12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre

Page created by Kevin Watkins
12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
The FREE magazine for unpaid carers on The Fylde Coast

• What's On Guide
• Carers’ true stories
• Take5 sessions for adults - our new respite programme

          GLITZ &
               12 March 2022

Tickets NOW available with     Dementia Awareness             Support for
early booking incentives!      Training Courses for carers    young adult carers
Page 5                         Page 7                         Page 19
12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
                                                                                   PRIZE DRAW                                                                         In aid of

                                                                                                             per en
                                                                                                                      tr y

                                                                                   Bernie Atherton Carpets are proud to be the main sponsor
                                                                                   for the Blackpool Carers’ fundraising Castle to Castle 3-day Cycle Ride on 4-7 August 2021
                                                                                   To raise funds, we are holding a prize draw with all proceeds going to Blackpool Carers.

                                                                                            H 1st prize worth £1,500 H
                                                                                            Lounge, Hall, Stairs and Landing Carpet with underlay from a
                                                                                        selected range of carpet, supplied and fitted, up to a value of £1,500
                                                                                            H 2nd prize - 2 x Full Hospitality tickets H
                                                                                            (including meal) to a Liverpool Football Club game worth £580
                                                                                           H 3rd Prize - A choice of rug worth £200 H
                                                                                     For each £5 you donate, you will receive 1 x draw entry
                                                                                              Enter in store at Bernie Atherton Carpets, or online at
                                                                                                          or by scanning the QR code below.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Scan to
                                                                                                                                                                                  enter online

                                                                                                                   164-166 Dock Street, Fleetwood FY7 6JB
                                                                                                   Tel: 01253 874111 / 01253 874398 Email: bernie-atherton@btconnect.com


                                                          Sensory Room at
                                                       Beaverbrooks House

    The                                                                                             We are participating Solicitors for the Cancer Research

    Zen Den                                                                       We can help with:
                                                                                                    UK and the PDSA Free Will Service.

                                                                                  • Lasting Powers of Attorney: Health & Care; Property & Finance
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                                                                                  • Administration of Estates
                                                                                  • Inadequate or No provision made under a Will or in an
    Sensory          Bubble           Soft           Projector         the-art
    lighting          tubes          seating          screens           sound     • Care of the Elderly & Court of Protection
                                                                       system     • Disputed Estates
                                                                                  • Needs Assessment & Top Up Fees
Our Zen Den Sensory Room is available to hire for small                           • Conveyancing
 groups and is suitable for babies, children and adults.                          Berrys Solicitors is a professional yet innovative law firm with a client
                                                                                  base that covers the length and breadth of the country.
               Zen Den hire charge £20.00 per hour
                              (maximum 4 persons)                                 Our lawyers pride themselves on being approachable and responsive.
                                                                                  We concentrate on finding solutions rather than dwelling on
          Refreshments are available and our Chillax Garden Room and garden
                            are available for visitors to use.
                                                                                  Whatever legal support you need we are here to give you honest,
      For more information or to book your Sessions, please contact Julie on      straightforward and effective advice in a language you will
                              01253 393748                                        understand.
                     or email: julie.swift@blackpoolcarers.org
                                                                                  For a free no obligations chat please contact Chris Berry at Berrys
                                                                                  Solicitors 247 Church Street Blackpool for an initial appointment.
                   Beaverbrooks House                            Gift Vouchers
                   147 Newton Drive                               available.      Telephone: 01253 620022
The                                                                 Ask for
                   Blackpool                                                      Email: berrys.mail@btconnect.com
Zen Den            FY3 8LZ
                                                                                  Website: www.berrys-solicitors.co.uk

12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
Hello everyone                                                                             Contents
                                                                                           Welcome from Faye                                     3
The dawning of 2021 looked much like       navigate what has
                                                                                           Contact us                                            3
the old year, you know, the one that       been a terrifying
                                                                                           How to refer to our service                           3
must no longer be mentioned...but as       time for many.
                                                                                           Please let us know!                                   3
we settle into spring it feels like the                                                    What’s On Guide                                      4-5
                                           Whilst our teams
light at the end of the tunnel is                                                          Adult carer true story                                6
                                           have been out supporting families,
becoming ever more bright.                                                                 Visit our new website                                 6
                                           backstage here at Beaverbrooks House
We’ve been pleased to be able to keep      has been no less busy! We have been             Our Board of Trustees                                 6
                                                                                           Take5 sessions for adults                             7
the show on the road, with carers          developing new relationships with
                                                                                           Dementia Awareness Training course                    7
continuing throughout the winter to        funders and supporters alongside
                                                                                           Stable Advice from Rocco - Digital Guide              8
attend support sessions and small          keeping our writing skills tip top by
                                                                                           Art is at the HeArt for our creative carers           9
respite groups on-site with us where       penning many a funding application
                                                                                           Connect 5 Training for professionals                  9
they have felt able to.                    throughout the past few months. All of
                                                                                           Our carers need your support                          9
                                           this unseen work is what keeps our
For carers who continue to shield and                                                      The impact of the pandemic on
                                           wheels moving, keeps our teams out in           welfare benefits                                     10
remain at home, our team have been         the community and keeps our fantastic           Managing Challenging Behaviour course                10
connecting with them through               respite offer rolling.                          Student true story                                   11
phonecalls, zoom meetings and, in
                                                                                           On the Farm poem                                     11
some cases, doorstep visits. We’ll         Our fundraising team have also been
                                                                                           Focus on...Supporting Minds                          12
always find a way!                         working behind the scenes, planning
                                                                                           Anna’s Time to Shine                                 12
                                           events and challenges that will
Some called us brave for keeping the                                                       Room Hire at Beaverbrooks House                      12
                                           hopefully see us returning to our               National Lottery Community Funds
building open, but for us we felt it was   sociable selves as spring turns to              extended for Family Focus project                    13
vital that some of the most vulnerable     summer. Keep an eye on our shiny new            Family Focus update                                  13
people in our community were able to       website and our social media platforms          Young carer true story                               14
been seen, not just on a screen, but in    for upcoming events.                            Christmas thank you                                  14
real life. Our risk assessments have
                                                                                           Carers’ Monthly Lottery Entry Form                   15
been a constant challenge to maintain      Best Wishes                                     Fundraising and Community News                       16
the safety of everyone, but one that we                                                    Caring Corporates                                    17
have learnt lots from and has been                                                         Castle to Castle cycle ride                          17
worth the grappling! This has helped us                                                    Young Carers Action Day                              17
to put in place meaningful support for     Faye Atherton                                   Raise funds for free with easyfundraising            17
many families in crisis, helping them to   Quality Director                                Staff Profile - Carla Talbott                        18
                                                                                           Snowdrops poem                                       18

