Page created by Cody Leonard
A Progressive’s
Style Guide
Hanna Thomas (SumOfUs.org)
Anna Hirsch (ActivistEditor.com)
Toward Harnessing Language in Support of                             A Progressive’s Style Guide is explicitly multi-voiced and is created   Introduction
Intersectionality and Cross-sector Power Building                    with the following commitments. 1) We combat discriminatory             Central Principles
                                                                     language. 2) We seek advice or more information when we’re
Language is a key ingredient1 in a winning theory of                 unsure. 3) When writing, speaking, or using images, we aim              Issue Areas
change. Language can build bridges2 and change minds. By             to use examples that reflect a broad range of identities and            Age
acknowledging the ability of language to shape and reflect           perspectives.
reality3, progressive campaigns can become more powerful                                                                                     Disability
vehicles for social change, inclusion, and justice. In fact,         We understand that there may be negative blowback to this               Economy
understanding and applying the authentic language of the             work and that we won’t be the first8 to experience it. We affirm        Environment/Science
individuals and communities with whom we work can be a               that we are aligned with free speech9, and at the same time are
revolutionary act in itself.                                                                                                                 Food
                                                                     promoting thoughtfulness and openness about how language is
                                                                     and isn’t used10, has been used11, and could be used12 for people       Gender/Sex
Historically, extensive, issue-based language guidelines have        and for our planet collectively. Because language is dynamic,           Geopolitics
remained siloed or proprietary. Some information has trickled        changes with our struggles, and is shaped by criticism and the
up (with some questionable success4) to be centralized in the                                                                                Health
                                                                     collective construction of social justice, we are compelled to
establishment grammar and usage style guides (APA5, AP6,                                                                                     Housing/Space
                                                                     keep building a collective language that liberates us all. As we
CMS7), but this information is far from comprehensive and lacks      continue to think about ways to organize this information that          Immigration/Refugees
the voice of the groups being discussed. At the same time,           are accessible, user-friendly, clear, and aligned with progressives’    Indigeneity/Ancestry
transparent conversations about the power of word choice and         beliefs and strategies, we know that in some instances we still fall
phrasing have remained disconnected and difficult to access.                                                                                 Police/Incarceration
                                                                     short – and so, we also invite feedback. We are committed to this
                                                                     work and to remaining in dialogue.                                      Race/Ethnicity
In 2015, SumOfUs staff, led by Hanna Thomas, began the                                                                                       Sexual and
compilation of a new kind of guide – one that sparks a               Many thanks for your help and solidarity!                               Domestic Violence
conversation about language among progressives. With the help
of Anna Hirsch, an independent editor, A Progressive’s Style Guide                                                                           Appendix I: Images
was born. We invite drivers of progressive change – community                                                                                Appendix II:
members, grassroots leaders, activists, and progressive funders –                                                                            Additional Resources
to peruse the vital movement frameworks, decolonizing usage,                                                                                 Acknowledgements
and up-to-date word choice and phrasing for current theory of
change directions and momentum across groups and issue areas                                                                                 Endnotes
presented in this guide.
                                                                                                                                               2              © 2016 Sum of Us
Central Principles
  People-First language                                                 Active Voice                                                        Central Principles
People-first language aims to make personhood the essential           A grammatical voice in many languages, active voice puts the
                                                                                                                                            Issue Areas
characteristic of every person. People-first language views other     “actor” of the sentence in the role of performing the action. Often
descriptive social identities that people may hold as secondary       lauded for contributing to more dynamic writing, active voice         Age
and non-essential. Strict adherence to people-first language can      may also be key to naming perpetrators of violence and harm           Disability
lead to awkward sentence construction and may not align with          directly. An opportunity to scan for active voice should be taken     Economy
reclamations of social identities, but we maintain that attuning      as an opportunity to root out implicit bias toward status quo
to our shared humanity by telling stories that center people          systems of power by naming the actors of oppression, whether          Environment/Science
first, rather than exploiting identities, should be an aim of         human, institutional, or cultural.                                    Food
progressive writing.                                                                                                                        Gender/Sex
                                                                       Proper Nouns                                                        Geopolitics
 Self-Identification                                                  Names used for and by individual places, persons, and                 Health
Wherever categorization and labels are used to oppress groups         organizations convey respect, understanding, acceptance, and
of people, self-identification becomes an act of resistance. At       clarity. At the same time, common nouns and pronouns can
the same time, people who are robbed of opportunities to self-        dilute an issue or simply create confusion. While conversational      Immigration/Refugees
identify lose not just words that carry political power, but may      tone is often well utilized in campaign writing, great care should    Indigeneity/Ancestry
also lose aspects of their culture, agency, and spirit. Progressive   be taken to avoid misleading readers. For example, overuse            Police/Incarceration
writing, as much as possible, should strive to include language       of words such as “it,” “that,” and “this” may leave the reader
                                                                      wondering who the writer is talking about at a critical point in      Race/Ethnicity
that reflects peoples’ choice and style in how they talk about
themselves. If you aren’t sure, ask.                                  the story.                                                            Sexual and
                                                                                                                                            Domestic Violence
                                                                                                                                            Appendix I: Images
                                                                                                                                            Appendix II:
                                                                                                                                            Additional Resources

                                                                                                                                              3              © 2016 Sum of Us
Age A
 Resources                                                                                                                                 Introduction
• Adam Fletcher, Discrimination Against Youth Voice13, The            “In 350 BCE, Aristotle stated that children were the                  Central Principles
  FreeChild Project, 2008.                                            property of their father because he had produced them,
                                                                                                                                            Issue Areas
• Adam Fletcher, Glossary14                                           not unlike a tooth or a hair. Millennia later, adultism is
• healthPROelderly, Evidence-based Guidelines on Health               one of the stealthiest players in modern society, built               Age                          A

  Promotion for Older People: Social Determinants, Inequality         into the foundations of family, community, culture, and               Disability
  and Sustainability, Glossary15.                                     government . . . Adultist microagressions are so broadly              Economy
• Marianne Falconer, Out with “the old,” elderly, and aged16, 2007.   accepted as normal that I can easily recall 1) being
                                                                      enraged as a youth hearing them; but 2) repeating them
✎ Writing Guidelines                                                  as an adult without thinking twice.”                                  Food
Anti-adultism framework                                                  Kel Kray, Everyday Adultism17,
Adultism is a system of beliefs, attitudes, and actions – fueled         Everyday Feminism Magazine
by institutional power – so pervasive that nearly everyone                                                                                  Health
experiences this form of oppression. Children’s rights                Anti-ageism framework                                                 Housing/Space
movements early on centered around reforming unhealthy and            Ageism is a system of beliefs, attitudes, and actions, fueled by
destructive child labor practices, but have come to encompass         institutional power, that oppresses all people at all ages, but is
all forms of oppression that devalue and dehumanize young             considered most detrimental for the physical health of our oldest     Indigeneity/Ancestry
people. To include young people in society it is vital to use         citizens18. Ageists view a person’s age number or chronological       Police/Incarceration
language that views youth as contributors, that does not              age as a marker of essential characteristics or type, leading to      Race/Ethnicity
denigrate youth experiences, and that does not dismiss their          stereotyping and suppressing the experience and true nature
                                                                                                                                            Sexual and
ideas. It is appropriate to consider developmental stages, but        of individuals. To ensure that people of all ages have a voice in
                                                                                                                                            Domestic Violence
do not use a lack of knowledge about human development to             society it is vital to reject a purely “age-number” framing of life
avoid involving young people. Perhaps the greatest injustice          stage, to always use medical terminology accurately, and to use       Appendix I: Images
young people face is being silenced, overlooked, and left out of      narratives that support people of all ages building power.            Appendix II:
progressive social justice work all together.                                                                                               Additional Resources

