National Assessment Policy - Curriculum and Assessment Sector

National Assessment Policy - Curriculum and Assessment Sector
National Assessment Policy

                   Curriculum and Assessment Sector
  2020-2021       Examination and Assessment Management
National Assessment Policy - Curriculum and Assessment Sector
In line with the Ministry's strategy 2017/2021, to ensure equal
                                    quality education for all - including pre-school education - the
                                    assessment policy strives to ensure the achievement of
                                    education outcomes and the efficiency of the educational
    Legislation                     system.
                                    Although the policy was approved in 2017, procedures are
                                    being amended annually in line with learning styles and the
                                    development of national curriculum standards that are
                                    supported by science and best practice.
                                    The central assessment policy focuses its roles on drafting
Developing rules and   Assessment   procedures and establishing rules in order to provide
    regulations          Policy     educational institutions the means to implement methods of
                                    determining students’ performance. It also determines the
                                    electronic environments through which student performance is
                                          2 in order to give decision-makers the opportunity to
                                    verify the quality of educational processes and objectives.
assessment structure
General legislation                                                                    02    The assessment is carried out during the academic year,   01
                                                                                                       which is divided into three trimesters.
 The assessment is integrated and implemented through two methods (school and electronic),
 in order to ensure the safety of students.                                                             The assessment is applied according to the approved
                                                                                                 04     class time for teaching (45) minutes for all academic    03
Subjects are divided into 2 groups: A and B. Group A represents basic subjects for all grades
                                                                                                        stages, except for final exams.
and stages, and Group B subjects enhance learning processes according to standards
commensurate with age and stage skills.                                                               Exams are prepared and entered in the assessment
                                                                                                 06                                                              05
The GPA of Group B subjects is cumulative at the cycle level and separate from Group A                systems approved by the MOE for all educational stages,
subjects, is based on the letter grade (A,B,C,D) and is calculated out of 4.                          streams and types of education.

The formative assessment mark calibration system is applied according to the student’s GPA for         Smart classes: Support learning and passing processes,
3 years prior to the G12.
                                                                                                 08    and it is provided in a self-learning manner during
                                                                                                       vacations (winter, spring and summer), for all grades
Improvement opportunities:                                                                             and educational streams.
▪ Improving performance by raising the student’s GPA by the end of the year by 10% through              The student completes the requirements of the teaching
   enrollment in smart summer classes.                                                           10     and assessment processes in G9-12, and achieving a       09
▪ Accelerating the academic education system by joining the dual academic hours program                 performance level below the target level qualifies the
   with higher education institutions.                                                                  student for a maximum grade of C equivalent.
Assessment Policy Foundation
The school calendar for the academic year 2020-2021,         Feedback from the applying the
  and the distribution of school days and holidays in      assessment policy in the 2019-2020
 accordance with the Council of Ministers’ decisions.               academic year.

                                                        Ministerial Resolution No. (589) of 2017
    Study plan guide in public schools for the              regarding the assessment and
           academic year 2020-2021.                     examination system for KG and G1-12.
Assessment Criteria
    1.   The assessment policy applies to early childhood stage (pre-KG), KG, public schools, and private schools that apply the MOE curriculum for
         the academic year 2020-2021.
    2.   The types of assessment used in assessing students' performance (diagnostic, formative, and summative) are determined according to the
         stage, grade and stream.
    3.   The centralized assessments are carried out according to the following:                           o Targets all subjects.
                                                                                                           o Is applicable to early childhood
                                                                                                              stage (pre-KG), KG and G1-12.
                                                                                Formative                  o Is implemented by the teacher
                                                                                                              according to centrally defined
                      o Targets academic subjects (Arabic, English,
                         Mathematics).                                                                        standards.
                      o Is applied to early childhood stage (pre-KG),                                      o Its weight is assigned to the
                         KG, and G1-12, according to the subject's need                                       student’s total score.
                         and stage.
Diagnostic           o   Is centralized.
                     o   Scores are entered in Al-Manhal system.
                     o   Scores are independent of the student's scores in
                         academic achievement.                                                         o   Targets group A and group B
                                                                                                       o   Applied on G1-12.
                                                                             Summative                 o   Is centralized.
                                                                                                       o   Its weight is assigned to the
                                                                                                           student’s total score.
Assessment Implementation
           First: Diagnostic                                                                                             Mechanisms
The diagnostic test is available on the SwiftAssess system, the student can take the test in
one of the following ways:
                                                                                               o   It can be printed from the system through the examiners’ credentials
o    Use the student’s MOE email address by clicking on the “Students - Office 365 Login”          report, as shown in the following figure, and distributed to students
     page assigned to each school.                                                                 by the school administrator.

