Gearing up in record time
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1/2013 Gearing up in record time MTU Aero Engines AG Dachauer Straße 665 Customers + Partners Technology + Science Global 80995 Munich • Germany Tel. +49 89 1489-0 Fax +49 89 1489-5500 The pioneer of no-frills Titanium aluminide— Some welcome air travel a class all by itself support
Contents Cover Story Gearing up in record time 6 – 11 Customers + Partners The pioneer of no-frills air travel 12 – 15 Fine-tuned teamwork 16 – 19 Venturing into new markets 20 – 23 Technology + Science Titanium aluminide—a class all by itself 24 – 29 Ultrasonic inspection using multiple- 30 – 35 element probes The pioneer of no-frills air travel Titanium aluminide—a class Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Southwest Airlines is the largest all by itself Products + Services domestic passenger airline in the U.S., and its fleet of Boeing 737s is Blades made from titanium aluminide weigh only half as much as A top-notch repair network 36 – 41 the largest in the world. MTU Maintenance is taking care of CFM56-3 nickel-alloy blades. This new material helps make engines quieter, Blade inspection at triple speed 42 – 45 engines powering Southwest’s older Boeing 737-300 and -500 vari- fuel-thriftier and cleaner. Next year, it will prove its worth in flight ants. operations when the first A320neo with TiAl components onboard will Pages 12 – 15 take to the air. Pages 24 – 29 Global Some welcome support 46 – 49 Gearing up in record time Up and running in a mere four years’ time: Given the huge number of orders received for the PurePower® engine family, MTU Aero Engines plans to increase its in-house blisk production volume to more than 3,000 copies a year. At the same time, preparations for final assem- In Brief 50 – 53 bly of the Geared Turbofan™ engine to power the Airbus A320neo Masthead 53 are in full swing. Pages 6 – 11 A top-notch repair network Some welcome support The first GP7000 powerplants for the Airbus A320 are now due to Since late January, four Tiger helicopters have been flying reconnais- undergo scheduled maintenance. MTU Maintenance is responsible sance and fire support missions for German and coalition troops in More REPORT in digital form for the engine’s low-pressure turbine. Top-class repair specialists all Afghanistan. The MTR390-powered helicopters are demonstrating Get the eMagazine and iPad over the world are well prepared for the new arrivals. excellent reliability. app for more multimedia Pages 36 – 41 Pages 46 – 49 features from 2 3
Editorial Dear Readers: 2012 marked the most successful fiscal year in MTU’s history: The company achieved revenues of more than 3.3 billion euros—an all-time high. We re- vised all our forecasts upwards in the course of last year and went on to meet each one of them, thanks to the concerted efforts of all business seg- ments. MTU has generated organic growth and has increased its workforce. Our order backlog has climbed to over 11.4 billion euros, which represents a workload of more than three years’ production capacity. MTU has, without doubt, put up a very strong performance. And it is looking to do even better in the future: Our aim is to achieve six billion euros in annu- al revenues by 2020. Last year’s results go to show that we are definitely on the right track, and give us every confidence that we will accomplish this objective. The Geared Turbofan™ (GTF™) engine—the first aircraft engine of its size to feature an intermediate gearbox—plays a pivotal role in our suc- cess and will continue to do so. Two key components of the GTF engine are made by MTU: the high-pressure compressor developed and built jointly with Pratt & Whitney, with MTU being responsible for the first four stages designed in blisk technology, and the high-speed low-pressure turbine. Both components have already made headlines this year. Blisks are in- creasingly used in compressors. To meet the projected high demand, we built a brand new production facility for these high-tech parts on our com- pany premises in Munich. The shop, which was officially opened in April, is MTU’s center of excellence for blisks and will manufacture more than 3,000 copies a year. Our high-speed low-pressure turbine won us the German Industry’s 32nd Innovation Award in March. MTU has for decades been a leader in low-pres- sure turbine technology, and the high-speed variant is its masterpiece. For me, the low-pressure turbine proves us right in what we’ve believed all along: that innovation is and remains this company’s driving force and one of MTU’s strategic pillars upon which to build its success. We have seen innovation in all three areas of our company—the commercial OEM, the commercial MRO and the military engine businesses. Our mainte- nance experts have won new customers and are excellently prepared to handle the shop visits of the GP7000 engines powering the A380, which are now due to come in for scheduled maintenance for the first time. The Tiger helicopter, powered by MTR390 engines, is proving its reliability in service with the troops in Afghanistan. You can read all about it and more in this edition of our Report magazine. I hope you enjoy the read. Sincerely yours, Egon Behle Chief Executive Officer 4 5
Cover Story Gearing up in record time By Patrick Hoeveler Up and running in a mere four years’ time: Given the huge num- ber of orders received Pratt & Whitney will have to ramp up the production rates of PurePower® engines to an all-time high with- in a very short period of time. As a result, the company’s German partner will also have some major challenges to tackle: MTU Aero Engines plans to increase its in-house blisk production volume to more than 3,000 copies a year. At the same time, preparations for final assembly of the engine to power the Airbus A320neo are in full swing at MTU’s Munich facility. N obody would have believed it a few years ago: The Geared Turbofan™ (GTF™) engine has developed into a real bestseller. To date, Pratt & Whitney has received orders for more than 3,000 engines, and the order books keep filling up. The list of customers is growing as well: Bombardier selected the engine for its CSeries jets, Mitsubishi for the MRJ, Irkut for the MS-21 twin-jet, and Airbus for the A320neo. Now Embraer, too, has opted for the GTF engine: The PW1700G and PW1900G models will power the second generation of the air- framer’s E-Jet family of regional aircraft. At the same time, the engine test program is progressing very well: In February, the PW1500G obtained type certification, an essential prerequisite for the first flight of a CSeries aircraft, which is scheduled for this summer. Following the successful first run of the PW1100G-JM to power the A320neo last year, testing of this model is now running at full speed. First flight tests on a Boeing 747 are slated to take place as early as in May 2013. And the third member of the GTF engine family, the PW1200G for the Mitsubishi Regional Jet, has also passed some major milestones, such as the complex telemetry tests of the low-pressure tur- bine. 6 7