 Contact Blackpool Carers                                                                  Thank you for the music
                                                                                           Young adult carer (YAC) project update
 Beaverbrooks House 147 Newton Drive, Blackpool FY3 8LZ                                    Young adult carer true story                         19
                                                                                           Young carers in schools                              20
 Tel: 01253 393748
                                                                                           Footcare service                                     20
 Email: admin@blackpoolcarers.org
                                                                                           Volunteering update from Alison                      21
 You can also send us a message using the ‘Contact Us Form’                                Volunteering true story                              21
 on our website: www.blackpoolcarers.org/contact                                           Young Carers’ Fun Zone                               22
                                                                                           Take5 Young Carers update                            23
                                                                                           A budding photographer in our midst                  24
 How to refer to us and                    Please let us know!                             Recipe Corner                                        25

 access our services                        f you no longer wish to receive
                                                                                           Donation Form                                        25

 • Call or email the office using the      Ithis magazine, please let us know by
                                           calling Matthew on
                                                                                           Our supporters and awards
                                                                                           Photo Gallery
   details above.
 • Visit www.blackpoolcarers.org/          01253 393748 or by email at                   Front cover: Young carers happy to be playing together
   advice-and-support/online-              data@blackpoolcarers.org                      in the play area at Beaverbrooks House
   carers-referral-form/ and fill in                                                     Blackpool Carers Centre is a registered charity in

   the form                                You can view our Privacy Policy at            England and Wales No. 1114558.
                                                                                         Registered as a company limited by guarantee in
                                           www.blackpoolcarers.org/                      England and Wales No. 5633524.
 • Ask your GP or social worker to
   refer you                                                                             This magazine is printed by B&D Print Services, Leyland.
                                                                                         Tel: 01772 435050

    /blackpoolcarers        @BlackpoolCarers          blackpoolcarers           Blackpool Carers Centre Limited                                       3
12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
Pancake making at Take5

    WHAT’S                                                                                       Please call
                                                                                                 01253 393748

                                                                                                 for information or to book on

                                                                                                 any of the events listed below.

                                                                                                 New trips and events are organised
                                                                                                 regularly. Please check for updates
                                                                                                 on our website:

    Covid-19 Update
    After too many months without our beautiful building being buzzing and busy, we are delighted to be able to
    welcome back some of our much-needed respite groups, activities, trips and events. All of our listings are Covid-
    secure and comply with government guidance. We can’t wait to see you all and hope that you will join us!

                                              other relevant updates. Look out for our
For all carers                                surprise guest appearances and the
                                                                                                 Gardening Club
                                              occasional different location! It also gives      Held weekly on Wednesdays at
    Carers’ Kitchen                           you the opportunity to make comments              Beaverbrooks House 1.30-3.00pm
Held weekly on Saturdays at                   and join in our fun!                              This is a peer led group that will meet in
Beaverbrooks House                            To take part, you’ll need to join our closed      the ‘Chillax room’ to focus on activities in
10.00am-2.00pm                                Facebook Group for Adult Carers - Just            our glorious award-winning community
A weekly session for carers of all ages. An   search on Facebook for “Blackpool Carers          garden. Join our gardening buddies, Trevor
opportunity for an informal chat or to        Adult Team” and request to join or                and Debbie, for a spot of pottering and
discuss any queries or concerns about         call Pat or Kat for more information.             weeding. We also have plenty of
caring roles, help and advice, including                                                        propagating to do and hopefully we can
benefit advice. Refreshments available.        Take 5 Music Aloud                               grow more fruit and veg for distribution or
Contact Amanda to reserve your place.                                                           (cooking and eating!) on site. There is
                                              Held weekly on Mondays at                         always plenty to do in our gardening
    Carers Week 2021                          Beaverbrooks House 7.00-8.00pm                    group!
                                              Take 5 Music Aloud is our new music               Call Pat or Kat for more information.
7-13 June, various locations                  session that takes place in the Café area at
Carers Week is an annual                      the Centre.
campaign to raise                             We are encouraging young and adult carers          Connect 21
awareness of caring and                       to attend. Along with the chance to               Held weekly on Thursdays at
highlight the challenges                      connect with other carers, there are a            Beaverbrooks House 6.30-8.00pm
unpaid carers face. This year we are          range of music related activities on offer;       Formerly known as ‘Interactive’, these
helping to ‘Make Caring Visible and           music quizzes, playing musical instruments,       activity-based sessions offer a chance to
Valued’. We will be holding various events    dancing and hopefully soon there will be          connect with other carers and form new
throughout Blackpool. Visit our website       the opportunity to visit the theatre. We          friendships. There will be a range of
and follow us on social media for updates.    hope in the future to have our own choir          activities to try such as, cooking, soft
                                              too!                                              archery, yoga, and games. We will also have
For adult carers                              Call Pat or Kat for more information.             visiting guests and demonstration
PLEASE NOTE: All sessions take place in                                                         evenings.
the relaxing venue of Beaverbrooks             Creative Artz                                    Call Pat or Kat for more information.
House. Plans are subject to change, so
                                              Held weekly on Tuesdays at
please call 01253 393748 before                                                                  Dementia Carers Drop-in
                                              Beaverbrooks House 1.30-3.00pm
attending. We are also asking carers to
                                              We offer a range of activities for all who        Held weekly on Thursdays at
book a place at least 48 hours ahead of
                                              are interested in the arts. Activities range      Beaverbrooks House 1.30-3.00pm
each session, unless otherwise stated.
                                              from photography to watercolours, clay            (Except for the last Thursday in the
                                              modelling to tie dye. We have already             month)
    Facebook Live                             made Chinese lanterns, stress balls,              A drop-in session for carers and their loved
Via the Adult Carers                          painted daffodils and made flower                 ones held at the Centre. A range of
Closed Facebook Group                         arrangements. Come along - no special
                                                                                                activities will be available for carers and
Mondays 6.30-7.00pm and                       skills needed but be prepared ‘to have a
                                                                                                their loved ones to enjoy, such as jigsaws,
Fridays 10.00-10.30am                         go’! Call Pat or Kat for more information.
                                                                                                pool and football table, or simply sit and
A video of Pat and Kat that you can catch                                                       have a chat.
live or watch at any time later. We look at                                                     Call Pat or Kat for more information.
what is planned for that week along with

4                                                                                              t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
Social &

                                                                            GLITZ &
Everyone is welcome to
attend our social or fundraising events.

Just look for this logo on our posters.