                                                                                                                                              4              © 2016 Sum of Us
“Myth #5 ‘People over 65 have diseases and disorders                             Y                                  ?
that limits their freedom to do what they want.’ Uh-uh.
In fact, a lot of oldsters are in better shape than their                   Terms used              Terms avoided/questioned
grandkids. ‘My grandfather is 67, and he’s a personal                  by anti–adultism and            by anti-adultism and
trainer at a well-known fitness center,’ Fields says.                  anti-ageism activists           anti-ageism activists         Introduction
(Note to selves: personal trainer could be a trending                                                                                Central Principles
second-act career.)”
                                                                    yy adolescent21                 yy ancient                       Issue Areas
   7 Myths About Old People19, Senior Planet                           (if describing the           yy antiquated                    Age                          A
                                                                       developmental stage of
                                                                                                    yy childish                      Disability
                                                                       adolescence: “adolescent
 Specific Recommendations                                             young people”)               yy cougar                        Economy
• Most times there is no need to refer to a person’s age. When      yy age apartheid22              yy dated                         Environment/Science
  the need arises, list the specific age number, rather than        yy ageing                       yy emerging adult26              Food
  assigning a category that may be vague and create negative
                                                                    yy elder abuse23                yy fossil
  connotations.                                                                                     yy geezer
                                                                    yy elderly person                                                Geopolitics
• Whenever possible, ask the preferred terminology.                 yy older person24               yy geriatric (unless in the
                                                                                                       phrase “geriatric medicine”   Health
  One person may prefer “senior,” while another person              yy people over . . .               or similar instances)         Housing/Space
  with the same age number may prefer “older adult.”                yy people under . . .           yy immature                      Immigration/Refugees
• Avoid using age-related terminology to describe a situation       yy senior                       yy infirm                        Indigeneity/Ancestry
  metaphorically, especially if the phrasing is meant as            yy student (if context-         yy medieval
                                                                       appropriate)                                                  Police/Incarceration
  an insult20 or is used flippantly.                                                                yy middle-aged27
                                                                    yy teen/teenager/preteen                                         Race/Ethnicity
• Do not use language that patronizes, sentimentalizes, distorts,                                   yy old lady/man
                                                                    yy transitional age youth25                                      Sexual and
  or ignores people based on their age number.                         (legal definition in U.S.)   yy over the hill                 Domestic Violence
                                                                    yy young person                 yy senile (unless talking
• Avoid negative, value-laden terms that overextend the                                                about the specific medical    Appendix I: Images
  limitations of a young person’s developmental stage or            yy youth                           condition of senility)        Appendix II:
  the severity of an older person’s health.                                                         yy the aged                      Additional Resources
                                                                                                    yy the elderly28                 Acknowledgements
• Do not assume that someone who is older is living
  with a disability.                                                                                yy the old                       Endnotes

                                                                                                                                       5              © 2016 Sum of Us
Disability D
 Resources                                                             • Whenever possible, ask the preferred terminology. One person        Introduction
                                                                          with a visual disability may prefer “blind,” while another person   Central Principles
• National Center on Disability and Journalism,
                                                                          with a similar disability may prefer “person with low or limited
  Disability Language Style Guide29.
                                                                          loss of vision.”                                                    Issue Areas
• Research and Training Center on Independent Living,
  Guidelines for reporting and writing about people with disabilities                                                                         Age
                                                                        • Avoid using disability and mental/emotional health
  (7th Edition)30, University of Kansas, 2008.                                                                                                Disability                   D
                                                                          terminology to describe a situation metaphorically, especially
                                                                          if the phrasing is meant as an insult or is used flippantly.        Economy
✎ Writing Guidelines                                                                                                                          Environment/Science
                                                                        • Do not use language that villainizes, sentimentalizes, or
Anti-ableism framework                                                                                                                        Food
                                                                          heroizes people with disabilities.
Structural ableism assumes that there is an ideal body and mind                                                                               Gender/Sex
that is better than all others, and ableists build a world in which     • Avoid stereotyping phrasing that equates “thin” or “able-
this ideal can thrive and others cannot. The disability and mental,                                                                           Geopolitics
                                                                          bodied” with health.
behavioral, and emotional health rights movements have fought                                                                                 Health
to demonstrate that the opposite is true – that all bodies have         • Avoid negative or value-laden terms that overextend the             Housing/Space
value, that all people should be treated with dignity and respect,        severity of a disability.                                           Immigration/Refugees
and that we can build a world that is beneficial to us all. In a
world built to shut people with physical, mental, and emotional         • Remember that many chronic conditions and disabilities are          Indigeneity/Ancestry
disabilities out, it is therefore paramount to use people-first           invisible. Do not assume that because you do not know that          Police/Incarceration
language, to reject a purely “medical” framing of disability, to          someone is living with a disability that they are not.              Race/Ethnicity
always use disability and mental health terminology accurately,
                                                                                                                                              Sexual and
and to use narratives that support people with disabilities in                                                                                Domestic Violence
                                                                        “The medical model of disability views disability as a
building power, in part by understanding that disability and
                                                                        ‘problem’ that belongs to the disabled individual. It is
mental health discrimination is not just interpersonal, but also                                                                              Appendix I: Images
                                                                        not seen as an issue to concern anyone other than the
institutional and cultural.                                                                                                                   Appendix II:
                                                                        individual affected. For example, if a wheelchair using
                                                                        student is unable to get into a building because of some              Additional Resources
 Specific Recommendations                                              steps, the medical model would suggest that this is                   Acknowledgements
• Most times there is no need to refer to a person’s disability, but    because of the wheelchair, rather than the steps.”
  when the need arises, choose acceptable terminology for the
  specific disability or use the term preferred by the individual.         University of Leicester31
                                                                                                                                                6              © 2016 Sum of Us
Y                                                                        ?
                  Terms used by disability                                                   Terms avoided/questioned by
                      rights activists                                                          disability rights activists
                                                                                                                                                  Central Principles
yy cognitive disability              yy partial hearing loss,         yy a mute                 yy handi-capable        yy slow
yy deaf                                 partially deaf                yy ability35              yy handicapped          yy speech-impaired        Issue Areas
yy Deaf culture                      yy people without                yy able-bodied            yy hearing-impaired     yy suffering from . . .   Age
yy disability32                                                       yy addict36               yy idiot                yy temporarily able-      Disability                   D

yy disabled person                   yy person who has . . .                                    yy invalid                 bodied  39

