WWF Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 2018 - WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme
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Drone aerial view of Nemunas, a major river in Eastern Europe. It rises in Belarus and flows through Lithuania before draining into the Curonian Lagoon, and finally into the Baltic Sea. © A. Aleksandravicius / Shutterstock LAND-BASED SOLUTIONS ARE NEEDED MORE THAN EVER Although signs of improvement can be seen, recent assess- Another concerning trend is climate change which was experienced through ments indicate that about 97% of the Baltic Sea is still affected this year’s exceptionally warm weather by eutrophication. Agricultural measures to reduce nutrient and drought. Such extreme climate runoff, like those highlighted in this brochure, remain a critical conditions can have a devastating part of the solution. impact on farmers across the region – also affecting groundwater and likely Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea has – which account for nearly half of all increasing nutrient flow to the Baltic been going on for decades and, accord nitrogen and phosphorus input – con due to low nutrient uptake by crops. ing to one recent study, the levels of tinue to be a major source of nutrient Amid such challenges, working hypoxia we see in coastal waters loading to the Baltic Sea. together with farmers to implement today are unprecedented over the last Addressing nutrient runoff in such methods that keep nutrients and wa 1,500 years. As a semi-enclosed, inter a large catchment area over several ter on land, utilize fertilizers more continental shelf sea, the Baltic Sea countries is a challenge. Agricultural efficiently and reduce runoff is more is particularly sensitive to the effects of loads mostly originate from non-point important than ever. A commitment to nutrient runoff. An excess of nutrients, sources and are discharged over a wide caring for the environment and making such as phosphorus and nitrogen, leads area of land. Furthermore, farming in active choices to use greener agricul to a severe disruption of the ecosystem, the Baltic Sea varies from country to tural methods can help preserve and with effects including extensive algal country in climate, soil, water and restore critical habitats, protect water blooms, lack of oxygen in deep waters, socio-economic circumstances. sheds, and improve soil health and and an increase of bottom areas with Intensifying the challenge is a recent water quality in addition to providing little or no oxygen – so-called ‘dead zones.’ trend indicating a structural transform the region with food and jobs. The good news is that many of the ation. Largely driven by technological Regional support is needed too. worst point sources of pollution have advances and profit incentives, farms Policy reforms, regulatory frame already been addressed and significant around the Baltic Sea are becoming works, improved market conditions gains have been made, including by more specialized, and larger and fewer and greater environmental awareness improving wastewater treatment in number. This can especially be seen can all help the Baltic Sea region facilities and addressing industry in Germany, Denmark and Sweden, as collectively make the urgently needed runoff. However, agricultural activities well as in Poland – which contains 40% transition to a sustainable agricultural of all agricultural land within the Baltic model. “Working together with farmers Sea catchment. Among other potential Highlighting good examples and to implement methods that keep environmental consequences, is a best practices is also a vital part of the nutrients and water on land, significant increase of manure and solution. The leadership demonstrated utilize fertilizers more efficiently other fertilizers which, if mismanaged, by the farmers through the Baltic Sea © Oticki / Shutterstock and reduce runoff is more can further exacerbate the problem Farmer of the Year Award continues important than ever.” of eutrophication. to be an inspiration towards this end. Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 – WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme | 3
© Helena Eslon Photography Previous winner update: Minna Sakki-Eerola and Markus Eerola, Finland AN AWARD FOR FARMERS In 2015, farmers Minna ER OF THE Sakki-Eerola and FARM YEA Markus Eerola re- EA IC S RA ceived the Regional WWF BALT WARD WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Farmer of the Year Award for the in- novative techniques and activities on their organic farm. The recognition has helped Markus and Minna continue Many farmers are prepared to go the extra mile in order to help to make progress. save the Baltic Sea. The winners of the Baltic Sea Farmer of the ”The greatest advantage of the award has been the new networks and Year Award have all taken measures on their own initiative to dialogues, which have enabled us to develop our operations for broader reduce nutrient runoff. With this award, WWF aims to highlight application,” says Markus. how important this work is and showcase good examples across Knehtilä Farm is now the centre of the region. a new kind of food production model called Palopuro Agroecological Sym- biosis. Together with a biogas plant, A lesson learned from the Baltic Sea to an 800 hectare conventional crop a food procesessing company and other Farmer of the Year Award contest over and livestock farm. The socio-economic nearby farms, they are developing the years is that cooperation among and political situation for farming in an economical and environmentally friendly collaboration model that com- farmers, together with open minds the nine Baltic countries varies widely, bines local food and biogas production for new research-based methods and and is clearly reflected in the diversity to produce food locally using recycled techniques, is a winning concept. among the winners of this year’s nutrients and bioenergy. The model reduces waste and emissions, while The competition was first introduced competition. maintaining good soil structure and in 2009 as a way to inspire farmers Each farmer has a unique story to fertility. The symbiosis also builds and decision makers in the agricultural tell about the methods they have tried communality by hosting farmers’ markets and giving consumers the sector, by highlighting concrete examples and implemented to address nutrient opportunity to become more familiar of the positive measures farmers are runoff, as well as the benefits – both with the whole production chain. applying to reduce nutrient runoff planned and unexpected – they have The Palopuro Symbiosis model is around the Baltic Sea. Each of the experienced as a result. expected to be fully operational in eleven jury-selected winners serves On the following pages you will have the coming years, and as a next step, will be applied to other producer as a role model, both to other farmers the chance to meet these farmers and communities to help them respond to and the agricultural sector at large. learn more about the actions they are global challenges using local solutions. This year’s winning farms are taking, and how they are collectively Learn more at diverse in size and type, ranging making a difference for the Baltic Sea www.palopurosymbiosis.com from a small biodynamic organic farm – please read on and be inspired! 4 | WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme – Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018
