POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS REOPENING PLAN - 2020-2021 ...a tradition of excellence
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TABLE OF CONTENTS REOPENING PLAN – K-12 LEARNING OPTION 1 AND 2 …………………..…………........................1 SURVEY RESULTS AS OF 8/3/2020…………………..........………………………………..………………..........2 OPTION 1: ON-CAMPUS LEARNING…………………………………………………..........…………….…........3 Capacity, Schedule, Food Service, Transportation, Facemasks, Restrictions, Accommodations, Symptom Checks OPTION 1: K-12 CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS………………………………………..........…….………......4 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff OPTION 1: K-12 HALLWAYS, COMMONS, RESTROOM EXPECTATIONS……………..........…....4-5 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff OPTION 1: K-12 DROPOFF/PICKUP, VISITORS, LARGE GATHERING EXPECTATIONS.........5-6 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff OPTION 1: K-12 TRANSPORTATION EXPECTATIONS……..…………………………………..………….......6 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff OPTION 1: K-12 CLINIC EXPECTATIONS…….……………………………………..……………………...……......7 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff OPTION 1: K-12 CAFETERIA EXPECTATIONS …………………………………………………....…..……......7-8 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff OPTION 2: REMOTE OPTION - K-12 EXPECTATIONS and CAFETERIA PICKUP OPTIONS....8-9 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff OPTION 1 & 2: ADDITIONAL PROTOCOLS - COMMUNICATION EXPECTATIONS ……...........10 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff OPTION 1 & 2: BEHAVIORAL HEALTH EXPECTATIONS ………………….........………...………..........10 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff EMERGENCY REMOTE LEARNING EXPECTATIONS …………………..........…………………...…...........…11 Parents/Guardians, Students, Staff
POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS 2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN K-12 Learning Option 1 and 2 OPTION 1: OPTION 2: IN PERSON LEARNING REMOTE LEARNING Traditional Classroom Instruction where An online curriculum supported students physically attend classes. by Poland Teachers with support CLASSES WILL BE HELD AT: from Jefferson Virtual Learning Union Elementary Academy, an online platform for McKinley Elementary families choosing to engage in Poland Middle School learning from home. Poland Seminary High School EXPECTATIONS INSTRUCTIONAL TIMES: Union Elementary: 8:30-2:15 McKinley Elementary: 8:30-2:15 Poland Middle School: 7:45-1:45 Poland Seminary HS : 7:45-1:45 DROP OFF/PICKUP TIMES: Union Elementary: 8:15-8:25 Parent Pickup Times: TBD McKinley Elementary: 8:15-8:25 Parent Pickup Times: TBD Poland Middle School: 7:25-7:40 Parent Pickup Times: TBD Poland Seminary HS: 7:30-7:40 Parent Pickup Times: TBD 1
POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS 2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN OPTION 1: ON-CAMPUS LEARNING ALL POLAND LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDINGS CAPACITY: Union Elementary, McKinley Elementary, Poland Middle School and Poland Seminary High School will attend in the buildings. Where possible, students will be kept 6 feet apart. There will be times during the school day when students will be less than 6 feet apart. SCHEDULE: Students will attend school Monday through Friday. FOOD SERVICE: Lunches will be available for purchase to students in school with limited cafeteria seating or will be packaged and delivered to student classrooms. Students may pack their own lunch. TRANSPORTATION: Students will be permitted to sit two per seat, must wear a face mask, and have a verified temperature less than 100.4 prior to boarding school bus. FACE MASK: Required for all K-12 students & staff on school property. RESTRICTIONS/ACCOMODATIONS: Poland Local School District will function with added safety precautions, cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting practices, lunch distribution processes, transportation practices, health and safety precautions, and more. SYMPTOM CHECK: Parents/Guardians MUST assess children daily for a temperature of 100.4 and above as well as COVID like symptoms without a known cause and MUST keep children home if either are detected. Students will have temperatures taken via temperature kiosks upon entry each day. If a student temperature is 100.4 and above, the student will be escorted to an isolation room for secondary temperature check and/or symptom check. Parents/Guardians WILL be contacted for immediate pickup. 3
POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS 2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN OPTION 1: ON-CAMPUS LEARNING K-12 K-12 CLASSROOM CLASSROOMEXPECTATIONS EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Assess children daily for a temperature of 100.4 and above as well as other COVID related symptoms. • Keep children home if either are detected. • Provide a face mask for students in K-12. STUDENTS: • Wear a face mask. • Maintain maximum social distance from peers whenever possible. • Sanitize/wash hands as frequently as possible or when directed by a staff member. • Clean desks and seats when directed. • Students in Grades 6-12 must bring their fully charged school issued Chromebook with them daily. This device must be transported to/from home daily. • USE OF PERSONAL DEVICES ARE NOT PERMITTED IN SCHOOL. STAFF: • Wear a face mask at all times. • Ensure classroom setup of desks provides as much social distancing for students as possible. • Eliminate shared classroom materials. • Plan for Emergency Remote Learning. • Make sure classrooms have supplies needed including hand sanitizer. • Disinfect classrooms as often as possible. HALLWAYS, COMMONS, RESTROOM EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Provide a face mask for your student to wear in school. • Provide your student with a refillable water bottle daily as water fountains will not be available for use. • Water bottle filling stations will be installed and available to students. STUDENTS: • Wear a face mask in all areas. • Upon arrival to school report immediately to your classroom. • Carry a refillable water bottle as water fountains will not be available for use. • Follow all signage in the hallways and commons. • When possible, stay to the right when traveling down hallways and using the stairs. 4