                                        (schizophrenia, etc.)
                                                                      yy afflicted by                                                             Economy
yy emotional disability                                               yy alcoholic              yy lame (never use to   yy the blind              Environment/Science
                                     yy person who is . . . (blind,                                refer to a person)   yy the deaf
yy fat-shaming33                        etc.)                         yy closed ears                                                              Food
yy hard of hearing                                                    yy crazy                  yy loony                yy the disabled
                                     yy person with . . .                                                                                         Gender/Sex
yy learning disability                  (muscular dystrophy,          yy crippled by            yy maniac               yy victim of . . .
yy limited vision, low vision,          etc.)                         yy deaf ears              yy mentally             yy vision-impaired
                                                                                                   handicapped          yy wheelchair-            Health
   partially-sighted                 yy physical disability           yy dialogue of the
yy neuroatypical                     yy PWDs (people with                deaf37                 yy mongoloid               bound40, confined      Housing/Space
yy neurodivergent                       disabilities)                 yy differently abled      yy nut, nut job, nutter, to a wheelchair, in a    Immigration/Refugees
                                                                                                   nutso                   wheelchair
yy non-disabled,                     yy substance use34               yy disAbled,                                                                Indigeneity/Ancestry
   nondisabled                       yy uses a wheelchair                (dis)abled,            yy patient
yy non-visible disability                                                dis/abled              yy psycho
yy on the autism spectrum                                             yy divyang38              yy retarded
                                                                                                                                                  Sexual and
                                                                      yy dumb                   yy schizo                                         Domestic Violence
                                                                      yy dwarf, midget,         yy schizophrenic
                                                                         vertically                (never use to mean                             Appendix I: Images
                                                                         challenged                “of two minds”)                                Appendix II:
                                                                                                                                                  Additional Resources

                                                                                                                                                    7              © 2016 Sum of Us
Economy E
 Resources                                                        that is conscious of how we over-rely on capitalist metaphors45     Introduction
                                                                   to describe human stories46 and stories about nature47, and that    Central Principles
• Center for Economic and Social Justice, Just Third Way
                                                                   embraces the words and names of the people whose causes
  Glossary41, 2013.
                                                                   we are supporting. At the same time, holding an equity stance,      Issue Areas
• Chronic Poverty Research Center, Appendix A: Glossary
                                                                   as well as a pro-labor stance, can also help combat corporate       Age
  of Terms42, 2004–2005.
                                                                   power and bring consumers, workers, and shareholders onto the
• David Morris, Words Matter: What the Language We Use                                                                                 Disability
                                                                   same page.
  Tells Us About Our Current Political Landscape (In politics,                                                                         Economy                      E
  definitions change.)43, 24 August 2015.
                                                                    Specific Recommendations                                          Environment/Science
• Global Sociology, Glossary44.
                                                                   • Include titles, credentials, and positions held only when they    Food
✎ Writing Guidelines                                                 are germane to the story.                                         Gender/Sex

Anti-classist framework                                                                                                                Geopolitics
                                                                   • If someone’s social circumstances are relevant to the story, be
Classism is a system of beliefs, attitudes, and actions – fueled     specific: “Homeowners at risk of foreclosure.”                    Health
by institutional power – that advantages and strengthens the                                                                           Housing/Space
dominant class groups through differential treatment and the       • While people who work in the home may not have a                  Immigration/Refugees
assignment of worth and ability based on economic status             contractual employer, rather than equating employment with
or perceived social class. Economic justice activists have long      work and saying “they don’t work,” reference the work they        Indigeneity/Ancestry
advocated that class underpins many other social injustices          contribute in the home.                                           Police/Incarceration
and that classism is already deeply ingrained in the primacy                                                                           Race/Ethnicity
of a few language systems – including English – over the rest.     • Understand the difference between historically legal terms,
                                                                     such as “minimum wage48” or “basic wage49,” and descriptive,      Sexual and
Not assuming that a document will be produced in only one                                                                              Domestic Violence
language may already be anti-classist act. At the same time,         advocacy terms, such as “living wage50” and “fair wage51,” and
because everyone deserves the opportunity to build a material        also how usage can change52.                                      Appendix I: Images
foundation toward dignity, productivity, and creativity, we                                                                            Appendix II:
should assume that all people have hopes and dreams not            • Understand the difference between53 “income inequality,” “pay
                                                                                                                                       Additional Resources
determined by their assigned social class. As such, wherever         inequality,” and “wealth inequality,” and be precise.
possible use language that avoids replicating class stereotypes,

                                                                                                                                         8              © 2016 Sum of Us
“The range of problems raised by diversity of languages                 Y                               ?            Introduction
in international economic and political integration
processes calls upon innovative, efficient and fair                Terms used                  Terms avoided/        Central Principles
language policies to manage multilingualism.                      by economic              questioned by economic
                                                                 justice activists             justice activists     Issue Areas
Language policies are increasingly acknowledged as
being a necessary component of many decisions taken                                                                  Age
in the areas of labour mobility, access to knowledge and                                                             Disability
higher education, social inclusion of migrants, and they
                                                           yy caste apartheid55           yy at-risk58
                                                           yy economic opportunity                                   Economy                      E
can affect companies’ international competitiveness and                                   yy basic59
the democratic control of international organisations.”    yy equity                      yy classy60                Environment/Science
                                                           yy financial stability         yy culture of poverty61    Food
  Economics, Linguistic Justice, and Language
                                                           yy giving families the tools   yy disadvantaged           Gender/Sex
  Policy Symposium54                                          they need                   yy economic mobility62     Geopolitics
                                                           yy global stratification56     yy financial security63    Health
                                                           yy low-income (as an           yy giving families the     Housing/Space
                                                              adjective)                     resources they need64   Immigration/Refugees
                                                           yy people experiencing         yy in need, the needy65
                                                              material poverty                                       Indigeneity/Ancestry
                                                                                          yy lazy
                                                           yy persons experiencing                                   Police/Incarceration
                                                              homelessness or illness     yy less fortunate
                                                           yy racial equity57             yy professionalism66
                                                                                                                     Sexual and
                                                           yy strengthening families      yy supporting families67   Domestic Violence
                                                                                          yy the poor
                                                                                                                     Appendix I: Images
                                                                                          yy unskilled labor68
                                                                                                                     Appendix II:
                                                                                          yy work ethic
                                                                                                                     Additional Resources

                                                                                                                       9              © 2016 Sum of Us
Environment/Science                                                                                           E/S

 Resources                                                                                                                             Introduction
• David Roberts, How to write about climate: Pull up a barstool69,     “Environmental justice terminology can push                      Central Principles
  Grist.org, 2013.                                                     sustainability studies to examine more detailed
                                                                                                                                        Issue Areas
• Greenpeace, Glossary70, 2014.                                        data rather than average characteristics of present
• Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Glossary of             populations and future possibilities. Thus, environmental        Age
  Environmental Terms71.                                               justice’s emphasis on the present may help raise support         Disability
• United Nations Environment Programme, Glossary of terms72            for sustainability initiatives, especially among people          Economy
                                                                       focused on daily quality of life.”
                                                                                                                                        Environment/Science         E/S

