Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.

Page created by Dana Richardson
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.
Issue 121

        What’s Happening In Harare

      For Wellness
      With Sunstone Studio.

      A Walk Through
      Picabella Rose
      Nursery.                                              US$5                     Issue 121
                               1                 Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.
Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.       Issue 121
                   3               Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.
                            17       How To Improv

                                     Your Life

                            20       Celebrate Life
                                     Through Music

                            31       Refresh Your

                                     Home With Dulux
                                     Colour Of The
                                     Year 2022

                                                           33   Teaching How To
                                                                Learn, Not What

                                                                To Learn Is Vital
                                                                To All Students

                                                           36   Barwick School

                                                           40   Review, Renew,

                                                           43   Regular Medical

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                           
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.
Editor’s Note                                                                                 Publisher

                                                                                             Mike Garden
        he new year is here, an                                                 
                                         Wellness”. Our aim is that by                     024-2782720/1/7
        interesting two years we’ve      every page turn you are inspired,
        had. During this two-year        engaged, and motivated to take             Content, Sales & Marketing
                                                                                          Michell Svesve
        roller coaster, many of us       action towards your resolutions.    
have faced challenges in different        Psychologist, Dr. Olga                           0779 397115
forms which we have survived             shares the secret to positive                         Editorial
for the most part! I believe that        outcomes through positive                         Rudo Nhamoinesu
our shortcomings are a constant          thinking. Sunstone Wellness             
reminder that we should live                                                                 0772 639 304
                                         gives a different meaning to
each day with meaning and                mindfulness through movement                     Layout & Design
the belief that things will              and meditation. Secret Sunrise                 Wilbroad. I. B. Mbofana
work, especially when it seems           inspires us to get off our seats      
                                                                                             0779 540 202
otherwise. The start of the year         and start moving through music
is a time often marked by hope,          and dance, a great mental escape                        Printer
reflection, and strategic planning,      with enormous physical benefits.                  PacPrint Pvt Ltd
to do and live “better”. It is a time,                                                9 Kevin Rd North, Graniteside
                                         Keep your health in check with
                                                                                     Tel:024-772490 , 753204, 748380
when we get our notepads out             Dr. Cooper and make sure you eat            Email:
and scribble what we believe are         right with Earthy Treats Zw.
worthwhile resolutions, make a           We do hope that through our                                Disclaimer
mental note, and try to stick to                                                    Whilst every effort is made to check the
                                         articles, you find something that
                                                                                  content of articles, the directors will not be
them throughout the year. We             inspires you and encourages you          held responsible for any errors or omissions
are beings driven by hope, and           to partake in a new activity this           therein. We accept that all articles and
most often fueled by the thought         year.                                        photographs submitted are the sole
of a better day in whatever                                                       responsibility of the authors and we do not
                                                                                   accept liability for any misrepresentation.
aspect of life. It is this optimism      We Can’t Wait To Journey With             Events, dates and prices listed are printed
and oftentimes resilience that           You Through The Year!                     using information supplied to us that we
encourages positive mindsets             All The Best,                               are satisfied are correct at the time of
and motivates us into action. In a                                                  printing. This publication is the exclusive
bid to help you our valued reader,
your resolutions, and year 2022-         Rudo                                              property of Ndeipi (Pvt) Ltd.


we have put together this issue
that we have themed “Wholistic           Nhamoinesu                                    Ndeipi Magazine


                                                                                   Cover Photo
                                                                                   YOGA SESSION, SUNSTONE WELLNESS
                                                                                   Photo Credit - Judith Williams                                                      Issue 121
                                                       5                            Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.
Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.

                                                    as builds overall strength and mobility.
                                                    Yoga is suitable for anyone, of any age, size,
                                                    and background - “anybody can breathe.
                                                    Therefore anybody can practice yoga”.
                                                       Let’s take a closer look at a few of the

                                                    1. Yoga Improves Strength And Flexibility
                                                    Slow movements and deep breathing
                                                    increases blood flow and warms up
                                                    muscles while holding a pose, activating
                                                    your core and using body weight as
                                                    you move through the practice builds
                                                    strength. The holding of poses creates
                                                    a deep connection to the muscle tissue,
                                                    encouraging it to relax and stretch. Many
                                                    people notice a “35 percent increase in
                                                    their flexibility after only eight weeks of
                                                    regular yoga practice”. In terms of strength,
                                                    don’t make the mistake of thinking yoga is
                                                    a passive exercise. Each pose is aimed at
                                                    targeting a specific group of muscles and
                                                    even the simplest poses, such as upward

More Than
                                                    facing dog, can help tone muscles in the
                                                    upper and lower body.

                                                    2. Yoga Improves Heart, Lymphatic Health
                                                    Yoga lowers blood pressure and slows
                                                    the heart rate, which promotes healthy
                                                    heart function. Additionally, many of the
Article by Tyler Kennaird                           twisting poses are well-known to flush the
Images by Judith Williams                           lymphatic system, wringing out toxins and

                                                    stimulating glands. The contracting of your
              ith a new year and new year           muscles as you move and breathe in yoga
              resolutions in full swing, we         acts as a pump for the lymphatic system
              would like to look at some of         which relieves lymphatic congestion.
              the benefits yoga has to offer.
Regardless of your level of yoga expertise,
when practicing yoga you can feel better
from head to toe, inside and out. The
practice creates a wholesome connection
back to self and harmony and balance
within the body and mind. Yoga’s
incorporation of meditation and
breathing can improve a person’s
mental well-being and a regular
practice creates mental clarity
and calmness; increases body
awareness;      relieves   chronic
stress patterns; relaxes the mind;
centres attention and sharpens
concentration. Physically, yoga
improves digestion, heart health,
and the lymphatic system as well                                               Issue 121
                                                7                          Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.
the mind which creates an inner and outer
                                                      cohesive calm.

                                                      4. Yoga For Stress Relief
                                                      “According to a 2018 study, yoga had a
                                                      positive result on women who practiced
                                                      it three times a week for four weeks.
                                                      After twelve sessions, they experienced
                                                      significant reductions in stress, depression,
                                                      and anxiety.” Yoga helps you focus on the
                                                      present moment enhances your awareness,
                                                      boosts your concentration, and centres your
                                                      mind. As you become aware of your bodily
                                                      sensations, thoughts, and feelings you may
                                                      find it easier to let go of attachments to
                                                      positive, negative, and neutral experiences.
3. Yoga Improves Balance                              You may also learn to cultivate feelings
Yoga can help with two types of balance -             such as love, joy, and serenity.
both physical and emotional. B.K.S. Iyengar
said it best: “Yoga teaches us to cure what           5. Yoga To Intensify Brain Power
need not be endured and endure what                   Your brain is a muscle that requires exercise
cannot be cured.” Balance is described in             to function better. Yoga is the best form
yogi terms by yoga journal as such: “When             of exercise for enhancing brain function.
we balance, we align our body’s centre of             When you do yoga, your brain cells develop
gravity with the Earth’s gravitational field.         new connections and changes occur in
Quite literally we place ourselves in physical        brain structure as well as function, resulting
equilibrium with a fundamental force of               in improved cognitive skills such as learning
nature.” We cannot balance by staying                 and memory.” Studies using MRI scans have
still. Rather you are constantly refreshing           shown that people who regularly practice
your balance each moment. This kind of                yoga had a thicker cerebral cortex and
alignment brings harmony not only to our              hippocampus compared with those not
skin and bones but to our nerve impulses,             practicing yoga.” This suggests yoga may
mind, feelings, and consciousness. We view            counteract age-related declines in memory
the balance of the body as a balance of               and other cognitive skills.