OPTION 1: ON-CAMPUS LEARNING HALLWAYS, COMMONS, RESTROOM EXPECTATIONS STUDENTS: • Lockers will be used only for coats and lunches grades 5-12. Chrome-books and other learning materials must be taken home with students daily. Students will not be permitted to visit the lockers during the day and no items are to be kept overnight. • If students need assistance carrying supplies between classes, due to safety concerns, only a clear transparent backpack will be permitted to be carried throughout the building. STAFF: • Supervise hallways, restrooms, and commons. • Ensure proper signage is installed in hallways and commons. • Implement staggered dismissal times if necessary to maximize social distancing and student safety. DROPOFF/PICKUP, VISITORS, LARGE GATHERING EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Assess children daily for a temperature of 100.4 and above as well as other COVID related symptoms. • Provide a face mask for students K-12. • Visitors and classroom volunteers are not permitted. • Parents/Guardians may not enter for student pickup. • Conferences/Meetings will be held virtually. STUDENTS: • Wear a face mask in all areas. • After being temperature scanned, report immediately to your classroom. • Maintain maximum social distance from peers whenever possible. • All assemblies, field trips, dances and events are cancelled. • Athletic events TBD. STAFF: • Ensure all staff have temperatures taken upon entry to the building. • Supervise hallways and common areas. • Ensure designated doors are open at arrival and dismissal. • Ensure designated doors are closed after arrival and dismissal. • Ensure adequate supervision is available in bus lots, parking lots and in common areas. • Ensure proper signage is installed in hallways and common areas. • Eliminate parent and community volunteers to ensure the safety and health of students and staff. 5
OPTION 1: ON-CAMPUS LEARNING DROPOFF/PICKUP, VISITORS, LARGE GATHERING EXPECTATIONS STAFF: • Implement staggered dismissal times if necessary to maximize social distancing and student safety. K-8 TRANSPORTATION EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Assess children daily for a temperature of 100.4 and above as well as other COVID related symptoms. • Keep children at home if either are detected. • Submit a daily note with child's name and temperature to the drop box upon boarding after showing it to the bus driver. • Provide a face covering for students K-8. • Reinforce social distancing at bus stops. STUDENTS: • Maintain maximum social distances wherever possible on the bus, in bus/student lots, and while entering the building. • Sit in your assigned seat. • Wear a face mask while riding the bus. • Remain seated, facing forward while riding the bus. • Follow all parking protocols when driving to school. • Students driving to school are expected to follow social distancing guidelines issued by the Mahoning County Health Department. STAFF: • Wear a face mask at all times • Assign a seat to each student and maintain seating chart. • Remind students to stay seated facing forward. • Load the students back to front and unload front to back. • Keep windows open when possible. • Ensure the bus is disinfected following outlined safety protocols. 6
OPTION 1: ON-CAMPUS LEARNING CLINIC EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Assess children daily for a temperature of 100.4 and above as well as other COVID related symptoms. • Keep children at home if either are detected. • Provide a face mask for students K-12. • Ensure contact information is up to date in Final Forms. • Ensure there are multiple, pre-arranged methods of gettng a student home from school should they become ill, exhibit symptoms, or have a temperature above 100.4. STUDENTS: • Wear a face mask. • Use designated entrances and exits to the clinic and follow specific guidelines to travel to the clinic/isolation room. STAFF: • Establish an isolation room/area for students who are ill and are awaiting their parents. • Ensure the student isolation area is properly supervised when in use. • Wear appropriate PPE at all times. • Ensure the workspace is kept clean and sanitized. • Ensure social distancing protocols are followed whenever possible. • Isolate students who are showing symptoms. • Ensure the clinic is disinfected immediately following a student entering who is exhibiting symptoms. • Ensure doors to the clinic are open to minimize use of door handles and to ensure maximum air flow to the area. • Disinfect the clinic & isolation area after students have left the building. CAFETERIA EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Assess children daily for a temperature of 100.4 and above as well as other COVID related symptoms. • Provide a face mask for students K-12 • Add funds to your child’s PaySchools Central meal account to purchase items rather than sending cash. STUDENTS: • Students wear a face mask before and after they eat their meal(s). • Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before eating any food. 7
