Scientiic Programme - ESPGHAN Congress 2019
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Scientiic Programme
ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting Programme Overview Wednesday, 05 June 2019 Alsh I + II Lomond Hall Hall 1 Boisdale I Carron I Carron II Dochart I Dochart II Etive Fyne Wednesday 05 June 2019 AHP Course Course in PGHaN IBD Course Working Groups Working Groups 08:00 Session 1: Nutrition Session 1: (combined session) The basics 09:00 Endoscopy SIG 09:30 Cofee Break PreventCD Cofee Break Cofee Break Meeting 10:00 Session 2: Session 2: Session 2: Esophageal (Invite Only) Helicobacter Network for European Gastroenterology Hepatology Treatment Atresia WG Pylori WG Intestinal Reference Network (Invite Only) Rehabilitation and RARE LIVER Transplantation 11:00 Helicobacter in Europe (NITE) Educational Pylori WG Task Force 11:30 (Invite Only) 11:50 AHP Open Meeting 12:00 Neonatal Graft Injury Group Nutrition SIG WG (GIG) 12:30 Lunch Break Genius WG Lunch Break (Invite Only) 13:00 Session 3: Session 3: SIG-CD Cystic Fibrosis Special Interest Eosinophilic Gastroenterology IBD Specialist Steering and Pancreas WG Group on Gut Gastrointestinal 13:30 Session 3: I topics Committee Microbiota & Diseases (EGID) Abstracts (Invite Only) Modiication (Invite Only) and innovative 14:00 practice Special Interest Group 14:30 Cofee Break on Coeliac Disease 15:00 Session 4: Session 3: Session 4: (Invite Only) Neurogastro, Eosinophilic Outcomes in International Joint Hepatology/ Gastroenterology Diicult cases Motility and Gastrointestinal Nutrition Trials WG Registry of GI session II Functional GI Diseases (EGID) (Invite Only) Congenital Disorders SIG/WG Porto-systemic 16:00 Special Outcomes in shunts Interest Group Nutrition Trials WG (IRCPSS) on Coeliac 16:30 Porto IBD Disease Clinical Polyposis Basic and SIG Malnutrition WG WG Translational 17:00 The best papers Young ESPGHAN Research and this year in JPGN Session Epigenetics in 17:30 see page 24 see page 33 Hepatology PGHN SIG Interest Group 18:00 see page 22 see page 25 see page 27 see page 29 see page 29 18:30 Welcome Reception · Exhibition Hall 18:30 Welcome Reception · Exhibition Hall as of 2 May 2019 · subject to change IBD Course AHP Course Gastroenterology Nutrition Course in PGHaN Other Hepatology Young ESPGHAN ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Wednesday, 05 June 2019 Chronological Programme 11:50 – 12:30 Alsh I + II AHP Course AHP Open Meeting Wednesday Chair Jackie Falconer, United Kingdom 05 June 2019 08:00 – 09:30 Lomond Hall Session 1: Nutrition (combined session with Course in PGHaN) 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break Chairs Jackie Falconer, United Kingdom · Heather Grant, United Kingdom 08:00 Blended diet and enteral feeding; the Sarah Durnan, perceived beneits, controversies and United Kingdom 13:30 – 14:30 Alsh I + II suggestions for clinical practice 08:30 Eosinophilic eosphagitis – medical and dietary Diana Flynn, Session 3: Abstracts and innovative practice treatment options United Kingdom · Chairs Paula Crespo-Escobar, Spain · Kathleen Ross, United Kingdom Tracey Cardigan, United Kingdom 13:30 N-O-001 What impact does gastro-intestinal surgery Hannah Duggan, 09:00 Old and new dietary treatments in Crohn‘s Rotem Sigall-Boneh, have on the growth of very low birth weight United Kingdom disease Israel preterm infants? 13:40 G-O-001 Long-term follow-up of gut-directed hypno- Robyn Rexwinkel, therapy self-exercises at home using CD versus The Netherlands 09:30 – 10:00 Cofee Break individual therapy by qualiied therapists in children with irritable bowel syndrome or functional abdominal pain syndrome 13:50 N-O-002 Characteristics of polymeric formula and Sara Sila, Croatia 10:00 – 11:50 Alsh I + II route of delivery of exclusive enteral nutrition have no efect on disease outcome and weight Session 2: Gastroenterology gain in children with Crohn‘s disease 14:00 G-O-002 Dietary therapies induce rapid response and Rotem Sigall-Boneh, Chairs Rut Anne Thomassen, Norway · Sarah MacDonald, United Kingdom remission in active paediatric Crohn‘s disease Israel 10:00 Motility – medical diagnosis, investigations Michiel P. van Wijk, 14:10 The Scottish transition model in IBD Victoria Garrick, and management The Netherlands United Kingdom 10:30 Nursing management of rectal irrigation Jenna Tarr, United Kingdom 10:50 Ethical considerations in feeding the Susan Protheroe, 14:30 – 15:00 Cofee Break neurological child with intestinal failure United Kingdom 11:10 Feeding the child with dysmotility Tracey Johnson, United Kingdom 11:30 Update of the new ESPGHAN PN guidelines Magnus Domellöf, Sweden ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Wednesday, 05 June 2019 Chronological Programme 15:00 – 16:30 Alsh I + II Clinical Course in PGHaN Session 4: Joint Hepatology/GI session Chairs Sara Mancell, United Kingdom · Tena Niseteo, Croatia Wednesday 05 June 2019 08:00 – 09:30 Lomond Hall 15:00 Nutritional management in Pancreatitis – Keith Lindley, latest guidelines (NICE and ESPGHAN) United Kingdom Session 1: Nutrition (combined session with AHP Course) 15:20 PN use pre liver transplant Jonathan Hind, Chairs Jackie Falconer, United Kingdom · Heather Grant, United Kingdom United Kingdom 15:40 Transplant aquired food allergy Ruth De Bruyne, 08:00 Blended diet and enteral feeding; the Sarah Durnan, Belgium perceived beneits, controversies and United Kingdom suggestions for clinical practice 16:00 Panel – diicult case – short gut syndrome Paul Henderson, United Kingdom 08:30 Eosinophilic eosphagitis – medical and dietary Diana Flynn, Jonathan Hind, United Kingdom treatment options United Kingdom · Elaine Buchanan, United Kingdom Tracey Cardigan, David Hoole, United Kingdom United Kingdom Catherine Paxton, United Kingdom 09:00 Old and new dietary treatments in Crohn‘s Rotem Sigall-Boneh, disease Israel 17:00 – 18:00 Alsh I + II The best papers this year in JPGN 09:30 – 10:00 Cofee Break Chairs Hania Szajewska, Poland · Mel Heyman, USA 17:00 Welcome and opening remarks Hania Szajewska, 10:00 – 12:00 Lomond Hall Poland 17:02 The best gastroenterology papers Johanna Escher, Session 2: Hepatology The Netherlands Chairs Paul Henderson, United Kingdom · Rachel Taylor, Canada 17:10 The best nutrition papers Hans van Goudoever, 10:00 Acute and long term management of Ulrich Baumann, The Netherlands oesophageal varices – who, when and where? Germany 17:18 The best hepatology papers Piotr Socha, Poland 10:30 How to diagnose and treat acute liver failure Valérie McLin, Switzerland 17:26 The best pancreatology papers Michael Wilschanski, Israel 11:00 Surgical and medical treatment of infantile Suzanne Davison, cholestasis United Kingdom 17:34 ESPGHAN guidelines in JPGN. Novelties Lorenzo D‘Antiga, 11:30 Diagnosis and new treatment options for Giuseppe Indoli, Italy hepatitis in children Italy 17:42 My irst JPGN paper accepted Fiona Cameron, United Kingdom 17:50 JPGN 2014-2019: Where are we now? Hania Szajewska, 