 Castle to Castle
 fundraising Cycle Challenge
4-7 August 2021
Join our team of cyclists on a 199-mile
coast to coast ride from Bamburgh Castle

                                                                                        12 March 2022
to Lowther Castle, raising funds for vital
carer respite.
Places are still available if you’d like to
join the fun. Call Terry on                                                                      Winter Gardens, Blackpool
01253 393748 or email
terry.hodkinson@blackpoolcarers.org to                                                                  6.30pm ‘til 1.30am
register.See page 15 for more details.
                                                                                             Hosted by radio presenters
 Glitz and Glamour Ball -
                                                                                  HAYLEY KAY & SCOTT GALLAGHER
 Annual Fundraising Event
                                                                                        Live music from THE DEADBEATS
Saturday 12 March 2021
Winter Gardens, Blackpool                                  FIZZ RECEPTION • 4 COURSE MEAL WITH WINE • BACON SANDWICH SUPPER
6.30pm-1.30am Tickets £50pp
                                                                              AWARDS • RAFFLE • LIVE INTERACTIVE AUCTION • DISCO
Bring your friends and family to this
special annual event; the highlight of our
fundraising calendar.
                                                                                                           TICKETS £50 EACH
Tables of 10 and 12 available.                                                           from Julie Swift on 01253 393748 or
See poster opposite for more details.                                                          julie.swift@blackpoolcarers.org
Call Julie Swift to book your tickets.                                                                   Seating in tables of 10 or 12

 Don’t miss your FREE                                                              FREE EARLY BOOKING PRIZE DRAW!
                                                                                    For all tickets purchased before 31st October 2021
 copy of Take5 Times!
                                                                                  CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES AVAILABLE
      ur new weekly Take5 newsletter
 O    is now available by email or to
 collect from Reception at
 Beaverbrooks House.                          Come and spoil yourselves at our
 It’s packed full of wellbeing, health and
 fitness tips. It also gives us the
                                              prestigious Glitz and Glamour Ball
                                                 ickets are now on sale for our 2022 fundraising Glitz and Glamour Ball. After such
 opportunity to tell you about all of the
 activities that are planned for the          T  stressful times it’s wonderful to have something to look forward to and celebrate!
                                              We hope that you will be able to join us for great food, excellent entertainment and
 following week and to reflect on the
 past week’s sessions.                        fabulous fundraising in the beautiful surroundings of the Empress Ballroom.

 We also use the                              Funds raised from this event will provide unpaid carers from the age of 5, with essential
 newsletter to                                and much needed ‘me’ time, that most of us take for granted.
 update on carer
                                              We have various sponsorship packages available starting from just £800. All include a
 news locally and
                                              complimentary table plus other great benefits. Sponsorship is a fantastic opportunity to
                                              promote you and your business to other high profile businesses, residents and dignitaries.
 Please call Pat or                           It also demonstrates your company’s commitment to supporting local people.
 Kat on 01253
 393748 if you                                To purchase tickets at £50 per person, or to find out more about sponsorships,
 would like to                                contact Julie Swift on 01253 393748 or email: julie.swift@blackpoolcarers.org
 receive a copy
 by email.
                                              H FREE EARLY BOOKING PRIZE DRAW H
                                              for guests who purchase tickets before 31st October 2020.

    /blackpoolcarers           @BlackpoolCarers           blackpoolcarers          Blackpool Carers Centre Limited                       5
12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
    I was devastated beyond belief, terrified,
    angry, unsure how to cope
        ne morning as I was tidying the             This helped me to make a huge decision.
    O   garden ready for winter, I could hear
    an unusual noise…but let me introduce
                                                    I would now change my role in life to a
                                                    carer first and a wife second. Seeing things
    ourselves first.                                that way has made it easier to cope with
                                                    the personality changes, mood swings and
    My name is Carol (71) and I have been
                                                    unusual behaviour because it’s not
    married to Tom (82) for 45 years. I would
                                                    personal to me as a carer, I try to let it go
    like to tell you a bit about our journey
                                                    straight over my head. The diary showed
    with Dementia. The journey started back
                                                    that for a couple of hours late afternoon
    in 2007 when my mum, happily living
                                                    Tom became restless and agitated and so
    with dad, both in their late 70s, was
                                                    instead of trying to stop him marching
    diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I don’t need
                                                    around the house I created a safe pathway
    to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see
                                                    through the rooms, dotted a chair for him
    someone you love suffer as they become
                                                    to have a rest and then continue the
    more and more confused and unable to
                                                    pacing till his mood changed. This was my
    care for themselves along with their
                                                    introduction to Sundowning (The term
    personalities changing. When dad died in
                                                    "sundowning" refers to a state of
    2009 I became responsible for mum’s care                                                         learnt along this journey is that lots of
                                                    confusion occurring in the late afternoon
    and, unfortunately, we had left it too late                                                      different behaviour really doesn’t matter
                                                    and spanning into the night. Sundowning
    to obtain a Power of Attorney (POA) and                                                          and, if he wants to wear a watch on both
                                                    can cause a variety of behaviours, such as
    so had to take the more complicated and                                                          arms today or go to bed with one sock on,
                                                    confusion, anxiety, aggression or ignoring
    expensive option of applying to the Court                                                        so what? It’s not worth me getting
                                                    directions. Sundowning can also lead to
    of Protection. We managed to keep her                                                            stressed about. Although we have used
                                                    pacing or wandering.)
    living at home with the help of friends                                                          care agencies I felt that as the illness
    and carers until she passed away                I also learnt that the evening meal needed       progressed we needed more consistency.
    peacefully in 2012.                             to be simpler. I started cooking lots of ‘one    With the help and support from the Direct
                                                    pot’ meals that we could both eat with a         Payment Team we now have two
    Just 2 years later Tom’s health was
                                                    spoon as Tom’s fine motor coordination           wonderful Carers who have time to
    deteriorating; a mini stroke, osteoarthritis,
                                                    was not as good as it once was, making           understand Tom’s needs and help me to
    prostate cancer, epilepsy and, in 2017, he
                                                    using a knife and fork frustrating for him.      provide a calm, reassuring atmosphere
    was diagnosed with dementia which he
                                                    It was at this time that I stopped wearing       with time to play dominoes, do jigsaws
    never accepted. Devastated beyond belief,
                                                    a watch….we could no longer do anything          and reminisce about old times.
    terrified, angry, unsure how to cope…the
                                                    to time so took to just working to Tom’s
    support from Blackpool Carers was
                                                    mood each day. By 2019 we were also              My friends, caring for a loved one is the
    invaluable. The diagnosis affected me far
                                                    dealing with long absence seizures and           hardest job in the world, we just do our
    more than Tom because he didn’t
                                                    reached crisis point, but since then have        best. As the saying goes, ’come into my
    understand the far-reaching
                                                    had tremendous support from the Mental           mind, hold my hand and walk with me
    consequences, but I soon realised that me
                                                    Health Team and Blackpool Carers. This led       with love‘. Oh, I nearly forgot, the noise I
    crying, shouting and arguing was only
                                                    to Tom being able to go to a Day Centre          could hear was me humming the tune “My
    making things worse.
                                                    for activities and for my own respite until      Way“.
    For 2 weeks I kept a diary and recorded         the lockdown restrictions began.
    everything that happened and how I felt.        One very important lesson that I have            Carol, dementia carer