Cover Story More than 3,000 blisks per year will be produced in the new 10,000-square-meter shop at MTU’s premises in Munich. MTU has a role in all GTF engine versions. The German engine had started development work in this field back in the 1990s manufacturer will supply the high-speed low-pressure turbine under the Advanced Ducted Propfan (ADP) research program. (LPT)—for which it won the German Industry’s 32nd Inno- As regards the high-pressure compressor with its blisk stages, vation Award in March this year—and the forward half of the the development team can draw on comprehensive experi- high-pressure compressor for all PurePower engines. “In terms ence, for example with the EJ200 powering the Eurofighter of overall volumes, the Geared Turbofan engine has become Typhoon. The biggest challenge to tackle now in the industri- our most important engine program in years,” explains Jürgen alization phase are the large quantities. Says Eschenbacher: Eschenbacher, Vice President, Business Development and “Now we must demonstrate that we are worthy of the trust GTF Programs at MTU. Under the development program, our partner places in us and that we can meet expectations.” around 40 LPT modules have already been completed to sup- port the three test series currently underway. Some of these Production ramp-up will start in 2014. Plans are to produce modules were intended for the first flight test engines for the up to 480 engines per year for the A320neo alone a mere Canadian CSeries. The high-speed low-pressure turbine is a four years later. “For MTU, this is the fastest production ramp- key component for the Geared Turbofan engine concept, ac- up in years,” explains Sven Hugel, Project Manager, New cording to Dr. Claus Riegler, MTU Chief Engineer, NGPF Pro- Programs at MTU. “A production rate of at least ten blisks a grams. “Our low-pressure turbine has been designed for high day is quite a lot. We already had to manage such high vol- speeds and improved engine efficiency and is capable of with- umes under the V2500 program, so that’s not new to us. But standing high mechanical loads. The reduced stage count in this case, the volumes do not grow gradually over several lowers the module’s weight and helps cut maintenance costs, years, but we are faced with large quantities right from the since there are fewer hot-section parts.” The technology is beginning. Moreover, the components are more sophisticated nothing new for the MTU engineers: After all, the company from an engineering point of view.” Still in the test phase: A milling machine which will be used to produce the airfoils of the high-pressure compressor blisks for CSeries engines. 8 9
Cover Story This applies, for instance, to the complex component geom- Customer Airbus also wants to be kept up to date and re- etry and the surface finish requirements. According to quires Pratt & Whitney and MTU to provide continuous docu- Riegler, the engineers had borne the need for a fast ramp-up mentation of the progress achieved by them and also by their to large production volumes in mind from the early develop- suppliers. It also informs itself on site about the procurement ment stage on. “More than under any other engine program situation. Says Hugel: “This testifies to the great importance we must take care to avoid subsequent modifications. It’s a the customer attaches to this program. So far, Airbus has big advantage for us that the CSeries engine has already been satisfied with the job we’re doing, and we’ll do every- reached an advanced stage of development, which provides thing to keep it that way.” us with important findings early on.” After all, the PW1500G forms the basis of the PurePower family. “As regards size, the To be well prepared for the high volumes expected under the PW1200G is around four percent smaller than the basic new engine programs MTU has built an entirely new shop for model, and the PW1100G-JM is approximately eleven percent blisk production. Up to 3,000 of these integrally bladed disks larger,” explains the development program manager. Although can be produced there per year. “MTU has been producing the detail parts of the MTU components are not exactly iden- blisks for quite some time,” explains Eschenbacher. “The rea- tical, the design philosophy is quite similar, for instance as son why we built a new shop with highly specialized produc- regards the number of stages, the operating conditions or the tion systems was to ensure high flexibility and high produc- material selection. Despite the fact that the GTF engine family tion rates.” Under the project, the shop layout and the pro- now has as many as six members, the design effort, at least duction processes were developed in parallel. “This way, we at MTU, can be kept within reasonable limits. “We benefit were able to tailor the infrastructure to production needs,” from the fact that the parts for the PW1700G and those for says Dr. Robert Leipold, Assistant to the COO, who coordi- the PW1200G are identical. The same applies to the PW1900G nates the project. “We wanted to ensure stable production and PW1500G as well as to the PW1400G and PW1100G-JM. processes from the outset. This can be achieved, for in- Final assembly of the PW1100G-JM for the Airbus A320neo will take place at MTU in Munich from January 2015. We essentially develop modules for only three engines, but stance, by a uniform temperature throughout the shop and produce parts for a total of six engines,” says Riegler. by a central coolant-lubricant supply, so that all machines operate under the same conditions.” In addition, the shop This is why a strong on-time delivery performance is a must will feature a central chip disposal system and a standardized Volume production at MTU is scheduled to commence in time for such a set, from processing of the blanks to delivery for the engine manufacturer. To make sure the delivery com- machine pool. And there will be a high degree of automation. September 2013. The company does not intend to make use by us, is around seven months,” says the engineer. This is a mitments under these programs can be met, MTU has quali- Each machine can accommodate every component, so that of new technologies to a greater extent, but will rather rely on relatively long period of time, which makes supply chain man- fied suppliers for components of strategic importance, such blisks for the various GTF engines can be processed at the proven conventional methods, according to Leipold. What the agement difficult. Riegler adds: “The problem we are facing as blisks and casing parts, and supports the production same time. MTU engineers are planning to do, however, is to manufac- here is that we have to ensure the availability of the compo- ramp-up at the suppliers’ through its purchasing function. ture casing attachments, such as the borescope bosses for nents while keeping inventories at the lowest possible level for the PW1100G-JM, using novel additive techniques. In the pro- cost reasons.” cess, the components are produced by depositing multiple layers of a powdery base material molten by means of a com- A thoroughly planned approach is needed also in final assem- puter-controlled laser or electron beam. According to Eschen- bly of the engines. MTU will start assembling PW1100G-JMs bacher, additive manufacturing could be used later to make for the Airbus A320neo in January 2015. The company’s share more complex and highly stressed components. “But before in the total number of engines is 30 percent. As from 2018, we can do so, we must demonstrate that these parts are as MTU will build around 150 engines per year at its Munich reliable as those produced conventionally. Such proof is location. Preparations have already started. “Final assembly presently furnished analytically and by means of component of engines is no uncharted territory for us. We’ve already tests.” gained experience in this field with the TP400-D6 