BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church

Page created by Joe Sanders
BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church
312 Ridgedale Avenue
                                                                                  East Hanover, New Jersey 07936

BULLETIN                                                                                             May 15, 2022

 CLIFTON Bishop Emeritus Arthur J. Serratelli said he was “surprised
 and happy” to learn recently that Pope Francis had appointed him as a
 full member of the Holy See’s Congregation of Divine Worship and the
 Discipline of the Sacra­ments Feb. 22. The Holy Father had previously
 appointed him to the Congregation from 2016 until he retired as the
 ordinary of the Paterson Diocese in 2020.
 A world-renowned Scripture scholar, Bishop Serratell is 78. His current
 appointment to the Congrega­tion ends when he turns 80 years old on
 April 18, 2024. He is the only member of the Congregation from the U.S.
 The Congregation’s purview encompasses the regulation of the liturgy
 and the sacraments. Over the years, the Bishop has shared his expertise
 and insights on Scrip­ture, liturgy, translations of liturgical texts, and other
 matters at both the national and international levels of the Church —
 important work that sometimes took him far from the Diocese and even
 the U.S.
 “I was surprised by the Pope’s appointment. I’m happy that the Holy Father wants me to serve the Church in
 this capacity,” said Bishop Serratelli, who was informed last month about his appointment. He then informed his
 successor, Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney. Bishop Serratelli said the position might require some travel.
 Today, Bishop Serratelli continues as the Catholic chair of the International Dialogue with the Baptist World
 Alliance for the Vatican.
 He previously served with the Interna­tional Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), which develops English
 translations of liturgical books of the Roman Rite that were originally written in Latin. He served as a full member
 and was elected two terms as its chairman. Under his leadership, ICEL developed the third English translation
 of the Roman missal.
 In addition, Bishop Serratelli served as a member of the Vox Clara, which reviews English translations of liturgical
 text from countries around the world and makes recommendations as part of a more involved process.
 In response to the news, Bishop Sweeney said Bishop Serratelli’s “deep knowledge of Sacred Scripture and the
 Sacred Liturgy” has served the work of the Congregation in the past. Also, the Bishop’s work with ICEL “makes
 him an invaluable source of knowledge and wisdom” for the Congregation.
 “I was happy, but not surprised,” Bishop Sweeney said of Bishop Serratelli’s appointment. He noted, “It is fitting
 that Bishop Serratelli should have been appointed to this important role on Feb. 22, the Feast of the Chair of
 Peter, because he has always faithfully exercised his ministry ‘cum Petro et sub Petro,’ or ‘with Peter and under
 his authority.’ In the name of the Diocese of Paterson, I offer Bishop Serratelli best wishes and a promise of
 prayers, along with our affection and esteem,” said Bishop Sweeney.
 On the national level, Bishop Serratelli served the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as the elected
 chairman of the Committee on Doctrine, was twice elected chairman of the Committee on Divine Worship,
 chairman for the Ad-Hoc Subcom­mittee of the Review Scripture Translations, a member of the Committee on
 Women in the Church, and the Ad-Hoc Committee for the Review of Catechism. The Bishop also has been a
 member of the USCCB’s Admin­istrative Committee and an elected member of its Executive Committee.
                                                                     Michael Wojcik, News Editor, The Beacon
BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church
Sunday, May 15th
7:30 † For the People of the Parish
        † Loretta & Joan Liskewski by Annmarie Karpinski
        † Vecchiarello Family by Mary & Bob Simmons          OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS
9:15    † David Brady by Family                              May 8th - $15,436.85
        † Carol Albrecht by Frank McKinley                   Total Ukraine Fund collection: $ $38,061.10