BALTIC SEA FARMER OF THE YEAR AWARD 2018 WINNERS The Baltic Sea catchment area is four times the size of the Baltic Sea itself, encompassing 14 countries and around 90 million people. Given the wide diversity of terrain, natural resources and socio- economic conditions, adapted and united action to protect the Baltic Sea from eutrophication is all-important. The catchment area is marked in a light blue colour. Finland: Tuomas and Russia: Igor and Irina Iiris Mattila, Kilpiä Farm Rudenko, Zarechye Farm Denmark: Sweden: Ole Lyngby Pedersen, Christoffer Bonthron and Erik Estonia: Viljar I/S Faurgård Bengtsson, Karlsfälts Farm Veidenberg, Pajumäe Farm Latvia: Andris Kalniņš, Ozoli Farm Lithuania: Vaiva Jundulaitė-Kosienė and Giedrius Kosas, Miško Sodai Farm Germany: Poland: Ukraine: Belarus: Alfred and Angelika Krzysztof Kowalski, Bogdan Kostiv, Kanstantsin Chychyra, Stender, Kroghof Farm Kowalski Farm Kostiv R.P. Farm Kanstantsin Chychyra LPH Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 – WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme | 5
POLAND Krzysztof Kowalski Krzysztof Kowalski’s farming methods protect nearby waters, preserve biodiversity and yield better products. IC SEA FARMER OF T LT BA HE YEAR WWF AWARD “Winning is a great surprise … It strengthens me in the belief that I have chosen the right path. © A. Sosnowska / WWF I will not rest on my laurels and will continue to grow.” Kowalski Farm is a multi-genera- “We went swimming in the lake and and various buffer zones. Last year, tion crop and livestock farm run noticed that the colour of the water was Krzysztof and his family planted 1,080 by Krzysztof Kowalski, who took over intensely green,” he recalls. “I learned trees along the river and between the operations in 1984. The farm is revered from my family living in the area that fields – which, besides helping prevent for its production of award-winning the lake blooms every year, especially runoff, also creates habitats for wild cold pressed flax and rapeseed oils, in sunny and hot summers … I realized animals. and for breeding and conserving the that this process was caused by the Krzysztof can see the positive results Zlotnicka Biala pig. Krzysztof says he intensification of agriculture. This of his practices reflected in the land, inherited his current, “pro-ecological” experience influenced me to use wildlife, and economy of the farm. way of farming from his father and mineral fertilizers more economically.” Every year, the water and feed are tested grandfather, who always managed Today, Krzysztof has many methods for nitrates and pesticides – and the the farm with utmost respect for the in place to protect against nutrient run results are consistently negative. environment. off. In addition to the careful “My grandfather and father thought and well-timed application of that nature would handle any pest and mineral and natural fertilizers, disease well – the only condition was a variety of crops are kept in “The purpose of my life is to give not to disturb her,” says Krzysztof. rotation on the fields, including my children the farm in even Krzysztof first became aware of the stubble crops, catch crops better condition than when problem of eutrophication while he and fabaceae plants. and his wife were visiting family near The farm additionally has I received it from my father, and Goldapia Lake. nine midfield wetlands I think that will be possible.” 6 | WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme – Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018
© A. Sosnowska / WWF © K. Kowalski © A. Sosnowska / WWF © A. Sosnowska / WWF Earthworms are abundant, an indica use of natural fertilizers – manure and arouse great interest among farmers and tion of high soil fertility, and the farm’s slurry. Another outcome is the increased students of agricultural schools. There 30 bee colonies are thriving. Krzysztof popularity of Kowalski Farm products. fore, I have built an education centre to is also saving money on the purchase of “Demand is many times greater than give lectures to those who are interested.” mineral fertilizers through the alternative supply,” says Krzysztof. “My products Krzysztof Kowalski, Kowalski Farm Location: Nasielsk in central Poland in addition to reducing nutrient runoff, also protects wildlife Type of farm: Conventional crop and livestock farm (130 ha) and biodiversity. Helping pollinators by maintaining hives also contributes to keeping the farm in harmony with nature. Apart Main production: Pigs and various crops – including cereals, from the wide range of measures taken by Mr. Kowalski at his rapeseed, flax and legumes farm, he is also actively engaged in cooperation with other International jury motivation: farmers to spread and communicate his experiences and knowl- “The jury was impressed by the holistic approach towards edge, including as a member of the nationwide Network sustainable crop and pig production taken by Mr. Kowalski of Educational Farms.” at his farm. This farm has implemented an impressive range of measures to reduce nutrient leakage. Both measures such as Key practices: midfield wetland construction and buffer zones, as well as good Nine midfield wetlands, buffer zones, midfield margins, shrubs, practices such as precise fertilization, soil liming and testing. shelter belt, cultivation of stubble crops (peas with flax) and The farm produces a traditional breed of pigs, and practices for fabaceae plants, places for storing natural fertilizers (wall tight- environmentally friendly manure and slurry handling have been ness checked by tests), precise fertilization, soil liming, soil implemented. The farm retains and expands tree islands and testing, annual testing of fodder and water for nitrates forested buffers along the river and in between the fields which, and pesticides. Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 – WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme | 7