o    Use the password that will be sent electronically to the LMS notifications to
     each student.

                                                                                               o   The test will be available all day from 04/10/2020 to 15/10/2020, and the
                                                                                                   school administration must organize the time as it deems appropriate.
                                                                                               o   The grades will be posted to the gradebook in Al Manhal system
                                                                                                   automatically after activating the screen in the system.
Assessment Implementation Mechanisms
 Second: Formative
1.       Assessment plans for groups A and B subjects are available on
         the LMS e-learning platform in Arabic and English and contain:
     o    Courses.

     o    Learning outcomes and performance

     o    Types of tools used and criteria for applying

     o    The scheduling on subject assessment plan.

     o    Weight of the assessment tools.

2.       Entering formative assessment marks in Al-Manhal is done
         manually by the teacher (in a column dedicated to
Assessment Implementation Mechanisms
Third: Summative
o All tests will be taken online through SwiftAssess platforms.
o For all grades: G1-12
o The tests are centralized and are prepared by MOE specialized teams.
o Group A and Group B subjects both have summative elements.
o The marks are transferred to the gradebook in Al Manhal automatically.
o As for Student of determination (SoD) students who need modified exams, tests are
   prepared based on each student’s individual educational plan, implemented by the
                                                                                      SwiftAssess System
   teacher and marks are entered in the Al Manhal manually.
Early Childhood Stage:
Assessment System

                            o   Use of survey questionnaires, which are conducted at the beginning of the first year of KG, to
                                collect data on children's development to support education policy and services.
 Diagnostic Assessment
                            o   Applying standardized tests that are not linked to the curriculum on samples of KG children, to
                                know the performance of children in important areas, such as speech, physical ability, social
                                skills and problem-solving skills; this is usually done in KG2.

                            o Teachers use it to collect data on children's performance in learning time and in
  Formative Assessment        various contexts such as play or through group or individual activities, using rating
                              scales to determine a specific learning outcome.

                            o A set of notes provides evidence of the overall development of children, reflecting
Skill Development Reports     the personal, emotional and social development, as well as motivation of the child
                              to learn.
Assessment System

KG performance assessment standards are descriptive based on 3 levels. These describe the degree of knowledge and skill required in
performance, are based on the specific learning outcomes in each subject, and are capable of providing the teacher and parents with
information about the skills and knowledge that children display during the evaluation or assessment procedures in the learning
process. They are reflected at the end of the school year in the child's performance report.
                                                                                            Mastering Skills
                                                                                            Children at this level
                                                    Developing Skills                       demonstrate complete mastery
                                                    Children at this level demonstrate      of targeted skills, including the
                                                    that they possess the targeted skills   challenge involved in cognitive
                                                    and knowledge and can follow up         and perceptual tasks.
                                                    and advance to the next level.
                    Children show some progress
                    in targeted skills and need
                    more support.                                                              Level 3
                                                         Level 2
                        Level 1
Cycle 1
Cycle 1 Students Performance Assessment Standards
                                                             Assessment Weighting                       Student Final
                                                T1                      T2                        T3       Mark

                                                                                                 Formative am

                                                                                                Summative S



                                                                                                Summative it
Grade       Subjects        Group                                                                                                             Assessment Procedures




