Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation

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Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation
Magazine profile

                   Editorial concept
 Readership and target group figures

                             (IVW II/2021,
           readers’ survey 2013 and 2019)

                                             July 2021
Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation
Editorial concept

Editorial concept

BÖRSE ONLINE is Germany`s longest-established independent investment
magazine for investors. For over 30 years, this publication has been helping
investors make sound investment decisions week after week.
BÖRSE ONLINE focuses its reporting on fundamental market and stock analyses
and the use of charts, trading strategies and trading models.
BÖRSE ONLINE fills the gap created by the disregard of institutional researchers
for small and mid-caps and is therefore increasingly an absolute must for all
investors and asset managers who operate in these market segments.

                                                                2                  July 2021
Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation
Editorial concept

Editorial concept

Markets and decision-makers
The introductory section Markets and decision-makers primarily reports on
current events in the financial world. It also offers a preview of the week ahead
and the stock market barometer, which shows whether market conditions
currently favour investing in shares. The barometer is calculated on the basis of
various indicators (including interest structure, index trends, oil/raw materials
prices and seasonal factors). This section of the issue closes with an interview
with a famous individual from the world of finance or a board member at a major

Cover story
In the Cover story, a topic is covered in depth across five to eight pages. The
wide-ranging story offers deep insights into an industry, a topical investment
issue or specific stock market strategies. It also provides investment tips and
buying/selling recommendations related to the topic in question.

                                                                 3                  July 2021
Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation
Editorial concept

Editorial concept

Shares and investments
The Shares and investments section is the issue’s main editorial section. It presents
and analyses securities and investment ideas in the form of industry or country
profiles and company analyses. The stock market rumours segment is particularly
compelling, with exclusively researched information, news on price action and
speculation on shares and companies.

Strategies and trading
In the Strategies and trading section, the editorial team presents investment
concepts for both speculative and conservative investors. It also covers warrants,
certificates and funds as well as charting methods and sample portfolios listing the
editorial team’s favourites. In addition, there’s also a look back at previous
recommendations, allowing readers to check how good the tips were.

                                                                 4                      July 2021
Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation
Editorial concept

Editorial concept

The Database is the heart of the magazine. It provides detailed key figures and
dividend/profit estimates for around 600 German shares and numerous international
ones. There’s also an overview of the most important funds, certificates and bonds.
The editorial team offer their own profit estimates for German shares. For many of
the small and mid-caps, the BÖRSE ONLINE figures are the only ones available on
the market.

Money and more
The final section Money and more offers private investors tips on the best
investment opportunities outside the stock market. Savers can discover the highest
interest rates and borrowers can find the most favourable deals. There are also tax
tips, readers’ letters and insights into the personal investment strategies of
professionals and legendary investors. The treasures feature provides an easy-
going issue closer, showcasing tangible assets and cult objects for collectors.

                                                                5                     July 2021
Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation
High-quality readership

The stock market Bible

The readers
§ BÖRSE ONLINE is aligned to institutional readers in banks, insurers and asset management and investment companies as
   well as private investors making their own decisions on capital market products.
§ BÖRSE ONLINE readers are primarily male, aged between 30 and 59, well educated and have correspondingly high
§ 40% of the readers work in executive positions and are therefore independent decision-makers.

High investment and financial potential
§ 90% of the readers are stockholders and plan to buy further stocks in the next two years.
§ Readers of BÖRSE ONLINE love to invest in luxury and leisure. They spend above average on consumer sectors like
   “holidays & travel” and “food & drink”.
§ This makes BÖRSE ONLINE readers the perfect target group for financial information, B2B campaigns and sophisticated
   consumer products.

Source: BÖRSE ONLINE readers’ survey in the period November to December 2013, n=770

                                                                                      6                                 July 2021
Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation
Other elements

Usage, subscription service and sales outlets

Intensive usage
§ BÖRSE ONLINE readers are very loyal: 60 percent of them have been reading BÖRSE ONLINE for over six years.
§ BÖRSE ONLINE is read very intensively: over 70% read three quarters of the content or more.
§ Readers consult issues multiple times: over 50% consult an issue three times or more.

Subscription service
§ Subscribers of BÖRSE ONLINE get their copy delivered to their home on the day of publication, at no additional charge.

