VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience

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VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience
FALL 2020                                                    VOLUME 30/NO. 4

            Empowering children and families to experience the
             transforming love of Christ through wholistic care.
VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience
A   word                 FROM OPERATIONS
                       Dr. Kevin Egan, Chief Operating Officer
                       Florida United Methodist Children’s Home

   Well it’s certainly no secret that 2020 has seen more than its fair share of challenges with the current pandemic being at
   the forefront of everything we do. The Children’s Home has been navigating the challenges associated with COVID-19
   while continuing to ensure that there are as few disruptions to services as possible. Our Facilities Team has done an
   exceptional job of maintaining the cottages and other buildings while making sure the youth have the best possible
   living spaces. Because we have limited access to the campus for the most part, except for essential services, our team
   has risen to the challenge of increased demands on their time. It has also limited our ability to move forward with
   some of our capital projects.

   After being closed the last three months of the 2019 - 2020 school year, Legacy Scholars Academy (LSA) opened its
   doors for the 2020 - 2021, serving our middle and high school students. Our elementary aged students began this
   academic year by distance learning but have since safely returned to school. Volusia County Schools has been an
   outstanding collaborative and supportive partner, ensuring our students are able to continue their studies. Youth at
   the Madison Youth Ranch are back to attending school in that county after a period of studying remotely. Despite the
   challenges of the pandemic, In As Much, our early childhood education development program is thriving and we are
   continuing to see increases in enrollment.

   Our Support Services Team, including the Commissary and Food Services, has been outstanding in meeting the
   challenges of the past months. They have provided support to direct care staff in our Emergency Shelter by preparing
   meals that can be reheated and served, allowing the staff to have more time to focus on the youth. The Support
   Services Team has also worked with cottage staff to modify how they get groceries and supplies to the cottages while
   maximizing the safety of all.

   Our Foster Care Team has deftly navigated the pandemic and they have not experienced any significant issues due to
   COVID-19. The Foster Care staff continues to provide excellent support for our foster parents, ensuring the children
   in our care are living in a safe and happy environment. As we head into 2021, we are prayerful that the pandemic
   will leave us behind and we can begin to get back to the projects we have in the works for both the Enterprise and
   Madison Campuses.

   Dr. Kevin Egan, Chief Operating Officer
   Florida United Methodist Children’s Home

                           Decorating the Christmas tree in one of our cottages

2 THE HERALD                                                                                                     VOLUME 30/NO.4
VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience

  Many of our youth and staff recently participated
  in a Day Of Service. The Day Of Service is a special
  day when youth from the Children’s Home go
  out into the local community and help others
  with projects. Rev. Madeline Luzinski, Director of
  Pastoral Care, has set up many of these service days
  in the past but has had to postpone days planned
  earlier in the year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  For this Day Of Service, our youth were able to        Teamwork makes tree trimming easy
  participate while taking the necessary precautions
  like distancing where possible as well as wearing
  masks and gloves. Community members who had
  projects for our helpful and enthusiastic youth
         • All Saints Episcopal Church, Enterprise
         • Barnett Memorial United Methodist
            Church, Enterprise
         • Deltona Alliance Church, Deltona
         • Enterprise Elementary School, Enterprise
         • Enterprise Preservation Society, Enterprise
                                                         Assembling Halloween treat bags for other children
         • First United Methodist Church Sanford,

  Our youth performed projects like weeding,
  landscaping, cleaning, and gardening. They also
  helped unload donated items from a truck and then
  assembled Halloween treat bags for other children
  who attended a Trunk or Treat event. “Events
  like this empower our youth to see themselves as
  capable or serving and giving to others. They always
  come back excited and asking when they can do it
  again,” said Rev. Luzinski.                            Removing the weeds in the crack before pressure washing

FLORIDA UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME                                                                      THE HERALD 3
VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience
 to the Children’s Home                                                                 Congregation of Wacissa UMC

  Every year during a special program at Day On          Pastor Of The Year
  Campus we recognize those who stand out in their       First United Methodist Church of Sanford has
  support of the children. Since Day On Campus was       always been supportive of the Children’s Home,
  cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions, we wanted       but engagement has grown considerably in recent
  to make sure these individuals and organizations       years under Revs. David and Meghan Killingsworth.
  received the recognition they deserve.                 They have participated in various events with the
                                                         Children’s Home including a Love Feast as part of
  Church Of The Year                                     our Spiritual Life Program and “pulpit swaps” with
  First United Methodist Church of Oviedo                Rev. Madeline Luzinski, our Director of Pastoral
  consistently exceeds their goal of giving to the       Care. First United Methodist Church of Sanford
  Children’s Home. They frequently send volunteer        has also been the venue for our Legacy Scholars
  groups to provide meals to our youth in their          Academy high school graduation ceremony. Revs.
  cottages and spend time interacting with them          David and Meghan Killingsworth are supported by
  and the staff. First UMC regularly provides for        Larry Kozak, the LCR in their church.
  special events for our children and their youth
  group has repeatedly welcomed our youth to join        Local Church Representative Of The Year
  them in activities. Their annual “Women’s Night        United Methodist Churches have one person who
  of Fellowship” hosts a linen drive that benefits the   actively keeps the congregation informed about the
  young adults in our Independent Living program.        impact they have on young lives at the Children’s
  The pastors of First United Methodist Church of        Home and facilitates their continued support of
  Oviedo are Rev. Brian James and Rev. Patina Ripkey.    the children. That person is the Local Church
  The Local Church Representative (LCR) is Margaret      Representative or LCR. Some churches, like Lena
  Morris.                                                Vista United Methodist Church in Auburndale are

