NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy

Page created by Darryl Wright
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy
                                in New Mexico
                                BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                Julia Peters, Santa Fe, Chair
                                Phil Haworth, Santa Fe, Secretary
                                Bill Feinberg, Las Cruces, Santa Fe, and El Paso, TX, Treasurer
                                Jamie Aranda, Santa Fe

                                                                                                  DEAR FRIENDS,
                                Deanna Archuleta, Albuquerque
                                Robert Efroymson, Santa Fe
                                Devon Fooks, Albuquerque
                                Eileen Grevey Hillson, Albuquerque
                                Ben Maddox, Arroyo Seco
                                Julia Melton, Santa Fe                                            While working from home over the course of this challenging year, I thought a lot about the concept of resilience.
                                Bob Moss, Santa Fe
                                                                                                  Observing the ever-changing array of birds, greedy squirrels and curious deer at my backyard feeders provided me
                                Trudy O’Toole, Santa Fe
                                Wilson Scanlan, Santa Fe                                          with a constant reminder of nature’s strength.
                                Chris Stagg, Taos Ski Valley
                                Henk van der Werff, Taos                                          A fundamental goal of our conservation work is to protect nature in the face of climate change. Historically, we have
                                                                                                  achieved this by focusing on the protection of large, intact natural landscapes with their resilient mosaics of diverse
           2                    EMERITUS TRUSTEE                                                  species and habitats. A classic example is our decades of work on the borderlands. Through the purchase of the Gray
                                Susan McGreevy, Santa Fe
                                                                                                  Ranch and the establishment of the Janos Biosphere Reserve in Mexico, we protected a natural corridor of more than
                                STAFF                                                             2 million acres containing an extraordinary assemblage of ecosystems.

                                Steven Bassett, Director of Planning and Spatial Analysis
                                Anne Bradley, Forest Program Director                             Our work is now increasingly focused on creating resilience by providing a helping hand to nature through restoring
                                Nina Carranco, Director of External Affairs                       ecosystems that have been altered. A great example is our new program to collect one million pine seeds and to plant
                                Martha Cooper, Freshwater Program Manager and                     100,000 trees to rehabilitate severely burned areas within the Jemez Mountains.
                                  Southwest New Mexico Program Manager
                                Robert Findling, Director of Land Protection & Stewardship        Thanks to your ongoing support we are able to expand our efforts to conserve and create a resilient New Mexico for
                                Alberto Granados, Director of Finance
                                Collin Haffey, Forest and Watershed Health Manager
                                                                                                  our children and our grandchildren.
                                Jackie Hall, Director of Philanthropy
                                Sallie Hoefer, Donor Relations Manager
                                                                                                  Yours in nature,
                                Sarah Hurteau, Albuquerque Urban Program Director
                                Aaron Jones, Spatial Scientist
                                Melissa McLamb, Conservation Coordinator
                                Susan Millsap, Director of Conservation                           Terry Sullivan, State Director
                                Priscilla Ornelas, Senior Director of Finance & Operations
                                Terry Sullivan, State Director
                                                                                                  ON THE COVER A storm rolling through the Cliff-Gila Valley at sunset. © Dave Showalter THIS PAGE left to right top row State Director Terry Sullivan
                                                                                                  © Alan Eckert Photography; Hummingbird © John Duncan/TNC Photo Contest 2018; Partners across New Mexico helped TNC in reforestation,
                                                                                                  tree-planting and other conservation efforts this year, both in person and remotely. © Roberto Rosales OPPOSITE PAGE large photo The Gila River, the
                                                                                                  last of the Southwest’s major free-flowing rivers, runs through Grant County, New Mexico. inset top to bottom The Conservancy’s Gila Riparian Preserve
                                                                                                  protects more than 1,200 acres of the Southwest’s fragile riparian habitat and the verdant gallery woodland along the river. © Erika Nortemann/TNC; A
                                                                                                  pied-billed grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) at the wetland pond at TNC’s Gila River Farm in Cliff, New Mexico. © Erika Nortemann/TNC;
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
Hooray for the Gila!
Some remember 1982 for buying your first CD or hearing about the Falkland Islands, but for conservationists in
New Mexico, that was the year when the first purchase was made to establish TNC’s Gila River Preserve. Nearly
40 years later, the preserve protects one of the last free flowing rivers in the West, a “reference river” — a place      33
people can learn from when working to restore rivers that are no longer functioning well.

The New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission’s important decision this year to not construct a diversion on the

                                                                                                                        PIVOTAL PROJECTS
river will safeguard those flows for future generations.

Most rivers in the Southwest are disappearing or struggling due to stresses such as over-diversion, de-watering, dams
and other barriers. Investing time into restoration equity, the Gila now has an intact flow regime that experiences
the full range of flows, creating an incredibly dynamic river ecosystem resilient to challenges. It rebounds from
floods and drought because the flow regime is intact, a keystone component to its health and diversity.

Our optimistic outlook for a resilient riparian area resulted from long-term investments in science, planning,
analysis and ultimately, action. Where land, water and topographical changes intermingle, diversity thrives.
Here, neotropical migratory songbirds like the Southwest willow flycatcher nest in Goodding willows shading
the floodplain and where the American black bear, New Mexico’s state animal, can be spotted on trail cameras.

This diverse habitat led conservationists to collaborate on community-based strategies using every tool in the
protection toolbox, from land and water right acquisitions to wetland restoration demonstration projects with
places for monitoring and passive recreation. Today, more than 250,000 acres are collaboratively managed by
TNC, local landowners, federal and state agencies in partnership with local organizations.
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
Healthy Forests & Water
                                Bringing our forests back to life
                                one tree at a time
                                                    Imagine your favorite forested area without                               Using seeds procured by the timber industry in the 1970s,
                                                     big, beautiful pine trees cooling you from the                           Santa Clara Pueblo has already planted 3,000 trees.
                                                     sun or providing fresh air during your hike.
                                                     That’s what we’re facing across the Jemez                                “But, we have a challenge in front of us in that we need to
                                                   Mountains, which were scorched by the                                      collect millions of seeds now because supply is running out,”
                                                  Las Conchas Fire in 2011.                                                   Haffey said.