DENMARK Ole Lyngby Pedersen Olle Lyngby Pedersen is among the first to establish constructed wetlands, and believes that cross-discipline collaboration is the key to innovation. Situated between two adjoining river valleys, I/S Faurgård is a third generation crop and livestock farm run by Ole Lyngby Pedersen and his brother Per. In 2008, their land turned into a testing ground when Ole participated in the LIFE AGWAPLAN project* and ended up pioneering one of Denmark’s first constructed wetlands. “It started with the idea of a ‘winter wet meadow’ but ended up as a con structed wetland … approximately 20 metres wide and 140 metres long,” “Only cooperation recalls Ole. between authorities, Constructed wetlands, also known as researchers, advisers subsurface flow constructed wetlands, and farmers will are receiving an increasing amount help us find solutions of attention worldwide for their ability for reducing the © Danny Skaade to act as natural wastewater treatment plants – effectively reducing concentra environmental impact tions of nitrogen and phosphorus from of agriculture.” wastewater. Measurements from the pilot project Ole took part in showed an average reduced nitrogen loss of 25% fertilizer plans and accounts, and the “Everyone can make an effort on and an average reduced phosphorus loss strategic use of slurry and catch crops. their farm,” says Ole. “I can only recom of 40–50%. But Ole is far from finished implement mend to all my colleagues to map their Ole was so enthusiastic about the ing new measures on his farm – this land and identify possible actions and results, he went on to establish a second year he plans to experiment with measures. For advice, having a catch constructed wetland. While the first saturated buffer zones. ment advisor is a great help.” wetland was constructed using wood chips, this time it was established *The LIFE AGWAPLAN project was led by the Danish Agricultural Advisory Service years 2005–2009 successfully with an open basin. with the aim of demonstrating and quantifying the impact that good agricultural practices (GAPs) The two wetlands pioneered on I/S have on the reduction of nutrient content on surface and groundwater. Faurgård have had such a big impact Ole Lyngby Pedersen, I/S Faurgård on agricultural practices in Denmark, they have inspired the adoption of a nationw ide subsidy scheme for Location: Odder in central Denmark constructed wetlands. The objective is to establish 1,000 to 2,000 construct Type of farm: Conventional crop and livestock farm (250 ha) ed wetlands in Denmark by the end Main production: Pigs, cereals, winter rapeseed and grass seed of 2021. Today, Ole has become a vital actor National jury motivation: in promoting awareness of constructed “Ole Lyngby Pedersen and his constructed wetlands have been the site of numerous visits, excursions and field trips with big turnouts and acknowledgement. wetlands and their benefits — sharing His engagement and measures have formed the basis of many fruitful discussions his experience by hosting educational and helped inspire others to establish constructed wetlands. Ole is a really good field trips, giving talks, and contribut ambassador and always invites all kinds of people to see what he is working with in the environmental field – a good way to spread information.” ing to informational videos, articles, books and brochures. Key practices: In addition to constructed wetlands, Constructed wetlands and constructed wetlands with woodchips, saturated buffer zones, fertilizer plans and fertilizer accounts, catch crops, drainage system mapping, Ole utilizes other key practices for the soil testing, nitrate testing. reduction of nutrient runoff, such as 8 | WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme – Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018
ESTONIA Viljar Veidenberg “Working with nature has been our natural way of doing things since the very beginning,” says Estonian winner Viljar Veidenberg. In 1989, Viljar Veidenberg’s father Arvo made the momentous decision to transition from growing plants and roses to dairy production, and Pajumäe Farm went from housing a single milking cow to 90 today. Two generations work side by side to care for the cattle – which totals 200 heads, with milking cows and offspring combined – and cultivate grasses and other fodder crops. All milk is processed on site, and is used to make yoghurt, cheese and other products. In 2001, the dairy farm received its organic certification – something Viljar regards as a natural continuation of things. Ever since the beginning of the farm’s restoration, it has been important for the family that production does not damage the environment. Viljar and his family employ both traditional organic farming methods and newer technology to manage their farm Knowledge sharing is also an important sustainably. A recently built, energy value and practice at Pajumäe Farm. Viljar efficient dairy runs on solar energy and regularly cooperates with other farmers recycles water – helping to supply some and organizations to exchange ideas, and of their energy needs while also reducing hosts educational activities for visitors, greenhouse gas emissions. including children. In addition, he works When it comes to reducing nutrient closely with the Estonian University of © Pajumäe Farm runoff, manure management is a Life Sciences to help develop new, sustain critical strategy on Pajumäe Farm. able farming practices. A deep manure system has been “It’s never too late to take steps in the established in the barn, from which right direction, big or small,” says Viljar. “A stable customer base for our Viljar Veidenberg, Pajumäe Farm milk products has developed because people value our Location: Abja-Vanamõisa village in southern Estonia approach.” Type of farm: Organic dairy farm (400 ha) Main production: Dairy cows and dairy products, grasses and other fodder crops composted manure is removed once a National jury motivation: year and spread on the fields as fertilizer. “Since its inception, Pajumäe farm has had an environmentally friendly approach to production and operation. For the members of the farm household, acting in accordance Additional strategies undertaken include with nature is the only way to live. The farm is actively engaged in product development crop rotation, soil analysis, and the use of and discovering, testing, and applying innovative and environmentally friendly ways buffer zones and wetlands. of farming. The jury was impressed by the farm’s complex approach to environmental issues, and a new and innovative production line in the farm’s dairy.” For Viljar and his family, the efforts have been well worth it. Key practices: “We see many indicators that nature is Nutrient recycling, manure management, soil analysis, crop rotation, buffer zones, wetlands, natural islands. in good health: small insects, earthworms, different plants and birds,” he says. Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 – WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme | 9