4 THE HERALD                                                                                       VOLUME 30/NO.4
VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience
lucky enough to have a pair of LCRs like Bud and               set, they have complete a wide range of projects of
  Susie Klein. They’ve only been LCRs for a couple               the years. The support of our children is widespread
  of years but have been very involved in that time.             throughout the congregation and is confirmed by
  They have participated in multiple trainings and               Wacissa UMC being named as a Top 20 Giving
  workshops and encouraged church engagement                     Church per capita in 2019.
  through gift card drives. In fact, they have been so
  encouraging that they have been able to double the             Community Partner Of The Year
  church’s financial support to the Children’s Home.             Our middle and high school students on the
  Rev. Jeanne Icenhour is grateful to have them and              Enterprise campus attend our Legacy Scholars
  appreciates their passion.                                     Academy. Enterprise Elementary School, just down
                                                                 the street from campus, has been providing for the
  Mission Work Team Of The Year                                  educational needs of our younger children for many
  Wacissa United Methodist Church is passionate                  years. Their staff, from teachers up to the principal,
  about the ministry of our Madison Youth Ranch and              Ms. Douglas, have recently visited our campus.
  have sent work teams there consistently for the past           They have continued to demonstrate unending
  four years. The teams have always shown a high                 compassion and patience with our children, and the
  level of enthusiasm, and coupled with a broad skill            results are clear to see.

  Kitwana McTyer, CEO of the Children’s Home; Principal Alicia
  Douglas; Ruben Colon, School Board Representative District 5

                                                                  First United Methodist Church of Oviedo

                                                                         Day On Campus - 2021
                                                                         March 27 is the date for our next Day On Campus. And
                                                                         in an effort to keep our children, guests, and staff as safe
                                                                         as possible, we are planning to host a virtual event that
                                                                         will allow everyone to attend. More information will be
                                                                         sent in the near future, as well as being posted on our
                                                                         website and Facebook page.

  Susie and Bud Klein

FLORIDA UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME                                                                              THE HERALD 5
VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience

  If you’re like most people, you’re looking for ways     trust may be worth exploring. In exchange for your
  to save money on this year ’s taxes. Considering the    charitable gift of cash or appreciated securities, you
  difficult year we’ve all had with COVID-19, we’re       reap multiple benefits:
  all looking for ideas that provide financial benefit.
  While there is the simple and deductible monetary             • Receive payments over your lifetime
  gift that can reduce your tax liability, there are            • Generate a current income tax deduction
  also many other ways that you can support the                 • Bypass all or a portion of the capital gains
  Children’s Home while saving on your taxes.                       on appreciated assets
                                                                • Enjoy increased financial security
  Outright Gifts of Appreciated Assets
  Gifts of appreciated assets such as securities are an   Charitable Life Estates
  excellent way to help the Children’s Home. These        If your estate plans include leaving your residence
  gifts can provide you with numerous benefits:           (home, farm, or vacation home) to charity, you may
                                                          wish to create a charitable life estate arrangement.
        • Receive an income tax deduction, based          You can make a gift to the Children’s Home of your
           typically on the asset’s fair market value     property today and receive the following benefits:
        • Avoid federal and state capital gains taxes
        • Avoid the Affordable Care Act Medicare tax            •   Current income tax deduction
                                                                •   Life use and enjoyment of the property
  Life Insurance Gifts                                          • A lasting legacy to further our mission
  Making a gift to us of your old, unneeded, or
  obsolete life insurance policy can provide you with
  the following benefits:
                                                               For information about estate
        • Receive a charitable income tax deduction            planning contact:
        • Reduce your taxable estate                           ELISABETH GADD
        • Preserve your cash and savings                       Chief Development Officer
  Charitable Life Income Plans                                 www.fumchlegacy.org
  If you own low-yielding assets and are seeking a
  higher income, a charitable life income gift such
  as a charitable life annuity or charitable remainder

6 THE HERALD                                                                                          VOLUME 30/NO.4
VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience
                                ANNUAL SURVEY
    You are a valued partner in the mission of empowering children and families to experience God’s love and care as revealed in
    the ministry of Jesus Christ. In order to be good and faithful stewards of the funds you afford us to support this organization,
                                we would like to hear from YOU! You may also fill out the form online.
                                     Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ChildrensHome2020

   PROGRAMS                                              Did you know that we have a second residential campus, the Madison Youth
   What program(s) of the Children’s Home is             Ranch in Pinetta, Florida?   YES    NO
   most important to you?
                                                         Did you know that we now have a K-12 school on the Enterprise campus
       Emergency Shelter                                 serving some of the residents on that campus known as Legacy Scholars
       Residential Care
                                                         Academy?      YES      NO
       Foster Care
       Specialized Treatment for Boys
                                                         Did you know that our Independent Living Program serves young adults who
       Legacy Scholars Academy
       Independent Living                                have aged out of care until age 26? YES    NO
       Counseling Program
       Early Education Center                            I would recommend the Children’s Home to my friends as a cause they should
                                                         consider supporting.  YES     NO

   COMMUNICATION                                                          Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve
   In terms of newsletters and information pieces, do you feel            communications with you?
   that you receive:
      Right amount         Too many         Not enough

   Do you feel that the Herald newsletter provides you with
   enough information to keep you engaged?        YES     NO

   Is there any other information you would like to see?
                                                                          VIRTUAL COMMUNICATIONS
                                                                          During the pandemic, have you attended meetings or events
                                                                          remotely or by computer?
                                                                            YES      NO
   Do you utilize our website?     YES      NO
                                                                          During the pandemic, have you attended church remotely or
   If yes, for what purpose?
                                                                          by computer?
      General updates                                                        YES     NO

   In terms of the number of requests to contribute, do you feel          Would you be interested in attending Children’s Home events
   that you receive:                                                      if we hosted them remotely or by computer?
      Right amount         Too many         Not enough                        YES     NO

   If you call/email with a question or concern, do you feel that it
   is addressed in a timely manner?       YES     NO

      Name:                                          Phone No.:                            Email:

     Thank you for your willingness to provide vital feedback. You can return the survey in the envelope provided in this newsletter.

