Notes: St. Catherine Church Burlingame, CA 94010 Bulletin:513368061922 Sent by: Marlin 650-344-6884

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Notes: St. Catherine Church Burlingame, CA 94010 Bulletin:513368061922 Sent by: Marlin 650-344-6884
St. Catherine Church
Burlingame, CA 94010
Sent by: Marlin

Notes: St. Catherine Church Burlingame, CA 94010 Bulletin:513368061922 Sent by: Marlin 650-344-6884
1310 BAYSWATER AVENUE               BURLINGAME, CALIF. 94010

                The Most Holy Body and
                    Blood of Christ                            PHONES:
                      June 19, 2022                             Rectory/Parish Office:       (650) 344-6884
 [A]s often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you        School:                      (650) 344-7176
      proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes             Convent:                     (650) 342-4780
                 — 1 Corinthians 11:26
                                                               Sunday: 5:00 p.m. (Saturday Vigil)
THE GIFT OF THE EUCHARIST                                                7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12 noon
     Today we hear how Abram encounters Melchizedek,           Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m., 12:05 p.m.
“king of Salem . . . and a priest of God Most                             Saturday: 8:00 a.m.
High” (Genesis 14:18). Melchizedek appears nowhere             Holy Day: As announced in bulletin
else in scripture, but is nonetheless significant. Psalm
110 declares of the great King David, “You are a priest
forever, in the line of Melchizedek,” a description later      OFFICE HOURS:
given (in the letter to the Hebrews) to Christ as High          9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)
     Early Christians saw in Melchizedek’s bread and
                                                                Saturdays from 4:00 pm. to 4:45 p.m.
wine the bread and wine of the Eucharist; Paul’s account
of the Last Supper (in today’s second reading) is the old-     BAPTISM:
est one in scripture. In the Gospel, Luke describes Jesus       Please call the Parish Office two months in advance of
providing bread for a crowd in words similar to Paul’s,         planned date.
words still used by the Church: Jesus takes bread, gives
thanks, breaks it. Together, these three readings reveal       MARRIAGES:
how Christian priesthood, Christ’s Real Presence, and the      Couples intending to marry should call the parish office
call to serve those in need are all found in the gift of the   at least six months prior to the marriage date.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
TODAY’S READINGS                                               ANOINTING OF THE SICK:
First Reading — Melchizedek brought out bread and               Please call the Parish Office to speak to one of the
wine and blessed Abram (Genesis 14:18-20).                      priests.
Psalm — You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchiz-
edek (Psalm 110).                                               STAFF:
Second Reading — Paul gives his description of the in-
stitution of the Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).            Rev. John Ryan, Pastor
Gospel — Jesus feeds the crowd with five loaves and             Rev. Toan Nguyen, Parochial-Vicar
two fish (Luke 9:11b-17).
                                                                Rev. Nicholas Case, Parochial-Vicar
READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                           Patricia Bandel, School Principal
Monday:    2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13;
           Mt 7:1-5                                             Sr. Antonella Manca, M.S.C., Liturgy Coordinator
Tuesday:   2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36;
           Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14                      Mark Tomsic, Director of Religious Education,
Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40;                 Confirmation, Baptism Coordinator, Youth Ministry
           Mt 7:15-20
Thursday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17;                 Aki Amai, Music Director
           1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17
           Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15;                   Marlin Ang, Office Manager/Executive Secretary
           Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80
Friday:    Ez 34:11-16; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5b-11;                 Robin Dewar O’Leary, Parish Bookkeeper
           Lk 15:3-7
Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21;             Nancy Ingram, Volunteer Bookkeeping Assistant
           Lk 2:41-51                                           Gertrude Sisk, Sacristan
Sunday:    1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11;
           Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62                           Dennis O’Leary, Church Maintenance
Page Two                                     St. Catherine of Siena                              June 19, 2022

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
    We owe today’s beautiful feast to a valiant woman who suffered a great deal to establish a feast out of her
love for the Eucharist. Juliana was a nun in Belgium in the thirteenth century. She served in a hospital for lepers.
She became convinced through her prayer that the liturgical year was incomplete because it had no feast for the
Eucharist. Her efforts were not welcome, and a supervising priest sought to punish her for promoting a feast that
“nobody wanted.” He even had her accused of financial mismanagement and banished her from her convent.
    Shortly after she was exiled, the bishop approved the feast. It quickly spread through Europe. In those
days, people very seldom received Holy Communion, and so the processions through the streets with the eu-
charistic bread not only led to an awareness of Christ’s hunger to be with us, but prepared the way for a deep-
er desire to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in more frequent Communion. The feast grew rapidly, but Juli-
ana disappeared into poverty and a hidden life. She ended her days as an “anchoress,” a woman living in se-
clusion in a room attached to a parish church. Imagine her delight at seeing us gathered at the table of the
Lord on this day, aware of Christ’s presence in our midst, sharing fully in Christ’s Body and Blood. Our cele-
bration today invests her struggle and sorrows with dignity and meaning.
—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Page Three                               The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ          June 19, 2022

