Page created by Jeremy Nichols
                                                          THE OFFICE OF TENEBRAE
                                                           THE CELEBRATION OF
                                                              THE EUCHARIST

                                                       KENILWORTH UNION CHURCH
                                                            April 6, 2023, 7 p.m.
                                                        CONNECT TO WORSHIP HERE

The Maundy Thursday Order of Holy Communion is an adaptation of an ancient Office often observed
on Thursday of Holy Week. The people enter silently and meditate upon the fact that it was on this night
that the twelve disciples were with our Lord in the Upper Room for the last time, and that he stood in the
shadow of the cross. Tenebrae means ‘Darkness’; the gradual extinguishing of the lights symbolizes the
encroaching shadows that fell across the life of our Lord, commemorating the flight of the disciples, the
approach of the dark hate of our Lord's enemies, and his Passion. The moment of total darkness recalls the
days our Lord was in the tomb.
From first to last, it is a solemn observance.
ORGAN PRELUDE                                    Ah, Holy Jesus                        Johannes Brahms
*OPENING HYMN                         Beneath the Cross of Jesus
 Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand,
 The shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land;
 A home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way,
 From the burning of the noontide heat, and the burden of the day.
  Upon the cross of Jesus mine eye at times can see
  The very dying form of One who suffered there for me;
  And from my stricken heart with tears two wonders I confess:
  The wonders of redeeming love and my unworthiness.
  I take, O cross, thy shadow for my abiding place;
  I ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of his face;
  Content to let the world go by, to know no gain or loss,
  My sinful self my only shame, my glory all the cross.
 The Shadow of Persecution                Jesus’ Enemies Close the Vise        Mark 14:1–2, 10–11
 The Shadow of Grief                      Mary Says Farewell to Jesus                 Mark 14:3–9
 The Shadow of Abandonment                Jesus Prays at Gethsemane                 Mark 14:32–42
 The Shadow Betrayal                      The Judas Kiss                           Mark 14:43–50
 The Shadow of Denial                     Peter Fails His Friend                  Mark 14:66–72
 The Shadow of False Accusation           The Trial in Pilate’s Palace               Mark 15:1–5
 The Shadow of the Cross                  The Crucifixion                         Mark 15:21–32
MINISTRY OF MUSIC                  Why Have You Abandoned Me                           Gary Daigle
 My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?
 Why have you abandoned me?
 All who see me scoff at me;
 They mock me with parted lips, they wag their heads:
 “He relied on the Lord, let him deliver him;
 Let him rescue him if he loves him.” Refrain
 Indeed, many dogs surround me;
 A pack of evil-doers closes in upon me.
 They have pierced my hands and my feet;
 I can count all my bones. Refrain
 They divide my garments among them
 And for my vesture they cast lots.
 But you, O Lord, be not far from me;
 O my help, hasten to aid me! Refrain
 I will proclaim your name to all my people;
 In the midst of the assembly I will praise you.
 You who fear the Lord, praise him,
 Praise him, praise him.
 All you descendants of Jacob, give him glory.
 All you descendants of Israel, revere him.
 Give him glory, give him glory, give him glory.
SCRIPTURE AND SERMON                     The Unnamed
 1/15     Genesis 2–3                               Groundling, Mother, Snake
 1/22     Genesis 19:12–29                          Lot’s Wife
 1/29     Genesis 40–41                             Pharaoh’s Sommelier
 2/12     Exodus 2:1–10                             Pharaoh’s Daughter
 2/19     1 Samuel 28:3–25                          The Witch of Endor
 2/22     John 8:1–11                               The Woman Who Kept Working Late at the Office
 2/26     Mark 5:24–34                              The Woman with the Chronic Condition
 3/5      Mark 7:24–30                              The Hyphenated Woman
3/12        John 4:5–42                            The Quintuple Divorcée
  3/19        John 9:1–41                            The Man Who’d Never Seen a Blessed Thing
  3/26        Matthew 27:11–26                       Pilate’s Wife
  4/2         Luke 23:32–43                          The Gangsters
  4/6         Mark 15:33–39; John 19:31–36           The Gunnery Sergeant
  4/9         Mark 14:43–51; 16:1–8                  The Gen ‘Z’ Guy
MINISTRY OF MUSIC                                                               George F. Handel
           “We therefore pray thee, help thy servants” #13 from Dettingen Te Deum
  We therefore pray thee, help thy servants
  Whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood.
 Invitation to the Table
   Sursum Corda
     Lector:      The Lord be with you.
     People:      And also with you.
     Lector:      Lift up your hearts to the Lord.
     People:      We lift them up to the Lord.
     Lector:      Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
     People:      It is right to give our thanks and praise.
   The Great Prayer
     Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
     Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
     Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses,
     as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation,
     But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever.
   Words of Institution
   Sharing of the Bread and Cup
     Please partake of the elements when you are able at the chancel stairs.
     The communion elements are alcohol- and gluten-free.
   Prayer of Consecration
CLOSING HYMN                  O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
 O sacred head, now wounded, with grief and shame weighed down;
 Now scornfully surrounded with thorns, thine only crown;
 O sacred head, what glory, what bliss till now was thine!
 Yet, though despised and gory, I joy to call thee mine.