FLORIDA UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME                                                                                     THE HERALD 7
VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience
       T R I B U T E S R E C E I V E D B E T W E E N J U LY 1
       AND SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

                                                                                                       Robert Kent "Bob" Beswick
                                                                                                       Mr. & Ms. Cliff McLeod
                                                                                                       Benjamin Williams Bigelow
                                                                                                       Ms. Sugar-pi Wiedeburg
                                                                                                       Frank E. Bullard
                                                                                                       Rev. & Mrs. Dennis R. Roebuck
                                                                                                       Gary & Elaine Bursch
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Granata
                                                                                                       Rev. Richard & Vicki Cabot
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Richard McConnell
                                                                                                       Anita Barnett Campbell
                                                                                                       Rev. John R. Campbell
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Dan Coad
                                                                                                       Rev. James (Cardo) Cardosi
                                                                                                       Mrs. Mary Corini
                                                                                                       Ms. Alesia Ducote
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. William N. Lindall, Jr.
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. William Morales
                                                                                                       Mrs. Leah R. Pearson
                                                                                                       Rev. Michael D. Cloyd
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. William E. Queen
                                                                                                       Joseph Costa
                                                                                                       Ms. Margo B. Nance
                                                                                                       Ed & Lindy Daughtry
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. James H. Ross
  Faith selling lemonade to benefit our children                                                       Jim & Kathryn Dinsmore
                                                                                                       Ms. Linda Brown
                                                                                                       Rev. Loida Divine
  ESTATES                                HONORS OF $1,000                Jacob Nolan & Everly Nolan    Mrs. Mary Corini
                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. George Nolan       Carolyn Dixon
  Gertrude A. Barnett                    Eugene C. Badger                Keith & Naomi Petteway        Anonymous
  Dorothy M. Berry                       Mrs. Emily K. Badger & Mr.      Mr. & Mrs. Colvin G. Hardin   Carol Ann Badger Dole
  Martha F. Boley                        Daryl Sakol                                                   Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Badger
  Margaret Bruner                        David S. Gerald                                               Judith A. Duecker
  Charles A. Childs                      Anona UMC                       GENERAL HONORS                Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Tharp
  John E. Grose                          Rev. Stephen T. Hartsfield                                    Carolyn Eaves
  Ann D. Pavone                          Mr. & Mrs. Terry Crumm          Thomas R. Auvil               Mrs. Linda M. Smith
  Betty Reynolds                         Sanford Howard                  Ms. Mary H. Keating           Mike & Cindy Evans
  Dorothy E. Richwine                    Mr. & Mrs. Sumpter H. Barker    Emily Kay Badger              Dr. & Mrs. William J. Oakley
  Charlotte P. Scruggs                   Jesus                           Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Badger   Family
  Rhoda M. Scudder                       Mr. & Mrs. William V. Scott     Mark & Patsy Bates            Mrs. Deborah D. Grimes
  Anna L. Sine                           Rev. Paul D. Juvinall           Dr. & Mrs. Jim L. Rodgers     Mr. & Mrs. Craig Rodrigue
  Frank S. Taylor                        Nu Class Church, Orlando FUMC

8 THE HERALD                                                                                                              VOLUME 30/NO.4
VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience
Dorothy C. Fillmer                   Mildred Pegram                MEMORIAL OF                          Mary Catherine Marchner
  Mr. & Mrs. George E. Cawthon         Mr. & Mrs. John Rafferty      $10,000                              Mrs. Margaret M. Martin
  Amanda Ashley Filosa                 Naomi C. Petteway                                                  Dolores Victorine "Rene"
  Ms. Shirley K. Ashley                Mrs. Wynyard M. McDonald      Lois B. Jamieson                     McFayden
  Florida United Methodist             Timothy Philpot               Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Mueller            Ms. Marian Davie
  Children's Home Youth                Mrs. Betty Philpot                                                 Patricia S. O'Block
  Mrs. Ammie Daniel                    Harold Gray Poe                                                    Rev. & Mrs. Kipton B. Younger
  David S. Gerald                      Mr. & Mrs. Phillip W. Poe     MEMORIALS OF                         Ferris & Evelyn Shenk
  Ms. Ellen M. Miller                  George "Frank" & Jacqueline   $1,000                               Ms. Barbara Gavin
  Becky Gilbert                        Poston                                                             Gordon Wayne Smith
  Mrs. Elaine Morgan                   Rev. & Mrs. Brice C. Harris   Harry S. & Helen B. Carlton          Mrs. Margreate Smith & Family
  Mary Ann Hamrick                     Rev. John Russell Powers      Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Anders             Cyrus & Patricia Stewart
  Ms. Mary Filer                       Mrs. Aileen G. Macy           Alice Eissmann                       Rev. Pamela A. Stewart
  Sadie Badger Hebard                  Becky Rawls                   Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Pocock           Rebecca Jayne Stewart
  Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Badger          Ms. Margo B. Nance            Gretta Larsen Jones                  Rev. Pamela A. Stewart
  Lawrence "Larry" & Ada               Susan Roti                    Bowling Green FUMC                   Lydia Guthmiller Strom
  Herbert                              Ms. Barbara D. Otto           Lance Lanier                         Mrs. Eleanor Hanks
  Mrs. Evelyn A. Lewis                 Rev. Christopher R. Schmidt   Ms. Lou Ann Lanier                   Lawrence & Rebecca
  Robert E. "Robb" Hilson              Ms. Christina Nelson          Jean Larsen                          Wilkerson
  Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McDougle           Margaret Sikes                Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold Nelson            Dr. & Mrs. L. Douglas Wilkerson
  Raymond & Anne Hodges                Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Frierson
  Anonymous                            Mr. & Mrs. Kurt J. Heyman
  Jack, Sam, Max, Alex, &              Mary W . Kestring Squilla-
  Emma Kate Hudson                     Taylor
  Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Hudson         Anonymous
  Edith "Edie" Judd                    Linda Stangel
  Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. McDaniel, Jr.   Ms. Marjorie A. Freeman
  Sophia Kindle                        Geraldean Stewart
  Anonymous                            Ms. Lois M. Thomson
  Rev. Douglas S. Kokx                 Kelley Badger Stewart
  Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Baxter         Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Badger
  Cynthia Anne Krueger                 Claire Taylor
  Rev. Arlindall Burks                 Ms. Lana R. Taylor
  Robert Lindsey                       Mr. & Mrs. Gary Thomas
  Mr. George D. Lindsey                Mr. & Mrs. Royce A. Dixon
  Dorothy A. Lione                     Bill & Julia Toole
  Ms. Beverly M. Josefson              Mr. & Mrs. James C. Zink
  Peggy Martin                         Patricia Troutman
  Mr. Grady McClendon                  Mr. Grady McClendon
  Rev. Perri & Gil Martin              Rev. Kimberly Uchimura
  Dr. & Mrs. William J. Oakley         Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Lynch
  Charles McDavid                      United States of America
  Ms. Sharon C. Ofsa                   Dr. & Mrs. James M.
  Martha Mehr, D.D.S.                  Porterfield, Jr.
  Ms. Marjorie J. Brown                Rev. Danielle & Rev. Stuart
  Harriet Morem                        Upton
  Mr. Ronald H. Morem                  Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Southwell
  New Covenant UMC Pastors             Vero Beach UMC Staff
  Mr. & Mrs. John W. Moulds            Ms. Paula S. Reiser
  Jacob McLure Newton                  Beverly Anne Whitaker
  Mrs. Jessica Scott                   Dr. Ren Whitaker
  Madison, Olivia & Ben Parrott
  Mr. & Mrs. Leon F. Parrott
                                                                     Halloween art by one of our middle-school boys

