NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -

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NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
2076/77 (2019/20)
Highlights from Tax

NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
Table of Content

Budget Objectives   4
Budget Summary      5-10
Taxation General    11
Income Tax          12-25
Value Added Tax     26-29
Excise Duty         30-32
Customs Duty        23-49
NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
Government's Long Term Objective:

Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepalese
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NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
•   Qualitative reform in standard of
    living of citizens by fulfilling the
    fundamental necessities and
    fundamental rights of general

•   Rapid economic development with
    social justice by optimum utilization
    and equitable distribution of
    available means, resources,
    opportunities and potentials.

•   Transform into middle-income
    nation by 2030 A.D. by developing
    economic, physical and social
    infrastructure and lay down the
    foundation for prosperous and
    socialism-oriented economy.
NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
•   Construction of Public welfare state administration with the
    eradication of extreme poverty, rapid upliftment of backward
    area, category and community along with the extension of
    social security.

•   Construction of national capital, creation of employment and
    increase in income through enhancement of productive
    capacity, transformation relating to production and
    cooperation of public, private and cooperative sector.

•   Development and construction of physical structure of
    national strategic importance, implementation of incomplete
    projects and development of financial infrastructure like
    qualitative education, health, drinking water, social and
    agriculture industry, tourism.

•   Promotion of governance realized to citizen through rule of
    law, effectiveness of public service, accountability and public
    participation in development.

•   Cooperation between province and local level, Cooperative
    and private sector for maximum utilization of resources,
    opportunity and responsibility.
NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
        Previous Year GDP
        Growth Estimate

8.50%   GDP Growth
        Projection this Year

        Previous Year
        Inflation Estimate

        Projection this Year
NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
Budget Allocation

 Total Budget Size                                   Amount (Billions)       Percentage   Allocation of Budget

                                                                                                                                                                 Current Expenditure
 Current Expenditure                                      957.10              62.43%
 Capital Expenditure                                      408.01              26.62%                                                                             Capital Expenditure
 Financial Management                                     167.86              10.95%                                                                             Financial Management

 Total Budget Allocated                                  1,532.97             100.00%

Sources Of Budget Financing

 Revenue Sources                                        Amount in Billions   Percentage                              REVENUE SOURCES
                                                                                                                             Amount in Billions               Percentage

 Tax revenue                                                 981.14            64.00%

 Foreign Grant                                                58.00             3.78%

 Foreign Debt                                                298.83            19.49%

 Internal Debt                                               195.00            12.72%




 Total                                                      1,532.97           100.00%
                                                                                             TAX                FOREIGN                    FOREIGN              INTERNAL             TOTAL
                                                                                           REVENUE               GRANT                      DEBT                  DEBT

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NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
Major Highlights of Budget 2076/77

•     Allocation of Budget of Rs. 163 billion to the education sector with the objective to receive
      the full literacy rate in 70 districts in the upcoming financial year and bring one window policy
      for operation off all universities.

•     Primary health service to be made free of cost from all local level medical service provider
      institutions and all Nepalese to be brought under health insurance net with the allocation of
      Rs. 68.78 billion in health sector.

•     Rs. 5.1 billion has been allocated to The Prime Minister Employment Program to create
      more employment opportunities in the economy and thereby reduce the foreign employment

•     The government has increased the elderly allowance from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 3000 per month
      for citizens of 70 years and above. Also the government will bear the cost of health
      insurance premium for insurance coverage upto Rs. 100 thousand for all citizens of over
      seventy years of age and person below poverty line.

•     Rs. 34.80 billion has been allocated to the agriculture sector with 8.10 billion to Prime
      Minister Agriculture Program to encourage the people returned from foreign employment to
      enter into organic agriculture business.

•     Land Act to be introduced for ensuring the sustainable utilization of the land and the
      digitalization of all land ownership papers and blueprints within 2 years.

•     The Scope of Cooperatives to be extended to tourism, industry, energy, education and
      health sectors along with agriculture and cooperative credit information centre and credit
      and deposit fund of the cooperative to be established.

•     Visit Nepal 2020 campaign will be celebrated and promoted world wide..

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NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
                                                     Major Highlights of Budget 2076/77 Continued……

                                                     •   Local products will be promoted and prioritized to make the country self
                                                         dependent in 2 dozens industrial products.

                                                     •   Closed and Sick industries will be revived by the help of private sector and
                                                         cooperatives and made in Nepal products will be made mandatory for gift-
                                                         giving purpose at International Seminars and Foreign Visits.

                                                     •   Challenge fund will be set up for providing an initial capital for operating new
                                                         and small industry and Mining sector will be explored through Public Private

                                                     •   Dry port to be established in Chobhar and Rasuwagadhi and the commercial
                                                         trade with the third countries shall be commenced through the use of Port of

                                                     •   Export of Organic tea to be promoted and in order to ensure the domestic
                                                         market, auction house shall be established.

                                                     •   Rs. 83.49 billion to be allocated to the Hydro electricity sector with the
                                                         objective of establishing at least two big hydro power in all provinces and
                                                         producing and adding 1000 MW in national grid in upcoming fiscal year.

                                                     •   PPP (Public Private Partnership) module will be explored in Huge
                                                         Hydroelectricity Projects implementation and local government to get budget
                                                         to produce electricity from waste and garbage.

                                                     •   Rs. 163.52 billion has been allocated to the roadway and railway
                                                         development with Rs. 19.18 billion being allocated to the express East West
                                                         Highway and Rs.6.27 billion to the Nagdhunga surung marga.

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NEPAL BUDGET 2076/77 (2019/20) - Highlights from Tax Perspective -
Major Highlights of Budget 2076/77 Continued……
• East-West and North-South railway to be developed and Rs 7.7 billion to
   be allocated in order to explore PPP model for monorail and metro in
   the valley.

•     Rs. 5.7 billion has been allocated for joining the centre of local level to
      province capital through black topped road and the budget of Local
      Infrastructure Development Partnership Program to be increased from
      40 million to 60 million.

•     Digital Nepal framework to be promoted and will be brought into
      operation and in upcoming 5 years all the government transactions will
      be digitalized.

•     Cyber security law will be made more strict and Nepal’s own satellite to
      be established.

•     Arrangement for depositing the gold and silver in the BFIs will be made
      and national payment gateway to be promoted and hence cash
      transactions to be reduced.

•     All kinds of securities transaction in secondary market shall be made
      digital to enable the NRN to invest in securities market as well and PAN
      system to be implemented in share market.

•     Government staff salary for gazetted officers and non-gazetted officer to
      be increased by 18% and 20% respectively and all other incentives and
      facilities are kept unchanged.

•     15th year plan for sustainable development will be implemented from
      Shrawan 2076

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                  Page 10   Page 10
General : Health, Education, Infrastructure, Telecommunication Casino
 •     Government has introduced HEALTH RISK TAX which will be applicable to the entities involved on
       the production/import of Cigarette, Cigar, Bidi, Khaini, Surti, Pan Masala, Gutkha.
               Tax Applicable: In case of Cigarette, Cigar, Bidi        : NPR 25 Paisa Per Stick (Khilli)
               In case of Khaini, Surti, Pan Masala, Gutkha             : NPR 25 Rupees Per Kg

                                                                            •   Education tax shall be levied at 2% while exchanging foreign currency as
                                                                                education fee by the students going abroad for studies.

