Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

Page created by Oscar Reed
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION
December 2018 • Issue: 224

 • Christmas Message
 • Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar
 • Rose Show
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

Next Issue print date: Issue 225, 5th February 2019.
Content Deadline: 5pm 1st Febraury 2019.                      Holiday time has
Review Creators                                               arrived for the
Lyttelton Harbour Review is a 100% voluntary
community newsletter initiative developed after the           Review team.
February 2011 earthquake. It’s a Lyttelton Harbour
Information Centre initiative produced by former              As always we have enjoyed telling Lyttelton
Chairperson Wendy Everingham and Committe                     and the wider harbour stories.
Member Jenny-Lee Love.
                                                              In 2018 we have produced 21 editions!
The objective of the Lyttelton Harbour Review is to           It’s a good time to thank you for your
help keep local residents informed with what is going         contributions, readership, sponsorship and
on in the wider Lyttelton Harbour community. Of               for your support during the year.
course the success of the Lyttelton Harbour Review
                                                              We would like to mention the Christchurch
could not be possible without the ongoing support
                                                              City Council Strengthening Community
and enthusiasm from the wider community.
                                                              Funding scheme that enables us to print 160
A big thank you goes out to everyone who sends                hard copy newsletters each edition.
information; is willing to be interviewed or lets us know
                                                              The Review won’t return until February
what might be happening in the neighbourhood.
The Lyttelton Harbour Review project would not be             2019. Our first edition will be February 5th.
possible without you all.                                     Stories for the first edition need to reach us
                                                              by 5pm Friday February 1st.
If you have an event, topic, sport announcement,
fundraiser or cause that you would like to share with         Meantime we wish you all a happy holidays
the harbour community, then Wendy or Jenny-Lee                season and safe break.
would love to hear from you:
                                                                Wendy and Jenny-Lee
Wendy Everingham
Mobile: 021 047 6144
Content Deadline: 5pm Friday
Jenny-Lee Love
                                                              Christmas Tree of
Content Deadline: 5pm Friday                                  Hope 2018
Lyttelton Information Centre                                  Celebrating 5
Office: 328 9093                                              years within the
Email:                          “Community wish”
Subscribe to the Review:                                      to advise a change
Email either Wendy or Jenny-Lee with the words                in format for this
“Subscribe Me” in the subject line and the Lyttelton          year.
Harbour Review will be delivered to your inbox.               As it has always
In 2018 the Lyttelton Harbour Review is produced              been a wish
fortnightly. Any important information between times          for Santa’s Elves
will be emailed as a Lyttel Broadcast if neccessary.          Teresa, Flo, Michaela
                                                              and Emmy to be
Hard Copies of the Review are available at:                   involved in a Community Lunch.
    The Lyttelton Arms
    Lyttelton Bakery                                          Tree of Hope will join Community House,
    Leslies Bookshop                                          Christmas Lunch, funded by Cressy Trust on
    Lyttelton Community House                                 Tuesday 18th December 2018 and Lyttelton
    Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre                      Youth Group Christmas Break Up Party
    Lyttelton Health Centre                                   Friday 14th December 2018.
    Lyttelton Library                                         Wishing you all a Happy, Safe and
    Lyttelton Top Club                                        Prosperous New Year 2019.
    Back Copies Available to Download:

2   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                                     Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

                                                             ensure these areas are safe for swimmers. To view
                                                             the latest water quality results, visit
                                                             If you like to take your dog to the beach, you can find
                                                             maps of leashed and prohibited dog control areas,
                                                             such as those in Okains Bay and Akaroa here
                                                             During this festive season, we are looking forward to
                                                             spreading Christmas cheer to our neighbours, friends,
                                                             and family.
                                                             We are also well-prepared for the issues to come
                                                             before us in the New Year. If you want to follow our
                                                             Board’s activities, catch up with a Board member, or
                                                             follow the issues raised at our meetings, you can read
Christmas Message                                            our agenda or watch the live-streaming full Council
                                                             meeting .
Community Board Chair                                        We hope you enjoy a summer walk along
Coming into the holiday season, we would like to             the beach or the Head to Head Walkway
encourage our community to get involved in their             through the bush, or even to the top of the hill.
own patch of paradise by rolling up their sleeves
and getting some jobs done, or even joining a local          We wish the local staff and wider team, and all of our
community group.                                             community the very warmest season’s greetings and a
Our volunteer groups are involved in some                    Happy New Year. Drive safely, and we look forward to
tremendous activities. A great example is the work           catching up next year.
of the Wainui ratepayers, who have just completed
a planting exercise around Wainui Stream, and                   Pam Richardson
the efforts in Urumau Reserve in planting natives               Chairperson
and maintaining walking and mountain bike tracks.
                                                                Banks Peninsula Community Board
We also want to remind property owners that they are
responsible for maintaining areas outside their front

fence, such as trimming branches over footpaths or
mowing lawns.
While you are enjoying the beautiful weather, please
remember that we are entering the restricted fire
season. Any fire, including lighting fire crackers, can
quickly become a bushfire.
To find out whether you can light a bonfire, go to www. for up-do-date details.
 It is also important to know your rapid number (Rural
Address Property Identification) or street number, and
ensure it is displayed in a prominent place. While you
are gathered around the dinner table with your family,
take the time to create an action plan in the event of            CAROLS
an emergency.                                                     IN THE CHURCH
We are expecting a dry summer, so it is up to all of us to
look after our water supply. Areas on the Christchurch            St SaviourÕ s Church
unchlorinated water supply may need chlorination if               Lyttelton, 7pm - 8pm
the demand exceeds the current unchlorinated well
                                                                  TheyÕ re back! Ò Carols in the Church.Ó
head supply.                                                      A Lyttelton tradition for over 150 years.
                                                                  Interrupted by an earthquake and the church falling down.
At this stage, there are no water restrictions in Akaroa.         Now the church is up. Time to raise the roof in joyful song.
                                                                  Music by The Saints Youth Orchestra. Irish music from The Rice Paddies Ð the
                                                                  best ceilidh band in Lyttelton. Mulled wine to be drunk.
For updates, check the Akaroa Sign or call 0800 800               Prize for best Christmas hat. All welcome.
                                                                  17 WINCHESTER ST, LYTTELTON
Our beach water quality is frequently checked to                  027 8900 308 /

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year                                        LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                        3
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

