MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet

Page created by Yvonne Little
MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet
                                                     Te Kura O Mimitangiatua
                                                               Where the Country,
                                                        Coast and Classroom Meet

                                  19 May 2022

Tēnā koutou ngā whānau, akonga me te         about the importance of speaking up,
hāpori whānui o Te Kura o Mimi-              and standing together to stop bullying. I
tangiatua, nau mai ki rāro i te maru o       hope they have been coming home to let
mounga Taranaki. Nau mai haere ki te         you know about the learning around this.
wiki tua toru.                               Tomorrow we have Pink Shirt Day to
                                             support this awesome kaupapa.
Greetings to everyone at Mimi School
who sits under the cloak of our ancestor     Kia pai tou mutunga wiki
mounga Taranaki. Welcome to week 3.          Enjoy your weekend
The term has certainly been a busy one       Poipoia te kakano, kia puawai
already with classroom programmes in         Nurture the seed and it will blossom
full swing, tamariki carrying on with the
amazing learning of School Values, Te        Ngā manaakitanga ki a koutou.
Reo Māori, Literacy, Numeracy, Oral                                    Tiaki Pokere
Language, Phonics, Handwriting, Topic                           Tumuaki - Principal
and Physical Education.
                                             Principal Awards
This week our kaiako have been carry-        Mathilda Megner-Harrison
ing out testing to identify goals achieved   For a wonderful start at Mim-
from last term, while also using the data    itangiatua. You are already
collected to pinpoint next steps for this    showing our school value of
term. Our kaiako are extremely im-           Ngākau Māhaki - Respect.
pressed with the progress being made         Ka mau te wehi Mathilda -
by our learners.                             Awesome.
The staff and I have enjoyed getting
around to see our tamariki play many of                Poppy Gardner
the winter codes. The determination,                   For the amazing focus you
attitude, courage and perseverance both                have shown in the classroom.
on and off the field is to be commended.               I also love the support you
We look forward to supporting future                   give your buddies Poppy.
games.                                                 Keep it up!
This week classes have been learning

                        23 Pukearuhe Road, RD 44, Urenui, 4377
                         Phone 752 3617, mobile 027 752 3617
                             Email admin@mimi.school.nz
MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet
Amaya Ellis                                    Hero App
Always taking the time to
help the tamariki of Mimi-                     Dear Parents and Caregivers
tangiatua in the class-                        As you are aware we have been making
room and playground. Ka                        the transition to Hero. If you have not
mutu pea Amaya! Excel-                         downloaded the app on your phone it
lent stuff.                                    would be great if you could do so.
                                               Our teachers will begin making weekly
                                               posts using Hero to keep you updated
Mimi School Values                             of the amazing learning taking place in
This year we are working on understand-        the classrooms. When the teachers
ing and knowing our school values, while       make a post, you will find this in the
explicitly teaching these daily. The hope      community section of the app. Sibylle
is for our tamariki to apply these in every-   will also use this to keep you all updat-
thing that they do.                            ed with sports, lunches etc.
Our school values Ngākau Mahaki - Re-
spect, Kia Maia - Courage, Mana Mo-            Reporting an absence using Hero
tuhake - Independence and Kia Mana-            We would like whānau to use Hero to
wanui - Perseverance are the four cor-         report absences as it is linked directly
nerstones to the Mimi School curriculum.       to our roll. This is extremely easy to do:
As a school whānau we believe that instil-
ling our children with these cornerstones          Open the app and select ‘Report an
will provide them strong foundations to            Absence’
live by.
                                               Pink Shirt Day
To acknowledge our tamariki who are            Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day. This day
uplifting these qualities during break         is about standing up against bullying
times teachers will continue to give out       by Speaking Up, Standing Together,
the ‘Ka mau te wehi cards’ where a week-       and Stop Bullying - Korero Mai, Ko-
ly draw will take place at assemblies. Stu-    rero Atu, Mauri Tu, Mauri ora. It
dents drawn from this draw will receive
either a juicy or a prize from the prize
                                               would be great to see as many of our
box.                                           tamariki get involved, whether it be
Ka Mau te Wehi Winners                         pink nails, a scarf, piece/s of clothing,
Jasper, Devy and Tamati                        jewelry, paint, gumboots, even a hair
                                               tie. I'm sure your tamariki will be su-
School Values Term Focus
                                               per creative.
Wk 2 - 3: Kia Manawanui - Persever-
Wk 3 - 4: Mana Motuhake - Independ-
ence: Owning my actions and taking re-
sponsibility for myself
Wk 5 - 6: Ngākau Māhaki - Respect:
Showing kindness
Week 7 - 8: Kia Maia - Courage: Building
Week 9 - 10: Ngākau Māhaki - Respect:
Being an Upstander vs Bystander
MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet
Funding Grant Acknowl- Absences
edgements              If your child is                 absent from school,
On behalf of Mimi School I would like to please make sure you let the school
acknowledge Toi Foundation, Pelorus office know before 9am.
and NZCT for their generosity and sup-
port with Grants received this year.
                                         Sign Out Sheet
                                         If you need to pick your child/ren up
                                         before 3pm for any reason, please
                                         sign them out in the office.