Have you visited our                                Blackpool Carers’ Board of Trustees
new website yet?                                    Paul Jebb (Chair)                                Tracy Jackson
                                                    Associate Chief Nurse, Patient Experience        Hospital Director, Spire Fylde Coast
    ur new website is now live and
O   includes our online shop, where
you can purchase Blackpool Carers
                                                    & Engagement, Lancashire and South
                                                    Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
                                                                                                     Howard Lewis
                                                                                                     General Manager, Crewe Hall Hotel
merchandise. Why not take a look!                   Sarah Lambert (Vice-Chair)
                                                                                                     John Topping
                                                    Retired Development Manager
                                                                                                     FCAT Community Relations and
We’d welcome your feedback, so
                                                    Alison Gilmore - General Manager,                Estates Lead
please visit www.blackpoolcarers.org                Imperial Hotel Blackpool
and tell us know what you think.                                                                     Tony Ward
                                                    Sian Howarth - Fundraising Officer,              Retired Corporate IT Strategist
Your opinion is very important to us.               Northern Care Alliance NHS Group

6                                                                                                   t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
Take5 sessions for adults - our new respite programme!
    i there! I’m Pat Sumner from last       Facebook Live
H   year’s ‘Bang the Drum’ project and I’ve
stepped in as the Adult Carers Respite
                                            On both Monday evenings and Friday
                                                                                                        mornings we have a ‘Facebook Live’ session
Coordinator, together with my colleague                                                                 which goes out on the Private Adult Carers
Katrina Shuttleworth.                                                                                   page. We use this session to look at
                                                                                                        activities planned for the coming week and
An exciting new timetable of activities has
                                                                                                        what’s on over the weekend, and reflect on
been devised for 2021. First of all, we have
                                                                                                        the previous week’s activities.
connected with our Young Carers’ Respite
and are now part of the ‘Time Out’ team.                                                                As well as offering face to face activities at
So… bring on Take5 sessions for adults!                                                                 the centre, we continue to offer Zoom
                                                                                                        facilities for those carers who cannot attend
Music                                                 Pat (r) teaching dance moves to carers
                                                                                                        in person. We can deliver resources for
The ‘Bang the Drum’ project has had an                                                                  carers to be able to join in at home – we
influence in creating a music group on
                                                      Creative Artz
                                                      On Tuesday afternoons we have a Creative          love a doorstep delivery!
Monday evenings to which young carers are
                                                      Artz group. This encompasses all expressive       As soon as we can, we will be introducing
also invited to attend. We also hope to work
                                                      subjects; writing and books, painting, crafts,    ‘Super Saturdays’ when we can take groups
towards developing our own choir, but until
                                                      theatre arts and cultural art. We have            on trips and days out to nearby attractions.
then, we are taking part in a range of
                                                      already used watercolours to create shadow
musical activities and have so far had music                                                            We now have a weekly newsletter, Take5
                                                      figure painting, made Chinese lanterns and
quizzes, played percussion, danced, watched                                                             Times (see page 5) with the following
                                                      banners, looked at ballet and dance in
opera online and have many other ideas for                                                              week’s activities listed and lots of useful
                                                      theatre and spent a relaxing afternoon
further noisy activities!                                                                               information for carers.
                                                      getting lost in mindfulness colouring.
                                                                                                        From a nervous start, the groups are now
                                                                                                        growing rapidly and the hope is that, just like
                                                      Thursdays are busy days with a session in
                                                                                                        with ‘Bang the Drum’, friendships will be
                                                      the afternoon and one in the evening, both
                                                                                                        formed and there will be reduced isolation
                                                      in the style of the Interactive sessions from
                                                                                                        and loneliness as carers continue to support
                                                      last year, now named Connect21. These are
                                                                                                        each other outside of groups too.
                                                      sessions which change each week, although
                                                      we have established a regular yoga session        It’s all about communication and we hope
                                                      on the last Thursday of each month – chair        that in whatever way, carers keep in touch
                                                      based in the afternoon and floor based in         with us and each other, responding to our
                                                      the evening. We have also played Bingo, had       Facebook posts and calling in to see us.
                                                      some gentle exercise sessions and a Spring
                                                                                                        We have many other exciting
                                                      walk in the garden with a little tidying up of
                                                                                                        activities and special days
                                                      the fruit bushes. We have even had a very
                                                                                                        already planned and are
                                                      enjoyable cooking (and eating!) session
                                                                                                        looking forward to a positive,
                                                      where we made some Chinese food to
     Carer enjoying some ‘me’ time at Creative Artz                                                     fun future! See page 4 for
                                                      celebrate Chinese New Year.
                                                                                                        dates and times.

  Are you caring for someone
  with dementia?
  Our popular, informative Dementia Awareness
  Training course can help you
        e are continuing to deliver                   Becoming a carer due to a loved one’s
  W     Dementia Awareness training for
  carers here at Beaverbrooks House.
                                                      dementia can be overwhelming. Knowing
                                                      where to turn and how to deal with, not
                                                                                                                   Trainer, Helena at the start of the course
                                                      only your loved ones needs, but also your
  This is an opportunity to learn a little            own needs, can be difficult. Sessions are        Courses run throughout the year over
  more about what dementia is, how to                 aimed at developing understanding,               four 2-hour sessions held on four
  support and respond to someone with                 coping skills and strategies to help you         consecutive weeks.
  dementia and how to look after yourself             through, whether you are dealing with
  as a carer for someone with dementia.               someone in the early onset phase or more         For more information, please contact
  The course is available for all dementia            advanced, we can help and advise.                Helena on 01253 393748 or email
  carers registered with us.                                                                           helena.brown@blackpoolcarers.org

    /blackpoolcarers                @BlackpoolCarers               blackpoolcarers             Blackpool Carers Centre Limited                                  7
12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
‘Stable Advice’ from Rocco - Your guide to all things digital
    ver 12 months into these strange                                                           can join chats with
O   times, and for many of us we’re still
on the learning curve when it comes to
                                                                                               friends (and friends of
                                                                                               friends). Visit
technology.                                                                                    www.houseparty.com
                                                                                               more more info
For some of us, we have resisted                                                               and to sign up
technology in the hope that life would
return to normal sooner rather than later,                                                     Stay safe online
therefore ‘what’s the point in learning?
we’ll be able to see each other again                                                          Although this is aimed at children and
soon’...but, even as life starts to resume,                                                    young people, us grown ups can learn a
technology is here to stay and, even for                                                       thing or two here as well…
those of us most hardened against it, there     There are different platforms to get you
                                                                                               • You might be using apps like
really are some huge benefits to                connected;
                                                                                                 Houseparty and Zoom, but have you
connecting online.
                                                WhatsApp video call function                     heard of the phrase 'zoombombing'?
We’ve learnt as a team through the past         You can make a video call to one or more         This is where uninvited strangers enter
year, that some of those meetings that we       people using the video icon on the top           meetings and try to take it over and it's
spent time and money commuting to,              menu bar (see red circle on the image            on the rise as more people use the app
taking up your whole day for a 2 hour           below) instead of the phone icon. You can        to stay in touch during the coronavirus
event, can be just as productive                call up to 8 people in a group at the same       restrictions. To keep your Zoom chat
(sometimes even more so) by logging on          time if you’re feeling really brave!             safe make sure the meeting link is
from the comfort of your desk. We think                                                          private and password protected and
that this is a big winner as it gives us more                                                    only share these details with your
time to do what we love doing – making a                                                         friends. Also set screen sharing to host
better life for carers!                                                                          only.

