PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...

Page created by Tina Hansen
PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...
         Calendar and Handbook
        Preschool thru Eighth Grade
506 Jackson Street • Anoka, Minnesota 55303 • tel. 763-421-3236 • fax. 763-712-7433
PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...

PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...
RELIGIOUS FORMATION                                                                 NON-PUBLIC PUPIL AIDS
                                                                                    The State of Minnesota has authorized local public school districts to loan
St. Stephen’s Catholic School regards the spiritual development of their
                                                                                    textbooks, standardized tests, and individualized instructional materials to
students as a primary goal. It fully recognizes that a person's faith is formed
                                                                                    pupils attending our school. Our students are also allowed access to existing
by living out that faith in community with others, by making moral decisions
                                                                                    district Secondary Pupil Guidance and Counseling Services programs and Pupil
through prayer and worship, and in service to others. Thus, it fosters an
                                                                                    Health Services programs.
atmosphere in which students' faith can become living, conscious, and active.
At St. Stephen’s Catholic School each student and staff member is invited to        These programs will be requested on behalf of each student. If you do not
develop a personal relationship with God, to participate in a community of          wish to request these services please contact the school office no later than
faith, and to be of service to others.                                              September 15, 2020.
                                                                                    ENROLLMENT and PRIORITY OF ACCEPTANCE
The Religious Formation program provides a highly coordinated school-wide
                                                                                    A registration fee is required per student upon receipt of the enrollment
effort to integrate the Gospel values, the beliefs, and practices of the Catholic
Church into the daily lives of its members.
                                                                                        Students presently enrolled in St. Stephen’s Catholic School will have top
NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY                                                                priority for registration each year. In addition, current morning
St. Stephen’s Catholic School does not discriminate in the provision of services         preschool classes will receive priority enrollment for the morning
to persons with disabilities. St. Stephen’s Catholic School will make                    preschool class the following year, and the same for the all-day classes
reasonable and necessary modifications for children with disabilities upon               receiving priority for the next year’s all-day classes, provided all paperwork is
request from the child’s parent or guardian, unless such request amounts to a            turned in by the deadline.
fundamental alteration of St. Stephen’s Catholic School program or places an         Siblings of these students will get the next priority, only if there are openings
undue burden on St. Stephens.                                                            available at that grade level.
     A. A parent or guardian of a child with a disability shall submit a written     Children of faculty members are given the next openings.
         request for any modification(s) to the St. Stephen’s Catholic School        Alumni parishioners are given the next priority.
         principal. The request should include information from the child’s
                                                                                     The next level of priority will be for new students whose parents are
         health care provider explaining the basis for the requested
                                                                                         registered parishioners at the St. Stephen Church.
         modification(s), when applicable.
     B. Upon receiving the written request for modification(s), St. Stephen’s        If space is available, student applications of non-parishioners will be accepted
         Catholic School will initiate a discussion with the parent(s) or                in the order received during this stage.
         guardian(s) to determine whether the child has a disability which          If a class level is full, a waiting list will be formed, based on the priority stated
         necessitates a modification and explore options for making                 above. This waiting list is not carried over from year to year.
         reasonable and necessary modification(s).                                  Enrollment and admission are not final until student files have been received and
     C. In the event St. Stephen’s Catholic School and the child’s parent(s) or     evaluated by the Principal to ensure we have the services to meet the needs of
         guardian(s) are unable to reach agreement on modification(s) for the       the student.
         child’s disability, St. Stephen’s Catholic School will provide a written
         response, within fifteen (15) business days of the conclusion of           Children entering St. Stephen’s Catholic School kindergarten for the first time
         discussions with the parent(s) or guardian(s), with the reason(s) for      must be at least five (5) years of age on, or prior to, September 1 of the year they
         denying the requested modification(s).                                     wish to enroll. Children entering St. Stephen’s Catholic School first grade for the
                                                                                    first time must be at least six (6) years of age on, or prior to, September 1 of the
                                                                                    year they wish to enroll.
PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...
• St. Stephen’s School begins at 7:40 a.m. and ends at 2:05 p.m.
• Students should not arrive before 7:15 a.m.
• Students who receive rides to school are expected to arrive by 7:30 a.m.
• Students not picked up from parent pick-up by 2:25 p.m. will be sent to the
  B.A.S.E. program and charged a drop in fee.
Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Days off calendar can be found here.
St. Stephen’s Catholic School K-4 program has placed a ceiling of 26:1 class size.   SCHOOL CLOSING
St. Stephen’s Catholic School 5-8 middle school program has placed a ceiling of      St. Stephen's School usually remains in session regardless of the weather.
30:1 class size. Some class sizes may be larger in order to accommodate              Parents are, of course, expected to use their own judgment in sending their child
registered families with more than one child.                                        to school on days when the weather is severe.
                                                                                     St. Stephen's School will be closed when District 11 closes. The announcement
A copy of your child’s schedule is posted on Educate. Any parent who does not
                                                                                     of school closing, early dismissal, or late start will be made via the Educate
receive one from the teacher may request one from the teacher.
                                                                                     Communications Alert System. Please watch for the announcements.

                                                                                     If District 11 schools are cancelled due to cold weather conditions; B.A.S.E. will
ABSENCES AND TRUANCY                                                                 be open for full day care. If District 11 schools are closed due to severe weather
Regular attendance and punctuality are absolutely necessary if a child is to do      and hazardous travel conditions, B.A.S.E. will be closed. In either case, parents
his/her best in school. You must call and inform the school if your child is ill,    will be notified via Educate Communications Alert System. Please contact
absent, or tardy, for any reason with a note or phone call. To report an             Mary Schaeppi (763) 712-7453 if you need more information.
absence/truancy call the Absence Line before 8:00 a.m. at 763-712-7467.
State your child's name, room #, and reason for absence. If you have not in-         An announcement will also be posted on Facebook.
formed us about their child's whereabouts with a note or a phone call prior to
the absence, we have no way of knowing whether or not their child is safe.
                                                                                              Staff will be alerted by the office staff if outdoor air quality is
School personnel may file an educational neglect report under the Child Abuse
                                                                                          compromised and indoor recess will occur instead. St. Stephen’s tracks
Reporting Act if a child has more than 7unexcused absences.
                                                                                                         weather conditions with a weather radio.
Fifth grade students have the option to serve as safety patrol for our students.       SCHOOL SAFETY DRILLS
Safety Patrol's only assist students across the street before and after school and     St. Stephen’s School follows the State of Minnesota’s Non-public School Safety
on Mass days. Please encourage children to stay in the marked walkways when            Drill policy, which states that we must have at least five school lock-down drills,
crossing Jackson Street.                                                               five school fire drills, and one tornado drill.
            Guidelines for marking Tardy or Absent:
                                                                                       Each room has instructions posted on where students/staff should go during the
             > Students arriving after 7:40 a.m. = tardy
                                                                                       Safety Drills.
             > Arriving to school after 10:45 a.m. = 1/2 day absent

PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...
SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL                                                                EXTRA CURRICULAR/CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES
St. Stephen’s School has a School Advisory Council which advises the school         St. Stephen’s Catholic School provides many opportunities for students to
administration. It is made up of parents and parishioners who believe in the        become involved in activities before and after school. Throughout the school
educational mission of the church and the school. Members are appointed to          year, parents will be notified as to participation in: school patrols, choir, clubs,
serve a specific period of time.                                                    enrichment activities and athletic teams and more. Check the school website for
                                                                                    more information. Some activities will not be offered this school year due to
To be considered for a position on the School Advisory Council, interested COVID.
individuals are invited to a meeting to learn about the goals of the committee, the
responsibilities, and how the meetings are conducted. Once a person has gone to
the informational meeting, they can indicate their interest in being a member to BAND
the school administrator. The individual will be considered for membership based Students in grades 4-8 have the opportunity to participate in our instrumental music
on the established process for committee membership. This meeting typically program. Arrangements for the band program are made on a special tuition basis
happens during the spring of each year.                                             between Totino Grace Fine Arts Program and the parents. Each week the
                                                                                    participating students will have one group band lesson and one small group lesson.
The School Advisory Council meets on a monthly basis in the school or via zoom.
Additional meetings may be called due to agenda items that may need additional To properly master the concepts being taught in the classroom during times that pull-
attention. Members are expected to be familiar with the mission and school programs out programs are offered, students must check with their teacher regarding any missed
and will be appointed to a leadership role in a strategic area of need.               work.

Each year they will advise the Principal in a number of areas. The council
members will be paired as co-leaders of one of the school’s strategic projects and ART ADVENTURE PROGRAM
will invite other school and parish community members to join them in service to In conjunction with the Minneapolis Art Institute, St. Stephen’s Catholic School offers
the school. If you are interested in these subcommittee’s please call the school the Art Adventure Program to our school children. The goal of the program is to
office and we’ll forward your message to the appropriate council co-leader.        awaken in our children the appreciation and enjoyment of good art. The Art
                                                                                   Adventure person presents a large color print of a famous painting or sculpture to a
School Advisory Council Members                                                    class. The children will discuss the picture and artist. Throughout the year, they are
Father Bennet Tran, Superintendent, non-voting member                              exposed to a wide variety of art works. As a conclusion, the children take a field trip to
Mary Kay Rowan Principal, Ex Officio, non-voting member                            the Minneapolis Art Institute. This program runs for 8 weeks in January and
Aaron Vandanacker, Director of Development                                         February. Due to COVID the field trip may not occur this year.

Sandy Lang, Angie Bizal, Laura Hudson, Caroline Jaeger, Kelly Blair, Teresa
Claypool, Lee Eiden, Tim Baland, Karina Fabrizzi, Melissa Patterson,

              School Advisory Council will meet once per month.

PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...
Preschool through 8th Grade
New Student Admission and Probation Policy
It is the hope of St. Stephen’s Catholic School staff and administration that all new
students adjust quickly and happily to our school. Sometimes, however, St. Ste-
phen’s may not be the best school for a student who has been accepted into our
program. In order for all of us to assess what is best for each child who enters our
school, we place new students on a 4-week probation program. Below are the
steps that will be followed for every student who enters at any time during the
school year. Week 1-4 represent the first 4 weeks of attendance at school.

Week 1: During the child’s first week of attendance at St. Stephen’s, the advisor
or classroom teacher contacts parents if he or she has any concerns about the
student in the areas of social adjustment, academic achievement or student effort.

Week 2: Advisor or classroom teacher contacts all other teachers and specialists
to see how the student is progressing. He/she then notifies our administration and
parents if the concerns of the first week are not improving or there are any new
concerns. A parent conference is set up sometime early in week three.

Week 3: If there are concerns at this time, a meeting is held with the
administration, the Student’s advisor/classroom teacher, the parents and the
child. Expectations for remaining at St. Stephen’s are explicitly laid out. A written
copy of these expectations are given to parents and kept by the advisor. If needed,
student’s progress will be assessed daily in the assignment notebook for student in
grades 3 through 8. For student in grades Kindergarten through 2, notes will be
sent to the parents on a daily basis when appropriate.                                  Week 4: Advisor or classroom teacher contacts all teachers again to
                                                                                        determine student’s progress in all areas with careful attention given to
                                                                                        the expectations outlined in Week 3. If these areas remain deficient, the
                                                                                        student’s parents will be notified of the impending expulsion.

                                                                                        Week 5 and beyond: It is our expectation that parents will continue to
                                                                                        communicate with teachers if there is any problem. We assume that
                                                                                        parents will remain involved in their student’s education throughout the
                                                                                        student’s time at St. Stephen’s.

                                                                                        The Principal reserves the right to modify or extend this probationary
                                                                                        period if he/she sees fit.

PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...
MONEY                                                                       RECESS/Physical Education
All money brought to school should be in an envelope labeled with the       All students in grades Preschool - 8 are expected to participate in recess and
child's name, grade, and purpose of the money. Money brought to             gym class. Requests to excuse students from recess/PE must be made in writ-
school should be given to the teacher, who in turn will send it to the      ing and will only be honored when accompanied by a doctor’s note with the
school office.                                                              number of days to be excused. Please dress your child appropriately for out-
                                                                            door recess. Indoor recess will occur when temperatures/wind chill fall below
TEXTBOOKS                                                                   0°, or it’s raining.
Students are assigned textbooks at the beginning of the school year.
Each student is responsible for the care and condition of his or her        BIRTHDAY TREATS
books. Students will be expected to pay for books that are lost or          Parents are welcome to bring treats for their child's birthday if they
damaged. If a student would like a second book to take home, a depos-       choose to, but they have to be store bought and individually wrapped.
it in the amount of the replacement cost of the book must be paid to        (no homemade items). Teachers are NOT responsible for handing out
the office before a second book is issued.                                  birthday invitations, or giving parents access to other students infor-
                                                                            mation (address, etc.) for invitations. Please do not send any invitations
SCHOOL SUPPLIES                                                             to school of any kind. We would ask that each parent make arrangements
Students are expected to have certain supplies for their classes. A list    with the teacher or advisor before bringing a treat, to choose the best
of these supplies is sent to the parents prior to the start of the school   time for the class. Please do not bring pop or any kind of gum for a birth-
year and is also posted to the school web-site over the summer. Copies      day treat.
can be obtained from the school office. The supply list is updated each
spring.                                                                     STUDENT RECORDS
                                                                            Student files are accessible to parents or legal guardians and authorized
KEYS                                                                        school personnel during regular school hours. Requests to review
Students who need to bring keys to school, such as house keys, should       student files must be made of the principal at least one (1) working day
have the keys on a ring that is clearly identifiable if lost.               prior to access. Files may not be removed from the school office.

The purpose of using videos or movies in the classrooms is to enhance
the curriculum and teaching, provided the teacher previews the videos
and receives approval from the administration. Only "G" rated movies
are shown in classrooms. PG rated movies are shown only with signed
parent approval.

PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...
NON-INSTRUCTIONAL ITEMS                                                               Transfer Out of Student Files
The use of cell phones and other non-instructional electronic devices has grown       Within District #11 - St. Stephen’s School records will be transferred upon receipt of
among our student population. When used during the school day, these devices          a phone call or fax from the Records Clerk for the respective school.
disrupt the learning environment and distract students and teachers from the
educational process. To minimize the potential for disruption and distraction,        Outside District #11 - A form must be completed and signed by a parent before
students are prohibited from using cell phones and other electronic devices           student records will be transferred or they must be requested by the transferring
                                                                                      school’s office.
during the instructional day, including between classes or during lunch breaks.
                                                                                      Permanent records taken from the school office by the parent, will result in the
This policy applies to cell phones and other electronic devices that are not being
                                                                                      school removing that child from its class list.
used for instructional purposes (“other electronic devices”) including but not
limited to Ipods and smart watches, Ipads, or other similar tablets, personal or
handheld gaming units, and cameras, camcorders, and any other device capable          SMOKING POLICY
of making audio or visual recordings. Our school reserves the exclusive right to      Based on the MINNESOTA CLEAR INDOOR ACT IN SCHOOLS of 1975 and in order to
decide what constitutes “other electronic devices.” This policy is in effect          portray a positive model for St. Stephen’s School students, no smoking is permitted
between the hours of 7:25 a.m. and 2:10 p.m.                                          in the school building or on the school or parish grounds.

All student cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off and
stored in the student’s locker or backpack from the first bell to the last bell of
the day.

The inappropriate use of any device capable of digital documentation, including
cell phones, voice recorders, cameras, or camcorders, is strictly prohibited on
school grounds and at school-sponsored events.

Students who violate this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including
suspension and expulsion, in accordance with our school discipline policy. A cell
phone or other electronic device used or possessed by a student during the
school day will be taken by the staff. A parent will need to come to the school
office to retrieve the items after school.

St. Stephen’s is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones or other
electronic devices. Possession or use of all cell phones or other electronic
devices in violation of this policy will result in St. Stephen’s right to inspect
information on the cell phone and any other electronic device. St. Stephen’s
also reserves the right to confiscate any cell phone or other electronic device as
it deems appropriate consistent with the purpose of this policy.

PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...
K-8 UNIFORM & Non-Uniform DRESS CODE - 2020/21
                                            As a Catholic Faith Community, we believe that no child should be treated differently based upon her/his dress or appearance.
                                            The goal of the uniform policy at St. Stephen’s School is to identify our student body in the community through respectful
                                            representation. Our expectation is for the student to be neat, clean and decent. Students are required to follow the school uniform
                                            policy and students not properly attired will be sent to the office and his/her parent(s) will be called and expected to bring in proper
                                            clothing. The School Teachers and Administration reserve the right to deem whether uniform or non-uniform attire is appropriate.

                              Uniform Dress Code                                                                         Non-Uniform Dress Code
Uniform Vendor:              CHAMPLIN ATHLETIC                                                  Out of Uniform Passes can ONLY be used on FRIDAYS
                             12172 Ensign Ave.
                             Champlin, MN 55316                                              If students are wearing tight fitting pants, shirts must completely cover their
                             Phone: (763) 421-7949                                            bottoms.
TOPS:                                                                                        All tops must not be excessively tight fitting or may not expose stomach or cleav-
    Official school logo navy sweatshirt.                                                    age.
    Official school logo navy or white short/long sleeve t-shirt.                           Sleeveless shirts are allowed only if straps are three fingers in width wide.
    Official school logo navy, white or gold short/long sleeve polo shirt.                  Undergarments cannot be visible through shirt.
    Official school logo navy cardigan.
    Plain white blouse (to go with uniform jumper).                                                                     Other Dress Code Items
                                                                                             Boots, snow pants, hats and mittens must be worn in the winter time.
       Navy pants—not tight fitting or stretchy material (grades K-8).                      Any hair style that draws undue attention is not permitted (i.e. mohawks, unnatu-
       Khaki pants—not tight fitting or stretchy material (grades 6-8).                      ral color, or shave pattern).
       NO KNIT pant or stretchy material of any kind may be worn as a uniform
                                                                                             Excessive jewelry or make-up, caps or hats, are not permitted. Headbands or hair
       Plain navy shorts (Bermuda length), skorts, or capris (grades K-8).                   accessories need to be a neutral color (NO ANIMAL EARS OR TIARA HEADBANDS).
       Plain khaki shorts Bermuda length), skorts, or capris (grades 6-8).                  Belts must be a neutral color.
       Navy blue or white leggings are allowed only if worn under jumpers or                Clothes with rips, holes and or frays are not permitted.
       Shorts of twill material are allowed before October 15 and after April 15.
       Shorts worn at any time during the year, must be no shorter than three
        inches above the knee.
       Uniform pants must cover tops of boots.
  SHOES must be worn at all times, and NO SANDALS ALLOWED.
  SHOES must have a back or a strap.
  Flip-flops, sharp heels, or platform shoes are not permitted.