                                                            Why did you decided to take up the position of
Irreligious Lyttelton Gets a                                vicar of the most Irreligious town in NZ?
New Vicar                                                     To be honest, it was not because I thought I would
                                                              make a difference to Lyttelton's secular inclinations.
Our town holds the title of the most irreligious place in     I was just being selfish, and thinking, “Great coffee
the country according to the last census.                     shops, great views, and the chance to come home,
A tough challenge for the Revd John McLister who              so why not”.
was recently appointed as the new Anglican priest of        So you plan to live in the vicarage?
the Parish of Lyttelton. The Lyttelton Review sat down        Yes, eventually, once it is restored. Also, we
with John to find out why he took on the job.                 would really like to see the grounds of the Church
We’ve talked before, so I know you are originally             become a contemplative space, where people can
from Lyttelton.                                               find a quite spot to relax and reflect in.
  Yes. we came out from Scotland when I was four.           Do you have any other plans for the site?
  My dad was a wharfie. I went to primary school here        St Savours at Holy Trinity really is a beautiful building,
  and to Hagley High like most local kids.                   but we don’t want it to be just a museum piece. It
What was it like growing up in Lyttelton?                    would be great to see it used by the wider Lyttelton
  In the 60s and 70s it was a real working class town. A     community. This week,we will open the doors of the
 lot of this working class culture has rubbed of on me       church for a Christmas carol sing-along, something
 – solidarity in working for human rights; community         we’ve not had in a Lyttelton church since the quakes.
 over the individual; and a certain suspicions of those      We are also changing the Sunday service times to
 in authority.                                               4pm in the afternoon. The reality is for a lot of folk,
                                                                Sunday morning is no longer the best time for
                                                                 The church has been an important part of the
                                                                 fabric of the Lyttelton community. Many locals
                                                                 have been christened and married here, and a
                                                                 number have had there funeral services here too.
                                                                 Even in a secular society, many still wish these
                                                                 transitional moment in life to be handled with
                                                                 dignity and care. People may not be churchgoers
                                                                 but that does not mean they are not spiritual.
                                                                 You are also involved in advocacy work for
                                                                 foreign seafarers.
                                                                 John: Yes, I am also the chairperson of our local
                                                                 Seafarers Centre. Lyttelton is a port town, with
                                                                 about 10,000 foreign seafarers visiting annual.
                                                                 Irreligious or not, Lyttelton has always been a
                                                                 place of welcome and care for seafarers. That’s
                                                                 something church and town can agree on.
                                                                 St Saviours at Holy Trinity
                                                                 17 Winchester Street

                                                                 Vicar John McLister

                                                                 Christmas Carols
                                                                 7pm Friday December 14th
                                                                 Christmas Celebration
                                                                 9.30pm Tuesday December 25th
                                                                 Sunday Gathering
                                                                 from 4pm followed by a light meal from January
                                                                 Article Lyttelton Review

4   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                                           Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

A Door Closes, Another                                    project in Lyttelton”. The Port Saddle Project above
                                                          Urumau Reserve is on land owned by the Lyttelton Port
Opens                                                     Company. BPCT have entered into an arrangement
                                                          with the Port Company to restore this site. “This land
Sophie Returns                                            is now covenanted in perpetuity so it will always be an
                                                          environmental reserve”, she said. Sophie’s role in this
“We had been living on the West Coast for ten years       project is to coordinate volunteers and contractors
and planned to open an Organic Shop in Hokitika.          to carry out the master plan for the site. Currently
The deal fell through and so we decided to return to      that involves a series of native plantings and the
our roots in Christchurch” said Sophie Hartnell.          maintenance work associated with that.
Sophie and partner Hamish Fairbairn moved back to         Further afield she’s organising weed removal in the
Christchurch almost two years ago after living away for   Birdlings Flat area but technically she can be called on
many years. They came with no jobs and unsure what        to help any of the covenanted land holders within the
the future here would look like. “We aren’t daunted by    Peninsula. The BPCT operates right across the entire
new things and certainly don’t mind giving new things     Peninsula from the city side of the Port Hills to the
a try”, she said. Within a short time of moving back      southernmost tip at Akaroa Scenic Reserve near the
from the coast they settled on Lyttelton as the place     opening to Akaroa harbour.
to live, got a house and waited to see what would         Her role as volunteer coordinator seems to link well
unfold.                                                   with connections to schools and organisations who
The work then started to fall into place. Last April      want to give people the opportunity to help out for
Sophie was appointed a part time volunteer co-            the environment. “We have some key helpers who
ordinator for the Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust      come from Lyttelton but for the most I’m working with
and then Hamish got a similar role with Conservation      church, business or school groups who are keen to
Volunteers NZ. For the first year or so Sophie said it    support the environment”.
had been a little difficult to connect in Lyttelton but   Sophie enjoys the flexibility and challenges of trying
that changed at the beginning of this year when she       new things. Originally arts trained she has ventured
spoke to Lillee Star, a former manager of Harbour Co-     into a wide range of activities over the years. She
op. Lillee was stepping down and was looking for          likes the challenge of constantly learning and she’s
new people to take her role. The outcome of that was      enjoying discovering her new place, Lyttelton. “One
Sophie was one of three people appointed to part          of the best things for me is how dog friendly Lyttelton
time roles at Harbour Co-op.                              is”. She’s out in the hills each day enjoying the nature
“That was the break I needed to start to connect          and great walks right on our doorstep.
with Lyttelton people. “Since that appointment I’m           Article Lyttelton Review
meeting locals and feeling at home”, she said. Her
passion for organic food is met with this role.
 “At the Co-op, I’m mostly looking after promotions.
I write the newsletter and think up ways to get more
people engaged with the shop. One of the key things
that I need to get out there is that the shop isn’t
expensive. If you buy in bulk and seasonal Harbour
Co-op is really affordable”.
The role at the Co-op is two days a week. The
remainder of the time she’s focusing on her Banks
Peninsula Conservation Trust work.         The Banks
Peninsula Conservation Trust is a well-known name
around the place but until quite recently there were
very few projects around Lyttelton Harbour. Most of
the work was looking after the covenants on Peninsula
farms. ” BPCT has 67 registered covenants covering
1343 hectares on Banks Peninsula,” Sophie said.
Generally the covenants are held on private land and
are areas that farmers have decided to return to native
“Quite a bit of my work is focused on a restoration

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year                                   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   5
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

