Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018

Page created by Jeremy Sanders
Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018
Moonta Kindergarten

Family Information Book.
Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018
Welcome to Moonta Kindergarten.
    Our Philosophy contains words and statements that staff and children have discussed, questioned and agreed
    upon. Our families have also been involved in conversations and opportunities to have their thoughts recorded
    with in our philosophy.

     Participation for all.
     Welcoming all differences that come from the uniqueness of each child and family.
     Competent children, competent educators, competent parents.
     Children are capable and rich in potential
     We all belong to the broader community.
     Educators will be researchers of learning.
     Listening between adults, children and the environment
     Learning is be a practice of individual and group collaboration
     Our job is also to learn, because we are teachers.
     Creating a space of being for now and the future.
     Learning groups share a focus on learning how to learn from others within the group.
     For children to be themselves, to find their own strengths and perfect them.
     All children have the right to learn.
    It’s necessary that we believe that the child is very intelligent, that the child is strong and beautiful
    and has very ambitious desires and requests.
    This is the image of the child we need to hold.
    Loris Malaguzzi.
Our role is to provide an extension of your care and education. By communicating with each other, and
working together, we can enhance your child’s development.

In this booklet is some information about Moonta Kindergarten and how it
operates. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask a staff

Quality Improvement Plan - Our QIP outlines our service’s key strengths and
prioritised areas for improvement. The QIP is developed to address areas of
improvement identified through a site’s self-assessment. Your input into the
development and enhancement of our improvement plant is really important. We
value your ideas and feedback.
Our QIP can be found near the sign in book or on the Moonta Kindergarten

Our Staff are:
Director: Anna Daly
Teachers: Cindy Marshall and Jo Harris.
Early Childhood Workers - Jackie Aldridge, Bianca Newchurch
                                                                                         Family feedback (above)–
Occasional Care—Louise Staines and Rachel Prout.                                         What would you like your
                                                                                         child to learn at kindy?
Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018
Children are eligible to attend 15 hours of Kindergarten per week (where resources permit), commencing at the
beginning of every year.
The majority of children have 4 to 5 sessions per week for one year before entering school. Some children have
their sessions spread over 5 or 6 terms, and some do not use their full quota. These decisions are made according
to the specific needs and circumstances of each child, and in consultation with staff and parents.
Special DECS policies operate for Aboriginal children, Children under the guardianship of the minister, (who are
able to commence at the age of 3)and children with special needs.

Moonta is a full time centre at present, offering 9 sessions of Kindergarten per week to children in their eligible

Our Sessions times are:
Main kindy group (able to access four terms of preschool in the year before they start school.)
Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday - 8.30 to 3.00pm. ( children come for 2 full days)
Alternate Fridays 8.30am to 12.30pm. (Depending on Government funding.)
Pre Entry:
Pre entry is a non funded program at Kindergarten and will be offered when possible in term 4 each year. ($15 per

Occasional Care:
Occasional Care enables parents/caregivers to participate in activities, fulfil work commitments, keep
appointments, or have a break from their children on an occasional basis
3 hour session available on Friday 12.00 to 3.00. Limited places. Available to children over 2 and not already
accessing other programs at kindy. (unless there are spaces on the Friday morning.)
Children need to be enrolled. Proof of date of birth and immunisation schedule is required. Bookings taken during
the week of session required.

    We value regular attendance at Moonta Kindergarten as this helps to develop children’s and families networks,
friendships, trust and learning. Regular attendance provides children with long term benefits of maximum
participation in experiences, events and relationships. Attendance also assures correct staffing.
    If your child is going to be away for any reason including family reasons or sickness please let staff know by
phone or email. Please encourage you child to attend when there is no reason not to. This will set up good routines
and expectations for kindy and school.
    If your child is absent for more than 2 days, staff will phone you to see how things are going.

Arrival and Departure of Children
Parents and/or Caregivers MUST enter the Kindergarten building to deliver and collect children. Please sign in and
NO child will be permitted to leave the Centre until a Parent or Caregiver has entered the inside of the building and
the child has been farewelled by staff. If your child is being picked up by another adult, please advise us either by
phone, face to face or in writing.
If your child has not been picked up after a session this is the procedure staff are required to take.
Wait 10 minutes then phone call to parents. If no response, phone call to emergency contacts. If no response and
child still hasn’t been collected, staff may need to call the Police. If police are notified your child may be put into their
care until you can be located.
If you are running late, we would really appreciate a phone call, not only for our information, but also to be able to
reassure your child that you are on your way. Thank you.
Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018

    We encourage you as parents/caregivers, to spend time in our sessions and join in our various curriculum
activities. Your interest is most beneficial to your child feeling good about themselves and recognising the
importance of what they are doing.
You are part of our community and kindergarten and our aim is that you will take every opportunity to be involved
and support the activities of the centre, for the benefit of your child.

You can also help by:
     Bringing your skills or expertise in to educate and interact with the children.
     offering to spend a session or part thereof to assist.
     come on excursions outside of the centre.
     participating in fundraising activities and special events.
     taking a turn to do the weekly washing.