     —Click on St. Stephen’s

Mass Days: Will be uniform days for all students.
Mass Ministers must wear long pants or skirts.
Spirit wear (pictured on right) can only be worn on Fridays or designated days.
PARENT/STUDENT Calendar and Handbook Preschool thru Eighth Grade - 506 Jackson Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 tel. 763-421-3236 fax ...
TUITION                                                                               TERMINATION
The ACTUAL COST of providing your child a Catholic education at St. Stephen’s         In the event of non-payment in accordance will the terms of the tuition
School in Grades K-8, is $6,263.00 a year. The parish invests a large percentage      agreement, St. Stephen’s reserves the right to terminate the tuition agreement for
of this cost to help provide this education for your child(ren). It is important to   default. In the event of termination, the student(s) will not be permitted to
the future of our school that you, (1) continue your stewardship gifts to the         continue attendance at St. Stephen’s Catholic School.
parish and, (2) consider paying the actual cost, or a percentage of the actual        FINANCIAL AID
cost, of your child’s tuition if you are financially able to do so.
                                                                                      Families will be required to apply for financial aid by a given deadline as the
ANNUAL SUBSIDIZED TUITION INVESTMENT:                                                 school and church have limited resources.
                                                                                      Families who receive financial aid will be required to uphold the timescale for
                            Kindergarten          First Grade      Grades 2-8         tuition payments. Those who fail to uphold the timescale will not be eligible
                                                                                      for future financial aid awards.
First Child                  $4,150.00            $3,415.00           $4,150          St. Stephen’s School uses TADS to determine the amount of Financial Aid. There
  *For 3 and 4 year old preschool, options and tuition prices are available on the    are two ways to apply:
                           preschool registration form.                               1. On-line at, click on the Family Log-in button to begin. Use
DISCOUNTS                                                                                 School Code SP234120000;
Each family may receive only one type of discount; i.e. a family can receive a        2. Call TADS at 1-800-477-8237 to request an application. TADS Worksheets are
multi-student discount, or a single pre-payment discount. Any family receiving            available in our school office, however, this is not an application.
financial aid from the Church of St. Stephen will not be eligible to receive a        FUNDRAISER EXPECTATION
further discounted tuition.
                                                                                      All families are expected to raise at least $120/per K-8 student and $50 for each
     5% discount is given for paying your tuition in full before school starts.
                                                                                      preschool student for Catholic Schools Raffle in January. Additional optional
     5% multiple student discount is given for each additional student in the        fundraisers are listed on page 43.
     same family.
                                                                                      TECHNOLOGY FEE EXPECTATION
PAYMENT PLAN                                                                          All families are required to pay a one time—non-refundable technology fee. These
You will then receive a letter or an email with a contract and tuition payment        funds will be used to keep St. Stephen’s technology new and updated as well as to
options. You will be able to select your payment plan and submit the agreement        repair and replace our current computers/iPads/chromebooks.
to TADS. If you need their support, please contact them directly:
Support Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., or e-mail:
                                                                                      ACTIVITY FEE
Phone: (612) 238-3554, Fax: (612) 548-3326, Toll-free: 1-800-477-8237.                All families are expected to pay a one time - non-refundable activity fee. These
                                                                                      funds will be used for miscellaneous student needs, such as field trip fees,
PAST DUE TUITION                                                                      classroom project fees, weekly newspapers, assignment notebooks, etc. This fee
In the event that payments are not received according to the payment plan per         will not cover fundraisers and charitable donations or optional field trips.
the tuition agreement, the following conditions apply:                                                             Activity Fee per grade level
1. The responsible party is liable for a bank service charge, not to exceed $30       Preschool                 $35.00        Fourth Grade              $65.00
     to be imposed immediately on any dishonored check.
                                                                                      Kindergarten              $55.00        Fifth Grade               $70.00
2. The responsible part is responsible for any late fees assessed by TADS. Fees
     are stated in section E of the tuition agreement.                                First Grade               $65.00        Sixth Grade              $110.00*
3. Finance charges will be assessed at rate of .66% per month (8.0) annually)
                                                                                      Second Grade              $65.00        Seventh Grade             $110.00
     on balances 30 or more days past due.
                                                                                      Third Grade               $65.00        Eighth Grade              $120.00
HOMEWORK POLICY                                                                     ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK
St. Stephen’s School expects that our students will spend a designated time for     Students in grades 2-8 are required to use an assignment notebook provided by school.
homework each school night. The times per grade level are as follows:
                                                                                    The assignment notebook is to be used for:
                                                                                        1. Writing daily assignments for each class.
    Kindergarten = 10 minutes        Grade 5 = 50 minutes
                                                                                        2. Communication between home and school.
    Grade 1 = 15 minutes             Grade 6 = 60 minutes
                                                                                        3. Notification of late assignments.
    Grade 2 = 20 minutes             Grade 7 = 70 minutes
                                                                                        4. A tool to assist with student organization.
    Grade 3 = 30 minutes             Grade 8 = 80 minutes
                                                                                        5. Notification of upcoming tests and long term assignments.
     HOMEWORK IS POSTED ON Each Teacher’s Website for grades 3-4.
     It is posted on each middle school teacher’s ‘Teacher Information
                                                                                    Students .......................... Enter each assignment for each class daily and assure
           Link’ at the bottom of his/her web page for grades 5-8.
                                                                                                                         assignment(s) are completed with quality and effort.
    Grade 4 = 40 minutes                                                            Parents ............................ Review the daily assignment(s) each evening, assist
                                                                                                                         your child as needed and sign the page as required by
                                                                                                                         the teacher.
  If work is turned in 1-2 days late, the grade on the assignment will be
                                                                                    Teachers .......................... Provide ample time to transfer assignment(s) to book,
   lowered 10%.
                                                                                                                         using clear instructions. Provide communication.
  If work is turned in 3 or more days late, students will receive a grade          Advisors........................... Check assignment books at least one time weekly and
   of 59% on that assignment.                                                                                            provide direction as needed. Provide communication.
  Assignments not turned in will get No Credit.
                                                                                    The consequence of your child not using the assignment notebook may be
If a student misses days for vacations, he or she has one day for each day missed   decreased communication, misunderstanding of assignments and
to make up the work. The parents are responsible for any missed instruction.        disorganization, possibly resulting in lower grades.

