March 30, 2019 - Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church

March 30, 2019 - Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church
March 30, 2019
Let’s Connect!
The Connection Card is a great way to communicate with the pastoral staff and extended leadership.
We are happy you have chosen to worship with us this morning. If you are a guest with us today, take a
moment to fill in the card. For guests and members alike, this card provides several opportunities: make
a decision for Jesus, respond to the sermon, or communicate a prayer need or praise. When your card is
completed, drop it in the offering plate or turn it in at the Welcome Desk in the Foyer.

                 Financial Report                                       Adventist Giving Online
                Weekly receiving goal: $8,723                 A safe and easy way to give your tithes and offerings
                                                             online using an electronic check or debit/credit card!
            Local Combined Budget Giving                           Go to:
                Through March 16, 2019 - Week 37
                                                                   Click into the secure site.
       Received: $382,642
                                                                   Receive a confirmation via email.

     Receiving Goal: $400,000                                 Three-and-Done Debt................................ $720,593
                                                              Total Debt................................................... $3,507,707
     Annual Budget: $540,000

                                                              Joining Spencerville: If you would like to
                                                              transfer your membership or be baptized to become a
                    Sunset Times:                             member of the Spencerville Adventist Church, please
      Today: 7:28 p.m./Next Sabbath: 7:34 p.m.                submit a Connection or Welcome Card to the Hospitality
                                                              Desk in the Foyer or in the offering plate.

                                 National Domestic Violence Hotline — 800-799-7233

                                     Church Staff Directory
      Senior Pastor             Chad Stuart            Minister of Music and Organist         Mark Willey
      Associate Pastors         Lerone Carson          Office Manager                          Carol Strack
                                Gaspar Colón           Treasurer                              Eugene Korff
                                Andrea Jakobsons       SAA Principal                            Jim Martz
                                Jason Lombard          Prayer Request Voicemail       301-384-2920 ext. 140
      Pastors Emeritus          Charlotte McClure      Spencerville Adventist Academy        301-421-9101
                                Steve Willsey

                                      Diaconate Team Leader on duty: Scott Williams

    WiFi connectivity is available. The network is: SpencervilleChurch and the password is: Spencerville16325.
Order of Worship
                                                       9:00 a.m.


In Community		                                                                                   Pastor Chad Stuart

†Hymn of Praise No. 187:                   Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners
		                                                   holy manna

Prayer		Richard Pfannenstiel

Thank Offering                                                                                 Richard Pfannenstiel

Children’s Lesson		                                                                                    Jessica Moon

Hymn of Preparation: No. 475:ww                     Balm in Gilead

Sermon:                               Exodus: “Yep, That’s Where I Come From “                   Pastor Chad Stuart

Offertory Hymn No. 313:                              Just As I Am
		                                                 saffron walden
		                            (cantor sings verse 1, congregation joins on remaining verses)
Benediction		 Pastor Stuart

		                                           * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Song Service                                                          Katelynne and Jacqueline Atterberry, choristers
			                                                                                      Rhymiel Prudente, pianist

Lesson Study: Sanctuary Class (other classes listed on p. 8)                                      Ed Zinke, Teacher

†Indicates congregation is to stand

           Please assist us in maintaining a reverent spirit of worship by muting your electronic devices.
                  You may be photographed or appear in video during the services this morning.
Order of Worship
                                                    11:15 a.m.

Prelude:                                    Andante (Pastorale Soww                              Cory Shim, piano
		                                             Ludwig van Beethoven

Choral Introit                          A Broken, Contrite Heart, O Lord                           Sanctuary Choir
		                                                Franklin Belden

In Community		                                                                                  Pastor Chad Stuart

†Hymn of Praise No. 187:                 Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners
		                                                 holy manna

†Invocation		 Pastor Stuart

Dedication of Amelia Shakeela Oommen		                                                          Pastor Chad Stuart

Tithes and Offerings:                 North American Division—Evangelism                           Costin Jordache

Offertory                              The Call (from Five Mystical Songs)          Melville Moses Andrade, basso
		                                            Ralph Vaughan Williams

Prayer		Michael Kruger

Thank Offering 		                                                                            Pastor Lerone Carson

Children’s Lesson		                                                                                    Jessica Moon

†Indicates congregation is to stand

           Please assist us in maintaining a reverent spirit of worship by muting your electronic devices.
                  You may be photographed or appear in video during the services this morning.
Scripture:                                        Exodus 6:14-27                                 Delanney Kruger