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                             
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.
6. Yoga As An Anti-Inflammatory Therapy
Several studies show that a regular
yoga practice can bring down the
levels of stress hormones that promote
inflammation; lowers the levels of several
pro-inflammatory molecules in the body
and brings down inflammation that is
beneficial in conditions like arthritis. It is
also known to relieve severe pain seen
in diseases like fibromyalgia and inhibits
inflammation that in turn weakens and
even kills cancerous cells in people with

7. Yoga Connects You With A Supportive
Community                                            To find out more about how yoga can
This is our favourite benefit. Participating         change your life, please contact me on
in yoga classes can ease loneliness and              the details below:
provide an environment for friendships,              E:
group healing, and support. Each student             C: 0784322584
is acknowledged as a unique individual,              Instagram sunstone_wellness
being listened to, supported, and held in a          Facebook Sunstone yoga & wellness
safe, joyful, and loving space.                      studio
The benefits of yoga are truly endless and
everyone’s practice and journey on the
mat looks so different. However, there is no
denying the internal and external shifts and
changes that happen when Yoga becomes
part of your day-to-day life. At Sunstone, we
would love to guide you to a place of peace,
self-love, and mental and physical health
this 2022. I’d like to leave you with one of
my favourite quotes: “Yoga is like music:
the rhythm of the body, the melody of the
mind, and the harmony of the soul, create
the symphony of life.”B.K.S Iyengar.                                              Issue 121
                                                 9                        Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Movement For Wellness - With Sunstone Studio. Picabella Rose Nursery.
Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare

                   Picabella      A Happy Place
                            Article Lucy Baker, Ndeipi Magazine
                                  Images Ndeipi Magazine

   ndulge your senses at the Picabella Rose            run by Gil Laver (BSc. Horticulture), his wife
   Nursery. It is the perfect place to escape          Sue and a trained team that graft each of
   from city stress, to have a romantic                their quality roses with the utmost care,
   rendezvous or to enjoy a picnic with                constantly propagating a range of select
friends. Packed with an array of expertly-             rose species, as well as a range of lavender
propagated roses of every variety you can              plants and hydrangeas. From miniatures to
think of, Picabella has been pruned into a             tall standards and everything in between,
blossoming garden that is the ideal location           Picabella has roses that are perfect for any
to visit on Valentines day. Walk along                 space in your house or garden. Although
meandering paths framed with vibrant                   they have a grand range of roses to choose
roses, alone or with a loved one, as you listen        from, staff are always available to help you
to fluttering birds that call to each other            pick a variety, how to care for your rose
and dive into trickling fountains. You can
sit on the garden benches (with your own
picnic), and breathe in the sweet scent of
the blooms as butterflies and bees flit from
flower to flower or take photos under the
elegant archway adorned with fragrant
roses. Make a statement to your loved
one and finish the day by buying a
sophisticated miniature rose bush
for them; a more meaningful and
long-lasting gift than a bouquet.

From A Dream To A Reality
Having started as a family-run
company on a tennis court
twenty years ago, Picabella has
developed into a registered
nursery   that     is  nestled
within the Emerald Seedling
Complex. Today, Picabella is                                                  Issue 121
                                                  11                          Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
and what products to buy for it. Picabella
focuses on creating affordable, disease free
and environmentally friendly exceptional
roses that are true to their variety so that
everyone can enjoy this wonderful species.

The Life Of A Rose
A lot of specialised work goes into the
creation of a rose. From propagation, a
rose takes approximately nine months to
mature and become ready for sale in the
nursery. Starting from Budwood, using
the budding method, Picabella staff
                                                       Growing Roses
graft specific cuttings from the garden
                                                       Roses are one of the most versatile of
onto rootstock that is also homegrown.
                                                       plants and can be paired with almost
Rootstock is used as it produces roses that
                                                       anything in your garden. When picking
thrive in a wide variety of soils and climates,
                                                       which variety of rose to grow, you need
root with ease and readily accept buds.
                                                       to consider the aesthetics of your garden:
In the greenhouse, the best soil mixes
                                                       what shape, colours and textures will
are used for good rooting and hygiene
                                                       best suit the space as roses have different
practices result in strong roses that are
                                                       growing patterns that may be better suited
resilient against diseases. Responsible care
                                                       to different garden designs. You also need
for the roses is evident in their picture-
                                                       to consider the amount of sunlight and
perfect blossoms; water preservation and
                                                       humidity in your space, as roses require
natural pest control take place while the
                                                       six hours of sunlight a day and need a
bees and sunbirds prove that only nature-
                                                       drier area to prevent fungal diseases from
friendly methods are used in the keeping
                                                       damaging them. Having purchased a
of the plants.
                                                       rose bush, you’ll need to fertilise the plant
                                                       monthly, use compost and mulch it often.
My Experience At Picabella
                                                       Picabella recommends Diana’s Huku
Walking into the dreamy nursery, I was
                                                       Mombe compost and sells their very own
captivated by the vigorous splashes of
                                                       PICABELLA GOLD granular fertiliser mix at
colour that adorned the greenery: I had
                                                       the nursery. A strong and healthy plant is
imagined a rose garden to be dull and old-
                                                       less likely to succumb to diseases so you’ll
fashioned, filled with unremarkable, cliche
                                                       need to take care of your roses by pruning
red-and-whites but Picabella had every
                                                       and watering them regularly. If you have
shape, shade and hue of rose that I could
                                                       any questions on roses, you are advised to
think of. The myriad of flowers are not the
                                                       watch out for the quarterly rose fora held
only attraction to the place: lush green
                                                       at Picabella. Having contributed to charity
lawns; breathtaking scenes with quaint
                                                       for over 8 years, the public is encouraged to
little benches and interesting, archaic
                                                       cherish the beautiful space that Sue and Gil
flowerpots as well as the peace that comes
                                                       have created.
from the gentle sound of trickling water,
the birdlife twittering in the shady trees and         For more information about Picabella
the refreshing smell of fragrant “Nostalgic”           Rose Nursery, call 0773 208 032 or visit the
roses is enough to brighten up anyone’s                nursery at Calgary Close, Off Alpes Road,
day. Guided by Gerry Jakarasi and Team                 past Wingate Golf Club. Open weekdays
Picabella, we learnt about the different               8.00am – 4.30pm; Saturdays until 12.00pm;
varieties of roses, lavender and hydrangeas,           closed on Sundays.
their qualities and how to care for them.
Overall, I found it was a much needed,                 Follow us on Facebook: https://www.
relaxing experience that I advise to anyone   or Instagram:
needing a respite from their busy lives.     