                                                                            •   Infrastructure tax shall be levied at the rate of Rs. 5 per litre on import of Air
                                                                                fuel, Petrol and diesel at customs point.

                                                                            •   Telecommunication Service Charge to be levied at 13% which will be
                                                                                imposed by telecom industries on the telecommunication charges made to
                                                                                the customer.

                                                                            •   Casino Royalty shall be charged as :

                                                                           To General Casino                                40 Million Per annum
                                                                           To Casino using             Modern       Machine 10 Million Per annum

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General : Exemptions to the Person who want to
Regularize their Tax Compliances

•     Special Provision for waiver of Tax, Fines, Penalties and
      Interest upto Fiscal Year 2075/76 for business started with
      innovative thinking, Skill , entrepreneurship and
      technology : Any person or institution involved in the
      business with innovative thinking, skill, entrepreneurship and
      technology who have not come under the purview of tax, if
      takes PAN and gets registered to VAT within Poush End 2076,
      then all the tax, fine, additional amount, fee and interest prior
      to FY 2075/76 shall be exempted.

    General : Provisions relating to Social Security
•     In case of single natural person having annual income up to
      Rs. 400,000 and couple having annual income up to Rs.
      450,000 from employment as per Annexure 1 of Income Tax
      2058, the tax shall be levied at the rate of 1%.
•     Such amount shall have to be deposited into the Separate
      revenue account.
•     However the tax under this section shall not be levied on
      pension income and income of natural person who contributes
      to contribution based pension fund.

    Provision of Revised Return
•     Any error on tax return submitted can be rectified by
      submitting revised tax return within 30 days from the date
      of submission of erroneous tax return.

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For Resident Person
There has been change in the Tax slab applicable to the Resident Person from the Budget this year. Details of the applicable tax rates have been provided

                                                                 FY 2076/77                                                             FY 2075/76
                                                       Rs.                   Tax Rate                                             Rs.                Tax Rate
                                                                        Assessed as Individual
         First Tax slab                               4,00,000                  1%                  First Tax Slab               3,50,000              1%
Next                                                  1,00,000                 10%                       Next                    1,00,000              10%
Next                                                  2,00,000                 20%                       Next                    200,000               20%
Next                                                 13,00,000                 30%                       Next                   13,50,000              30%
Balance Exceeding                                    20,00,000                 36%             Balance Exceeding                20,00,000              36%
                                                                         Assessed as Couple
First Tax Slab                                       4,50,000                   1%                  First Tax Slab              4,00,000               1%
Next                                                  1,00,000                 10%                     Next                      1,00,000              10%
Next                                                  2,00,000                 20%                     Next                      200,000               20%
Next                                                 12,50,000                 30%                     Next                     13,00,000              30%
Balance Exceeding                                    20,00,000                 36%               Balance Exceeding              20,00,000              36%

For Non-Resident Person

 S. N.                                        Nature of transaction                                             FY 2076/77                  FY 2075/76
  1.         Income earned from normal transactions.                                                            25% flat rate                  25% flat rate
  a.         Income earned from providing shipping, air transport or telecommunication                              5%                             5%
             services, postage, satellite, optical fiber project.
    b.       Income earned providing shipping, air transport of telecommunication services                           2%                              2%
             through the territory of Nepal.
    c.       Repatriation by Foreign Permanent Establishment.                                                        5%                              5%

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                                                     1. Natural person working at remote areas are entitled to get deduction
                                                        from taxable income to a maximum of Rs. 50000.

                                                     2. Natural person with pension income shall not be entitled to Social
                                                        Security Tax.

                                                     3. Incapacitated natural person shall be entitled to get deduction from
                                                        taxable income an additional 50% of amount prescribed under first tax

                                                     4. A Resident natural person who has procured life insurance and paid
                                                        premium amount thereon shall be entitled to a deduction of actual annual
                                                        insurance premium or Rs. 25000 whichever is less from gross taxable

                                                     5. A Resident natural person who has procured Health Insurance and paid
                                                        premium amount thereon shall be entitled to a deduction of actual annual
                                                        insurance premium or Rs. 20000 whichever is less from gross taxable

                                                     6. In case of the employee employed at the foreign diplomatic mission of
                                                        Nepal only 25% of the foreign allowances are to be included in the
                                                        income from salary.

                                                     7. In case of the employee posted outside Nepal is getting foreign
                                                        allowance will get 75% rebate of such allowance.

                                                     8. In case of the female employee whose taxable income is only from
                                                        employment than 10% rebate is allowed on tax liability.

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The major changes brought forward by the Finance bill 2076 relating to Income Tax:
     Section                                                  Amended Provision                                                                      Existing Provision
                 Tax rate applicable for cooperatives involved in financial transactions as follows:
                 Cooperatives operating in municipal areas: 5%                                                                    Tax rate applicable for cooperatives registered under
11 (2) & Sch - 1 Cooperatives operating in metropolitan and sub-metropolitan areas: 10%                                           Cooperatives Act excluding those operating in rural
                 However the tax for cooperatives not involved in financial transaction and not exempted u/s 11 (2) shall be      municipalities and involved in agriculture sector : 20%
                 levied at 20%.
                 Following tax concession will be provided on income from special industries operating fully in any financial
11 (2)(Kha)      Resident natural person falls under tax slab of 30% or more: 1/3rd concession on tax                             New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                 In case of entity: 20% concession on tax
                 Note: above person can also avail other tax concession under section 11.
                     Following tax concession will be provided on income generated on export which source is in Nepal:
                     25% tax concession for resident natural person falls under tax slab of 20%.
                                                                                                                                  Tax concession of 25% shall be provided on income
                     50% tax concession for resident natural person falls under tax slab of 30%.
11 (3)(Nga)                                                                                                                       generated from export of goods by production oriented
                     20% tax concession for entity.
                     50% tax tax concession on income generated from export of goods by production oriented industries after
                     deducting above tax concession.

                     Following tax concession will be provided on income generated by entity from following activities:
                     20% tax concession on operation of tram & trolley bus.                                                       40% tax concession shall be provided on applicable tax
                     20% tax concession on construction & operation of ropeway, cable car, railway, tunnel, overhead bridge.      rate on income generated from construction and
                     40% tax concession on construction and operation of airport.                                                 operation of road, bridge, airport, and tunnel or
                     52% tax concession on construction & operation of road, bridge, & tunnel.                                    investment and operation of tram & trolley bus.
                     52% tax concession on investment & operation of tram & trolley bus.

                     20% tax concession on taxable income generated by any entity from construction, operation and handover of
11(3)(Tha)           public physical infrastructure project and construction of power house, production and transmission of    New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                     The remuneration and wages paid to the employees and workers not having Permanent Account Number
21(1)(Gha)(1)                                                                                                                     New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                     (PAN) shall be disallowed for tax purpose.

                     The expense relating to the invoice not containing PAN exceeding invoice value of
21(1)(Gha)(2)                                                                                                                     New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                     Rs. 1000 shall be disallowed for Tax purpose.

                                                                                                                                   The letter of intent for the merger shall be submitted to
47(Ka) (6)            The letter of intent for the merger shall be submitted to Inland Revenue Department until 2077 Ashad end.
                                                                                                                                  Inland Revenue Department until 2076 Ashad end
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The major changes brought forward by the Finance bill 2076 relating to Income Tax contd..:
   Section                                                     Amended Provision                                                                       Existing Provision

 47 (Ka) (7)                                                                                                                      The merger process of entities submitting letter of intent
                  The merger process of entities submitting letter of intent shall be completed by 2078 Ashad End.
                                                                                                                                  shall be completed by 2077 Ashad End.