OPTION 1: ON-CAMPUS LEARNING CAFETERIA EXPECTATIONS STUDENTS: • Sit in designated seats. • Follow guidelines for restroom use during lunch period. • Properly dispose of trash. • Follow signage for purchasing lunch. • Use your lunch account and not cash. STAFF: • Supervise designated eating areas to ensure students are social distanced to the maximum extent possible. • Wear a face mask at all times. • Monitor restroom use during lunch time. • Disinfect restrooms and common spaces between lunches. POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS 2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN OPTION 2: REMOTE LEARNING K-12 REMOTE LEARNING EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Follow a “school schedule” as much as possible to keep routines in place for students while working from home. • Ensure breaks and active times are built in to support your child’s health and mental wellness. • Provide an optimal learning environment that is free from distractions (pets, noise, etc.) • Monitor student progress on coursework. • Ensure that your child is following their assigned instructional schedule. • Communicate questions and concerns to staff. • Some in-person attendance may be needed for screenings, assessments, or to fulfill other needed requirements. • If your child is ill, please call off your child following building student handbook attendance procedures. 8
OPTION 2: REMOTE LEARNING K-12 REMOTE LEARNING EXPECTATIONS STUDENTS: • Log into Google Classroom and follow directions to access the Jefferson VLA Platform. • Follow a “school schedule” to keep routines in place. • Follow the schedule provided by teachers to complete online learning, assignments, and assessments. • Communicate questions and concerns to staff. • Participate in virtual check-in meetings designed to support student course progress and provide opportunities for students to connect with each other. • Students in Grades 7-12 may participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities. • Participation in inter-school athletics is subject to OHSAA eligibility requirements. STAFF: • Use Google as the platform for all assignments, links to resources, etc. • Grade work in a timely manner following the Board approved grading scale and provide feedback to students on assignments. Provide a weekly schedule of assignments to remote students. • Create an interactive video/virtual component to support/supplement Remote Learning. • Review Student IEP, 504, and/or ELL plans and provide the necessary accommodations. • Collaborate with support staff (Intervention Specialists, Ell teachers, counselors, etc.) to support student learning. CAFETERIA EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Parents can call (330)757-7000 ext. 37214 or e-mail mroemer@polandschools.org no later than 12 Noon Friday for pickup the following Monday. • Pickup will occur at Poland Seminary High School on Mondays time TBA. 9
POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS 2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN OPTION 1 & 2 ADDITIONAL PROTOCOLS COMMUNICATION EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Utilize our district website, email, and all-calls as official communication outlets for district news and announcements. • Communicate directly with staff when you have questions, concerns or comments. • Ensure that your child knows the proper communication platform for teacher/school correspondence. • Communicate attendance, vacation, internet connectivity issues with the building attendance secretary. Parents should expect a response during school hours. STUDENTS: • Check district communication platforms and participate in meetings with teachers as scheduled. • Communicate questions and concerns to teachers. STAFF: • Committed to clear and continuous communication with all stakeholders. • Utilize website, all call system and email for most up to date communication resources (FAQ, tutorials, help center). • Livestreaming, Virtual Meetings and conferences will be conducted. • Respond to parent/guardian, student, and community in a timely fashion. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH EXPECTATIONS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Encourage your student to participate in student assistance programs. • Communicate directly with staff when you have questions, concerns, or comments. STUDENTS: • Participate in student assistance programs. • Communicate directly with staff when you have questions, concerns or comments. STAFF: • Committed to supporting the behavioral and mental health of students and staff. • Support the social emotional learning of students. 10
POLAND LOCAL SCHOOLS 2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN EMERGENCY REMOTE LEARNING K-12 CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS EXPECTATIONS A change in pandemic risk factors where a classroom, school, or district shifts from in-person instruction to 100% instruction delivered via Google Classroom. PARENTS/GUARDIANS: • Ensure a plan is in place for childcare if Emergency Remote Learning is required. • Monitor student progress on coursework. • Ensure a “school schedule” will be followed to keep routines in place for students while working from home during designated class times. • Communicate questions and concerns to staff. STUDENTS: • Check Google Classroom and complete work remotely. • Participate in scheduled Livestreams with teachers. • Communicate questions and concerns to teachers. • Students will engage in Emergency Remote Learning that mirrors the in- person experience to the greatest extent possible. STAFF: • Create interactive lessons that are engaging for students using a variety of strategies. • Address student/parent concerns. • Respond to family/student communication in a timely fashion. • Use Google Classroom as the platform for all assignments, links to resources, etc. • Grade work in a timely manner and provide feedback to students on assignments. • Create an interactive video component to support/supplement Emergency Remote Learning. • Review student IEP, 504 and/or ELL plans and provide the necessary accommodations to support student learning. • Collaborate with support staff (Intervention Specialists, ELL Teachers, Counselors, etc.) to promote student learning. 11
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