                                The flames burned so hot that the seed supply was destroyed.                                  A new online app in development can teach people how to
                                That, combined with drought and warmer temperatures,                                          collect the right kind of seeds from the right landscapes.
           4                                                                                                                  Collected seeds will be delivered to Dr. Owen Burney,
                                could mean serious issues for our water, recreation industry
                                and the animals who call the forest their home.                                               superintendent of New Mexico State University’s John
                                                                                                                              T. Harrington Forestry Research Center, who will ensure

                                To enhance the TNC-led Rio Grande Water Fund, the chapter                                     new trees grown are resilient to warmer, drier weather.
                                launched a reforestation effort — After the Fire: Seeding New
                                Mexico’s Future — designed to bring life back to 4,000 acres of                               Creating resilient forests and planting trees are strategies
                                scarred land in the Bandelier National Monument.                                              embedded in the 2020 New Mexico State Forest Action
                                                                                                                              Plan. Former TNC employee and current State Forester
                                “The Rio Grande Water Fund has thinned 140,000 acres to                                       Laura McCarthy worked with TNC and other stakeholders
                                prevent severe fires — including one in the Santa Fe National                                 to develop a plan to address land and watershed issues in
                                Forest this summer,” says Collin Haffey, TNC’s Forest and                                     the face of climate change. Recreation — as a driver of our
                                Watershed Health Manager in New Mexico. “Now, we’re                                           economic engine — is also pivotal part of the plan.
                                thinning in tandem with planting to create forests that
                                capture carbon, protect our water and create wildlife habitat.                                Haffey agrees. “A healthy environment is inextricably tied
                                                                                                                              to a healthy economy,” he said.

                                large photo Fall foliage in Hyde Memorial State Park © Erika Nortemann/TNC; inset left to right More than 80 partner organizations support the Rio Grande Water Fund and its
                                reforestation efforts. © Collin Haffey/TNC; TNC and partners are planting thousands of seedlings to reforest New Mexico. © Collin Haffey/TNC; RGWF Signatories meeting in
                                2019 © Jackie Hall; RGWF partners are planting baby trees sprouted from seeds collected in the 1970s. © Collin Haffey/TNC
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
Tackling Climate Change
                                Ready! Climate! Action!
                                                   With the sun shining at least 75 days a                            for tax credits for electric vehicles and for charging
                                                   year more than most states, New Mexico                             stations. Reviewing methane regulations, increasing
                                                    radiates potential for solar, wind and                            carbon sequestration on working lands and natural
                                                    other clean energy alternatives. Now                              infrastructure solutions also round-out TNC’s clean
                                                   the state is focused on those renewable                            energy and climate action agenda in New Mexico.
                                                  options, thanks to a huge change in
                                                momentum that took place in 2019.                                     A good example of how conservation can help in the
                                                                                                                      fight against climate change is the Rio Grande Water
                                In that year, an Executive Order called for statewide                                 Fund, a public-private partnership collaborating to
                                reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 45                                  prevent catastrophic wildfire while also reforesting
                                percent by 2030 over 2005 levels, in support of the 2015                              critical areas. This successful project demonstrates
           6                    Paris Climate Agreement. Next, the Energy Transition                                  TNC leading on-the-ground action that helps our
                                Act (ETA) established clear goals for the state to utilize                            ecosystems and mitigates climate change to clean our
                                these resources for transitioning our energy needs away                               air, improve our health and create new jobs.

                                from carbon-based power.
                                                                                                                      “I hope momentum continues,” Carranco said. “A good
                                Establishing these goals was a needed first step, but                                 foundation exists, but we need to ensure New Mexico
                                work must continue to ensure we meet these goals.                                     engages and keeps making progress on these matters.
                                                                                                                      We can sequester carbon and help remove carbon
                                “We believe that it is possible to meet the goals of the ETA,                         dioxide from the atmosphere. Our leadership here
                                have carbon-free power and protect key ecosystems                                     can demonstrate to the rest of the region and the US
                                and natural places in New Mexico,” said Nina Carranco,                                how a transition to clean energy works. We can make
                                TNC’s director of external affairs in New Mexico.                                     a difference here.”
                                Carranco said that in 2020, TNC advanced clean energy
                                and climate change action in New Mexico by advocating

                                large photo and inset left to right TNC's vision
                                                                               for New Mexico will encourage diverse collaboration, thoughtful policy and practical action at local, state and national
                                levels. Priorities include reducing carbon emissions to achieve a 45% statewide reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 relative to 2005 levels, while considering
                                carbon costs, protecting the environment and improving quality of life for all New Mexicans.© Positive Solar Energy; The last decade was the warmest on record across
                                the Southwest, and science has shown that without action, New Mexico faces an uncertain future. © Positive Solar Energy; Electric car charging station. © iStockphoto
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
Inspiring People For Nature
                                People Partner Together for Planting Trees
                                                 When you look at trees, you may see them                                      In addition to the Youth Corps, TNC organized volunteers
                                                  for the shade they provide or the green pop                                  who gave more than 1,000 hours to the tree planting effort last
                                                  of color they add to the landscape. They also                                year. Working with an alliance composed of public and private
                                                  serve as air purifiers, water filters, and even                              industry leaders, TNC also produced a series of videos to raise
                                                squirrel homes. Trees are forts, hammock                                       awareness about the need to steward our mature tree canopy
                                             holders and sometimes even grocery stores, for                                    while planting for the future.
                                the fruit they give to birds and us. Today, we also recognize
                                trees as climate fighters and with us, partners for nature.                                    Additionally, The Nature Conservancy launched a Tree
                                                                                                                               Stewards program to help train volunteers in proper tree
                                People and organizations around Albuquerque are joining The                                    care. Now in its second season, volunteers are helping
                                Nature Conservancy to plant trees. Collectively, the goal is to                                another non-profit, Tree New Mexico, lead on planting
           8                    establish more than 100,000 trees in Albuquerque over the                                      this fall — adding nearly 1,000 trees toward our shared goal.
                                next 10 years to build shade that will reduce heat and improve                                 A video featuring Bell and other bilingual speakers explains
                                air quality naturally.                                                                         the partnership online at

                                The effort has attracted groups like the City of Albuquerque                                   Jennifer Dann, a former urban and community forestry
                                Parks and Recreation Department to local residents to                                          program manager for New Mexico State Forestry said the
                                join the cause. The cascading collaboration continues with                                     arrival of TNC’s tree-planting program was “a life-saving
                                additional partners like the Friends of Valle de Oro, which                                    defibrillator on the heart of the Middle Rio Grande Valley
                                launched a Backyard Refuge program, and local community                                        natural resource community.”
                                groups that support the collaborative's tree-planting goal by
                                volunteering to plant seedlings around the city.                                               Dann said TNC collaborated with more than 20 government
                                                                                                                               and non-profit organizations to identify and execute a
                                “This is one of the only opportunities we have here to bring                                   unifying strategy with precision while developing capacity
                                nature back into our culture and our urban areas,” said Cherry                                 and leveraging funding.
                                Bell of the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps. “With all the industry
                                and everything, it’s good to add some new green into the area.”                                “For the first time, I feel like we all have the same heart
                                                                                                                               rhythm,” she said.