Lyttelton’s Seafarers Centre                               International Ports are a highly profitable industry.
A Glimpse of a Seaman’s Life                               In 2017, NZ ports made a total post-tax profit of
                                                           $260 million, paying millions of dollars in dividends
                                                           to the City Councils that own them. Possibly this is
Benji Sator is a seafarer from the Philippines. He         because our ports are well managed? But more
arrives in Lyttelton every 6 weeks on a container ship.    probably, it is because shipping companies are
The first thing Benji wants to do when he arrives          charged huge fees to tie up at NZ wharves, fees
in port is call his wife Maria. He knows she and the       they can afford to pay, because they use cheap
kids will be at home at dinnertime, about 9pm NZ           labour - from the Philippines, India, China, South
time. So, upon arrival, if our Centre is not open,         Korea and other countries to crew their ships.
he will head up to the library and stand in freezing
wind and tell his wife he is fine and his daughter that    Every year, thousands of poorly paid seafarers come
he loves her, as his hands turn blue from the cold.        to our shores on merchant ships to bring goods and
                                                           much needed materials that help make the infra-
While in port, Benji likes to stock up on few personal     structure of New Zealand better for all of us. Yet we
items. There is no bank in Lyttelton, but local            provide them little hospitality when they disembark
businesses will happily exchange the US dollars            from their boats. This is unlike passengers who come
he is paid for NZ dollars at a rate of US$1 for every      on cruise ships and spend millions of dollars in our
NZ$1. Everyone knows there is usually at least 30-         shops. They get the red carpet laid out before them,
35% difference in the exchange rate in favour of           for their comfort and wellbeing. We have a different
the NZ dollar. For every US$100 he breaks, Beni is         standard for the workers, the seafarers. Most ports
$40 out of pocket on the exchange rate alone. That         have virtually nothing to offer by way of hospitality. A
is $40 dollars loss for a man who earns in a month         seafarers’ centre, run on a volunteer basis with huge
what some CEOs of port companies earn in an hour.          time and financial constraints, may or may not be
Last month, he wanted to go to the city, so called         located in port. If one is, maybe it is open for only a few
a taxi. The taxi driver charged him US$100 for a lift      hours, while a vessel could be in port for up to a week.
into town That is 10% of what Benji earns in a month.
A fare to town should cost about NZ$45 dollars.            New Zealand is a signatory to the Maritime Labour
                                                           Convention, an International Labour Organisation
The Lyttelton Seafarers Centre is a place                  (ILO) Treaty signed in 2006. It covers almost every
set up for Benji and his fellow workers. To                aspect of seafarer life and work on board ship,
provide assistance, amenities, care, support               including the provision of shore-based welfare
and most importantly a brief homelike respite.             facilities for seafarers when in port. The Convention
                                                           came into force in New Zealand in March 2017.
While it still only opens for three hours each evening,    Among many other provisions, the Convention
in the 3 years since, we have had over 10,000 visits       recommends that members should take measures to
from seafarers docking in Lyttelton. Five nights a         ensure that ‘adequate welfare facilities and services
week, a volunteer opens the Centre, switches on            are provided for seafarers in designated ports of
the heat pump, and gives an inquiring seafarer our         call.’ However, it makes no mandatory designation
password so they can access our free wi-fi. During         as to who should fund such services, instead
those hours, they don’t need to stand out in the           recommending they come ‘from grants from public
dark and freezing cold anymore. The most common            funds, or levies or other special dues from shipping.’
sound you hear in the Centre these nights is not the
voices of the seamen, but the voices of their wives        At this point, none of this is happening in NZ. Instead,
and children talking from overseas and laughing and        voluntary groupings like the Apostleship of the Sea
chatting on Skype to a husband, a parent, a sibling.       (AoS) and the Mission to Seafarers (MtS) are having
                                                           sausage sizzles, dance nights and raffles to raise
The volunteers who work at the centre recognise            funding to try and keep centres open for seafarers when
seafarers, the poorly paid and often exploited             they call. Secondary students volunteer their evenings
international workforce who leave home and families to     to help with money transfers, purchases of food items,
transport goods by ship to our shores. These are a group   organise internet access for seafarers and strum the
of people we often ignore, sometimes don’t even see.       occasional guitar. Let’s be clear. It is long past time for
A seafarer can be endangered from shipwreck, piracy,       City Councils, who own the ports and make millions of
dangerous work, industrial accidents and exploitation      dollars from them annually, to step up and put some
by employment agents, officers and shipping                solid regular finance towards providing seafarers safe,
companies. Safety and fair wages are worldwide issues.     hospitable and just conditions on shore. After all, port

6   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                                         Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

companies made a total post-tax profit of $260 million
in 2017. Also, there is absolutely no reason why a small
levy (eg $50 – 100) shouldn’t be charged from every
ship that comes into port to help towards funding
such a resource. This dollar amount collected would
be peanuts compared to the more than $20 000 ship
owners can pay to tie up dockside for a 24-hour stay.

This is an issue primarily about the decent
treatment of seafarers. It’s a human rights
issue. A matter of justice - and hospitality.
                                                           HairPort Lounge
In the meantime it's up to us to help where we can,
'Light House' is one small show with its shoulder to       A Lyttel Institution
the wheel that we ask you to join us in the pushing!       Megan Jamieson started her local hair salon business
                                                           in 2015. It had always been her dream to work and live
                                                           locally. The first incarnation of this business was the
   Saturday Dec 22nd Lighhouse                             combination of two businesses, HairPort Lounge, her
   Blue Smoke 7.30pm                                       salon and HairPort Barber.
   Proceeds to assist the Seafarers Centre
                                                           “Coming into 2019, the existing barber is moving out
    Article Lyttelton Seafarers Centre                     of Lyttelton so leaves an exciting opportunity for a like
                                                           minded professional to join the Hairport lounge team,
                                                           “ said Megan. The salon remains open as normal; it
                                                           will just have a change of direction.
Carols returning to Lyttelton                              “Salons run quite differently now” ” said Megan. She
Church                                                     explained that to make businesses more affordable
Interrupted by the earthquakes and the destruction of      often hairdressers share a lease and so a series of small
the town’s historic churches, a Lyttelton tradition for    businesses operate under the same roof. In this model
over 150 years is to be revived.                           hairdressers have a couple of chairs each. The chairs
                                                           can even be sub-let to others! That’s how HairPort
After a seven year absence, carol singing in the church    Lounge operates. The barbers departure means an
is to return to Lyttelton this Christmas season. “We       opportunity opens for someone else to have a chair(s)
haven’t had a carol service in a church here since the     at the salon.
earthquakes,” says the Revd John McLister the new
Anglican vicar in Lyttelton. In the 2011 earthquake,       If you are keen to join this team, Megan is open to any
three of Lyttelton’s historic churches were destroyed,     suggestions. Hipster Barber, new stylist, beautician ….
putting an end to the long standing custom. “Before        “The most important thing to me is keeping things
the quakes, all the local churches had carol services.     local”, she said. If you have a passion for this industry
The midnight Christmas service was a bit of a Lyttelton    and you want to work in Lyttelton Megan is keen to
institution.”                                              hear from you.