                  Person doing the transactions by taking PAN shall mandatorily update the information regarding their
   78 (4A)                                                                                                                        New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                  registration under biometric system within prescribed time frame .

                                                                                                                                  In cases where the amount of instalment to be paid as
                  In cases where the amount of instalment to be paid as instalment tax is less than Rs.7,500, the person need
    94 (2)                                                                                                                        instalment tax is less than Rs.5000, the person need not
                  not file the estimated tax return.
                                                                                                                                  file the estimated tax return.
                  In case of listed securities, the person dealing in securities exchange (shall collect advance tax) at the rate in case of listed securities, the person dealing in securities
                  5% of gain in case of a resident natural person and 10% of gain in case of resident entity and 25% of gain in exchange (shall collect advance tax) at the rate 7.5% of
  95(Ka) (2)
                  case of others.                                                                                                 gain in case of a resident natural person and 10% of gain in
                  Further while calculating gain, Weighted average cost shall be taken into consideration.                        case of resident entity and 25% of gain in case of others
                  In case of disposal of land and building other than NBCA of a natural person, the rate of advance tax           In case of disposal of land and building other than NBCA of
                  collection is 1.5%.                                                                                             a natural person, the rate of advance tax collection is 10%.
                  The Custom Frontier shall collect advance tax at 5% of value determined for customs purpose, in case of
                  import of following goods:
                  a. He buffalo, buffalo, he goat, sheep, chyangra falling under part 1 of HCS.
                  b. Love, frozen or fresh fish under part 3 of HCS.                                                              The Custom Frontier shall collect advance tax at 5% of
                  c. Fresh flowers under part 6 of HCS.                                                                           value determined for customs purpose, in case of import of
                  d. Fresh Vegetables, potato, onion, dried vegetables, garlic, baby corn under part 7 of HCS.                    following goods:
                  e. Fresh fruits under part 8 of HCS.                                                                            a. He buffalo, buffalo, he goat, sheep, chyangra falling
  95 (Ka)(7)      Further the custom Frontier shall collect advance tax at 2.5% of value determined for customs purpose, in            under part 1 of HCS.
                  case of import of following goods::                                                                             b. Love, frozen or fresh fish under part 3 of HCS.
                  a. Meat under part 2 of HCS.                                                                                    c. Fresh flowers under part 6 of HCS.
                  b. Milk products, egg, honey under part 4 of HCS.                                                               d. Fresh Vegetables, potato, onion under part 7 of HCS.
                  c. Millet, buckwheat, junelo rice, broken rice under part 10 of HCS.                                            e. Fresh fruits under part 8 of HCS.
                  d. While Flour, Flour (Aata), Pitho under part 11 of HCS.
                  e. Herbs , sugarcane under part 12 of HCS
                  f. Vegetation related production under part 14 of HCS.
                  Any error on tax return submitted can be rectified by submitting revised tax return within 30 days from the
     96(6)                                                                                                                        New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                  date of submission of erroneous tax return.

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The major changes brought forward by the Finance bill 2076 relating to Income Tax cond..:
   Section                                            Amended Provision                                                           Existing Provision

                  If it has been proved that beneficial owner is other than business registering person,
   110(Ga)                                                                                                  New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                  the liability to payment the tax of such business shall be of beneficial owner.

                                                                                                            The taxpayer who makes an application to Administrative
                  The taxpayer who makes an application to Administrative appeal has to pay the full amount
    115(6)                                                                                                  appeal has to pay the full amount of undisputed tax and 1/3rd
                  of undisputed tax and 1/4th of the disputed tax.
                                                                                                            of the disputed tax.

                                                                                                    In case income details of any income year are not submitted
            In case income details of any income year are not submitted pursuant to Sub-section (1)
 117(1)(Ka)                                                                                         pursuant to Sub-section (1) of Section 95, fees at the rate
            of Section 95, fees at the rate of Rs. 5,000 for each detail shall be imposed.
                                                                                                    of Rs. 2,000 for each detail shall be imposed.

                                                                                                            Presumptive tax rate:
                  Presumptive tax rate:
                                                                                                            For natural person doing business in Metropolitan City & Sub
                  For natural person doing business in Metropolitan City & Sub Metropolitan city: 7500
     4(4)                                                                                                   Metropolitan city: 5000
                  For natural person doing business in Municipality: 4000
                                                                                                            For natural person doing business in Municipality: 2500
                  For natural person doing business in other areas: 2500
                                                                                                            For natural person doing business in other areas: 1500

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The major changes brought forward by the Finance bill 2076 relating to Income Tax are :

                    The Criteria for assumption of presumptive Taxpayer under this section includes:

                    Resident Natural Person who fulfills all the following conditions:
                    a) The person generates income only from business having source in Nepal
                    b) The person does not claim Medical Tax Credit
                    c) The person does not claim advance tax arising out of tax withheld by withholding agent
                    d) The transaction of the business exceeds Rs. 20 Lakhs and is less than Rs. 50 Lakhs
                    e) The person is not registered for VAT purpose, and
                    f) The person does not have income related to consultancy and expert professional services including that provided by doctor, engineer, auditor,
                         lawyer, sportsman, artist, and consultant.

Section 4 (4A) The tax rate applicable shall be as follows:

                                                     Particulars                                 Amended provision                          Existing provision

                    For person dealing in cigarette, gas, etc. in which the person
                                                                                            0.25% of transaction amount               0.75% of transaction amount.
                    makes sales by adding 3% commission or profit

                    For persons dealing goods besides that specified above                  0.75% of transaction amount.              0.25% of transaction amount.

                    Persons dealing in service business                                       2% of transaction amount.                 2% of transaction amount.

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The existing provisions of Income Tax relevant to business entity not amended by Finance Bill 2076 are:
Tax Rates:
  Section                                                 Nature of entity                                                     FY 2076/77                    FY 2075/76
                 Company/Firm /Industry
                 Domestic income
                 Normal Rate (NR)                                                                                             25%                               25%
                 Providing direct employment to Nepalese citizens by special industries and information
                 technology industries for whole year:
                 For 100 or more Nepali National                                                                      90% of Normal Rate                90% of Normal Rate

                 For 300 or more Nepali National                                                                      80% of Normal Rate                80% of Normal Rate
 11(3) (Ka)
                 For 500 or more Nepali National                                                                      75% of Normal Rate                75% of Normal Rate

                 For 1000 or more Nepali National                                                                     70% of Normal Rate                70% of Normal Rate

                 For 100 Nepalese including 33% women, dalit & disabled by Special industries.                        Additional 10% rebate            Additional 10% rebate

                  a.    Special Industries established with more than one billion capital and provide direct
                        employment more than 500 peoples for a complete year or,
11 (3) Ga                                                                                                      100% Income is exempt from tax for the first 5 years from the date
             b.         New Industry related to Tourism and Aviation with more than two billion capital or,
     and                                                                                                       of commencement of production and 50% of income is exempt
     11(3Ta)                                                                                                   from tax for next 3 years.
             c.         Running industry with substantial expansion (at least 25% of existing capacity) with
                        capital not less than one billion and provide direct employment more than 500
                        peoples for complete year.
                 Industries establishment in very undeveloped areas (sec 11.3.b) as defined in Industrial 10% of the normal rate (for 10 years from the year of
                 Enterprise Act.                                                                          establishment)
 11 (3) Kha
                 Industries establishment in undeveloped areas (sec11.3.b) as defined in Industrial 20% of the normal rate (for 10 years from the year of
                 Enterprise Act                                                                     establishment)