FINLAND Tuomas and Iiris Mattila Tuomas and Iiris run their farm as an ecosystem, with strong soil health in focus. When Tuomas Mattila took over © Minna Nyrhinen-Blazquez Kilpiä Farm from his father in 2005, he was eager to transition to organic methods – an undertaking that, for him and his wife Iiris, would turn out to be a unique challenge and a never-ending learning process. Years of monoculture and mecha nization had left the farm’s sandy and silty soil in dire need of regeneration. Adding to the challenge was a tricky landscape with steep and long slopes. Altogether, the farm was highly vulner able to erosion and nutrient runoff. “Switching to minimum tillage and continuous plant cover changed the surface structure radically.” a soil of sand to potting soil. The number of insects on a flowering field is huge.” “I had switched the farm to organic “The soil surface has so many crop rotation and farmed that way for spiders and beetles, I feel bad driving four years, but the soil was not getting on the field,” adds Tuomas. any better,” recalls Tuomas. But the experimental days are not Having found no professional – without knowing what is happening over yet. Tuomas and Iiris’ dedication to advice, Tuomas and Iiris decided to in the system, it would be crazy to add finding better, more sustainable ways to take matters into their own hands. fertilizers at random.” farm has grown to such an extent that Drawing upon their shared background As for the results, the farm’s eco they now run Kilpiä Farm as a private in environmental science and micro system speaks for itself: research and educational farm. Work biology, they set to work researching “The erosion has diminished and the ing solutions are regularly shared with and testing alternative agricultural amount of organic matter has grown fellow farmers through lectures, trade methods. a lot,” says Iiris. “We have moved from magazine articles and consulting. “Trying out new methods is unpre dictable,” says Iiris. “The challenge is to keep on searching and trying. But Tuomas and Iiris Mattila, Kilpiä Farm it’s a good challenge.” Location: Pusula in southern Finland Eventually, Tuomas and Iiris dis covered a formula that worked, based on Type of farm: Organic crop farm (255 ha) two key principles: keep the soil in place Main production: Rye, oats, green manure and apples and keep the soil ecosystem working. National jury motivation: They implemented a minimum tillage “The farm is managed as a whole. The farm uses innovative, research-based methods system, established a contour farming and pays special attention to reducing erosion and its detrimental effects on water bodies. Methods used also include the improvement of soil, crop rotation, plant choices, system and covered the most erosion renewable energy and energy efficiency. Additionally, a Continuous Cover Forestry prone slope with an apple orchard. approach is used to manage the farm’s forests. The farm develops its activities all the “Keeping the soil covered, supplying time and actively spreads information to other farmers.” it with photosynthesis derived energy, Key practices: and avoiding killing soil life through Erosion control and soil conditioning, minimum tillage, tillage based on contour lines, erosion, tillage and compaction just conversion of vulnerable fields to orchards, continuous plant coverage, crop rotation, drainage system improvements. made sense,” says Tuomas. “Same applies to plant and soil testing 10 | WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme – Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018
GERMANY Alfred and Angelika Stender A careful and effective use of nutrients resides at the heart of all management decisions at Kroghof Farm. Alfred Stender has been record- ing cultivation and harvest data for every plot on his farm since the 1970s, reflecting a long commitment to the process of learning and improvement. Kroghof Farm is a family enterprise run by Alfred and his wife Angelika, together with their daughter Silja and son Henrik, and their respective families. Their combined 182 hectares supports a diverse variety of cash crops, 75 milking cows, and 25 pigs. The efficient usage of nutrients has always been a core value of the family’s farming practices. In 2008, Kroghof Farm took on a pioneering role when it was selected to participate as a reference farm within a water protection advisory for farmers for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. In conjunction with the advisory, © Gunther Willinger Alfred tested a number of measures with the objective of minimizing nutrient losses and runoff. The measures includ ed sampling, rapeseed crop weighing, manure management and nutrient budgets. Implementation was so success- “The call for optimized plant important issue of soil chemistry, ful, a deep drilling sample later revealed nutrition in arable farming physics and biology,” says Alfred. that, of all the reference farm holdings, goes hand-in-hand “This knowledge is very much needed the plot tested on the Kroghof Farm had in order to develop awareness of the with improving the lowest nitrate concentrations by far importance of soil and become a ‘real’ soil fertility.” (40 mg/l). farmer who is responsible for all plants, “The farm’s operational results con soils, and animals.” firm that we are headed in the right direction, but we must always engage in an ongoing process of reconsidering Alfred and Angelika Stender, Kroghof Farm and reorienting our farm management,” Location: Börnsdorf in northern Germany Alfred says. In 2016, he founded a consulting Type of farm: Conventional crop and livestock farm (182 ha) group with over 30 other farmers who Main production: Various field crops, cash crops, root crops, sugar beets, now frequently meet on his farm to potatoes, dairy cows and pigs gether with experts in the fields of water National jury motivation: and plant protection. Their purpose: “Alfred Stender is an extraordinary and highly engaged farmer. His efforts to effectively utilize nutrients and avoid excess are at the heart of all management decisions. The jury sharing knowledge, making new findings was particularly impressed by the exceptional diversity of this conventionally managed and bringing effective methods into farm, and with the fact that three families are generating their income from it. Alfred’s practice more quickly. wide network, his willingness to discuss all topics related to sustainability and to always keep learning make him a worthy and important award recipient.” Alfred’s vision for the future is a full- coverage advisory that provides farmers Key practices: with a nationwide network of advice for Samplings, rapeseed crop weighing, nutrient budgets, crop rotation, manure management. sustainable agriculture. “Too little is known about the very Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 – WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme | 11