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break Where are we going? Poland 17:55 Informal discussion with the audience All JPGN Editors ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Wednesday, 05 June 2019 Chronological Programme 13:00 – 14:30 Lomond Hall IBD Course Session 3: Gastroenterology I Wednesday 05 June 2019 Chairs Susan Protheroe, United Kingdom · Billy Bourke, United Kingdom 08:00 – 09:30 Hall 1 13:00 Biologics and biosimilars: what should I Amit Assa, Israel choose and when? Session 1: The basics 13:30 Basic and advanced care of patients with Peter Gillett, Chairs Christos Tzivinikos, United Arab Emirates · Dan Turner, Israel coeliac disease in 2019 United Kingdom 14:00 Investigation of common and rare cause of Simon Murch, 08:00 Chairs‘ introduction Dan Turner, Israel · chronic diarrhea in children using case studies United Kingdom Christos Tzivinikos, United Arab Emirates 08:05 The clinical relevance of PIBD classiication Sibylle Koletzko, Germany 14:30 – 15:00 Cofee Break 08:30 So many genes in VEOIBD – how to bring to Aleixo Muise, practice? Canada 09:00 From bench to our patients‘ mouth: Konstantinos 15:00 – 16:30 Lomond Hall nutritional therapy in Crohn‘s disease Gerasimidis, United Kingdom Session 4: Gastroenterology II Chairs Jorge Amil Dias, Portugal · Nathalie Marie Rock, Switzerland 09:30 – 10:00 Cofee Break 15:00 Everything you need to know about Paraic McGrogan, aerodigestive disorders in children Qatar 15:30 Polyposis syndromes in children – recognition, Shlomi Cohen, 10:00 – 12:00 Hall 1 management and prognosis Israel 16:00 Recognising common and obscure diagnoses Paolo Lionetti, Session 2: Treatment at endoscopy – an interactive quiz Italy Chairs Richard Russell, United Kingdom · Amit Assa, Israel 10:00 Does the evidence support proactive Anne Griiths, monitoring of anti-TNF levels? Canada 17:00 – 18:00 Lomond Hall 10:30 Unusual solutions for usual challenges in PIBD Arie Levine, Israel Young ESPGHAN Session 11:00 Who to choose for biologics at disease onset? Frank Ruemmele, > Details on page 33 France 11:30 Practicalities in prescribing vedolizumab, Lissy de Ridder, ustekinumab and tofacitinib in children The Netherlands 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Wednesday, 05 June 2019 Chronological Programme 13:00 – 14:30 Hall 1 Working Groups (Members Only) Session 3: IBD Specialist topics Wednesday 05 June 2019 Chairs Annamaria Staiano, Italy · Jorge Amil Dias, Portugal 09:00 – 10:00 Dochart II 13:00 A clinical approach to pancreatic disorders Michael Wilschanski, in IBD Israel Endoscopy SIG Chair Mike Thomson, United Kingdom 13:30 A tandem talk: stenotic Crohn‘s disease – when Gregor Walker, primary medical or surgical is appropriate? United Kingdom · David Wilson, 09:30 – 12:30 Carron I United Kingdom 14:00 Management of perianal Crohn‘s disease Paolo Lionetti, Italy PreventCD meeting (Invite Only) Chair Luisa Mearin, The Netherlands 14:30 – 15:00 Cofee Break 10:00 – 12:00 Boisdale I Esophageal Atresia WG 15:00 – 16:30 Hall 1 Chair Frédéric Gottrand, France Session 4: Diicult cases 10:00 – 11:00 Carron II Chairs Anne Griiths, Canada · Gregor Walker, United Kindom · Dan Turner, Israel · David Wilson, United Kingdom Helicobacter Pylori (Invite Only) Chair Patrick Bontems, Belgium 15:00 Relapsing and refractory UC Iain Chalmers, United Kingdom 15:45 Managing the high risk Crohn‘s patient Marina Aloi, Italy 10:00 – 11:30 Dochart I Network for Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation in Europe (NITE) Chair Jutta Koeglmeier, United Kingdom 10:00 – 11:30 Dochart II European Reference Network RARE LIVER Chair Ekkehard Sturm, Germany ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Wednesday, 05 June 2019 Chronological Programme 11:00 – 12:30 Carron II 13:00 – 15:00 Dochart I Helicobacter Pylori Special Interest Group on Gut Microbiota & Modiication Chair Patrick Bontems, Belgium Chairs Hania Szajewska, Poland · Zvi Weizman, Israel Wednesday 05 June 2019 11:00 – 13:00 Fyne 13:00 – 15:00 Dochart II Educational Task Force (Invite Only) Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases (EGID) (Invite Only) Chair Iva Hojsak, Croatia Chair Alexandra Papadopoulou, Greece 12:00 – 13:00 Dochart I 14:00 – 16:00 Carron I Neonatal Nutrition SIG Special Interest Group on Coeliac Disease (Invite Only) Chair Hans van Goudoever, The Netherlands Chair Carmen Ribes Koninckx, Spain 12:00 – 15:00 Etive 15:00 – 17:30 Dochart I Graft Injury Group (GIG) (Invite Only) Neurogastro, Motility and Functional GI Disorders SIG/WG Chair Deirdre Kelly, United Kingdom Chair Silvia Salvatore, Italy 12:30 – 14:00 Boisdale I 15:00 – 16:00 Dochart II GENIUS WG Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases (EGID) Chair Frank Ruemmele, France Chair Alexandra Papadopoulou, Greece 13:00 – 14:00 Carron I 15:00 – 16:00 Etive Special Interest Group on Coeliac Disease Outcomes in Nutrition Trials WG (Invite Only) Steering Committee (Invite Only) Chair Merit Tabbers, The Netherlands Chair Carmen Ribes Koninckx, Spain 15:00 – 16:30 Fyne 13:00 – 14:30 Carron II International Registry of Congenital Porto-systemic Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreas WG shunts (IRCPSS) Chair Frank Bowedes, The Netherlands Chair Valérie McLin, Switzerland ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Wednesday, 05 June 2019 · 17:00 – 18:00 · Lomond Hall Wednesday, 05 June 2019 Young ESPGHAN Session Everything we know about writing and publishing, work and life, 16:00 – 18:00 Carron I success and failure – a diferent Young ESPGHAN conversational Special Interest Group on Coeliac Disease (SIG-CD) session with contributions from her, me and you. Chair Carmen Ribes Koninckx, Spain Wednesday 05 June 2019 The presenter: The Content: 16:00 – 16:30 Etive Come and join us for a unique session organised by the Young ESPGHAN Outcomes in Nutrition Trials WG Committee! Chair Merit Tabbers, The Netherlands Over the past ifty years the study of literature has become a generally 16:30 – 18:00 Boisdale I accepted aspect of medical education. Literature is highly suited to assist learners Porto IBD SIG Helen McClory, PhD in questioning conventional thinking and Chair Dan Turner, Israel Author assumptions about various dimensions of work, life, professionalism, identity, and Helen has a PhD in literature and creative health. 