  What thou, my Lord, hast suffered was all for sinners’ gain:
  Mine, mine was the transgression, but thine the deadly pain.
Lo, here I fall, my Savior! ’Tis I deserve thy place;
  Look on me with thy favor, and grant to me thy grace.
  What language shall I borrow to thank thee, dearest friend,
  For this thy dying sorrow, thy pity without end?
  O make me thine forever; and should I fainting be,
  Lord, let me never, never outlive my love to thee.
MINISTRY OF MUSIC                         Were You There           Harry T. Burleigh
 Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
 Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
 Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble,
 Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
  Were you there when they laid him in the grave?
  Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
  Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble,
  Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
                                 THE DEPARTURE IN SILENCE
 Alyssa Bennett, Assistant Director of Choirs
 Lisa Bond, Minister of Music, Pianist
 Karli Cabrera, Soloist
 Chancel Choir
 Don Dale, Guitarist
 William Evertsberg, Senior Minister, Preacher
 Joel Fox, Director of Media Production
 Robert Hasty, Fiddle
 Christine Hides, Associate Minister for Discipleship, Liturgist
 Eun Joo Ju, Organist
 Ushers, Jim Fritz, Ron Sipiora
 Audio and Video, Lilly Hunsader, Eric Tran-Ton
Easter Sunday, April 9
***Kenilworth Union Church Directory Usage***Please note that the Kenilworth Union Church Directory is provided for
church-related and social use by the members of the congregation and staff. The use of the information in the directory by
others or for commercial or solicitation purposes is prohibited.
                                               Click here for Plate Offering

  Service of Tenebrae for Maundy Thursday, April 6 at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary
  Blog entry from the Senior Minister, Bill Evertsberg
  Neither etymological nor liturgical scholars are completely sure why the Christian Church has long referred to
  Thursday of Holy Week as ‘Maundy Thursday,’ but their best guess is that ‘Maundy’ derives from the Latin man-
  datum, or ‘mandate.’
  The Gospel of John tells us that on the night he was betrayed, Jesus washed his friends’ feet, and then said, “I am
  giving you a new mandate (a new commandment): that you love one another just as I have loved you.”
  If the name for Holy Thursday derives from the Latin ‘mandate,’ you’d think it would be called ‘Mandy Thurs-
  day,’ but the etymologists guess that ‘Maundy’ is a mild corruption or mistranslation of the original Latin.
  Continue reading
  Please share with us this moving experience of Jesus’ Passion. Easter will mean more to you if you travel with
  Christ from the Upper Room to Calvary.

