PARTNERSHIP PARISHES - the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne

PARTNERSHIP PARISHES - the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
                                                          Parish Priest: Father Shabin Kaniampuram I.V.Dei
                    ST MARY’S                                          Email:                        ST JOSEPH’S
                                                                     Pastoral Associate: Mirella Pace
                   THORNBURY                                   (Tue & Wed 9-12 p.m. and Thursday 9-5 p.m.)                NORTHCOTE
                                                          Parish Secretary: Maggie Jooste (Tues & Fri 10 -3:30pm)
                 Principal: Dino De Propertis    Italian Coordinator St. Mary’s: Maria Zaccardi (Thursdays 9am-3:30pm)         Principal: Mary Kearney
                 Ph: 9484 5333                                                                                                            Ph: 9481 7166
                                                       St. Joseph’s Phone: 9489 8008 St. Mary’s Phone: 9484 2907

                                    Easter Sunday Year A                                                                               12 April 2020
suspension of                                                                                           Greetings in the Lord
all public                                                                           Dear friends, we entered into
liturgies,                                                                           Holy Week with Palm Sunday in
                                                                                     a Novel way this year. We have
celebration of                                                                       been participating in Holy Week
                                                                                     Liturgy in many different ways
the Mass until                                                                       being at home. Today, we can
further notice.                                                                      recall the life and worship of the
                                                                                     early Christian community- the
                                                                                     domestic church– like them we
Please check                                                                         are experiencing new ways of
                                                                                     praying and worship. We
on your elderly                                                                      experienced and observed the
                                    Holiest week within a secular context i.e outside the building or precincts of
neighbours.                         the church. We have done this in our solitude and quietude, of course, as the
                                    members of the church, the mystical body of Christ.
                                    Since the beginning of Lent and entering the Holy Week we have journeyed
                                    into the depth of the sacred mysteries. In the 40 days of lent until now we have
                                    been discovering and re entertaining into the unfathomable wealth and
                                    mysteries of Christ, in solidarity with the present sufferings and crisis of the
                                    whole of humanity. We have been encountering crucified Christ in every
                                    circumstances of our lives, especially in Australia with the bush fires that hit
                                    our nation in the past months and now in the crisis created by the corona virus.
                                    During Holy Week we have been witnessing the persecution that Jesus
                                    underwent and how he was judged ferociously, even though he was innocent
                                    and we saw through scriptures that all the evil forces of the world surrounded
                                    him to crush him. However he conquered all with his patient suffering, brutal
                                    death on the cross and by the glorious Resurrection . So this is where we
                                    stand now - THE EASTER SUNDAY- the foundation of our faith.
                                    St. Paul teaches “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and our
                                    preaching is in vain.” The Resurrection of the Lord is our Hope and only Hope.
                                    As the whole world is going through this present crisis, the Resurrection gives
                                    us hope that one day humanity will see the light at the end of the tunnel,
                                    a bright light. Jesus dispelled the darkness of the world with his glorious
Recently Deceased
Nabil Grege; Angelina De
                                    resurrection and we all saw the rays of hope in Him, the eternal light.
Fazio: Nabih Toufic Fakhry;         Let this light Guide us, lead us amidst the encircling gloom ... Lead thou me
Duncan Hartwig                      on..Lead the humanity in this darkness to the Light, to New life. Fr. Shabin

Chafic Moussa Fakhry;                               This parish has a commitment to ensuring the safety of children
Gerard Francis McCarthy;                                        and vulnerable people in our community.
George Baini; Remigio Lanti;
Angelo Delle-Vergini