Now with the opening of the beautifully restored St        Meantime Megan and Monika look forward to seeing
Saviour’s at Holy Trinity, the church will again welcome   you over summer when you pop into get your new
the local community to the annual carols in the            style, colour or trim. They also wish you all a Merry
Church. “It will be lovely to see this tradition return    Christmas and a Happy New Year.
to Lyttelton, there is something magical about singing
carols in a church surrounded by stained-glass widows         HairPort Lounge
and with candles burning.”                                    Local and Loyal
Carols in the Church, December 14th, 7pm. St Saviour’s     Closed Christmas week but open as normal for the
Church, 17 Winchester St, Lyttelton                        rest of the holiday season.
Music by the The Saints Youth Orchestra. Irish music       For appointments call 02102640146
from The Rice Paddies –the best ceilidh band in
Lyttelton. Mulled wine to be drunk. Prize for best
Christmas hat.
All welcome. 027 8900 308 /

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year                                   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   7
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

Union Steamship Company
House Flag - Part Nine
TEV Maori
Prior to the introduction of TEV Maori the Rangatira       lashing points capable
and Hinemoa had operated on the Wellington/                of holding 100 vehicles.
Lyttelton Steamer Express Service. However, by             In order to allow head
1951 the Rangatira was 25 years old and in line            room the after end of the
with the progressive policy of the Union Company a         upper deck (Deck C) was
replacement ship was being considered. In April 1951       also stripped of cabins
it was announced that an order had been placed with        reducing      passenger
Vickers Armstrong for another turbo-electric steamer       accommodation          by
which would be larger than either the Hinemoa or           160. A stern door was
Rangatira. Something a little over 8,000 tons was          manufactured in Japan and a lateral thrust unit was
planned.                                                   fitted near the bow to assist with maneuvering the
                                                           vessel alongside.
The new ship was to be called Maori, thus reviving the
name of one of the foundation steamers of 174 tons
and also that of the first steamer specially designed
                                                           TEV Maori after conversion to RO-RO
for the service. The new vessel was expected to have
                                                           During 1966 she made 153 visits to Lyttelton with
accommodation for 966 passengers and in addition
                                                           459,000 tons of cargo.
to general cargo would be able to carry 72 motor
vehicles. The launching date was set for 27 December       After the Wahine disaster in April 1968 the Maori
1952 with the ceremony to be performed by H.R.H.           was forced to carry out the work of two ships, a task
Princess Margaret, the Sister of Her Majesty the           that frequently involved travelling from Wellington to
Queen.                                                     Lyttelton and back in the same day. At times when
                                                           there was a greater number of cars than the Maori
The first trials of the Maori were disappointing as she
                                                           could carry the Kawatiri, an old collier which had been
was well below her design speed. This was corrected
                                                           laid up for years, was brought back into service to
by a change in propeller pitch. She departed
                                                           transport the excess vehicles.
Newcastle-on-Tyne on 11 October 1953 bound for
Wellington New Zealand, via Curacao, Panama and            Her last sailing on the inter-island steamer express
Tahiti. On arrival in Wellington on 15 December 1953,      service took place on 27 March 1972. At this time
the Dominion Newspaper reported that her interior          the new Rangatira entered the service. However, the
fittings gave the illusion of a luxury yacht.              Maori was brought back into service temporarily in
                                                           September 1972 when the Rangatira suffered engine
Launching of TEV Maori
Her measurements were 425 feet long with a beam
of 63 feet making her 25 ft longer than the Hinemoa        The people in New Zealand had such fond memories
and 5 ft wider. She had two de-lure cabins, six two        of the Maori that all kinds of ideas were discussed
berth cabins with showers and toilets attached, three      in order to keep her. At one stage it was suggested
one berth cabins with showers and toilets attached,        that she should be used as a floating hotel at the
thirty-nine ordinary one berth cabins, two hundred         Christchurch Commonwealth Games, turned into a
and thirty-five two berth cabins, thirty-one three berth   trade fair venue and even a power generating plant.
cabins, seventy-five four berth cabins and four twelve     At one stage the evangelical group, Youth with a
berth cabins                                               Mission, put a deposit on her, but they could not raise
                                                           the buying price. What a wonderful floating hotel and
Engine Room Controls onboard TEV Maori
                                                           tourist attraction it would have made berthed on one
On 27 December1953 she made her maiden voyage
                                                           of the old wharves in Lyttelton at the present time.
to Lyttelton.
                                                           In the end she was sold to the Yung Tai Steel and Iron
In April 1965 she was withdrawn from service and
                                                           Company of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 1974 and broken
converted to a roll-on, roll-off vessel at the Taikoo
                                                           up at Kaohsiung.
Dockyard, Hong Kong. At the time this was the largest
conversion attempted. The greater part of the main
                                                             Article Ship’s Telegraph 6-18 Clive Keightley
deck (Deck D) and the aft end of the lower deck
(Deck E) became a two level garage complete with

8   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                                          Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

                                                            Does your local biodiversity
                                                            project need support?
                                                            In Canterbury there are 10 community-led water
                                                            zone committees who work collaboratively to
                                                            identify freshwater priorities and challenges and make
                                                            recommendations to councils to address these.

Plastic Free July Webinar - 13                              Each water zone committee has $100,000 a year to
                                                            allocate to biodiversity projects in their zone to restore
December                                                    local ecosystems and improve water quality. Projects
                                                            can include anything from fencing off wetlands, to
From a humble office initiative in Western Australia
                                                            planting native trees or clearing pest vegetation to
to a widespread environmental movement the Plastic
                                                            protect native bat populations. Visit
Free July challenge has seen over three million
                                                            biodiversity for more information.
people from 177 countries sign up to reduce single-
use plastic.
In New Zealand an estimated 250,000 individuals as
                                                            Old Salts Christmas Luncheon
well as councils, businesses, community organisations,      Tuesday 11th December 2018
schools and universities participated in Plastic Free       It's that time of year again when the Old Salts Christmas
July this year.                                             Luncheon is being held at Naval Point Club Lyttelton.
WasteMINZ invites you to join Plastic Free July founder     You don't have to be old or retired, you just need to
Rebecca Prince-Ruiz to explore the campaign and how         be hungry and social. Bar opens at midday and food
it can help your community to reduce plastic waste.         will be served around 1pm.

This webinar will provide a detailed insight into the       This Old Salts luncheon is special, its our Christmas
campaign and how it demonstrates best practice              get together, which means that you are welcome to
in behaviour change program design and delivery             bring your wife / partner.
including measuring impact for waste reduction.             The meal is a 2 course Christmas themed meal, for
It’s also an opportunity for you to ask questions, give     the cost of $30 per person or (if you bring your wife/
feedback and learn how you can get involved.                partner) $50 per couple. This price also includes a
                                                            free glass of wine or an orange juice.
When: Thursday 13 December, 2 pm
                                                            It is important that you let us know if you are
Where: Online via webinar                                   attending for numbers for catering. Payment is to
Visit:                    be taken on the day in cash, you can obtain a cash
register/9140516533891994626                                out using your debt/credit or Eftpos card at the bar.

Cognitive Impairment and                                    Want to put your name on the list to attend? Then
                                                            please   click  here   https://www.surveymonkey.
Wandering                                                   com/r/5HJSYPL to confirm your attendance.
Do you know someone who suffers from a cognitive
impairment who has a tendency to wander and get             If you have any questions please feel free to contact the
disorientated or lost? WanderSearch Canterbury              NPCL office on or 03 328 7029.
Charitable Trust can assist. Since 2010 WanderSearch
Canterbury have been working with the community to          Squash Bookings- 2nd Court
help keep such vulnerable people safe, by providing
tracking devices that help locate them quickly if needed.   Opens
They currently have an increased supply of devices for      Bookings can be made by phoning (03) 941 8999
purchase or loan to people who need these.                  or 0800 800 169 or in person at the Lyttelton
Email Linda today if you would like to find out more        Customer      Services,
about how these devices can protect your loved one:         18 Canterbury Street or phone 021 239 8946              (corner of London and
                                                            Canterbury Streets).
Old for New                                                 Costs: $15.00 per hour
                                                            (adults), $10.00 per
A date for your diary. January 9th Coastguard Lifejacket    hour (children).