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                              
                                                  12        Issue 121
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Art & Flowers

             Sienna Rose         Harare’s Eclectic Florist
                                       Article & Images Rynadine Monson

How It All Began                                          My Inspiration
Raynadine Monson, Owner and Head                          So many things inspire me. As Steve Jobs once
Florist of a small florist and gifting                    said, “the more things you have to connect,
business Sienna-Rose Offering nationwide                  the better your ideas will become”. The
deliveries.                                               world around me is my creative playground,
The language of flowers and their ability                 what you see depends on what you look for.
to convey deep sentiments kindled my                      Engaging with my surrounding has always
desire to create beauty through them that                 inspired me but my greatest inspiration is from
would touch people’s lives. The beauty of                 within. The need to do something meaningful,
living in a digital age, and having access to             acts of kindness, travel, social media and other
social media, allows you to learn anything                professionals in the same industry also inspire
virtually in under a day. Through a tutorial              me. My business is named after my daughter,
video on YouTube, I learnt the basics of the              her enthusiasm and ability to find beauty in
art of floristry. My creative flair combined              everything has fueled my long-term passion,
with the birth of my new passion inspired                 motivation to keep acquiring new skills and
me to push out of my comfort zone, for                    keep the momentum going.
the next three years until such time I was
ready to take my hobby to the next stage.
In 2015 I enrolled with dalton and bloom                  Our Eclectic Range Of Arrangements:
Under the leadership of Karen Dalton                      We offer a variety of flower arrangements,
who is an amazing Floral designer making                  and with each one presentation is key.
waves in the South African event industry.                Each arrangement is made with love and
In 2019 I then enrolled with the SA School                understanding of our clients needs. We
of weddings under Khali Collins where I                   uphold high standards and through our
obtained the necessary skills to become an                signature style we have come up with
event stylist, coordinator, and planner.                  arrangements that every style aesthetic

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                  
Our signature hand-tied
   bouquet Which comes
   in three sizes petite,
   standard, and deluxe

   Vintage garden Quaint
   flower box with the
   whimsy appeal
   Love envelope Inspired
   by the traditional way
   we once conveyed our

   Window to my heart
   charming farmhouse
   design                                            Sunflowers: adoration, loyalty good luck,
   Succulent caddy                                   and longevity

   Mason jar arrangement which also comes            Carnations: love admiration good fortune
   in three sizes petite standard and deluxe         pride and beauty, fascination distinction
   Florals in a bag quirky large arrangement
   in a hessian Handheld bag                         Craspedia: Good health

   The ever so popular hat box comes in two          Gerbera: innocence, cheerfulness, and joy
   different styles; classic and elegant and
   our absolute favorite is the rustic hatbox        Daisy: innocence, purity, motherhood, and
                                                     new beginnings
Understanding Your Flowers
We are absolutely honoured to share a little         Waxflower: lasting love, patients and
flower knowledge with you this month                 enduring wealth
of love. Nontraditional locally-sourced
Valentine’s flowers we Love and their                : change, transformation, and courage
meanings are as follows;                                                Issue 121
                                                15                          Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
A List Of Non-Traditional Rose Colours
                                                          And Their Meanings

                                                          White roses- new beginnings, purity,
                                                          heavenly, innocence, youthfulness and

                                                          Yellow roses- Friendship, delight, joy,
                                                          welcome back, new beginnings, and grace

                                                          Pink- sweetness, sympathy, and

                                                          Deep pink- appreciation, and gratitude

                                                          Coral- desire

                                                          Orange- fascination, desire, and

                                                          Peach- gratitude, closing the deal,
                                                          sincerity, and appreciation
The most traditional choice for Valentine’s
                                                          Lavender- love at first sight, enchantment,
day is the red rose. Red roses are the ultimate
                                                          and charm
symbol of love romance passion respect
beauty and courage.                                       We hope this little bit of flower
  Red and white roses Mixed are a popular                 knowledge will make decision making
choice for Valentine’s as they signify unity.             easier as you select flowers for your loved
                                                          ones this Valentine’s day
The Number Of Roses And Feelings They
Convey:                                                    Contact details:
                                                           If you would like to order flowers
1 rose- love at first sight                                for your loved ones, or any occasion
2 roses- mutual love                                       please get in touch with us on
3 roses- I love you                                        E:
6 roses- I wanna be yours                                  T: 0772 321 620
9 roses- eternal love, together as we live                 Instagram: sienna_rose_zw
10 roses- you are perfect
11 roses- you are my treasured one, the one I love
most in my life
13 roses- secret admirer
15 roses- I am truly sorry, please forgive me
20 roses- believe me, I am sincere towards you
21 roses I am devoted to you
24 roses- can’t stop thinking about you 24 hours
every day
33 roses- I love you with great affection
36 roses- I will remember our romantic
40 roses-my love for you is genuine
50 roses- regretless love, this is
99 roses I will love you for as long as I live
100 roses remaining devoted as a couple till ripe
old age

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                
Drama & Art