LATVIA Andris Kalniņš Andris Kalniņš has created his own methodology for minimizing nutrient leakage. When Andris Kalniņš was given the chance to repossess his family land in 1992, he seized the opportunity and left his engineering job in Riga to try his luck at farming. Today, he operates the 132 hectares as an organic and biodynamic crop and livestock farm. “Ozoli Farm has proven that it is economically viable and profitable to adopt these farming practices.” “From the moment I took over Ozoli Farm, I knew that the traditional and organic way of farming would be the basis for my own farming activities every step of the way,” he recalls. Andris’ enthusiasm for organic farm ing is unfortunately unique in his nation, where agricultural intensification and pesticide use is becoming the norm. © Ozoli Farm To ensure that his farm would not be affected by his neighbours’ pesticide and chemical use, Andris had to implement buffer zones. An agrochemical soil analysis revealed tion cycle is what motivates us to do “In a market where quantity is more that, during the farming period, the soil what we do,” says Andris. important than quality, it’s more difficult became more fertile and improved in “Hopefully, in the meantime, we for small organic farms to be as com its structure. Moreover, milk cows are can inspire other farmers to consider petitive as conventional agriculture, so successfully milked up to 9 lactations, transitioning to a more sustainable way organic farming practices are rarely compared to 2–3 in conventional farming. of farming that can further enhance the taken into account,” says Andris. “Being self-sustained in our produc public good.” One of the keys to sustainable farming at Ozoli Farm is nutrient turnover. To reduce nutrient leakage, Andris has Andris Kalniņš, Ozoli Farm created a closed-loop methodology where manure is composted for the bene Location: Vecumnieki village in southern Latvia fit of soil management, soil fertility and Type of farm: Organic and biodynamic crop and livestock farm (132 ha) animal welfare. Decomposition is aided Main production: Crops, dairy and meat by mechanically incorporated bacteria, National jury motivation: ensuring that nutrients are effectively “Andris Kalniņš has not only inspired us with his inexhaustible enthusiasm and energy, absorbed by plants. With such fertile but he also serves as an example of how farming and nature can go hand-in-hand soils, Andris is able to produce all of the when developing a ‘closed-loop’ farming system that ensures effective resource management every step of the way. ‘Ozoli’ Farm brings added value when it comes farm’s livestock feed on site. to maintaining the land’s biodiversity, ensuring harmony between man, nature, and Other sustainable methods employed production and minimizing nutrient runoff through the farm’s own methodology for include grassland sowing to help the soil manure composting.” retain organic carbon, and the cultivation Key practices: of papilionaceous plants to attract atmos No artificial fertilizers, manure management, manure composting, pheric nitrogen. renewal of grassland through sowing. The positive results are evidenced by the farm’s soil fertility and animal health. 12 | WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme – Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018
LITHUANIA Vaiva Jundulaitė- Kosienė and Giedrius Kosas “We have always dreamed of a healthy and harmonious relationship with nature,” says Lithuanian winner Vaiva Jundulaitė-Kosienė. Uniquely located in the woodlands of Žemaitija National Park, Miško Sodai is an organic biodynamic crop farm run by Vaiva Jundulaitė-Kosienė and her hus band Giedrius Kosas. When Vaiva first purchased the property it was merely the site of a tiny old house. The seven thriving hectares that can be seen today are the result of over ten years of curiosity and a lot of experimentation. “The results and yields we’ve achieved on our farm amaze even the traditional farmers using large quantities of fertilizers on fertile lands.” From the very beginning, Vaiva and Giedrius have sought out farming alternatives that would allow them to © Indrė Čeidaitė cultivate a healthy, high yield without harming the environment. Largely self- taught, their current farming practices stem from reading articles, participat ing in conferences, talking with other “The use of our preparations has share what they have learned and farmers and then experimenting with changed the soil structure,” says Vaiva. achieved through biodynamic farming what they learn. Miško Sodai Farm “The land has become lighter and with visitors from all over the world. received its organic certification ten paler. Using humus produced by farm “We hope that more people will learn years ago, and, a few years back, was products, plants have become stronger about environmentally friendly farms and also certified as biodynamic. and more resistant, and the nutritional that our success in this competition will Through the years of testing and learn properties of the vegetables has improved.” encourage us to contribute to society’s ing, the soil in the region – a light sandy Today, Vaiva and Giedrius happily education even more,” says Vaiva. loam – has been a particular challenge. “Due to the structure of the soil, we cannot – or more like, do not want to – Vaiva Jundulaitė-Kosienė and Giedrius Kosas, Miško Sodai Farm use chemical fertilizers because they easily drain into the surrounding bogs Location: Visvainių village in northwest Lithuania and water bodies and further aggravate Type of farm: Biodynamic organic crop farm (7 ha) the soil’s structure,” says Vaiva. To mitigate this challenge and fertilize Main production: Herbs, vegetables, berries – and products made from them, including spice mixtures, teas, jams and syrups the land naturally, Vaiva and Giedrius are working to increase the amount National jury motivation: “Owners Vaiva Jundulaitė-Kosienė and Giedrius Kosas make all efforts to sustain of humus in the soil with biodynamic the local landscape and biodiversity, and the whole farm is directed towards the full farming methods. All of the green bio sustainability of natural resources and biodiversity. The implemented biodynamic mass generated on the farm is used farming standards do not use any chemicals or artificial fertilizers. Natural bio dynamic farming methods are used to increase the amount of humus. Farm owners towards the production of compost, cooperate with other farms, share experiences, and participate in various workshops. which is judiciously supplemented with Educational lectures and classes are often held for visitors.” biodynamic preparations to speed up Key practices: production and add additional nutri No artificial fertilizers, soil conditioning through composting. tion. The resulting natural fertilizer is spread on the soils. Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 – WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme | 13