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The existing provisions of Income Tax relevant to business entity not amended by Finance Bill 2076 are:
Tax Rates:
   Section                                            Nature of entity                                          Applicable for both FY 2076/77 and FY2075/76

                Established in underdeveloped areas (Sec 11.3.b). as defined in Industrial
11 (3) Kha                                                                                 30% of the normal rate (for 10yrs from the year of establishment)
                Enterprise Act

                Industry established in 'Special Economic Zone' recognized in mountain areas or
 11 (3Ka)                                                                                       Up to 10 years 100% exempt and 50% rebate in subsequent years
                hill areas by the GON

                                                                                                   100% exempt up to first five years and 50% rebate in subsequent
 11 (3Ka)       Industry established in 'Special Economic Zone' other than above locations
                                                                                                   Dividend Tax is 100% exempt up to first five years and 50% rebate
 11 (3Ka)       Dividend distributed by the industry established in the special economic zone
                                                                                                                        in subsequent 3 years
                Income derived by the foreign investors from investment in 'Special Economic
 11 (3Ka)       Zone'( source of income use of foreign technology, management service fee and                         50% of applicable tax rate

          Dividend Distribution Tax in case Special Industry, Industry based in Agriculture
11 (3Tha) and Tourism sector capitalizing its profit for the purpose of expansion of capacity of                            100% exempt

          Import income of information technology industries as IT Park as declared by
 11 (3Ga)                                                                                                          50% of normal tax rates
          Institution having licensed to generate, transmit, and distribute electricity shall be
          allowed if the commercial activities started in terms of electricity generation ,
                                                                                                 100% exempt up to ten years and 50% rebate on subsequent 5
11 (3Gha) generation and transmission, generation and distribution or generation,
          transmission distribution before B.S 2080 Chaitra and these exemption shall also
          be available for solar, wind and other alternative energy companies.
    11    Income manufacturing industry, tourism service industry hydropower generation,
     (3Ch distribution and transmission industry listed in the security exchange (i.e. capital                    85% of applicable tax rate
      ha) market)

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 The existing provisions of Income Tax relevant to business entity not amended by Finance Bill 2076 are:
 Tax Rates:
Section        Nature of Entity                                                              Applicable for both FY 2076/77 and FY2075/76
               Industry established in least developed area producing
11 (3Ja)                                                                                         60% of applicable tax rate up to 10 years
               brandy, wine, cider from fruits

               Income Generated by Minerals, Petroleum & Natural Gas 100% exemption for first 7 years for next 3 years 50% exemption from Income Tax if Commercial
               Industries by Exploration and Extraction              Production is started by Chaitra 2080

11 (3Jha)          Royalty from export of Intellectual Asset by a person                                75% of applicable tax rate

               Income from sale by intellectual asset by a person through
11 (3Yna)                                                                                               50% of applicable tax rate
                                                                                                       Rate as per nature of vehicles
                                                                                                      1. Car, Jeep, Van and Micro Bus
                                                                                             Up to 1300CC                                Rs. 4,000
                                                                                             From 1301 CC to 2000 CC                     Rs. 4,500
                                                                                             From 2001 CC to 2900 CC                     Rs. 5,000
                                                                                             From 2901 CC to 4000 CC                     Rs. 6,000
                                                                                             Above 4001 CC                               Rs. 7,000
Sch 1(13) Presumptive tax in case a Resident Natural Person is
                                                                                           2. Mini Truck, Mini Bus & Water tanker          Rs. 6,000
          engaged in business of Public Vehicles
                                                                                           3. Mini Tripper                                 Rs. 7,000
                                                                                          4. Truck & Bus                                   Rs. 8,000
                                                                                                 5. Dozers, Excavator, Loader, Roller, Crane
                                                                                              and like such machinery equipment           Rs.12,000
                                                                                          6. Oil tanker, Gas Bullet and tripper            Rs.12,000
                                                                                          7. Tractor                                       Rs. 2,000
                                                                                          8. Power tiller                                  Rs. 1,500
                                                                                          9. Auto Rickshaw, Three wheeler, Tempo           Rs. 2,000

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                       Page 21   Page 21
The existing provisions of Income Tax relevant to business entity not amended by Finance Bill 2076 are:
Tax Rates:
Section            Nature of Entity                                                                         Applicable for both FY 2076/77 and FY2075/76

                   Pvt Company having Paid of Capital of NPR 500 Million if converted in
   11 (3Da)                                                                                            10% deduction in Income Tax Rate for the Period of 3 years
                   Public Company & Transact except for sec 12 of Company Act

                   Domestic Tea Production & Processing Industries, Dairy Industries & Textile
   11 (3Dha)                                                                                                            50% of applicable tax rate

   11 (3Ana) Health Services Provided by the Community                                                              20% Reduction of Income Tax Act

                                                                                                 100% tax exemption for the first 5 years from operation. If such Industries
   11 (3 Ta)       Micro Industries (As defined under Industrial Enterprises Act, 2073)
                                                                                                 are run by Women, 100% exemption for further 2 years

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                                 Page 22   Page 22
The existing provisions of Income Tax relevant to business entity not amended by Finance Bill 2076 are:
Tax Rates for special entities:

   Section                                              Nature of entity                                        FY 2076/77                  FY 2075/76

                  Bank and Financial Institution
                  Commercial banks, Development Banks and Finance companies                                        30%                         30%
                  Insurance business
                  General insurance business                                                                       30%                         30%
                  Petroleum Industries
 Sch 1 Sec        Entity engaged in Petroleum business under Nepal Petroleum Act , 2010                            30%                         30%
   2(2)           Merchant Banks, Telecommunication and Internet Services Industry, Money Transfer Capital
                  Market, Commodity Future Market, Securities Brokers and Companies involved in securities         30%                         30%

                  Entities transacting in petroleum under pertroleum Act 2040 except for the cases set forth 100% exempted up to seven years and 50% rebate on
                  u/s 11 (3 Kha)                                                                             subsequent 3 years

                  Non resident carrying on air and water transport and Telecommunication services in Nepal :
 Sch 2 Sec                                                                                                         5%                          5%
                  a. If the goods and Passengers embarking from Nepal
     6                                                                                                             2%                          2%
                  b. If a person books ticket from Nepal but the departure is from any foreign country

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                   Page 23   Page 23
Section                                                Nature of transaction                                                 FY 2076/77        FY 2075/76
               Interest income from deposit up to Rs 10000 under 'Micro Finance Program', 'Rural Development
    A.                                                                                                                     Exempt from tax   Exempt from tax
               Bank', 'Postal Saving Bank' & Co-Operative (u/s-11(2ka) in Village Municipality areas
               Wind fall gains
                                                                                                                               25%                25%
    B.         Wind fall gains from Literature, Arts, Culture, Sports, Journalism, Science & Technology and Public
                                                                                                                                Nil                Nil
               Administration amount received up to 5 lacs
               Payment of rent by resident person having source in Nepal
    C.                                                                                                                          10%               10%
               However no TDS on payment of rent to natural person.
    D.         Profit and Gain from Transaction of commodity future market                                                      10%               10%
               Profit and Gain from Disposal of Shares:
               In case of Individual                                                                                                              7.5%
               - Listed Shares                                                                                                                    10%
               - Non Listed Shares
               Resident Entity
    E.         - Listed Shares                                                                                                                    10%
               - Non Listed Shares                                                                                                                15%
               - Listed Shares                                                                                                                    25%
               - Non Listed Shares                                                                                                                25%