✎ Writing Guidelines
                                                                          Sarah E. Fredericks, Measuring and Evaluating                 Food
Sustainability, data-driven framework                                     Sustainability: Ethics in Sustainability Indexes.             Gender/Sex
The belief that we are responsible for the long-term and                  Climate Outreach and Information Network73
immediate health of the planet has been gaining widespread                                                                              Geopolitics
acceptance over the past several decades – but creating and             Specific Recommendations                                       Health
implementing smart policy that meets the requirements for                                                                               Housing/Space
                                                                       • Know the science and be precise with terminology.
sustainable human growth and life and that is simultaneously
data-driven has continued to be a huge challenge in direct             • Know the audience and consider using language that will
proportion to the intense and dominating anti-environment and                                                                           Indigeneity/Ancestry
                                                                         bring that audience along.
anti-science narratives in the news and other media. We need to                                                                         Police/Incarceration
be explicit about how language in particular continues to bog          • Understand that “climate change” and “global warming” have     Race/Ethnicity
down environmental justice movement work and to do an even               been in the public domain for a long time and it may be hard   Sexual and
better job at empathically and empirically telling the true story of     to avoid using these terms.                                    Domestic Violence
what we already know about the wellbeing of our shared planet.
                                                                       • As needed, reframe the discussion in terms of direct impacts   Appendix I: Images
                                                                         on people’s lives, livelihoods, and communities.               Appendix II:
                                                                                                                                        Additional Resources

                                                                                                                                          10             © 2016 Sum of Us
Y                                       ?
     Terms used by environmental            Terms avoided/questioned by
            justice activists               environmental justice activists
                                                                               Central Principles
yy alternative energy                yy climate change doubter79
yy biodiversity                      yy climate refugee80                      Issue Areas
yy carbon footprint74                yy eco-fascist, eco-nazi, eco-terrorist   Age
yy climate action                    yy greenie81                              Disability
yy climate action plan75             yy tree hugger, tree hugging82            Economy
yy climate change                                                              Environment/Science         E/S

yy climate change denier/skeptic76                                             Food
yy climate chaos                                                               Gender/Sex
yy climate instability
yy climate weird-ing
yy global warming
yy greenhouse effect                                                           Housing/Space
yy greenhouse gas                                                              Immigration/Refugees
yy innovation                                                                  Indigeneity/Ancestry
yy our deteriorating atmosphere                                                Police/Incarceration
yy permaculture77                                                              Race/Ethnicity
yy pseudoscience78                                                             Sexual and
                                                                               Domestic Violence
                                                                               Appendix I: Images
                                                                               Appendix II:
                                                                               Additional Resources

                                                                                 11             © 2016 Sum of Us
Food                         F

 Resources                                                           • Focus on the stories of local people and people trying to gain,   Introduction
                                                                        regain, and retain sovereignty and access to food. There is       Central Principles
• Growing Food & Justice for All Initiative, Glossary83, 2015.
                                                                        often an opportunity to tell the stories of people, and we can
• Oakland Food Policy Council, Glossary of Terms84, 2015.
                                                                        do a better job of not missing them or letting our focus stay     Issue Areas
• Smita Narula, How to Talk About Food And Why It Matters85,
                                                                        elsewhere on abstractions or concepts.                            Age
  8 April 2015.
• World Food Programme, Hunger Glossary86, 2016.                                                                                          Disability
                                                                      • Use language that is accurate (“SNAP,” not “food stamps88,” in
• World Health Organization, Food Security87, 2016.                     the U.S.), but don’t miss opportunities to also be descriptive    Economy
                                                                        (“safety net program89”) of the reality.                          Environment/Science
✎ Writing Guidelines
                                                                                                                                          Food                         F

Food sovereignty and access framework                                 “The term food sovereignty was first coined by members              Gender/Sex
Food justice activists understand that today’s food systems are       of Via Campesina in 1996 to refer to a policy framework
fraught with inequities, from hazardous, low-pay conditions for                                                                           Geopolitics
                                                                      advocated by a number of farmers, peasants, pastoralists,
farmers, to a predominance of fast food in many schools and           fisherfolk, Indigenous Peoples, women, rural youth                  Health
neighborhoods, especially in areas with less wealth. Because of       and environmental organizations, namely the claimed                 Housing/Space
this, they seek to create more equity in our food systems, but also   ‘right of peoples to define their own food, agriculture,            Immigration/Refugees
to change how we view food and our disconnection from food            livestock and fisheries systems,’ in contrast to having
culturally. Language that makes ownership and consumption                                                                                 Indigeneity/Ancestry
                                                                      food largely subject to international market forces.”
tangible, that foregrounds the basic right to quality food, and                                                                           Police/Incarceration
that clearly connects food injustice to other confounding issues,        India, Food sovereignty in Manipur,90 La Via Campesina           Race/Ethnicity
such as race and class, are necessary to positively change today’s
                                                                                                                                          Sexual and
food systems.                                                                                                                             Domestic Violence

 Specific Recommendations                                                                                                                Appendix I: Images
• While much of the language around food is not pejorative,                                                                               Appendix II:
  it is important to consider terms carefully for their historical,                                                                       Additional Resources
  scientific, and political meanings before using them. Words                                                                             Acknowledgements
  like hunger and famine are sometimes used casually with                                                                                 Endnotes
  potentially mixed or even damaging effect.

                                                                                                                                            12             © 2016 Sum of Us
Y                                    ?
          Terms used by food             Terms avoided/questioned
            justice activists              by food justice activists
                                                                       Central Principles
yy a malnourished person91         yy famine100
                                                                       Issue Areas
yy an undernourished person        yy food desert101
yy daily undernourishment                                              Age
                                   yy food stamps
yy day laborer92                   yy natural102 (labeling on food)    Disability
yy farm to table                   yy the hungry                       Economy
yy farmer                                                              Environment/Science
yy food poverty93                                                      Food                         F

yy food security94                                                     Gender/Sex
yy food insecurity                                                     Geopolitics
yy food and nutrition security95                                       Health
yy food sovereignty96                                                  Housing/Space
yy hunger 97                                                           Immigration/Refugees
yy safety net program                                                  Indigeneity/Ancestry
yy seed to table
yy slow food98
yy starvation
                                                                       Sexual and
yy worker welfare99                                                    Domestic Violence
                                                                       Appendix I: Images
                                                                       Appendix II:
                                                                       Additional Resources

                                                                         13             © 2016 Sum of Us
Gender/Sex                                                    G/S