                   How to Improv
                    Your Life       Article Kevin Hanssen

    “To Be Or Not To Be”                             also used in corporate training to develop
    “I’m Going To Make Him An Offer He Can’t         listening skills, empathy and for all round
    Refuse”                                          team building. In the medical environment
    “May The Force Be With You.”                     it has helped doctors and nurses improve
                                                     their connection with patients and each
    Lines that linger in our memories, part of       other.
    our consciousness.
         Stories. Alice went down a rabbit hole.     The heart of improv lies in a game called
    Lucy entered the wardrobe. Frodo left the        “Yes, and…”. Very simply “Yes, and…”
    Shire. And we’re really happy they did.          works like this:
    Because we went with them, on a journey          You say something
    into the imagination; a very powerful and        I agree with you and add something
    intoxicating place to be. But are stories just   You agree with what I’ve just said and
    for fun? Are they an escape from the stresses    another thing
    and strains of potholes, power cuts and the      I agree with you and add something more.
    insistent yapping of rogue chihuahuas?           And so on…
         Kenneth Burke said: “Stories are
    equipment for living”. Is this true? Could       Sound familiar? Something like a
    it be that stories also serve as a mirror,       functional, yet playful, conversation.
    a finely tuned, excitable vehicle for our        For instance:
    curious minds, a precedent for our own
    meandering life choices to reference? There      Once there was a boy
    are many ways of creating stories, one of        Yes, and he lived in a forest
    them is through improvisation. ‘Improv’ is       Yes, and this forest was full of frogs
    probably best known from the TV series           Yes, and the frogs were campaigning for a
    Whose Line Is It Anyway? A TV show that          new leader
    celebrates the quick witted, playful minds       Yes, and the leader they dreamed of could
    of its stars Colin Mochrie, Wayne Brady          leap over a Red London Bus
    and Ryan Stiles. But the powers of improv        Yes, and they ordered a Red London Bus
    go beyond entertainment and have many            from Amazon
    applications. Improv is a popular writing        Yes, and the Red London Bus arrived just
    tool for theatre and film companies. It is       in time for the Leadership Weekend Away…                                            Issue 121
                                              17                        Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
And so our imagination is off, down the
rabbit hole, into the wardrobe, away
from the Shire. Wonderful! N’est-ce pas?
Of course, it’s wonderful. And as our
imaginations spring to life, and our innate
desire for story, for drama, for romance, for
life kicks in we spread our wings and we
grow. We learn. We explore the minds and
passions of others. We realise that the world
doesn’t just revolve around ‘me’. There are
many people out there with ideas. Perhaps
ideas that are quite different to our own.
Ideas that might be, dare we admit, better
than our own. Hmm. Stories, improv … it’s a
dangerous game. It can lead us face to face
with our pride, our selfish ways, our need              have teams all over the country and a
to always be right. And yet, therein lies the           national league.
power of stories, of drama, of movies, and                  Outside of doing Impro Shows at Reps
of improv. Not only is it fun, but, if we really        Theatre and popular restaurants, the group
give it a go, it could just help us to become           also run open workshops from time to time
better people.                                          for adults and teenagers, and have recently
    Harare has its very own Improv                      started their own foray into corporate
company that produces a regular show                    training, passing on the power of improv to
called The Impro Show, similar in a way to              those in business and industry. A number of
Whose Line Is It Anyway. This was started               the group also work in education, teaching
more than 10 years ago by Kevin Hanssen,                improv and drama to school students. A
and over the years The Impro Show has                   big part of this contribution includes Allied
had many members. Long-time favourites                  Arts, an incredible organisation helping
include Musa Saruro, Jamie McLaren, Chipo               students of all ages to create poems,
Chikara and Erin Sticklen. More recent                  dramas, and stories of all kinds for over 100
recruits include Harare (and London’s)                  years.
answer to Spiderman Matt Roper, the                         Over the past 10 years or so the actors
ever popular and effervescent Munya                     from The Impro Show have found that
Guramatunhu and powerhouse of local                     they work well together and often band
theatre Tafadzwa Bob Mutumbi. The Impro                 together on other projects, such as Under
Show has also participated as a member                  the Affluence productions headed by
of the International TheatreSports Institute            Jamie McLaren, or the pilot episodes for a
based in Calgary, Canada. TheatreSports                 TV sitcom written by Musa Saruro, called
is a fun competitive use of improv that                 Dinner Only. If you would like to watch some
students quickly respond to with huge                   of their material online you can find two
helpings of love and enthusiasm. Canada                 pilot episodes of Dinner Only on YouTube at
takes TheatreSports so seriously that they              Kevin Hanssen’s YouTube channel, as well
                                                        as scenes from The Impro Show on Vimeo
                                                        (or via The Impro Show’s Facebook page).

                                                        As Kenneth Burke says: stories are equipment
                                                        for living. It would be a dull, grey world without
                                                        yarns, tales and dad jokes. There would be no
                                                        one to throw rotten fruit at.

                                                        If you would like to find out more about
                                                        Improv contact The Impro Show via their
                                                        Facebook page, or drop Kevin Hanssen
                                                        an email at ,
                                                        +263772302913 (Zim and WhatsApp),

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                  
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What’s Happening In Harare

              Celebrate Life
              Through Music
                              with Secret Sunrise Harare
                                         Article & Images Tara Wallace

                t Secret Sunrise,
                we’re best
                known for
                people to gather
                for an outdoors                                            Each session is
silent dance and meditation                                                 unique, often curated
experience - all before the 9 to                                             according to a theme
5 day has begun. Secret Sunrise                                              that attendees come
Global is a silent guided dance                                              together to celebrate
and meditation community.                                                   and are even welcome
With over 16 cities across the                                              to dress up. We
world, we’re on a mission to                                               embrace everyone in
celebrate life through music,                                             our sessions, regardless
movement, and connection.                                                 of age, gender, religious
This unique concept was born                                             preferences, vocation,
under the African skies and                                             body size, fitness level,
has spread throughout South                                            or current mindset. We
Africa and rippled out to                                            aim to be fully accessible.
the rest of the world. Secret                                      There are many reasons to
Sunrise Harare launched in                                       attend a Secret Sunrise session;
September 2019.                                                Dance is a great form of exercise
                                                               and improves physical health. It
 There is something special                                    has also been shown to have a
about attending a Secret                                       positive effect on mental health,
Sunrise session. Sometimes                                     and overall wellbeing. Our sessions
difficult to explain, because                                   encourage socialization (at a
there is nothing else quite                                      distance if necessary), and
like it. Using headphone                                          foster a sense of connection
technology, headsets are                                           and community between
handed to you on arrival. Our                                      participants.
accredited facilitators guide                                           Dance inspires creativity,
you through a series of music of                                    helps build trust, and can
all genres. Our public sessions last                                encourage critical, out the
for 1 hour and encompass a variety                                  box thinking.
of mindful practices, including
meditation, breathwork, movement,
and dance.

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                             
Pictured smiling is Tara Wallace, SS founder

    As the demand for Secret
   Sunrise grew, our offering has                   We Can Help To Facilitate Any Of The
   expanded. We now offer corporate                 Following Events 0r Activities:
   bookings for office and team-building
   workshops and private sessions for                Corporate Teambuilding
   birthdays and specialised events. Our             Confidence and self
   offering also includes fundraisers, ice           esteem building (students)
   breakers, and school sessions. Each               Leadership camps
   session is tailor-made to suit the                ‘Hype up’ sessions before
   requirements of your unique event,                big events
   attendees, or space. Our instructors              Implementing
   formulate the session taking into                 meditation and
   careful consideration the intention               mindfulness tools
   and desired outcome. Using tools                  Retreats, yoga/mindfulness practices
   that are scientifically supported, and            School socials/Ice- breakers
   methods that are tried and tested by
   Secret Sunrises all over the world we
                                                     Contact Tara Wallace on
   make sure our session leaves attendees
                                                     0774119653 for more details and
   feeling uplifted, inspired, connected,
   and energized. Secret Sunrise Global
   has worked with brands such as TED,
   Lipton, Coca-Cola, Women’s Health,
   and more.                                        Issue 121
                                               21                      Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare

                             Earthy Eats
                                   Healthy Eating and Living
                                             Article Sarah Claire Calasse
                                           Images Michelle Morgan Media