               On dividend paid by the resident entity.
     F.        - To Resident Person                                                                                          5% for both       5% for both
               - To Non Resident Person
    G.         On payment of gain in investment insurance                                                                        5%                5%
    H.         On payment of gain from unapproved retirement fund                                                                5%                5%
               On payment of interest or similar type having source in Nepal to natural person [ not involved in any
     I.                                                                                                                          5%                5%
               business activity by Resident Bank, financial institutions or debenture issuing entity, or listed company
               Payment made by natural person relating to business or other payments relating to house rental except
     J.                                                                                                                       No TDS            No TDS
               house rent
    K.         Payment for articles published in newspaper                                                                    No TDS            No TDS

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                       Page 24   Page 24
Section                                                 Nature of transaction                                           FY 2076/77           FY 2075/76
    L.         Interest payment to Resident bank, other financial institutions                                            No TDS               No TDS
    M.         Interregional interchange fee paid to credit card issuing bank                                             No TDS               No TDS
    N.         Interest or fees paid by Government of Nepal under bilateral agreement                                     No TDS               No TDS
    O.         On payment of general insurance premium to resident insurance company                                      No TDS               No TDS
    P.         On payment of premium to non-resident insurance company                                                     1.5%                 1.5%
    Q.         Contract payment exceeding Rs 50000 for a single contract within 10 days.                                   1.5%                 1.5%
    R.         Interest & Dividend paid to Mutual Fund                                                                    No TDS               No TDS
               Payment of consultancy fee:
    S.         - to resident person against VAT invoice                                                                    1.5%                 1.5%
               - to resident person against non VAT invoice                                                                15%                  15%
               Payment on contract to Non Resident Person
               - On service contract(For both Resident & Non Resident Person)                                               15%
     T.                                                                                                                                         15%
               - On repair of aircraft & other contract                                                                     5%
               - In cases other than above as directed by IRD.

    U.         TDS deducted on payment of dividend made by Mutual fund to natural Person is final withholding Tax.          5%                   5%

               TDS on Payment by Resident Person for utilizing services related with Satellite, Bandwidth, Optical
               Fiber, equipment relating to telecommunications or electric transmission                                     10%                 10%

    W.         Dividend Paid by Partnership Firm to its Partners                                                            5%                   5%
    X.         Payment for the freight to transportation service                                                           2.5%                 2.5%
     Y.        Payment made against question setting, answer evaluation                                                  15% TDS              15% TDS
     Z.        Payment to Non Resident Company against Insurance Premium                                                   1.5%                 1.5%
   AA.         Payment to Non Resident Company against Commission paid for Reinsurance                                     1.5%                 1.5%
   AB.         Payment made to Consumer Committee                                                                          1.5%                 1.5%
   AC.         Commercial Import of Buffalo, Goat, Sheep, Fresh & Frozen Fish, Fruits,                               5% of Custom Value   5% of custom value

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                     Page 25   Page 25
-     No changes in the existing Value Added Tax rate of 13 percent
      for the fiscal year 2075/76 except stated in Schedule 1 and
      Schedule 2.
-     For promoting export , the bonded ware house facility shall be
      provided to the industry exporting more than 20% of total
      production in case of import of raw materials.
-     The threshold for doing the taxable transaction has not been
      changed i.e. 5 million for person dealing in goods, 2 million for
      service provider and 2 million for person involved in both the
-     The exemption of VAT on Wheat and Meslin Flour (H. Code
      1103.11.00) and Soyabean has been removed.
-     The Vat exemption on Herbicides Ant sprouting Products
      (H.Code. 3808.93.00) has been removed and Vat exemption
      provided to Herbicides only via (H. Code. 3808.93.10)
-     Vat exemption has been provided on Accessories and parts of
      Factory generating electricity from wind (H. Code. 8502.31.00)
      and Solar Panels and Modules (H. Code 8541.40.00).
-     The VAT exemption is provided in case of medical and health
-     The person dealing with the scrap business is kept under the
      coverage of VAT and beauty parlors is excluded from the
      compulsory registration of VAT.
-     The VAT exemption on transportation of goods (except in
      relation to supplies) has been removed.

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                        Page 26   Page 26
The major changes brought forward by finance bill 2076/77 relating to VAT are as :
   Section                                           Amended Provision                                                                   Existing Provision
                                                                                                            Where the transaction of goods or services of a person becomes
                    Where the transaction of goods or services of a person becomes taxable or the taxable or the person conducts following transactions, the person shall
                    person conducts following transactions, the person shall make an application in make an application in the prescribed format for the purpose of
                    the prescribed format for the purpose of registration in front of tax officer within 30 registration in front of tax officer within 30 days of transaction being
                    days of transaction being taxable or operation of transaction:                          taxable or operation of transaction:

                    a. Operation of business related to brick production, alcohol, wine , health club, a. Operation of business related to brick production, alcohol distributor,
                    disco theque, massage therapy, motor parts, electronic software, customs agent, wine shop, software, trekking, rafting, ultra light flight, paragliding,
                    toys and scrap business, trekking, rafting, ultra light flight, paragliding, tourist tourist vehicle, crusher, sand mine, slate or stone.
     10 (2)         vehicle, crusher, sand mine, slate or stone.
                                                                                                         b. Where a person conducts business of hardware, sanitary, furniture,
                    b. Where a person conducts business of hardware, sanitary, furniture, fixture,       fixture, furnishing, automobiles, motor parts, electronics, marble,
                    furnishing, automobiles, motor parts, electronics, marble, Educational and Legal educational consultancy, disco theque, health club, massage therapy,
                    consultancy, Account and Audit related services., catering service, party palace, beauty parlour, catering service, party palace, parking service, dry
                    parking service, dry cleaners using machinery, restaurant with bar, ice cream        cleaners using machinery, restaurant with bar, ice cream industry, color
                    industry, colour lab, boutique, Tailoring with shirting suiting materials, uniform   lab, boutique, Tailoring with shirting suiting materials, uniform supplier
                    supplier for educational, health or other entities inside Metropolitan City, Sub     for educational, health or other entities inside Metropolitan City, Sub
                    Metropolitan City, Municipality or areas                                             Metropolitan City, Municipality or areas

                    Person registered under this act shall mandatorily update the information and
  10 (2) Ga         document regarding their registration under biometric system within prescribed        New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                    time frame

                    While making payment of Tax exceeding Rs. 10 lakhs, it must be made through
   19 (7) Ka                                                                                              New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                    cheque, draft or electronic means

                    A registered person may file a claim to a tax officer for a lump sum refund, as     A registered person may file a claim to a tax officer for a lump sum
     24 (3)         prescribed, of the amount of the remaining excess after offsetting for a continuous refund, as prescribed, of the amount of the remaining excess after
                    period of four months under this section.                                           offsetting for a continuous period of six months under this section.