 Resources                                                          language that is preferred by the people being talked about.           Introduction
                                                                     Second, assume complexity and uniqueness and strive to                 Central Principles
• Barnaby B. Barratt, Why Sexual Freedom is a Fundamental
                                                                     represent people’s complete lives instead of reducing people
  Human Right103, 2010.
                                                                     to aspects of who they are, a practice that is often sparked by        Issue Areas
• Claire Ainsworth, Sex Redefined: The Idea of Two Sexes is
                                                                     stigma and shame. Finally, use language that avoids replicating        Age
  Simplistic. Biologists Now Think There Is a Wider Spectrum
                                                                     gender stereotypes, that resists the hegemony of binaries
  Than That104, 18 February 2015.                                                                                                           Disability
                                                                     and strict categories, and that embraces and uplifts human
• Debby Herbenick, PhD, and Aleta Baldwin, What Each of                                                                                     Economy
                                                                     experience over science, law, or cultural norms.
  Facebook’s 51 New Gender Options Means105, 15 February 2014.
• Full Marriage Equality, Glossary106.
• GLAAD Media Reference Guide – Transgender Issues107, 2016.         “A Nelson queer youth activist says they finally feel                  Food
• It’s Pronounced Metrosexual, Comprehensive* List of LGBTQ+         visible after Statistics New Zealand has announced a                   Gender/Sex                  G/S

  Term Definitions108, 2013.                                         new gender category. ‘Gender diverse’ will join ‘male’                 Geopolitics
• Multiamory, Poly Glossary109.                                      and ‘female’ categories in a new gender-identity
• Not Your Mother’s Playground, Sexuality Glossary110.                                                                                      Health
                                                                     classification released on Friday by Statistics New
• Suzannah Weiss, 5 Ways that Science Supports Feminism –            Zealand. This new classification records the identity of all           Housing/Space
  Not Gender Essentialism111, 25 August 2015.                        people, including those who see themselves as different                Immigration/Refugees
                                                                     from male or female, and will form an integral part of
✎ Writing Guidelines                                                 the Statistical Standard for Gender Identity, to be used by
                                                                     government organisations.”                                             Police/Incarceration
Feminist framework                                                                                                                          Race/Ethnicity
Along with the important work of combatting sexism – a system           Stacey Knott, New diverse gender category ‘affirming’               Sexual and
of beliefs, attitudes, and actions, fueled by institutional power,      for local activist112                                               Domestic Violence
that targets people based on supposed naturalistic categories of
biological sex – feminism has simultaneously unearthed myriad                                                                               Appendix I: Images
new understandings of human experience, including a range             Specific Recommendations
                                                                                                                                            Appendix II:
of gender identities and expressions; multiple axes of physical,     • Despite their being problematic, be aware that binary gender         Additional Resources
emotional, and spiritual attraction; an alphabet of sexual             and sex terms are still important descriptors in anti-sexism work.
orientations; and virulent, grassroots demand for sexual freedom.
In response, feminists have generated considerable content           • Biologists may now be striving to describe physiological sex as      Endnotes
to answer the question of how we should speak and write in             non-binary, but society is still largely unaware of this trend and
these new contexts – but a few basic approaches can help right         may need ongoing reminders.
away. First, self-identifying is crucial, so whenever possible use                                                                            14             © 2016 Sum of Us
• There are more than two genders, and it is always ok to note this.        read his packet carefully.”; “Invite your spouse or partner,” not
                                                                            “Invite your boyfriend or husband.”
• There are also more than two sexes, and it is always ok to note this.
                                                                          • Generally, it is not necessary to specify the gender of a
• They113 is a good alternative114 if you aren’t sure of the                person in a particular role, as most occupations are not            Introduction
  person’s pronoun.                                                         gender defined. Avoid terms that show gender biases in the
                                                                                                                                                Central Principles
                                                                            profession: cleaner, police officer, chair, not cleaning lady,
• Always use a transgender person’s chosen name. It is                      policeman, chairman. Adding “male” before “nurse” or “lady”         Issue Areas
  never appropriate to put quotation marks around either                    before “doctor” is almost always unnecessary.
  a transgender person’s chosen name or the pronoun that                                                                                        Age
  reflects that person’s gender identity. It is usually best to           • Use parallel terms or terms of equal status and avoid terms         Disability
  report on transgender people’s stories from the present day               that denote gender inferiority: “husband and wife, staff in the     Economy
  instead of narrating them from some point or multiple points              office,” not “man and wife, girls in the office.”
  in the past.
                                                                          • Do not gratuitously describe a woman as a “mother of three.”        Food
• Be wary of scientific nomenclature, which is also influenced              Family details and marital status are only relevant in stories      Gender/Sex                  G/S

  by culture and often perpetuates stereotyped thinking. At the             about families or marriage.
  same time, scientific studies can also be baked with prejudice
  at a structural level, and so even a study written according to         • When reporting on women and men who work in the sex                 Health
  inclusive guidelines can still reproduce biased language and              industry, identify them as individuals first, not by the way they   Housing/Space
  biased frames.                                                            earn money.                                                         Immigration/Refugees
• Be wary of language that suggests “innateness” of                       • Do not assume heterosexual orientation. Where appropriate,          Indigeneity/Ancestry
  characteristics, especially language that pulls for essentialism          use examples of same-sex partners and families, and                 Police/Incarceration
  of gender or sex.                                                         LGBQQTIA2-S (lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning,            Race/Ethnicity
                                                                            transgender, intersex, asexual, two-spirit) people’s lives and
• Be aware that using language that is motivated by trying to               experiences.                                                        Sexual and
  make others “fit in” can backfire, leaving folks feeling like they                                                                            Domestic Violence
  have to conform.                                                        • Avoid defaulting to umbrella terms like gay or homosexual.          Appendix I: Images
                                                                            Use LGBTQ to refer to a broad community or be specific when
• Do not repeat fear stories related to sex that promotes a                                                                                     Appendix II:
                                                                            relevant: lesbian, gay man, bisexual woman, etc.
  culture of stigma.                                                                                                                            Additional Resources
                                                                          • Be mindful of appropriate and respectful in-group versus out-       Acknowledgements
• If a gender-neutral term is available and does not change the             group naming. Queer is an acceptable in-group term but it is        Endnotes
  meaning, consider using it. Often this means just pluralizing             often better to refer to queer communities rather than calling
  the antecedent to avoid use of singular pronouns: “Employees              an individual queer unless they have already told you this is
  should read their packets carefully,” not “Each employee should           how they identify.                                                    15             © 2016 Sum of Us
• When referring to the broader
  community, queer (as in queer                                   Y                                                 ?
  people) or LGBTQ (as in LGBTQ
                                         Terms used by sex and gender identity               Terms avoided/questioned by sex and
  people) is appropriate – gay,                     justice activists                           gender identity justice activists
  however, is not. LGBTQ is only                                                                                                            Introduction
  appropriate when referring                                                                                                                Central Principles
  to the broader community or         yy a transgender person yy Mx.127                      yy bathroom bill       yy sexual
  groups of people, not when          yy agender115               yy non-binary              yy be a man, man          preference143,       Issue Areas
  referring to individuals.                                                                     up136                  sexual               Age
                                      yy bigender                 yy non-cisgender128,
• Same-sex marriage is shorthand      yy crossdresser (if this is    cisgender129            yy berdache137                                 Disability
                                         how the person self- yy non-discrimination          yy feminazi138         yy she-male,
  that should be used only when                                                                                        shemale145           Economy
  needed for clarity or for space        identifies, but not as      law, ordinance          yy Gender Identity
                                                                                                                    yy shim                 Environment/Science
  purposes (such as, in headlines).      a catchall116)           yy non-gendered               Disorder (GID)
                                      yy gay117                                                 (offensive          yy trannie, tranny      Food
  Generally, in text, it is more                                  yy sex work130
  accurate to refer to “same-sex      yy Gender Affirmation       yy sex worker131              because it          yy trans*146            Gender/Sex                  G/S