         Arabic, English,                                                                                               •    Formative assessment defined by centralized standards (tool
                                    %20         %15          %15        %15         15%           20%                        type, weight, application controls, entering marks).
          Mathematics                                                                                                   •    Summative assessment: centralized tests for Group A
                                                                                                                             subjects, applied according to a timetable program targeting
         Islamic Studies,     A                                                                         %50     %50          G1-4 during the three academic trimesters.
                                                                                                                        •    Student of determination (SoD) students are assessed
          Social Studies,           10%         25%         %30             -       10%           25%
                                                                                                                             according to the needs and considerations of each case
 1-4         Science                                                                                                         according to the individual educational plan (Curriculum
                                                                                                                             alignment / curriculum modification).

                                                                                                                        •   Formative assessment is defined by centralized standards.
        DT, Arts, PHE and                                                                                               •   The summative assessment is determined in each trimester
                              B     25%         10%         20%         10%         25%           10%   %70     %30
           Languages                                                                                                        according to the curriculum standards and is circulated to the
                                                                                                                            educational institutions during each trimester.
Fundamentals of Advancing to the next Grade

Grade                  Passing Grade Fundamentals                        Repeating Grade                      Highest and Lowest Subject Marks in all Streams

                                                                                                     Grades          Subjects             Highest Mark               Lowest Mark
            •   The student undergoes all assessment
                procedures during his attendance period.                                                             Group A                    100                           -
                                                                   Fail to fulfill the two upgrade
1,2,3       •   The student attends at least 65% of school days,
                with the condition of completing the loss of                                          1,2,3                                                GPA
                attendance in smart summer classes.                                                                                       A cumulative average and does not have
                                                                                                                     Group B          percentage weighting in the report card; it is not
                                                                                                                                     included in the total, and it has a separate average
                                                                                                                                                           out of 4.

                                                                   Fail to pass any of the Group A                   Group A                    100                         50
            •   Achieve, at least, an average of 1.75 in Group B
                                                                 subjects after the implementation
  4                                                               of the summer course program          4                                                  GPA
            •   Pass all Group A subjects with at least the
        1                                                           applied during the summer                                             A cumulative average and does not have
                lowest passing mark.                                                                                 Group B          percentage weighting in the report card; it is not
        4                                                                      vacation.                                             included in the total, and it has a separate average
                                                                                                                                                           out of 4.
Key Performance Indicator
        Letter          Marks
Grade                                               Key Performance Indicator                                                   Corrective Actions
        Grade    From         To
          A       90         100    •   Levels A-B give an indication of achieving an advanced
                                                                                                    •    Does not need one.
          B       80        89.99       level in student performance.
                                    •   Level C and below gives an indication of losing part of •        Enrolling students in the smart classroom program to support missing
          C       70        79.99
                                        the learning skills.                                             skills in performance at the end of each trimester.
          D       60        69.99   •   Levels D-E in Grades 1-3 give an indication that
                                        students will fall into a level that needs early support for •   Checking student performance regularly and identifying support
                                        learning processes.                                              programs within smart classes.
          E       50        59.99   •   Summative assessment level D-E and student falling           •   Reviewing assessment principles and adjusting its school procedures.
 1-4                                    within level A in formative assessment.
                                                                                                     •   It requires identifying missing skills in performance and intervention
                                                                                                         by the teacher in coordination with the parents, before moving on to
                                    •   Level F in G1-3 indicates that, at the end of the year,          teaching new skills.
                                        students do not have a large part of learning skills.   •        Enrolling students in a remedial/enrichment program to support
          F       0         49.99   •   Level F in grade 4, for any of the Group A subjects,             missing skills in performance at the end of each trimester through
                                        indicates that no achievement has been achieved in the           smart classes.
                                        subject.                                                •        Enroll students in the smart summer course program and sit for the
                                                                                                         summative test to achieve the passing mark/score at the end of the
Cycle 2
Cycle 2 Students Performance Assessment Standards
                                                                          Assessment Weighting
                                                                                                                               Student Final
                                                             T1                          T2                        T3              Mark
Grade             Subjects            Group                                                                                                                                    Assessment Procedures