16:30 – 18:00 Carron II writing from the University of Glasgow. Therefore, the seemingly separate Clinical Malnutrition WG Helen McClory lives in Edinburgh and universes of an author and a young doctor grew up between there and the isle of Chair Konstantinos Gerasimidis, United Kingdom are sewed together in a conversation Skye. Her irst collection, On the Edges between Helen McClory and Line Modin, of Vision, was published by Queen‘s Ferry MD, PhD. who will interview Helen on 16:30 – 18:30 Dochart II Press in August 2015 and won the Saltire stage and invite you to ask questions along First Book of the Year 2015. Her second the way. Polyposis WG collection, Mayhem & Death, was written for the lonely and published in March This interactive session will be a diverse Chairs Shlomi Cohen, Israel · Warren Hyer, United Kingdom 2018. mix of literary performances, non medical and medical perspectives on writing and Mayhem & Death is the matured, darker 16:30 – 18:00 Fyne publishing, work and life and all the stuf companion to On the Edges of Vision and that lies in between. Basic and Translational Research and Epigenetics in shows McClory’s ever expanding ability to envelop and entrance her readers with We genuinely look forward to invite you Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition SIG lyrical language of lore, stunning settings into a diferent session. Chair Andreas Jenke, Germany and curious characters. There is a moor and a cold sea in her heart. What to expect: 17:30 – 18:30 Dochart I Helen about herself: • Discussions on work life balance in an ‘Part islander, part denizen of the ‘city of unbalanced world. Perspectives from a Hepatology Interest Group Hume and Boswell’ (and Burke and Hare, Scottish author Chair Henkjan Verkade, The Netherlands and by spirit, Jekyll and Hyde), I’ve lived in • How to inish, how to publish – how to Sydney (for graduate studies) and in New prevent the paper from staying in the York City, though for the moment I’m back drawer ? in Edinburgh working on my next project and daydreaming of more travels.’ • The process of successful writing • How to fail (successfully) in writing ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting Programme Overview Thursday, 06 June 2019 Clyde Hall Lomond Hall Hall 1 Hall 2 Hall 3 Poster Exhibition 07:15 Breakfast Symposium Breakfast Symposium Breakfast Symposium Hall 4 see page 154 see page 157 see page 154 08:15 08:30 Opening Session see page 36 09:30 State of the Art 06 June 2019 Thursday see page 36 08:00 – 18:00 10:00 Cofee Break Cofee Break see page 86 10:45 Plenary Session Highest Scoring Abstracts see page 37 ePoster Exhibition Hall 4 12:15 Keynote Lecture Hepatology see page 37 12:45 13:00 Lunchtime Symposium Lunchtime Symposium Lunch Break Lunchtime Symposium Lunch Break see page 157 see page 158 see page 158 14:00 08:00 – 18:00 14:30 Parallel Symposium Parallel Symposium Parallel Symposium Parallel Symposium Live Endoscopy see page 78 Monitoring in Dysphagia The gut-liver axis Nutritional status – paediatric IBD monitoring see page 38 see page 39 see page 39 see page 40 see page 41 16:30 Cofee Break Cofee Break 17:15 Parallel Session Clinical Practice Parallel Session Parallel Session Parallel Symposium Gastroenterology 1 in Hepatology Gastroenterology 2 Nutrition 1 Specialised Endoscopy see page 42 see page 42 see page 43 see page 44 see page 45 18:15 18:30 Evening Symposium Evening Symposium Evening Symposium see page 161 see page 160 see page 160 as of 2 May 2019 Gastroenterology ESPGHAN subject to change Hepatology Industry Nutrition ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Thursday, 06 June 2019 Chronological Programme 07:15 – 08:15 Lomond Hall 10:45 – 12:15 Clyde Hall Breakfast Symposium Plenary Session: Highest Scoring Abstracts Industry sponsored > Details on page 154 Chairs Richard Russell, United Kingdom · Matthias Zilbauer, United Kingdom 07:15 – 08:15 Hall 2 10:45 G-O-003 Human RIPK1 deiciency - molecular insights Daniel Kotlarz, from children with inlammatory bowel Germany Breakfast Symposium disease Industry sponsored > Details on page 157 10:55 G-O-004 Contractile segment impedance (CSI) for the Taher Omari, diagnosis of gastroesophageal relux disease Australia during high resolution esophageal manometry: 06 June 2019 Thursday 07:15 – 08:15 Hall 3 a pediatric study Breakfast Symposium 11:05 H-O-001 First report of the international registry of Valérie McLin, congenital porto-systemic shunts Switzerland Industry sponsored > Details on page 154 11:15 N-O-003 Gut microbiome and its metabolic activity in Esther Neelis, children with intestinal failure dependent on The Netherlands long-term parenteral nutrition 11:25 G-O-005 Technical outcomes in pediatric ERCP: David Troendle, 08:30 – 09:30 Clyde Hall experience with the multicenter pediatric ERCP USA database initiative (PEDI) Opening Session 11:35 H-O-002 Renal function after liver transplantation at C. J. van der Vlist, paediatric age: efects of long-term calcineurin The Netherlands inhibitor treatment 11:45 N-O-004 Neural pathways activated by formula Colin Prosser, consumption New Zealand 09:30 – 10:00 Clyde Hall 11:55 G-O-006 Risk factors for anastomotic strictures in the Madeleine Aumar, State of the Art Lecture irst year after oesophageal atresia REPAIR: France data from a prospective multicentric cohort Chair Raanan Shamir, Israel 9:30 Immune mediated inlammatory diseases: Iain B. McInnes, what would Lister do next? United Kingdom 12:15 – 12:45 Clyde Hall Keynote Lecture: Hepatology Chair Henkjan Verkade, The Netherlands 10:00 – 10:45 Cofee Break 12:15 Reversing liver ibrosis Detlef Schuppan, Germany ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Thursday, 06 June 2019 Chronological Programme 13:00 – 14:00 Clyde Hall 14:30 – 16:30 Lomond Hall Lunchtime Symposium Parallel Symposium: Dysphagia Industry sponsored > Details on page 157 Chairs Annamaria Staiano, Italy · Marc Benninga, The Netherlands 13:00 – 14:00 Lomond Hall 14:30 Pharyngeal dysphagia Nathalie Rommel, Belgium Lunchtime Symposium 14:50 Achalasia Maartje Singendonk, Industry sponsored > Details on page 158 The Netherlands 15:10 G-O-010 Heller myotomy is more eicient than endoscopic Frédéric Gottrand, 13:00 – 14:00 Hall 2 dilatation for treating oesophageal achalasia in France 06 June 2019 Thursday children: a retrospective multicentre study Lunchtime Symposium 15:20 Eosinophilic oesophagitis Osvaldo Borrelli, Industry sponsored > Details on page 158 United Kingdom 15:40 Oesophageal atresia Frédéric Gottrand, 12:30 – 14:30 Lunch Break France 16:00 G-O-011 Clinical presentation of rumination syndrome Teresa Di Chio, in a tertiary/quaternary referral centre: the United Kingdom 14:30 – 16:30 Clyde Hall role of oesophageal high-resolution impedance manometry (HRIM) Parallel Symposium 16:10 GERD: dysphagia from complications and Michiel P. van Wijk, Monitoring in paediatric IBD treatment The Netherlands Chairs Patrick van Rheenen, The Netherlands · Sally Lawrence, Canada 14:30 – 16:30 Hall 1 14:30 Tight monitoring of disease activity of PIBD in Marina Aloi, clinical practice Italy Parallel Symposium: The gut-liver axis 14:55 G-O-007 Pharmacogenetics of anti-TNF therapy in Sara paediatric Crohns‘ disease and ulcerative colitis. Salvador-Martín, Chairs Girish Gupte, United Kingdom · Jörg Jahnel, Austria Comparison with adults Spain 14:30 Signaling pathways between liver and gut Frank Bodewes, 15:05 Capsule endoscopy or MRE for PIBD? Dan Turner, Israel The Netherlands 15:25 The new Crohn’s small and large bowel Capsule Salvatore Oliva, 15:03 H-O-003 Long-term follow-up of liver disease in children Line Modin, - new horizons Italy