T       he idea of Earthy Eats began a few                   Earthy Eats allowed me to step out of my
        years ago, inspired by the abundance                 comfort zone. Having trained at Silwood
        of fresh produce we are blessed to                   School of Cookery in typical French-
have in Zimbabwe.                                            style cooking, I was now going to be
     I recall sitting in a cafe in Cape Town in              adventurous and creative in producing
2019, thinking to myself, “this place is my                  meals that would be predominantly plant-
ultimate dream”. The shelves of the cafe                     based and gluten-free.
were laden with fresh healthy produce,                           Earthy Eats recipes have allowed
and the most exciting of all was that they                   me to include many of my favourite
catered to different dietary requirements.                   ingredients. I source all my ingredients
The food made from the produce in                            from local Zimbabwean suppliers. Being
the café was fresh, super simple, and                        able to support small local businesses, and
absolutely delicious.                                        getting to know the people running them,
     Soon after that trip, we went into our                  has been a great privilege. In Zimbabwe,
first Covid lockdown. My plans to start my                   we have some amazing suppliers, one
new adventure fell through and I had just                    of them being Pomona Farmers Market.
handed in my resignation! Like so many                       It boasts of some unbelievable local
others in my situation, I felt lost, scared and              produce. I love the fact that I can handpick
insecurity and doubt crept into my life.                     my ingredients, allowing my creativity to
     BUT, as a Zimbabwean, patience, and                     flow in that kind of environment.
perseverance are strong characteristics                          Upmarket on Maasdorp is another
that we all share. One year later I started                  place where I get my fresh ingredients
Earthy Eats. I was nervous and uncertain,                    and again, the people are what make this
but friends and family spurred me on.                        journey so enjoyable for me.
     Having had many years of experience                         Nothing beats the friendliness, the
in the hospitality industry, and privileged                  excellent customer service, and the love
to have worked with some of the finest                       that is poured into what they do.
chefs, I was more than ready to produce                          Creating relationships with my
meals that were “different exciting,                         suppliers and customers has been a big
bursting with flavour and colour!” My                        part of building my business.
meals were going to be one of a kind!                            I supply regular stocks of meals to The
                                                             Bread Co, On Juice at 56 Kingsmead, and
                                                             Tin Roof.
                                                                    My biggest market has been direct
                                                                     orders and home deliveries, which
                                                                             has allowed me to be a
                                                                                      part of so many

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                   
sure to check it out! We are also exploring
                                                     the option of offering healthy “on the go
                                                     snack options. “
                                                         Earthy Eats meals are light yet
                                                     surprisingly filling, I would say there are
                                                     definitely underlying flavours of Asian
                                                     cuisine, Middle Eastern influence and
                                                     our signature Earthy Eats flavours, lots of
                                                     lemon and loads of fresh herbs. Earthy
                                                     Eats promotes healthy living. We use
                                                     whole fresh ingredients and we present
                                                     you with meals that are ready to eat so
                                                     that you can enjoy wholesome delish food,
lives in a way I could not have imagined.
                                                         We have learnt that there is so much
    I cook with my heart as well as with
                                                     that we can create from our local produce
my hands, as I think about my customers
                                                     and we try and incorporate as many
with every stir of the spoon or pinch of
                                                     different ingredients into our meals as
salt. It really has become an act of love for
                                                     possible. We don’t add any preservatives.
me. Currently, Earthy Eats offers fresh and
                                                     Many of our ingredients are organic and
frozen meals. These menus change every
                                                     are kind to your tummy. We take great
two weeks, allowing us to be creative. It
                                                     pride in selecting the best ingredients for
encourages our customers to step out
of their comfort zones and experience
                                                         Our packaging compliments our
different meals and new flavours regularly.
                                                     meals too. We use sustainable and
    2022 has some exciting plans in the
                                                     environmentally friendly packaging. Just as
pipeline! We have decided to introduce a
                                                     our meals are friendly to your bodies, we
menu for those who support us but would
                                                     are trying to be friendly to Mother Earth
like meatier options. This menu will be out
in a couple of weeks. We are also really
                                                         We at Earthy Eats look forward to
excited to be joining the Munch App, this
                                                     being creative and growing, even more,
will allow our meals to reach more people
                                                     this year, and of course feeding you!
through their delivery services. For this
launch, there will be a new menu so be
                                                      As mentioned above you can find our meals
                                                      daily at:
                                                      The Bread Co. – fresh and frozen meals, our
                                                      soup is also best served with a slice of fresh
                                                      56 Kingsmead, fresh and frozen meals.
                                                      We also collaborate with On Juice, offering
                                                      juice and soup cleanses and soup and
                                                      salad cleanses. For more information on
                                                      these cleanses you can contact Tyla on
                                                      The Tin Roof Deli stocks our plant-based
                                                      frozen meals.

                                                      For direct orders, you can contact us on
                                                      You can have a look at our Facebook &
                                                      Instagram pages too for
                                                      menus and updates on what is happening.                                                Issue 121
                                                23                          Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Eating Out

Alechi                                        China Garden                  Call 078 654 8235 /
Chicken Grill, 21 Quorn                       × Chinese                     WhatsApp 0786 548 235
Ave, Mount Pleasant ,                         17 Rowland Sq, Milton
Call - 077 936 4640                           Park,                         Little Eataly Restaurant
                                              Call 077 892 5033/            × Italian
                                              WhatsApp 0778 925 033         1 Hurworth Road,
Alo Alo                                                                     Highlands,
10 Forest Row, Arundel                                                      Call 077 674 5727, 08677
Village, Mount Pleasant                       Chop Chop                     177349
Call - 077 326 5932/3 ,(024)                  × Brazilian Steakhouse,
2369198                                       256 Herbert Chitepo/ Fifth
                                              St, CBD                       Mojo`s                SUN

                                              Call 077 918 9214 /           × South American,
Aroma Caffe`            SUN
                                              WhatsApp 0779 189 214         10 East Rd, Belgravia,
× Italian                                                                   Call (024) 2705993, 0782
167, Enterprise Road,                                                       635 830
Call - 077 223 5693, (024)                    CORNER CAFE          SUN

2480904                                       × Restaurant and Bar          Mulberry Restaurant and
                                              Mon Repos Shopping            Cafe          MON, TUES

                                              Centre Newlands               × Deli,
Casa Mia            MON                       Call 0772547611 /             Borrowdale Brooke Club
× Pizzeria,                                   0773245945/ 0772357339        house, Harare,
Cnr King George &                                                           Call 078 893 0720
Aberdeen Rd, Avondale,
Call - (024) 2332044/
WhatsApp +263 78 610 0950                     Garfunkels Grill              Ocean Basket
                                              Sam Levy’s Village,           × Seafood Restaurant,
                                              Borrowdale,                   Stand 3, Sam Levy’s
Chang Tai            TUE                      Call (024) 2853137/8, 0776    Village, Harare,
× Thai,                                       508 702                       Call 08677 323 323, (024)
83 Churchill Avenue,                                                        2852189, 0731 200 674
Call - 0779 763 666,                          Gava`s
0773 222 276, (0242) 783054                   × Traditional Cuisine,        Organikks
                                              Belgravia Sports Club,        × Food delivery service 1
                                              2nd Street Ext, Belgravia,    Dacome Drive, Chisipite,
Chez Zandi                                    Call 077 238 1863             Call 0782784999,
× Bistro/ Wine Bar,                                                         0782785000
328 Herbert Chitepo Ave,
CBD                                           Hometown          MON, TUES
Call 0778 952 992 or                          × Coffeehouse & BBQ,
0714 814 450                                  American, 21 Edinburgh            Take Away
                                              Road, Borrowdale,
                                              Call 077 622 6975                 Delivery
Chicken Basket
                                                                               Open Everyday
110 Norfolk Rd, Mount
Pleasant                                      Kirytan Grill     MON