  Available livestream or any time after

9 to 11 a.m. IMPACT Bake Sale: Enjoy fresh baked goods and treats while supporting this year’s mission projects
and find out more about the program from the youth who are in it. From 9–11:30 a.m. today, Easter Sunday, April 9
in the front yard.
Youth Sunday, April 16: Next Sunday come listen to the sermons by this year’s high school seniors and honor the
student and youth leaders who call Kenilworth Union Church “home”.
Kenilworth Union Church and AJN Preschool will be closed tomorrow for Easter Monday.
Mid-Day Prayer: Each week a new liturgy is offered in the Sanctuary and online at 12:15 p.m. We meet for 15
minutes to read scriptures and hear a brief reflection. On Tuesday, April 11 we will pray for the following Kenilworth
Union families: Brian and Kari Cremascoli; David and Kim Crossgrove; Adrian Culver; Bob and Sally Cunningham;
Donna Curry; Matt and Rebecca Curry-Edwards; Marilyn Cutler; Jim and Becky Dadura; Don and Stacy Dale;
Glenn and Ann Dalhart; John Danielson; Tom and Julie Danilek; Jeffrey and Paula Danoff; John Darrow and Jill
Kirk; Ted and Jenn Davidson; Dru Davis and Diane Barkley; Inge Davis; Bill and Karen Davis; Peter and Meredith
Daw; and Scott and Carla Dawson.

Earth Day is Saturday, April 22: The #kucgreenteam invites you to join them for four weekly devotionals, begin-
ning in April, focusing on how we are called to be good stewards of God’s Creation. Each week’s devotional will be
posted on the website and shared in the eNews. The devotionals contain invitations to read, reflect, pray, and take
positive steps to be good stewards of the earth. Discover how caring for God’s Creation may begin in your own home
or backyard. Click here for week two: Reducing Waste. ◊ ◊ ◊ Click here for Week One: Restoring Biodiversity.

Skeptics & Believers: come study and discuss John Shelby Spong’s 1998 book Why Christianity Must Change or
Die. If you’re discouraged by the hyperbolic title, just know that the content is less histrionic. Our third session
is Monday, April 17 at 7 p.m. in the Culbertson Room, chapters 9–10: on Prayers & Ethics. Please email Karen
Gaynor to participate.
Desert Island Book Club: What one book would you want with you?” In 2023 at Kenilworth Union, Bill is an-
swering the question with five of his favorites. Meet for the third selection, by C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce, about
heaven and hell on Monday, May 22 at 7 p.m. at Bill’s house, unless there are more than 15. Then we’ll move the
class to the Culbertson Room. RSVP to Karen Gaynor.
Online Bible Read and Write Along: The Sermon on the Mount for Lent and Eastertide, Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. We
will dive deep into Jesus’ illuminating Sermon on the Mount, using a collection of reflections from a variety of Chris-
tian thinkers over the centuries. Moore’s Following the Call: Living the Sermon on the Mount Together includes wisdom
from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dorothy Day, Wendell Berry, Augustine of Hippo, Teresa of Avila and many more. Have
a pen and paper ready to engage with short writing reflections. Contact Christine Hides for more information.

Daily Prayer 365: What renewal, growth, or transformation might happen within you and within our collective
community when we begin our day with a prayer, scripture, or poetry? Katie Lancaster invites you to this daily prac-
tice by signing up for our email here.
Monday Faith Walk: A chance to meet, pray, and talk. We gather at the Church Cloister on Mondays at 10 a.m. We
share a devotional, then walk and talk at a good pace for all, arriving back to church by 11 a.m. Please contact Nancy
Johnson for more information or to join this group.
Altar Flowers: Kenilworth Union Church Green Team, Care Guild, and Altar Flower Guild are partnering to con-
tinue to weave a web of love. Purchased altar flowers may be donated to the Church where they will be repurposed
into several bouquets, presented in smaller vases, and distributed by the Care Guild who care for members during
their ups and downs.
Hybrid Depression Support Group: The group is a chapter of the National Depression and Bipolar Support Alli-
ance-North Shore. Persons under treatment, family members, and friends are welcome to attend. Our group meets
on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Library. Please contact the facilitator of the group, Beth Palzet,
847-909-3639 to learn more or to let her know you’re attending.
Movie Night: A casual group of movie-lovers gather on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. to watch a film
followed by a brief discussion. We will have one showing of The Zookeepers Wife on Tuesday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. in
the Culbertson Room.
Mah Jongg: The basics for this popular Asian tile game are easy to learn. Meet for lessons and play on Tuesdays at 9:30
a.m. in the Warwick Building. Due to street parking on Warwick and Kenilworth Avenues, please plan accordingly.
Contact Martha Hoza for more information.