                   “One Lord...One Baptism...One God and Father of all”.
                                                                                       Ephesians 4

                                                    Prayer for Fathers
                                           By Pope Saint John XXIII
            Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus and chaste husband of Mary, you passed your life
             in loving fulfillment of duty. You supported the holy family of Nazareth with the
    work of your hands. Kindly protect those who trus ngly come to you. You know their
                              aspira ons, their hardships, their hopes.
          They look to you because they know you will understand and protect them.
                              You too knew trial, labor, and weariness.
   But amid the worries of material life, your soul was full of deep peace and sang in true joy
     through in macy with God’s Son entrusted to you and with Mary, his tender Mother.
  Assure those you protect that they do not labor alone. Teach them to find Jesus near them
                        and to watch over him faithfully as you have done.

Congratula ons to our eighth grade                                     Prayer for Summer
students who graduated. We wish you all                   Loving and merciful God, as we enter these
the success that the world has to offer.                   summer months and make travel plans, I
Know that the St. Catherine’s community                   ask you to send your angels to guide and
will always be a place of welcome for you                 protect us. Give us safe travelling mercies.
throughout your life. God bless you!                      I ask that you keep us safe from all harm
                                                          and injury. Amen
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                      Second Collec on for next weekend is for
(Corpus Chris )                                                       Peter’s Pence Collec on
O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament                                    Peter’s Pence Collec on is a
have le us a memorial of your Passion,                                    worldwide collec on that
grant us, we pray, so to revere the sacred                                supports the charitable works
mysteries of your Body and Blood that we                                  of Pope Francis. Funds from
may always experience in ourselves the                                    this collec on help vic ms of
fruits of your redemp on. Who live and                                    war, oppression and natural
reign with God the Father in the unity of the                             disasters. Take this oppor-
Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.                       tunity to join with Pope Francis and be a
                                                           witness of charity to our suffering brothers
Reflec on ques on:                                         and sisters. For more informa on, please
How am I part of the Body of Christ in the                 visit;
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company, Inc.
Page Four
LET US PRAY that all the departed may
enter into the reign of everlas ng joy,              MASS INTENTIONS
especially, Fr. Laughlin Brennan, Nicole              JUNE 18—JUNE 25, 2022
Killigrew, Bernerd Ford, and for those who
are sick or recupera ng: Joe Simonds, Ruth      Sat(6/18)   5:00 PM All Fathers
Dolim, Viviane Yamamoto, Lin Cardelli, Gloria                       Living and Deceased
Cardelli, Carroll Schmitz, Melanie Yeager,      Sun(6/19) 7:30 AM All Parishioners
Sharon Campodonico, Pie Hernandez, Lim                    9:00 AM All Fathers
Siok Kim Go, Fernando Go, Linda Mustachia,                          Living and Deceased
Li le Ellie Adrian, Douglas Williams, Daniela            10:30 AM All Fathers
Dimitri, Maria Dimitri, Moreno Venturini,                           Living and Deceased
                                                       12:00 Noon All Fathers
Max Williams, baby Logan, and Lew Leveriza,
                                                                    Living and Deceased
that they may soon be well.
                                                Mon       7:00 AM Birthday Blessing for
                                                                    Jus n Young
2022 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL                 (6/20)   12:05 PM Mel Kennedy †
                                                Tue       7:00 AM Rosario Barbosa †
                                                 (6/21) 12:05 PM Birthday Bleesings for
                                                                     Marlin Go Ang
         Let’s                Again             Wed       7:00 AM Patrick (Paddy) McGuirk †
                                                (6/22)   12:05 PM Nolan Pamintuan †
  Our Assessment is $158,618.00                 Thurs     7:00 AM Special Inten on of
A word of thanks to parishioners who have                            Nancy Ingram
already pledged or donated to the 2022          (6/23)   12:05 PM Birthday Blessings for
Annual Appeal.                                                       Maximiliano Rodriguez
       $98,000.00 has been received             Fri       7:00 AM Fr. John O’Friel †
             as of last weekend                 (6/24)   12:05 PM Antonia Por llo †
Your gi s really help us on the way to          Sat        8:00 AM Adolfo and Ruby Villarin †
mee ng our assessment. You also help our        (6/25)
Archdiocese con nue its ministries of
teaching, guiding, healing, and serving our
parishes and schools.
                                                I have a dogma c certainty: God is in every
Brochures are available in the ves bule of
                                                person's life. God is in everyone's life. Even
the church. You may also donate online by
                                                if the life of a person has been a disaster,
simply following the links at
                                                even if it is destroyed by vices, drugs or any- This website is
                                                thing else - God is in this person's life. You
completely safe and secure.
                                                can - you must - try to seek God in every hu-
Thank you for your care and
                                                man life.
                                                     -Pope Francis
                Fr. John
Page Five