Governing Council
     The Governing Council is responsible along with the director for the operation and management of the Centre,
i.e. fundraising, maintenance and development of buildings, grounds and facilities, budget and finance and policies
and programs that the centre may undertake. We need your participation and ongoing support.
     Meetings are held during the term(2 per term). A time limit of 2 hours is capped for the meeting and any other
business is rolled over until the next meeting. Days and times for meetings are decided upon at our first meeting for
the year.
     Our meetings are open for everyone to attend and, as a new family to the centre, you are very welcome to come
along and join us to see what goes on.
Please see staff if you are interested in joining our committee .

Notice Pockets
   Each child is allocated an information pocket into which newsletters, notices, etc. are placed. Please check your
pocket daily so you are kept up to date with Centre happenings.

Each child has a locker with their name. Bags and belongings can be kept here.

 A policy folder is located on the shelves inside the kindy. Site based policies are located on our website and in your
                                  information pack . All DECD policies can be found at


Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018
     At Moonta Kindergarten we always aim to provide a welcoming, supportive and secure environment.
     We promote play-based learning where children are able to initiate their own learning and choose
      activities that will develop their learning.
     We also promote a child-initiated curriculum as well as providing intentional teaching experiences
      that assist the children with extending and strengthening their learning . Any one activity may cover
      one or more of the learning areas from the curriculum framework: Belonging, Being & Becoming (The
      Early Years Framework for Australia).
     Learning experiences that include nature , loose parts and the environment are a big focus at our
Please look at the Learning Board on the entrance wall to see the learning areas and activities we are using
with the children. We focus closely on your child’s self esteem, social skills and skills for life.
     Our program has a large focus around literacy and numeracy through play. Each day our morning
      meeting revolves around literacy and numeracy as well as activities to engage the children's various
      levels of development.
     Each child’s current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the
      program. From the onset of enrolment we gather verbal, observational and written information
      directly from the child and their family through getting to know the child and family and building
      relationships, observing and talking to the child and family. We really value our initial parent catch ups
      before your child commences at our kindy.
     Social skills, and literacy and numeracy through play are at the core of each child's learning and we
      ensure that all parts of our environment encompass these important learning areas.
Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018
Literacy and Numeracy Indicators.
The indicators of numeracy and literacy are designed for us to use when assessing and reporting on each child's learning and development.
The indicators help educators to monitor through your child's play , learning and development in literacy and numeracy and to plan for
individual children, small groups and for the whole group. The indicators help us to reflect on the range and depth of opportunities a child
has to develop and display numeracy and literacy understandings.
We use the information for discussion with families, for sharing each individual child's learning dispositions and growth. The learning is
always provided in a play based program.
Information collected will be referred to in each child's ‘Statement of Learning’ which is written in a narrative format and describes the
child’s learning and development during their attendance at preschool.

Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018
What does your child need?
Snack time
   Each child is encouraged to bring fruit or a healthy snack to eat during our snack time. The children are
reminded at about 10:00am each morning to have something to eat. This time is flexible. Children choose when
to have their snack, we do ensure that they leave their lunch until later in the day. If you know your child may still
be hungry throughout the day then please pack an extra healthy snack that they can eat during the session when
they are hungry. As we promote healthy eating we have provided you with a copy of our Healthy Food and Drink
policy which has suitable and unsuitable foods for Kindy. To stop confusion please place snacks and fruit in the
kindy esky. This ensures ease of access for the children.

    Sandwiches, fruit and a healthy treat are popular, but trust your own judgement and knowledge of your child’s
eating habits in consultation with our Healthy Food and Drink policy. Lunchtime is around 12:00pm where
children sit at the tables and eat their lunch before relaxation. Please provide adequate quantities, rather than
what you think is just enough food as children seem to eat more than when at home.
Lunch boxes go in the fridge and are put out ready for children at lunchtime.
Please do not send lollies. chips, chocolate. We all love these foods sometimes, but ask that they are kept at home.


Water Bottles
    Water is the most thirst quenching drink and is good for the brain. Please send your child a water bottle
(named) so they can drink water throughout the Kindy day. Water bottles are placed on the table inside kindy for
easy access. Please do not send cordial, juice, soft drinks etc. - they always manage to spill into Kindy bags or on
someone’s clothes, they are sticky, have a lot of sugar in them and they attract ants.
A Bag
    We encourage children to be responsible for their own belongings and to keep them in their lockers. A Kindy
bag helps in this process. We place quite a bit of emphasis on the children learning self help skills and looking
after their own belongings. You will be amazed at what they can do for themselves just a few weeks into the kindy
Articles Named
    Can you please make sure your child’s belongings are named, especially bags, hats, clothing (e.g. coats,
jumpers, etc.), lunchboxes and lids. Please check the lost property box regularly. Any items left at the end of the
term will be given to charity.

A Library Bag
We visit the Moonta Community Library, at the School, on your child's Friday session. Children are able to borrow
a book, which needs to be protected in a cloth bag. We will provide your child with a library bag. More
information about library day will be provided early in 2018.