                               ST JOSEPH’S PARISH 140 Westbourne Grove, Northcote 3070 / ST MARY’S PARISH 1 Rossmoyne Street, Thornbury 3071
PARTNERSHIP PARISHES - the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
FIRST READING: Acts: 10:34. 37-43                  SECOND READING:            Colossians 3:1-4
A reading from the Acts of the Apostles.           A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Colossians.
Peter addressed Cornelius and his household:       Since you have been brought back to true life with
“You must have heard about the recent              Christ, you must look for the things that are in heaven,
happenings in Judaea; about Jesus of               where Christ is, sitting at God’s right hand. Let your
Nazareth and how he began in Galilee, after        thoughts be on heavenly things, not on the things that
John had been preaching baptism. God had           are on the earth, because you have died, and now the
anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with         life you have is hidden with Christ in God. But when
power, and because God was with him, Jesus         Christ is revealed – and he is your life – you too will be
went about doing good and curing all who had       revealed in all your glory with him.
fallen into the power of the devil. Now I, and     The Word of the Lord
those with me, can witness to everything he
did throughout the countryside of Judaea and       All: Thanks be to God
in Jerusalem itself: and also to the fact that
they killed him by hanging him on a tree, yet
three days afterwards God raised him to life       Gospel Acclamation I Cor. 5:7-8
and allowed him to be seen, not by the whole       Alleluia, Alleluia!
people but only by certain witnesses God had       Christ has become our paschal sacrifice;
chosen beforehand. Now we are those                Let us feast with joy in the Lord.
witnesses – we have eaten and drunk with him       Alleluia!
after his resurrection from the dead – and he
has ordered us to proclaim this to his people      THE GOSPEL                John 20:1-9
and to tell them that God has appointed him to
judge everyone, alive or dead. It is to him that   A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John.
all the prophets bear this witness: that all who
believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven     It was very early on the first day of the week and still
through his name.’                                 dark, when Mary of Magdala came to the tomb. She
The Word of the Lord                               saw that the stone had been moved away from the
                                                   tomb and came running to Simon Peter and the other
All: Thanks be to God                              disciple, the one Jesus loved. ‘They have taken the
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Ps 117                         Lord out of the tomb’ she said ‘and we don’t know
                                                   where they have put him.’
R:    This day was made by the Lord;
      We rejoice and are glad.                     So Peter set out with the other disciple to go to the
                                                   tomb. They ran together, but the other disciple, running
1. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,         faster than Peter, reached the tomb first; he bent down
for his love has no end.                           and saw the linen cloths lying on the ground, but did
Let the sons of Israel say:                        not go in. Simon Peter who was following now came
‘His love has no end.’                             up, went right into the tomb, saw the linen cloths on
                                                   the ground, and also the cloth that had been over his
2. The Lord’s right hand has triumphed;            head; this was not with the linen cloths but rolled up in
his right hand raised me up.                       a place by itself. Then the other disciple who had
I shall not die, I shall live                      reached the tomb first also went in; he saw and he
and recount his deeds.                             believed. Till this moment they had failed to
                                                   understand the teaching of scripture, that he must rise
3. The stone which the builders rejected           from the dead.
has become the corner stone.                       The Gospel of the Lord
This is the work of the Lord,
a marvel in our eyes.                              All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

R:    This day was made by the Lord;
      We rejoice and are glad.
PARTNERSHIP PARISHES - the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
Prima lettura At 10,34.37-43                            Seconda lettura Col 3,1-4
Dagli Atti degli Apostoli                               Dalla lettera di san Paolo apostolo ai Colossési

In quei giorni, Pietro prese la parola e disse: «Voi    Fratelli, se siete risorti con Cristo, cercate le cose
sapete ciò che è accaduto in tutta la Giudea,           di lassù, dove è Cristo, seduto alla destra di Dio;
cominciando dalla Galilea, dopo il battesimo            rivolgete il pensiero alle cose di lassù, non a quelle
predicato da Giovanni; cioè come Dio consacrò in        della terra.
Spirito Santo e potenza Gesù di Nàzaret, il quale       Voi infatti siete morti e la vostra vita è nascosta
passò beneficando e risanando tutti coloro che          con Cristo in Dio! Quando Cristo, vostra vita, sarà
stavano sotto il potere del diavolo, perché Dio era     manifestato, allora anche voi apparirete con lui
con lui.                                                nella gloria.
E noi siamo testimoni di tutte le cose da lui           Parola di Dio
compiute nella regione dei Giudei e in
Gerusalemme. Essi lo uccisero appendendolo a            Tutti:     Rendiamo grazie a Dio
una croce, ma Dio lo ha risuscitato al terzo giorno
e volle che si manifestasse, non a tutto il popolo,     Canto al Vangelo      (1Cor 5,7-8)
ma a testimoni prescelti da Dio, a noi che abbiamo
mangiato e bevuto con lui dopo la sua risurrezione      Alleluia, alleluia.
dai morti.                                              Cristo, nostra Pasqua, è stato immolato:
E ci ha ordinato di annunciare al popolo e di           facciamo festa nel Signore.
testimoniare che egli è il giudice dei vivi e dei       Alleluia.
morti, costituito da Dio. A lui tutti i profeti danno
questa testimonianza: chiunque crede in lui riceve      Vangelo     Gv 20,1-9
il perdono dei peccati per mezzo del suo nome».
Parola di Dio                                           + Dal Vangelo secondo Giovanni.