Sales outlets
§ BÖRSE ONLINE is available by subscription, and is sold at train station bookshops, petrol stations and other selected

Source: BÖRSE ONLINE readers’ survey in 2019

                                                               7                                                           July 2021
Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation

Circulation in detail

Circulation in copies    IVW II/2021                       thereof epapers

                        Print run                 41,411
                        Distributed circulation   27,339             4,585

                        Sold circulation          27,009             4,585

                        Subscribers               14,882             1,100

                        Newsstand sales            7,231               388

                        On-board copies             157                157

                        Reader`s circle              41                  0

                        Other circulation sales    4,698             2,940

                        Free copies                 330                  0

                                           8                                 July 2021
Magazine profile BÖRSE ONLINE - Editorial concept Readership and target group figures Circulation
Reader and structure figures

Reader and structure figures

                               9   July 2021
Reader and structure figures

Readers in top educational, professional and income categories
"   BÖRSE ONLINE readers are male and belong to the top educational, professional and income categories.

    Sociodemographics                                                          AWA              BO             Affinity
                                                                            proportion       proportion

    Men                                                                          49%               91%                          186      186

    30–59 years                                                                  48%               70%                      146          146                             146

    A-Levels, university entry level, degree                                     31%               75%                                242 242                            242

    Profession of those surveyed
    Major independent contractors/freelancers                                     2%               17%                                 845                               845         845
    Senior employees/officials                                                   10%               23%                             230 230                               230

    Net monthly household income                                                                                                                                           0
    €4,000+ euros                                                                29%               33%                    114            114                             114

Source: AWA 2021; population: German-speaking residents aged 14 or over, pot. 70,54 mill. individuals; BÖRSE ONLINE readers’ survey in the period November to December 2013, n=770, index:
proportion of total population = 100

                                                                                              10                                                                                             July 2021
Reader and structure figures

Securities: extremely pronounced interest
"   BÖRSE ONLINE readers are experts in financial and capital investments and are interested in all relevant investment

    Areas of interest                                                          AWA               BO           Affinity
                                                                            proportion        proportion

    Particular interest in topics
    Financial and capital investments                                            15%                58%                             387 387                               387
    Especially shares                                                             6%                86%                                1433                              1433 1.433
    Economic issues                                                              11%                53%                               482482                              482
    Politics                                                                     25%                29%               116                116                              116

    Interest/particular interest: investment types                                                BO

    Shares                                                                                           97%
    ETFs                                                                                             63%
    Bonds and interest                                                                               60%
    Certificates                                                                                     59%
    Funds                                                                                            58%
    Warrants                                                                                         46%
    CFDs                                                                                             22%

Source: AWA 2021; population: German-speaking residents aged 14 or over, pot. 70,54 mill. individuals; BÖRSE ONLINE readers’ survey in the period November to December 2013, n=770, index:
proportion of total population = 100

                                                                                               11                                                                                            July 2021
Reader and structure figures

    Securities: strong investment potential
"    BÖRSE ONLINE readers invest above average in shares and funds in comparison with the general population and are also
     potential future investors.

    Financial and capital investments                                           AWA               BO           Affinity
                                                                             proportion        proportion

    Ownership of financial investments
    Shares                                                                        13%                90%                                   692 692                         692
    Investment certificates, investment funds                                      8%                60%                                   750 750                         750
    Fixed-interest securities                                                     10%                22%                  220              220                             220

    Purchasing plans in the next one to two years
    Shares                                                                         6%                92%                                 1533                             1533 1.533
    Investment funds                                                               6%                38%                                   633
                                                                                                                                          633                              633
    Fixed-interest securities                                                      2%                23%                                 1150                   1.150     1150

Source: AWA 2021; population: German-speaking residents aged 14 or over, pot. 70,54 mill. individuals; BÖRSE ONLINE readers’ survey in the period November to December 2013, n=770, index:
proportion of total population = 100

                                                                                              12                                                                                             July 2021
Reader and structure figures

Direct banks, investment behaviour
"   Almost 80% of BÖRSE ONLINE readers have an account at a direct bank.

    Direct bank, home banking                                                   AWA               BO           Affinity
                                                                             proportion        proportion

    Direct bank customer
    I am a direct bank customer                                                   19%               78%                                   411                              411      411

"   90% of BÖRSE ONLINE readers own one or more security portfolios.
"   BÖRSE ONLINE readers have very high private fixed assets.

    Private fixed assets                                                                          BO

    From 50,000 to 100,000 euros                                                                     14%
    From 100,000 to 500,000 euros                                                                    22%
    Over 500,000 euros                                                                                9%

Source: AWA 2021; population: German-speaking residents aged 14 or over, pot. 70,54 mill. individuals; BÖRSE ONLINE readers’ survey in the period November to December 2013, n=770, index:
proportion of total population = 100

                                                                                              13                                                                                             July 2021
Reader and structure figures

Lovers of luxury and pleasure
§ BÖRSE ONLINE readers don’t just invest their money but also have financial means that they like to spend on luxury,
    pleasure and leisure activities.