powering the Airbus A400M military airlifter. But the GTF engine will Another innovation can be found in the low-pressure turbine will be MTU’s first major commercial assembly program,” of the PW1100G-JM: To reduce the weight of the module, the explains Eschenbacher. What’s new for the company, however, blades of one stage will be made from a titanium aluminide is that it will have a role in the maintenance and customer alloy. “TiAl is a new material for us. The blades are not pro- support activities from the outset: “Our work does not stop duced by casting but forged by a supplier. In the development once assembly has been completed. We want to take care of of the material and the associated manufacturing processes them cradle to grave, and provide aftermarket services jointly we were faced with some major challenges, but we were able with the OEM under a contractual arrangement.” Negoti- to solve all problems thanks to a technology program launched ations with Pratt & Whitney are already underway. for the purpose,” reports Riegler. Unlike the LPT, the high-pressure compressor will be assem- For additional information, contact bled by Pratt & Whitney in the U.S. MTU will supply a set of Jürgen Eschenbacher blisks per engine and a stator kit consisting of vanes and +49 89 1489-8663 inner rings. The blisks are joined to the four stages manufac- For interesting multimedia services tured by P&W in a form-fitting manner using a tie-bolt. Then associated with this article, go to the rotor is balanced and fitted to the stator. “The turnaround 10 11
Customers + Partners T he idea to revolutionize the way we fly was born in 1966 on the back of a cocktail napkin. Herbert D. The pioneer of Kelleher, now 83 years old and known throughout the U.S. simply as Herb, was a lawyer in Texas at the time. In a bar in San Antonio, Kelleher and a client of his named Rollin King sketched out on that napkin a business idea for a low- cost airline to connect just the metro areas of Texas. At that no-frills air travel time, air travel around the world was subject to stringent con- trols, as were inter-state flights within the U.S. These con- trols did not, however, affect flights operated within any one of the U.S. states. After three years of legal battles with pub- lic authorities and competitors, Southwest Airlines finally commenced customer service on June 18, 1971, using three By Andreas Spaeth Boeing 737-200 aircraft. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Southwest Airlines is the largest domestic Southwest has always prided itself on being different from passenger airline in the U.S. It was the first air carrier to apply the no-frills other airlines. Back in the 1970s, it grabbed customers’ at- tention not just by running bold advertising campaigns and concept, a business model that has since been copied by practically all of the kitting its flight attendants out in hot pants, but more impor- low-cost airlines and has allowed Southwest to turn a profit for the past 40 tantly by offering low fares and paring its service down to the years. One of the keys to this success is the airline’s fleet of Boeing 737s, bare essentials. “When I worked on the concept of South- which at almost 700 aircraft is the largest in the world. The older -300 and west Airlines in 1966 only about 15 percent of American adults had ever flown on even a single commercial airline -500 versions of the 737 are now approaching the end of their service lives, flight,” Kelleher remembers. “Today that number stands at and MTU Maintenance is taking care of their CFM56-3 engines to make sure about 85 percent.” The airline he founded certainly played a they can continue to operate highly efficiently for years to come. major role in this development. Successful low-cost carriers 12 13
Customers + Partners operating on other continents, such as Ryanair in Europe, today continue to acknowledge Southwest as having been their role model. Over the years, this Dallas-based airline would grow to be- come the most profitable carrier in the U.S., as well as one of the country’s largest. In its 42-year history, there have been only two quarters in which the company failed to turn a profit. These days, Southwest still exclusively serves short- haul domestic routes; last year, the airline’s 694 Boeing 737s carried a total of 109 million passengers. In 2011, Southwest took the number three spot globally in terms of passenger numbers, behind Delta and American, and in 2012 profits totaled 417 million U.S. dollars. Including the route network of its subsidiary Air Tran, the airline serves 97 destinations in 41 states and operates around 3,520 flights a day, offering everything from short hops within Texas to coast-to-coast flights from Baltimore to Los Angeles. Each Southwest air- craft performs an average of six flights a day, spending a total of ten hours and 55 minutes in the air—figures that are top in the industry. From its very beginnings, Southwest has always put a premium on simplicity, a philosophy that even extends to how the fleet is structured. With brief exceptions, it has Southwest’s fleet of Boeing 737s is the largest in the world. The older 737 variants are now approaching the end of their service historically operated an all-Boeing 737 fleet. “The 737 is a lives. marvelous airplane, but we wouldn’t have bought so many of in any way,” says Heck. “Low-cost airlines are incredibly cre- them if we weren’t quite pleased with them,” says Kelleher. ative in finding ways to keep costs down, but they certainly don’t cut corners when it comes to safety.” Gower adds: “The Again and again, Southwest Airlines was the launch customer focus is on harvesting material from owned assets. MTU for new 737 variants. Just as it was first in line for the -300, Maintenance Canada currently tears down our CFM56-3s, -500 and -700 versions, the Dallas-based carrier will be the routes parts out for repairs, stocks parts and incorporates first to receive the 737 MAX 8: Delivery of the first of the 150 those owned parts into our repair engines. This cycle mini- aircraft it has ordered is slated for 2017. Meanwhile, South- mizes or eliminates the need to purchase new parts which west’s 128 Boeing 737-300 jets as well as 20 Boeing 737- keeps overhaul costs very low.” 500s are approaching the end of their life cycles. “Southwest has a very fluid exit plan for the 737 Classic fleet which Overhaul of the engines takes place at MTU’s Vancouver- depends on many variables,” says Mandy Gower, Powerplant based facility, where capacity has recently been expanded. Supply Chain Manager at Southwest. One of these is the Dan Watson, Chief Commercial Officer at MTU Maintenance long-term contract with MTU Maintenance, under which the Canada: “Southwest is utilizing nearly the entire portfolio of company will see the CFM56-3 engines of the older 737s MTU Maintenance, including MTU’s on-site support through through to the finish line. “The numbers have to work for us, our Dallas facility opened in 2011.” Watson underlines that only by keeping maintenance expenses low, Southwest is “MTU, as the largest independent maintenance provider in able to justify the continued operation of the 737 Classic the world, has both the resources and experience to support fleet,” adds Gower. “MTU Maintenance Canada is a big part Southwest in all areas. As a low-cost carrier, Southwest main- of the total efficiency of our Classic fleet.” tains very lean overheads and focuses on integrated solu- tions for its supply chains—and MTU can offer such cus- The principle involved is a simple one: “When an aircraft is tomized solutions.” withdrawn from service, this doesn’t necessarily mean the engines are retired, too,” explains Christoph Heck, Vice Presi- dent, Marketing and Sales, The Americas (SMW) at MTU Maintenance Hannover. “They are repaired and overhauled to make them as good as new.” But with the transition to a new For additional information, contact generation of aircraft, demand for overhauled CFM56-3 en- Dan Watson gines is declining. This is why some of Southwest’s CFM56-3s +1 604 233-5716 will serve as a source of spare parts for the maintenance of For interesting multimedia services other engines of the same type. “In a nutshell, two engines associated with this article, go to MTU Maintenance Canada provides service support for CFM56 and CF6 engines. become one, without compromising engine quality or safety 14 15