                                                                                                                                                         •    Formative assessment defined by centralized standards
                                                                                                                                                              (tool type, weight, application controls, entering marks).
                                                                                                                                                         •    Summative assessment: centralized tests for Group A
               Arabic, English,
                                                                                                                                                              subjects, applied according to a timetable program
           Mathematics, Science
                                        A     10%            %35            %10             -         10%          %35         %30           %70              targeting G5-8 during T1 and T3.
           Islamic Studies, Social
                                                                                                                                                         •    Student of determination (SoD) students are assessed
                                                                                                                                                              according to the needs and considerations of each case
                                                                                                                                                              according to the individual educational plan (Curriculum
                                                                                                                                                              alignment / curriculum modification).
                                                                                                                                                         •   Formative assessment is defined by centralized standards.
                                                                                                                                                         •   The summative assessment is determined in each
        DT, Arts, PHE and Languages     B     %25            10%            %20          10%          %25          10%         %70           %30             trimester according to the curriculum standards and is
                                                                                                                                                             circulated to the educational institutions during each
Fundamentals of Advancing to the next Grade

                                                                                                                Highest and Lowest Subject Marks in all Streams
Grade           Passing Grade Fundamentals                         Repeating Grade

                                                                                                        Grade               Subjects        Highest Mark      Lowest Mark

                                                                                                                            Group A             100                50
            •   Achieve, at least, an average of
                                                  Fail to pass any of the Group A subjects. After the
                1.75 in Group B subjects.
                                                   implementation of the summer course program
            •   Pass all Group A subjects with at                                                                                          A cumulative average and does
                                                         applied during the summer vacation.             5-8
                least the lowest passing mark.                                                                                            not have percentage weighting in
                                                                                                                            Group B
        1                                                                                                                                 the report card; it is not included
        8                                                                                                                                 in the total, and it has a separate
                                                                                                                                                   average out of 4.
Key Performance Indicator
                  Letter          Marks
Stream    Grade                                                         Key Performance Indicator                                                    Corrective Actions
                  Grade    From           To
                    A       90            100   •   Levels A-B give an indication of achieving an advanced level in student
                                                    performance.                                                                     •    Does not need one.
                    B       80        89.99     •   Levels A-B in G8 give a guide indication for students to join the advanced       •    Activating academic guiding plans for students.
                    C       70        79.99                                                                                          •    Activating remedial plans to raise performance
                                                •   Levels C - D - E indicate an average level of performance.
                    D       60        69.99                                                                                               through smart classes.
                                                •   Summative assessment level D-E and student falling within level A in
General    5-8                                                                                                                       •    Reviewing the assessment principles and
                    E       50        50.99         formative assessment.
                                                                                                                                          adjusting its procedures.
                                                                                                                                     •    Enrolling students in a remedial/enrichment
                                                                                                                                          program to support missing skills in performance
                                                •   Level F ,in any of the Group A subjects, indicates that students did not pass
                    F       0         49.99                                                                                               at the end of each trimester through smart classes.
                                                    the subject.
                                                                                                                                     •    Enroll students in the smart summer course
                                                                                                                                          program and sit for the summative test.
                   A+       90         100                                                                                           •    Activate performance improvement plans to
                                                •   The occurrence of student performance at levels A-B indicates an advanced
                   A        80        89.99                                                                                               maintain qualification requirements for AP
                                                    level achievement.
                   B+       70        79.99                                                                                               standards.
 Elite     5-8                                  •   The student's fall in the Elite stream at a level below +C at the end of the year •   Addressing student skills to raise performance.
                                                    is an indication of underperformance.                                             •   Activating academic guiding plans to keep the
                   C+       60        69.99
                                                •   The absence of a below +C level, in the elite stream, indicates the necessity         student current stream or transfer them to the
                                                    of maintaining performance within the specified levels to stay in this stream.        advanced stream, beginning of Cycle 3.
Cycle 3
Cycle 3 Students Performance Assessment Standards
                                                                    Assessment Weighting
                                                                                                                                   Student Final Mark
                                                   T1                               T2                            T3
Grade         Subject         Group                                                                                                                                                      Assessment Procedures