RUSSIA Igor and Irina Rudenko “Our success is bringing new life to adjacent villages,” says Russian winner Irina Rudenko. Zarechye Farm is located along a river bank in a village that has been inhabited by Irina Rudenko’s family for over 200 years. When she and her husband Igor decided to take over the family property ten years ago, however, they found it in a state of serious decline. The village had been nearly destroyed and abandoned during World War II, and never quite recovered after that. Disappointed by what was happening, Irina and Igor decided to rebuild the house on the property and set up their own farm. “We decided that our farm would be aimed at both agriculture and rural tourism, with a focus on volunteering opportunities for visitors to help look © E. Genelt-Yanovskiy after animals, experience country life and taste local products,” says Igor. Irina and Igor keep a variety of animals on the farm – especially traditional Russian breeds – including goats, sheep, rabbits, geese and ducks. mixed with hay and straw, and stored trees and shrubs along the riverbanks, in a special tank. After some time, the and begun restoring the semi-natural mixture is moved to the fields where it grasslands on the property. All of our work is to show is shallow buried in order to keep the The results of Irina and Igor’s that Russian village grasslands productive. labours have been transformational traditions can be restored “By using the mixture of manure, for both the land and surrounding and be beneficial for both hay and straw, as well as compost, we community. society and nature.” are able to manage all of the fertilizer “Our main achievement during needs of our fields,” says Irina. recent years is that we’ve brought new To further guard against nutrient life to the farm,” says Igor. “It is grow Milk and meat products from the farm runoff, Igor and Irina have also planted ing – slowly, but constantly.” are sold online and at local farmer shops in St. Petersburg. Managing the farm in a nature- Igor and Irina Rudenko, Zarechye Farm friendly way is very important to Irina and Igor, so they do not use any fertiliz Location: Zarechye village, Luga District of the Leningrad Region ers of chemical origin. Additionally, Type of farm: Conventional livestock farm (27 ha) all of their animals are free-range, Main production: Free-range goats and goat milk products, rabbits, chickens, which – when it comes to preventing ducks and geese nutrient runoff – has been particularly National jury motivation: challenging. “Irina and Igor Rudenko have brought astonishing new life to the ancient rural area in the upper reaches of the Luga River. They are highly motivated to reduce agricul- “It is very good in terms of sustain tural runoff from the farm, which is also being done using very traditional methods in able animal welfare, but we need to col the region that allow for a complete refusal of fertilizers of chemical origin. We also lect manure from the land,” says Igor. highly value their continuous attempts to restore the banks of River Kuksa in places where the farmland meets the river plain.” As a solution, Irina and Igor employ Key practices: a process where manure is regularly No artificial fertilizers, restoration of river banks, restoration of semi-natural grass- collected from areas where free-range lands, placement of shrubs and hedges to prevent wind and rain-induced runoff. birds and goats are kept. It is then 14 | WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme – Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018
SWEDEN Christoffer Bonthron and Erik Bengtsson The future vision for Karlsfälts Farm is to achieve zero emissions and a closed nutrient loop. Karlsfälts Farm has been a fam- ily enterprise since 1927. The owners, Christoffer Bonthron and Erik Bengtsson, took over operations in 2000, and today use the 800 versatile hectares to raise cattle and cultivate crops. They strive to achieve a farming practice that is in harmony with nature, and have plans to switch gradually to organic crop production. “We have all seen the effects of using too many herbicides, pesticides and arti ficial fertilizers,” says Erik. “Living close to the Baltic Sea means we have a front row seat to the dead bottoms, decreasing numbers of fish, and algal blooms.” © Maria Bonthron Several practices are employed simultaneously to reduce nutrient runoff at Karlsfälts Farm. These include crop rotation, extensive grassland production, the use of manure as an alternative to diverted to the ponds, the nutrients artificial fertilizers, mapping the soil would have been transported directly “We want to give back for structural liming and the use of N to the Baltic Sea by the constantly the best possible soil to sensor precision equipment for fertilizer moving water,” says Erik. our children.” application. Other visible results include an in Recently Karlsfälts Farm gained crease of wildlife on the farm, includ in general, people are giving us credit nationwide attention among farmers ing insects, frogs and birds. Karlsfälts for taking actions to be more environ and officials for its new sustainable Farm is also experiencing business mentally friendly,” says Erik. irrigation system, which Christoffer benefits. In the future, the vision is to have and Erik established in parallel with the “We’ve seen an increase of inter a closed loop of nutrient use on the introduction of vegetables to the farm. est for our farm and our products and, farm with no emissions to water or air. The system includes several measures that contribute to the reduction of nutrient emissions; such as the addition Christoffer Bonthron and Erik Bengtsson, Karlsfälts Farm of a wetland area and restoration of two ponds, the cleaning and recycling Location: Ystad in southern Sweden of drainage water and a modern tech Type of farm: Conventional crop and livestock farm (800 ha) nique for precision irrigation. Besides minimizing nutrient drainage, precision Main production: Beef cattle, pigs, sheep, and various crops – including rapeseed, wheat, barely, rye and beets irrigation is yielding a 20–25% decrease in water consumption and a 30–35% National jury motivation: decrease in energy consumption, com “Karlfält Farm is being awarded for their long-term and detailed strategy to reduce the leakage of plant nutrients, as well as for its owners’ future vision regarding water use, pared to traditional irrigation methods. climate aspects and the conservation of biological diversity. By collecting and reusing Christoffer and Erik see evidence that drainage water, and by using precision fertilization, planned structural liming and crop their efforts are working. For instance, rotation, Karlfält Farm contributes to reduced erosion and nutrient leakage to the Baltic Proper from the part of Sweden where measures are needed most.” the ponds on their property are accumu lating a lot of seaweed and algae in the Key practices: Crop rotation and diversification, use of manure as fertilizer, extensive grassland summers and autumns, an indication production, regular soil analysis and mapping to plan for structural liming, use that their nutrient catchment function of N sensor precision equipment, installation and restoration of ponds and wetland area, is in working order. cleaning and recycling of water, precision irrigation. “If the drainage water had not been Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 – WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme | 15