   LATE WORK POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR KINDERGARTEN                                 The teachers believe the assignment notebook to be a very positive way to
 THROUGH 4TH STUDENTS ARE DETERMINED BY EACH TEACHER.                               enhance organizational skills, track assignments, in addition to being a positive
                                                                                    and concrete way to communicate.
St. Stephen’s School expects that our students will spend a designated time for
reading each school night or week. The times per grade level are as follows:

    Preschool = 50 minutes/week             Grade 4   =   130 minutes/week
    Kindergarten = 50 minutes/week          Grade 5   =   150 minutes/week
    Grade 1 = 85 minutes/week               Grade 6   =   150 minutes/week
    Grade 2 = 100 minutes/week              Grade 7   =   150 minutes/week
    Grade 3 = 115 minutes/week              Grade 8   =   150 minutes/week

Religion classes, apostolic works, daily prayer, and weekly liturgical
                                                                                     SPECIAL SERVICES
                                                                                     In cooperation with personnel from Anoka-Hennepin School District #11,
celebrations are a priority at St. Stephen’s School. Catholic morals and
                                                                                     St. Stephen’s School provides assistance to students in the following areas:
values are emphasized throughout the entire day and throughout the                   Special Education, Speech Clinician and Counseling Services.
general curriculum.
                                                                                     Dr. Steven Kahn and Megan Moseley will continue as our school counselors.
Preschool Curriculum                                                                 Megan will be at school one day per week. Dr. Kahn can be reached at 651-426-
St. Stephen’s Catholic School Preschool program provides for all areas of a          4297 or They work with students at parent request and
child’s development: spiritual, social, emotional, cognitive, and physical. Active   enjoy meeting with parents before they begin working with a student. Megan
exploration is encouraged through learning areas and interaction with adults         will also be available to provide classroom presentations to all grade levels.
and peers. The difficulty, complexity, and challenge of activities increase as the   SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMS
children develop understanding of concepts and skills. The program offers a          The Faith for Life Program supports the parish sacramental policies. The
balance of indoor and outdoor activities, restful and active movement activities,    preparation process for the sacraments occurs in the family unit, but is
and a varied curriculum encompassing Faith for Life, readiness, art, music,          enhanced and incorporated in the daily formation of the students. Contact the
drama, library, computer, Spanish, physical education, math, science, and social     Parish office for more details.
                                                                                     MEDIA CENTER
K-4 Curriculum                                                                       The media center is available to students during school hours. Items in the media
                            Language Arts          Core Academics                    center are checked out for two weeks. Books may be renewed one time.
                            Reading                Mathematics                       Students in kindergarten and 1st grade are allowed to have 1 book checked out
Prayer and Worship
                            Writing-Handwriting    Science                           at a time. Students in 2nd grade are allowed to have 2 books checked out at a
Liturgical Seasons
                            Spelling/Vocabulary    Social Studies                    time, and students in 3rd—8th grade are allowed to have 3 books checked out at
Sacraments and Liturgies
                            Speaking               Specials                          a time. Students with overdue materials will not be allowed to check out
Community Service
                            Listening              Music and Art                     additional books until the overdue material is returned or the media center is
Catholic Social Teachings
                                                   Physical Education                reimbursed for the material. Overdue slips will be sent home with students, at a
5-8 Curriculum                                     Media and Technology              minimum, every trimester. Questions regarding media center materials checked
                                                                                     out to a student can be addressed to the media center email account. Please
Religion                     Language Arts         Core Academics                    provide the student’s name and grade level in your correspondence.
Prayer and Worship           Reading               Mathematics
Word and Tradition           Writing               Science                           FIELD TRIPS
Sacraments and Liturgies     Vocabulary            Social Studies                    Field trips are an extension of the classroom curriculum. Students must have a
Community Service            Spelling                                                permission slip signed by parents and are expected to participate in the field
Evangelization               Speaking              Specials                          trips as they would their normal classroom activities. The cost of the field trips
Service Requirement          Media &Technology     Music and Art                     is covered by the Activity Fee. Money will not be refunded if the student does
Character Building                                 Physical Education/Health         not attend a field trip. If the student does not attend the field trip, the parent
Catholic Social Teachings                          Spanish                           must provide supervision. Physically active field trips may be designated as
                                                                                     non-uniform. All other field trips are uniform days. Optional field trips are not
                                                                                     included in this cost.
             Check the school website for
                                                                                     Chaperones are required to attend a VIRTUS Training, successfully complete a
                 links to standards.                                                 Background Check, sign a Liability Waiver, 123b and a Volunteer Code of Conduct.
                                                                                     How-to sheets are available in the office.
St. Stephen's School has adopted a uniform grading scale for grades 3-8. The
following grading systems will be used to report student achievement:           Successful Learning Behaviors
                                                                                     Works well independently
Academic Grading Scale for all Classes Gr. 3-8:                                      Works well with others
           98.0-100.0 =     A+ =        Superior                                     Able to monitor own behavior and use self control
           93.0-97.9 =      A     =     Superior                                     Asks appropriate questions
           90.0-92.9 =      A- =        Superior                                     Shows respect to others and property
           87.0-89.9 =      B+ =        Very Good                                    Uses good problem solving and conflict resolution techniques
           83.0-86.9 =      B     =     Very Good                                    Completes work in a neat and organized manner
           80.0-82.9 =      B- =        Very Good                                    Shows responsibility for work completion
           77.0-79.9 =      C+ =        Satisfactory                                 Uses time well
           73.0-76.9 =      C     =     Satisfactory                                 Actively listens to teachers and others
           70.0-72.9 =      C- =        Satisfactory                                 Follows directions and expectations of the class
           67.9-69.9 =      D+ =        Below Average
           63.0-66.9 =      D     =     Below Average                           Successful Learning Behaviors Grading Scale
            0.0-62.9 =      D- =        Below Average                                       4—Consistently
The school’s grading software program calculates the grades to the nearest 10               3—Frequently
thousandth and does not round up.                                                           2—Sometimes
           Extra Credit is not an option for Middle School Students.                        1—Rarely
Academic Grading Scale for all Classes Gr. K-2:                                             N/A—N/A
                        100.0- 100.0=    O+
                         96.0- 99.99=    O
                                                                                Disclaimer for Grades on Educate
                         89.0- 95.99=    O-                                     Grades posted on Educate may not reflect current grades. Some grades shown
                         84.0- 88.99=    S+                                     may be from previous grading periods. Additionally, teachers reserve the right
                         76.0- 83.99=    S
                                                                                to add/delete/modify grades at their discretion.