FLORIDA UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME                                                                                     THE HERALD 9
VOLUME 30/NO. 4 - Empowering children and families to experience
Some of our boys dressed as ninjas for Halloween

  GENERAL                                Shirley M. Belcher
  MEMORIALS                              Mr. & Mrs. Daniel I. Annis
                                         Mr. & Mrs. David Herzig
  Walter Leslie Almand                   Aileen F. Bennett
  Mr. & Mrs. H. Warren Almand, Jr.       Mr. Jon A. Bennett
  Danny & Patsye Altman                  Herbert Bennett
  Anonymous                              Mr. & Mrs. Adam Braddock
  Debra P. Anderson                      Mr. & Mrs. Michael Braddock, Sr.
  Mr. Eric D. Anderson                   Mr. & Mrs. Max Elliott
  Donald Anderson                        Rev. & Mrs. Basil Kustodowicz
  Francis Xavior Frederick, Sr.          Robert Kent "Bob" Beswick
                                                                            Trimming the large oaks on campus requires skill and special equipment
  Ms. Kimberly Frederick                 Ms. Gretchen Leyda Artman
  Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Lindeman             Velma Christian’s Mother
  Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. McGill           Mr. & Mrs. Randal W. White         Ms. Leanne Schuessler                   Lavon & Bertha Brooks
  Ms. Bobbi J. Stockslager               Lee Comelander Bishop, Jr.         Herbert H. "Bo" Boltin, Jr.             Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Snyder
  Mary P. Anderson                       Mr. Timothy L. DeMotsis            Mrs. Lacy S. Boltin                     Jessica Lynn Browning
  Mr. Eric D. Anderson                   Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hunter          John David Booth                        Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Hersey
  Ruth B. Arrington                      Lorraine Bittner                   Mr. & Mrs. William B. McCranie          Bobby Broyles
  Ms. Martha Neill                       Mr. Ronald Bittner, Sr.            Dorothy Bowen                           Mr. & Mrs. Robert George
  Thomas E. Atkins, III                  Chuck Black                        Ms. Frances S. Lilly                    Frances Bryant
  Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Case              Ms. Gretchen Leyda Artman          Ms. Betty Taylor                        Mr. & Mrs. Stan Starzyk
  Joy Balfour                            Harold R. Blalack                  Sharon Bowman                           Jane Bryant
  Mr. Robert Cebrat                      Ms. Edith M. Blalack               Mr. & Mrs. Gene L. Hink                 Dr. & Mrs. Waite Willis, Jr.
  Joyce Balfour                          Ernest G. "Ernie" & Shirley        Margaret Canby "Peg" Gause              Bonnie Bullard
  Mr. Robert Cebrat                      Mae Boatman                        Bramble                                 Rev. & Mrs. Dennis R. Roebuck
  Allen & Ellen Balsley                  Ms. Sherlynn K. Boatman-Burris     Ms. Margo B. Nance                      Robert Burney
  Mrs. Pearl E. Nicholson                David Bock, Sr.                    Doris P. Branch                         Mr. & Mrs. Roland Hartmann
  Harry O. Beatty                        Mr. David Fithian                  Oakhurst UMW                            Susie Burns
  Mrs. Terisa C. Beatty                  Ms. Corinne Marley                 James Breedlove                         Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Nutt
  Robert "Bob" E. Beatty, Sr.            Bob, Mickie & Louis Masini         Brooksville First UMW                   Carl Bush
  Mrs. Mary Lee Beatty                   The McKee Family                   Vada Bridges                            Mrs. Sandra S. Roberts
  Mary Beebe                             Outreach Circle, Mandarin UMC      Mrs. Millie Thompson                    William Bryant Campbell
  Ms. Marian L. Beebe                    Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rahaim           Generoso Bringas                        Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Campbell
                                         Ms. Rose Rutkowski                 Ms. Rosario Santiago