Customers + Partners Fine-tuned M ore than 400,000 packages an hour Airfreight carriers depend on the smooth opera- pass through the sorting system at the tion of their aircraft to make sure that goods are UPS facility in Louisville, Kentucky. This delivered on time. Jim Roberts, UPS Powerplant is where UPS, which was founded in Seattle in and Liaison Engineering Manager, explains: “UPS 1907, has set up its largest international air hub customers expect on-time and reliable delivery for its own freight airline, UPS Airlines. In terms service at competitive pricing that adds value. In teamwork of the size of its fleet, which comprises 230 UPS- owned and 301 chartered aircraft, UPS Airlines is one of the world’s largest air carriers. 75 Boeing 757-200 cargo aircraft that serve the North American routes form the backbone of the fleet. MTU Maintenance has been supporting the order to meet these high customer expectations, UPS relies on world class service providers such as MTU to provide reliable, regulatory-compliant and on-time engine repair services. The repair services must be provided at cost-competitive pricing and comply with UPS technical and regu- By Silke Hansen PW2040 engines from UPS Airlines’ fleet since latory requirements. It is essential that MTU 2009, under a ten-year maintenance contract meets our expectations, in order for UPS to meet On a standard business day, UPS delivers 15.8 million packages and documents to destinations covering an estimated total of 150 shop visits. the high expectations of our valued customers.” around the globe, which makes it the world’s largest parcel and express delivery company. The “We are proud of the trust that UPS places in our 57 shop visits have already been completed at capabilities, quality and service,” says Christoph MTU’s maintenance facility in Hannover to the number one in the business operates one of the biggest airlines on the planet. In the fast-paced Heck, Vice President, Marketing and Sales, The customer’s utmost satisfaction. airfreight business, it is reliability and on-time delivery performance that count. The logistics group Americas (SMW), about this important customer therefore has some pretty high standards when it comes to the maintenance of its PW2000 that expects its maintenance provider to offer engines, and relies on MTU Maintenance Hannover as its service provider. The shop has estab- more than just standard shop visits. lished itself as a trusted service partner for customers in the freight industry. 16 17
Customers + Partners For monitoring that MTU’s employees have met all repair, tenance process for the PW2000 engines sent in by UPS, quality and documentation requirements the U.S. parcel placing particular emphasis on cost-effectiveness, quality delivery service has its own representative in Hannover to and customer satisfaction.” facilitate the running of the daily business between UPS and MTU. “We work together as partners to manage the PW2000 The close partnership is a win-win proposition: MTU Mainte- shop visits,” says Bettina Syperrek, MTU Maintenance nance earned top marks in its UPS supplier rating, and the Customer Account Manager, who cooperates closely with U.S. parcel delivery company can rest assured that its UPS representative Syed Ahmed. He supports MTU by acting engines are in the best possible hands, with a service pro- as a liaison with the customer, making sure information is vider that goes the extra mile. Delivering on time is a top pri- exchanged quickly and directly across the Atlantic. MTU ority for cargo companies to retain a competitive advantage. Maintenance’s “one face to the customer” strategy proves its That’s why the spare engine level for UPS is unusually high. worth in practice: Each customer within MTU’s global MRO “UPS cannot afford to have aircraft grounded due to engine service network is provided with a single point of contact to failure, since it guarantees its customers on-time delivery of deal with all matters relating to that customer’s engines. As letters, documents and packages. With our e.pool leasing Syperrek explains: “It’s my job to take care that the cus- service we ensure that we have spare engines available when tomer’s requirements are fulfilled. I oversee the entire main- needed.” Flying around the clock: UPS Airlines’ cargo aircraft. The tightly knit UPS delivery network spans the entire globe, that improve the performance of the PW2000 engine,” and includes 382 U.S. and 323 international airports. Every explains Heck. MTU developed and patented its own MTUPlus day, 252 aircraft take off and land at UPS Airline’s home base repair techniques for abradable linings and blades in the in Louisville, from where the carrier is able to reach all impor- high-pressure turbine, which significantly improved the EGT tant U.S. destinations within three flying hours. UPS first (exhaust gas temperature) margin. Turbines are expected to started shipping parcels by air in 1929, initially as baggage remain on wing for a longer time between shop visits. onboard regular scheduled flights—until the Great Depression caused the airfreight concept to be abandoned later that MTU Maintenance, the number one independent mainte- same year. In 1953, UPS took up the idea of shipping parcels nance provider, has many years of experience working on coast to coast within two days and founded UPS Blue Label PW2000 engines, as the program has been part of its portfo- Air, the predecessor of today’s UPS Airlines. lio since 1989. Customers that send their PW2000 engines to MTU Maintenance for repair also include DHL Aero Express Business grew to the extent that UPS started its own flights and Cargo Aircraft Management, a leasing company special- in the early 1980s, operating out of Louisville with 727-200 izing in cargo aircraft. “Freight airlines from all over the world cargo aircraft, initially flown by other carriers. In 1988, UPS account for a major portion of our customer base,” says Heck. obtained approval from the Federal Aviation Administration MTU Maintenance offers its comprehensive services for all of (FAA) to operate its own aircraft, thereby officially becoming the more common engines powering cargo aircraft, such as an airline. In a bid to make better use of the capacities of its the PW2000, CFM56, CF6 and GE90. Its offerings include the aircraft, UPS even offered passenger flights on weekends in provision of spare engines from MTU’s lease engine pool, the 1990s, for which it used special 727-100 Quick Change high-tech repairs and service packages tailored to cus- aircraft that could easily be converted