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year                                    LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   9
Christmas Message Lyttelton Gets a New Vicar Rose Show - IN THIS EDITION

Advertising in the Review                                 LIFT Library
Since the inception of the Lyttelton Review we have       Do you know this amazing library is located at the
been very generous with advertising. Any one off          Recreation Centre 25 Winchester Street? For a once
advertisements for businesses have generally been         off $20 membership fee you can loan specialist books
published free. Advertisers are encouraged to make a      from the extensive collection. Topics include politics,
donation to our organisation.                             economics, environmental matters, sustainability,
                                                          gardening, community development etc. The library
To be a permanently listed business in the directory
                                                          is open Monday to Friday 10-4pm and Saturday
and have articles written about your business we have
                                                          morning 10-2pm.
a yearly membership fee of $115 including GST. If you
would like to have a yearly listing please contact us     There is also a series of film screenings. Keep an eye and we will forward our     out for posters in town.
membership application.
                                                          L= LE, I= Inspiration, F= Facts, T= Transition (LE=
                                                          Living Economies – )
Free Te Reo Classes                                       25           Winchester     Street,        Lyttelton
Weekly Te Reo classes are starting on Monday 26           021       899      404   or     03    328      7272
November. These classes are run by Fush restaurant
owner, Anton Matthews. These classes are designed to
teach people the tools to make basic conversation in      Norman Kirk Memorial Pool
Te Reo fun and informal in a supportive environment.
                                                          The Christchurch City Council is now selling season
To begin with, there will be four classes before
                                                          memberships for the Norman Kirk Memorial Pool,
Christmas. Click here to register.
                                                          which can be purchased by calling their contact centre
Where: Turanga Library, Central City                      (open 24/7) on 941 8999. The swimming season is
                                                          underway on November 17.
When: Mondays, 8pm-9pm
                                                          The price this season has increased slightly to $160
Cost: Free
                                                          per household, and there will be a replacement fee
                                                          of $50 in case they are lost. After payment the CCC
Affordable Fruit and                                      swim team will once again ask that each key holder
Vegetables                                                attends an on-site induction to give our team a chance
                                                          to remind you of the all-important health and safety
Coordinated by the Timebank
                                                          stuff after which we will reactivate your key.
Lyttelton locals have access
to a fabulous weekly supply                               A date for the diary: this summer’s pool party is
of fresh fruit and vegetables.                            January 13.
Bags are $6 or $12. Each                                  If you have any queries please contact Rowan Foley
week is a lucky dip but more                              03 941 6901 or
and more people are finding
out that this is such good
value for money and good for your health.
                                                          Holiday Hours -Lyttelton
Now located at the Lyttelton Recreation Centre – 25       Service Centre
Winchester Street Lyttelton it’s much easier to collect   Our opening hours at Lyttleton Service Centre over
your produce. Jan Cooper looks forward to seeing          the festive season:
you Wednesday afternoon from 12.30. Vegetables
                                                          Opening hours: Monday – Friday 10am – 6pm
can be collected Wednesday 12- 4pm and Thursday
10-4pm. Veggies are paid in advance weekly. If you        Closed: 25 December 2018 – 2 January 2019
would like to sign up please get in touch with Jill       Our contact centre is open 24 hours, seven days a
Larking 0272374960.                                       week. For inquiries, phone 941 8999.
The last order for 2018 will be December 19th.
                                                          LPC - Marine piling for cruise
We’re Working in your Area                                berth about to begin
22 Godley Quay from 1 December to 20 December
                                                          With marine piling on the cruise berth project
                                                          starting soon, we have finalised our Marine Mammal
Repairs to the red stone retaining wall and planting of   Management Plan (MMMP). This plan sets out how
the exposed bank will commence.                           Lyttelton Port Company and the contractor involved

10   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                                     Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

will manage potential noise effects     January. Please plan any boat               This small financial contribution
on marine mammals, particularly         shifting requirements around these          supports buying small gifts for our
Hector’s Dolphins.                      dates.                                      guest speakers, and assist with the
                                                                                    running of other events. We also
The plan is a result of a               Our Haul Out Manager, Dan Fishkin
                                                                                    sometimes get invited to special
collaboration with some of New          is now contactable on either
                                                                                    events with limited numbers and
Zealand's leading marine mammal or 03
                                                                                    these are available to current
scientists, marine acousticians         328 8067.
                                                                                    members only. Other benefits
and underwater noise modelling
specialists.                            Little Ship Club                            of membership can be found on
                                                                                    our website. If you are not sure
We've also been fortunate to have       Canterbury Join the                         if you have paid then drop me
input from the Department of            Club! The best fun you'll have              an email and I can let you know.
Conservation on the plan. Their         for $20!!                                   Your $20.00 payment can be
review and advice has been greatly
                                        Its time to pay $20 again! Our              made in to our bank account
                                        membership year runs from 1                 number 03 0802 0094950 00. Or
You can read a copy of the plan         October - 30 September. We don't            in cash directly to our treasurer
at       send subs invoices out, so if you'd         Paula at our next meeting.
media/files/MMMP%20for%20               like to renew for the upcoming year         Please also drop us an email to let
cruise%20berth%20Nov%20                 please send your $20 through now.           us know your details.

                                                                                                                       (03) 741 1427
Dog Training                                                                                               7 Dublin Street, Lyttelton
                                                                                                          PO Box 121, Lyttelton 8841
Lyttleton is a great place to live                                                
if you own a dog or love dog
walking. If you do either and would
like to learn more about positive
reinforcement training, how to
successfully use a clicker, raise an
emotionally robust puppy, and key
steps to ensuring your dog is happy
and well socialised come along to
training and doggie conversation
class in New Brighton (another
community of dog lovers). For                    Do you have a team meeting or event that needs to be catered for?
further information phone Rachel
on 021811228. Discounted puppy                         We can provide you with anything from soups, salads,
classes leading up to Christmas-                            savouries or sweets, all hand-made in our
suitable for puppies aged 12-24                                        commercial kitchen.
                                                         Catering can be provided for small or large groups.
Trainer Credentials: MSc Zoology,
Veterinary Nursing Certificate,                       All profits go toward running our services to support the
Post-graduate Certificate in Clinical                                   Lyttelton community.
Animal Behaviour (Edinburgh
University), currently completing a
Delta Dog Training Program (Delta                                         $9 per person
Society Australia)                                                for morning & afternoon teas

                                                                          $14 per person
                                                                           for lunches
Naval Point
The last day for haulouts this year            Please let us know 1 week in advance of your catering order by emailing
will be Wedneday 19 December             or calling 03 741 1427
and will reopen on Monday 21