and young people with cystic ibrosis (CF) in the UK United Kingdom 15:45 G-O-008 Pan-enteric capsule endoscopy in paediatric Salvatore Oliva, 15:13 Management options for sclerosing Etienne Sokal, Crohn‘s Disease - the Ped-Pan study: preliminary Italy cholangitis Belgium results of a multicenter trial 15:46 H-O-004 Evaluation of defensins as markers of gut Aldona Wierzbicka- 15:55 G-O-009 A global prospective observational study in Martine A. Aardoom, microbiota disturbances in children with Rucińska, Poland paediatric-onset IBD: the PIBD-SETQuality The Netherlands obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease inception cohort 15:56 Gut and hepatic encephalopathy Debbie L. Shawcross, 16:05 The clinical role of whole exome sequencing Aleixo Muise, United Kingdom outside of VEOIBD setup Canada ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Thursday, 06 June 2019 Chronological Programme 14:30 – 16:30 Hall 2 14:30 – 16:30 Hall 3 Parallel Symposium: Nutritional status – monitoring Live Endoscopy Chairs Koen Huysentruyt, Belgium · Konstantinos Gerasimidis, United Kingdom Glasgow Chairs Priya Narula (United Kingdom), Matjaž Homan (Slovenia) 14:30 An update of nutritional screening tools for Jessie Hulst, Sheield Endoscopists Mike Thomson, Prithviraj Rao (United Kingdom) paediatric patients Canada Sheield Surgeons Sean Marven, Richard Lindley (United Kingdom) 15:00 N-O-005 The interactive efect of prenatal iron Jie Shao, China Technical – Glasgow Richard Hansen (United Kingdom) deiciency and family economy education on Technical – Sheield Natalia Nedelkopolou, Shishu Sharma and Arun Urs children´s motor development in China (United Kingdom) 15:10 N-O-006 Vitamin D in Brazilian paediatric population Marcia Cavichio, 06 June 2019 Thursday from North to South Brazil This is the irst live endoscopy symposium in ESPGHAN history and something we 15:20 Pitfalls in nutritional assessment in sick or Konstantinos hope will become a core component of future programmes. critically ill paediatric patients Gerasimidis, United Kingdom Due to the nature of live endoscopy, we cannot give a precise programme with speciic 15:50 N-O-007 Comparison of Fenton intrauterine growth Susanta Kumar timings, however, we will be beaming live cases with commentary from two theatres in chart and INTERGROWTH-21 postnatal growth Badatya, India the International Academy for Paediatric Endoscopy Training, Sheield Children‘s Hospital chart to assess growth restriction at birth and across the course of the afternoon. discharge in very low birth weight neonates We expect to show cases including: 16:00 Non-nutritional factors in determining Jarod Wong, nutritional status in chronic illness United Kingdom • Laparoscopically-assisted endoscopic jejunostomy • Endoscopic division of congenital duodenal congenital web • Multiple polypectomy from PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome • Single stage percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy button • Argon plasma coagulation for anastomotic ulceration • Over-the-scope clips and Hemospray for gastrointestinal bleeding (if case availability allows) This will help to showcase some of the GI-surgical interface and also the approaches that prevent the need for formal surgical intervention. An interactive debate on approaches with audience participation and an ongoing dialogue with the team performing the procedures is expected. We hope it will be instructive as well as stimulating and will be well attended, serving as a spring board for future years. We advise interested delegates to attend early for this session, which we anticipate being busy. 16:30 – 17:15 Cofee Break ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Thursday, 06 June 2019 Chronological Programme 17:15 – 18:15 Clyde Hall 17:15 – 18:15 Hall 1 Parallel Session: Gastroenterology 1 Parallel Session: Gastroenterology 2 Chairs Christos Tzivinikos, United Arab Emirates · Jochen Kammermeier, United Kingdom Chairs Osvaldo Borrelli, United Kingdom · Alexandra Papadopoulou, Greece 17:15 G-O-012 Accurate classiication of paediatric colonic Jasbir Dhaliwal, 17:15 G-O-018 Automated stool consistency scoring for Thomas Ludwig, IBD subtype using random forest machine Canada non-toilet trained children by machine Singapore learning classiier learning algorithms 17:25 G-O-013 Delineating the phenotype of paediatric Amanda Ricciuto, 17:25 G-O-019 Plasma dosage of ghrelin and leptin related Letizia Zenzeri, PSC-IBD using longitudinal data analysis Canada to gastric emptying time and esophageal Italy pH-impedance parameters in obese children and 17:35 G-O-014 Nationwide incidence and prevalence of Christopher 06 June 2019 Thursday adolescents paediatric inlammatory bowel disease J. Burgess, in Scotland 2015-2017 demonstrates the United Kingdom 17:35 G-O-020 Protocol adherence and behavior-related Marin L. Leijdekkers, highest paediatric prevalence rate recorded artefacts in paediatric high resolution The Netherlands worldwide manometry 17:45 G-O-015 The evolving role of biologic therapy in Eileen Crowley, 17:45 G-O-021 Evaluation of probiotic Lactobacillus Girish Deshpande, paediatric very early onset inlammatory bowel Canada reuteri (DSM17938) for treatment of Australia disease (VEO-IBD) gastro-oesophageal relux in preterm neonates: a prospective observational study 17:55 G-O-016 Disease activity patterns during the irst 5 years Marina Aloi, Italy after diagnosis in children with ulcerative colitis: 17:55 G-O-022 Fibrostenotic phenotype in patients with Diana Marcela a population-based study eosinophilic esophagitis, is not exclusive of adults Montoya Villa, Spain 18:05 G-O-017 Clock gene disruption may be a causative event Yael Weintraub, 18:05 G-O-023 The prevalence of lymphocytic oesophagitis and Aneta in inlammatory bowel disease lares and a Israel of eosinophilic oesophagitis in children: a 5-year Szalacha-Szczur, target for treatment observational study in a tertiary care pediatric Poland center 17:15 – 18:15 Lomond Hall Clinical Practice in Hepatology Chairs Nedim Hadzic, United Kingdom · Karen Murray, USA 17:15 Abnormalities in liver ultrasound: Stéphanie 1. what the radiologist sees Franchi-Abella, France 17:30 Abnormalities in liver ultrasound: Piotr Czubkowski, 2. OK... and now what? Poland 17:45 Infections of the liver: a practical approach Giuseppe Indoli, Italy ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Thursday, 06 June 2019 Chronological Programme 17:15 – 18:15 Hall 2 17:15 – 18:15 Hall 3 Parallel Session: Nutrition 1 Parallel Symposium: Specialised Endoscopy Chairs Alexandre Lapillonne, France · Nicholas Embleton, United Kingdom Chairs Prithviraj Rao, United Kingdom · Ilse Broekaert, Germany 17:15 N-O-008 Human milk oligosaccharide 2´-fucosyllactose Saskia Overbeek, 17:15 POEM Luigi Dall‘Oglio, more eiciently modulates immunogenicity The Netherlands Italy during maturation of human dendritic cells in 17:35 G-O-025 Polyp progression in paediatric patients with Anele Chukwuemek, the