10:30 † Sabino Guanci by Lisa & John Martino                 We are very grateful for your weekly contribution to
        † Annibale Spinello by The Pagano Family             St. Rose! Your generosity is vital to meet our expenses
12:15 † Sabino Guanci by Da Cruz Family                      and continue our many ministries. Please note that
        † Giovanna Vescera by Federico Buonaiuto &           you can give online by visiting our website, mail your
          Family                                             envelopes to the rectory office, use our “drop-off” box
7:00 † Frank Nolan by Ron and Judy Angelo                    by the office entrance, use one of the donation boxes
        † Joan P. Lucciola by Christina and Matthew Lang     in the church
Monday, May 16th
9:00 † Edith & Herman Reiter by Elaine and Lawrence
                                                             ALTAR BREAD & WINE
                                                             For the week are offered for:
                                                             Sarah Molyneux
       † Lisa Ann Zoppi by Joe & Dorothy Zoppi
                                                             From: Robertazzi Family
Tuesday, May 17th
9:00 † James Sink by Angelo & Debbie Cusano
                                                             TABERNACLE CANDLES
                                                             For the week are offered for:
        † Ziggy Sokolski
                                                             Carmine and Margaret Sarno
Wednesday, May 18th                                          From: The Sarno Family
9:00 † Bronislau Karpinski by Annmarie Karpinski
      † Felice Picillo by The Picillo/DeNotaris Families     SANCTUARY LAMP
                                                             For the week are offered for:
Thursday, May 19th                                           Special Intentions
9:00 † John Berescik by Rosemary Pecci                       From: Brenda McNeil
       † Louis Maddalena by Linda K. Cherubini
Friday, May 20th
9:00 † Romeo Samson by Merle & Tony Songco                   Congratulations to the newly-wed couple:
         † Richard Loehwing by Mary, John and Bud            Mina Abdelmalek and Maria Luciano
                                                             MAY ROSARY PRAYER INTENTIONS
Saturday, May 21st                                           Glorious Mysteries: In Thanksgiving for our 2nd
9:00 Intentions to The Blessed Mother (Other)                graders who will receive First Holy Communion this
        † Sarah Molyneux by Robertazzi Family                May. We pray they will stay close to Jesus and to the
        † Thomas T Manna Sr by Ada Manna                     Sacraments.
        † Ralph Spero by Patino Family                       Sorrowful Mysteries: For all our deceased mothers,
        † Robert Baerenbach by Joseph Perfetto
                                                             grandmothers and great grandmothers.
        † Carol Giacona by John & Julie Seborowski
5:30 † Sarah Molyneux by Kelly Robertazzi                    Joyful Mysteries: For the sanctity of life from concep-
        † Dean Everetts (6th Ann.) by Loving Family          tion to natural death.
                                                             Luminous Mysteries: In this beautiful month of May,
Sunday, May 22nd                                             dedicated to Our Lady, we pray for our dear Mother
7:30 † For the People of the Parish                          Mary’s intercession for world peace and for increased
        † Lucy Foti by The Lourenco Family                   devotion to Divine Mercy.
9:15    † Richard Loehwing by Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Russo
        † Maureen Hopkins by Lisa and Joel Leonard
10:30 † Anthony Ferraro by Judy and Ralph Ferraro            ROSARY FOR LIFE
        † Gloria Monfiglio by Ann Marie and John Petrillo    We invite you to pray with us the “Rosary for Life” Save
12:15 † Michael Fitzpatrick by Catherine Fitzpatrick         the Date - May 21st, at 2pm in the cafeteria under the
        † Felice Picillo by The Picillo/DeNotaris Families   church. NJ passed a Bill to permit abortion throughout
7:00 † Joan P. Lucciola by Robert & Mary Ann Ambrose         all 9 months. Please come and pray with us
                                                                                            Respect Life Committee

BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church
                                                                  Sadie, Tristan, Vincent, Ava, Georgia, Ava, Mia,
FOOD PANTRY                                                          Gracie, Hailey, Gabriel, Thomas, Anthony,
Thank you all for the generous donations. The pantry is in       Delainey, Ava, Joseph, Vincent, Joseph, Caroline,
need of all condiments, rice, coffee, cereal, pasta, jarred       Sebastian, Asher, Vincent, Sofia, John, Thomas,
tomato sauce, fruit drinks, baking products, detergent,            Luca, Serina, Julianna, Porsha, Bella, Arianna,
cleaning products, all personal products (hand soap,              Sean, Cecilia, Jason, Gabriella, Viviana, Gianna,
                                                                   Madison, Mariella, Ryan, Morgan, Christopher,
shampoo, toothbrushes). The pantry is open the 2nd and                Valentina, Massiella, Antoniao, Michael,
4th Saturday of the month from 10 am to 11 am. Please             Giuseppe, Tabitha, Nicole, Talia, Kristian, Chase,
check expiration dates.                                             Joseph, Avaline, Christian, Nicolas, Michael,
                                                                   Joseph, Gianna, Andrew, Vito, Joseph, Casey,
 PARISH CENSUS                                                   Christian, Evey, Domenico, Elsilia, Vivianna, Noah,
 Saint Rose of Lima is implementing a Parish Census.                                Gabriel, Layla
 Please help our Parish to update your records by visiting      CONFIRMATION
 saintroseoflimachurch.org/census. The Parish Census            The Early Bird Registration for Confirmation classes
 needs to be completed by everyone who already is a             for Grades 7 & 8 for 2022-2023 is open. It will
 parishioner, who would like to become a parishioner, or        remain open until midnight June 30, 2022. To
                                                                register online for 2022-2023 please visit
 who participates in our parish life online.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION                                             SHREDDING
                                                                Please support our St Rose Youth Ministry Fundraiser
          ALL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FAMILIES***                   Shredding Event that will be held on Sat, May 21st,
                  WE ARE NOW ONLINE !!!                         9:30 am-12:30 pm, $10 per box Come with your
The Early Bird Registration for Religious Education classes     personal documents to be shredded right in front of
for 2022-2023 is open. It will remain open until midnight       you when you arrive. St. Rose Confirmation Students
June 30, 2022. Please share this with everyone you may          will be there to help unload your car.
know, so all can take advantage of the early bird tuition
rate. If you are signed up to be a catechist or aide or other   SAVE THE DATE
volunteer in the program year 2022-2023 please contact          DIOCESAN MARIAN PILGRIMAGE
Gina Liebhauser at reled@saintroseoflimachurch.org for          Friday - October 21, 2022
the appropriate discount code prior to registration.            Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
                                                                Conception, Washington, D.C.
To register online for 2022-2023 please visit                   SKIN CANCER SCREENING
saintroseoflimachurch.org/ccd Our program is in                 Wednesday, June 8th, 6-8 pm, at the Senior
need of a catechist for Second grade for the 2022-              Citizens Center, 96 Mt Pleasant Ave, E. Hanover. To
2023 program year. If you are considering this                  register, please call EH Health Dept at 973-888-6035
opportunity, please contact Bernadette at bcaponegro@
saintroseoflimachurch.org to discuss it further.          WE CELEBRATE MOTHERHOOD - BABY
Please pray for our children, who will be receiving their BOTTLES FUNDRAISER
First Holy Communion on May 7 and May 14, for their cat-        We honor our own mothers by providing assistance
echists, classroom aides and family members who have            to expectant mothers in need. Please take a bottle, fill
guided them to this moment, that all may receive God’s          with your donation and return on Father’s Day.
loving grace.                                                   Thank you and God bless you.