  couples’ marriage rights” or           Sex Reassignment                                       labels people as    yy a transgender        Geopolitics
                                                                  yy sexual orientation         “disordered”)
  something similar.                     Surgery, gender                                                            yy transgender          Health
                                         confirmation surgery     yy slut, slut-shaming132   yy gender-bender 139      (noun)
• Don’t use slut-shaming                                             (if this is how a                                                      Housing/Space
                                      yy genderfluid118              person or group
                                                                                             yy he-she              yy transgendered
  language; note that slut is not                                                                                                           Immigration/Refugees
                                      yy genderfuck119               self-identifies)        yy hermaphrodite          (adj.)147
  automatically a negative word.                                                                                                            Indigeneity/Ancestry
                                      yy genderless               yy they, them, their133    yy homosexual          yy transgenders
                                      yy genderqueer120                                      yy it                  yy transsexual148,      Police/Incarceration
                                                                  yy third gender134
                                      yy gray-A121                yy trans woman, trans      yy lifestyle choice       transexual (unless   Race/Ethnicity
                                                                                             yy mankind                this is how the      Sexual and
                                      yy hen122                      man
                                                                                                                       person self-
                                                                                             yy non-straight140                             Domestic Violence
                                      yy hijra123                 yy transgender (adj.)135                             identifies)
                                      yy humankind,               yy transgender people      yy pre-operative,      yy transvestite         Appendix I: Images
                                         humanity                 yy transition,                post-operative         (unless this is      Appendix II:
                                      yy intersex124                 transitioning           yy prostitute141,         how the person       Additional Resources
                                      yy kathoey125               yy two-spirit                 whore142               self-identifies)     Acknowledgements
                                      yy muxe126                                             yy sex change, sex     yy walk of shame149
                                                                                                change operation                            Endnotes

                                                                                                                                              16             © 2016 Sum of Us
Geopolitics                                                     G

 Resources                                                              • But bear in mind that Colonel Gaddafi renamed Libya “The Great      Introduction
                                                                           Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriyya” and so there are some   Central Principles
• Jack David Eller, Student resources: Glossary150,
                                                                           exceptions that should not follow the previous guideline.
  Cultural Anthropology: Global Forces, Local Lives, 2009.
                                                                                                                                               Issue Areas
• Transnational Institute, Mission: Values151, 2015.
                                                                         “Like many things, ‘first world problems’ has a different
✎ Writing Guidelines                                                                                                                           Disability
                                                                         force depending on whether you are applying it to yourself
Global community framework                                               or throwing it in someone else’s face. If, at the end of an irate     Economy
Mutuality and respect, as well as curiosity and cultural exchange,       tirade about how my Kenyan coffee beans were over-roasted             Environment/Science
are the hallmarks of a vibrant global community in this framework.       by the artisanal torréfacteur, I append the phrase ‘first world
Language that seeks to understand, share goodwill, and fight             problem’ with some wry rearrangement of my face muscles, I
global injustice will be from the perspective of local people            signal that I know this is just one of the minor frustrations of a    Gender/Sex
with thoughtfulness about transnational networks fighting                very fortunate life. To pre-emptively concede that my problem         Geopolitics                  G

international, interconnected issues that harm people broadly.           is just a first world one is to ostentatiously check my privilege     Health
                                                                         before anyone else tells me to do so. At the same time, I
 Specific Recommendations                                               remind myself and everyone in earshot that we are indeed              Housing/Space
• Style for foreign placenames evolves with common usage.                living in the ‘first world.’ So it is also a humblebrag.”             Immigration/Refugees
  Leghorn has become Livorno, and maybe one day München                                                                                        Indigeneity/Ancestry
  will supplant Munich, but not yet. Many names have become                 Steven Poole, Why the phrase ‘first world problem’
                                                                            is condescending to everyone,152 The Guardian                      Police/Incarceration
  part of the English language: Geneva is the English name for
  the city that Switzerland’s French speakers refer to as Genève
  and its German speakers call Genf. Accordingly, opt for locally                                                                              Sexual and
  used names, with some main exceptions (this list is not                                                                                      Domestic Violence
  exhaustive; apply common sense): Andalusia, Archangel, Basel,                                                                                Appendix I: Images
  Berne, Brittany, Catalonia, Cologne, Dunkirk, Florence, Fribourg,
                                                                                                                                               Appendix II:
  Genoa, Gothenburg, Hanover, Kiev, Lombardy, Milan, Munich,
                                                                                                                                               Additional Resources
  Naples, Normandy, Nuremberg, Padua, Piedmont, Rome,
  Sardinia, Seville, Sicily, Syracuse, Turin, Tuscany, Venice, Zurich.                                                                         Acknowledgements

                                                                                                                                                 17             © 2016 Sum of Us
Y                                              ?
           Terms used by global                         Terms avoided/questioned                 Introduction
              justice activists                          by global justice activists
                                                                                                 Central Principles

yy West Bank/separation/security barrier        yy Jerusalem should not be referred to as        Issue Areas
   (when referred to in its totality; “fence”      the capital of Israel; it is not recognised   Age
   or “wall” may be ok when referring to           as such by the international community        Disability
   specific segments)                           yy second world                                  Economy
yy Palestinians, Palestine is best used for     yy third world155
   the occupied territories (the West Bank                                                       Environment/Science
                                                yy war on terror156
   and Gaza); if referring to the whole area,                                                    Food
   including Israel, use "historic Palestine"                                                    Gender/Sex
yy fat country / lean country153                                                                 Geopolitics                  G

yy global south / global north154                                                                Health
                                                                                                 Sexual and
                                                                                                 Domestic Violence
                                                                                                 Appendix I: Images
                                                                                                 Appendix II:
                                                                                                 Additional Resources

