Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom | Q1 2021 - Pathmatics

Page created by Brandon Curtis
Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom | Q1 2021 - Pathmatics
Advertising Report:
   United Kingdom | Q1 2021
Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom | Q1 2021 - Pathmatics
Facebook Advertising in the UK
      At the end of each quarter, we take a look back at the past few months to identify new trends
      and changes in social advertising. In Q1 of 2021, we saw dramatic changes in Facebook
      marketing throughout the UK. Food and grocery services pulled back while retailers came
      back into the lead. In addition, as we’ve seen in the US and other countries, messaging around
      Covid-19 and public safety took center stage.

      In fact, from Q4 2020 to Q1 2021, only one advertiser remained in the top 5. Here we investigate
      how these advertisers used varied approaches, spending plans and set new Facebook
      marketing trends.

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2 | Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom Q1 2021
All data from Pathmatics Explorer as of 4-15-2021. Pathmatics spend estimates are based on our proprietary panel
and spend methodology. They may not accurately estimate the spend for any advertiser, and should be used for directional trend analysis..
Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom | Q1 2021 - Pathmatics
Top Advertisers: Q1 2021
     Our top 5 Facebook advertisers range from professional web development services to Disney. Retailers
     made a comeback in the first quarter of 2021. Comparing this quarter to the last, it's evident that these
     retailers approached Facebook creatives and spending with well-planned and well-executed strategies.

     Wix comes in first, with impressive spending and impressions, knocking the United Kingdom Government
     down into second place. The National Health Services rose into the top five alongside Disney and
     Mercedes-Benz. After 2020, it's a refreshing blend of public health announcements, retail, and
     business-focused marketing efforts.

                  Top Advertisers for Facebook Q1 2021

                     Rank                 Advertiser                                                    Direct                Spend         Impressions

                          1               Wix.com, Inc.                                                                       $36,920,000   5,860,320,000

                         2                GOV.UK                                                                              $27,186,200   4,315,264,000

                         3                National Health Service (UK)                                                        $16,125,200   2,559,561,000

                         4                Disney                                                                              $14,849,700   2,357,098,000

                         5                Mercedes-Benz                                                                       $14,000,700   2,222,329,000

3 | Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom Q1 2021
                                                                                                                                                            w.linke-   ter.com/Path-
All data from Pathmatics Explorer as of 4-15-2021. Pathmatics spend estimates are based on our proprietary panel                                            din.com/- matics?ref_s-
                                                                                                                                                            compa- rc=tws-
and spend methodology. They may not accurately estimate the spend for any advertiser, and should be used for directional trend analysis..                   ny/path- rc%5Egoogle%7
Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom | Q1 2021 - Pathmatics
                                                                                   $14 Million

                                                                                   2.2 Billion +

       Mercedes-Benz                                                               Unique Creatives:

                                                                                   Creative Type Mix:
                                                                                   Dedicated link posts

                                                                                   Female, Male, Android users

                                                                                   Mercedes-Benz eased back into Facebook marketing, slowly building their
                                                                                   daily spending until spiking at the beginning of March and then again in
                                                                                   mid-March. This luxury vehicle manufacturer dedicated 83% of their
                                                                                   platform spending to target Android users but evenly split their targeting
                                                                                   between male (49%) and female (51%).

                                                                                   Using dedicated link posts almost exclusively, Mercedes-Benz reused
                                                                                   much of the advertising content. This advertiser repurposed many visual
                                                                                   creatives with minor adjustments featuring different models in a small
                                                                                   way. The low volume of creatives compared to the high-volume
                                                                                   impressions seems to have paid off - a bigger impact by focusing on
                                                                                   consistency over variety.

                                                                                   Similar to other retailers on this list, Mercedes-Benz used their Facebook
                                                                                   ads to communicate how customers can easily shop within the
                                                                                   restrictions of COVID-19 safety measures. Shopping online and receiving
                                                                                   home delivery remained relevant in the manufacturer's advertisements
                                                                                   until the end of March.

                                                                                   Overview for Mercedez-Benz Daily Spend





                                                                                            1/1              1/16               1/31        2/15   3/2   3/17     31/1

                                                                                   Average Daily Spend: $179,200

4 | Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom Q1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                w.linke-   ter.com/Path-
All data from Pathmatics Explorer as of 4-15-2021. Pathmatics spend estimates are based on our proprietary panel                                                din.com/- matics?ref_s-
                                                                                                                                                                compa- rc=tws-
and spend methodology. They may not accurately estimate the spend for any advertiser, and should be used for directional trend analysis..                       ny/path- rc%5Egoogle%7
Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom | Q1 2021 - Pathmatics
                                                                                   $14.8 Million

                                                                                   2.3 Billion +

       Disney                                                                      Unique Creatives:

                                                                                   Creative Type Mix:
                                                                                   Dedicated link posts and video posts

                                                                                   Female, Android users

                                                                                   As plans for mass reopening grabbed the public’s attention in
                                                                                   mid-February, Disney reclaimed its spot as one of the social platform's
                                                                                   top advertisers. Disney aimed to engage users with dedicated link,
                                                                                   video, and photo posts, focusing on the online Disney Store, cruise
                                                                                   options, and Disney +.

                                                                                   Unlike past years in advertising, Disney didn't attempt to garner large
                                                                                   crowds to the theme parks but instead offered convenient and
                                                                                   COVID-19 guideline-friendly retail options and vacation experiences.