                         ARE YOU NEW TO ST. ROSE OF LIMA?
                         Whether you are looking to register as a parishioner or just want to learn more about
                         our parish community, call 973-887-5572 Ext 128 Monday through Friday 8:00am–
                         3:00pm or visit our website: saintroseoflimachurch.org. Thank you for visiting us!

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BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church

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BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church
Calling all current and prospective altar servers! We are
excited to announce that we are welcoming our altar servers
back for our Masses and will be training new altar servers.

All current altar servers, and those who are interested
in becoming altar servers, please contact Karen Ford at
altarservers@saintroseoflimachurch.org or call the parish
office. Children who have made their First Holy Communion
are eligible for altar serving. Upcoming training will be

                                              MOTHER’S DAY

                                               What a beautiful way to begin Mother’s Day with a Family
                                                  Mass. Such joy to see our First Holy Communicants
                                                children at Mass. God Bless you mothers for your love,
                                              your sacrifices and for bringing your children up in the faith.
   Congratulations to the newly weds:          Thank you for your witness and for helping them grow in
   Benedict Osorio and Surabhi Menon                              the love of our Lord.
BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church
                                                                                                                                       For the complete parish
                                                                                                                                       directory visit our website:

    Address			 312 Ridgedale Avenue, East Hanover, New Jersey 07936
    				Parish Office: 973-887-5572           Fax: 973-884-0476
    				Hours: Monday–Friday 8:00am–3:00pm
    In case of a TRUE EMERGENCY, death or funeral, after office hours, please call 973-887-5572 and press “3” to reach a priest

    Pastor			           Fr. Matthew Kranc		            Ext. 125 		                        fr.matthew@saintroseoflimachurch.org
    Bishop Emeritus 		   Most Rev. Arthur J. Serratelli 		                                 www.bishopserratelli.org
    Permanent Deacons 		 Deacon Vincent Leo             973-985-8832                       pegleo5@gmail.com
    				Deacon Ron Forino                               973-887-2963                       ronforino@aol.com
    				Deacon Alfredo Fanelli                                                             assisi410@aol.com

    Parish Secretary 		                  Cathleen Seborowski          Ext 128 		           cseborowski@saintroseoflimachurch.org
    Director of Religious Education & Youth Protection Coordinator
    				Bernadette Caponegro                              973-887-0357                     bcaponegro@saintroseoflimachurch.org
    Confirmation & Youth Ministry
    				Lisa Paradiso 		                                              973-599-2944 lparadiso@saintroseoflimachurch.org
    Bulletin & Confirmation Assistant
                                  Tanya D’Souza                      973-599-2944          tdsouza@saintroseoflimachurch.org
    Director of Early Childhood Center
    				Lorie Agrifolio 		                                            973-887-1801         lagrifolio@stroseacad.org

SACRAMENTS                                   PARISH OPPORTUNITIES
Baptism                                      RCIA                                                     Devotion to Padre Pio
To make arrangements for Baptism             Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program      Following the 9am Mass on Friday
please call Fr. Matthew.                     for people who seek full initiation into the
                                             Catholic Church. Please contact Deacon Ron                Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Reconciliation                               Forino.                                                   Every Tuesday 8am-8:45am
 Saturdays at 8:15 - 8:45am & 4:45                                                                     Every Wednesday 1pm-2pm
- 5:15pm                                     Miraculous Medal Novena                                   First Fridays at 6pm
 Due to COVID-19, we take strict             Following 9am Mass on Saturday
 precaution measures to protect
                                             Knights of Columbus                                      First Saturday Devotion to
 priests and our community.                                                                           Our Lady of Fatima
                                             Grand Knight: Richard Koscielak 973-632-6407
                                             •   Masks are optional.                                  Following 9am Mass
Please contact Fr. Matthew and set           •   Officers Meetings - 1st Wednesday of the
up an appointment.                               Month - 7:30 PM - Lower Cafeteria                    Porziuncola Fraternity, OFS
                                             •   General Meetings - 2nd Monday of the                 The Porziuncola Fraternity will meet on May
Anointing of the Sick                            Month 7:30 PM - Lower Cafeteria                      21st after the 9:00am mass in Messina Hall.
Please notify the parish office of any       •   Resume 4th Monday of the Month 7:30 PM
need for a home or hospital visit.               - EH K of C Lounge Use & EH K of C Social            Rosary Altar Society
                                                                                                      We will meet on May 4th at 7 pm in
                                                                                                      Messina Hall.
                                             •   Interested in Joining the Awesome EH K
                                                 of C - Contact -- Membership Director Bob
                                                 Leach - (908)-447-7785
                                             •   New “EH K of C Lounge” - (Next to Lower
                                                 Cafeteria) - “Now Open To Brother Knights”

                                                       THANK YOU TO JOHN AND CYNTHIA TREZZA FOR THEIR CONTINUOUS GIFT OF OUR MA-
                                                       SONRY RENOVATIONS AND SNOW PLOWING DURING THE WINTER SEASON.
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                                                      THANK YOU TERRIE NEUMAN AND TKO PROPERTIES FOR YOUR CONTINUOUS
                                                      GIFT OF THE BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS IN THE PLANTERS IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH

BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church BULLETIN - St. Rose of Lima Church
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