presence of scGOS/lcFOS prebiotics familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome – is United Kingdom 17:25 N-O-009 Modulation of 3‘SL level in pre-weaning milk Jonas Hauser, annual surveillance required – a single center impact attention, learning and memory in the Switzerland experience 06 June 2019 Thursday adult ofspring 17:45 The place of ERCP and EUS in children – who Douglas Fishman, 17:35 N-O-010 Maternal secretor status is associated with Olga Sakwinska, should perform it and why? USA reduced incidence of respiratory infections in Switzerland infants in the microbiota and health cohort 17:45 N-O-011 Combination of speciic pre-and postbiotics in Mona Mischke, infant formula induces gut barrier maturation The Netherlands closer to mother‘s milk and supports gut 18:30 – 19:30 Lomond Hall functionality in mice Evening Symposium 17:55 N-O-012 Term infant formula supplemented with bovine Jian Yan, milk-derived oligosaccharides shifts stool Switzerland Industry sponsored > Details on page 161 microbiota closer to that of breastfed infants 18:05 N-O-013 Growth in infants with cow‘s milk protein allergy Yvan Vandenplas, 18:30 – 19:30 Hall 2 fed an amino acid-based formula Belgium Evening Symposium Industry sponsored > Details on page 160 18:30 – 19:30 Hall 3 Evening Symposium Industry sponsored > Details on page 160 ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting Programme Overview Friday, 07 June 2019 Clyde Hall Lomond Hall Hall 1 Hall 2 Hall 3 Poster Session & 07:15 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Poster Walk Symposium Symposium Symposium Hall 4 see page 162 see page 161 see page 162 08:15 08:30 Plenary Session Plenary Session Plenary Session Gastroenterology 1 Nutrition Hepatology see page 48 see page 49 see page 50 14:00 – 14:45 10:00 Keynote Lecture Nutrition see page 88 see page 51 ePoster Exhibition 10:30 Cofee Break Cofee Break Hall 4 07 June 2019 Friday 11:15 Clinical Practice Parallel Session Parallel Session Parallel Session Parallel Session in Gastroenterology Nutrition 2 Gastroenterology 3 Hepatology 1 Gastroenterology 4 see page 52 see page 53 see page 54 see page 55 12:15 08:00 – 18:00 12:30 Parallel Session Parallel Session Parallel Session Parallel Session Nutrition 3 Gastroenterology 5 Hepatology 2 Gastroenterology 6 see page 78 see page 51 see page 56 see page 57 see page 58 see page 59 Exhibition Area 13:30 Lunch Break & Poster Walks (Poster only) Lunch Break & Poster Walks (Poster only) Hall 4 15:15 Parallel Symposium Parallel Symposium Parallel Symposium Parallel Symposium Functional Contemporary Liver transplantation Donor human milk Endoscopy GI-disorders management of PIBD Learning Zone 1 ”Beginners“ see page 60 see page 61 see page 62 see page 63 (Ticket required) 11:00 – 13:30 17:15 17:30 ESPGHAN AGM Endoscopy (Members Only) Learning Zone 2 ”Advanced“ see page 10 (Ticket required) 15:15 – 17:45 as of 2 May 2019 see page 148 Gastroenterology ESPGHAN subject to change Hepatology ELZ Nutrition Industry ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Friday, 07 June 2019 Chronological Programme 07:15 – 08:15 Lomond Hall 09:30 G-O-032 A phase I randomised, double-blind, placebo- Richard Hansen, controlled study to assess the safety and United Kingdom Breakfast Symposium tolerability of (Thetanix®) Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in adolescents with stable Industry sponsored > Details on page 162 Crohn´s disease 09:40 G-O-033 Identiication of serum protein biomarkers for Towia A. Libermann, 07:15 – 08:15 Hall 2 non-invasive diagnosis of pediatric IBD using USA SOMAscan Breakfast Symposium Industry sponsored > Details on page 161 07:15 – 08:15 Hall 3 08:30 – 10:00 Lomond Hall Breakfast Symposium Plenary Session: Nutrition Industry sponsored > Details on page 162 Chairs Mary Fewtrell, United Kingdom · Magnus Domellöf, Sweden 08:30 N-O-014 Fecal metabolite proiles of mixed-fed Sharon Donovan, 08:30 – 10:00 Clyde Hall infants are more similar to formula-fed than USA breastfed infants 07 June 2019 Plenary Session: Gastroenterology 1 Friday 08:40 N-O-015 Annurca apple extracts in treatment of Michele di Toma, children‘s hypercholesterolemia: double blind Italy Chairs Rok Orel, Slovenia · Carmen Ribes Koninckx, Spain placebo controlled cross-over randomized study 08:30 G-O-026 Maternal gluten and ibre intake during Ketil Størdal, 08:50 N-O-016 Milk-derived exosomes (MDE) have a diferent Shimon Reif, Israel pregnancy and risk of childhood celiac Norway biological efect on normal fetal epithelial disease: the Norwegian mother and child colonic cells compared to colonic tumor cells cohort study in a miRNA-dependent manner 08:40 G-O-027 Potential celiac disease patients fail to Valentina Discepolo, 09:00 N-O-017 Dietary choline-containing phospholipids Jian Yan, express activating NK receptors and epithelial USA are associated with cognitive performance in Switzerland stress markers even those who will evolve to school-aged children full-blown CD 09:10 N-O-018 Early intervention with hydrolysed formulas is Carla Patricia Harris, 08:50 G-O-028 Current treatment of Helicobacter pylori Thu Giang Le Thi, not protective against functional gastrointestinal Germany infected children and adolescents in Europe: Germany disorders in adolescence – the GINI Study interim results of the new EuroPedHp registry 09:20 N-O-019 Efects of infant formula enriched with milk Steven Wu, USA 09:00 G-O-029 Intestinal-speciic Reg4 deiciency ameliorates Yongtao Xiao, fat globule membrane (MFGM) and lactoferrin intestinal inlammation China on the gastrointestinal microbiome and metabolome 09:10 G-O-030 Top-down Inliximab superior to step-up in Lissy de Ridder, children with moderate-to-severe Crohn‘s disease The Netherlands 09:30 N-O-020 Efect of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty Miguel Saenz de – a multicenter randomized controlled trial acid supplementation of preterm infants on Pipaon, Spain infection. A systematic review and meta-analysis 09:20 G-O-031 Alterations in T and B cell receptor repertoires Dror Shouval, patterns in patients with deleterious IL10/IL10 Israel 09:40 N-O-021 Maternal and child gluten intake and risk of Ketil Størdal, receptor mutations and history of infantile-onset type 1 diabetes: the Norwegian mother and Norway IBD child cohort study ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Friday, 07 June 2019 Chronological Programme 08:30 – 10:00 Hall 2 10:00 – 10:30 Clyde Hall Plenary Session: Hepatology Keynote Lecture: Nutrition Chairs Ulrich Baumann, Germany · Jian She Wang, China Chair Magnus Domellöf, Sweden 08:30 H-O-005 The contribution of variants in genes involved Teresa Brunetti, 10:00 The gut microbiome – maternal/fetal factors Lars Engstrand, in bile acid metabolism to the progression United Kingdom and health outcomes Sweden of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a paediatric cohort 08:40 H-O-006 Efects of the ileal bile acid transport inhibitor Ulrich Baumann, A4250 on serum bile