                                                                                                                                                           •    Formative assessment defined by centralized standards (tool type,
9-11     All Group subjects     A     %10               %35           %10                  -         %10               %35                                      weight, application controls, entering marks).
                                                                                                                                                           •    Summative assessment: centralized tests for Group A subjects, applied
                                                                                                                                   %30         %70              according to a timetable program targeting G9-12 during T1 and T3..
                                                                                                                                                           •    SEN students are assessed according to the needs and considerations of
 12      All Group subjects     A     %10               %35           %10                  -         %10               %35                                      each case according to the individual educational plan (Curriculum
                                                                                                                                                                alignment / curriculum modification).

                                                                                                                                                           •   Formative assessment is defined by centralized standards.
        2 DT, Arts, PHE and                                                                                                                                •   The summative assessment is determined in each trimester according to
9-12                            B     %25               %10           %20                %10         %25               %10         %70         %30
        1 Languages                                                                                                                                            the curriculum standards and is circulated to the educational institutions
                                                                                                                                                               during each trimester.
Fundamentals of Advancing to the next Grade

                                                                                                                Highest and Lowest Subject Marks in all Streams
Grade           Passing Grade Fundamentals                         Repeating Grade

                                                                                                        Grade               Subjects        Highest Mark      Lowest Mark

                                                                                                                            Group A             100                60
            •   Achieve, at least, an average of
                                                  Fail to pass any of the Group A subjects. After the
                1.5 in Group B subjects.
                                                   implementation of the summer course program
            •   Pass all Group A subjects with at                                                                                          A cumulative average and does
                                                         applied during the summer vacation.            9-12
                least the lowest passing mark.                                                                                            not have percentage weighting in
                                                                                                                            Group B
        2                                                                                                                                    the report card, and it is not
        2                                                                                                                                 included in the total, and it has a
                                                                                                                                              separate average out of 4.
Descriptive Measures of Performance Levels
Grade    Stream                            Rubric
                      A           B              C            D            F
 9-11    General
                   90 - 100    80-89.99     70 - 79.99   60 - 69.99   0 - 50.99
                      A           B+             B           C+            F
 9-11   Advanced
                   90 – 100    80-89.99     70 - 79.99   60 - 69.99   0 - 50.99
                     A+           A             B+           C+            -
 9-11      Elite
                   90 - 100    80-89.99     70 - 79.99   60 - 69.99        -
                      A           B              C            D            F
 9-11    Applied
                   90 - 100    80-89.99     70 - 79.99   60 - 69.99   0 - 50.99
‫الصف‬    Stream                             Rubric
                       A           B             C            D            F
                    90 – 100    80-89.99    70 - 79.99   60 - 69.99   0 - 50.99
                       A           B+            B           C+            F
                    90 – 100    80-89.99    70 - 79.99   60 - 69.99   0 - 50.99
                       A+          A            B+           C+            -
                    90 - 100    80-89.99    70 - 79.99   60 - 69.99        -
                       A           B             C            D            F
                    90 - 100    80-89.99    70 - 79.99   60 - 69.99   0 - 50.99
Cycle 3 Student Calculation Mechanism

   GPA by points for Group B subjects             GPA according to the academic subjects in
                                                                   Cycle 3

                                                  Each grade in cycle 3 contributes a
Converting the score from 100 to points
                                                       proportion of G12 GPA .
         reflecting the rubric.
Number of Points According to the Distribution of Marks

Grade   Stream      95-100       90-94.99   85-89.99         80-84.99   75-79.99         70-74.99   65-69.99         60-64.99   55-59.99   50-54.99   0-49.99