                                              × Chicken Grill,                  Closed on
Call 0772 781 555/ 0772 426                                                     specified day
768                                           Corner Woodholme &
                                              Golden Stairs Rd,
Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                  
Pariah State                   Shangri La             MON

× Wine/cocktail lounge,        Cantonese Restaurant, 155            Tin Roof          MON

Shop 7 Riverside Walk,         Enterprise Rd, Chisipite             × Bucket Bar & Bistro,
Avondale                       Call 0773 709 686,                   1 Lewisam Shopping Centre,
Call 0772 279051 & Wine        (024) 2 443263-4                     Highlands
Bar, × Grill & Coffee Shop,                                         Call/ WhatsApp 0778 218 990
1 Pomona Shopping
Centre, Pomona,                Spice Lounge
Call 08677 103 644, 0772       × Indian Restaurant,
279 051                        63 Churchill Avenue,                 Tinkabell Restaurant
                               Call (024) 2701672                   × Portuguese,              SAT, SUN

                                                                    4 Upton Rd, Ardbennie,
                                                                    Call 0774 532 184 / WhatsApp
Paula`s Place                  St Elmos                             0785 663 154
× Portuguese,                  × Pizza,
314 Samora Machel Ave,         86 East Road, Avondale
Call (024) 2497950, 0779 421   Call (024) 2334980-3
014                            Sam Levy’s Village,                  You Real           TUE

                               Borrowdale, Call (024) 2886959       × Japanese,
                                                                    Shop 13 & 14, New
                                                                    Block, Sam Levy’s Village,
Pizzazz Pizza           TUE                                         Borrowdale,
Shop 4, Greystone Park         The Jam Tree                         Call 0719 425 555/ WhatsApp
Shopping Centre, Harare        × Pub Food and Restaurant,           0719 425 555
Call 0777 781 583              40 Bargate Rd, Mount
                               Pleasant Call 0734 018 003

                                                                    KHAYA NYAMA WOMBLES                  SUN

Pogos               SUN                                             × Steakhouse Restaurant &
× Pizza & Chicken,             The Rose Cafe                        Bar,
1 & 2 Kamfinsa Shopping        × Cafe,                              158 Enterprise Road,
Centre , Greendale,            72 Golden Stairs Rd, Mount           Highlands, Harare
Call 077 897 7828 /            Pleasant, Harare,                    Call 0772 336 224/
WhatsApp                       Call 0784 339 814 / WhatsApp
078 0004 796                   0784 339 814

RocoMamas                      The Vanilla Moon
× Burger Restaurant,           8 Seagrave Road, Mount                      Take Away
Village Walk, Borrowdale,      Pleasant, Harare
Call (024) 2884966             Call (024) 2333394/ WhatsApp
                               0772 224 341
                                                                           Open Everyday

                                                                            Closed on
Sabai Thai              MON    The Village Greek       MON
                                                                            specified day
Cnr Rold Ave/ Stokesay Cl,     × Greek
Ballantyne Park,               Shop 3, New Block, Sam Levy’s
Call (024) 2852695, 0776       Village, Borrowdale,
74775 or 0788 265 533          Call (024) 2850666                                              Issue 121
                                             25                           Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare

Quacamole Recipe
One of my all-time favourites! Serve on rice cakes, seeds
crackers, toast or as a dip.
         INGREDIENTS                       METHOD

         2 Avocados, remove pips.          1 Remove the avo from the skin and
         1 Lemon, squeezed.                place in a medium mixing bowl.
         1 Bunch Coriander, roughly        2 Add the finely chopped tomato and
         chopped                           spring onion.
         1 Tomato, remove seeds & finely   3 Add the lemon juice little by little,
         chop.                             tasting to make sure you don’t add too
         1 Spring onion, finely chopped.   much.
         Salt & pepper to taste.           4 Season with salt and pepper and fold
                                           in the coriander, again as much as you
                                           like. Coriander does have an acquired
                                           taste, so you can switch this out for
                                           parsley if you prefer.
                                           5 ENJOY!!

                                  26        Issue 121
                   27               Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare

                     Zimbabwe’s Belgian Chocolate Makers
                                          Article Veldemeers Zimbabwe

                                    Images Rudo Nhamoinesu, Ndeipi Magazine

           eldemeers originally started                    chocolates is the use of pure, natural
           operating in Zimbabwe in                        ingredients. Chocolates imported from
           1997. Twenty five years ago                     Europe or South Africa often contain
           the company came on the                         trans fats and other long life products to
           Zimbabwe market with                            give them a long shelf life. Veldemeers
homemade Belgian chocolates and                            chocolates are made in Harare and are
was trading under the name Chocolart.                      sold within the shortest time in Zimbabwe
Starting with 3 members of staff the                       and most of the chocolate fillings are
company grew over the years and now                        made with fresh cream and butter without
employs over 20 people. The name
Chocolart was changed into “Veldemeers”
in 2006.
    What makes Veldemeers Belgian
chocolates unique is their freshness,
the quality of ingredients used and an
almost fanatical adherence to Old World
manufacturing techniques. Even in today’s
world of automation and mass production,
Veldemeers Belgian chocolates are still
made by hand. Over the years Veldemeers
trained many local craftsmen (and
women) to become professional chocolate
The big difference with imported

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                                
Beautiful gift boxes and other themed
                                                     chocolate products are specially created
                                                     for seasons such as Christmas, Valentines
                                                     and Easter.
adding any chemical preservatives.                   Veldemeers definitely concentrates on
Imported nuts such as pistachios from                offering the genuine, fresh handmade
Iran, French walnuts, Spanish almonds                Belgian chocolate to Zimbabwe. For
and Turkish hazelnuts are also used in the           people who are used to buy imported
manufacturing process. There is also a               chocolates it is worth to drop in to one of
range of sugar free chocolates for diabetics         our shops, to look around and let the staff
and weight watchers                                  guide you through this chocolate paradise.
     Importing the raw materials from                And no order is too small - even one single
Belgium, Veldemeers, now based in                    chocolate can be bought.
Arundel, Mount Pleasant, and run                         Veldemeers also specialises in the
by Belgian Hans Van Hooreweghe, is                   production of authentic continental
producing top quality Belgian chocolates             pastries, cakes & biscuits. Every morning
that are offered through outlets in Arundel          the shops are stocked with fresh baked
Village, Sam Levy’s Village and Village walk         croissants, pains au chocolat and other
in Borrowdale. Soon a new outlet will open           fine pastries.
in Highlands park mall.
There is a wide variety of milk, dark and
white chocolates and you can select your              Veldemeers head office        0242 486169
favourites from the chocolates on display             Veldemeers Arundel            0242 301989
in their specialised shops. Different sizes           Veldemeers Sam Levy           0242 850393
of boxes are available and are filled for you         Veldemeers Village walk        0242 2850063
with your personal selection of chocolates.
The well-trained staff then finishes off your
box with a ribbon of your choice and a      
quality guarantee label.                                                                    Issue 121
                                                29                          Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
Colour Of The Year