A Hat and Sunscreen- During Term 4 and Term 1, children will not be permitted to play in the sun unless they are
wearing a hat. Please check Kindy bags for hats each day (and encourage your child to do the same). Hats can be
kept on the pegs under the verandah during the week. Please apply sunscreen before arrival at Kindy. Staff will
assist children to reapply at lunchtime. Sunscreen is kept at kindy. If you have a particular sunscreen that you use
at home, please supply and let staff know.

It is a good idea to send along a change of clothes including underwear. The Kindy has a supply of spare clothes in
case of accidents. If your child has had to wear kindy clothes, please wash and return them as soon as possible.
Please keep a spare set of clothes in your child's bag.                                                            6.
Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018
Other useful information
Car park
   Please park your car opposite the school, outside the Kindergarten gates. The car park up the kindy track has
very limited space and is for staff. The entrance needs to be clear at all times in case of an emergency.

No Smoking Policy
   DECD has implemented a “Smoke Free Environment Policy”. This policy prohibits smoking at all times in indoor
and outdoor areas of Kindergartens, Schools and Child Care Centres. Smoking is prohibited 20metres from the
kindergarten/school boundaries.

Enrolment Details
   If you have a change of address, phone number, emergency contact, children’s medication etc. that differs from
that given to us at the time of enrolment, please speak to staff to update your details.

    If your child requires medication during a Kindy session, please see a staff member, as there are forms that
need to be completed.
If your child has a medical condition i.e. Asthma, Epilepsy etc. please see staff for a health plan.
Please do not send your child to Kindy if they feel unwell. The best place for them is at home, where they can
receive the care that they need. Also it is not reasonable to expose other children or staff to unnecessary germs.

Please see letter attached to the information pack.

Kindergarten Fees/Payment of Money
Materials Charges are as follows (which averages out to around $7.00 a week over the year)
Full Time $280.00. Payment can also be set up via centre links centre pay option. Forms are available at kindy. Fees
can be paid via direct debit into our bank account or by cash at kindy or Moonta Area School.
 Centre Pay plans are available, please ask for a payment options form. Fees are the way the centre finances most
activities and learning equipment for your children therefore prompt payment is appreciated.
An invoice for the full year fees will be placed in your notice pocket. All excursion, event or fundraising money can
be given to a staff member in a labelled envelope.
Attending Kindy is not compulsory, but if you choose to enrol your child at the centre, it is expected that you pay
fees. Thank you.


Toddler Story Time– Please contact Moonta Library for times.
Occasional Care—Please see page 3.

Family Day Care
   Family Day Care is provided throughout the Yorke Peninsula. For details of your nearest available Family Day
Care provider, contact the Maitland Family Day Care Office on 8832 2825.

Child Care Centre
    Kadina Child Care Centre is located at 19 Doswell Terrace, Kadina and provides Long-Day Care, Occasional Care,
Out of School Hours Care and Respite Care. For more information, contact the Child Care Centre Director on 8821
    Local Kids Kadina Child Care Centre is located at 58 Port Road, Kadina, it is open from 6.30am – 6.30pm. For
information, contact Director Jodi; Ph.: 08 8821 1125, Email:
Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018
Play helps your child to …….


                                     Develop social
     Build                                and
  confidence                         communication

                                Learn about
                                caring for
                                others and
   Feel                         the
  loved,                        environment.

and safe.

                                 Develop physical
     Connect and                      skills

    refine pathways
     in the brain.

                           Moonta Kindergarten 2018.
Moonta Kindergarten - Family Information Book. 2018
Moonta Kindergarten
Blanche Terrace           Phone: 8825 2403
Moonta 5558                      Fax: 8825 1894

Dear parents

Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting children and others in the community by reducing the
spread of disease. It also helps to protect those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons from being exposed to
preventable diseases.

Your child’s immune system is particularly important as the early years is the time when their immune system is still

With this in mind most DECD early childhood services currently ask parents to show that their child has received
the scheduled childhood immunisations during the enrolment process. From 2017 that request is being consistently
applied across the state.

This means that families with children enrolled in a DECD preschool, rural care, occasional care, family day care or
respite care service are asked to provide immunisation evidence to their service by the end of term 1 2017.

Please show your service a copy of your child’s:

    SA Child Health and Development record (known as the “Blue Book’) or

    Australian Immunisation Childhood register (ACIR) history statement.

If your child is not up to date with their immunisations and there is an occurrence of a vaccine preventable disease
at the service, then your child will be asked to stay away from the service for a period of time, known as an exclu-
sion period.

The exclusion period is determined by SA Health and is designed to protect those who are at risk of getting the
disease and those who may be able to pass the disease onto others.

If we do not have evidence of your child’s immunisation status and there is an outbreak of vaccine preventable dis-
ease, your child will be treated as not up to date with their immunisations and excluded.

While individuals, families and public health are ultimately responsible for the prevention and control of infectious
diseases, government early childhood services also have a role to play in preventing the spread of vaccine pre-
ventable diseases.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation and support to protect the children at our
service and, more broadly, the South Australian community.

Further information is available on


Anna Daly

Preschool Director
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