We’ve helped to get some of our carers                                                         • When you're using Houseparty only
online through small digital grants and                                                          accept friend requests from people you
doorstep challenge tech advice to get                                                            know, turn off location settings for the
                                                Zoom                                             app, lock the chat room by tapping on
them set up and confident in the basics.        You can sign up to the Zoom app for free
This has resulted in carers being able to                                                        the padlock icon on the bottom of the
                                                (basic account – up to 40 minute                 screen and select 'private mode' to do
connect with support from services and          meetings). This will allow you to host a
also support from each other. Carers have                                                        this automatically.
                                                meeting and send invitations out to others
also been able to keep in touch with family     to join, or you can join a meeting hosted      • Keep your private stuff private. Select
and friends living in other parts of the        by someone else. To join a meeting you are       private settings on all chat apps and
country and also internationally.               sent a link by email from the host, just         only share personal stuff with friends
                                                simply click on this and you will be             you know face to face.
For our young carers, time spent online has
meant keeping up with vital learning and        ‘zoomed’ into the meeting. Lots of people      • Be careful what you chat about. Don't
also keeping friendships alive.                 use Zoom for work meetings but it has            share personal stuff like your phone
                                                also been widely used for family and friend      number, where you go to school, or
You don’t need expensive or fancy devices       gatherings during lockdowns where people         where you live.
– smartphones will do the trick or a tablet     have hosted quiz nights, singalongs and
device which can be bought for as little as     virtual dinner parties! Zoom can be used       • Be really careful with any photos or
£40 from high street retailers such as          on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC         videos you share, particularly if they are
Argos and large supermarkets.                   providing you have camera and speaker            a bit embarrassing. If you wouldn't want
                                                support. Visit www.zoom.us for more              your parents or teachers to see it then
                                                information and to sign up.                      don't share it.
                                                                                               • If anyone puts pressure on you to do
                                                                                                 anything you don't want to do or feel
                                                                                                 uncomfortable with, it's ok to say no.
                                                                                                 Stop the conversation and go and talk
                                                                                                 to an adult you trust. You won't be in
                                                                                                 trouble and they will be able to help.
                                                A free social media app connecting groups,
                                                family and friends. Houseparty is a social     • If you see a video or photo on your chat
                                                networking app that allows up to eight           that is confusing or scary then stop the
                                                people to video chat at once in a “room.”        conversation and go and talk to an adult
                                                Users can have infinite rooms and easily         you trust.
                                                float between rooms. Users receive a
                                                notification when friends open the app and     Rocco

8                                                                                             t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
Art is at the HeArt for our creative carers                                                Connect 5
    number of our carers have enjoyed
                                                                                           Mental Health and
A   exploring their creative side over
the past few months, capturing in
                                                                                           Wellbeing Training -
unique ways their experiences, feelings                                                    FREE for Professionals
and memories of being a carer as part                                                            e are continuing to offer Mental
of our Carers HeArt group.                                                                 W     Health and Wellbeing training which
                                                                                           is currently being delivered online using
The project has seen all age groups
engage in online art sessions during                                                       Zoom. This training is for professionals
lockdown and also on-site sessions to                                                      working in a range of services. It is an
create pieces of art using images,                                                         opportunity to explore mental health and
colours, patterns or words to express                                                      wellbeing concerns that the people they
what it means to be a carer.                                                               are supporting may experience.
                                           Our Carers HeArt group has been part
Being a carer is a role that many of us                                                    The course teaches a range of CBT
                                           of our respite offer for carers of all ages
will take on throughout our lives and                                                      (cognitive behaviour therapy) based
                                           and the submissions of art pieces have
with this comes new emotions,                                                              techniques that can be used to help people
                                           gone on to be part of an exhibition on
perspectives and understanding. We                                                         to have more insight into their challenges
                                           The Arts Society Fylde website. We are
have loved seeing carers expressing                                                        enabling them to find their own solutions.
                                           grateful to The Arts Society Fylde for
themselves artistically with many          supporting this group and in enabling           We are adapting this training for carers so
telling us that the process has been       their works to bring attention to the           that they too can learn these techniques.
therapeutic and enlightening.              unique experiences of carers.                   Applying these skills to their own situations
Art is at the HeArt for our creative                                                       promotes self-care, self-efficacy, a sense of
carers.                                    Visit http://fyldedfas.org.uk                   control and helps people to accept things
                                                                                           that are outside of their control. This in turn
                                                                                           contributes to improved mental health and

                                                                                           For more information, please contact
                                                                                           Helena on 01253 393748 or email

                                                                                            Helena hosting Connect 5 Training via Zoom

Our carers need your support more than ever!
   very 4 months, 9,000 copies of each issue of Caring Times are circulated
E  throughout Blackpool and the surrounding areas, to carers, GPs, health
professionals, local organisations and businesses and via email all over the
We have limited space for the advertising of carer-related products or services in
each edition. The revenue raised from adverts, funds the production and
distribution of this publication, to enable us to reach as many carers as possible
and inform them of support available to help them in their caring role.
For more information including rates and deadlines, please contact Kay on 01253
393748 or email: kay.soper@blackpoolcarers.org

    /blackpoolcarers        @BlackpoolCarers           blackpoolcarers            Blackpool Carers Centre Limited                        9
12 March 2022 Ball - Blackpool Carers Centre
The impact of the pandemic
on welfare benefits
   020 has been a very difficult year for a further 6 months (until September 2021)
2  everyone with the spread of
Coronavirus and the impact of the
                                          in the March budget. The DWP have
                                          handled the extra pressure very well and I
lockdowns on our everyday lives. We have        have not had a single report of anyone
seen increases in loneliness, social            being left without money due to the
isolation, mental health and abuse to           inability of the DWP being able to cope
name but a few but it has been especially       with the increase in demand.
difficult for people whose financial
circumstances have been affected by the         What has changed is the way that DWP
pandemic.                                       operate their business. There has been no
                                                face to face contact between the DWP and
Many people have lost their jobs and many       their customers as a preventative measure
others have seen their income reduced due       against the spread of the virus.
to the furlough scheme and also due to the
fact that people who were self employed         All Job Centres were closed completely for a
have been unable to trade. The Government       period of time and now are open by
have done all that they can by paying 80%       appointment only. Clients who have to
of wages for those furloughed and awarding      attend medical assessments to comply with       The future remains uncertain but thanks to
grants and loans to the self employed.          benefit criteria have had their assessments     additional resources and a concerted effort
Nevertheless, it has also put pressure on the   carried out over the telephone and even         by all involved in benefit delivery, the
Welfare Benefit System.                         benefit appeals are now heard over the          impact of the pandemic has felt better than
                                                telephone.                                      anticipated.
An additional 2 million people have had to
claim Universal Credit. The Universal Credit    I have also delivered benefit advice and        If you are a carer needing benefit advice,
basic allowance has been increased by £20       completed benefit forms over the                please get in touch.
per week for a year which has been a great      telephone, which although not ideal, has
help to many people. This was extended for      achieved positive outcomes                      Alan Phizacklea, Benefits Advisor

Do you need help understanding your child’s challenging behaviour?
     ur Managing Challenging Behaviour          a safe and non-judgemental environment,
     course is aimed at parents or carers       exploring ideas and strategies to take away
of children who are exhibiting challenging      with them to try at home.                                   The way the course
                                                Feedback from parents/carers who have                     is presented is very
                                                                                                             well done.
The course is designed to enable parents to
explore reasons behind the behaviour and
how we can support the child/young
                                                attended the course has been positive with
                                                many telling us that the sessions are easy
                                                to follow and very informative. 100% of
person to express their feelings and            participants have said that they would
anxieties in a more appropriate, less           recommend to friends and family.
challenging manner.