10 THE HERALD                                                                                                                           VOLUME 30/NO.4
Sybil Stephenson Cargill        Cecil E. Daniels, Jr.             Marjorie L. Fallon              Kevin Goodman
  Ms. Linda C. Smith              Mrs. Catherine M. Daniels         Mr. Lewis J. Fallon             Ms. Toni G. Holcomb
  Georgiana Casella               William McArthur "Bill"           Jason Feller                    Mary M. Grader
  Mr. Donald Furlong              Dannelly                          Ms. Cathy B. Johnson            Mrs. Anne P. Hewett, Allison & Beth
  Marlan & Anna Mae               Mr. & Mrs. John J. Flood          Glen & Stuart Fenneman          Ross Alan Graham
  Chapman                         Ms. Kay Franklin                  Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hunter       Deland FUMC
  Ms. Monica Chapman              Ms. Hannah M. Goodman             Maxine Fichtner                 Grandchildren
  Barbara Cheers                  Dr. & Mrs. John F. Hoffman        Ms. Eleanor Burt                Ms. Robin Bullock
  Mr. Hugh J. Moore               Dr. & Mrs. Richard Huff           John Paul Fine                  Mitzi B. Grice
  John Cheney                     Lin McLeod                        Canasta Friends                 Mrs. Jean Bryan
  Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Szelc      Ms. Rhetta Morales                Mr. & Mrs. Buddy J. Tinney      Ben Hill Griffin, III
  William Burton Clark, III       Ms. Diane Rosen                   David Finklea                   Mr. & Mrs. Stewart W. Hurst
  Mr. & Mrs. James J. Sale, III   Mrs. Eloise D. Seegars            Mrs. Joanne W. Cotton           Mildred Coppen Grossman
  Anita Closs                     Mr. & Mrs. G. Richard             Millicent "Millie" Fletcher     Deland FUMC
  Mr. & Mrs. Edgar M. Price       Singeltary                        Ms. Edith Dunlap                Jennifer Lynn Guertin
  Jerold B. "Jerry" Compton       Mr. & Mrs. William Stewart        Durwood O. "Kayo" Foshee, Jr.   Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Guertin
  Mrs. Nancy Compton              The Opal Wilson Family            Mrs. Claire Botsch              Jennifer Faye Gunn-Dickens
  Jack Conn                       Marland L. "Red" Davis            Sara Pate Foshee                Mrs. Barbara Davis
  Deland FUMC                     Mrs. Marjorie Davis               Mrs. Claire Botsch              Ralph T. Gwinn
  Walter & Fern Conner            Donald Lee Deeks                  Nan Lela Kramer Friedman        Mrs. Nancy K. Gwinn
  Dr. Kirk Young                  Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Daiker        Ms. Miriam F. Caruso            Marnie Hall
  Mary A. Cook                    Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks      Edward M. "Ed" & Bette Fulmer   Dr. Rick Simmons
  Ms. Carol A. Smith              Clara Donegean                    Ms. April D. Lawton             Eleanor S. Hankins
  Kenneth R. Corbett              Mrs. Marlene Heald                Hilda R. Fuster                 Mrs. Joanne W. Cotton
  Mrs. Martha J. Corbett          Billie Ann "Nora" Martin Draper   Ms. Rosario Santiago            Dr. & Mrs. William R. Finklea
  Harold B. Cordle                Mr. & Mrs. Jay Hagee              Suzanne Lee Garten              Dr. & Mrs. William J. Oakley
  Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Berry         Mr. & Mrs. Doug McClain           Mr. Lance E. Garten             Retired Ministers' Mates of
  Ransom Harvey Coulter           Mr. & Mrs. Wes McClain            Raymond L. Gass                 Lakeland
  Dr. Rachel Coulter              Charles C. Duke, Jr.              Mrs. Alberta Albury             Robert Harris
  Charlotte Hatton Courson        Mrs. Ruth H. Reader               Mrs. Julie Ratliff              Ms. Linda C. Smith
  Mr. & Mrs. Gene Chick           K. S. Dukes                       Julia Gee                       Bobby Harrold
  Mrs. Carol M. Swing             Mr. & Mrs. William E.             Mr. & Mrs. David J. Abbey       Anonymous
  Edward F. Cox                   Ellington                         Lillian Ann Parker Geiger       Virginia Tansil Hartsfield
  Ducum SS Class, Highland Ave    Dorothy "Dot" McNeill Dunn        Wellborn UMC                    Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Rinard
  Fellowship                      Mr. & Mrs. Tony G. Brill          Dianne Gentz                    Fay E. Headington
  Ruby B. Cox                     Dixon Hughes Goodman, LLP         Deland FUMC                     Mr. & Mrs. William R. Headington
  Dr. & Mrs. Hugh A. Moye         Ms. Deborah Dunn                  Rosemary Getz                   Frank & Loretta Healey
  Frances Crews                   Foshee Donation Trust             Mr. Clark Getz                  Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Healey
  Mrs. Wynona Watson              Ms. Mary Kay Marks                Alberta Naunas "Bertie"         C. Russell Henderson
  Evelyn E. Cullen                Sandy Dunn                        Gillespie                       Dr. & Mrs. John T. Huysman
  Mr. James C. Cullen             Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hamilton     Mrs. Deborah D. Grimes          James H. "Jim" Henschel
  Quincy L. Culver, Sr.           Charles Earnest                   Catherine Ann Gilmartin         Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W.
  Mrs. Sallie Shelton Culver      Ms. Azilda R. Cooper              Ms. Denise DeLosReyes           Hamilton
  Betty Lou Cunningham            Barbara Jean Edwards              Mr. Jason Goulas                Robert G. "Bob" Hepp
  Mr. & Mrs. David H. Shoaf       The Frederich Family              Ms. Deborah Lord                Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bell
  Sam Cunningham                  Alice Eissmann                    Mr. John Mathew                 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Keeton
  Mrs. Ginger Holloway            Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Pocock        Ms. Heidi Muenger               Mrs. Rosemary Uebel
  Ms. Irene Luttrell              Ellwood C. "Cholly" Elliott       Mr. & Mrs. Edward Navarro       George Frederick & Dorothy
  Mrs. Jet Owens                  Mrs. Kathryn D. Elliott           Mrs. Danielle Paul              Jeanne Heubeck
  Mr. & Mrs. Andy Snuggs          Paula Joan Eriksen                Ms. Lucille Roche               Mr. & Mrs. Steve Horning
  Sam M. Cunningham               Ms. Jessica Tircuit               Mr. & Mrs. Allen Walker         Edward Cantey Higdon
  Ms. Teresa Cunningham           Crystal Fallin                    Ms. Annie Wood                  Ms. Edith Dunlap
  Karen Goff Daniel               Ms. Peggy Fallin                  Toni Goldthwait                 Jane Hill
  Mr. James W. Daniel                                               Mr. Phillip A. Goldthwait       Anonymous