WELCOMING BELARUS AND UKRAINE This year, WWF is pleased to welcome Belarus and Ukraine as participating countries in the Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award. Both Belarus and Ukraine have territories located within the Baltic Sea catchment, and contribute to the nutrient inputs to the Baltic Sea. Just like the other Baltic countries, a successful reduction of agricultural inputs is dependent upon the proactive measures put in place by forward-thinking farmers — like these two national winners, Kanstantsin Chychyra and Bogdan Kostiv. BELARUS Kanstantsin Chychyra Producing crops in a way that benefits both nature and community is a top priority on Kanstantsin’s farm. Nature-friendly farming methods To protect his crops from pests and had been passed through the genera disease without using chemicals, tions and practiced by Kanstantsin Kanstantsin uses an approach called Chychyra’s parents long before he took allelopathy. Crops are planted to- over the family farm. When it was his gether in such a way that protection is turn, he too adopted these methods, generated naturally. For example, garlic and then he took things one step is planted next to the strawberries. further: he certified the farm and Since becoming organic certified, became an organic farmer — one of Kanstantsin has been sharing only 15 in Belarus. knowledge on environmental friendly Kanstantsin has always worked methods with other farmers, and is in close proximity with nature, and enjoying growing recognition from first grew aware of the problem of customers who value his approach. eutrophication about ten years ago His methods have even had a positive when his favorite lakes in his home effect on the quality of drinking water. region gradually started to turn green. According to official statistics, After learning that the intensification almost one-third of all public wells in of agriculture was contributing to the Belarus contain nitrates in quantities © Mikalai Valynets problem, Kanstantsin’s resolve to exceeding acceptable limits. practice organic and responsible However, in the village where farming methods grew even stronger. Kanstantsin’s farm is located, no such Growing a demanding crop like problem exists. strawberries, it is not always easy using organic methods — especially when there are so few organic farms Kanstantsin Chychyra, Kanstantsin Chychyra LPH Farm in the region to exchange knowledge with. It’s a constant learning process, Location: Nakvasy village in northwestern Belarus and careful monitoring and creative Type of farm: Organic farm (4 ha) solutions are often needed to resolve challenges. Main production: Strawberries and vegetables For soil fertilization, Kanstantsin National jury motivation: uses a compost made of pesticide-free “The jury acknowledges the positive dynamics on the farm and continuous improve- plant residues. In order to reduce the ment and development on an annual basis. The farm utilizes sustainable technolo- quantity of weeds, the straw is laid gies in plant cultivation, and farms free from pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. The farm also effectively uses plant residues and produces compost.” between the strawberry rows. After collecting the strawberry harvest, Key practices: Organic crop production, composting, green manuring (siderates). the straw remains on the ground and eventually turns into a fertilizer. 16 | WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme – Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018
© itummy / Shutterstock UKRAINE Bogdan Kostiv On Kostiv R.P Farm, the motto is: “Live in harmony with nature – take care of life!” Farm “Kostiv R.P.” was founded in 1992 by Bogdan Kostiv’s father Roman in the picturesque Opillya region of Ukraine. The farm is located within the Western Bug catchment that starts in Verkhobuzh Village in the Zolochiv District. And through the Zarvanytskyi ditch, Zolochivka, Western Bug and Vistula rivers, this watershed connects with the Baltic Sea. Over the years of successfully © R.P. Kostiv growing crops on their land, the Kostiv family has earned a reputation in the region for their proficiency and knowledge in crop production and agricultural machinery. So it was no fertilizers (siderates), such as mustard, importance on the Kostiv R.P. Farm, and surprise when the eldest son, Bogdan, peas-oat mixes, oil radish, phacelia, all factors that can negatively influence chose agronomy as his profession and, amaranth, malva and white lupine are production are thoroughly explored. after graduating from the University, actively grown. The farm also practices The Kostiv family has enjoyed such began working actively on the farm. In crop rotation, which helps to reduce soil great benefits since adopting organic fact, academia would prove to have a pro erosion and runoff, increase organic farming methods, that they have become found impact on the future of the farm. matter and generally improve the more active in the farming community In 2006, Bogdan participated in physical properties of the soil. Quality — hosting activities and sharing what an International Conference at Lviv and safety of output is also of utmost they have learned with other farmers. Agricultural University, where a presentation by Mr. Zach Rainer, a famous agricultural expert in bio Bogdan Kostiv, Kostiv R.P. Farm dynamics was given. The presentation Location: Polyany village in western Ukraine left such a deep impression, it inspired Bogdan to begin the application process Type of farm: Organic farm (5 ha) to have the farm certified according to Main production: Cereals, oilseeds and legumes organic production standards. National jury motivation: Today, the farm has successfully “The farm uses organic methods in plant protection, and special attention is paid to the preservation of soil fertility. Methods used also include the improvement of soil, crop rota- received its organic certification, and tion, and plant choices. Additionally, the farm actively develops its activities and promotes employs practices and methods that are information about organic production, sharing with other farmers and interested people.” in harmony with nature. Special atten Key practices: tion is paid to the preservation of soil Organic crop production, composting, green manuring, crop rotation. fertility. That’s why so-called green Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 – WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme | 17