from freight to passen- tomers’ needs, including all-round carefree solutions, such as ger use and back again. Transporting passengers, however, Total Engine Care or Total Part Care. Regular customers like marked just a brief chapter in the UPS history books. Atlas Air, China Postal Airlines, Air Atlanta Icelandic, Air Contractors, Air Bridge Cargo and DHL Air UK entrust MTU Competition has since become much fiercer, making efficien- with the job of looking after their work horses, relying on the cy extremely important. “What’s impressive is that UPS con- company’s proven capabilities. Under exclusive arrange- stantly optimizes its processes,” says Syperrek. UPS and MTU ments, MTU Maintenance Hannover moreover supports the Maintenance are pulling together to achieve a common goal. GE90 engines powering AeroLogic’s and Southern Air’s large “Since entering into an agreement with MTU, we have been cargo aircraft. faced with many challenges. Working together, we have been able to meet these challenges and implement solutions that For additional information, contact have since proved effective. Going forward, I’m sure that the Christoph Heck future has further challenges in store, and I am confident that +49 511 7806-2621 MTU will tackle them just as successfully,” says Roberts. A For interesting multimedia services technology leader like MTU never sits back and rests on its associated with this article, go to Final check: Bettina Syperrek, MTU, und Syed Ahmed, UPS, are taking a close look at a PW2000 engine before it is returned to the customer. laurels. “We’ve invested in new repair techniques, for example, 18 19
Customers + Partners Venturing into new markets By Bernd Bundschu Control systems are becoming increasingly important in aviation; the value share of such embedded systems can be as high as 30 percent. A new player in this growing market is Munich-based Aerospace Embedded Solutions GmbH. The 50/50 joint venture of MTU Aero Engines and Sagem Défense Sécurité has already accu- mulated experience in this field through major projects such as the development of the control and monitoring system for the TP400- D6 engine powering the A400M military airlifter. W ith the setting up of Aerospace Embedded Solutions (AES) on January 1, 2013, Germany’s leading engine manufacturer and the French avionics specialist are pooling their expertise in the area of safety-critical hardware and software for military and commercial aviation applica- tions. “Our focus is on the development of engine control, monitoring, and information systems as well as safety-rele- vant solutions for controlling landing gears and brakes,” ex- plains AES Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Christophe Bruneau. “With our team of around 200 engineers, we’re covering all stages of development: from design, verification and valida- tion all the way to certification of safety-critical control and monitoring systems and the associated software,” adds AES Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Thomas Fähr. Specifically, AES’s expertise lies in the design of safety-critical software and hardware, in printed circuit board design, and in standard- compliant system qualification. 20 21
Customers + Partners The first new projects of AES include the Collaboration between MTU and Sagem development of electronic components for began with the development of maintenance the Embraer KC-390 military transport air- software for the TP400-D6 engine powering craft and the Chinese Comac C919 airliner. the A400M military airlifter. “The hardware “On behalf of Sagem, we are developing for the engine control system came from printed circuit boards and programmable Sagem, while MTU was responsible for the integrated circuits for the brake control sys- application software,” says Jean-Marc Bonillo, tem of the KC-390 and the thrust reverser AES Software Director. The new joint venture control system of the C919,” explains Dr. Axel is an important platform for both parent com- Hüdepohl, Director, CMS Hardware, who is panies from which to enhance their competi- responsible for the development and testing tiveness. Hüdepohl explains: “It gives MTU of electronic hardware for safety-critical sys- access—via Sagem—to new markets that go tems at AES. According to Hüdepohl, the well beyond engine systems. In return, in roadmap is similar for both projects: “We MTU, Sagem gains a partner with many years completed the definition of the detail design of experience in the field of safety-critical early this year, so that first hardware compo- embedded systems.” nents can be delivered this spring.” Hüde- pohl continues: “Commissioning and the Over the past three decades, MTU has devel- start of the qualification process will then fol- oped various control systems for military low. The first flights of the KC-390 and the AES specialists are developing the brake control system for the Embraer KC-390. engines, among them the RB199 for the C919 are scheduled for 2014.” Tornado, the EJ200 for the Eurofighter Typhoon, the TP400-D6 for the Airbus A400M, and the MTR390 for the Tiger heli- copter, as well as the control software for the Barracuda unmanned aerial vehicle. The Silencer noise emission control system for engines also came from Munich, as did the safety-critical components of the innovative hydrogen tank control system for the experi- mental BMW Hydrogen 7 vehicle. “MTU has contributed its entire expertise in developing control and monitoring systems to the joint venture, but retained systems expertise for itself,” explains Fähr. “In other words, MTU continues to define the requirements for a control system, and AES develops the elec- The finished electronic components also undergo thorough testing in the lab. tronic modules or complete control units on the basis of these requirements and is re- sponsible for programming of the requisite software. In addition, MTU supports the joint software parts, by contributing its expert Bruneau and Fähr are optimistic about the venture in the areas of IT services, proce- knowledge in specific fields, such as proces- joint venture’s future. The management duo dures, occupational safety and health, envi- ses, libraries, and certification, and by offering want to get the best out of the know-how of ronmental protection, and export control.” continued training programs. the engineers, the comprehensive AES serv- ice portfolio, and Sagem’s market access, to Unlike for MTU, developing control systems The AES engineers will continue to support put it to work for the good of the fledgling is a core business for the onboard electronics their parent companies’ respective programs joint venture. “We are already the leader in specialist Sagem, which is part of the French —for instance the TP400-D6—with their know- the field of military and commercial engine Safran Group. Sagem’s expertise is not limit- how and experience, and will also work for control systems in Europe. Our challenge now ed to engine control systems, but encom- new customers in future. As Bruneau explains: is to expand our presence worldwide and to passes all fields of avionics. Especially valu- “We have already started acquiring new pro- venture into new markets.” able for AES is Sagem’s wealth of experience jects in other industrial sectors as well. After in the certification of control systems for all, we want to become a leading player in commercial applications: As a manufacturer the space and automotive industries and we of control and monitoring systems, the com- want to be a project partner in all major avi- pany has roles in a large number of the big ation programs of the future. We will soon manufacturers’ engine and aircraft programs. start raising our profile in the sector, for exam- For additional information, contact Sagem is also supporting the joint venture by ple by participating in the Paris Air Show at Dr. Axel Hüdepohl For the development of electronic systems, prototypes are built and tested in the AES lab. providing reusable solutions for software and Le Bourget in June.” +49 89 998272-6682 22 23