  Taizé Prayer Around the Cross Resumes                                        RCIA Program
       at Mercy Center, Burlingame
       2300 Adeline Dr., Burlingame                                    The Rite of Chris an
                                                                       Ini a on is a prepara on
First Friday of the month at 8:00 pm.                                  program for those interested
Contact: Sr. Jean Evans, RSM | 650-373-4508 |           in becoming Catholic Christians. It is                               conducted by Fr. Nick Case and our parish
Mercy Center in Burlingame has resumed First Fri-       RCIA team. Our new program will begin in
day Taizé Prayer Around the Cross, at 8:00 pm in
                                                        September. Please inform us if you know of
the Chapel. All are welcome. You are asked to
wear a mask and to bring proof of vaccina on and
                                                        anyone who is interested in becoming
relevant boosters. Thank you!                           Catholic.
If you cannot a end in person, we will con nue to       You can reach Fr. Nick by calling the rectory office
offer the virtual prayer service. Please call the        at 650‐344‐6884 x 110 or Niles Tanakatsubo, RCIA
above number for further informa on.                    Coordinator at, 650‐394‐

         FINDING GOD IN ALL THINGS                                      RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/
Mercy Center invites you to join our Igna an Di‐
rected Retreat
Arrival: Sunday, June 26 a ernoon                                     Registra on for the 2022‐
Departure: Friday, July 1, a er lunch                                 2023 Religious Educa on
Contact: 650-340-7474                                   Program is now open. Sacramental
                                                        prepara on for First Holy Communion and
Daily Morning Prayer and Introduc on, personal          Confirma on is a two year process. Please
spiritual direc on, Mass,                               register your child today!
Sacrament of Reconcilia on, crea ve expression,
Prayer Around the Cross.                                If you have any ques ons, please contact
Directors: Fr. Robert Glynn, S.J., Mary Ann Clifford,    Mark Tomsic at the rectory, 650-344-6884
RSM; Sharon Chiarucci,                                  x103 or email:
Jean Evans, RSM, Peg Maloney, RSM.

NOTE: These are unprecedented mes. If finances                   Download the Pope Francis
are an issue, please fill out our learning grant form         ClickToPray App .
to request a grant. We want to make sure our offer‐
                                                        ClickToPray is a pla orm that invites people
ings are available to everyone.
                                                        around the world to accompany the Pope in
                                                        a mission of compassion. It has a website
                                                        and a mobile app, and is available in six lan-
   A Brand New and Sleek                     guages (Spanish, English, Italian, French,
                       Portuguese, and German). The pope invites
            Twi                      everyone, and especially youth, to down-
           h ps://                     load the app.
Page Six
      Help with Grief Is Available at                           FORMED is an online site like
                                      Ne lix or Amazon Prime where
          Sr. Toni Lynn Gallagher RSM,                          you can watch, study, listen, and
           Bereavement Coordinator,                             read inspiring, cu ng-edge
          Archdiocese of San Francisco                          Catholic content.
                  415-317-4436                        How to Register for Formed — FREE!
More and more people are suffering loss and
experiencing grief. Did you know that on the          Direc ons:
Archdiocesan website is a single page with            Step 1. Go to website.
up-to-date informa on on grief support                Step 2. Create an account profile and
resources throughout the Archdiocese? The             password.
goal is to help people make only one phone            Step 3. Once you register, look in your email
call to get the assistance they need. The             inbox for a Formed email with a link to
Archdiocesan website at               ac vate your account.
grief is a central clearinghouse of grief             Step 4. Log in to on the top right
assistance informa on. If you seek                    of the page using your email address and
assistance, please contact Sister Toni Lynn           password.
Gallagher.                                            Step 5. Enjoy the beau ful Catholic content!
                                                      For ques ons or if you need help to join
                      LOST & FOUND                    FORMED, please contact Mark Tomsic at
            There are two clear plas c bins in the    the Parish Office, 344‐6884 x 103.
            “Cry Room” for items le in church.
            Large items such as clothing, toys,         St. Mary’s Cathedral Sunday A ernoon
etc. will be placed in the larger bin. Small items            “Musical Medita ons” Live
such as rosaries, glasses, keys, bu ons, etc., will                and Livestreamed
be placed in the smaller bin.                         For more informa on, contact Mr. Chris Tietze at
Items of greater value such as cameras, phones,                    415‐567‐2020, Ext. 213
IDs, expensive jewelry, etc. will be taken to the            St. Mary’s Cathedral YouTube
Parish Office for safe-keeping. A er 6-8 weeks          Enjoy the longest con nuously running organ
items remaining in the bins will be donated or        concert series in San Francisco, and other in-
discarded.                                            strumental and vocal recitals as well, Sundays
NOTE: There are some items such as rings, and         at 4:00 pm. These Sunday Musical Medita ons
bracelets that have been found in the church.         are open to the public at the Cathedral (1100
Contact the office if you have lost any such            Gough Street,
items at 344-6884.                                    San Francisco) and are being livestreamed on
                                                      the St. Mary’s Cathedral YouTube channel,
FATHERHOOD                                            above.
  A father carries pictures where his                 Upcoming LIVE and Livestreamed
money used to be.—Anonymous                           Sunday, June 19, 4:00 pm: Roland Voit
                                                      (Germany), Organ.
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