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                                         Page 27   Page 27
The major changes brought forward by finance bill 2076/77 relating to VAT are as :

   Section                                           Amended Provision                                                             Existing Provision

                    Tax amount paid by the diplomat of a foreign country on purchase of taxable Goods
  25 (1) Ka1        or Services in Nepal under the recommendation of Minstry of Foreign affairs, Nepal    New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                    Government shall be refunded.
                    Tax refund to the foreign diplomats shall not be given on the purchase of goods and Tax refund to the foreign diplomats shall not be given on the
   25 (1Ka)
                    services of less than Rs. 10000 at a time.                                          purchase of goods and services of less than Rs. 5000 at a time.
                    10% of VAT of the related invoice will be deposited to bank account of buyer on
  25 (1Kha)         purchase of goods or services through card or online mechanism. Withholding tax       New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                    shall not be deducted in such refund

                    The person not submitting the changes in registration details within 15 days to the
29 (1) Kha (2)                                                                                            New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                    Tax Officer shall be fined with the amount of Rs. 10,000 for each instances.

             Breach of sec 14 (1) of Vat Act, for person not issuing tax invoice, fine of Rs.10,000
                                                                                                    For breach of Sub-sections (1) and (4) of Section 14, the amount of
  29 (1) Ga for each instance and for person not taking invoice fine of Rs. 1000 for each instance
                                                                                                    Rs.5000 for each instance
             Breach of sec 14 (4) of Vat Act, for person not carrying the tax invoice for
 29 (1) Ga 1 transportation of goods exceeding value Rs. 10,000, fine of Rs.10,000 for each         New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                                                                                                    The taxpayer who makes an application to Administrative appeal
             The taxpayer who makes an application to Administrative appeal has to pay the full
   31 Ka                                                                                            has to pay the full amount of undisputed tax and 1/3rd of the
             amount of undisputed tax and 1/4th of the disputed tax
                                                                                                    disputed tax.

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                               Page 28   Page 28
The major changes brought forward by finance bill 2076/77 relating to VAT are as :
Rule                New Provision                                                                  Existing Provision
                                                                                                   Government entity, Public institution, or association or registered person
                    Government entity, Public institution, or association or registered person
                                                                                                   while providing contract in excess of rupee 500 thousand per annum or while
6 Ka (2)            while receiving contract or Consultancy services in excess of rupee 500
                                                                                                   receiving consultancy services in excess of rupee 100 thousand per annum
                    thousand per annum shall receive from a registered person only.
                                                                                                   shall give or receive to/ from a registered person only.
                    Government entity, Public institution, or association or registered person
                    while making the payment for contract agreement or contract or supply of
                    goods or services, out of the tax payable to the party, 50% of the amount
6 Ga                shall have to be deposited directly to the related revenue head direclty in the New Provision introduced by Finance Bill 2076
                    name of party and only remaing 50% to be paid to the party. However the
                    concerned contractor or supplier can set off such amount against the tax

                    If a registered person exports more than Forty percent of his/her total        If a registered person exports more than Fifty percent of his/her total monthly
                    monthly sale carried out in any month, he has to make an application,          sale carried out in any month, he has to make an application, accompanied
39 (5)              accompanied also by necessary documents related with the export, to the        also by necessary documents related with the export, to the Tax Officer in the
                    Tax Officer in the format as referred to in Schedule-10 to get refund of the   format as referred to in Schedule-10 to get refund of the deductible tax which
                    deductible tax which has became excess for that month.                         has became excess for that month.
                    For purposes of Section 17 of the Act, tax deduction shall not be allowed in For purposes of Section 17 of the Act, tax deduction shall not be allowed in
41 (1) Gha
                    petroleum products (petrol, diesel and L.P gas)                              light petroleum (petrol) fuel for motor vehicles

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                                      Page 29   Page 29
                                                     •   Zero percent facility shall be provided to
                                                         battery manufactured and supplied through
                                                         domestic industry to be used in machinery
                                                         and equipment generating solar energy with
                                                         on the recommendation of Alternative
                                                         Energy Promotion Centre.

                                                     •   If the License holders engaged in production
                                                         and import, who do not renew their license
                                                         within the time prescribed as per section
                                                         9(5), then fine shall be 50% of renewal fees
                                                         for the first 3 months and for the next three
                                                         months, fine shall be 100% of renewal fees.
                                                         However, license holders engaged in
                                                         production and import who do not renew
                                                         their license within the time prescribed as
                                                         per section 9(5) but if wants to renew their
                                                         license can do so by paying the renewal fees
                                                         for each year along with fine of 100% of
                                                         renewal fees by the end of Poush 2076.

                                                     •   The excise duty on cement has been
                                                         increased to Rs. 220 Per MT , Cheese balls
                                                         and Potato chips to Rs. 17 per Kg, Soft
                                                         drinks to Rs. 11 per Litre.

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                            Page 30   Page 30
Changes in Excise rate for FY 2076/77

                                                                                                                                Excise Duty (% except Excise Duty (% except
Heading             Sub-Heading                                                 Particulars                                      otherwise specified) otherwise specified) for
                                                                                                                                    for FY 2076-77          FY 2075-76
                                            Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashewnuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or
                     0801.11.00             Desiccated                                                                                       5                     -

                                            Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other Substances) or
  19.02                                     otherwise prepared, such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi,
                                            ravioli, cannelloni, couscous, whether or not prepared.
                                            Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared:
                     1902.11.00             Containing eggs                                                                     17 per kg             15 per kg
                     1902.19.00             Other                                                                               17 per kg             15 per kg
                     1902.20.00             Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared                          17 per kg             15 per kg
                     1902.30.00             Other pasta                                                                         17 per kg             15 per kg
                     1902.40.00             Couscous                                                                            17 per kg             15 per kg

                                            Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing
  19.05                                     cocoa, communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical
                                            use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products.
                     1905.90.20             Potatoes chips                                                                      17 per kg             15 per kg
  21.06                                     Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included.
                     2106.90.20             Pan Masala without Tobacco                                                          610 per kg            555 per kg
                     2106.90.60             Kurkure, kurmure, lays & Similar goods                                              17 per kg             15 per kg
                     2106.90.70             Scented areca nuts without Tobacco                                                  225 per kg            205 per kg

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                                     Page 31   Page 31
Changes in Excise rate for FY 2076/77
                                                                                                                                                Excise Duty (% Excise Duty
                                                                                                                                                except         (% except
Heading             Sub-Heading             Particulars                                                                                         otherwise      otherwise
                                                                                                                                                specified) for specified) for
                                                                                                                                                FY 2076-77     FY 2075-76
                                            Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening
  22.02                                     matter or flavoured and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of
                                            Heading 20.09
                     2202.91.00             Non-alcoholic beer                                                                                  17 per ltr     15 per ltr
                                            Other                                                                                               17 per ltr     15 per ltr
                     2202.99.10             Energy drinks                                                                                       30 per ltr     25 per ltr
                     2202.99.90             Other                                                                                               11 per ltr     10 per ltr
                                            Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement, supersulphate cement and similar hydraulic
                                            cements, whether or not coloured or in the form of clinkers.
                                            Portland cement:
                     2523.21.00             White cement, whether or not artificially coloured                                                  220 per MT     200 per MT
                     2523.29.00             Other                                                                                               220 per MT     200 per MT
                     2523.30.00             Aluminous cement                                                                                    220 per MT     200 per MT
                     2523.90.00             Other hydraulic cements                                                                             220 per MT     200 per MT