FLORIDA UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME                                                                                 THE HERALD 11
Willie W . "Dub" Hill                  Ms. Antoinette LaFrancesca        Artie Ippolito                Ralph Kiphuth
  Mrs. Ellen M. Hill                     Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Schettino      Mr. & Mrs. Garry M. Keller    Mrs. Delores Buss
  Ernest Hilliard                        Irvis "Irv" & Louise "Lou"        Jack                          Rev. H. Wight & Joyce G.
  Dr. & Mrs. John T. Huysman             Holmes                            Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Pinger   Kirtley
  Mr. & Mrs. R. Donnie Lundy, Jr.        Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Holmes         Virginia D. James             Mr. Michael T. Kolehmainen
  James E. Hink                          Rev. C. Odell Hood                Mr. Randall James             Chase Robert Klaus
  Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robbins             Ms. Ann E. Hood                   Richard G. Jaquays            Mrs. Anne L. Klaus
  Charles G. "Charlie" Hino              Robert Murray Hooker              Ms. Norine G. Martin          Gunther & Claire Klose
  Mrs. Jane E. Hino                      Mr. & Mrs. Leon Burke             Franklin Lewis & Carol Ruth   Mrs. Nancy K. Gwinn
  Marion Lawrence Holder                 Louise Rose Hord                  Jones                         James A. Knotts
  Mr. & Mrs. David S. Holder             Judge & Mrs. Jeffords D. Miller   Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pahl       Mrs. Carol A. Knotts
  Carol Holm                             Ann Emery Hunter                  Violet Ann Marie Jordan       Mary Lou Kowlsen
  Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Holm                Mrs. Patty F. Link                Merrell UMW                   Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Gaff
  Ms. Kristine Holm                      Martha Sue Braswell Hunter        Robert G. Judd                Neil Roger Laubaugh
  Mr. Robert Holm                        Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hunter         Mr. & Mrs. Robert O.          Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Tartt
  Mr. Thomas Holm                        William T. "Bill" Hunter, Sr.     McDaniel, Jr.                 Dolores Lawton
  Mr. Anthony Iannotta                   Mrs. Judith W. Flinn              James Nathan Keller, Jr.      Ms. April D. Lawton
  Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson                Dorothy Hutto                     Mrs. Charlene Field           Donald Lazzari
  Mr. & Mrs. Steven Johs                 Mr. & Mrs. Bobby J. Kendricks                                   Mr. & Mrs. David Bynum

  Brian Sheaffer and his dad donating 330 pairs of new athletic shoes

12 THE HERALD                                                                                                            VOLUME 30/NO.4
The Watkins Children               Regina Morrison
                                                                        Ms. Belita J. Courtney             Ms. Judith A. Vickery
                                                                        Bryan Christopher Lyle             Shirley Bacon Mountz
                                                                        Anonymous                          Mrs. Jean P. Harmon
                                                                        John & Dorothy Lytle               Robert W . "Bob" Moyer
                                                                        Ms. Mary E. Riley Wood             Mr. Thomas A. Trovillion
                                                                        Marlene MacRae                     Robert Mullican
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. MacRae        Ms. Angela Majors
                                                                        William W . "Billy" Mahaffey       Julia S. Mundy
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Roach            Mr. Robert W. Mundy
                                                                        Barbara Doughton Malloy            Martha E. "Marty" Nance
                                                                        Deland FUMC                        Mr. & Mrs. John Bradford, Jr.
                                                                        Rafael & Loida Marquez             Neil Nicks
                                                                        Anonymous                          Mrs. Marlene Heald
                                                                        Barbara Frances Marren             Don Nicodemus
                                                                        Bob, Marie, Andrew & Shannon       Mrs. Emily Rowan
                                                                        Bieniek                            Arthur Henry Nussel, Jr.
                                                                        Mildred H. "Millie" Massey         The Breeden Family
                                                                        Mrs. Patty F. Link                 Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Gaff
                                                                        Wednesday Morning Bridge Club      Ms. Ruth Parker
                                                                        Frederick J. Mayers                Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Petteway
                                                                        Mrs. Marie L. Mayers               Jeanne A. Oliver
                                                                        Gloria Erline McClure              Mr. & Mrs. Bobby B. Wright
  One of our youth sporting a Pink October shirt                        Mr. John McCrory                   Harold Ostrander
                                                                        Jon Eric McDade                    Deland FUMC
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. William Soyars          Leslie & Mary Pache
  Mrs. Grace Lazzari                  Mr. & Mrs. Stan Redrick           Carey Eugene McDonald              Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Brugone
  Thelma Wilcox Leake                 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saunders        Mrs. Patty F. Link                 Karen Padgett
  Ms. Wanda Smith                     Mrs. Mary D. Sauro                Anne McGarvey                      Mrs. Aunita E. Padgett
  Roy Elgin "Zip" Levi                Mr. Stephen Stange                Deland FUMC                        Edward Palasek
  American Legion Post 98             Mr. Brian Voden                   Christine Meier                    Mrs. Bonnie Palasek
  Anonymous                           Rone H. & Catharine S. Lewis      Mr. & Mrs. David Lehsten           Danny Parker
  Mr. & Mrs. Julio Rey                Mrs. & Mr. Linda Lewis            John "Mick" Meiklejohn             Ms. Jo-Ann C. McMillan
  George Lewis                        Kathryn G. Ley                    Parrish UMC                        Raymond L. Parkinson
  Mrs. Evelyn A. Lewis                Mr. Paul C. Ley, Jr.              Thomas G. & Eloise Melville        Mrs. Jean Parkinson
  Harmon Stanton Lewis, Sr.           Harry A. Little                   Ms. Nancy Criswell                 Kathleen Asceneth
  Mr. Brad Blackburn                  Dr. & Mrs. John F. Few            Howard Mester                      Hendricks Parks
  Mrs. Marcella S. Bledsoe            Clinton E. Logan, Jr.             Mrs. Anne Mester                   Retired Ministers' Mates of
  Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Christiansen     Mr. Arthur Baird                  David Miller                       Lakeland
  Dot, Pep, Jerry, Rob & Bunny        Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Bushong      Mr. & Mrs. D. Raymond Knapp, Jr.   Allen H. & Helen W . Paul
  Douglas                             Ms. Dorothy Combs                 William V. "Bill" Miller           Dr. & Mrs. Philip M. Paul
  Mr. & Mrs. Jose Ferrer              Ms. Jeanne Distretti              Ms. Ann Fondi                      Dalton & Peg Payne
  Ms. Sally Godwin                    Mrs. Laura Lee Hostetter          Ms. Laura Fondi                    Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kaminski
  Griffin Marketing Group, Inc.       Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Kimsey-       Millie Mills                       Audrey Marjory Peck
  Mrs. Carolyn B. Grissom             Hickman                           Mr. & Mrs. Francis Pape            Rev. Charles L. Peck
  Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunter            Mrs. Sally Logan                  Jewell Franklin Mitchell           James Peebles
  Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Leonard       Mr. & Mrs. Gordon E. Marks, Jr.   Mrs. Gloria A. Mitchell            Mrs. Charlotte Schmunk
  Ms. Linda T. Lewis                  Dr. & Mrs. William J. Oakley      Joseph Monaco                      Marguerite Peyron
  Ms. Dawn Maisto                     Mr. & Mrs. Ben Smith              Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Monaco           Mr. Victor Peyron
  Mrs. Sharon McCarron                Mr. & Mrs. Omar Smith             Simeon H. & Monteen S.             Ralph "Andy" Phelps, Jr.
  Mirkovich & Associates              Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tilly          Moore                              Mr. & Mrs. Robert S.
  Palm Chevrolet                                                        Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Roberts           Butterweck, Sr.