Tutti:     Rendiamo grazie a Dio                        Il primo giorno della settimana, Maria di Màgdala si
                                                        recò al sepolcro di mattino, quando era ancora
Salmo responsoriale Sal 117                             buio, e vide che la pietra era stata tolta dal
R:   Questo è il giorno che ha fatto il Signore:        Corse allora e andò da Simon Pietro e dall’altro
     rallegriamoci ed esultiamo.                        discepolo, quello che Gesù amava, e disse loro:
                                                        «Hanno portato via il Signore dal sepolcro e non
1. Rendete grazie al Signore perché è buono,            sappiamo dove l’hanno posto!».
perché il suo amore è per sempre.                       Pietro allora uscì insieme all’altro discepolo e si
Dica Israele:                                           recarono al sepolcro. Correvano insieme tutti e
«Il suo amore è per sempre».                            due, ma l’altro discepolo corse più veloce di Pietro
                                                        e giunse per primo al sepolcro. Si chinò, vide i teli
2. La destra del Signore si è innalzata,                posati là, ma non entrò.
la destra del Signore ha fatto prodezze.                Giunse intanto anche Simon Pietro, che lo
Non morirò, ma resterò in vita                          seguiva, ed entrò nel sepolcro e osservò i teli
e annuncerò le opere del Signore.                       posati là, e il sudario – che era stato sul suo capo
                                                        – non posato là con i teli, ma avvolto in un luogo a
3. La pietra scartata dai costruttori                   parte.
è divenuta la pietra d’angolo.                          Allora entrò anche l’altro discepolo, che era giunto
Questo è stato fatto dal Signore:                       per primo al sepolcro, e vide e credette. Infatti non
una meraviglia ai nostri occhi.                         avevano ancora compreso la Scrittura, che cioè
                                                        egli doveva risorgere dai morti.
R:   Questo è il giorno che ha fatto il Signore:
     rallegriamoci ed esultiamo.                        Parola del Signore