Anthem:                                Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah                                     Choir
		                                                   Melvin West

Sermon:                           Exodus: “Yep, That’s Where I Come From”                           Pastor Stuart

†Hymn of Response No. 313:                          Just As I Am
		                                               saffron walden

†Benediction		                                                                                      Pastor Stuart

Choral Response                         O God forsake thy children not                                    Choir
		                                                   Franklin Belden
		                        (verse 1: solo; verse 2: choir; congregation sings remaining verses)

Postlude:                               Allemande (French Suite No. 5)
		                                             Johann Sebastian Bach

                                            Worship Notes
  The prelude for second service is played by Spencerville member, Cory Shim. Cory is a student at
University of Maryland where he studies piano performance.
  It is a special blessing to have Melville Moses Andrade return to sing in our services. Melville is a
Seventh-day Adventist minister, serving several churches in Pennsylvania.

   During the second worship service this morning, Clint and Sangeeta Oommen will be dedicating
their daughter, Amelia Shakeela Oommen. “We want to thank God for this great joy that He has given
us. As Amelia grows and makes her journey through life, there will be many paths that she can choose to
travel, but only one that she ought too. So today we dedicate ourselves to teaching her the word of God
and raising her in Christ until such a day that she can dedicate herself to Him.”

               Today’s Flowers                          bird savings ends April 25. Flyers with additional
With gratitude and thanks to God for blessing           information are available at the Welcome Desk.
them with baby Amelia, the flowers today are
given by Amelia’s grandparents; K.J. and Leena                 Mid-Week Prayer Gathering
Oommen, and Timothy and Kalyani Jonahs.                 Plan to join the prayer gathering at 7:00 p.m. in
What joy she has brought to their lives.                the Middle School room each Tuesday evening.

                  Thank You!                              Monthly Fellowship Potluck Lunch
This past Sabbath the Inova Blood Mobile was            Plan to join us next Sabbath following the sec-
here to collect donations of life-saving blood.         ond worship service for our monthly Fellowship
Many thanks to those who rolled up their sleeves        Potluck Lunch held in the Fellowship Hall. We
to give! 21 units were collected; just a few short      look forward each month to this pleasant time
of our goal of 30. The blood mobile will be back        where we can spend time with friends, get better
in the early summer. For more information               acquainted and make new friends while we enjoy,
Google “Benefits of donating blood”, and plan to        good food, good fun, good fellowship, and good
give at that time. The exact date has not yet been      friendships. Members, have brought food—ready
determined.                                             to serve—enough to feed their families plus our
                                                        guests. Our visitors are especially invited.
           Exodus Study Guides
Each Sabbath during this sermon series a study                    Commissioning Service
guide will be available to use in preparation for the   The Chesapeake Conference and pastoral staff
next Sabbath’s sermon. Study guides are available       of Spencerville Church are pleased to invite you
at the door or the welcome desk.                        to attend and celebrate the commissioning of
                                                        Pastor Andrea Jakobsons to the gospel ministry
       SABL Registration is Open                        next Sabbath afternoon, April 6, at 4:00 PM.
Registration is now open for the 2019 Spencerville      This commissioning acknowledges God’s call
Adventist Baseball League (SABL) season. If             to ministry and recognizes Pastor Andrea
you have children between the ages of 5-13              Jakobsons’ spiritual commitment, her knowledge
(lower, middle, and upper divisions) that are           of the Scriptures, her competence for the task
interested in playing baseball without Sabbath          of ministry, and the fruitfulness of her service.
conflict in a Christian environment go to https://      The commissioning service will take place in the to sign-up today.           sanctuary at Spencerville Church and will be
Register from March 25 through May 19. Early            followed by a reception in the church Fellowship
                                                        Hall. All are welcome to attend.

Pathfinders Raising Funds for Homeless                                 Memorial Service
The Spencerville Pathfinders are fund raising for        A memorial service for Marianne Scriven will be held
“A Hat for Harold,” a local charity. April 6-7, the      on April 13 at 4:00 p.m. at the Sligo Seventh-day
Pathfinders will rock the night away (in rocking         Adventist Church. Dr. Scriven, who died this past
chairs) during the 7th Annual Rock-a-thon for            February at the age of 72, was the former Minister
Charity. Support a Pathfinder by making an hourly        of Music and Director of Choirs at Sligo Church,
or flat rate pledge. You can also designate a specific   Pacific Union College and Walla Walla University.
Pathfinder to receive your pledge. Contact Lisa          There will be a reception in the church atrium
Burrow at 301-776-1856 or mommyapple@                    following the service. for more info.
                                                                            Old Photos
          SAA Cross-Country 5K                           The 75th Anniversary celebration of Spencerville
The 4th Annual SAA Cross-Country 5K and Kids             Adventist Academy will be May 10-11, 2019.
Fun Run will be held April 7. Participants may           We’re looking for photos of the school. If you have
enter as a team. Register at (search for      old photos from 1943 and forward, we’d be very
“Spencerville). For more information, contact            interested in scanning them. Please contact Merle                             Poirier with anything you might have.