  Willingness to buy                                                           AWA              BO           Affinity
                                                                            proportion       proportion

  High willingness to buy
  Holidays and travel                                                            50%               72%                                  144                      14400%          144
  Food and drink                                                                 54%               60%                                  111                        111
  Technical appliances such as computers and smartphones                         40%               33%                                   83           83
  Fashion                                                                        44%               38%                                   86            86
  Home and decoration                                                            54%               32%                                   5959
  Cars and motorbikes                                                            21%               20%                                   95                 95

Source: AWA 2021; population: German-speaking residents aged 14 or over, pot. 70,54 mill. individuals; BÖRSE ONLINE readers’ survey in the period November to December 2013, n=770, index:
proportion of total population = 100

                                                                                              14                                                                                             July 2021
Reader and structure figures

Education and self-reliance
"   BÖRSE ONLINE readers greatly value a varied education and a high degree of self-reliance and independence.

    Motives                                                                     AWA               BO           Affinity
                                                                             proportion        proportion

    Constantly learning new things                                                48%                56%                                 117                              117
    Independence, being able to significantly shape your own life                 71%                80%                             113 113                               113

Source: AWA 2021 population: German-speaking residents aged 14 or over, pot. 70,54 mill. individuals; BÖRSE ONLINE readers’ survey in the period November to December 2013, n=770, index:
proportion of total population = 100

                                                                                              15                                                                                            July 2021
Investment decisions

Editorial recommendations influence the market
    Mini Future on corn, WKN: VN41TT (Date of mention: 11.04.2019 )

                                                                                   Trading volume in the second week after publication
                                                                   109,457         Trading volume in the week after publication

    0                                                                              Trading volume in the previous week

0          20000        40000    60000      80000      100000         120000

DAX-Inliner, WKN CU16TJ (Date of mention: 23.05.2019)

                                  13,632                                           Trading volume in the second week after publication

                                                          24,626                   Trading volume in the week after publication
    0                                                                              Trading volume in the previous week

0          5000      10000      15000      20000      25000        30000

Inliner warrants on EUR/GBP, WKN ST5YVC (Date of mention: 29.04.2019)

               15,000                                                              Trading volume in the second week after publication

                                                              80,000               Trading volume in the week after publication
                                                                                   Trading volume in the previous week

0       10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

                                                                        (Trading volumes in euros on the Stuttgart exchange, cumulative; source:

                                                                            16                                                                                  July 2021
External reader overlap

    High proportion of exclusive readers
    BÖRSE ONLINE readers …

       do not read the title … (exclusive readers)                                     also read the title … (double readers)

     €uro am Sonntag                 Der Aktionär                  Focus Money                  Handelsblatt        €uro Magazin   Capital

                 13                            17                                                                          15           12
               in %                        in %                          in %                       in %                in %         in %

          87                            83                             76                         70                  85           88

n    BÖRSE ONLINE only has minimal overlaps with other investment and financial magazines.
n    Thanks to its high proportion of exclusive readers, BÖRSE ONLINE reaches readers that titles like Focus Money,
     Handelsblatt or Capital do not.

     Source: BÖRSE ONLINE readers’ survey in the period November to December 2013, n=770

                                                                                           17                                                July 2021

Publisher:           Finanzen Verlag GmbH                 Sales and             Andreas Wiling
                     Bayerstraße 71–73                    cooperative           Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-108
                     80335 München, Germany               ventures:   

                     Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-0
                     Fax +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-198          Reader loyalty        Stephan Schwägerl
                                                          programme and         Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-349

Managing directors   Dr. Frank-B. Werner                  Licensing and         Markus Batta
                     Dieter Fischer                       special print runs:   Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-121

Publishing house     Daniela Glocker
management:          Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-143

                     Marion Lummer
                     Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-268

                                                         18                                                            July 2021

Ad sales:        Nikos Koloutsos - Ad coordination Börse Online
                 Derivatives, bonds, exchanges, market letters, CFDs
                 Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-139

                 Belinda Lohse
                 Funds, ETFs, ETCs
                 Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-124

                 Maria Schmid - Head of ad field sales staff
                 Direct banking, discount brokers, autobanking, closed alternative funds, investor relations
                 Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-293

Ad processing:   Silke Weiner
                 Tel +49 (0) 89 / 272 64-346

                                                                           19                                  July 2021
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