  -         -        A+             A         B+                B         C+                C         D+                D         E+          E         F
 4-1    General              4                         3.5                         3                           2.5                     1.75
        General              4                         3.5                         3                           2.5                     1.75
          Elite              4                     3.75                            3.5                         3                   -          -          -
        General              4                         3.5                         2.5                         1.5
        Advanced             4                         3.5                         3                           2.5
          Elite              4                     3.75                            3.5                         3
        Applied              4                         3.5                         3                           2.5
Example: Calculating the GPA for Group B subjects in Grade 12

                      Moral                        Islamic           Social
Grade   Stream                       Arabic                                   English            Math        Physics Chemistry Biology Health Science      CDI      Arts    PHE
                     Studies                       Studies          Studies
 12     General           1             5            2                2            5              6            3             3                3             3        2       2

                                 Student GPA = Group B subjects total marks / number of weekly classes

        Grade      Stream      95-100       90-94.99 85-89.99 80-84.99 75-79.99 70-74.99 65-69.99 60-64.99 55-59.99 50-54.99 0-49.99

           -          -         A+             A         B+            B      C+             C          D+           D       E+        E          F
          12       General              4                     3.5                      2.5                     1.5
                                                                                                                                                          number of weekly classes

               6                                                                                                                                        90.28 = )2×92+2×95+3×86(

                                                                                                                                                                  Assessment Mark
Student performance outcomes
                 Electronic Reports to Track Performance                                                                                 Report Card
•   Student results according to educational outcome.
                                                                                               Student receives a performance report online on the student portal at the end of each trimester at the end of the year.
•   Comparing student progress in the subject with the previous year.
                                                                                               Student receives a completion of study certificate at the end of grade 12
•   Comparing student’s summative and formative assessment marks to compare
                                                                                           •      Digital certificate for Group A subjects
    between passing marks in the electronic and paper-based tests at both subject          •      Group B subjects are descriptive with letters and a GPA, and are not included in the final student
                                                                                                  average mark.
    and grade levels.
•   Ranking of the subjects with most “F” grades by subject and grade.                           The GPA report is available in the system by stage.
•   Percentage of students who fall into the “early warning area” (who have achieved            The components of the academic certificate/report card are as follows:
    “C” and below).
•   The percentage of students promoted without achieving standards.
                                                                                       •       Total scores.                                        •      Student information.
                                                                                       •       Total summation.                                     •      School data.
•   Passing in grades 1-2-3.                                                           •       The mark for passing.                                •      Subjects in both languages (Arabic, English).
•   The duration of the student's stay in one class.                                   •       The date on which the result was                     •      Letter grade for grades 1-11.
                                                                                               announced.                                           •      Marks in numbers (for G12
•   Distribution of marks by category for each subject.
                                                                                       •       The date on which the certificate was                       certificate/report card).
•   Percentage of learning outcomes according to subject and grade.                            printed.
•   Passing and non-passing ratios.                                                    •       The number of the employee in charge
                                                                                               of printing the certificate
•   The gap in performance between the educational streams of the same subject.
•   The gap in performance between public & private education of subject and grade.
•   Comparing of student performance in a subject between EMSAT and EoT tests
    (outcomes / skills).
Summary of Examination Procedures

           Entering Marks in Al Manhal                                          Structure of Group A test & application mechanism

       •     Entering the marks for the electronic test is done             •    Centralized
             centrally through automatic moving between the test            •    The test is carried out electronically for G1-12.
             platform and the gradebook system.                             •    Applying it is related to the online learning or in school.
       •     Entering the formative assessment marks is done by the         •    The weight of the summative assessment is distributed among the
             teacher manually.                                                   short test for one trimester in proportion to the curriculum content
                                                                                 specified for the test.