                                                        A:   Lode a te o Cristo.
St. Joseph’s                                                  ARCHDIOCESE OF MELBOURNE from
1st Collection: House: $
2nd Collection: Thanksgiving: $
                                                              Most Rev Peter A Comensoli Archbishop of Melbourne
St. Mary’s                                                     Dear friends in Christ Jesus,
1st Collection: Thanksgivings: $617
2nd Collection: House: $ 916
                                                              This week, Holy Week, we have entered into the journey with Jesus
WE PRAY FOR THE SICK                                          towards his passion, death and resurrection. As disciples of Jesus
Names will remain for 4 weeks, then a                         Christ we make this journey with him to the foot of his Cross. His is
new request is required.                 the suffering, yet we accept our own part in it. This journey with Jesus can be
Christine Shortis.
Do you or someone you know require       Our faith community in Melbourne over these past two years has been caught up in
any of the following                     another hard and difficult journey as we have followed the court proceedings involving
       Annual House Visits              Cardinal George Pell and the person identified through the Courts as ‘J’. It has been an
       Visits to the Sick               intense and painful time for so many, especially all those personally involved in this
                                         case. But most particularly, this has been a hard road for all those whose wounds of
       Anointing of the Sick
Please contact the Presbytery on 9484
                                         abuse have been re-opened and laid bare– our relatives, friends and fellow travellers.
2907 to arrange a time with Fr Shabin.   At the heart of this trial and appeal process have been the people involved. I want to
                                         firstly acknowledge ’J’, who brought forward his story of abuse for examination in the
SICK OR HOUSEBOUND /                     courts of law. This is a right we value and honour.
                                         I also acknowledge Cardinal Pell who has steadfastly maintained his innocence
Se conoscete persone che sono            throughout. Rightly, he has been afforded the full possibilities of the judicial system.
malate o confinate a casa e vorrebbero   This decision means the Cardinal has been wrongly convicted and imprisoned, and he
ricevere visite o la comunione a casa    is now free to live his life peaceably within the community.
siete pregati di mettervi in contatto
contact Parish Offices 9484 2907 or      As a Christian disciple, and taking my lead from the Gospel (Matthew 25.31-46), I have
9489 8008                                striven to uphold the dignity of ‘J’ and Cardinal Pell throughout this time, both in my
                                         private thoughts and public statements.
PLAYGROUP                                The sole matter for examination in this case was whether Cardinal Pell committed
During school terms for children 0-5     certain despicable crimes, of which he has now been acquitted, and not about the
years.                                   broader question of how Church authorities have dealt with sexual abuse. Yet, I fully
Friday 9.30 - 10.45am
in the HALL (entry via Mansfield St).    appreciate that people have seen in this case another emblematic story of sexual
ALL WELCOME! Contact:                    abuse by a Catholic priest. And it has brought a deeper weariness of soul to people of
Megan: 9495 1449                         faith.
CHILDREN’S                               I am acutely aware of the division this matter has created in our community.
LITURGY OF THE WORD                      Even now, at the end of this process. Some will be comforted; others will remain
Sunday, 5:30pm Mass during school        distressed.
terms. This is a way for school          I have lost count of the conversations I have had with our people, who continue to draw
aged children to gather and
understand the Gospel at their age       strength and purpose from following in the way of Jesus Christ, yet whose anguish and
level. Cancelled until further notice    anger towards the institutions of the Church and her leaders is visceral. While each
CHRISTIAN MEDITATION                     allegation of abuse should rightly be addressed individually, the accumulative effect of
Every Thursday at 2pm in Good            the nature and extent of it has left most Catholics, and people of goodwill generally,
Samaritan Convent.                       utterly ashamed of what continues to emerge. You tell me of your outrage that this has
8-10 Mansfield St., Thornbury            been allowed to happen. Yours is a righteous anger and I share it with you.
Contact: Mirella 0408 470 114
                                         But this journey to the Cross points us to a particular place – one of restoration and
Cancelled until further notice           Christ’s promised hope. Healing the damage done to those who have suffered Church-
                                         related sexual abuse, and building a culture of life, trust, care and goodness for all in
BAPTISMS: Cancelled until further
                                         the Church, is the task I lead. It is something in which we all have a part to play.
First Wednesday of the month.            As Archbishop of Melbourne I re-dedicate myself and our Archdiocese to finding new
St. Joseph’s: 7.00pm: Baptism            ways of listening attentively to victims of sexual abuse, and accompanying them on
Preparation meeting the church.          pathways to justice, redress and healing. We continue our efforts to protect and care for
By appointment only.                     our young people and for those who are vulnerable, and to make our faith communities
St. Mary’s: By appointment only
please call parish Office                safe, as Jesus Christ expects of us. And, I commit myself to encouraging and
SENIORS                                  supporting the many faithful Clergy who currently serve in the Archdiocese of
Last Friday of the month                 Melbourne.
St. Joseph’s: 2.00pm: Seniors Mass at    I invite you to join me in walking with our brothers and sisters who have experienced
the parish Centre. Cancelled until
further notice.
                                         abuse in helping them to find recovery in their lives. This means active support for
First Friday of the month                rigorous safeguarding
St. Mary’s: 2.00pm Mass of Anointing     policies and practices, respectful listening to survivors of abuse, and our own
of the Sick. Cancelled until further     conversion. Let us pray for ‘J’ and his family; pray for Cardinal Pell and his family; pray
                                         and work for survivors of abuse; and build a Church that is centred on God’s love for
Catholic Religious Education             each person, with a special care and concern for the weakest, the most vulnerable, the
St. Joseph’s: Weds: 4-5pm R.E.           most hurt.
classes for Children for State &
Secondary Students in the Parish
                                         In Jesus Christ, whose life is our hope and healing, I make the following words
House. Cancelled until further           my prayer today. For God alone my soul waits in silence,
notice.                                                    for my hope is from him.
St. Mary’s: Thurs: 4-5pm R.E                               He alone is my rock and my salvation,
Classes in preparation for                                 my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
Sacraments. Please contact Mirella                         On God rests my deliverance and my honour;
9484 2907.
                                                           my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.
Cancelled until further notice
                                                           Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him;
                                                           God is a refuge for us. (Psalm 62:5-8)
                                                                  Yours sincerely in Christ Jesus Most Rev Peter A Comensoli
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