FLORIDA UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME                                                                                    THE HERALD 13
Anne K. Selph
                                                                                                       Dr. & Mrs. William R. Finklea
                                                                                                       Ms. Marjorie A. Freeman
                                                                                                       Mrs. Charlotte H. Hardy
                                                                                                       Ms. Shelley Lomastro
                                                                                                       Retired Ministers' Mates of
                                                                                                       Mrs. Joanne Selph Thayer
                                                                                                       Ms. Stephanie Williams
                                                                                                       Jacob Wendell Sessions
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Hersey
                                                                                                       Mary Elizabeth Sessions
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Hersey
                                                                                                       Howard Harding Shipley
                                                                                                       Mrs. Joanne W. Cotton
                                                                                                       Patricia Ann Short
                                                                                                       Mr. Leroy Short, Jr.
                                                                                                       Kenneth "Kenny" Sicignano
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M.
                                                                                                       Ruby Sides
                                                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Keenan
                                                                                                       Ruby L. Sistrunk
                                                                                                       Mrs. Eugenia S. Rogers
                                                                                                       Ouida Duggar Sites
                                                                                                       Mr. & Ms. William J. Goggin
                                                                                                       Robert L. "Bob" Skelton
                                                                                                       Mrs. Carolyn J. Skelton
                                                                                                       Lillian D. Smallenberger
                                                                                                       Ms. Ruth H. Parker
  Youth from our Independent Living program voting for the first time
                                                                                                       Virginia S. "Ginny"
  Matthew Pieper                        Clydene B. "Dene" Reed          Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Reyes        Mr. Scott Smallwood
  Deland FUMC                           Mrs. Nancy K. Gwinn             Mr. Carlos Rodriguez           Bryan "Mac" Smith, Jr.
  Patricia J. "Pat" Pierson             Daniel F. Reid, Sr.             Mr. Jose D. Vazquez            Mrs. Marion "Cookie" Smith
  Ms. Amy Pierson                       Mrs. Peggy Reid                 Margaret M. "Peggy" Roper      Emmalyn Murphree Smith
  Marcia Ann Thompson                   John Reynolds                   Mrs. Marilynn Hallman          Ms. Gwyndolyn Hughes
  Polischuck                            Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hare       Thomas E. Ruffner              James Teddy Smith
  Pisgah UMC                            Marion Rice                     Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ennis         Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ellington
  James W . Pulliam                     Mr. & Mrs. William E.           Maria Anna Santiago            John Andrew Smith
  Mr. Timothy L. DeMotsis               Ellington                       Bob, Marie, Andrew & Shannon   Ms. Edith Dunlap
  Geraldine Marie Quick                 Sandra A. Rich                  Bieniek                        Ray Smoot
  Mrs. Clairese Russell                 Mr. Bob Rich                    John Douglas Scanland          Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sloan
  Hugo & Sara Quillian                  Charles D. Ritchie              Ms. Pamela Scanland            John T. "Tom" Sofge, Jr.
  Anonymous                             Mrs. Shirley M. Ritchie         Richard Edgar "Dick" Schaw     6th Bomb Group Association
  John Edward Radke                     Rev. Dr. Eddie J. Rivers, Jr.   Mrs. Joanne W. Cotton          Donna Kathryn Sowers
  Mrs. Eileen Radke                     Mrs. Marian J. Rivers           Linda Lee Schirard             Mr. Michael Sowers
  Millicent Rank                        Francis "Frank" Robbins         Mrs. Gill Hanlon               Harvey Speaks
  Mr. & Mrs. David J. Abbey             Mrs. Lorene Robbins             Hank Schneider                 Ms. Susan S. Gorman
  Lois Ann Rector                       John W . Roddenbery             Mrs. Carolyn Schneider         Dorothy Speer
  Mr. & Mrs. David Brown                Judges Flower Fund, Tenth       Robert C. & Raynette K.        Dr. & Mrs. James N. Lewis, Jr.
  Brian C. Reed                         Judicial Circuit                Schwieger                      Alan F. Spencer
  Mrs. Nancy K. Gwinn                   Flora A. Rodriguez              Ms. Julie S. Kennard           Mr. & Mrs. Gene Failor
                                        Mrs. Isel Armenteros            Judy Woodliff Scoggins         Mr. & Mrs. Norman Halvorsen
                                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Davis       Mrs. JoAnn Monroe