                                                The course is open to all parents living in
The course consists of 4 modules:               Blackpool with a child displaying                        It was very interesting,
•    What is challenging behaviour
                                                challenging behaviour, with or without                  Really good information.
•    Why challenging behaviour happens
                                                                                                          I have learnt a lot on
                                                                                                             this course.
     Resilience and self confidence
     Positive behaviour strategies
                                                If you would like more information or are
                                                interested in a place on the course, please
                                                contact Alison Brown on 01253 393748 or
The course is delivered face to face at         email alison.brown@blackpoolcarers.org
Beaverbrooks House on
Tuesdays 9.30am-2.30pm,
(over two consecutive weeks), or
Wednesdays 6.00-8.00pm                                 “  The course gave me
                                                                                                   “  The course helped
                                                                                                 talking through different
(over four consecutive weeks).                        insight into the issues my                     scenarios and to
                                                      son has and how best to                        other parents.
During the course, parents have
opportunities to talk with other parents in                  help him.
                                                                          ”                                             ”

10                                                                                             t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
Blackpool Carers gives me a sense of fulfilment
 am currently studying an Integrated            health, both physically and mentally. I have
IMasters Degree in Mental Health
Nursing and Social Work at Edgehill
                                                seen how the support that the service
                                                provides has been a lifeline for carers
University. As part of a Social Work            across Blackpool and the range of support
degree it is mandatory to complete two          offered to young and adult carers is
placements.                                     astounding! From one-to-one support,
                                                respite breaks, advocacy, counselling,
My first placement is here at Blackpool         benefit advice, small grants and access to
Carers. When I was informed that my first       basics such as food and utilities - this list
placement was at Blackpool Carers Centre        goes on - a one stop shop for carers!           people. Now you will not get me to shut
I was curious as I had not come across a                                                        up! Even though I am only halfway
carers service before and was eager to find     As a placement this has been a great place      through my placement I feel that I have
out what their purpose was. From looking        to learn with lots of opportunities to          learnt so much already and cannot wait to
at their website it appeared to be exactly      stretch my skills and gain confidence in my     assist more carers within their caring roles.
what I was interested in and I was excited      practice. The team have been so                 Blackpool Carers gives me a sense of
to get started!                                 welcoming and by the end of my first day I      fulfilment and is a ‘job’ (does not feel like a
                                                already felt like I was part of the team.       job) where I want to come into work every
When I began my placement I soon                Nothing was too much bother and no
realised how essential the work that                                                            day and try my hardest for the carers we
                                                question was too small.                         support. I will be forever grateful for the
occurs within Blackpool Carers is for carers
and their families, even more so during the     Before I started my placement I was an          experiences that I have had and continue
Covid-19 pandemic which has really put a        anxious person who was ‘phone shy’ and          to have within the organisation.
strain on caring roles, family situations and   did not feel comfortable questioning            Mireille, Social Work Student

On the Farm
I am a farmer’s daughter,           Now, when the cows came             And then, we always had a laugh     Then tired and weary, man and
a farmer was my dad.                home to milk,                       about that big, fat pig.            groan,
We had a lot of animals,            that was a messy job.               He always chased a little calf,     finally up we get.
that was the usual fad.             Everywhere a cow had been,          we called him “Little Nick”.        And wish to catch that cockerel
                                    you’d find a splattered blob.                                           to screw off his flaming head.
There were a lot of duckings                                          And at the end of every day
who waddled to and fro.             And when you’d finished milking we thank the Lord for rest.             So, all in all, as you can see,
There was that naughty gander       and finished cleaning the yard,   We lay our heads and say aloud        a farmyard can be fun.
who always had a go.                you’d find that big black bulldog we’ve done. our very best.            The one sure thing it does
                                    standing on his guard.                                                  provide
                                                                      We settle down and go to sleep        is work that’s never done.
He didn’t much like people.         He’d look quite fierce and show forgetting all our plight.
He didn’t much like geese.          his teeth,                        To find that big, brown cockerel      You start when that damn
He just came flying at you          and growl if you came near.       crow with all his might.              cockerel crows,
and simply made you freeze.         If you just took one look at him                                        and rush the whole day long.
                                    he’d fill your bones with fear.                                         Don’t be a farmer’s daughter,
Our big, black dog called Leo                                                                               You sometimes even pong.
he had a big, loud voice.
If anyone came in the yard,
they didn’t have much choice.

He pinned them to the cowshed
and didn’t let them move.
I never did find out though,
what he tried to prove.

                                                                                               This poem, written by Ruth Shrank who
                                                                                          sadly passed away on 19th December 2018,
                                                                                         was sent in by her daughter Noreen in honour
                                                                                           of her 91st birthday on 13th January 2021.

    /blackpoolcarers          @BlackpoolCarers              blackpoolcarers           Blackpool Carers Centre Limited                         11
FOCUS ON...                      Supporting Minds
    he increase in mental health related        The online stress control course, which
 T  difficulties associated with the
 Covid-19 outbreak has been widely
                                                helps people understand stress, how it
                                                impacts on them and gives people skills
 reported.                                      and strategies to enable them to manage
                                                stress more effectively, can be accessed
 Stress, anxiety and depression are             directly from the service website.
 normal reactions to the daily challenges
 we currently face with such symptoms           The Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioural
 being common problems. Supporting              Therapy course combines mindfulness
 Minds Blackpool, a service provided by         meditation with cognitive therapy in
 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS               order to help people manage problems
 Foundation Trust, offer a range of talking     with depression and stress.
                                                                                               with people only attending face to face
 therapies for anxiety, stress and              Clients have described the service as;         where absolutely necessary.
 depression related problems for people
 registered with a Blackpool GP.                “Very friendly and professional staff,         Most therapies are now delivered
                                                always willing to adapt treatments and         through video link, by telephone or
 The service accepts self-referrals.            ideas to suit your condition” and              online. This means clients can be offered
 Following an initial telephone                 highlighted                                    remote treatments, so they don’t need
 assessment, the most appropriate                                                              to attend in person. Help is always
 treatment options will be discussed and        “My therapist showed empathy and
                                                                                               available if people need support to use
 offered to the client.                         understanding, knowing when to speak
                                                                                               digital methods to access an
                                                and when to listen.”
 Support offered includes Mindfulness
                                                “I feel like I am now able to put what I
 and Stress Control courses, both                                                              Feedback from clients who have
                                                have learnt into practice. It was definitely
 currently being offered online. Individual                                                    accessed the service remotely has been
                                                a really positive step forward.”
 therapies include; Low Intensity                                                              very positive.
 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Cognitive       “The level of knowledge and
 Behavioural Therapy, Counselling and                                                          “I like the fact that you just tune into the
                                                understanding, patience and assistance
 Couples Counselling (where symptoms                                                           course and don’t have to talk back (it
                                                offered and given was more than I
 are impacting on a relationship) and Eye                                                      took the pressure off)”.
 Movement Desensitisation and                                                                  People with a Blackpool GP can self-refer
 Reprocessing therapy (EMDR) which              To comply with national guidance, the
                                                                                               today using the form available on the
 supports people to process traumatic           team is minimising face-to-face contact
                                                                                               Trust website within the Supporting Minds
 memories.                                      with clients to help keep everyone safe,
                                                                                               section, or by calling 01253 955700.