                                         Lucky Bookclub
                                         Issue 3 of the Lucky Bookclub is out
                                         now. Ordering is recommended by
                                         tomorrow, Friday, 20th May, how-
                                         ever you are able to place your orders
                                         online until the end of June.
                                         Please place your order online at
                                         www.bookclub.scholastic.co.nz       or
                                         hand your form and cash into the
Students of the week                     school office.
Last week the Student of the Week
Awards went to:                          Home & School AGM
Rimu Room:                               The Home & School Committee is
Emma Prouse for show-                    holding their AGM on Monday, 13th
ing Mana Matuhake and                    June at 3:15pm. All welcome!
Kia Manawanui. She
takes ownership of her                   COVID RAT Tests
own learning and keeps                   We have lots of COVID Rapid Anti-
trying even when work                    gen Tests here at school. Come and
may seem challenging.                    grab a box if you need to test your
               Matai Room:               family.
               Angus Newton for
               the awesome effort        Defibrillator (AED) at Mi-
               he has been showing       mi School
               during    his maths       We have a defibrillator
               learning. Ka pai An-      here at school. This is
               gus!                      kept in a lockbox in
                                         the outside area be-
Kowhai Room:                             tween the staffroom
Cooper Taylor for show-                  and the old library.
ing great progress in                    To open the lockbox you will need to
reading, learning lots of                break the glass to retrieve the key.
new words, reading tricki-               The defibrillator is easy to use, it will
er books and listening                   tell you exactly what steps to take.
well in his group.
MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet
Ākina te reo - Give te                  Person 2 - Kei te (insert feeling) ahau. Ka kite
                                        ano ia koe (persons name)
reo Māori a go!!                        I am (insert feeling). See you again (persons
Last term and until week 5 of this term name)
our classes are learning new karakia and
ways we can greet and ask how one an-
other are. We thought it would be a great
idea to share our learning with whānau. Results:
Don’t be shy, your tamariki are willing to Mimi White (Yr 1-2) played Huirangi
help you too.                              Hotshots
Below are some examples of greetings,
                                                PoD: 18/5 Poppy, 11/5 Oliver, 4/5
feelings and ways this can be used in a Reyn
conversation at home and with friends Mimi Red (Yr 3-4) lost to Waitara
and family.                             Central Pohutukawa 2-9
Formal Greetings         Informal Greetings PoD: Temepara, goals by Arlo and
Tēnā koe -               Kia ora -              Temepara
Hello to one person      Hello to one person    Mimi Black (Yr 5-6) lost to Lepperton
Tēnā korua -             Kia ora korua -        Waiongana
Hello to 2 people        Hello to 2 people      PoD: Akira
Tēna koutou -            Kia ora koutou -
Hello to 3 or more       Hello to 3 or more
                                                Draw for next week:
people                   people                 Mimi White vs. Puketapu Pepe Mako
                                                at 3:30 pm on court 3b
Ata marie -              Morena -
Good Morning             Good Morning           Mimi Red vs. Urenui 1 at 4:30pm on
Ahiahi marie -           Ahiahi marie -         court 3
Good afternoon           Good afternoon         Mimi Black vs. Waitara East Taioma
Ngā Ahuatanga/Emotions-Feelings                 at 5:30pm on court 4

Harikoa - Happy
Pai - Good
                     Hikaka/Manahau - Excited
                     Pouri - Sad                Basketball
Hiakai - Hungry      Riri - Angry               Results:
Hiainu - Thirsty     Hiamoe - Sleepy            Mimi Cliffbombers lost to Lepperton
Hōha - fed up        Ngenge - Tired             Stars
Aio - Calm           Makariri - Cold
Wera - Hot           Mokemoke - Lonely          Draw for next week:
Kiriweti - Grumpy    Whakamā - Shy              vs. East Pouakai at 4:10
Mini Conversation - Kara whiua!!
Give it a go!!

Person 1 - (insert greeting), Ko _____ toku
ingoa. He aha tō ingoa?
Greeting           My name is __________.
What is your name?
Person 2 - (insert greeting), Ko _____ toku
ingoa. Kei te pehia koe?
Greeting          My name is_______. How are
Person 1 - Kei te (insert feeling) ahau, me
I am (insert feeling), what about you?
MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet
Lunch Orders
                                         TERM 2
Fridays are lunch order days.
Please place your orders at the
school office before 9am.

                                         PINK SHIRT DAY                       Fri 20 May
                                         LUCKY BOOKCLUB
                                         ORDERS DUE                           Fri 20 May
                                         *YOUNG LEADERS DAY                   Wed 25 May
                                         QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY                     Mon 6 Jun
                                         HOME & SCHOOL AGM                    Mon 13 Jun
                                         *MATARIKI WINTERFEST
                                         @ MOKAU                              Fri 17 Jun
                                         MATARIKI (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)            Fri 24 Jun
We would like to start a parent roster
                                         BOT MEETING                          Thur 30 Jun
for lunch pick ups again this term, so
we are on the lookout for volunteers     TERM 2 ENDS                          Fri 8 Jul
who are able to pick up the school       * Trips out of school grounds (transport may be
lunches from Urenui Four Square at         needed.
lunchtime on Fridays (only about
once or twice a term). Please contact    Please contact Tiaki or Sibylle for further infor-
Sibylle in the office if you can help.   mation.

Nacho Friday on Friday, 3rd June
Home & School is
organising a Na-
cho Friday.
We would like to
ask school families
to donate the fol-
 5kg of mince
 4 tins of kidney beans
 Cheese
 avocados
For any queries please contact Lisa
McClutchie or Sibylle in the office.
Please find enclosed the order form.
Form and payment are required by
Thursday, 26th May.
MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet MIMI SCHOOL Te Kura O Mimitangiatua - Where the Country, Coast and Classroom Meet
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