   Refresh Your Home
   With Dulux Colour 0f
   The Year 2022
   Painting walls with Dulux Colour of the Year
   2022, Bright Skies™
   Light and airy, Dulux Colour of the Year 2022, Bright Skies™, brings a breath of
   fresh air to any home. Find out how the Colour of the Year is chosen and how to
   combine it with trend-led shades to brighten up every room…

                                                  in our lives; how creativity and the arts
                                                  have brought us comfort and inspiration
                                                  during lockdown; and how important it
                                                  is to embrace new ideas and opinions as
                                                  we try to shape the world for the better
                                                  were discussed.
                                                       These discussions translate into a
                                                  theme for the Dulux Colour of the Year
                                                  2022 – a breath of fresh air – and to the
                                                  shade itself. Bright Skies™ is a light and
                                                  airy blue; it’s a colour that feels vibrant,
                                                  optimistic, and good for the soul. And it’s
                                                  a shade that can open up and revitalize
                                                  our homes. Around it, four easy-to-use

           very year, our Global Aesthetic        colour palettes were created so that you
           Center get together with a             can refresh your living space in any way
           selection of internationally           you choose.
           acclaimed experts to discuss           1. Combine Dulux Colour of the Year
   what will be influencing the way we            2022 with Workshop colors to create
   live in the coming years, the current          a vibrant space that works for a living,
   trends, and how this translates                working, relaxing, and more
   into The Colour of the Year – an on-
   trend colour that encapsulates the
   theme and reflects the mood of the
   moment. This year, our discussion
   went digital where our team of colour
   experts set to work choosing a shade
   that will feel just right for our homes
   over the next few years.
       Over the past 18 months, our lives
   have been turned upside down, but
   we’ve also had time to rethink the
   way we live and to reassess what’s
   important. At the Trend Forecast,
   the role of how the home has been
   transformed; how essential nature is                                             Issue 121
                                             31                          Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
When a living area needs to switch
 from home to office to classroom in
 an instant, we need flexible do-it-all
 space. Paired with Bright Skies™, the
 multicolored Workshop palette with its
 combination of light, uplifting tones,
 creates an inspirational backdrop for
 any activity.
                                                       We all need somewhere to recharge and
 Featured Colour Combination :                         feel inspired; somewhere we can escape
 Bright Skies™ - 14BB 55/113                           the everyday. Painting your walls with
 Olive Fantasy - 34YY 31/502                           Studio colors gives a room a comfortable,
 Puccini Pink - 10YR 57/080                            consoling feel - and if you go for stripes,
 Tuscan Green - 49YY 54/251                            you’ll create a dramatic focal point too!
 2. Bring the positive effects of nature
 into a dining room with the fresh                     Featured Colour Combination :
 greens and blues of the Greenhouse                    Bright Skies™ - 14BB 55/113
 palette                                               Swordplay - 30BB 45/049
                                                       Lady Orchid - 50RR 32/029
                                                       4. Experiment with Salon colors to
                                                       create a space that feels fresh, open,
                                                       and welcoming

 The light, natural tones of the Greenhouse
 palette, combined with Colour of the                  We want our homes to be somewhere
 Year 2022, Bright Skies™, easily brings               we feel safe and can embrace new
 the freshness of the outdoors inside. In a            ideas. A combination of soft neutrals
 rural location, these colors compliment               and warming tones, the Salon palette
 the surroundings whilst in an urban                   provides the perfect blank canvas for any
 space, they help us feel in touch with                room in the house.
                                                       Featured Colour Combination :
 Featured Colour Combination :                         Bright Skies™ - 14BB 55/113
 Horizons - 10BB 73/039                                Purest Frost -71YY 90/027
 Bright Skies™ - 14BB 55/113                           Stone Road / Stone Harbour- 95YR
 Winter’s Silence - 50GG 40/064                        16/038
 Brooding Storm - 87BG 27/077
                                                        Visit for more
 3. Choose the soft, airy tones of the                  information on the latest global
 Studio palette with Colour of the Year                 colour trends and inspiration on
 2022, Bright Skies™, for a soothing                    how to use Bright Skies™ with the
 space that feels good for the soul                     four complementing colour pallets.

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                            

          “Teaching how to learn,
          not what to learn is vital
            for all our students”
                               Article & Images Lorna McCosh

                                                       the difference. Students from both primary
                                                       and secondary schools will benefit from
                                                       one on one NILD educational therapy.
                                                           NILD is a research-based programme,
                                                       based on neuroplasticity i.e. the brain’s
                                                       ability to change. NILD addresses the
                                                       underlying causes of learning difficulties,