            Adult Singles Retreat                            Register Today for the SJA/SAA
A singles retreat will be held at Mt. Aetna Retreat                 Alumni Weekend!
Center, April 12-14. A poster with details and           All those who attended and/or graduated from
registration information is on the bulletin board in     SJA/SAA, need to check out the new web site! Go
the north hallway. Fliers are at the Welcome Desk.       to
                                                         to include your information in our database as well
               Baroque Consort                           as see all the exciting things planned. It is a not-to-
On April 8, at 7:30 p.m. the Washington Adventist        be-missed event!
University Music Department presents the WAU
Baroque Consort: “Early and Contemporary: Odd                                 BoxTop$
or Exciting?” Walk with us through some music            Please remember to cut BoxTop$ off packages and
periods! Geri Mueller, director. The concert will be     drop them off at the Welcome Desk. Turn in the
held in the Music Department. Free admission.            Loma Linda or Worthington canned item labels
                                                         only. Turn them in to the Welcome Desk or put in
                 Save the Date                           the box on the announcement board. Questions?
We will be having Communion Service on April             Call Elizabeth Atterberry: 860-656-9056.
13. Plan on attending this wonderful service of
recommitment and reunion.

THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE                                                Sabbath School
                  Tuesday, April 2                             Sabbath School meets from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. — Keep in Stitches                              for all age groups. There are many classes to choose
                                                           from, and we invite you and your family members
5:00 p.m. — Bulletin information due
                                                           to select which class is right for you.
7:00 p.m. — Tuesday Night Study Group
                                                               Most of the adult classes follow the Adult Bible
7:00 p.m. — Prayer Gathering                               Study Guide, but with different emphases. Adult
                                                           Bible Study Guides are available for free at the
                Wednesday, April 3                         Welcome Desk.
6:30 p.m. — Adventurers                                        Please see the directory below to find a class
6:30 p.m. —Pathfinders                                     that is right for you. For more information, please
7:00 p.m. — Finance Committee Meeting                      visit our Welcome Desk.
7:30 p.m. — Choir rehearsal                                Sanctuary Class: Ed Zinke....................................Sanctuary
                                                           George Reid Class....................South Porch, Classroom A
                 Thursday, April 4
                                                           Spanish-language Class............South Porch Classroom B
7:00 p.m. — Financial Peace University
                                                           Prayer and Praise Class............ South Porch Classroom C
                    Sabbath, April 6                       Hallway Class...........................................Hallway Off Foyer
9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services:                         Conference Room Class........................Conference Room
   Speaker: Chad Stuart                                    Great Expectations Class............................Family Room A
   Offering: Local Church Budget                           A Practical Approach..................................Family Room B
   Diaconate Team: Scott Williams                          Bible Discussion Class: 2 Kings............... Family Room C
   HIS Team: Richli, Robinson, Wangsness
                                                           Young Adults.................. Fellowship Hall—Fireplace End
12:45 p.m. — Monthly Fellowship Potluck Lunch
4:00 p.m. — Commissioning of Andrea Jakobsons              Youth (Grades 9-12)..............................................East Wing
8:00 p.m. — Pathfinder Rock-a-thon begins                  Middle School (Grades 7 - 8)..............................East Wing
                                                           Juniors (Grades 5 & 6)........................................ East Wing
                   Sunday, April 7                         Primary 2 (Grades 3 & 4)........................... East Wing
8:00 a.m. — Pathfinder Rock-a-thon ends                    Primary 1 (Grades 1 & 2).......................... East Wing
                                                           Kindergarten (ages 4 and 5)...................... East Wing
    This facility is equipped with an Automatic            Beginners 2 (Ages 3 through 4).............West Wing
    External Defibrillator. If a medical emergency         Beginners 1 (Birth through 2)................West Wing
    arises, immediately call attention to the situation.
    Trained individuals will respond. If you are in need
    of immediate assistance, contact a deacon. A nurse
    or physician will respond to assist you.

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