                                large photo With a population approaching 600,000, Albuquerque offers opportunities to incorporate nature-based solutions. ©iStock; inset left to right TNC and partners have planted
                                hundreds of trees in Albuquerque to provide future shading that will lead to cooler city temperatures. © Roberto Rosales; Working with the City of Albuquerque and partners, we hope
                                to help plant 100,000 trees. © Roberto Rosales; Since 2016, TNC and local partners have worked together to tackle climate change in Albuquerque by planting trees. © Roberto Rosales
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
NEW MEXICO YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 - The Nature Conservancy
One Conservancy
                                Local to Global
                                                     Strength and vitality lie in being one                            Thaidene Nëné means Land of Ancestors in the
                                                      organization and working together                                Denesoline language. People who have lived in this
                                                      in local places and across borders to                            area for centuries fish and harvest caribous whose
                                                      achieve our global mission.                                      hides are used for clothing, whose bones are used for
                                                                                                                       tools and whose meat they can consume.
                                              New Mexico leaned into this One
                                            Conservancy core value when Nature                                         “Indigenous people in Canada, New Mexico and
                                United (TNC’s name in Canada) needed operations                                        around the world have a profound connection to the
                                and finance support to establish Thaidene Nëné in                                      land,” said Terry Sullivan. “New Mexico is proud to
                                Canada’s Northwest Territories. The 6.5-million-acre                                   be part of the conservation of this vast territory and
                                protected area, which is bigger than Vermont, includes                                 excited for the future of these communities.”
           10                   Canada’s newest national park. Indigenous leadership
                                and government collaborated on this historic land                                      The conservation challenges we face today are
                                protection project.                                                                    immense. By helping each other, we can make an
                                                                                                                       everlasting difference.

                                “We are grateful for the time and energy our colleagues
                                in the New Mexico Chapter, specifically Alberto
                                Granados and Priscilla Ornelas, put into supporting
                                the work of the Canada team,” said Jenny Brown,                                              The mission of The Nature
                                TNC Canada’s conservation director.

                                “The Thaidene Nëné Trust will ensure the Lutsel K’e
                                                                                                                             Conservancy is to conserve
                                Dene First Nation has the financial resources it needs
                                for long-term stewardship of their traditional territory,”
                                                                                                                             the lands and waters on
                                she said. “It’s innovative as it’s financing the stewardship
                                activities and leadership of the Indigenous people
                                                                                                                             which all life depends.
                                in perpetuity.”

                                large photo Northern lights in Canada © Nelson Lutz/TNC Photo Contest 2019; inset left to right The Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation community participates in a round dance to
                                mark the official protection of Thaidene Nëné. © Pat Kane; A muskox grazes on a wetland within Thaidene Nëné in Canada’s Northwest Territories. © Pat Kane; Establishing
                                Thaidene Nëné will protect an ecological system that spans more than 18 million acres — one of the largest terrestrial protected-area zones in North America. © Pat Kane
                                                                                                                                                The Nature Conservancy’s accomplishments are only made possible by the many individuals,
                                                                                                                                                organizations, businesses and foundations that made gifts to our vital conservation programs during
                                                                                                                                                fiscal year 2020 (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020). Every gift plays a crucial role in our work—for people
                                                                                                                                                and nature. We thank you for your commitment to our mission.*