Technology + Science Titanium aluminide—a class all by itself By Daniel Hautmann Titanium aluminide is a game-changing material. Blades made from this intermetallic compound weigh only half as much as nickel-alloy blades. They are characterized by lower density, a high melting point, and excel- lent corrosion resistance. This new custom-tailored material helps make engines quieter, fuel-thriftier and cleaner. It will have to prove its worth in flight operations as early as next year when the first A320neo with TiAl components onboard will take to the air. And that’s only the begin- ning: Experts are convinced that the material has immense potential. T he requirements next-generation aircraft will have to fulfill are enormous: They are expected to burn less fuel, be quieter and more environmentally compatible. The engines to power them are key to meeting these goals. More efficient jet engines will make air travel cheaper and cleaner. In a nutshell: Airlines, passengers and the environ- ment will benefit alike. To achieve the ambitious targets, MTU Aero Engines’ design engineers have for years been working on the development of the Geared Turbofan™ (GTF™) engine, which will soon power the Airbus A320neo and other aircraft. The unique feature of the GTF engine is a reduction gearbox that per- mits the fan and low-pressure turbine to rotate at different speeds. What sounds simple was in fact quite a remarkable feat. After all, the materials used in the low-pressure tur- bine—today mostly heavy nickel-base alloys—have to meet new and exacting requirements: Because of the significantly higher speeds, they have to withstand higher loads, in par- ticular loads resulting from the increased centrifugal forces. For this reason, the MTU engineers were looking for a new light-weight material which at the same time offered enhanced creep and high-temperature properties. 24 25
Technology + Science beneficial properties of metals with those of favored metals.” This surprised him, all the Otherwise, it would have taken us much ceramics. Or, as Smarsly puts it: “It’s like a more so given that he had been hired in longer to get where we are now,” emphasizes mixture of a metal and a ceramic material.” 1987 specifically for the purpose of studying Dr. Marc Haltrich, Senior Consultant, TiAl Oxidation Stability Oxidation Protective Coatings Required intermetallic materials. He had almost given Blades Production Project. But until recently the light-weight material did up hope that TiAl would ever be a success, not lend itself to production use: It was diffi- when in 2008 he experienced a breakthrough In fact, many research and development Titanium cult to form and to process since it was too moment: With a spin test, Smarsly wanted to activities—funded by the Federal Ministry of Composites Single Crystals (Breaking Length of a Wire) brittle. Thanks to the interdisciplinary and show his colleagues what intermetallic blades Economics and Technology under its aero- comprehensive research work by MTU and its were capable of. “Everybody expected the nautical research program—were pursued sim- “Usable” Strength Superalloys partners Pratt & Whitney, Montanuniversität blades to suffer substantial damage when ultaneously: Montanuniversität Leoben devel- Conventional MTU Progress Leoben, material suppliers, a forging company tested at overspeed.” But the blade survived oped the alloying concept for the new mate- Titanium Alloys TiAl Ceramics/Graphite Graphite C/C and other specialists, things have thoroughly the test entirely unscathed. “That impressed rial, suppliers refined processes, for instance Potential changed by now. “Both the big manufacturers even me,” adds Smarsly. forging or milling, and MTU made sure the Aluminum and smaller companies had the courage to quality of the material meets the high stan- Alloys venture into uncharted territory and to make Then, in 2009, MTU finally decided to use the dards in engine construction, took care of Aluminum the necessary investments,” lauds Dr. Jörg new material in its next-generation GTF en- qualification and established the turbine Composites Advanced Titanium Dispersion- Refractory Metals Eßlinger, Director, Materials Engineering at gines. The compelling reason: “Titanium alu- parameters that the use of TiAl would change. Titanium Alloys Aluminide Strengthened MTU. minides are key to the GTF engine turbine One thing is clear: A material that weighs Superalloys PM 1000, PM 2000 blades because of the high speeds involved,” only about half as much as conventional What also accelerated matters was the im- according to Smarsly. nickel alloys opens up entirely new design mense pressure of the market. Engine manu- possibilities. As a result of the lower weight 500 1000 1500 2000 facturers around the globe are investigating Today, almost five years later, the first TiAl of the blades other engine components, such Temperature °C new materials and exploring options to in- blades are installed in production engines, as the disks, can be of a more light-weight crease the efficiency of their powerplants. with certification expected in 2014. The MTU design as well. In the end, the entire engine High-temperature materials and their properties. They have all set their sights on TiAl. At the experts have succeeded in maturing an entire- will weigh less, and so will the aircraft wing beginning, it took a lot of convincing to win ly new class of material for production in re- which carries the engine. Says Haltrich: “The people at MTU over to the idea of using this cord time. “We took quite a smart approach use of such a material requires considerable “We’ve been mulling the use of titanium alu- novel material, recalls Smarsly: “Everybody and performed many processes in parallel. technical expertise, in particular in the mate- minides ever since we started work on the high-speed low-pressure turbine for the Geared Turbofan engine,” says Dr. Wilfried Smarsly, Representative Advanced Materials at MTU. Titanium aluminide, or TiAl for short, is a material in a class all by itself, a com- Airfoil Rub-in Root pound of several metals the composition of which is determined at an atomic level with precisely defined percentages of the con- stituent titanium and aluminum atoms. “The resulting so-called intermetallic compound DOD (Domestic Object Damage) has a well-ordered crystal structure,” explains impact Prof. Dr. Helmut Clemens, material scientist at Montanuniversität Leoben, MTU’s devel- Oxidation and opment partner and one of the most experi- corrosion enced specialists pioneering the development of TiAl. “Each atom has its predefined place in the structure. That’s the characteristic fea- ture of titanium aluminides and the reason for their special properties.” Fatigue and fretting Clemens and Smarsly have known each other for years, during which they exchanged their experience with TiAl and jointly explored Fatigue and possibilities to optimize its properties to per- creep mit the material to be used on a larger scale. For there is one thing they—and other scien- tists—have known for sure for about 30 years: Titanium aluminides will revolutionize the world of aviation. They perfectly combine the Turbine blades are among the most highly stressed engine components: They have to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures. 26 27