                                                                                                   18             © 2016 Sum of Us
Health                                H

 Resources                                                                                                                        Introduction
• European Portal for Action on Health Inequalities, Glossary157.   “Last week, I logged on to The New York Times to read its      Central Principles
• International Planned Parenthood Federation, Glossary158, 2013.   piece about right-wing women who are improbably eager
                                                                                                                                   Issue Areas
• Kawachi, I., Subramanian, S. V., & Almeida-Filho, N. (2002) A     for their party to get more aggressive in the battle against
  glossary for health inequalities159, Journal of Epidemiology &    reproductive liberty and nearly spit out my seltzer.           Age
  Community Health (56): pp. 647–652.                               The line that did me in was from Republican pollster           Disability
• Think Progress, The language of healthcare 2009: The 10 rules     Kellyanne Conway, quoted as urging conservative                Economy
  for stopping the ‘Washington Takeover’ of healthcare160, 2009.    candidates to push back against Democrats who use the          Environment/Science
• World Health Organization, Health Impact Assessment (HIA):        term “women’s health” in reference to contraception or
  Glossary of terms used161.                                                                                                       Food
                                                                    abortion. “Women’s health issues,” Conway averred, “are
                                                                    osteoporosis or breast cancer or seniors living alone who      Gender/Sex
✎ Writing Guidelines                                                don’t have enough money for health care.”                      Geopolitics
Human rights framework                                              I’ve gotten downright inured to Republican men making          Health                       H

The World Health Organization defines “the highest attainable       gaffes about "legitimate rape" and female bodies that          Housing/Space
standard of health” as a “fundamental right of every human          have "ways to shut that whole thing down," but here was
being.” This approach to health centers people and access, not      a Republican woman blithely asserting that procedures
status and cost, and demands a public discourse that speaks         like the one I had undergone just that morning – in            Indigeneity/Ancestry
to the universal, interdependent, and personal experience of        which a doctor pushed a very long needle through               Police/Incarceration
health and healthcare systems. Peoples first language, as well as   my abdominal muscles, into my uterus, and into the             Race/Ethnicity
language that supports dignity and a broad understanding of         amniotic sac surrounding the future kid I hope to carry
                                                                                                                                   Sexual and
health factors – food, housing, a healthy environment, etc. – are   to term – did not qualify as part of "women's health.”         Domestic Violence
needed. Because “vulnerable and marginalized groups in society
tend to bear undue proportion of health problems” (and health         Don’t Let Republicans Erase Vaginas                          Appendix I: Images
injustices), careful attention should be paid to ensuring that        from Women’s Health162                                       Appendix II:
all people have an active voice in how they define their own                                                                       Additional Resources
healthcare and health outcomes.

                                                                                                                                     19             © 2016 Sum of Us
 Specific Recommendations
                                                                               Y                             ?
• Consider whether terms and phrasing are crass, inaccurate, or
  may reinforce stigma, implying helplessness or inviting pity          Terms used by           Terms avoided/questioned   Introduction
  (AIDS victim) and take the time to re-word or frame the issue           health care              by health care rights
                                                                        rights activists                 activists         Central Principles
  with adequate context to go against those patterns.
                                                                                                                           Issue Areas
• Keep in mind that the medical, pharmaceutical, and insurance                                                             Age
  industries are biased and that bias from professionals          yy abortion rights advocate   yy AIDS victim
  and organizations in these fields impact the language           yy AIDS (acquired immune      yy full-blown AIDS         Disability
  of institutionally defined “health outcomes.” Careful              deficiency syndrome)       yy pro-choice163           Economy
  consideration of these biases can be supported by even          yy anti-abortion              yy pro-life                Environment/Science
  minimal consultation with people who actually experience a      yy people living with AIDS    yy suffering from AIDS     Food
  given health issue.                                             yy people with AIDS
• Avoid stereotyping phrasing that equates “thin” or “able-       yy pro-abortion rights
  bodied” with health.                                            yy pro-voice
                                                                                                                           Health                       H

                                                                                                                           Sexual and
                                                                                                                           Domestic Violence
                                                                                                                           Appendix I: Images
                                                                                                                           Appendix II:
                                                                                                                           Additional Resources

                                                                                                                             20             © 2016 Sum of Us
Housing/Space                                                                H/S

 Resources                                                         • Avoid stereotyping phrasing that equates “sin” or “sickness”             Introduction
                                                                      with homelessness, and at the same time, don’t shy away from             Central Principles
• Here to Help, Housing glossary164, 2007.
                                                                      language around mental or physical health if it is germane to
• Housing Development Consortium, Glossary15.
                                                                      a story about housing.                                                   Issue Areas
• Institute of Global Homelessness, A global framework for
  understanding homelessness166, September 2015.                                                                                               Age
• National Economic & Social Rights Institute, What is the          “San Francisco represents a particularly important                         Disability
  human right to housing?167                                        case of the criminalization of homelessness. Even in
• Susie Cagle, Homes for the homeless168, Aeon Magazine, 28         liberal San Francisco, the social construction of
                                                                    homelessness as bad behavior became powerful                               Environment/Science
  August 2015.
                                                                    enough to propel large-scale police campaigns against                      Food
✎ Writing Guidelines                                                nuisance offenses, repeated attempts to abolish general                    Gender/Sex
                                                                    assistance, and numerous other programs aimed at
Human rights framework                                              pushing the ‘visible poor’ back into invisibility.”                        Geopolitics
The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights                                                                                      Health
defines housing as part of “the right to a standard of living          Teresa Gowan, Steering city’s homeless focus from sin                   Housing/Space                H/S

adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and his family.”      to sickness169, San Francisco Public Press
This approach centers people and access, not status and cost,                                                                                  Immigration/Refugees
and demands a public discourse that speaks to the universal,                                                                                   Indigeneity/Ancestry
interdependent, and personal experience of housing. People-                          Y                                    ?
first language, as well as language that supports dignity and a          Terms used by housing               Terms avoided/questioned
broad understanding of housing and spatial injustice – housing                                                                                 Race/Ethnicity
                                                                             rights activists                by housing rights activists
discrimination, unaffordability, foreclosure and eviction,                                                                                     Sexual and
homelessness, etc. – are needed. Careful attention should be                                                                                   Domestic Violence
                                                                     yy favela170                            yy bum175
paid to ensuring that all people have an active voice in how they                                                                              Appendix I: Images
define their own housing situation.                                  yy ghetto (historical and current       yy gentrification176
                                                                        usages that illuminate injustices    yy ghetto (as an adjective177     Appendix II:
 Specific Recommendations                                              171
                                                                           or belong to one’s identity172)      or in the context of hipster   Additional Resources
• Consider whether terms and phrasing are crass, inaccurate,         yy green the ghetto173                     racism178)                     Acknowledgements
  or may reinforce stigma, implying criminalization or invoking      yy homeless person                      yy the homeless                   Endnotes
  fear (bum, indigent, vagrant, beggar) and take the time to         yy housing first                        yy transient
  re-word or frame the issue with adequate context to go             yy slum (as self-definition174)
  against those patterns.                                            yy workforce housing                                                        21             © 2016 Sum of Us
Immigration/Refugees                                                                                                 I/R