                                Anonymous (9)                                Mr. Robert J. Byram                      Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Efroymson          Mr. Stuart Hall                              Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lampson                    Ms. Karen C. McGrath
                                Ms. Erika A. Adams                           Cabin Fund, Santa Fe                     El Deseo Foundation                       Mrs. Valerie W. Hamilton                     Ms. Christa L. Lancaster                     Ms. Dee A. McIntyre
                                Ms. Constance Adler and                          Community Foundation                 Ms. Louisa B. Emerson                     Mr. Vernon O. Hamilton                       Susan Ninde N. Lanier                        Mr. Tim McKimmie
                                    Ms. Judith Nelson                        Joe Cairns                               Enterprise Bank & Trust                   Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hammond III               Mary A. Laraia                               Mr. Guy R. McNamara
                                Ms. Barbara Albin                            Mr. and Mrs. C. Caldwell                 Eugene and Jane Petchesky Fund            Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hannah                  Ms. Dev Lawrence                             Dr. Patricia Mehlhop
                                Albuquerque Community Foundation             Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carruthers          Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Fairbank            Mr. Jasper Hardesty and Dr. Elizabeth        Dr. A. Leckman and Ms. Deborah Hall          Ms. Coleen T. Meyer
                                Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo              Mr. and Mrs. Alvino Castillo             Mr. Don J. Fanslow                              Richards Ph.D.                         Mr. Stephen H. Levine                        Ms. Doris Meyer and Mr. Richard Hertz
                                    Flood Control Authority                  Mrs. Katherin L. Chase                   Ms. Alice E. Fehlau                       Robin Hardin                                 Nancy Levit & Cathy Underwood                Dr. Darlis A. Miller
                                Mr. Jonathan A. Altman                       Mr. Daniel M. Chew                       Feinberg Foundation, Inc.                 Mrs. Alexandra M. Harrison                   Mrs. Pamela Lichty                           Paul A. Miller
                                Mr. Robert Anderson                          Chicago Community Foundation             Mr. and Mrs. William B. Feinberg          Mr. Peter D. Harrison                        Charles Light                                Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Milnes
                                Jamie Aranda                                 Mr. Mark Childs and Ms. Elaine Thomas    Fidelity Charitable                       Hans Hartse and Margaret Barroll             Mrs. Mildred A. Lillis                       Ms. Charlotte B. Minter
                                Ms. Deanna A. Archuleta                      Mr. Frank Welch Clinard Jr.              Mr. Thomas Fink and Sylvia Fink           Mr. Michael Hartshorne and Ms. Lida Crooks   Carlie Lines and B. Rimbeaux                 Ms. Marcia A. Miolano
                                Mr. Dana D. Atkins and Mrs. Gail M. Atkins   Dr. Roger L. Clough                      Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Finkel                Dr. Phil Haworth                             Ms. Lee D. Lockie                            Ellen Moore and Robert Coffland
                                Mr. and Mrs. Dana Atkins                     Ms. Camille F. Coates                    Mr. Casey Finstad and Ms. Elaine Drees    Larry Hayward and Pamela Yellen              Ms. Donna W. Lockner                         Morgan Stanley
                                Austin Community Foundation                  Sarah Cobb and Nathaniel Cobb            Martha Flanders                           Dr. Steven Hecht and Ms. Dori Smith          Ms. Donna M. Lombardi                        Ms. Letitia P. Morris
                                Avalon Trust                                 Mr. Robert Coffland and Ellen Moore      Ms. Denise J. Fligner                     David Hedrick                                Los Alamos National Laboratory               Robert E. Moss
                                Mr. Stephen Badger II and                    Mr. and Mrs. Randall Cole Jr.            Fooks Law LLC                             Mr. Bertram P. Heil                          Louise Arnold Maddox Environ. Foundation     Ellen Mozurkewich and George Mozurkewich
                                    Ms. Stina Permild                        Grace Colvin & William Winn              Ms. Clarice Fooks                         Mrs. Pauline Heil                            Robert Lowe and Elena Spielman               George Mozurkewich and Ellen Mozurkewich
                                Bank of America                              Andrew T. Cowan                          Mr. Devon Fooks                           Ms. Pamela A. Henline                        Mr. Michael T. Lyon                          Ms. Leigh W. Murray
                                Margaret Barroll and Hans Hartse             Eben Crawford                            Ms. Judith Ford                           Mr. Andrew J. Henry                          Mr. Craig A. Machemehl                       Melissa M. Myerly
           12                   Donald H. Bates                              Ms. Lida Crooks and                      Ms. Ruth Ford and Mr. Donald Mawhinney    Mr. Richard Hertz and Ms. Doris Meyer        Mr. Ben Maddox and Andra Maddox              Mr. Thomas W. Myers
                                Ms. Stephanie H. Bear                             Mr. Michael Hartshorne              Dr. Patricia G. Foschi                    Connie Hickman and James Hickman             Ms. Louise A. Maddox                         Ms. Judith Nelson and Ms. Constance Adler
                                Ms. Karen Becklin                            Norman Crowe                             Mrs. Dawn S. Foster                       Clifford Ho and Sylvia Saltzstein            Carol Madley                                 New Mexico Coalition of Conservation District
                                Mr. John Berg and Ms. Alison Dorries         Donna S. Cygan                           Mr. John D. Foster                        Mr. Rory Holscher and Ms. Marilyn Holscher   Vivien Malloy                                New Mexico Watershed and

                                Ms. Phyllis Bergman                          Dr. and Mrs. David Dain                  Carrie and Brian Freeman                  Leo G. Horan                                 Mrs. Edith L. Marianes                           Dam Owners Coalition
                                Mr. Christopher Beyer                        Ms. Kate Daniel                          Ms. Carolyn L. Freese                     Mr. Kerry J. Howe                            Marin Community Foundation                   New Venture Fund
                                Dr. Eva R. Birnbaum                          Ms. Marcia E. Darnell                    Ms. Barbara W. Friedman                   Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Huser                      Ms. Jacqueline B. Mars                       Newton Family Fund
                                Mary and John Bloch                          Mr. James N. Davidson                    Mr. Howard Friedman and Debra Friedman    James L. Iden                                Robert S. Marshall                           Mr. Jerry R. Oldenettel
                                BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund              Dr. Jefferson Davis and Ms. Bronwen      Mr. Patrick P. Fry                        J. F. Maddox Foundation                      Ms. Janis C. Marston                         Dr. Alden C. Olson
                                Bonneville Environmental Foundation              Denton-Davis                         Garfield Street Foundation                S. R. Jewell                                 Luther M. Martin                             Mrs. Barbara H. Olson
                                Mr. Charles R. Borgman                       Mr. David L. Deal                        General Mills, Inc.                       Ms. Pamela Johnson and Mr. Carl Haefling     Mr. Thomas Martin and Ms. Cynthia Phillips   Frank X. O'Sullivan
                                Mrs. Mae Claire Branton                      Dennis A. O'Toole Family Foundation      Joyce Gentry                              Jonathan & Kathleen Altman Foundation        Ms. Lynore Martinez and                      Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Toole
                                Phebe S. Brecher                             Ms. Joan E. Denton                       Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gerstle Jr.            Mr. Edward J. Kandl                              Mr. Michael Patrick                      Mr. Nathaniel Owings and Julia Slauron
                                Andrew Brill                                 Mr. Peter U. Diebold                     Gilbert and Beverly Grady Trust           Mr. John M. Karon                            Mr. and Mrs. John Massopust                  Ms. Jo Paap and Tony Paap
                                Mr. Jonathan D. Brinkerhoff                  Mr. Irving M. D. Dietz III               Gilbert-Wroten Fund                       Ms. Joanna Kaufman                           Ms. Sara Mathews                             Padosi Foundation
                                Allison J. Brody                             Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doorn                 Ms. Marilyn J. Gioaninni                  Mr. Gary E. Kirk                             Mr. Donald Mawhinney and Ms. Ruth Ford       Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pankuch
                                Dr. Hamilton B. Brown                        Ms. Alison Dorries and Mr. John Berg     Ms. Nona M. Girardi                       Mr. Darrow Kirkpatrick                       Mr. Armando Maya                             Ms. Catherine Parker and James Parker
                                Maria C. Brueckner                           Esther Dovichin and Mike Dovichin        Natalie P. Goldberg                       Mr. Charles E. Knapp                         Edel Mayer and Thomas Mayer                  Mr. Michael Patrick and Ms. Lynore Martinez
                                Mr. and Mrs. David Bruner                    Ms. Elaine Drees and Mr. Casey Finstad   Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Goodman                Mr. John G. Kneen                            Mr. Thomas Mayer and Edel Mayer              Daniel J. Peacock
                                Ernest A. Bryant                             Mr. Laurence D. Dreyfuss                 Grace and John T. Harrington Foundation   Ms. Patricia Kneen                           Mary L. Mc Nallie                            Ms. Stina Permild and Mr. Stephen Badger II
                                Mrs. Cornelia Bryer and                      Drug Policy Alliance                     Dr. Sarah Gude D.O. and                   Ms. Doris L. Knight                          Dr. Maxine McBrinn-Howard and                Joey Perry
                                    Mr. Herman Siegelaar                     Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dunham                     Dr. Clayton Smith D.O.                Carl J. Koestner                                 Dr. Kenneth Howard                       Ms. Julia L. Peters
                                Robert E. Burke                              Mr. J. Ryan Dunn                         Carl Haefling and Pamela Johnson          Ms. Gayle A. Kuldell                         Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCullough               Ms. Cynthia Phillips and Mr. Thomas Martin
                                Mrs. Mary E. Byram                           Edel and Thomas Mayer Foundation         Dr. Kathleen B. Hall                      Sharon Kurtz                                 Fred W. McDowell                             Mrs. Karen W. Phippard