14 THE HERALD                                                                                                           VOLUME 30/NO.4
Wanda Spooner                          Wallace E. Sutton               Adelia Irene Vachon                 Harlan William Wehrspann
  Mrs. Ramona Jo Gnann                   Mr. & Mrs. William Williamson   Mr. & Mrs. William D. Batey, Jr.    Anonymous
  Meta Estelle Stanley                   Troy Swann                      Rolando G. Valdivieso               Bill West
  Mr. Daniel W. Stanley                  Mr. Timothy L. DeMotsis         Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Valdivieso        Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kalous
  Donna Starnes                          Mary Tabankin                   Wendell VanLandingham               Dorothy West
  C.W. Harrison, Inc.                    Mrs. Linda Seiler               Anonymous                           Deland FUMC
  Ms. Carol Copenhaver                   Jimmie Dale Tamsett             William D. "Bill" Vernon            Meredith Westbrook
  Ms. Elisa C. Fosser                    Mrs. Carol S. Tamsett           BGM CPA & Element                   Mrs. Hattie V. "Bunny" Patton
  Ms. Melanie Starnes & Mr.              Marjorie Ann "Molly" Titus      Technologies                        O.R. & Mary Kathleen Wheeler
  Andy Starnes                           Mr. Thomas A. Trovillion        Mrs. Barbara A. Bowden              Anonymous
  Ms. Terry Treadwell & Mr. Ed           Pennie & Candie                 Mrs. Elizabeth "Liz" Brown          Elsa Dragseth Whiticar
  Picillo                                Ms. Laura V. Tomich             Mr. Pierce Christie                 Ms. Laura Kay Darvill
  Jean Sterling                          Elizabeth A. "Betty" Woolfe     Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Davis            Joyce Whitney
  Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ellington        Torrey                          Florida Strawberry Festival, Inc.   Mr. & Mrs. Jodie Whitney
  Tyler James Stevens                    Deland FUMC                     Mr. Greg Hunter                     Selma Reynolds Williams
  Mr. & Mrs. Challis Orcutt              David G. Towers                 Mr. & Mrs. David Middleton          Mr. & Mrs. John F. Williams
  Bob Stewart                            Anonymous                       Mr. James Moody                     Dot Robertson Williamson
  Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Kinnan            Ronald P. Traggiai              Mrs. Sarah Mott                     Mr. & Mrs. Lee Harrell & Family
  Jack Stewart                           Mr. Ronald Traggiai             Mr. & Mrs. Jon Poppell              Dr. & Mrs. James N. Lewis, Jr.
  Mr. & Mrs. Joe Brady                   Jack & Beulah Travis            Ms. Betty J. Roetzheim              Kim Sikes Willis
  Robert Glenn "Bobby" Stokes            Mr. Ronald Travis               Mrs. Margaret M. Sikes              Mr. & Mrs. Keith Nichols
  Mr. William T. Daughtrey               Jim Turner                      Mrs. Marion "Cookie" Smith          Richard Willis
  Thelma Thomas Stokes                   Ms. Mary Ann Hamrick            Mr. & Mrs. Rod Storts               Ms. Doris J. Fenner
  Geneva Watkins & Genevieve Klute                                       Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Trinkle        Joan Elizabeth Duke Witten
                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Turner             Dr. & Mrs. William R. Finklea
                                                                         Rosemary Verri                      Rev. Henry T. Gee
                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Pressley      Rev. & Mrs. William F. Wyllie
                                                                         Pam Vogel                           John Dwayne Yarbrough
                                                                         Mrs. Darlene Ball                   Charleston Southern University
                                                                         Boyd Vrooman                        English Department
                                                                         Deland FUMC                         Mr. & Mrs. Ray Howell
                                                                         Robert S. "Bob" & Betty             Dr. Jonathan Sircy
                                                                         Anne Walden                         Kendall E. Spillman
                                                                         Ms. Marcia M. Meyer                 Mr. & Mrs. William Sumerel
                                                                         James H. "Jim" Waldrop              Ms. Judith Young
                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. William D. Batey, Jr.    Luke Michael Zachry
                                                                         Curtis & Nanie Weaver               Mr. & Mrs. Jesse B. Swords
                                                                         Mrs. Marion Weaver Wester           Valerie Ivie Voss Zilla
                                                                         Jean R. Vetesk Weaver               Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Voss, Jr.
                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. James Benner
                                                                         Ms. Marianne Berkes
                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. James P. Bernard
                                                                         Ms. Ardis V. Chapman
                                                                         Ms. Martha Chapman
                                                                         Mr. Thomas H. Davis
                                                                         Deland FUMC
                                                                         Ms. Mary F. Hopper
                                                                         Ms. Olive Hutton
                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. Terry Medlin
                                                                         Cecile Michael
                                                                         Mrs. Phyllis Oakley
                                                                         Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rogers
                                                                         Ms. Jonnie Schroeder
  Putting the finishing touches on the tree                              Mr. Eric R. Volpe

FLORIDA UNITED METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME                                                                                       THE HERALD 15
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