.3 Investments in connected companies 14 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Financial activities 16 59.7 3.5 53.4 3.3 Deferred taxes 8 21.8 1.3 14,8 0.9 TOT ALE NON-CURRENT ACTIVITIES 884.8 52.4856.5 52.6 Total Activity
1,689,8100,0 1,629,4100,0 Actions and Passivities CHF Million Note 31 Dec 2016% 31 Dec 2015% Current Financial Debts 19 112.1 6, 6 37.3 Current liabilities for income taxes 18.1 1.1 18.2 1.1 passive accounts and other payables 287.9 ​17.0230.9 14.2 Customer advances 78.0 4.6 68.8 4.2 Current provisions 18 63.8 57.5 3.5 Experts for competence
410.0 24,3395.2 24.3 Total current passivities 969.9 57,4807,9 49.6 Non-current financial payables 19 13 7.4 8,1219.6 13.6 Non-current funds 18 19.8 1.2 38.2 2.3 Deferred taxes 8 37.3 2.2 33.4 2.0 Total non-current passivities 194.5 11.5291.2 17 , 9 total passività 1.164.4 68.9 1,099.1 67.5 Share capital 17 4.0 0.2 4.0 0.2 Own Shares 0.0 -10.7 -0.7
Reserves 518.1 30, 7535.6 32.9 Kononi net equity Trav-El Holding Ltd 17 522.1 30,9528,9 32,4 minority interests 17 3.2 1.4 0.1 Total shareholders' equity 17 525.4 31,1530 , 3 32.5 8,986.1 8,986.1 Ãtivissap e otten oinomirtap 1,629.4100.0 Kuoni Group Financial Report 2016 Page 3/65 Consolidated income statement CHF million Notes 2016%
2015% Operating percentage Cost of business 3 3282.8100.0 3348.7100.0 Direct costs -2674.1 -81.5 -2739.0 -81.8 Gross profit 3608.7 18.5 6 9.7 18.2 Staff costs 4 -323.0 -9.8 -324.3 -9.7 Marketing and advertising expenses -8.3 -0.3 -9.2 -0.3 Other operating expenses 5 -207.5 -6.3 -149.4 -4.4 Other operating income 5 25.8 0.9 53.2 1.6 Share of profit
of joint ventures 3/15 -5.6 -0.2 -1.9 -0.1 Depreciation 3/6 -25.9 -0.8 8.9 -0.8 Depreciation 13 -25.2 -0.8 -26.3 -0.8 Impairment of other intangible assets 3 0.0 0.0 -16.5 -0.5 Restructuring expenses 3 -18.1 -0.6 -25.2 -0.8 Profit before interest and tax (EBIT) 20.9 0.6 81.2 2.4 Financial income 7 8.6 0.3 6.7 0.2 Financial expenses 7 -8.7 -0.3 -9.0 -0.2 taxes
20.8 0.6 78.9 2.4 Income taxes 8 -19.5 -0.6 -21.0 -0.7 Net result of operating activities for the year 1.3 0.0 57.9 1.7 Closed operating activities Net result of discontinued operating activities, net of income taxes 2 2.8 0.1 -352.1 -10.5 Net result 4.1 0.1 -294.2 -8.8 Attributable to minority interests 0.6 0.0.9 0.0 Attributable to shareholder of Kuoni Travel
Holding Ltd 0.5 0.1 -295.1 -8.8 Net result from operating activities in the year: Attributable to minority interests 0.6 0.0 0.9 0.0 Attributable to shareholder of Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd 0.7 0.0 57.0 1.7 Kuoni Group Financial Report 2016 Page 4/65 Consolidated income statement CHF million Notes 2016 2015 Net result 4.1 -294.2 Other complex
income statement Cash flow hedges: -Effective share of changes in fair value (net) 0.0 0.0 -Reclassified to income statement -1.9 -14.8 -Income taxes -0.1 4.1 Translation differences: -Currency translation differences -17.1 -105.8 -Reclassified income statement (sale of operational activities) 2 0.0 219.7 -riclaged in the income statement (liquidation of
-4.2 0.0 Share of OCI held in equity -9.2 0.3 Total items that have been or may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss -32.5103.5 Defined benefit pension plans: -Revaluation of pension plans 4 -8.8 -38.3 -Income taxes 1.3 8.0 Total items not reclassified to profit or loss 17 -7.5 -30 3 Other total income for the period, net of taxes -40.0 73.2 Total
total income for the period -35.9 -221.0 Of which: Owned by third parties 0.1 1.5 Owned by Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd’s shareholder -36.0 -222.5 Kuoni Group’s 2016 Annual Financial Report Page 5/65 Prospectus Consolidated financial reserves CHF Mio Notes Share capital Own shares Capital reserves Undistributed earnings Other reserves1 Total
equity of Kuoni shareholder Minority interests Total equity at 1 January 2015 4.0 -11.8453.2664.0 -335.0774.4 4.8779.2 Net profit -295.1 -295.1 0.9 -29 4.2 Other comprehensive income 72.6 72.6 0.6.2 Total income -295.1 72.6 -222.5 1.5 -221.0 Dividends 17 -29.4 -2.0 -31.4 Share-based compensation 1.1 5.3 6.4 6.4 Total contributions and