acids, pruritus and sleep in Germany patients with Alagille syndrome: phase 2 study 10:30 – 11:15 Cofee Break results 08:50 H-O-007 Factors associated with the natural course Daan van Wessel, of disease in patients with FIC1-deiciency: The Netherlands the NAPPED-consortium 11:15 – 13:30 Clyde Hall 09:00 H-O-008 Biallelic mutations in RINT1 – a new cause Dominic Lenz, of recurrent acute liver failure with onset in Germany Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology infancy and dysostosis multiplex 07 June 2019 Chairs Rok Orel, Slovenia · Andrew Barclay, United Kingdom Friday 09:10 H-O-009 Functional rescue of an ABCB11 variant by Elodie Mareux, ivacaftor: a new targeted pharmacotherapy France 11:15 Polyposis: topline from the guidelines Warren Hyer, approach in bsep deiciency United Kingdom 09:20 H-O-010 Bile duct injury in a toxic model of biliary atresia Orith 11:50 Eosinophilic GI disease beyond the esophagus – Jorge Amil Dias, is mediated by genes in WNT and NOTCH Waisbourd-Zinman, to treat or not to treat? Portugal signaling pathways Israel 12:15 Paediatric functional GI disorders: if drugs Marc Benninga, 09:30 H-O-011 Biodegradable biliary stent placement as Javi Juampérez, don‘t work… what else? The Netherlands treatment of anastomotic biliary strictures in Spain 12:40 Fecal microbiota transplantation – beyond C Dif Richard paediatric patients with liver transplantation Kellermayer, USA 09:40 H-O-012 Impact of donor CYP3A5 genotype and Michele Pinon, 13:05 Gastrointestinal allergy: contemporary Sibylle Koletzko, graft size on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in Italy approaches to diagnosis and management Germany paediatric liver transplant patients ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Friday, 07 June 2019 Chronological Programme 11:15 – 12:15 Lomond Hall 11:15 – 12:15 Hall 1 Parallel Session: Nutrition 2 Parallel Session: Gastroenterology 3 Chairs Lorenzo Norsa, Italy · Jiri Bronsky, Czech Republic Chairs Paolo Lionetti, Italy · Javier Martín de Carpi, Spain 11:15 N-O-022 Results of a 24-week phase III study of Susan Protheroe, 11:15 G-O-34 CD-TREAT a novel dietary therapy of active Vaios Svolos, teduglutide in children with short bowel United Kingdom Crohn‘s disease using the exclusive enteral United Kingdom syndrome-associated intestinal failure (SBS-IF) nutrition paradigm 11:25 N-O-023 Low FODMAP diet is not efective in reducing Katarzyna 11:25 G-O-35 Crohn‘s disease exclusion diet is equally efective Arie Levine, Israel symptoms of functional abdominal pain in Mirosława Boradyn, but better tolerated than exclusive enteral children: a randomized, double-blind study Poland nutrition for induction of remission in mild to moderate active paediatric Crohn‘s disease: a 11:35 N-O-024 Efects of ish oil lipid emulsion compared Ying Wang, China prospective randomized controlled trial with MCT/LCT lipid emulsion on intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD) in 11:35 G-O-36 Exclusive enteral nutrition versus corticosteroid Thomas D. Walters, children induction therapy for new onset paediatric Canada Crohn‘s disease: comparison of 18 month 11:45 N-O-025 Third trimester maternal choline Richard L. Canield, outcomes in a Canadian prospective multi- supplementation improves child memory, USA centre inception cohort attention, and problem-solving at age 7 years 11:45 G-O-37 Not so simple perianal Crohn‘s Disease! – Cher-Antonia 07 June 2019 11:55 N-O-026 Serum bile acids perturbations induced by Ying Wang, China operative intervention for perianal issuring Friday Khedim, disturbed gut microbiota in a rat model of disease in South-East Scotland: an 18 year United Kingdom parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease population-based cohort study 12:05 N-O-027 The overload gut syndrome Cecile Lambe, 11:55 G-O-38 Eicacy, pharmacokinetics and immunogenicity Karen van Hoeve, France is not afected by switching from Inliximab Belgium originator to a biosimilar in pediatric patients with inlammatory bowel disease 12:05 G-O-39 Thiopurine enhancement using Allopurinol Ali Hakizimana, in the short and medium term in paediatric United Kingdom inlammatory bowel disease (pIBD) – paediatric IBD Porto group of ESPGHAN ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Friday, 07 June 2019 Chronological Programme 11:15 – 12:15 Hall 2 11:15 – 12:15 Hall 3 Parallel Session: Hepatology 1 Parallel Session: Gastroenterology 4 Chairs Saul Karpen, USA · Deirdre Kelly, United Kingdom Chairs Corina Pienar, Romania · Riccardo Troncone, Italy 11:15 H-O-013 Growth trajectories in Alagille syndrome from Koen Huysentruyt, 11:15 G-O-041 Prospective longitudinal gut metagenomic Francesco Valitutti, birth to early childhood: towards condition Belgium analysis suggests altered microbiome Italy speciic growth charts composition and function in infants prior to coeliac disease onset 11:25 H-O-014 Cholestasis decreases hippocampal dendritic Laurianne spine density in an organotypic rat model Giovannoni, 11:25 G-O-042 Growth of children with coeliac disease is Renata Auricchio, Switzerland compromised before the onset of the disease Italy 11:35 H-O-015 ATP7B and copper homeostasis genes in Annamaria 11:35 G-O-043 Helicobacter pylori infection in children Burcu Volkan, Wilson‘s disease by targeted next-generation Sapuppo, Italy with concomitant coeliac disease and type 1 Turkey sequencing diabetes mellitus 11:45 H-O-016 Predicting long-term outcome after surgical Daan van Wessel, 11:45 G-O-044 Analysis of glycated hemoglobin values in Maria Bavastrelli, biliary diversion in BSEP-deiciency patients: The Netherlands coeliac patients, compared with those of Italy results from the NAPPED consortium general population: a possible marker of an increased health risk? 11:55 H-O-017 Hepatoadrenal syndrome in cirrhotic children: Moinak Sen Sarma, 07 June 2019 does it exist? India 11:55 G-O-045 A novel homozygous CARMIL2 variant causes Orly Eshach Adiv, Friday infantile colitis and eosinophilic disease without Israel 12:05 H-O-018 Endoscopic variceal ligation as primary Maria Mercadal- recurrent infections prophylaxis for upper gastrointestinal bleeding Hally, Spain in children ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Friday, 07 June 2019 Chronological Programme 12:30 – 13:30 Lomond Hall 12:30 – 13:30 Hall 1 Parallel Session: Nutrition 3 Parallel Session: Gastroenterology 5 Chairs Cristina Campoy, Spain · Elvira Verduci, Italy Chairs Jutta Koeglmeier, United Kingdom · Andreas Jenke, Germany 12:30 N-O-028 Frequency of gene variants of the leptin / Béatrice Dubern, 12:30 G-O-046 Early feeding in acute pancreatitis in children – Shlomi Cohen, melanocortin pathway in severe obesity France a prospective randomised controlled trial Israel 12:40 N-O-029 Validity of LATCH Score in predicting exclusive Mubashir Hassan 12:40 G-O-047 The way from abdominal pain to pediatric Dóra Mosztbacher, breast feeding and weight velocity at 6 weeks in Shah, India pancreatitis – the PINEAPPLE