                                *Annual gifts of $500 or more
Daniel J. Pless                                        Mr. and Mrs. Ted Seeley                        United States National Fish and
PNM Foundation, Inc.                                   Mr. Graham J. Sharman                               Wildlife Foundation
Mr. Ronald Poland and Ms. Kristi Watterberg            Ms. Jessica K. Sharman                         United Way of Central New Mexico
Mr. David A. Ponton                                    Ms. Sarah E. Sharpton                          Ms. Dona J. Upson

Sally R. Pratt                                         Ms. Linda K. Sheldon                           Ms. Karin L. Urban
William B. Pratt                                       Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Sherman                 Mr. and Mrs. Henk Van Der Werff
Colonel Alexander W. Purdue                            Dr. Parkhurst A. Shore                         Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Dongen
Kenneth Rawie                                          Mr. Herman Siegelaar and Mrs. Cornelia Bryer   Mr. Richard D. Van Dongen
Matt Rawlings and Jerusha Rawlings                     Mrs. Carol Siemens                             Van Essen Family Foundation
Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund                Ann Simms and Leo Harris                       Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Villescas
Ms. Barbara A. Reed                                    Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sjulin                    Vitality Works Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reedy                              Julia Slauron and Nathaniel Owings             Mr. James R. Voet
Mr. and Mrs. John Reeve                                Ms. Donna M. Smith                             Ms. Victoria V. Wall
Mr. Lee Regan                                          Dr. Sherill L. Spaar                           Mr. Andrew Wallerstein and Mary Sloane
Mr. Richard Reichman and Ms. Lisa Reichman             Mr. Michael J. Spear                           Ruth M. Waterhouse
Resources Legacy Fund                                  Elena Spielman and Robert Lowe                 Wildlife Conservation Society
Mr. Robert E. Rhien                                    Douglas L. Sporn                                    Climate Adaptation Fund
Dr. Elizabeth Richards Ph.D. and Mr. Jasper Hardesty   St. Jerome's Episcopal Church                  Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weiler
Rane R. Richardson                                     Mr. Chris Stagg                                Ellie Weisberg
Robert L. & Marilyn H. Ridgley                         Mr. Bill F. Stefanech                          Ms. Stefi A. Weisburd

                                                                                                                                               Tribute to
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ridgley                               Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stern III                  Mr. Dennis R. Weller
B. Rimbeaux and Carlie Lines                           Candis J. Stern                                Christine L. Wells
Lou Anne Rinn                                          Mr. Lewis Suber and Ms. Melissa Wilson         Dr. Verner S. Westerberg

                                                                                                                                               Don Lichty
Robert J. Lowe & Elena Spielman Charitable Fund        Sulica Fund                                    Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wilkins
Mrs. Carol D. Robinson                                 Pamela J. Sullivan                             Kira Willett
Eric Robinson                                          Robert Suminsby                                Mrs. Julia Williams
Mr. Michael S. Rogers                                  T & E, Inc.                                    Mrs. Aletta T. Wilson
Mr. Dave Rossetti and Ms. Jan Avent                    Taos Community Foundation, Inc.                Mr. Matthew Wilson and Ms. Lyle York                                                    13
Ms. Susan R. Rothenberg                                Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Tarwater                   Ms. Melissa Wilson and Mr. Lewis Suber   In 2020, we suffered the loss of Don Lichty,
Ms. Eva E. Rudahl                                      Antoinette Taylor and Stuart Trugman           Jill D. Winans                           a champion for the conservation of the
Mr. and Mrs. James Ruff                                Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Taylor                      Mr. William Winn and Ms. Grace Colvin
                                                                                                                                               Gila River. Over the course of several
JoAnn Ruppert and Steve Ruppert                        Gregg W. Taylor                                Mr. Doyle R. Wise
Mr. and Mrs. George Ruptier                            Eugene & Sheri Tepper                          Mrs. Fay D. Wise                         decades, Don and his wife Pam established
Marsha A. Rutledge                                     Mrs. Sheri S. Tepper                           Jan M. Wiste, M.D.                       a lasting conservation legacy. The Lichtys
Marilyn Ryerson and David Ryerson                      Carol Teutsch M.D. and Steven Teutsch M.D.     Ms. Karen Wohlgemuth                     built a house while farming on the banks of
Mr. Myron B. Salamon                                   Ms. Nara S. Thacher                            Ms. Linda S. Wolcott
Mr. John M. Salas                                      The Benevity Community Impact Fund             Tom Wood and Ann Wood                    the Gila River in the late 1970s. They sold
Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.                             The Robert E. & Polly A. Zimmerman             Mrs. Eleanor G. Wootten                  the farm and moved their family to Hawaii
Santa Fe Community Foundation                               Foundation                                Mr. Eric J. Wortman                      in the 1980s, but after TNC purchased
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sauer                             The Smidinger Trust                            Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wright
Mr. Allen Sault and Michelle Sault                     The Taos Ski Valley Foundation                 Ms. Pamela Yellen and Larry Hayward
                                                                                                                                               the property in the early 2000s, Don
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Scanlan                            Ms. Elaine Thomas and Mr. Mark Childs          Ms. Lyle York and Mr. Matthew Wilson     and Pam funded the establishment of
Ms. Diane M. Scena                                     Thornburg Investment Management                Mr. Michael Zimber                       the Lichty Ecological Research Center
Janet M. Schuh                                         Mr. Joseph J. Trott                            Mr. Robert E. Zimmerman
                                                                                                                                               at their former residence. The Gila River
Mr. Peter A. Schultz                                   Stuart Trugman and Antoinette Taylor           Nina Zingale and Jerry Meyer
Schwab Charitable Fund                                 Dr. Jake Turin                                 Mr. and Mrs. Clark Zrakovi               Farm and the Lichty Center have become
Mr. James J. Schwarz                                   Turner Foundation                                                                       the centerpiece of our community-based
Scm Partners, LLC                                      Two Meadowlarks Foundation, Inc.                                                        conservation work on the Gila, serving
Mr. James C. Scott                                     Ms. Alice Tyrol-Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seargeant III                      UBS Financial Service Inc                                                               as a residence for staff and researchers,
                                                                                                                                               a wonderful meeting space for scientists
                                                                                                                                               and conservationists and a gathering
                                                                                                                                               place for the local community.
THIS PAGE inset Pam and Don Lichty built a conservation legacy. © Martha Cooper/TNC;
large photo A tree continues to grow along the banks of the Gila River. © Erika Nortemann/TNC
                                The Legacy Club is a group of supporters who have made a life-income gift to The Nature Conservancy or named the Conservancy as a beneficiary in their estate plans. We thank our Legacy
                                Club members for their dedication to our mission. If you would like to join our Legacy Club, please contact Jackie Hall, director of philanthropy, at 505-946-2021 or