Technology + Science 1800 1600 L 1400 Temperature°C 1200 1000 800 600 0 10 20 30 40 60 70 80 90 100 Ti Atom % Aluminum Al Intermetallic phases in the titanium-aluminum alloy system. In the low-pressure turbine of the PW1100G-JM engine for the A320neo, the blades of one stage have been made out of titanium aluminide for the very first time. rials, structural mechanics, design and engi- It is truly groundbreaking work that was per- the research efforts focused on forging. But spective, too, this form of cooperation is neering areas, but also in manufacturing. formed here. Using state-of-the-art scientific this method, too, can be tricky, since the something new: “The joint work on TiAl re- And MTU has the requisite expertise in all of methods and techniques, the specialists material is very hard and forming on large quires a strong strategic commitment on the these fields.” have succeeded in unraveling the material’s presses would take too long. In this situation, part of our suppliers. They perform a major inner secrets. They counted the individual the experts were able to draw on their previ- part of the value-adding activities and share “As things stand today, titanium aluminides atoms in the material with the aid of atom ous research work. They had found out which their secrets with us–something that is only are the only promising alternatives in areas probes and performed investigations at phases were best suited for forming. What possible when there’s a high degree of trust where heavy nickel alloys still prevail,” says atomic level using high-resolution transmis- needed to be done, therefore, was to deliber- among the partners.” Eßlinger, who has been involved in the devel- sion electron microscopes to find out which ately alter the phase composition prior to opment of this new material for many years. phases, as the individual constituents of the forming and to partly reverse the changes TiAl forged alloy Meanwhile, the material specialists have He points out that the combination of the microstructure are called, match well. These afterwards. “We performed thermodynamic started work on the fourth generation of tita- Stress (MPa) materials had an “interesting effect” when it phases are indicators for the mechanical calculations to determine the optimum tem- nium aluminides. Because one thing is for comes to heat resistance: Aluminum can properties of a material. Furthermore, the perature range and phase configuration for sure: The material still has enormous poten- sustain up to 200 degrees Celsius, titanium experts analyzed phase transitions with the forging,” explains Clemens. “Forging can now tial. Current development work aims to fur- up to 500 degrees Celsius, and TiAl even up aid of neutrons and high-energy X-rays to be carried out on conventional forming ther improve the high-temperature resistance to 800 degrees Celsius. But TiAl also has its determine the temperature at which the machines—and that’s the true revolution.” TiAl casting alloy of TiAl so that the material can also be used weaknesses: Its low ductility, in particular at material can be formed best. further upstream in the turbine. The experts room temperature, has long been considered The research and development effort was will do all they can to make future engines an obstacle to its production and use. The Investigative instinct and scientific curiosity characterized by intensive cooperation with even more efficient and environmentally com- fact that this has now changed is owed to the helped the material specialists find the opti- partners. Casting of the base metals and patible. intensive research work performed over the mum treatment for the material. And finally forging and machining of the TiAl blades are Strain % last ten years. The successful outcome of the they also devised a solution to the funda- carried out by suppliers, while MTU performs very close and effective cooperation among mental problem of forming TiAl into the material tests and finishing operations, all disciplines and partners: Brittleness was desired shape of a blade. “The material is according to Peter Schneider, Director, Sur- Stress-strain potential of TiAl depending on the manufacturing process. reduced by adjusting the material composi- extremely difficult to form,“ says Clemens. face Technology at MTU. Uwe Böhm, For additional information, contact tion, and manufacturing processes and the Casting is not considered a viable option for Director, Procurement, Airfoils, Castings and Dr. Jörg Eßlinger +49 89 1489-4691 design were tailored to suit the material pro- TiAl, since this manufacturing method does Indirect Materials, adds that MTU has rarely perties. not produce the mechanical properties re- shared its know-how with suppliers to such For interesting multimedia services associated with this article, go to quired for use in the GTF engine. Therefore, an extent before. From the suppliers’ per- 28 29
Technology + Science Ultrasonic inspection using multiple-element probes By Jan Oliver Löfken The PurePower® PW1000G family of engines has been devel- oped by Pratt & Whitney and MTU Aero Engines as the power- plant for the next generation of single-aisle aircraft and busi- ness jets. The high production volumes involved call for sophis- ticated techniques for verifying the integrity of the titanium materials used for key engine parts. A pioneering development is phased-array ultrasonic inspection, an optimized method which offers a fast and efficient means of inspecting titanium alloys for material defects before processing begins. This tech- nique was developed by MTU and Pratt & Whitney. T he Airbus A320neo, the Bombardier CSeries, the MRJ Mitsubishi Regional Jet, the Irkut MS-21 and the new Embraer E-Jet will all be equipped with the innovative Geared Turbofan™ (GTF™) engine, which makes them much more fuel-thrifty, cleaner and quieter. More than 3,000 orders have already been placed for the GTF engine. “Phased-array technology will play a key role in the upcoming production of Geared Turbofan engines,” says Frank von Czerniewicz, Project Manager, Compressor Technologies at MTU. This is because the high-pressure compressor disks MTU contributes to the new engines are produced from a titanium material. In operation, these disks have to withstand extremely high speeds and temperatures of well above 300 degrees Celsius. But they can do so only if they are free from defects. 30 31