                         69.0- 75.99=    S-                                     Educate is meant to give you a good indication of your child’s progress. Due to
                         0.00- 68.99=    U                                      variations in the amount of time required to grade student work, especially
                                                                                absences and other make-up work, the grades you see on Educate may not
                                                                                reflect the exact grade that he or she has at any point in time.
   Trimester Dates:
                       Trimester 1 = 09/08/20—11/30/2020
                                                                                In addition, parents and students are discouraged from attempting to average
                      Trimester 2 = 12-01-2020—03/11/2021                       the tasks listed. Teachers may not show all tasks, and may weight individual
                        Trimester 3 = 3/23/21—06/10/2021                        assignments or tests. The purpose of the posted grades is to list a child’s current
                                                                                grade average in a class and show scores on individual tasks.

                        TRANSPORTATION                                                        Upon arrival on school grounds and until departure at the end of the day, the
                                                                                              student's safety and welfare is the responsibility of the school. Therefore, it is
                                                                                              necessary that once students arrive at school - off the bus, by car, by bike or by
PARKING                                                                                       foot - they are to stay on school grounds. Because of the proximity of school
During school operating hours, families and visitors should adhere to city and parish         grounds to busy traffic areas, the school considers violations of this policy
parking regulations. No vehicles will be allowed in the parking lots of the school            serious and will discipline accordingly. The only exception for this is when
during school hours due to recess and outdoor learning groups. Bus drop off and               written permission has been sent by parents for a specific and necessary reason,
pick up is on Jackson Street so please do not park on the school side of Jackson              (i.e. medical, dental appointments).
Street . Cones will indicate the no parking areas.
                                                                                              BUS SERVICE
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up for Preschool—8                                                   Bus transportation is available for St. Stephen’s School students to and from
If you choose to park in the East parking lot, you MUST WALK YOUR CHILD to the                school on the days your family has been assigned based on the new Covid bus-
door of the school. Preschool parents are required to bring their children to the             sing plan, provided you live within the Anoka Hennepin School District and with-
front door for drop off and pick up will be in the back of the school for Preschool           in St. Stephen’s School attendance area. Transportation may also be available
students and siblings. Please park on the north side of Jackson Street or in the East         to students outside the Anoka Hennepin School District and outside the St. Ste-
Parking Lot.                                                                                  phen’s attendance area for a fee, assuming your student will be boarding a bus
                                                                                              at the nearest bus stop within the District and St. Stephen’s attendance bounda-
K–8 Parent Drop Off                                                                           ries. Notice of bus routes and schedules are published by the District each sum-
St. Stephen’s School has a traffic pattern for morning drop off that helps us keep students   mer before school begins. All students attend state mandated bus safety drills
safe and traffic moving. All cars and day care passenger vehicles enter at Fifth Avenue and   each school year. Children may ride only their assigned bus. With parental per-
exit onto Jackson Street. This is a one way pattern. It is important that you follow this     mission they may get off on a stop other than their own, on their regular bus.
traffic pattern. Parking on Jackson Street is reserved for Preschool Parents only. There is   Each fall the school district requires that all students pass bus safety curriculum;
NO PARKING in the West Parking Lot. For a picture of this, click here.                        even if a student does not ride the bus to school, as our students will be using
If you would like to park in the parking lot to drop off your child, please feel free to      buses for field trips.
do so in the East Parking Lot. No student, however, is permitted to walk through the          A note must be sent to your child's teacher indicating any changes in daily
parking lot unescorted. Therefore, if you park your vehicle, please escort your child         transportation. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE ON VOICE MAIL. If you move or
to and from the sidewalk.                                                                     change day care during the school year, please contact the district
                                                                                              transportation department at 506-1130. If your child is late getting home, please
K-8 Parent Pick Up
Please enter and park your vehicle in the lot off of 6th Avenue. When the bell rings, the                                  First Student Champlin~       763-421-5785
students will be dismissed to the buses or to the sidewalk in the parking lot. Your child
                                                                                                                           First Student Anoka ~         763-421-3199
will stay on the sidewalk with the teachers until you escort your child to the car. If you
need to dismiss your child early, please come into the health office to sign him or her out                                Kottkes Bus Company ~         763-755-3100
of school. Your child must be picked up at the end of the day by 2:25 p.m. (school is
out at 2:05 p.m.) If your child is not picked up by 2:25 p.m. they will be sent to the
                                                                                              Compliance by Non-public and Charter School Students. It is required that our
BASE Program and you will be charged the BASE fee.
                                                                                              school students transported by a public school district shall comply with student bus
                                                                                              conduct and student bus discipline policies of the transporting public school district.
                 Students who arrive to school late or leave school early,
                         must sign in/out in the school Health Office.                        School Bus Discipline Policy change: The use of digital or video photography,
                All Visitors and Volunteers must sign in at the school office
                                                                                              including any digital documentation device including cellular phone
                          and wear a "Volunteer or Visitor" badge.
                                                                                              photography or video is strictly prohibited on the school bus.

B.A.S.E. Childcare and After School Enrichment                                           Summer Adventure Club
The B.A.S.E. program provides a safe, nurturing, and fun atmosphere, after school, for   Summer Adventure Club is an extension of our school year B.A.S.E. program
children of families enrolled at St. Stephen’s School. The B.A.S.E. program also pro-    which strives to support families by being responsive to their needs and by
vides full day care days on designated non-school days throughout the school year.       providing a safe, structured and caring atmosphere for the school aged children
                                                                                         of families enrolled at St. Stephen’s School and or Parish. Our goal throughout
Hours for the program are:                                                               the summer is to provide the enrolled students with a diverse curriculum which
     P.M. Session: 2:10 to 6:00 p.m.                                                     offers creative art, literature, science, math and large muscle activities which will
     Full Day Care hours: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on NO SCHOOL days.                      promote education through a variety of games and instructive activities. Most of
                                                                                         all we realize that this is the children’s summer vacation and we want them to
Cost: ($25 Annual Family Non-refundable Enrollment Fee)                                  have FUN while learning!