                                Anonymous (67)                               Dr. Kathleen B. Blair Ph.D.                    Mr. Guy E. Dahms                            Ms. Martha A. Freeman                          Richard Henry                               Mr. Thomas Korosec and Ms. Rose Farley
                                Ms. Ann N. Aceves                            Mr. William Blanchard                          Mr. Wayne C. Darnell                        Mr. William Freimuth and Ann Freimuth          Jennifer Hermann and Tom Hermann            Dr. Rebecca A. Kraimer
                                Mr. Robin S. Acton                           Peter Bohlin and Laverne Bohlin                Dr. Jefferson Davis and                     Mrs. Dianne Frost and Mr. Robert Silver        Mrs. Elinore Herriman                       Ms. Jennifer C. Kruger
                                Anyonymous                                   Mr. and Mrs. Mike Boring                           Ms. Bronwen Denton-Davis                Mr. Michael D. Gallagher                       Mrs. Margaret W. Hetrick                    Mr. Douglas Kurtz and Jessica Kurtz
                                Sharon Ahrens                                Mr. James L. Botsford                          Ms. Vera M. Davis                           Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner                   Ms. Anne L. Hickman                         Dr. A. Leckman and Ms. Deborah Hall
                                Ms. Kathryn Albrecht and Mr. Eric Albrecht   Ms. Shirley J. Brainard                        Omar L. DeWitt, Jr. and Susanne T. DeWitt   Mr. Phil Geller and Dr. Diane Morrissette      Mr. David N. Hill                           Mr. Jerry D. Lee
                                Mr. Len Alexander                            Ms. Susan L. Brake                             Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickerson               Mr. Raymond S. George                          Ms. Shirley M. Hirsch                       Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leech
                                Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Allgood                  Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brancato                  Mr. Irving M. D. Dietz III                  Ms. Susan Gerber                               Ms. Nancy Hockstad                          Lisan S. Lema
                                Ms. Alice L. Anderson                        Ms. Katherine Breen and Mr. John Merritt       Mr. Maurice M. Dixon Jr.                    Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gerstle Jr.                 Ms. Susan L. Hodges and Ms. Kirsten Haake   Mrs. Susan Lentz
                                Mary E. Correnti & Delores F. Anderson       Mr. Jonathan D. Brinkerhoff                    Mr. Michael C. Drong                        Ms. Audrey Q. Ginn                             Jim Hoge and Sandra Hoge                    Ms. Diane N. LeResche
                                Mr. and Mrs. Donald Andrews                  Anonymous (Ms. Virginia L. Adams)              Celestine Duncan                            Mr. Christopher Goad and Ms. Donalda Speight   Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holmberg               Susan Leviton and Scott Leviton
                                Mr. Eugene H. Antes                          Mr. Larry T. Brown                             Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dusseau                  Dr. Ronald J. Gole                             Thomas F. Hora                              Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lindsay
                                Mr. and Mrs. Otto Appenzeller                Ms. Mary L. Brown                              Mr. Glenn Maury Earl                        Mr. Charles S. Goodwin                         Ms. Susan Horst                             Mrs. Alice Liska
                                Roy M. Arrowood Jr.                          Alicia Brown-Matthes                           Mr. Craig F. Eberhart                       Chris Gorbach                                  Marie Hudson and Clark Hudson               Ms. Lee D. Lockie
                                Mr. and Mrs. Robert Artig                    Nancy Gay Browning and Dr. J Bruce Beckwith    Dr. and Mrs. Charles Eberle                 Ms. Judith F. Gordon                           Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hull                    Marjorie & Dwayne Longenbaugh
                                Mr. Dana D. Atkins and Mrs. Gail M. Atkins   Mr. and Mrs. David Bruner                      Mr. James W. Edwards                        Ms. Susan B. Gorman                            Ms. Lynda H. Hundertmark                    Margaret Lopez and Christopher Frechette
                                Mr. Victor Atyas                             Mrs. Cornelia Bryer and Mr. Herman Siegelaar   Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Efroymson            Mr. William S. Gornall                         Mrs. Jean S. Ingold                         Mr. Louis Lopilato II
           14                   Dr. Jennifer B. Averill                      Mrs. Isabel B. Bucher                          Mr. Andrew Eiseman and Mr. Brian Braa       Bill and Denise Gose                           Ms. Deone Jackman                           Ms. Donna J. Luker
                                Mr. and Mrs. Richard Avery                   Mrs. A. Janine Burke                           Ms. Suzanne I. Eiseman                      Dr. Jay E. Gould                               Mr. and Mrs. Kent Jacobs                    Mr. Dayton M. Lummis
                                Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ayers                     Ms. Carol Burns and Mr. J. Hammerberg          Ms. Louisa B. Emerson                       Katherine Gould-Martin                         Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Jaeger                  Mrs. Margaret J. Madden
                                Maureen Baca and Stephen Baca                Timothy A. Bush                                Ms. Jane Engel                              Patches Graham                                 Ms. Toya James                              Mr. Leonard Magnus