 Resources                                                         Specific Recommendations                                           Introduction
• Immigrant Justice Network, Common terms defined179.              • Avoid focusing on groups of immigrants or refugees in a way        Central Principles
• Immigration Equality, Glossary of terms180, 2015.                  that misses the individuals that make up those groups.
                                                                                                                                        Issue Areas
• United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
  Creating an inclusive society: Practical strategies to promote   • Presume innocence.                                                 Age
  social integration181, 2009.                                                                                                          Disability
                                                                   • By definition, a person is never illegal; an “illegal immigrant”
                                                                     makes as much a sense as saying an “illegal accountant,” were
✎ Writing Guidelines                                                                                                                    Environment/Science
                                                                     they accused of tax fraud.
Inclusive society framework                                                                                                             Food
By definition state borders mark which people are in and           • An asylum seeker can become an undocumented immigrant
which people are out. All too often, our current global system       only if he or she remains after having failed to respond to a
of nations enforces immigration and asylum laws based on             removal notice.                                                    Geopolitics
those borders and an us-verses-them ethos when determining                                                                              Health
                                                                   • Young undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as
who will have access to civil rights. While immigration and                                                                             Housing/Space
                                                                     children are referred to as DREAMers (retaining capitalization
refugee issues have been tied to civil rights in this way, there
                                                                     of the DREAM Act).                                                 Immigration/Refugees         I/R

are compelling arguments182 for why crossing a border should
also be framed as a human rights issue. Not only are immigrants                                                                         Indigeneity/Ancestry
                                                                   • Use the word “immigrant” with great care, not only because it
and refugees vulnerable to increased human rights abuses,                                                                               Police/Incarceration
                                                                     is often incorrectly used to describe people who were born
additionally, the language of international human rights law may                                                                        Race/Ethnicity
                                                                     in the reported country, but also because it has been used
be a powerful tool for diagnosing such abuses. However, taking
                                                                     negatively for so many years.                                      Sexual and
the immigration and refugee frame a step beyond, by aiming                                                                              Domestic Violence
for an inclusive society183 frame, may describe the antidote to
state-driven mistreatment. Language that raises visibility of                                                                           Appendix I: Images
personal stories, creates empathy and recognizes diverse assets,                                                                        Appendix II:
promotes cross-cultural interactions, fights discrimination, and                                                                        Additional Resources
offers respect and an invitation to participate breaks down us-
versus-them thinking and avoids succumbing to the quagmire
of individual sovereignties’ policy debates.                                                                                            Endnotes

                                                                                                                                          22             © 2016 Sum of Us
“One of the first things any journalist learns is that when                Y                             ?
you’re reporting on someone accused of a crime, you
always use ‘alleged’ to indicate that the accused has not             Terms used                Terms avoided/
been convicted and could very well be innocent. Until a             by immigrants          questioned by immigrants            Introduction
court pronounces guilt, it’s the ‘alleged’ bank robber, the         rights activists             rights activists
                                                                                                                               Central Principles
‘alleged’ jaywalker and the ‘alleged” candy-snatcher. And
yet, whenever immigration issues make it into the news,                                                                        Issue Areas
journalists and media organizations regularly use the         yy asylee                    yy alien186
phrase ‘illegal immigrant’ or ‘illegal alien’ to describe     yy asylum seeker             yy an illegal
undocumented immigrants, skipping not just the trial          yy children of immigrants    yy anchor baby187                   Disability
but branding the person as criminality itself.”               yy family                    yy ex-pat188                        Economy
                                                              yy foreign national          yy failed asylum seeker             Environment/Science
  Gabriel Arana, CNN, NYT asked to drop ‘illegal
  immigrant’ ahead of debate,184 The Huffington Post          yy person                    yy illegal alien                    Food
                                                              yy person seeking            yy illegal asylum seeker189         Gender/Sex
                                                                 citizenship               yy illegal immigrant                Geopolitics
                                                              yy person with citizenship   yy legal alien                      Health
                                                                 in . . .
                                                                                           yy legal citizen                    Housing/Space
                                                              yy refugee
                                                                                           yy legal resident                   Immigration/Refugees
                                                              yy refused asylum seeker                                                                      I/R

                                                                                           yy legalized
                                                              yy stateless person185                                           Indigeneity/Ancestry
                                                                                           yy migrant190 (when used too
                                                              yy undocumented                 casually to refer to refugees;   Police/Incarceration
                                                                 immigrant                    however, migration               Race/Ethnicity
                                                                                              has been effective in            Sexual and
                                                                                              Favianna Rodriquez’s art         Domestic Violence
                                                                                                                               Appendix I: Images
                                                                                           yy natural, naturalized (except
                                                                                              when used in the legal           Appendix II:
                                                                                              sense of U.S. immigration        Additional Resources
                                                                                              law)                             Acknowledgements
                                                                                           yy resident alien                   Endnotes
                                                                                           yy second-generation

                                                                                                                                 23             © 2016 Sum of Us
Indigeneity/Ancestry                                                                                       I/A

 Resources                                                    ✎ Writing Guidelines                                                 Introduction
• Jeff Corntassel, Re-envisioning resurgence: Indigenous       Decolonization and resurgence framework                              Central Principles
  pathways to decolonization and sustainable self-             To this day, centuries-old global colonization continues to          Issue Areas
  determination192, Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education &   destroy Indigenous homelands, cultures, and communities.
  Society, Vol. 1, pp. 86–101, 2012.                                                                                                Age
                                                               Decolonization and resurgence movements, however, have
• Reporting in Indigenous communities193.                      demonstrated the power to create “everyday practices of              Disability
• SABAR (Strategic Alliance of Broadcasters for Aboriginal     renewal and responsibility” for Indigenous peoples, reclaiming       Economy
  Reflection), Key terms.194                                   personal and group histories, as well as opening the door to self-   Environment/Science
• United Nations, Global issues: Decolonization195.            determined futures. Therefore, language that recognizes a history
                                                               of pillage and violence by centering the experiences and stories     Food
                                                               of those whose families have been most affected by colonization      Gender/Sex
“Decolonization doesn’t have a synonym; it is not a            for generations and supports all Indigenous peoples in building      Geopolitics
substitute for ‘human rights’ or ‘social justice,’ though      power is vital.
undoubtedly they are connected in various ways.                                                                                     Health
Decolonization demands an Indigenous framework                  Specific Recommendations                                           Housing/Space
and a centering of Indigenous land, Indigenous                                                                                      Immigration/Refugees
                                                               • “Indigenous” is internationally inclusive for all Indigenous
sovereignty, and Indigenous ways of thinking. Too
                                                                 peoples.                                                           Indigeneity/Ancestry         I/A

often, decolonization becomes bastardized, sidelined,
or simply misunderstood – in creating a space such as                                                                               Police/Incarceration
                                                               • Whenever possible, use a specific name (e.g., Cherokee and
Decolonization, there is the chance to ‘write back’ against      Inuit). If you are not aware of the preferred name, whenever       Race/Ethnicity
these trends, to engage and oppose colonialism, as well          possible, ask.                                                     Sexual and
as to connect and support Indigeneity globally.”                                                                                    Domestic Violence
                                                               • Capitalize the proper names of tribes, nationalities,
   Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang,                                   and peoples:                                                       Appendix I: Images
   Decolonization Is Not a Metaphor196                                                                                              Appendix II:
                                                                 ūū Full list of tribes and languages in USA197
                                                                                                                                    Additional Resources
                                                                 ūū Full list of tribes and languages in Canada198                  Acknowledgements

                                                                                                                                      24             © 2016 Sum of Us
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