Regular school day:                                                                      Enrollment:
P.M. Session:   2:10—6:00 p.m. -$20. 00 per day per child for registered child           School age children (5-10 years)
                     2:10—6:00 p.m.-$25.00 per day per child drop-in
                                                                                         Hours for the program are:
Full Day Care days: $50 per child per day                                                The program will be in session from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. during the summer
You will still be billed if you sign and your child not attend.                          months.

No drop in on non-school days.                                                           Field Trips:
                                                                                         Summer Adventure Club will be offering weekly in-house field trips, visits to the
                                                                                         Anoka Aquatic Center, workshops, and/or bringing in performers each week. An
                                                                                         additional cost per trip will be incurred.

                                                                                         St. Stephen’s Catholic School’s discipline policy is enforced in both programs.

                                                                                         We at B.A.S.E. and Summer Adventure Club thank you for allowing us to be a
                                                                                         part of your children’s lives. Each one of them is special to us and we consider
                                                                                         spending time with them a gift!

                                                                                         To obtain more specific information about the program or to enroll your child in the
                                                                                         program contact Mary Schaeppi at 763-712-7453.

                                                                                                                                                       Office:    421-3236
                                                                                                                                                       Absence:   712-7467
                                                                                                                                                       Kitchen:   712-7460
                                                                                                                                                       BASE:      712-7453
                                                                                LUNCH ACCOUNTS
LUNCH PROGRAM                                                                    All students are assigned a Lunch PIN number. This is also their Student ID number,
The Federal Hot Lunch Program is operative in our school. Each student in which is given to the lunch clerk as they pass through the lunch line.
grades K-8 may receive a nutritionally balanced lunch with milk for the cost of: Access Student Accounts Online
                                                                                 Parents/Guardians may look up student account balances and purchase history at
                $3.50 for Preschool—8th Grade                                    anytime by accessing and clicking Cafeteria
                                                                                 Balance from the Activity Feed Screen. Any problems with logging in, Username
                $3.80 for Adults,                                                and/or Password, please call or email the SCHOOL ADMIN OFFICE for assistance
                $ .35 for ala carte or additional milk.                          763-421-3236.
A choice of three kinds of milk are provided with hot lunch or salad bar and are Student Balance Reminders:
included in the price of a lunch. Students may purchase an additional milk with     Parents/Guardians will receive automated balance alerts from our
their hot lunch or cold lunch. The milk choices are 1%, skim and chocolate. They     Educate Cafeteria System concerning your student’s lunch account, when it
are .35¢ each. Free and reduced lunch applications are made available to parents     has reached or dropped below a POSITIVE $10.00 balance (about a weeks
who qualify.                                                                         worth of meals).
                                                                                  Online payments for Lunch/Fee Accounts can be made by accessing the school
                                                                                  When your child’s balance is negative, please send enough funds to cover both
                                                                                     the debt and any additional lunches.
                                                                                  When writing a check for lunch, please include your students name/pin number
                                                                                     on the memo line. If you have more than one child, please designate the
                                                                                     amount you would like deposited into each individual account. Place a check in
                                                                                     an envelope with your child(ren)s name clearly marked as well as a notation
                                                                                     marked “lunch money.” If you are sending cash for more than one child, please
                                                                                     list the amount to be deposited into each account. Cash must also be in an
                                                                                     envelope clearly marked with “name” and “lunch money.”

                                                                                  In accordance with federal law and United States Department of Agriculture
                                                                                  (USDA) policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of
                                                                                  race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimina-
                                                                                  tion, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue,
                                                                                  SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voice), (800)
                                                                                  877-8339 (FRS), (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider
                                                                                  and employer.

Nutrition Education
The primary goal of nutrition education is to influence students' eating behaviors. Building nutrition knowledge and skills helps children make healthy eating and
physical activity choices. To make a difference, St. Stephen School will provide nutrition education that is appropriate for students' ages; reflects students' cultures;
is integrated into subjects such as math and reading; and provides opportunities for students to practice skills and have fun. St. Stephen’s School will also choose
nutrition education curricula that are easy to teach and foster lifelong healthy eating.
   Students in Preschool—Grade 8 receive nutrition education that teaches the skills they need to adopt healthy eating behaviors.
   Nutrition education is offered in the school dining room as well as in the classroom.
   Nutrition is integrated into the health education or core curricula (e.g., math, science, language arts).
   The Wellness Committee consists of the school Principal, the Physical Education teacher and the Nutrition Director.
   Stakeholders can review the policy at any time.
   Wellness Committee meeting dates will be posted and available for public involvement.

Physical Activity
   Students are given opportunities for physical activity during the school day through physical education (PE) classes, daily recess periods for elementary school
    and middle school students, and the integration of physical activity into the academic curriculum.
   Students are given opportunities for physical activity through a range of before- and/or after-school programs including, but not limited to, B.A.S.E., intramurals,
    interscholastic athletics, and physical activity clubs.

Other school-based activities designed to promote wellness
The goal is to create a total school environment that is conducive to healthy eating and being physically active.
Dining Environment
 St. Stephen’s School    provides a clean, safe, enjoyable meal environment for students.
 St. Stephen’s School    provides enough space and serving areas to ensure all students have access to school meals with minimum wait time.
 St. Stephen’s School    makes drinking fountains available and allows students to fill their individual water bottles, so that students can get water at meals and
    throughout the day.
 St. Stephen’s School    encourages all students participate in school meals program and protect the identity of students who eat free and reduced price meals.

   Menus are designed to meet the everyday daily requirements. Menus follow USDA standards and guidelines with emphasis on portion control and offering 3
    vegetable choices daily.
   St. Stephen’s School utilizes farm to table as much as possible and also purchases food that is locally sourced thru our distributors. St. Stephen’s School also
    participates in DOD fresh produce program.
   The Wellness Policy is reviewed every three years.