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year                                      LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                 11

     Rose Show

     LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224            Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

                                         Farewell Hannah
                                         Lyttelton Community House clients, volunteers and
                                         board are sad to announce Hannah will be leaving
                                         her role at LCH from the 18th December. Hannah has
                                         been a fantastic advocate for LCH and the work we
                                         do. Her energy and enthusiasm for community and
                                         social work will be missed however we all wish her well
                                         for her future endeavours.
                                         LCH will appoint a new person to the role in the coming
                                         weeks and we will introduce this person in due course.
                                         In the meantime, rest assured LCH continues to move
                                         from strength to strength. We had a difficult stretch
                                         and funding constraints in 2016/17 which pushed us
                                         to rethink our staffing levels in order to stay open.
                                         Fortunately, those days are behind us and we have
                                         continued to operate effectively with little disruption
                                         to services.
                                         We continue to provide a drop-in service where
                                         people come and enjoy meals, cups of tea and social
                                         In the last two years we have noticed a jump in the
                                         need to support people with their housing difficulties
                                         so if you know someone who needs support in this
                                         area let us know and we may be able to be of service
                                         and are practiced now in the processes.
                                         Our daily meal service continues. Meals are delivered
                                         three times a week covering five days’ worth of meals.
                                         These meals are cooked in our commercial kitchen
                                         and delivered by volunteers. We’d like to take this
                                         opportunity to thank our volunteers, some of whom
                                         have been delivering since the project began post-
                                         The commercial kitchen is a boon for LCH and please
                                         know we offer catering services for gatherings. We
                                         can provide morning and afternoon teas, light meals
                                         and food for most occasions. All proceeds from
                                         these catering services helps keep LCH a functioning
                                         provider of social services in the township and wider
                                         harbour basin.
                                         Once again, we wish Hannah all the best for her future.
                                              Thea Mickell
                                              Board Chair LCH
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year                 LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   13

                    You're invited to bring your suitcase of
                     goodies to our first one for summer!

                                 ALBION SQUARE
                                   DEC 15TH

                       Find us on facebook - Lyttelton Time Bank
14   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224            Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year            LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   15



         IN THE CHURCH
         St SaviourÕ s Church
         Lyttelton, 7pm - 8pm
         TheyÕ re back! Ò Carols in the Church.Ó
         A Lyttelton tradition for over 150 years.
         Interrupted by an earthquake and the church falling down.
         Now the church is up. Time to raise the roof in joyful song.
         Music by The Saints Youth Orchestra. Irish music from The Rice Paddies Ð the
         best ceilidh band in Lyttelton. Mulled wine to be drunk.
         Prize for best Christmas hat. All welcome.

         027 8900 308 /
16   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                     Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year            LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   17

     Sumner Road and St Davids Street retaining wall re-facing

       From Wednesday 12 December 2018 for about six months, we will be re-facing the
       Summer Road and St Davids Street retaining walls with red-rock stone.
       Work will be carried out between 7:00am and 6:00pm.

     Traffic Impacts:                         Lane closure during December
     From Wednesday 12
     December for four weeks, a
     temporary lane closure will be
     in place on St Davids Street,
     between houses 6 to 17. There                  Da
     will be no access to Sumner                             sS
     Road from this intersection at                                   et
     St Davids Street.
     A priority give way will also
     be in place during this time                                             Sumner Road
     on Sumner Road, between
     houses 51 to 53. No parking
     cones will be set up the
     weekend prior to ensure                                               Key:
     vehicles are kept away from                                                               No entry
                                                                              Work area
     our work area.
     From the beginning of January for four and half months, we will have a lane closure in
     place on St Davids Street, from Sumner Road intersection to 53 St Davids Street. A no entry
     will therefore be in place east on St Davids Street at this intersection. Traffic will be detoured via
     Reserve Terrace and Sumner Road.
     No parking will be allowed along this section of road during this time.

     Lane closure from early January for four months
                                                                                      Please note:
                                                                                      Access to residents’ properties
                                                                                      will be maintained at all times.
                                                                                      We may need to restrict access
                                       St Davids Street resident access               to other parts of the road next
                                       will be maintained at all times.
                                                                                      year to continue work. We
                                                                                      will keep you updated of any
                                            St Davids Street
                                                 Sumner Road                            Work area
                                                                                          No entry

18    LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                                             Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

                                                                                      Additional info:
                                                                                      During the Canterbury
                                                                                      Earthquakes, a number of
                                                                                      red rock retaining walls were
                                                                                      damaged beyond repair and
                                                                                      were generally replaced with
                                                                                      reinforced concrete ones.
                                                                                      The objective of this project
                                                                                      is to reface the Sumner Road
                                                                                      and St Davids Street retaining
                                                                                      walls with original red rock, to
                                                                                      restore some historic context.

                                                                                      Left: Red rock re-facing.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding as we carry out this work.

                   General Information:
                                       Please contact Fulton Hogan on 0800 762 334 if you have any
                                       specific access requirements e.g. nurse/doctor visits, Meals on
                                       Wheels or planned works on your property.

                                                            There will be increased noise, dust and
                                                            vibration levels.

                                   All works are subject to favourable weather and on-site
                                   construction conditions.

                                   Your rubbish and recycling will not change. Please put your bins
                                   in their normal spot by 5:00pm the night before collection and our
                                   crew will move and return them if needed.
                                   Safety is our number one priority - safety is your responsibility too.
                                   Stay clear and stay alert. Please keep children and pets at a safe
                                   distance from the work site.

                                       Need more information?
                                       For more information on this work, please feel
                                       free to get in touch. We are happy to help.
                                       Phone: Fulton Hogan on 0800 762 334 or email

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year                                        LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   19