                                                                                   Overview for Disney Daily Spend






                                                                                            1/1              1/16               1/31        2/15   3/2   3/17     31/1

                                                                                   Average Daily Spend: $179,200

5 | Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom Q1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                w.linke-   ter.com/Path-
All data from Pathmatics Explorer as of 4-15-2021. Pathmatics spend estimates are based on our proprietary panel                                                din.com/- matics?ref_s-
                                                                                                                                                                compa- rc=tws-
and spend methodology. They may not accurately estimate the spend for any advertiser, and should be used for directional trend analysis..                       ny/path- rc%5Egoogle%7
Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom | Q1 2021 - Pathmatics
                                                                                   $16 Million

                                                                                   2.5 Billion +

       National                                                                    Unique Creatives:
       Health Service                                                              264

       (UK)                                                                        Creative Type Mix:
                                                                                   Dedicated link posts

                                                                                   Female, iOS users

                                                                                   The United Kingdom’s National Health Services used an approach similar
                                                                                   to the Government of the United Kingdom. However, the trends in
                                                                                   spending and creative mix vary enough to set them apart. The National
                                                                                   Health Services used the online platform to share information related to
                                                                                   COVID-19, available vaccinations, and ensuring that the public is aware
                                                                                   of the vaccination trial procedure.

                                                                                   The National Health Services focused on link posts, with video posts
                                                                                   making up only 5% of the mix and 1% falling to "other" creative types. NHS
                                                                                   services worldwide are working to reach large audiences, and the UK
                                                                                   NHS is no exception.

                                                                                   Overview for National Health Services (UK) Daily Spend





                                                                                            1/1              1/16               1/31        2/15   3/2   3/17     31/1

                                                                                   Average Daily Spend: $179,200

6 | Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom Q1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                w.linke-   ter.com/Path-
All data from Pathmatics Explorer as of 4-15-2021. Pathmatics spend estimates are based on our proprietary panel                                                din.com/- matics?ref_s-
                                                                                                                                                                compa- rc=tws-
and spend methodology. They may not accurately estimate the spend for any advertiser, and should be used for directional trend analysis..                       ny/path- rc%5Egoogle%7
                                                                                   $27 Million

                                                                                   4.3 Billion +

       GOV.UK                                                                      Unique Creatives:

                                                                                   Creative Type Mix:
                                                                                   Dedicated link posts, status posts, and video posts

                                                                                   Female, iOS, and Android users

                                                                                   The Government of the United Kingdom was the top Facebook
                                                                                   advertiser from March to December 2020. GOV.UK primarily used the
                                                                                   social media platform for information sharing regarding public health
                                                                                   and government changes. Daily spending and impressions showed a
                                                                                   clear spike toward the end of January as COVID-19 resurged before the
                                                                                   cases evened out again.

                                                                                   Unlike other top advertisers on this list, the Government of the United
                                                                                   Kingdom has a moderately diverse mix of creative types, focusing on an
                                                                                   even match of link posts (37%) and status posts (37%). Ultimately, the
                                                                                   government of the United Kingdom put in heavy spending throughout
                                                                                   England and metro areas.

                                                                                   Overview for GOV.UK Daily Spend







                                                                                            1/1              1/16               1/31        2/15   3/2   3/17     31/1

                                                                                   Average Daily Spend: $302,100

7 | Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom Q1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                w.linke-   ter.com/Path-
All data from Pathmatics Explorer as of 4-15-2021. Pathmatics spend estimates are based on our proprietary panel                                                din.com/- matics?ref_s-
                                                                                                                                                                compa- rc=tws-
and spend methodology. They may not accurately estimate the spend for any advertiser, and should be used for directional trend analysis..                       ny/path- rc%5Egoogle%7
                                                                                $39.6 Million

                                                                                5.8 Billion +

       Wix                                                                      Unique Creatives:

                                                                                Creative Type Mix:
                                                                                100% Dedicated link posts

                                                                                Female, Android users

                                                                                Wix makes it easy to fully develop professional websites, and they work
                                                                                directly with entrepreneurs and business professionals. Their content
                                                                                strategy? No-nonsense, actionable, and direct. Wix put in the work this
                                                                                quarter skyrocketing their spending from $8.2 million in Q4 2020 to an
                                                                                estimated $39.6 million in Q1 2021.

                                                                                Spikes in early January showed they meant to reach anyone looking to
                                                                                start a business or website in the new year. With over 5.8 million
                                                                                impressions, the direct approach seems to work.

                                                                                   Overview for Wix.com Daily Spend




                                                                                            1/1              1/16               1/31        2/15   3/2   3/17     31/1

                                                                                   Average Daily Spend: $410,200

8 | Facebook Advertising Report: United Kingdom Q1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                w.linke-   ter.com/Path-
All data from Pathmatics Explorer as of 4-15-2021. Pathmatics spend estimates are based on our proprietary panel                                                din.com/- matics?ref_s-
                                                                                                                                                                compa- rc=tws-
and spend methodology. They may not accurately estimate the spend for any advertiser, and should be used for directional trend analysis..                       ny/path- rc%5Egoogle%7
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About Pathmatics
Pathmatics turns the world's marketing data into actionable insights. As consumption rapidly shifts to digital,
media decisions have become complex and opaque. Pathmatics Explorer, the Pathmatics marketing
intelligence platform, creates trust and transparency, bringing visibility into the digital ad performance of
brands, their competitors, and entire industries across display, social, video, mobile, and native advertising data.
Brands and agencies get access to the creative used by all advertisers, spend and impression data, and path
from publisher to viewer, empowering them to minimize waste from their budgets, better position their
marketing, and predict the next moves of their competitors. Pathmatics data powers Kantar’s Social Intelligence
and Numerator’s Ad Intel. Founded in 2011, Pathmatics is headquartered in Santa Monica, California, and backed
by Upfront Ventures, BDMI, and Baroda Ventures.

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