study Hungary healthy term Indian infants 12:50 G-O-048 The utility of ultrasound in cystic ibrosis Julie Dobbin, 12:50 N-O-030 Pre-pubertal amino acid and lipid metabolism Francois-Pierre related liver disease United Kingdom associates with glycaemic traits at adolescence Martin, Switzerland 13:00 G-O-049 An international multicentre validation study Amin J. Roberts, 13:00 N-O-031 Adiponectin agonist treatment during Antonio Gázquez, of the toronto listing criteria for pediatric New Zealand pregnancy improves glycaemia but not lipid Spain intestinal transplant proile in diabetic rats and their ofspring 13:10 G-O-050 Developmental and cognitive proile of children Riikka Gunnar, 13:10 N-O-032 Efectiveness of individual vs. group-based Elvira Verduci, Italy with intestinal failure Finland lifestyle intervention on anthropometric and 13:20 G-O-051 Muscle mass after intestinal transplantation Kushila Rupasinghe, metabolic proile of obese children in children is greater than in those on home United Kingdom 07 June 2019 Friday 13:20 N-O-033 Dietary patterns established early in life and Veronica Luque, parenteral nutrition their associations with cardiovascular risk Spain factors in late childhood ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Friday, 07 June 2019 Chronological Programme 12:30 – 13:30 Hall 2 12:30 – 13:30 Hall 3 Parallel Session: Hepatology 2 Parallel Session: Gastroenterology 6 Chairs Mohammad Ali Shagrani, Saudi Arabia · Ekkehard Sturm, Germany Chairs Lissy de Ridder, The Netherlands · Rut Anne Thomassen, Norway 12:30 H-O-019 Shortened 8-weeks course of Sofosbuvir/ Daniele Serranti, 12:30 G-O-052 Treatment failure, safety, and immunogenicity Neil Chanchlani, Ledipasvir therapy in adolescents with chronic Italy of anti-TNF treatment in biologic-naïve United Kingdom Hepatitis C infection: a real-word experience children and adolescents with Crohn‘s disease: a subgroup analysis of the PANTS cohort 12:40 H-O-020 Development and Validation of a novel, Bikrant Biharilal dynamic, etiology speciic prognostic model Raghuvanshi, India 12:40 G-O-053 Tolerability, safety, and eicacy of Carsten Posovszky, (Peds-HAV) in 100 children with Hepatitis A varicella-zoster-virus vaccination in Germany induced pediatric acute liver failure immunosuppressed children with inlammatory bowel disease or autoimmunhepatitis 12:50 H-O-021 A combined blood and MR imaging risk Kamil Janowski, score for monitoring liver inlammation in Poland 12:50 G-O-054 Nephrotoxicity of aminosalicylates in children Angeliki Pappa, paediatric AIH and adolescents with inlammatory bowel Germany disease (IBD)-data excerpt of CEDATA GPGE® 13:00 H-O-022 Cellular iniltrate and expression of IL-37 in Lucas Griessmair, pediatric AIH, PSC and ASC Germany 13:00 G-O-055 Neurological adverse events induced by tumour Valerie Bertrand, necrosis factor alpha inhibitors in paediatric France 13:10 H-O-023 Functional and immunometabolic analysis of Suz Warner, inlammatory bowel diseases: an analysis based 07 June 2019 liver derived MAIT cells in autoimmune liver United Kingdom Friday on the French National Pharmacovigilance disease Database 13:20 H-O-024 Preventative strategies against cytomegalovirus Emanuele Nicastro, 13:10 G-O-056 Final growth in paediatric Crohn´s Disease Amit Assa, Israel in paediatric liver transplantation: results Italy is impaired also in the era of biologics: from the European prospective multi-centre a population based analysis from the epiIIRN ChilSFree cohort study administrative cohort 13:20 G-O-057 An ongoing safety registry to identify rare and Martine A. Aardoom, severe complications in paediatric-onset IBD The Netherlands 13:30 – 15:15 Lunch Break & Poster Session incl. Poster Walks ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Friday, 07 June 2019 Chronological Programme 15:15 – 17:15 Clyde Hall 15:15 – 17:15 Hall 1 Parallel Symposium: Functional GI-disorders Parallel Symposium: Chairs Nikhil Thapar, United Kingdom · Silvia Salvatore, Italy Contemporary management of PIBD Chairs David Wilson, United Kingdom · Dan Turner, Israel 15:15 Functional nausea, diagnosis and treatment Katja Kovacic, USA 15:40 G-O-058 Pediatric PPI use and fracture risk Nathan Fleishman, 15:15 Managing PIBD in low resource setup Almuthe Christina USA Hauer, Austria · Michael Lentze, 15:50 G-O-059 Genetic factors inluence on the development Elżbieta Germany of functional constipation (FC) disease in Czkwianianc, children Poland 15:40 PIBD ahead: predicting disease course in IBD Anne Griiths, and how to select children requiring biologics Canada 16:00 Pain modulation in functional abdominal pain Qasim Aziz, at disease onset disorders United Kingdom 16:05 Predicting response to anti-TNF in children Nicholas Kennedy, 16:25 The efect of placebo in FGIDs Arine Vlieger, United Kingdom Belgium 16:30 G-O-060 Vedolizumab is efective in real life paediatric Dan Turner, 16:50 Allergy and FGIDs a true association? Yvan Vandenplas, inlammatory bowel disease: report from the Israel The Netherlands prospective, multi-centre VEDOKIDS cohort study 07 June 2019 16:40 G-O-061 Proactive adalimumab trough measurements Amit Assa, Friday increase corticosteroid-free clinical remission Israel in pediatric patients with Crohn‘s disease: the pediatric Crohn‘s disease adalimumab level-based optimization treatment (PAILOT) randomized controlled trial 16:50 Will the new UC guidelines help me look after Javier Martín de my patients? Examples from practice Carpi, Spain ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Friday, 07 June 2019 Chronological Programme 15:15 – 17:15 Hall 2 15:15 – 17:15 Hall 3 Parallel Symposium: Liver transplantation Parallel Symposium: Donor human milk Chairs Françoise Smets, Belgium · Marianne Samyn, United Kingdom Chairs Judith Simpson, United Kingdom · Nicholas Embleton, United Kingdom 15:15 The late post-transplant liver biopsy: towards Stefan G. Hübscher, 15:15 What is the evidence base for the use of Nicholas Embleton, standardisation United Kingdom donor milk in preterm infants? United Kingdom 15:48 H-O-025 Evolution of liver transplantation for children Ulrich Baumann, 15:45 N-O-034 Postnatal longitudinal growth and reference Srinivas Murki, and adolescents in Europe – a report of the Germany growth charts for very preterm infants on India European liver transplant registry predominant human milk feeding 15:58 Late graft injury – natural history and Stefen Hartleif, 15:55 N-O-035 The preparation and storage of fortiied Mandy Davies, mechanisms Germany expressed breast milk in neonatal units in United Kingdom England - a survey 16:31 H-O-026 Early emergence of de novo donor speciic Come Tissandier, antibodies in pediatric liver recipients are Switzerland 16:05 Protection of functional components during Jean-Charles Picaud, associated with T cell mediated rejection donor milk pasteurization France 16:41 Noninvasive assessment of ibrosis after liver Jonathan 16:35 N-O-036 Efects of early use of donor human milk on Deepa