distributions 1.1 -24.1 -23.0 -2.0 -25.0 Miscellaneous consolidation scope 2 0.0 -2.9 -2.9 Equity at December 31, 2015 4.0 -10.7 45 3,2344.8 -262.4528.9 1,4530.3 Net profit 3.5 3.5 0.6 4.1 Other comprehensive income -39.5 -0.5 -40.0 Total comprehensive income 3.5 -39.5 -36.0 0.1 -35.9 Dividends 17 0.0 -1.1.1 Other contributions from shareholders 17
23.7 23.7 0.0 23.7 Share-based compensation 10.7 -5.2 5.5 0.0 5.5 Total contribution and distribution 0.0 10.7 23.7 -5.2 0.0 29.2 -1.1 28.1 Change in scope of consolidation 2 0.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 Equity at 31 December 2016 4.0 0.0476.9343.1 -301.9522.1 3.3525.4 1 See note 17 for further details. Depreciation 7. Financial activities 17. Type of reportAnnual
(with the Section) dâ​ ​Enterprise) PublishedMar 2016To view the full report and download the report sign up for Corporate RegisterAuditor (None) Consultant (Unknown / In-house) DesignerNoord Swiss Graphic Design AgencyPrinter (None or unknown) Industries Date founded 2013Working status ActiveStock Symbol SWX:KUNN Type of company
ProfitContact Email Phone number +41 442 774 828Kuoni Reisen Holding AG is a Swiss-based company providing services for the travel industry and government. Financial Risk Management and Financial Instruments 21. Other operating expenses/other operating income 6. Kuoni Group Annual Report 2016 Page 6/65
Consolidated Financial Statement Mio CHF Notes 2016 2015 Cash flow from operating activities Net operating profit 1.3 57.9 Income tax charges 8 19.5 21.0 Net financial result 7 0.1 2.3 Depreciation and amortization 51.1 55.2 Reduction in other non-financial assets Material 13 0.0 16.5 Other non-monetary charges -18.4 4.1 5 -25.8 -53.2 Changes
in net working capital â​​ Accounts receivable/other receivable 58.8 -46.0 â​​ Advance payments -6.0 -26.0 â​​ Accounts receivable/provisions -18.5 78.2 â​​ Advances receivable 7.9 -5.4 Income taxes paid -22.2 -30.5 Net cash from operating activities â​​ ongoing Operations 47.8 74.1 Net cash from operating activities â​​ Closed operations 0.0 38.8 Net cash
from operating activities 47.8112.9 Cash flow from operations Investment Purchase of property, plant and machinery -21.1 -20.1 Purchase of intangible assets -15.0 -18.1 Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired 2.1 0.0 Passable assets 40.2 84.4 Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash receivables and equivalents sold 2.0 -172.7 Decrease in term
deposits 0.5 7.7 Increase in other financial assets -0.8 -2.9 Interest received 1.4 3.1 Other financial income received 0.0 1.5 Net cash from / Taxes income 9. ​ company focuses on three core business Global Travel Distribution (GTD), which provides hotel accommodation and destination services to travel agents; Global Travel Services (GTS), which
provides sources and coordinates destination management services ​ ​ accommodation, transportation, tours and activities location and event management; and Visa Facilitation Services (VFS), which provides visa outsourcing services through a number of application centers in different countries through VFS Global.Kuoni Reisen Hol Acquired from
EQT for the price of $1.4B on February 2, 2016.NameÃ​ Kuoni Reisen Holding Acquired by EQT Acquired byA Announced DataÃ​ February 2, 2016PriceÃ​ $1.4B Consolidated Financial Statements of the Kuoni Group Financial Statements 2016 Page 1/65 Consolidated Financial Statements Kuoni Consolidated income statement Consolidated statement of
changes in equity Consolidated statement of cash flows Accounting principles known to the consolidated financial statements 1. Goodwill 13. Liabilities 22. Financial liabilities 20. Investments in joint ventures 16. Accounts receivable and other receivables 11. Property, plant and equipment 12. Assets intangible 14. Provisions 19. Cash and cash
equivalents 10. Segment reporting 4. Liabilities potentials, activities 23. On 23.

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