TUESDAY DECEMBER 11TH                                         TUESDAY DECEMBER 18TH
 Lyttelton Club                                        7pm     Lyttelton Club                                          7pm
 Tuesday Evening Housie                                        Evening Housie
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12TH                                        Wunder Bar                                              7pm
 Lyttelton Arms                                      5-7pm     Open mic night
 Happy Hour
                                                              WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19TH
 Lyttelton Arts Factory                                6pm     Lyttelton Arms                                       5-7pm
 Junior Drama Little Red Riding Hood                           Happy Hour
 Lyttelton Arts Factory                                7pm    THURSDAY DECEMBER 20TH
 Intermediate Drama A Christmas                                Lyttelton Arms                                       5-7pm
                                                               Happy Hour
 Wunder Bar                                            8pm
 Cecile Turbine and Jane McArthur                              Lyttelton Arts Factory                                  8pm
                                                               Golden Goose
 Lyttelton Arms                                      5-7pm     Lyttelton Club                                  5-6 7-8pm
 Happy Hour                                                    Happy Hour
 Lyttelton Arts Factory                                6pm    FRIDAY DECEMBER 21ST
 Junior Drama Little Red Riding Hood                           Civil & Naval                                             pm
                                                               Kitchen Collective, Willy & Jules, Byllie Jean
 Lyttelton Arts Factory                                7pm     DJ Styles
 Intermediate Drama A Christmas
                                                               Lyttelton Arms                                       5-7pm
 Lyttelton Club                                  5-6 7-8pm     Happy Hour
 Happy Hour
                                                               Lyttelton Arts Factory                                  8pm
FRIDAY DECEMBER 14TH                                           Against the Head
 Lyttelton Arms                                      5-7pm
 Happy Hour                                                    Lyttelton Club                                       4-6pm
                                                               Happy Hour
 Lyttelton Club                                      4-6pm
 Happy Hour                                                   SATURDAY DECEMBER 22TH
                                                               Lyttelton Arms                                       5-7pm
SATURDAY DECEMBER 15TH                                         Happy Hour
 Lyttelton Arms                                      8.45pm
 Happy Hour                                                    Lyttelton Arts Factory                                  8pm
                                                               Golden Goose
 Lyttelton Arts Factory                              7.30pm
 LAF Xmas Quiz                                                 Lyttelton Crafts & Treasure                          9-1pm
                                                               Collets Corner
 Lyttelton Crafts & Treasure                         9-1pm
 Collets Corner                                                Lyttelton Farmers Market                           10-1pm
 Lyttelton Farmers Market                            10-1pm    Lyttelton’s Retro Art and Craft Bazaar               9-1pm
 Lyttelton’s Retro Art and Craft Bazaar              9-1pm     Lyttelton Seafarers                                 7.30pm
                                                               Benefit Concert Blue Smoke
 Eruption Brewing                                             SUNDAY DECEMBER 23RD
 Sunday Afternoon – Brad Grainger Trio               3-6pm     Albion Square                                           7pm
                                                               Community Xmas Carols
 Lyttelton Arms                                      5-7pm
 Happy Hour                                                    Eruption Brewing                                     3-6pm
                                                               Willy Mc Arthur
                                                               Lyttelton Arms                                       5-7pm
                                                               Happy Hour

20   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                                        Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

COMING UP:                                           GALLERIES:
Wunderbar Dec 27th                                   Lyttelton Information Centre
Last Laughs - End of 2018 Giggles and Grooves        Open Monday to Saturday 10-4pm Sunday 11-3pm
Lyttelton Coffee Company Dec 30th
Orchestra of Spheres Delany Davidson, Bruce Russel   Stoddart Cottage Diamond Harbour
DJ Rory                                              December Exhibition Gifted – A Exhibition of new work
January 6th Spirit of Adventure Public Open Day      by Artists and Craftspeople from around the Harbour.
                                                     Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10am - 4pm
January 9th Coastguard Lifejacket upgrade.
January 16-20 Noelex 22 - 50th Anniversary Sailing
at Naval Point
January 13th Summer Pool Party Lyttelton
Swimming Pool
January 17-26 LAF Our Town
Dec/Jan Feb Summertimes

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year                           LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   21

 Community Activities in and around the Harbour this Week
MONDAY                                                    Lyttelton Community Garden
 Community Choir                                          10am Every Wednesday. Meet at the garden
 7.30pm Union Chapel, Winchester Street, Lyttelton.       behind the Lyttelton Pool in Oxford Street. For
 All welcome. Jillie 021 152 8068                         more information 328 9243
 Diamond Harbour Yoga                                     Lyttelton Cubs
 6.30pm - 8pm                                             6.30pm
 General Class, Diamond Harbour Rugby Rooms               Contact Ruth Targus 021 259 3086
 Lyttelton Scouts                                         Lyttelton Garage Sale
 Every second Monday 6.30-8pm                             10.30am 54a Oxford Street, Lyttelton
 Contact Ruth Targus 021 259 3086                         Second Hand Bargains and more.
                                                          Lyttelton Harbour Fruit and Vegetable
TUESDAY                                                   Collective
 Community House                                          Trading between 12.30 and 2.45pm
 Shared Lunch 12.00pm 7 Dublin Street                     at the Lyttelton Recreation Centre, 25 Winchester,
 Make new friends                                         Street Lyttelton
 Diamond Harbour Yoga                                     Contact Jill Larking for more info 027 237 4960
 6am - 7am                                                Lyttelton Library Wednesdays Knit and Yarn
 Early Bird Class                                         10.00-12.00pm
 Diamond Harbour Stage Rooms
                                                          Lyttelton Play Group
 Lyttelton Library Storytimes                             Lyttelton Playgroup
 11.00-11.30am                                            At Kidsfirst Lyttelton
 Lyttelton Yoga                                           12,30pm- 2.30pm
 9.30am - 10.45am                                         33 Winchester St Lyttelton
 6.30pm - 8pm, Scouts Den Lyttelton                       Call 03 328 8689 for more information
 Contact Rebecca Boot 021 071 0336                        Harbour Yoga Vinyasa
 Diamond Harbour Bridge Club                              6pm-7.15pm. 021 882 403
 1.20pm for 1.30pm start                                  Gentle Class, Trinity Hall
 Diamond Harbour Football Club Rooms. $4 table
 For more information call 329 4868 or 329 4149          THURSDAY
                                                          Community House Flat Walking Group.
 Lyttelton St John Youth Division
 6.00pm St John Ambulance Station
                                                          Contact Hannah Sylvester. Ph: 741 1427
 52 London St, Lyttelton
                                                          Diamond Harbour Yoga
 St Joseph the Worker R.C.Church
                                                          6am - 7am Early Bird Class
 9am Mass 21 Exeter Street, Lyttelton
                                                          Diamond Harbour Stage Rooms
 All Welcome More information call 384 1600
                                                          Governors Bay Volunteer Fire Brigade
WEDNESDAY                                                 7.00pm Governors Bay Fire Station
 Diamond Harbour Bridge Club                              Weekly Training, New Members Welcome
 Bowling Club Rooms. All welcome                          Lyttelton Garage Sale
 6.40pm for a 6.50 start                                  10.30am 54a Oxford Street, Lyttelton
 Partner finder - Carolyn Craw. Ph 329 4684               Second Hand Bargains and more.
 Diamond Harbour Singers                                  Lyttelton Volunteer Fire Brigade
 7.30 - 9.00pm                                            7.00pm Lyttelton Fire Station
 Every Wednesday in Stage Room of Community               Weekly Training, New Members Welcome
 Hall. All welcome. Contact Margie 329 3331
                                                          Stoddart Cottage Gallery Craft Co-op
 Diamond Harbour Yoga                                     Meets monthly on the third Thursday 4pm at
 6am - 7am                                                Stoddart Cottage. For more information contact
 Early Bird Class. Diamond Harbour Stage Rooms            Secretary Ann Skelton See also
                                                          our Facebook page.