Anna’s Time to Shine!
      e are proud to be working with The
W     Rank Foundation to host a 12
month Time to Shine placement within
                                                                                                 Struggling to find a room?
                                                                                                      ere at Blackpool Carers we have a
our team.
                                                                                                 H    variety of rooms, including our
                                                                                                 beautiful gardens, which are available to
Funding from The Rank Foundation
enables us to extend our team to include a                                                       hire at very competitive rates. The rooms
Research and Partnerships Officer which                                                          vary in size from small meeting/ counselling
will provide a unique opportunity to                                                             rooms for 2 or 3 people, our Zen Den
conduct live research about the changing                                                         sensory space, kitchen facilities and Training
needs of carers, young carers and their                                                          Room which can seat up to 40 people.
families within Blackpool. We know that                                                          Rooms can be hired by the hour, half day or
the impact of the pandemic is far reaching       The new member of our team, Anna                a full day and catering can be provided.
and long lasting, having left its mark on all   heart of all that we do and ensuring that        Our rooms and gardens are ideal for:
of our communities. With this in mind and       all of our services are fit for purpose.         birthday parties, business lunches,
our mission to continue to meet the needs                                                        community groups, cookery workshops,
of carers locally, we want to understand        We are excited to welcome Anna Jordan to         counselling, fundraising events, one to one
the new demands that are out there and          the team as our Time to Shine placement          meetings, staff training and team meetings.
the offers of partner agencies that help us     in her role as Research and Partnerships
                                                                                                 For prices and further information, please
to make a better life for carers. This will     Officer and look forward to joining The          contact Julie Swift on 01253 393748 or email
help to shape the vision of Blackpool           Rank Foundation throughout the year for          Julie.swift@blackpoolcarers.org
Carers for the future, keeping carers at the    learning, development and networking.

12                                                                                             t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
National Lottery Community Fund extends
funding for our vulnerable families
      ur Family Focus Project has been a       The project is unique across carers’ services           this crisis have increased significantly. The
O     cornerstone of Blackpool Carers’
service since 2013, supporting children
                                               nationally, offering intensive support to
                                               help parents to access the right kind of
                                                                                                       fear of, not only the present in terms of
                                                                                                       infection and illness, but also what life
and families affected by parental mental       treatment and support, working with                     looks like in the future has particularly
ill health and/or substance misuse.            children and young people to understand                 impacted on parent's and children's views
                                               the issues faced by parents and to provide              of the world. We also know that following
                                               respite and family activities to promote                the lifting of restrictions and with children
                                               positive relationships.                                 returning to school we will see more
                                                                                                       families coming forward for support.
                                               The work of this project has increased
                                               during the pandemic as many families                    We are grateful to the National Lottery
                                               have been severely impacted by the onset                Community Fund for extension funding to
                                               of Covid19 and the subsequent lockdowns                 continuing this vital service through to
                                               and restrictions.                                       September this year whilst we work hard
                                               We know that most of the families in                    to secure more long term funding.
                                               touch with this project were finding life               For more information on this project, please
                                               unmanageable before the pandemic,                       contact Kerry on 01253 393748.
                                               therefore the levels of need in the midst of

 Family Focus update
    he past twelve months have been
 T  challenging and uncertain, having a
 significant impact on families who
 experience mental ill health and/or
 substance misuse.

 Our Family Focus team have been
 working hard to deliver intensive support
 to families who, due to COVID
 restrictions, may have experienced limited
 interaction from other services. In times
 of uncertainty and isolation, face-to-face
 interaction can make a big difference and
 so we have made sure that we have
                                                 Family Focus children enjoying some ‘messy’ time at Beaverbrooks House
 continued to offer this vital support in a
 safe way.                                     House over the past few months, led by                  via an online Zoom quiz, meaning that all
                                               the families. We take a step back and let               of our families had the chance to get
 In such challenging times, many of our
                                               them enjoy activities and time together                 involved. We held a Disney themed
 families have been in crisis. We recognise
                                               in our wonderful building! These sessions               session with prizes to be won and a very
 that our families have the strength and
                                               are critical at the moment, whilst respite              silly indoor scavenger hunt!
 determination to create positive change
                                               is scarce and there remains limits on
 for themselves, yet reaching out for                                                                  We are updating our Family Focus private
                                               activities away from the home. It has
 support can be difficult. We are making                                                               Facebook group which will help us to find
                                               been a pleasure watching families make
 sure that our families are aware of how                                                               out more about what our families feel
                                               rocky road cakes, bake biscuits and
 we can help, that support is available and                                                            they would benefit from, as well as share
                                               finding any sweet treat they can add to
 that they are not alone in adjusting to the                                                           the latest information and provide
                                               caramel and chocolate! Salt dough was
 changes that are continuing to impact on                                                              another point of contact.
                                               another experience, with some
 family life.
                                               questionable designs and very sticky                    The Family Focus Project is here for
 The one-to-one support provided to our        hands! There was a lot of laughter, mess,               families to have access to the right
 young carers has remained very much led       and glitter…and that’s what we love!                    support, when they feel ready, at their
 by them. Simply providing a safe space                                                                pace. Right now, times are challenging
 here at the centre to talk and be listened    However, we know that not all of our                    and service demand is high. We will
 to can make such a difference to their        families are comfortable with face-to-                  continue to work alongside parents and
 well-being. Our Family Focus sessions         face support and that’s ok. In order to                 children, providing support and sessions
 remain ongoing. We have provided whole        make the fun go further, we recently                    that will help them achieve their goals
 family sessions within Beaverbrooks           delivered a unique Family Focus session                 and overcome their challenges.

    /blackpoolcarers          @BlackpoolCarers              blackpoolcarers                Blackpool Carers Centre Limited                        13

    Support from a wonderful donor
    has given me back my drive
        y name is Jess, I am 15 and I care for my twin brothers who are 5 years old. My
    M   brothers are severely Autistic and unable to communicate properly. I also have
    another younger brother, Daniel, who is 7 years old.