Hariharan, transplantation: where do we stand? Fallowield, United growth, development and neonatal morbidity India Kingdom in very low birth weight infants: comparison to 07 June 2019 mother´s own milk and preterm formula Friday 16:45 Discussion: examples and challenges of national organisation of milk banking Sertac Arslanoglu, Turkey Hans van Goudoever, The Netherlands Jean-Charles Picaud, France Magnus Domellöf, Sweden 17:30 – 19:45 Lomond Hall ESPGHAN Annual General Meeting (Members Only) > Details on page 10 ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting Programme Overview Saturday, 08 June 2019 Clyde Hall Lomond Hall Hall 1 Hall 2 ePoster Session Poster Exhibition Hall 4 Hall 4 08:30 Parallel Symposium Parallel Symposium Parallel Symposium Parallel Symposium Organoids: Cutting Probiotics for Novelties in Coeliac disease: edge translational infants Hepatology Diagnosis and screening research tools for everybody in paediatric Gastroenterology The ePosters will see page 66 see page 66 see page 67 see page 68 be presented at 10:40 – 11:30 08:00 – 14:15 10:30 Cofee Break & Cofee Break & ePoster Session ePoster Session see page 78 see page 86 11:40 Keynote Lecture Gastroenterology Exhibition Area see page 68 Hall 4 12:10 Clinical Practice in Joint Symposium Endoscopy Nutrition: Nutrition and Learning Zone 3 12:15 Plenary Session Feeding disorders Gastroenterology ”Beginners“ Gastroenterology 2 (Ticket required) 12:25 Parallel Session: 08:00 – 10:30 Hepatology 3 see page 70 see page 69 see page 71 see page 69 Endoscopy 08 June 2019 Learning Zone 4 Saturday 13:25 ”Advanced“ (Ticket required) 13:30 Closing & Awards 11:00 – 13:30 see page 71 see page 148 as of 2 May 2019 Gastroenterology ESPGHAN subject to change Hepatology ELZ Nutrition ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Saturday, 08 June 2019 Chronological Programme 08:30 – 10:30 Clyde Hall 09:20 N-O-038 Biidobacterium with early feeding with Yuichiro Yamashiro, colostrums and human milk beneits weight Japan Parallel Symposium: gain and metabolic responses associated with Organoids: Cutting edge translational research microbiota establishment tools in paediatric Gastro 09:30 Safety and quality control of probiotics Sanja Kolaček, Croatia Chairs Holm Uhlig, United Kingdom · Andreas Jenke, Germany 09:50 N-O-039 Combination of prebiotic oligosaccharides and Dominique Turck, 08:30 Intestinal epithelial organoids in GI health Matthias Zilbauer, fermented infant formula (with Biidobacterium France and disease United Kingdom breve C50 and Streptococcusthermophilus O65) is safe and modulates the gut microbiota 08:55 Genetic engineering of intestinal organoids Bon-Kyoung Koo, towards a microbiota closer to that of breastfed Austria infants 09:20 G-O-062 Lin-28/Occludin axis: an aberrant signal Junkai Yan, 10:00 Probiotics for prevention of NEC Hans van leading to impaired intestinal barrier function China Goudoever, under total parenteral nutrition The Netherlands 09:30 Drug development and personalised medicine in Jefrey M. cystic ibrosis using intestinal organoids Beekman, The Netherlands 09:55 Liver organoids as models to study human Alexander Ross, development and disease United Kingdom 08:30 – 10:30 Hall 1 Parallel Symposium: Novelties in Hepatology Chairs Aglaia Zellos, Greece · Dominique Debray, France 08:30 Surgical developments in liver transplantation: Dieter Clemens 08:30 – 10:30 Lomond Hall what has changed and what is expected to Broering, change shortly Saudi Arabia Parallel Symposium: Probiotics for infants 08 June 2019 Saturday 09:03 H-O-027 USP53 mutation manifest as low-GGT Ye Yang, China Chairs Flavia Indrio, Italy · Iva Hojsak, Croatia intrahepatic cholestasis 08:30 The normal development of the infant gut Christopher 09:13 Liver directed gene therapy: current results Amit C. Nathwani, microbiota Stewart, United Kingdom United Kingdom 09:46 H-O-028 Mayo PSC risk score: a prognostication tool for Vandana Jain, 08:50 N-O-037 Daily administration of Lactobacillus plantarum Pierre Poinsot, Biliary Atresia outcomes in adulthood United Kingdom improves mouse juvenile growth kinetics by France 09:56 The liver and enzyme replacement therapy: Roshni Vara, sustaining somatotropic axis activity upon to give or not to give? United Kingdom undernutrition 09:00 Probiotics in infant formula – what is the Hania Szajewska, evidence? Poland ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
Saturday, 08 June 2019 Chronological Programme 08:30 – 10:30 Hall 2 12:10 – 13:25 Lomond Hall Parallel Symposium: Clinical Practice in Nutrition: Feeding disorders Coeliac disease: Diagnosis and screening for everybody? Chairs Jessie Hulst, Canada · Iva Hojsak, Croatia Chairs Luisa Mearin, The Netherlands · Daniel Agardh, Sweden 12:10 Feeding disorders: diagnosis, classiication – Gillian Harris, 08:30 Population screening: pros and cons Carlo Catassi, Italy · a practical approach United Kingdom Kalle Kurppa, 12:40 Feeding disorders: treatment (and the utility Tena Niseteo, Finland of a feeding team) Croatia 09:20 The ethics of screening Martine de Vries, 13:05 N-O-040 ARFID is a common diagnosis at a paediatric Lotta Söderberg, The Netherlands eating observation clinic Sweden · 09:45 G-O-064 Value of anti-tTG IgA in screening of coeliac Ozlem Kalaycık Emma Gotthardsson, disease in asymptomatic children with high-risk Sengül, Turkey Sweden 09:55 G-O-065 How long children with a irst-degree coeliac Ilma R. Korponay- 13:15 N-O-041 Improving swallowing function due to electrical Ewa Winnicka, relative should be followed by antibody Szabó, Hungary stimulation in group of children – preliminary Poland screening? results from an innovative method of treatment 10:05 The 2019 ESPGHAN guidelines for coeliac Stefen Husby, disease: consolidation of the no-biopsy Denmark 12:10 – 13:25 Hall 2 approach Joint Symposium: Nutrition and Gastroenterology Chairs Erasmo Miele, Italy · Konstantinos Gerasimidis, United Kingdom 12:10 Food additives and food industrialisation in Arie Levine, 10:30 – 11:40 Cofee Break & ePoster Session the aetiology and progression of IBD Isreal 12:30 The epidemiology of the role of diet in the Andrew Hart, 08 June 2019 Saturday aetiology of IBD United Kingdom 12:50 G-O-073 Rapid reversion to baseline microbiome Michael Logan, 11:40 – 12:10 Clyde Hall during food reintroduction after successful United Kingdom course of exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) in Keynote Lecture: Gastroenterology paediatric Crohn‘s disease (CD) 13:00 N-O-042 Dietary intake and adherence to mediterranean Caterina Chair Nikhil Thapar, United Kingdom diet in a cohort of pediatric patients with Strisciuglio, Inlammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) Italy 11:40 The brain in the gut: master conductor of the Vassilis Pachnis, orchestra United Kingdom 13:10 Exclusion diets in the management of IBD: Vaios Svolos, how much and how good is the evidence? United Kingdom ESPGHAN 52nd Annual Meeting
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