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                                    Page 32   Page 32

• For the accompanied /unaccompanied baggage brought for personal use (other
  than custom free baggage), instead of custom duty, excise duty and VAT, flat 40 %
  custom duty shall be charged except in the case of following :

      a) In case of silver ornaments, cigarette, tobacco pipe, liquor, vehicles, arms and
         ammunitions and other items which can be imported after taking license, charge
         will be levied as per rate list.
      b) In case of gold and gold ornaments,
       a.     Gold                                   Upto 50 grams     Rs. 6200 per 10 grams
                                                     51 to 100 grams   Rs. 7200 per 10 grams
       b. Gold Ornaments                             Upto 50 grams     No charge
                                                     51 to 150 grams   Rs. 7200 per 10 grams
• For import of goods (from respective countries) manufactured in India and China
  directly to Nepal through Letter of Credit (L.C.), discount will be provided at value
  based rate (not in quantity based rate).
        Custom Rate                                                      Discount

        5% to 30%                                                           5%

        Above 30%                                                           3%

• Facility of importing raw materials by opening bank guarantee has been made
  available to industries engaged in export of alcohol, cigarette and tobacco items as
  well (Previously facility of importing raw materials by opening bank guarantee was
  not available to industries engaged in export of alcohol, cigarette and tobacco
NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                             Page 33   Page 33
Changes in customs rate for FY 2076/77
                                                                                                                                                 Import Duty (%
                                                                                                                                                                     Import Duty (% except
                                                                                                                                                 except otherwise
Heading           Sub-Heading           Description of Article                                                                                                       otherwise specified)
                                                                                                                                                 specified) for FY
                                                                                                                                                                     for FY 2075-76
  02.07                                 Meat and Edible Offal, of the poultry of Heading 01.05, fresh, Chilled or frozen.
                                        Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus:
                    0207.11.00          Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled                                                                               30                  10
                    0207.12.00          Not cut in pieces, frozen                                                                                         30                  10
                    0207.13.00          Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled                                                                                  30                  10
                    0207.14.00          Cuts and offal, frozen                                                                                            30                  10
  04.02                                 Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
                                        In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1.5%
                    0402.10.00                                                                                                                            40                  30
                                        In powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1.5%:
                    0402.21.00          Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter                                                             40                  30
                    0402.29.00          Other                                                                                                             40                  30
                    0402.91.00          Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter                                                             40                  30
                    0402.99.00          Other                                                                                                             40                  30
  04.05                                 Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy spreads.
                    0405.10.00          Butter                                                                                                            40                  30
                    0405.20.00          Dairy spreads                                                                                                     40                  30
                    0405.90.00          Other                                                                                                             40                  30
  07.13                                 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split
                    0713.10.00          Peas (Pisum sativum)                                                                                              15                  10
  08.01                                 Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashewnuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled
                                        Cashew Nuts:
                    0801.31.00          In shell                                                                                                          15                  10
                    0801.32.00          Shelled                                                                                                           15                  10
                                        Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing
                                        coffee in any proportion
                                        Coffee, not roasted:
                    0901.11.00          Not decaffeinated                                                                                                 40                  20
                    0901.12.00          Decaffeinated                                                                                                     40                  20

NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                                                 Page 34   Page 34
                                                                                                                                 Import Duty (% except       Import Duty (% except
Heading           Sub-Heading           Description of Article                                                                   otherwise specified) for FY otherwise specified) for FY
                                                                                                                                 2076-77                     2075-76
                                        Coffee, roasted:
                    0901.21.00          Not decaffeinated                                                                                    40                           30
                    0901.22.00          Decaffeinated                                                                                        40                           30
                    0901.90.00          Other                                                                                                40                           30
  09.02                                 Tea, whether or not flavoured
                    0902.10.00          Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3kg                       40                           30
                    0902.20.00          Other green tea (not fermented)                                                                      40                           30
                                        Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a content not
                    0902.30.00                                                                                                               40                           30
                                        exceeding 3 kg
                    0902.40.00          Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea                                           40                           30
  09.04                                 Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed
                    0904.11.00          Neither crushed not ground                                                                           20                           10
                    0904.12.00          Crushed or ground                                                                                    20                           10
  12.02                                 Ground-nuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, whether or not shelled or broken-
                    1202.42.00          Shelled, whether or not broken                                                                       15                           10
  17.01                                 Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form
                                        Raw sugar not containing added flavouring or colouring matter:
                    1701.12.00          Beet sugar                                                                                           40                           30
                                        Cane sugar specified in Subheading Note 2 to this Chapter
                    1701.13.10          Sakhhar (Gud)                                                                                        40                           30
                    1701.13.20          Khanda sugar                                                                                         40                           30
                    1701.13.90          Other                                                                                                40                           30
                                        Other cane sugar:
                    1701.14.10          Sakhhar (Gud)                                                                                        40                           30
                    1701.14.20          Khanda sugar                                                                                         40                           30
                    1701.14.90          Other                                                                                                40                           30
                    1701.91.00          Containing added flavouring or colouring matter                                                      40                           30
                    1701.99.00          Other                                                                                                40                           30
  17.04                                 Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa
                    1704.10.00          Chewing gum, whether or not sugar coated                                                             40                           30
                    1704.90.00          Other                                                                                                40                           30
  18.06                                 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa
                    1806.10.00          Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter                                      40                           30
NBSM | Nepal Budget Highlights | 2074/75 (2017-18)                                                                                                                              Page 35   Page 35
                                                                                                                                                    Import Duty (% except Import Duty (% except
 Heading           Sub-Heading          Description of Article                                                                                      otherwise specified) otherwise specified) for FY
                                                                                                                                                    for FY 2076-77        2075-76

                                        Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, powder, granular
                    1806.20.00                                                                                                                               40                        30
                                        or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg
                                        Other, in blocks, slabs or bars:
                    1806.31.00          Filled                                                                                                               40                        30
                    1806.32.00          Not filled                                                                                                           40                        30
                    1806.90.00          Other                                                                                                                40                        30
                                        Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other Substances) or otherwise prepared, such as
                                        spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni; couscous, whether or not prepared
                                        Uncooked pasta,not stuffed or otherwise prepared:
                    1902.11.00          Containing eggs                                                                                                      40                        30
                    1902.19.00          Other                                                                                                                40                        30
                    1902.20.00          Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared                                                           40                        30
                    1902.30.00          Other pasta                                                                                                          40                        30
                    1902.40.00          Couscous                                                                                                             40                        30
                                        Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion
  19.05                                 wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar
                    1905.10.00          Crispbread                                                                                                           40                        30
                    1905.20.00          Gingerbread and the like                                                                                             40                        30
                                        Sweet bisuits; waffles and wafers:
                    1905.31.00          Sweet biscuits                                                                                                       40                        30
                    1905.32.00          Waffles and wafers                                                                                                   40                        30
                    1905.40.00          Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products                                                                    40                        30
                    1905.90.20          Potatoes chips                                                                                                       40                        30
                    1905.90.90          Other                                                                                                                40                        30
                                        Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented and not containing added spirit,
                                        whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter.
                                        Orange juice:
                    2009.11.00          Frozen                                                                                                               60                        30
                    2009.12.00          Not frozen, of a Brix value not exceeding 20                                                                         60                        30
                    2009.19.00          Other                                                                                                                60                        30