                                                       rather than simply treating the symptoms
                                                       as tutoring does. Research indicates that
           ack in primary school I thought I           thinking can be changed through intensive,
           was just stupid,” says Uni student,         focused intervention. Students can be
           Jess, now 21. “I just couldn’t              trained to think for themselves rather than
           seem to keep up or get anything             depending upon a teacher or parent to
           finished, and the more my                   think for them. Language and thinking skills
parents and teachers told me to try harder,            are interdependent so that when one skill
the more chaotic things got, until I just              develops the other is also strengthened.
stopped trying at all, because no matter               NILD educational therapy is also beneficial
how hard I tried, I was always in trouble.             for those with other learning disabilities i.e.
Then I started NILD (National Institute for            ADHD, dyspraxia, and dyscalculia.
Learning Development) therapy and went                     NILD is accredited to the International
from the bottom of the class to the middle             Dyslexia Association, one of the few
in less than a term. I wish more children              programmes to receive accreditation,
with learning challenges had to access to              because of its overwhelming success rate
NILD educational therapy. It opened so                 in helping dyslexic children overcome
many doors that I thought were closed                  reading and spelling challenges, using
forever to kids like me.”                              structured literacy.
    Children like Jess have normal (even                   NILD Zimbabwe has been operating
high) IQs. They just learn differently, and too        for 10 years, and will this year be holding
often, this fact is not discovered until later         its 11th annual graduate-level training for
in their school years.                                 teachers and other graduates who wish
    The goal of NILD educational therapy®              to become NILD educational therapists.
is to help students develop tools for                  NILD Zimbabwe is affiliated with NILD in
independent learning in the classroom                  the United States of America. There are
and life. Developed over 40 years ago,
the NILD therapeutic teaching method
has transformed over 100,000 students
    The latest research indicates that as
many as one in five students is dyslexic,
with different degrees of severity. At 20% of
the student population, this is a significant
issue. Unfortunately, it is often not
diagnosed or treated, with many children
missing out on the specialist, systematic
and intense intervention needed to make                                                  Issue 121
                                                  33                          Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
several NILD educational therapists in
both primary and senior schools, as well
as private NILD educational therapists who
see children from schools that do not have
their NILD therapists.
    “With one-third of every class reading
below grade level by Grade 6 there is a
huge need for professional specialists to
help these children who learn differently,”
says Lorna McCosh, founder of NILD
Zimbabwe. “Our mission is to have at least
one or two therapists in every private school
in Zimbabwe. We would love for it to be
accessible in government schools too, in
    There are currently NILD educational               Search and Teach is for children from the
therapists in Harare, Marondera, Nyabira,              age of five years to 80 months helping
Bulawayo, Kadoma, and Kwekwe, with                     children with perceptual immaturities.
Victoria Falls about to come on board this
year.                                                  Rx Workshops Math and Writing - each
    “At NILD Zimbabwe, we aim to provide               aimed at small group teaching for children
training to teachers and therapists to                 with specific issues, up to a maximum of 6
help these students that learn differently,”           students. Ideal for schools.
says the NILD Zimbabwe founder. “We
have been training teachers since 2012,                Rx Reading is currently only available to
and unlike many other educational                      NILD Therapists who have completed Level
programmes, we are here to stay!”                      1 training.
    As well as NILD Levels 1-3 training, NILD
Zimbabwe offers specialist courses and                 Grammar Workshop Grammar is an
workshops to teachers working in schools               important strand of language study, b o t h
and privately. Classroom teachers will                 in its own right and as part of making
benefit from the information and resources             meaning.    Studying    grammar     helps
contained within the workshops as well                 students understand language.
as those wanting to pursue specialist
professional training to teach students with           Rx Fundamentals for Reading will be
learning disabilities.                                 introduced this year, for nursery school
    Continuing Professional Development                and      Grades 1 to 3 teachers, to
increases teacher motivation, confidence,              understand how reading should develop
and commitment to teaching; learning                   and the instructional implications.
new skills and applying them in the
classroom can lead to a more effective                 For those interested in learning more about
teaching environment.                                  NILD educational therapy, who would
    In celebration of completing 10 years              benefit from NILD educational therapy,
in Zimbabwe, NILD Zimbabwe will be                     the way NILD works, and the professional
discounting their workshops for the year.              training available in Zimbabwe from
Shouldn’t every school be offering specialist          NILD Zimbabwe, please take a look at our
professional help to their students?                   website
Levels 1 – 3 NILD educational therapy
professional, graduate-level training to               For interesting and informative articles
enable teachers to help children with                  please like our Facebook page – NILD
learning disabilities                                  Zimbabwe.

Search and Teach aimed at nursery school               NILD Zimbabwe        - “helping those who
and Grades 1 and 2 teachers.                           learn differently”

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                            
                                                  34        Issue 121
                   35               Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare

Barwick School
Article & Images Barwick School

B   arwick School, is one of the leading
    Not-for-Profit Independent, Co-
educational Primary Weekly Boarding
                                                       Recognizing that a good education
                                                       considers all the dimensions of the
Schools in Zimbabwe. It is situated in                 whole person: physical, mental, affective,
the North, 85 Km from Harare facing the                concrete, social and spiritual, we accept
beautiful Mutorashanga Northern Great                  that innovation is crucial in shaping
Dyke, in the Barwick farming block of                  learners’ understanding of themselves as
Concession, Mazowe District. Barwick                   global citizens. We, therefore, acknowledge
School has a reception Class (ECD A & B)               that 21st Century holistic education
who are only enrolled as Day Boarders.                 requires the use of ICT and related
Barwick is a Member of the Association                 technologies. Blended Teaching and
of Trust Schools (ATS) and the Head is a               Learning is therefore our critical approach
Member of the Conference of Heads of                   for educating at Barwick. The psycho-
Independent Schools (CHISZ). The school                pedagogy of care is also embedded in our
is owned through a Deed of Trust. The                  curriculum and programs and we define
Board of Governors supervises the Policy               the soul of Barwick when we say, “Barwick
and the Business of the school while                   is a Caring School”.
parents are organized and represented
through the Barwick Parents Association.               OUR MISSION
                                                       At Barwick, we aim to provide affordable
THE BARWICK EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY                       Global Education and learning
At Barwick, we believe in an education                 opportunities through innovative
that creates Global Learning opportunities             curriculum options and programs that
for all. Our way of teaching focuses on                embrace diversity and our Zimbabwean
developing learning experiences that                   context.
encourage the use of imagination, feelings,            Our Core Values
discovery, wonderment as well as the                     Inclusion
mind experience. We take great care to                   Innovation
contextualize the learning experience                    Diversity
so we may move learners to action that                   Community
transforms them, their families, and their               Sustainability

Issue 121   Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare                            
Barwick School envisions itself as an
innovative and inclusive 21st Century
Zimbabwean School that develops Global
citizens with skills that transform the lives
of children and their communities through
a comprehensive and holistic curriculum.

Barwick Offers a careful integration of
the ZIMSEC Primary Curriculum and
the Cambridge Primary Curriculum. The
school offers additional subjects notably
Global Life Orientation, Speech and
Drama, Music, Art, and a comprehensive               home environment for children while at
Science and Technology as well as the                school. Staff includes a resident Social
Physical Education and Sports Program.               Worker, a State Registered Nurse, Teachers,
There is a small Learning Support                    Coaches, Tutors, Estate Staff, Domestic
Department that supports the additional              Staff, and Matrons.
and/or special needs of learners who
may need learning support. All learners              CHILD PROTECTION AND SAFEGUARDING
participate in all seasonal curricula in the         After a regrettable child violation incident
outdoors and enjoy participating in various          a few years ago, Barwick School woke
activities for enjoyment, competition, skill         up to the realities of the need to protect
development, and talent identification. At           children in this day and age. Today,
Grade 6 Barwick Learners register for the            Barwick prides itself as a pioneer in the
Cambridge Checkpoint. At Grade 7, they               Zimbabwean Education sector with a very
write their ZIMSEC National examinations             strong Child Protection and Safeguarding
and also prepare for various Form One                Policy that guides all adults and children
entry selection processes.                           alike on how to work and relate safely with
                                                     children. The Policy ensures that the rights
FACULTY:                                             and protection of children from abuse and
Barwick has a multicultural staff                    exploitation are provided for without any
complement with young staff who bring                compromise. The Social Worker works very
fresh energy and modernity to children’s             closely with the Headmaster and School
experience while the older staff help with           Nurse to ensure the uncompromised
experience and guidance to give a stable             implementation of the policy. All staff is
                                                     trained in Child Protection and undergoes
                                                     screening before employment at Barwick
                                                     School. At Barwick, we are committed
                                                     to the total Protection of Children and
                                                     Vulnerable Persons from all forms of
                                                     abuse, dehumanizing treatment, and
                                                     exploitation. Positive parenting is the
                                                     preferred method of correcting and
                                                     affirming behaviour and children are given
                                                     a voice on matters affecting them.

                                                     BARWICK ’88
                                                     Barwick School enjoys a worldwide
                                                     community of past and present pupils
                                                     and their families who continue to
                                                     support the school and connect. Barwick
                                                     children have the privilege of belonging                                                Issue 121
                                                37                          Ndeipi - What’s Happening in Harare
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