22   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224                                  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

 Community Activities in and around the Harbour this Month
FRIDAY                                                    Lyttelton Harbour Business Association
  Diamond Harbour Yoga                                    For more information contact:
  6am - 7am
  Gentle Class                                            Lyttelton Museum Historical Society
  Diamond Harbour Rugby Rooms                             Contact Wendy McKay
  Lyttelton Garage Sale
  10.30am 54a Oxford Street,                              Lyttelton Netball Club
  Lyttelton Second Hand Bargains and more.                Contact Flo McGregor
  Lyttelton Library Fridays Babytimes
  10.30-11.00am                                           Lyttelton Rugby Club
                                                          For details visit the club Facebook Page or contact
  Lyttelton Yoga                                          the club’s Rugby Manager
  9.30am - 10.45am                               021 111 6069
  Scouts Den Lyttelton
  Contact Rebecca Boot 021 071 0336                       Little Ship Club Canterbury
                                                          We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month usually
SATURDAY                                                  at Naval Point Club Lyttelton from 7.00pm. The club
  Lyttelton Farmers Market                                has regular guest speakers and undertakes a large
  10.00am London Street,                                  range of activities that increase the knowledge and
  Lyttelton Fresh produce, Live Music, Buskers and More   skills and enjoyment of its members and for the
                                                          benefit of yachting generally. All welcome
  Lyttelton Garage Sale                         
  10.00am 54a Oxford Street, Lyttelton
  Second Hand Bargains and more.                          Lyttelton Time Bank
                                                          1-4pm Wednesday, 10-4pm Thursday, 1-4pm Friday
  Lyttelton Harbour Bazaar Market                         Lyttelton Recreation Centre 25 Winchester St Lyttelton
  10.00am No 6 London St. Artists, Bric a Brac and More   328 9243
  Harbour Yoga
                                                          Lyttelton Toy Library
  9am Trinity Hall, Lyttelton Rec Centre
                                                          Located at the Lyttelton Rec Centre Squash Court
SUNDAY                                                    25 Winchester St. Open each fortnight on Saturday
  St Saviour’s at Holy Trinty                             morning 10-12 noon. For more information
  17 Winchester Street                                    see Facebook Lytttelton Toy Library or email
  10.00am Service with Holy Communion            or
  All Welcome                                             call Helen 021 075 4826

                                                          Naval Point Old Salts Lunch
GROUPS                                                    The Old Salts Lunch is being held on the 2nd
Banks Peninsula Community Board                           Tuesday of every 2nd month with the next one being
10am Second Monday Each Month                             held next Tuesday, 10th February starting @ 12:00
Meetings Open to the Public                               with 2 course lunch commencing @ 12:45.
                                                          Contact Barry Bowater 329 4828 or 0272743520
Bay Harbour Toastmasters
6.30pm. Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month          Narcotics Anonymous Lyttelton Meeting
Lyttelton Community Board Room, 25 Canterbury St          6:30 Monday
Contact: Jann Meehan, 021 263 1040                        Community House. 5 Dublin St.
Diamond Harbour Civil Defence                             6.30 Thursday
7.00pm Third Wednesday of the month.                      25 Canterbury Street
Community Church Diamond Harbour                          www
Contact: Wendy Coles 0211541434
Governors Bay Civil Defence                               St Joseph the Worker R.C.Church
7.00pm Third Wednesday of the month.                      5.30pm Mass 3rd Sunday of the month. Parish House
Governors Bay Fire Station Contact                        21 Exeter Street Lyttelton. Ph: 384 1600
Contact: Ian Palmer 3299 160

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year                                LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   23
thelytteldirector y                                  2017 your call to support local businesses around the harbour
                                                                                                                 2014 | 2015

B@B Settlers Retreat                                          021 186 3220 
153 Main Road, Governors Bay                                  021 144 2979           Hosts: John and Gaynor Thacker

Black Kiwi                                                    028 401 8720           jmimab@hotmail
Apartment, 78a Reserve Terrace, Lyttelton                                            Host: Jemima

Dockside Accommodation                                        021 152 3083 
22 Sumner Road, Lyttelton

Governors Bay Bed and Breakfast                               03 329 9727  
Governors Bay Road, Governors Bay                                                    Host: Eva

Governors Bay Hotel                                           03 329 9433  
52 Main Road, Governors Bay                                   021 611 820            Host: Jeremy and Clare

Harbour Lodge                                                              
1 Selwyn Road, Lyttelton                                      027 242 7886 

Little River Camping Ground                                   03 325 1014  
287 Okuti Valley, Little River                                021 611 820            Host: Marcus

Orton Bradley Park Camper Van Stay                            03 329 4730  
Marine Drive, Charteris Bay                                                          Host: Ian

The Rookery                                                   03 328 8038  
9 Ross Terrace, Lyttelton                                                            Host: Rene and Angus

 Dark Star Ale House and Cafe                                  03 329 3245  
 Waipapa Avenue Diamond Harbour                                                       Host: Donna and Martin

 Fishermans Wharf                                              03 328 7530  
 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton                                                              Host: PJ

 Lyttelton Top Club                                            03 328 8740  
 21 Dublin Street, Lyttelton

 Roots Restaurant                                              03 328 7658  
 8 London Street, Lyttelton                                                           Meet: Giulio and Christy

24   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224
thelytteldirector y                     2017 your call to support local businesses around the harbour

Black Cat Cruises | Quail Island Adventure       03 328 9078  
B-Jetty, Lyttelton Wharf [Below Oxford Street]   0800 436 574

Christchurch Gondola                             03 384 0310  
10 Bridle path Road, Heathcote valley

International Antarctic Centre                   0508 736 4846
38 Orchard Road, Christchurch Airport

Jack Tar Sailing                                 03 389 9259  
Dampier Bay Marina, Lyttelton                    027 435 5239           Skipper: Mike Rossouw

Orton Bradley Park                               03 329 4730  
Marine Drive, Charteris Bay

Naval Point Club                                 03 328 7029  
Our Ocean Water Sports Club                      027 379 9212

Lyttelsoft                                       03 328 8671 
Specialising in Accounting Software                                    Meet: Penny Mercer

Real Homes New Zealand Limited                   03 390 3393 
PO Box 94, Lyttelton                             021 224 6637          Real Estate Agent: Lynnette Baird

Saunders & Co                                    03 940 2435 
1063 Ferry Road, Ferrymead                       022 133 6963

Honey Comb                                                   
34 London Street Lyttelton                       03 328 8859           or see our facebook page

Lyttelton Health Centre                          328 7309    
18 Oxford Street Lyttelton

                                                                LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   25


                             Albion Square
                         Sunday December 23rd

            Come along and join in the fun
           If weather inclement this event
              will be at the Lyttelton Fire

26   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224            Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

   Stoddart Cottage Gallery Presents…

   An Exhibition of
   New Work by
   Artists & Craftspeople
   from around
   Lyttelton Harbour
   Stoddart Cottage Gallery
   Diamond Harbour
   Gallery Open 10 am to 4 pm
   Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays throughout December 2018
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year           LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224   27

28   LYTTELTON REVIEW • December 2018 • Issue: 224          Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
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