MEASURES THAT CAN HELP SAVE THE BALTIC SEA Here are the main sustainable agricultural and environmental measures practiced by current and previous winners of the WWF Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award: ANIMAL PRODUCTION CROP PRODUCTION ●● Structural liming of soils and lime-based trap filters reduce ●● A solid barn foundation of clay or ●● Crop rotation, intercropping surface water runoff of nutrients, concrete prevents manure and urine and using cover, catch and particularly phosphorous. Better from penetrating the groundwater. under-sown crops all help to structure of the soil also facilitates optimize nutrient uptake by crops, ●● Storing manure in appropriate tilling, thereby reducing fuel minimizing the need of added facilities, such as containers and consumption. fertilizer. They also help maintain tanks with an impermeable base, a good nutrient balance in the soil ●● Spreading composted manure prevents leakage. Covering the and can counteract the establishment on fields is a natural way of facilities with lids or plastic, or of weeds and pests. fertilizing crops, and adding sulphur letting a natural crust form, prevents and micronutrients to the mix gas emissions and rainfall runoff. ●● No-till farming and direct helps crops to use nutrients more seeding saves resources since the ●● Reducing ammonia emissions efficiently. Manure should only be soil is worked minimally. and thereby nitrogen losses, while spread during the growing season improving local air quality, can be ●● Covered soil year round means and be plowed into the soil right done by adding basalt dust to manure that there are always plants available after distribution. and installing air-filters in animal to retain nutrients in the soil that stalls. Also, using lower protein levels would otherwise mineralize in the in the animals’ feed and keeping ground. GENERAL MEASURES the barn at a cooler temperature ●● Buffer zones along ditches, ●● Recycling of water, waste and reduces ammonia levels. streams, ponds and lakes reduce other resources helps close ●● Reducing the number of nutrient runoff into surrounding natural cycles. Recycling products animals per hectare helps ensure waters. and by-products from farming that the soil can absorb all the activities helps maximize the use ●● Sloped ditches where there is an manure. of nutrients and energy. increased risk of flooding can ●● Cleaning stalls without accommodate more water and thereby ●● Zoning of farmland and plot using water prevents runoff to decrease nutrient runoff. swaps, with different levels of surrounding waters. farming intensity on different parts ●● Usage of precision agriculture ●● Keeping permanent grasslands equipment and techniques of the land, can optimize land use to for grazing lowers nutrient runoff minimizes resource use and the risk avoid nutrient leakage and preserve and helps store more carbon in the of over-applying fertilizers. biodiversity. ground. They also help to preserve ●● Wetlands, ponds and dams on ●● Computers and agricultural biodiversity. the farm absorb nutrients and store software can be used to plan and follow up farming activities, such them in growing biomass and in as crop rotation and fertilization. sediments, thereby reducing nutrient runoff. They also create habitats for ●● Analyzing and mapping the soil wildlife and plants. and its nutrient balance on a regular basis helps determine the precise ●● Preserving trees, shrubs and amount of fertilizer needed. other natural elements in and around fields helps reduce nutrient ●● Monitoring of drainage systems runoff and erosion, and also increase allows farmers to administer the biodiversity. correct doses of fertilizer and avoid using them in places with high risk ●● Cooperation among farmers, of leakage. organizations and other stakeholders is a great way to ●● Crop diversification improves share knowledge on environmentally plant protection and soil quality, friendly farming methods and and also increases biodiversity. multiply the positive effects. 18 | WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme – Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018
WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT © Veisturs Jugs / Shutterstock FROM SOME OF THIS YEAR’S WINNERS “Manage your soils as an ecosystem. Feed them, do not overly disturb them and keep them covered with living plants.” “Focus on biodiversity and avoid monocultures.” Tuomas Mattila, Finland Krzysztof Kowalski, Poland “Look at the holistic picture – see how things are linked together and “Try to make a serious plan of your farm business – make your efforts with a long term who your consumers are, where the farm is located, perspective.” and how you are going to deal with your neighbors.” Erik Bengtsson, Sweden Irina Rudenko, Russia “It’s important not to be afraid to experiment, © Maoyunping / Shutterstock bravely take new, sometimes, somewhat strange ideas and try them out.” Vaiva Jundulaitė-Kosienė, Lithuania Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018 – WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme | 19
SUSTAINABLE FARMING IS PART OF THE SOLUTION The future of food production is resilient, profitable, and beneficial for both people and the environment. A reformed Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is needed to support the next generation of farmers and drive forward the transition towards a sustainable agricultural model. The current Common Agricultural the necessary transition to sustain coherence with other EU and global Policy (CAP) reflects policy priorities able agricultural practices. A reformed policies. and instruments that were developed to CAP should foster diversified climate The CAP should reward farmers address the challenges of the last century. and market resilient farm businesses and land managers who preserve water, It has strengthened resource intensive that enable farmers to provide healthy soil and biodiversity, and contribute farming, increased pressure on nature, food, protect natural capital, address to building more resilient rural land and depleted the natural resources that climate change and safeguard eco scapes. It should also guarantee that agriculture itself depends upon. system services for future generations. animal welfare is respected and prevent WWF would like to see a shift away the negative effects of our agriculture from the current system of farm sub from making an impact outside of “ Approximately 80% of sidies, with programmed and targeted Europe. This requires that the ‘polluter the money used for direct schemes becoming the core of this pays’ principle is reinforced, and that payments goes to 20% of policy. A widened governance structure the derived public money is used to the farmers in Europe.” would be instrumental to achieving pay for public goods. Meanwhile, the farming systems that are providing more public goods have been marginalized by this policy. At present, WWF’s vision for sustainable and resilient agriculture: approximately 80% of the money used • Agricultural landscapes must be sustainable – for nature, people, for direct payments goes to 20% of the ecosystems and ecosystem services. farmers in Europe. Today’s CAP is not fit to address • Agricultural practices must be resilient over time to provide modern societal and environmental for the needs of future generations. challenges. WWF therefore calls for a • Agriculture must support inclusive sustainable development. redesign of the CAP in order to support © Ekaterina Kondratova / Shutterstock 20 | WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme – Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award 2018
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