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                                                                                                                                              Import Duty (% except Import Duty (% except
 Heading           Sub-Heading          Description of Article                                                                                otherwise specified) for otherwise specified) for FY
                                                                                                                                              FY 2076-77               2075-76
                                        Grapefruit (including pomelo) juice:
                    2009.21.00          Of a Brix value not exceeding 20                                                                                 60                        30
                    2009.29.00          Other                                                                                                            60                        30
                                        Juice of any other single citrus fruit:
                    2009.31.00          Of a Brix value not exceeding 20                                                                                 60                        30
                    2009.39.00          Other                                                                                                            60                        30
                                        Pineapple juice:
                    2009.41.00          Of a Brix value not exceeding 20                                                                                 60                        30
                    2009.49.00          Other                                                                                                            60                        30
                    2009.50.00          Tomato juice                                                                                                     60                        30
                                        Grape juice (including grape must)
                    2009.61.00          Of a Brix value not exceeding 20                                                                                 60                        30
                    2009.69.00          Other                                                                                                            60                        30
                                        Apple juice:
                    2009.71.00          Of a Brix value not exceeding 20                                                                                 60                        30
                    2009.79.00          Other                                                                                                            60                        30
                                        Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable:
                    2009.81.00          Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Vaccinium vitis-idaea) juice                              60                        30
                    2009.89.00          Other                                                                                                            60                        30
                    2009.90.00          Mixtures of juices                                                                                               60                        30
                                        Sauces and preparations therefor, mixed condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour and meal and
                                        prepared mustard.
                    2103.10.00          Soya sauce                                                                                                       20                        15
                    2103.20.00          Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces                                                                           20                        15
                    2103.30.00          Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard                                                                      20                        15
                    2103.90.00          Other                                                                                                            20                        15
  21.05             2105.00.00          Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa                                                  20                        15
  21.06                                 Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included.
                                        Protein concentrates and textured protein Substances
                    2106.10.00                                                                                                                           20                        15
                    2106.90.10          Dalmott, Papad, Salted, Bhujyia and Chamena (titbits)                                                            30                        20
                    2106.90.20          Pan Masala without Tobacco                                                                                       40                        30
                    2106.90.60          Kurkure, kurmure, lays & Similar goods                                                                           40                        30
                    2106.90.91          Food supplement                                                                                                  20                        20
                    2106.90.92          Herbal tea                                                                                                       40                        20
                    2106.90.99          Other                                                                                                            30                        20

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                                                                                                                                                      Import Duty (% except Import Duty (% except
 Heading           Sub-Heading          Description of Article                                                                                        otherwise specified) otherwise specified) for FY
                                                                                                                                                      for FY 2076-77        2075-76

                                        Waters, including natural or artificial mineral waters and aerated waters, not containing added sugar or
                                        other sweetening matter nor flavoured; ice and snow.
                    2201.10.00          Mineral waters and aerated waters                                                                                        40                      30
                    2201.90.00          Other                                                                                                                    40                      30

                                        Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or
                                        flavoured, and other non-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of Heading 20.09.

                                        Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or
                    2202.10.00                                                                                                                                   40                      30
                    2202.91.00          Non-alcoholic beer                                                                                                       40                      30
                    2202.99.10          Energy Drinks                                                                                                          75                      30
                    2202.99.90          Other                                                                                                                  40                      30
  22.03             2203.00.00          Beer made from malt                                                                                                 200 per ltr.            165 per ltr.
  22.04                                 Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines; grape must other than that of Heading 20.09.
                    2204.10.00          Sparkling wine                                                                                                      300 per ltr.            240 per ltr.
                                        Other wine; grape must with fermentation prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol:
                    2204.21.00          In containers holding 2 L or less Per ltr.                                                                          300 per ltr.            240 per ltr.
                    2204.22.00          In containers holding more than 2 L but not more than 10 L                                                          300 per ltr.            240 per ltr.
                    2204.29.00          Other                                                                                                               300 per ltr.            240 per ltr.
                    2204.30.00          Other grape must                                                                                                    300 per ltr.            240 per ltr.

                                        Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, perry, mead, saké); mixtures of fermented beverages and
                                        mixtures of fermented beverages and non-alcoholic beverages, not elsewhere specified or included.
                    2206.00.10          Chhayang (Country Beer)                                                                                                  40                      30
                    2206.00.90          Other                                                                                                                    40                      30
                                        Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol. or higher; ethyl alcohol and other
                                        spirits, denatured, of any strength.
                    2207.10.00          Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of 80% vol. or higher                                   50 per ltr.             30 per ltr.
                    2207.20.00          Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength                                                          50 per ltr.             30 per ltr.

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                                                                                                                                                   Import Duty (% except Import Duty (% except
 Heading           Sub-Heading          Description of Article                                                                                     otherwise specified) otherwise specified) for FY
                                                                                                                                                   for FY 2076-77        2075-76
                                        Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 80% vol; spirits, liqueurs and
                                        other spirituous beverages.
                                        Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc:
                    2208.20.10          All kinds of alcoholic fluids including spirits used as raw material of wine or brandy                           1200 per ltr             900 per ltr
                    2208.20.90          Other                                                                                                            2000 per ltr            1600 per ltr
                    2208.30.10          Alcoholic fluids including spirits used as raw materials of whisky                                               1200 per ltr             900 per ltr
                    2208.30.90          Other                                                                                                            2000 per ltr            1600 per ltr
                                        Rum and other spirits obtained by distilling fermented sugar-cane products:
                                        Alcoholic fluids including spirits used as raw materials of Rum and other spirits obtained by distilling
                    2208.40.10                                                                                                                           1200 per ltr            900 per ltr
                                        fermented sugar-cane products
                    2208.40.90          Other                                                                                                            2000 per ltr            1600 per ltr
                                        Gin and Geneva:
                    2208.50.10          Alcoholic fluids including spirits used as raw materials of Gin and Geneva                                       1200 per ltr             900 per ltr
                    2208.50.90          Other                                                                                                            2000 per ltr            1600 per ltr
                    2208.60.10          Alcoholic fluids including spirits used as raw materials of Vodka                                                1200 per ltr             900 per ltr
                    2208.60.90          Other                                                                                                            2000 per ltr            1600 per ltr
                                        Liqueurs and cordials:
                    2208.70.10          Alcoholic fluids including spirits used as raw materials of Liqueurs and cordials                                1200 per ltr             900 per ltr
                    2208.70.90          Other                                                                                                            2000 per ltr            1600 per ltr
                    2208.90.10          Alcoholic fluids including spirits used as raw materials of liquor                                               1200 per ltr             900 per ltr
                    2208.90.90          Other                                                                                                            2000 per ltr            1600 per ltr
  23.09                                 Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding.
                    2309.90.00          Other                                                                                                                10                       5
                                        Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; “homogenised” or “reconstituted”
                                        tobacco; tobacco extracts and essences
                    2403.99.10          Jarda, Khaini, Snuff, Ghutka and similar preparations containing chewing tobacco                                     40                      30
                    2403.99.20          Packed chewing tobacco, to be mixed in lime, put up for retail sale                                                  40                      30
                    2403.99.90          Other                                                                                                                40                      30
  33.05                                 Preparations for use on the hair.
                    3305.10.00          Shampoos                                                                                                             20                      15
                    3305.20.00          Preparations for permanent waving or straightening                                                                   20                      15
                    3305.30.00          Hair lacqeurs                                                                                                        20                      15

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