IMPACT Meeting: A mandatory make-up trip info night for IMPACT Mission Trip Attendees and their Parent(s)
will be April 16 at 7 p.m.
Mission Trip Commissioning: Youth Sunday, April 16 at 10 a.m.
Confirmation Class 2024: Current 8th graders and older students are encouraged to start thinking about confirma-
tion at Kenilworth Union Church next year. There are two course options for confirmation: The Wilderness Course
that runs from July 29–August 4 or the Centennial Classroom Course that meets Sunday mornings at 9:50 a.m. be-
ginning in September. Details and registration are at
Junior High Youth Group (JYG): Mid-week meetings for 7th and 8th graders. Join your youth group family for
dinner, games, candle time talk, and find out why Wednesdays are the best days! All youth in grades 7-8 are invited,
regardless of church affiliation.
◊ Click here for: All things IMPACT ◊ ◊ ◊ Click here for: Youth Service Opportunities ◊
*contact Youth Director, Squire Prince for more information on Youth Ministry

Midweek Groups: Faith234 (2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders, 4–4:45 p.m.) meet at the Warwick Building. MSYG
(Middle School Youth Group 5–6th graders, 5–6 p.m.) meet at the Warwick Building. If you registered for Sunday
School you’re all set! No need to register again for midweek groups.
Childcare on Sundays is available at the 8:30 and 10 a.m. worship for children ages 6 months through three years.
There is no charge for this service.

                                   We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation.
                                 If you would like to learn more, please contact
                Reverend Dr. Katie Lancaster or a Stephen Leader as listed in the Church Directory

                                     Care Guild Leader for April is Chris Beer.
                       To let us know where help is needed, call the church at (847)251-4272
                                       Easter Sunday
                                       April 9, 2023

Sun., Apr. 9     6:30 a.m.    Sunrise Easter Worship with Communion—Elder Lane Park/Beach
                 8:15 a.m.    Childcare for six months-three years—Room 12
                 8:30 a.m.    Easter Sunday Worship with Brass—Sanctuary
                 9:45 a.m.    Childcare for six months-three years—Room 12
                   10 a.m.    Easter Sunday Worship with Brass—In person and Livestream
                 9–11 a.m.    IMPACT Bake Sale—Front Yard

Mon., Apr. 10                 Offices and AJN Preshool closed for Easter Monday
                    10 a.m.   Faith Walk—Off Site

Tues., Apr. 11    9:30 a.m.   Mah Jongg—Warwick Building
                 12:15 p.m.   Mid-Day Prayer—Livestream and Sanctuary
                  6:30 p.m.   Movie Night—Culbertson Room
                     7 p.m.   Hybrid Depression Support Group—Library and Online

Wed., Apr. 12     9:15 a.m.   Online Bible Read and Write Along—Living the Sermon on the Mount Together
                    10 a.m.   Hybrid Men’s Coffee—Library and Online
                 12:45 p.m.   Women’s Bible Study—Centennial Room
                     4 p.m.   Faith234—Warwick Building
                  4:15 p.m.   Cherub Choir Rehearsal—Music Room
                  4:45 p.m.   Rejoice Singers and Ringers Choir Rehearsal—Music Room
                     5 p.m.   Middle School Youth Group—Warwick Building
                     6 p.m.   Junior Bell Choir Rehearsal—Music Room
                  6:30 p.m.   Junior High Youth Group—Warwick Building
                     7 p.m.   Adult Bell Choir Rehearsal—Music Room

Thur., Apr. 13    9:30 a.m.   Women’s Reading Group—Culbertson Room
                     7 p.m.   Chancel Choir Rehearsal—Transept
Fri., Apr. 14

Sat., Apr. 15
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