    For the past five years it has only been      The twins have chronic lung disease
    me and my mum, with no additional help.       which made me and mum panic to the
    As the twins are getting older they are       point where even leaving the house for a
    developing their own individual               walk in the summertime became too
    personalities which require individual        frightening.
    support for each of them. Due to this, I
    have missed out on important childhood        As we were shielding I felt more trapped
    experiences such as socialising with my       within my own mind and the thought of         first full respite opportunity in 8 months.
    friends and attending full-time education.    asking for help made me feel                  The first thing we did was catch up on all
                                                  overwhelmed due to the stigma around          of the sleep we had missed out on,
    My role at home has required me to take       mental health. It had reached a point         however, the reality of this after a couple
    on a 24hr parenting role, alongside my        where it had become too difficult to          of weeks was that it was becoming
    mum, caring for my brothers as they           handle on my own and my only coping           unhealthy and having a negative impact
    cannot attend to their needs themselves.      mechanism at this time was to self-harm.      on my mental health as I had no routine
    Due to my caring role being throughout        I knew I had to speak to someone about        or structure during the day.
    the night as well as all day, I would often   how I was feeling and that is when I
    be too tired to go to school. On the days     reached out to Sam, my support worker         Since November, I have accessed support
    that I could bring myself to get out of       from Blackpool Carers Centre.                 for my mental health and started back at
    bed and go to school, I was spending all                                                    another school where I have a reduced
    day worrying about how my mum was             After telling Sam my thoughts and             timetable and more one to one support
    handling the boys at home on her own.         together figuring out where it was all        to help me catch up with my work.
                                                  stemming from, she supported me to
    Over time, these worries developed into                                                     A wonderful donor involved in supporting
                                                  improve my confidence and get back on
    anxiety. I struggled to create and                                                          Blackpool Carers heard my story and
                                                  my feet emotionally.
    maintain friendships and had no                                                             funded some drama lessons for me so
    motivation to complete my school work.        As me and mum were both parenting the         that I can take steps to fulfil my dream to
    This had a big impact on my grades,           boys, it eventually became a struggle         become an actress. These lessons have
    attendance, and most of all, my mental        trying to work around each other and we       given me my drive and motivation back
    health. In February 2020 I dropped out of     both needed a break. Sam and other            and I feel much more confident in
    school due to my mental health. I felt        services put support in place for my          looking after my mental health and
    that my anxiety had reached a point           family. A care provider started to provide    managing my caring role.
    where I was unable to control it and that     4hrs a day to help relieve the pressure       Thank you to all who choose to support
    not being in school was my only option.       and help around the house.                    Blackpool Carers, your kindness makes a
    During the first lockdown my three                                                          real-life difference!
    younger brothers were at home due to          When November came around and
    their vulnerabilities.                        schools reopened, me and mum had the          By Jess, young carer

Christmas may be gone, but it’s not forgotten!
   he twinkly lights of Christmas now feel dim and         • Rotary of St Annes on Sea
T  distant but we would like to recognise our
supporters who made such a difference in so many
                                                             Inner Wheel of North Fylde
of our carers lives during the festive period.             • Elite Competitions
With Christmas 2020 feeling less than normal and           • Blackpool North Station staff and crew
carers and young carers having had a particularly          • Holroyd Court residents
difficult year, we were delighted to be able to see        • Blackpool Self Store
some smiles during our community visits and                • Anna Wright
on-site respite groups thanks to the generosity of;        • Gary Edwards
                                                           • Melanie James
•    Rock FM Cash for Kids                                 • Our Christmas Auction donors
•    Spire Fylde Coast Hospital                                                                                               Karen from DWP
                                                           • Our 6 runners in the 12 Runs of Christmas                              delivering
•    Locals Helping Locals Campaign                          Campaign                                                         presents for our
•    DWP                                                   • Our Caring Christmas Campaign participants                          young carers
•    Chadwicks Insurance

14                                                                                             t. 01253 393748 www.blackpoolcarers.org
50:50 CLUB
                                                                                      Carers’ Monthly Lottery
                                                                                     Don’t miss the chance to win one of
                                                                                      5 great cash prizes every month!
                                                                                                        Proceeds in aid of local unpaid carers

                                                                              Join today to be in
                                                                              next month’s draw!                                                                                    £1
                                                                              Simply complete and                                                                                    per stake

                                                                              return the slip below.
                           Open to the public                                        Full details can be found at www.blackpoolcarers.org/
How to book an appointment                                                                              5050-club-carers-monthly-lottery/
Telephone the main reception                                                                                         Winners will be notified
01253 393748, Nicola 07586 472399                                                                                          by phone or post.
or Michelle 07535 753883

Our Location                                                                                                                                                Don’t forget to ask your
Our Treatment Rooms are situated                                                                                                                     family and friends to enter too!
within Blackpool Carers at
Beaverbrooks House,                                                                Carers’ 50:50 Club Membership
147 Newton Drive, Blackpool FY3 8LZ
                                                                               Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS

                                                                               Name ...........................................................................................................................

Castle to Castle                                                               Address ........................................................................................................................
                                                                               ......................................................................... Postcode ..........................................

3-day Cycle Ride                                                               Telephone ...................................................................................................................
                                                                               Email ............................................................................................................................
                                                                               •     We would prefer payment by Standing Order but are happy to
4th-7th August 2021                                                                  accept cash (in person) or cheque. Please note that if you pay by
                                                                                     cash or cheque you must join for a minimum of 1 year (£12).

                                                                               •     Minimum stake is £1 per month, but remember, the more stakes
A 199-mile Coast to Coast ride                                                       you take, the more chances you have to win!
from Bamburgh Castle to
                                                                                   Monthly or Annual Standing Order
Lancaster Castle
via Alnwick Castle,                                                            Your Bank Name .......................................................................................................
Lowther Castle,                                                                Bank Address .............................................................................................................

and Hadrian’s Wall                                                             ......................................................................... Postcode ..........................................
                                                                               Account Name ..........................................................................................................
in aid of Blackpool Carers
                                                                               Account No. ................................................ Sort code .........................................
Fundraising package to include:
                                       Alnwick                                 •     Please debit my account and pay: Blackpool Carers Centre, Account
•   Daily lunch and water stops                                                      No. 65828557 Sort code: 08-92-99
•   HB accommodation                                                           The sum of: ................................................................................................................
•   Roadside assistance                                                        On the (start date): .................................................................................................
•   Celebration meal                                      Lowther              And then on the same day (please tick): Monthly  Annually 
Event fully supported by
Chapeau Events Ltd                                                             Signed ..........................................................................................................................

For more information including                                                 Date .............................................................................................................................
Entry Forms, call Terry on                                                     Please cut out and send this completed form to:
01253 393748 or email:
                                                     Lancaster                 Blackpool Carers, Beaverbrooks House,
terry.hodkinson@blackpoolcarers.org                                            147 Newton Drive, Blackpool FY3 8LZ

    /blackpoolcarers              @BlackpoolCarers               blackpoolcarers                   Blackpool Carers Centre Limited                                                                             15
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