Technology + Science The raw material used to produce the disks consists of large new transducer is made up of 116 elements. The basic phy- ingots of a special titanium alloy which are forged into meter- sical principle of the inspection process, however, remains long cylindrical billets, typically with a diameter of 25 centi- unchanged: The ultrasonic waves emitted by a piezoelectric meters. “Ultrasonic inspection is the only method we can use module penetrate into the titanium alloy. Any tiny discontinui- for such a large diameter because the billets are far too bulky ties in the material, for example ceramic inclusions or pores, for radiographic inspection,” explains Dr. Joachim Bamberg, cause the ultrasonic waves to break, reflect and return to the an expert in non-destructive testing at MTU in Munich. Ultra- transducer in a modified form. They are captured by the pie- sonic inspection of the titanium billets requires no direct con- zoelectric module, which functions as both the transducer tact and does not harm the material in any way. With the ultra- and the receiver, thus providing the data required to create an sonic probes currently available, this process takes more than ultrasound image on which tiny defects smaller than one mil- three hours to complete. “But the phased-array technology limeter in size can reliably be detected. In most cases, how- makes inspection a good 30 percent faster, with the achieva- ever, quality inspectors do not detect any anomalies, as ble accuracy being the same or even better,” says Bamberg. Bamberg explains: “It happens very rarely that we have to scrap a titanium billet. This quality inspection is nonetheless still Unlike the single-element transducers previously used by Prior to further processing, titanium billets are inspected using the Together, the single elements emit an ultrasonic field that produces absolutely crucial to ensure maximum reliability of the disks.” phased-array method. a clear image of the billet. quality inspectors to verify the integrity of titanium billets, the The phased-array transducer has a diameter of 130 mm and comprises 116 single ultrasound elements. A test billet is arranged in the ultrasonic laboratory facility. 32 33
Technology + Science PICASSO enhances flight safety Defect-free materials are a basic prerequisite for building reliable engines and aircraft. Before any component can be delivered, it must first pass so- phisticated, non-destructive ultrasonic and X-ray inspections. And even once these tests are passed, the materials continue to be checked for tiny flaws as part of scheduled maintenance and overhaul throughout the entire service life of the components. By participating in the PICASSO European research project, MTU Aero Engines contributed to making the detection of material fatigue and even cracks significantly faster and easier in the future. Working together with Rolls-Royce, EADS, the Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing (IZFP) and a number of other companies and research institutes, researchers developed a method for creating com- The first flight of a CSeries jet powered by the Geared Turbofan engine is slated for this summer. puter simulations of potential material flaws in com- plex parts. Among other things, these simulations show how even the tiniest defects can be identified with a high level of probability of detection in an With that key hurdle successfully cleared, nothing now stands ultrasonic or X-ray image. in the way of the use of this new ultrasound technique. Inspections using this method are not performed in MTU’s or Previously, engineers produced real parts with artifi- Pratt & Whitney’s production facilities, but rather at the foun- cial defects and then subjected the parts to testing. dries and specialized forge shops that supply the billets. The disadvantage of this approach was the limited Bamberg and his colleagues are convinced that the full po- number of samples and defect types. This limitation tential of phased-array technology has not yet been exploited. has now been eliminated thanks to computer simu- “We’re currently experimenting with higher ultrasonic wave lations that can be carried out much quicker, with a frequencies to see whether that will enable us to rapidly and Cut-open test billet featuring drilled holes of 0.8 mm in diameter at far greater variety of defects being detected. The reliably detect discontinuities just 0.4 millimeters in size,” various depths. PICASSO project was completed last year. So this says Bamberg. Doubling the level of accuracy in this way method of computer simulation could reduce both would pave the way for inspecting finished titanium engine the cost and the time involved in material inspection disks as well. processes once official approval has been obtained. The high levels of accuracy required for the ultrasonic in- By the time that level accuracy is achieved, the partners will spection of titanium billets call for a correspondingly elaborate have a much clearer idea of exactly how much time and The billet sections are forged to form the blanks. measurement process. First, the metal billets are immersed money they can save by using the approved phased-array in a water bath. “The ultrasonic waves travel through the water method. Numerous titanium billets will need to pass ultrasonic and then penetrate into the material. So there’s no need for “Use of the phased-array method is already standard practice inspections using the new method over the next few years contacting probes,” Bamberg explains. In the past, the pro- in the realm of medical technology,” Bamberg notes. This ultra- before they can be forged into disks. These are used as the bes used by quality inspectors for these measurements had sonic technique has become an indispensable tool in many blanks for “blisks”, high-tech components in which the disk only one ultrasonic element. As a result, the ultrasonic waves areas of medicine, helping create fascinating, detailed images and blade are machined from a single piece—hence the name had to be re-focused for each different depth within the bil- of unborn babies in the womb and detect critical changes in blisk, which is a portmanteau of the words blade and disk. let. To cover the entire billet volume, it was therefore neces- internal organs. Applying this technique to metals is more dif- This solution cuts down on the use of raw materials, reduces sary to scan the billet several times in succession. The phased- ficult because the propagation of ultrasonic waves in metal is weight and speeds up the assembly process. “In the future we array probe makes this process significantly simpler and faster, far more rapid and complex than in the human body. But se- will be manufacturing very large numbers of blisks—several requiring just one scan to capture all the data. This is made veral years of joint development by MTU and Pratt & Whitney thousand units a year—for the next generation of fuel-thrifty possible thanks to the time-delayed (phase-shifted) control of has now made phased-array technology available in this field, Geared Turbofan engines,” says von Czerniewicz. And the the 116 ultrasound elements, known as the array. “Using an too. In numerous tests, the developers demonstrated the phased-array method will enable the foundries and forge array enables you to electronically focus the beam to diffe- technique’s ability to reliably detect tiny material discontinui- shops to supply the large quantities of titanium billets with a rent depths at the speed of sound,” says Bamberg. Because ties of just 0.8 millimeters in size. Since this value meets the “zero-defect” seal of approval. of this phase-controlled transmission and reception of the requirements for titanium billets in the aviation industry, the ultrasonic waves using an ultrasound array the new technique phased-array method was granted approval by the U.S. For additional information, contact was dubbed phased array. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in 2011. Following another ultrasonic inspection, the blanks are machined to produce the Dr. Joachim Bamberg blisks. +49 89 1489-5068 34 35
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