                                Mrs. Mary Bacchus                            Ms. Juliet Calabi                              Ms. Jeanne Erbacher                         Ms. Suzanne L. Graham                          Mr. and Mrs. Hansjorg Jansen                Dr. Linda Malm
                                Mr. Paul B. Bailey                           Gwen Cameron                                   Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Farber                  Mr. W. B. Grant                                Jacqueline Jauregui                         Ms. Susan Malone
                                Ms. Nancy A. Baker                           Ms. Ann Cardillo and Mr. Cardillo              Mr. Donald R. Fennema                       Mrs. Ruth M. Grauer                            Mrs. Mary Esther Jolly                      Dr. and Mrs. Andrea Mammoli
                                Ms. Greta Balderrama                         Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carnicom                   Ms. Ingrid V. Ferguson                      Mr. Champe Green                               Mr. Daniel P. Jones                         Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mandelbaum
                                Mr. Richard Ballew and Ms. Iris Ruiz         Ms. Leslie Carpenter                           Mr. Keith Ferguson                          Ms. Charlotte Greenfield                       Mr. Douglas M. Jones                        Ms. Gloria L. Manney
                                Mr. Reid Bandeen                             Ms. Andrea Castellanos                         Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fieger                   Mr. and Mrs. Rand Greenfield                   Heloise R. Jones                            Else M. Mans
                                Colin Barker                                 Niels M. Chapman                               Ms. Sally R. Fish                           Mr. Eric W. Greisen                            Ms. Terry Jurrens                           Ms. Lauren Marchese and Mr. Peter Street
                                Todd and Lisa Barnes                         Mr. Clifford Chetwin and Judy Chetwin          Ms. Penelope Fisher                         Ms. Gail M. Grimes                             Ms. Marjie S. Kamine                        Mrs. Edith L. Marianes
                                Ms. Sylvia H. Barrios                        Mr. Daniel M. Chew                             Mr. Roger B. Flegel                         Ms. Patricia Haber and Mr. Anthony Mattson     Mr. Edward J. Kandl                         Dr. Martha Marks and Mr. Bernard Marks
                                Mr. Bruce Bates and Ms. Joan Bradshaw        Dr. and Mrs. Lance Chilton                     Ms. Glenda Fletcher                         Ms. Jacquelyn S. Hall                          Mr. S. C. Keithley                          Mr. and Mrs. James Martin
                                Donald H. Bates                              Dr. Marilyn J. Chimes                          Mr. Mark S. Follett                         Ms. Susan M. Hall                              Tom Kerrigan                                Ms. Deanna Martinez and Mr. Richard Land
                                Ms. Viann Beadle                             Ms. Marcia F. Christmann                       Ms. Marilyn M. Forbes                       Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy                     Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ketchum                Mr. and Mrs. Roy Masinton
                                Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beckenbach               Shannon Cimarron                               Christy Ford and Michael Bily               Mrs. Katherine H. Harper                       Mr. Daniel R. Keyes                         Mason Oasis Fund
                                Ms. Debra A. Beeson                          Mr. Kenneth Alan Collins                       Philip and Carol Fortuna                    James and Marilee Harrison                     Mr. Gil Kiefer                              Mr. and Mrs. John Massopust
                                Ms. Starr Belsky                             Mr. Stockton B. Colt                           Mrs. Dawn S. Foster                         Mr. Michael Hart                               Mr. William S. Kilcup                       Ms. Mary Matava and Mr. Joseph Ledo
                                Karen C. Bender                              Dr. and Mrs. David Colton                      Ms. Francine Foster                         Mr. William R. Haushalter                      Mrs. Rowena King                            Helen Matelson
                                Ms. Laura M. Berg                            Mr. Eugene P. Colton                           Ms. Beth Francis and Mr. David Wiley        Dr. Phil Haworth                               Mr. Darrow Kirkpatrick                      Mr. George Matthews
                                Ms. Joan Berish and Mr. David Berish         Mr. Warren Cox and Mrs. Susan Forster-Cox      Brenda Franks                               Mr. Gerard Heck Jr.                            Ms. Patricia Kneen                          Ms. Janet Harkness Matthews
                                Mr. and Mrs. Fred Black                      Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crooks                     Carrie and Brian Freeman                    Mr. DeWitt J. Henderson                        Robert B. & Miryam L. Knutson               Mr. and Mrs. John Mauritz
                                Ms. Leith H. Black                           Norman Crowe                                   Ms. Lisa Freeman                            Ms. Pamela A. Henline                          Mr. Leonard Koel                            Mr. Robert J. Maxwell
                                                                             Ms. Juliette M. Cunico                                                                     Carl Henney                                    Jan V. Kopecky                              Ms. Margarete Mayer
Mr. Thomas Mayer and Edel Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCarthy
                                                  Roberta Ramsey and Fred Ramsey
                                                  Ms. Mary Reed
                                                                                                Mr. Sam Tuma
                                                                                                Ms. Alice C. Van Buren
                                                                                                                                             Leave a Legacy
Mr. Rayo Mccollough                               Mr. Ronald J. Richman                         Mr. and Mrs. Henk Van Der Werff
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCullough                    Daniel and Linda Richmond                     Mr. W. D. Van Loan                           To make a gift of any kind to The Nature Conservancy is an act of
Mr. Carse McDaniel                                Ms. Rhoda B. Riley                            Mrs. Linda J. Vik                            generosity. To make a long-term gift—one derived from the work of a
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGavran                       Ms. Joyce A. Roberts                          Ms. Irene Von Horvath
Ms. Susan McGreevy                                Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers                     Ms. Jessie D. Vosti
                                                                                                                                             lifetime—is to make a commitment beyond measure.
Ms. Susan E. McIntosh                             Mr. and Mrs. James Roghair                    Mrs. Mary M. Wahl
                                                                                                                                             If you are interested in becoming a Legacy Club member by naming
Mr. Tim McKimmie                                  Mrs. Sara B. Rose                             Mrs. Judith S. Waite
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McVeigh                       Kevin Rowe and Irene Rowe                     Ms. Rita K. Wasmuth                          The Nature Conservancy in New Mexico as a beneficiary of your will,
Mr. and Mrs. James Meem                           Christopher M. Rustay                         Mr. Lyndon Watson                            trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy or financial accounts, please