Time to Eat
   St. Stephen’s School will ensure an adequate time for students to enjoy eating healthy foods with friends in school.
   St. Stephen’s School will schedule lunch time as near the middle of the school day as possible.
Food or Physical Activity as a Reward or Punishment
   St. Stephen’s School will prohibit the use of food as a reward or punishment in classrooms or restriction from Physical Education class.
Consistent School Activities and Environment
   St. Stephen’s School will ensure that all school fundraising efforts are supportive of healthy eating.
   St. Stephen’s School will provide opportunities for on-going professional training and development for foodservice staff and teachers in the areas of nutrition and
    physical education.
                                                         *This establishment is an equal opportunity provider*
Through state aid and in cooperation with Anoka-Hennepin District #11, St.
                                                                                     For prescription medications, we require a letter from the doctor giving
Stephen's School utilizes the part-time services of a Health Nurse. Our health
                                                                                     permission to distribute the medication to the student in school and a letter of
nurse is responsible for tending to injured or ill students, administering
                                                                                     permission or request from the parent or guardian that the student get the med-
medications, and contacting parents, if necessary. Also, record-keeping for state
                                                                                     ication in school. The medication must be in the prescription bottle, issued by
requirements on student immunizations and other health related matters are
                                                                                     the pharmacist.
the responsibility of the health nurse, who needs prompt and cooperative
service from parents and students in keeping our school in compliance with
                                                                                     For non-prescription over-the-counter medications, we require a letter of
State Health Department rules.
                                                                                     permission from the parent or guardian to administer the medication to the
Our Health Office will be covered by the District Health Nurse, Merry Joy            student at school. We will require permission from a physician in cases where
Naeher-Olson, along with a group of highly qualified volunteers who will staff       the dosages requested are above the recommended dosages for over-the-
the Health Office when the District Health Nurse is not on site. Parents should      counter use, such as in cases of aspirin administration to arthritic patients. In
feel reassured to have such remarkable talent caring for their children              cases in which the dosage would be normal, we will administer those if they are
throughout the day.                                                                  brought to the school in the proper container which is labeled with the medica-
                                                                                     tion contained therein and the parent writes a letter of request for that to be
If your child has any special needs, food allergies and intolerances be sure to      given to the student in the school setting. We also will require a physicians per-
contact the health office as soon as possible. Please let us know if there is any    mission for those non-prescription, over the counter medications, that will be
information to be updated such as immunizations received during the summer,          left in the Health Office over 14 days. After 14 days, they will be sent home.
communicable diseases, or if your child had surgery. Please feel free to
communicate your child's health needs at any time during the school year.
Be sure your child is healthy enough to come to school. General guidelines to        EMERGENCY INFORMATION
follow: 1. If your child has had a fever of 100° or more, he/she should stay home    Emergency contacts/information is required each year. This information is
24 hours after the temperature returns to normal. 2. If your child has vomited       essential so parents can be contacted if your child becomes ill, needs to be sent
or had diarrhea, he/she should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.      home, or in case of an emergency. It is very important to list friends, neighbors,
3. If your child has had any rash that may be disease-related or you do not know     or relatives who can be called if you cannot be reached and who are willing to
the cause, check with your family physician before sending him/her to school.        pick up your child from school if necessary.
For excused gym/recess class, please see page 18.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Policy
Students infected with AIDS (HTLV-III) shall be placed in an appropriate             HEALTH SCREENING
educational program which will maximize the well-being of the infected student       Vision - Screening takes place in the fall for grades: 1, 3, 5, & 7. Children are
and minimize the risk of infections for other students and staff. The appropriate    screened annually for potential vision problems and parents are contacted if an eye
placement of infected students shall be determined by the administration.            examination appears warranted. Any child may be checked at a parent's request.
                                                                                     Hearing- Screening takes place in the fall for grades: K, 1, 3, & 5. Children are
ALLERGIES                                                                            screened annually for any hearing problems and parents are contacted if it appears
If your child has an allergy to milk, or any other specific food item, we need a     they are having hearing difficulties. Any child may be checked at a parent's request.
medical slip signed by your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner, or Physicians Assistant in
order for us to substitute a food item. Please get two signed slips, one for the
health office and one for the lunch room.
            The success of any organization is good communication. All members and committees of St. Stephen’s School believe that through continued
            communication, schedules are coordinated, proper information is delivered, and commitment is strengthened.
            The following are means of communication between home and school:

EDUCATE                                                                                  PARISH BULLETIN
Educate is a secure web based program for parents to access student                      The parish bulletin is an important way to inform the parish at large about the
information. Each parent will receive a password protected account on Educate            school. Teachers and parents, as well as the administration, can use the bulletin
Parents can use Educate to:                                                              to inform, recruit, and thank the people of the Parish.

     Check your child's latest grades (Gr. K-8)                                         SCHOOL CALENDAR and KEY DATES
                                                                                         The school calendar can be found on the school web site so it can be updated
     Receive e-mails with school or class information
                                                                                         as needed. This calendar informs parents of non-school days, parent/teacher
     See what homework is not turned in (Gr. 1-8)                                       conferences, programs, and graduation. This handbook no longer contains the
     View daily homework assignments (Gr. 3-8)                                          calendar.
     Verify attendance (Gr. K-8)
                                                                                         PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES
     View behavior checks (Gr. 6-8)                                                     Parent-Teacher conferences occur twice a year. Early in the school year, you will
     View school calendar information.                                                  be given a website address and directions on how to sign up for a conference
                                                                                         time that works for your family. Parents will receive notice of time set aside for
                                                                                         conferences directly from their child’s teacher. Parent-Teacher conferences can
                                                                                         also be arranged at other times during the year by contacting your child's
WEBSITE and CLASSROOM NEWS                                                               classroom teacher or advisor.
K—4 teachers will update their websites to keep parents informed of classroom
schedules, events, and curriculum topics. Middle School teachers will update
Padlet on a regular basis, to access Padlet, please click here. Teachers use these
                                                                                         REPORT CARDS
                                                                                         Report cards are posted to Educate at the end of each Trimester. It is the
websites to request classroom support and parent volunteers.
                                                                                         intention of the school to communicate to the parents how their child is
                                                                                         performing in his/her class work. Report cards only indicate absences and
                                                                                         tardiness, not whether they are excused or unexcused.

                                                                                         Kindergarten through Eighth grade teachers post grade reports to Educate
                                                                                         periodically during each trimester.

                                                                                         Contact your child’s teacher or advisor if you need hard copies of report cards or
                                                                                         of the Educate grade postings.

    Authorization for Disclosure of Information to Catholic Schools: By signing the tuition contract, you agree that St. Stephen’s School may, at its own discretion,
    disclose the name, mailing address, and email address of your student(s) to other Catholic Schools within the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. You
    have the right to withdraw this consent for future disclosures at any time. Such withdrawal is not retroactive. Any withdrawal of consent must be done in
    writing to the Principal of the School.
You can also read