Dr. Patricia Mehlhop                              Mr. Donald W. Sada                            Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Weber                     contact Jackie Hall at (505) 946-2021 or
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meltz                        Mr. Robert L. Salisbury                       Ms. Karen M. Weber
Mr. Frank Merritt and Ms. Carlene Roters          Al & Mary Anne Sanborn                        Mr. and Mrs. Dale Webster
Katherine Meyer                                   Lydia Santillanez                             Mr. David Wegner                             Give the Gift of a Lifetime
Mr. Paul Migliore and Lisette Migliore            Ms. Karen Schmidt                             Jim Werbel and Delphine Douglass
Mr. Steve Milazzo                                 Mr. John R. Schoemer                          Ms. Helen Wertheim                           The Legacy Club is a group of Conservancy supporters who have made
Mrs. Julius Miller                                Keith Schott                                  Mr. and Mrs. William Wiley Jr.               a lasting commitment to conservation by making a life-income gift
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Moon                            Mrs. Hermine Schoustra                        Mr. Brent S. Wille                           with TNC or by naming The Nature Conservancy in New Mexico as a
Robert E. Moss                                    Sidney Ruth Schuler and Michael D. Nossaman   Mr. Kent B. Williamson                       beneficiary in their estate plans. The Legacy Club is a way for us to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mossburg                     Ms. Christine M. Schwab                       Mr. Matthew Wilson and Ms. Lyle York
                                                                                                                                             recognize this profound contribution to The Nature Conservancy’s future.
Sayan D. Mukherjee and Laureen M. Zunner          Mrs. Carol Scothorn                           Dr. Jeanne K. Windsor
Mr. Michael Mulligan                              Mr. Ilan Shamir                               Ms. Linda S. Wolcott
Mr. and Mrs. James Mura                           Ms. Linda K. Sheldon                          Mrs. Martina T. Woodville                    Create Your Conservation Legacy
Mrs. Barbara J. Murdoch                           Ms. Susan Shipley                             Ms. Laura M. Wouters
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bradley Musick                  Mrs. Phyllis H. Shriver                       Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright                   For more than half a century, thousands of bequests and planned
Dr. James A. Neely                                Ms. Joyce M. Simonds                          Ms. Sara P. Wright                           gifts have provided vital support for the lands and waters you
Ms. Willa Nehlsen and Mr. Robert Foley            Mrs. Dorothy A. Simpson                       Ms. Pamela Yellen and Larry Hayward                                                                                                      15
Frederick A. Nelson                               Claire Sinclair                               Dr. Robert Zahary and Dr. Margaret Hartman
                                                                                                                                             care about. Today you can help continue this tradition by making
Ms. Nancy E. Nickerson                            Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sjulin                   Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zdziarski Jr.           a lasting commitment to TNC. When you join The Legacy Club,
Ms. Gillian Nielsen                               Ann Smith                                     Ms. Litao Zhang                              you help ensure that the conservation work we pioneer today will
Susan D. Noel                                     Ms. Dori Smith and Dr. Steven Hecht           Ms. Katrina Z. Ziegweid                      continue long into the future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Novak                            Mrs. Luween Smith                             Mr. and Mrs. Clark Zrakovi
Frank Oatman & Jon Wood                           Susan Sophia
Mr. Christophe A. Olson                           Ms. Rebecca Speakes                                                                        Legacy Club Benefits
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Toole                       Dr. and Mrs. John Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Overturf                        Mr. Chris Stagg                                                                            • Nature Conservancy magazine, our award-winning
Ms. Priscilla F. Parrish                          Ms. Susan R. Steel                                                                           quarterly publication;
Ms. Lisa Patterson                                Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Steensma                                                                 • The semi-annual newsletter, “Legacy”;
Mr. and Mrs. David Patton                         Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stevens
                                                                                                                                             • TNC’s annual report;
Mrs. Donna Pedace and Bill Pedace                 Ms. Sharon M. Stillwater
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pedersen                     Mrs. Jan R. Stone                                                                          • Trip invitations offering participants a unique and up-close
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Peinado III                   Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stoy                                                                    look at our work;
Ms. Virginia Persson                              Ms. Adele M. Strasser                                                                      • Invitations to special events; and
Ms. Julia L. Peters                               Lewis S. Subir                                                                             • Exclusive discounts and offers.
Ms. Eleanor L. Petrie                             Ms. Cathie L. Sullivan
Ms. Joni K. Pierce                                Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan
Mr. Gunnar Plake                                  Steven Swenerton                                                                           If you have already included The Nature Conservancy in your long-term plans and
Dr. M. L. Pollard                                 Eugene & Sheri Tepper                                                                      would like your gift specifically designated for New Mexico projects, please speak to
Mr. David Propst and Ms. Jennifer Fowler-Propst   Ms. Betty Tichich and Mr. Fred Bunch                                                       your advisors about including the following statement in your paperwork: The Nature
Stephenie Purnell                                 Jackie Tobias                                                                              Conservancy, a nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the
Meg Quinn                                         Ms. Arlene J. Tugel                                                                        District of Columbia, and with principal business address of 4245 North Fairfax Drive,
                                                                                                                                             Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22203-1606, (tax number 53-0242652).

THIS PAGE Cloudburst over pasture © Harold Malde
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                                            New Mexico Chapter
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      In 2020, we celebrate the 20th anniversary
      of the Santa Fe Canyon Preserve.
      Established in 2000 when PNM donated 190 acres on Upper Canyon
      Road, the preserve is just a few miles from Santa Fe’s historic downtown
      plaza. Today, more than 30,000 visitors and 5,000 students annually
      hike the preserve that has grown to 575 acres.

      Learn more at

Panorama of Santa Fe Canyon after record monsoon rains © Alan W. Eckert
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