       Appointed Tests                                                               Student of determination (SoD) Students
• The test for G1-4 for T1-2-3 includes the course/chapters of the same                 •     SoD tests in common with other students, follow
  trimester.                                                                                  the same mechanisms in implementation and
• The test for G5-12 in T1 includes the trimester course/chapters itself.                     monitoring.
• The test for G5-12 in T3 includes the course/chapters of T2 and T3.                   •     Students who implement individual educational
                                                                                              plans have their tests prepared by the Special
                                                                                              Education Team and scores are entered
                                                                                              manually in the system.
Standards for selecting the outstanding students from G12

    %50               %30                %10              %10
 From EMSAT     From G12 average   From G11 average     From G10
                     marks              marks         average marks
Trimester 1 Timetable
         September 2020                                    October 2020                               November 2020                        December 2020
Wk   Su Mo Tu We Th                         Wk        Su      Mo        Tu We Th                 Wk Su Mo Tu We Th                    Wk Su Mo Tu We                       Th
 1          1 2 3                                                                                10 1    2    3     4 5               14           1 2                      3
 2    6 7 8 9 10                             6         4       5         6 7 8                   11 8    9 10 11 12                   15 6 7 8 9                           10
 3   13 14 15 16 17                          7        11       12       13 14 15                 12 15 16 17 18 19                       13 14 15 16                       17
 4   20 21 22 23 24                          8        18       19       20 21 22                 13 22 23 24 25 26                       20 21 22 23                       24
 5   27 28 29 30                             9        25       26       27 28 29                 14 29 30                                27 28 29 30                       31

                                                     Centralized Diagnostic Test                      G1-12 Centralized Test          Beginning of Students’ Winter Break

 Trimester                 Assessment                                                                          Subjects                            Grades
                                                             From                    To
                          Diagnostic Test                  04/10/2020           15/10/2020           Arabic - English - Mathematics   G1-12 depending on subject planner
     1                                                                     It is determined by the
                 Beginning of EoT Centralized Test         22/11/2020        number of subjects           All Group A subjects                      G1-12
Trimester 2 Timetable
                     January 2021                                        February 2021                                     March 2021
            Wk     Su Mo Tu We Th                           Wk      Su     Mo      Tu    We    Th              Wk     Su Mo        Tu    We      Th
                                                             5             1        2    3      4               9         1         2     3       4
            1       3       4      5         6 7
                                                             6      7      8        9    10    11              10      7 8          9    10      11
            2      10      11      12        13 14
            3      17      18      19        20 21           7      14     15      16    17    18              11     14 15        16    17      18
            4      24      25      26        27 28           8      21     22      23    24    25              12     21 22        23    24      25
                   31                                               28                                          -     28 29        30    31
                 Beginning of Students’ T2                                                                             G1-4 Centralized Test

                                                                                                                Beginning of Students’ Spring Break

Trimester               Assessment                                                                  Subjects                                   Grades
                                                 From                    To

                  Beginning of Centralized                    It is determined by the
   2                                           21/03/2021                                 Arabic - English - Mathematics                        1-4
                           Test                                 number of subjects
Trimester 3 Timetable

       April 2021                   May 2021                           June 2021                                      July 2021                               August 2021
                                                                                                                                                         Wk Su Mo Tu We                            Th
Wk   Su Mo Tu We Th          Wk   Su Mo Tu We   Th       Wk       Su Mo Tu             We   Th       Wk Su Mo Tu We Th
                                                                                                                                                          - 1 2 3 4                                 5
 -                1          4     2 3 4 5       6        8              1              2    3        -              1
                                                                                                                                                          - 8 9 10 11                              12
 -    4 5 6 7 8              5     9 10 11 12   13        9        6 7 8                9   10        - 4 5 6 7 8
                                                                                                                                                          - 15 16 17 18                            19
1    11 12 13 14 15          6    16 17 18 19   20       10       13 14 15             16   17        - 11 12 13 14 15
                                                                                                                                                          - 22 23 24 25                            26
                             7    23 24 25 26   27       11       20 21 22             23   24        - 18 19 20 21 22
2    18 19 20 21 22                                                                                                                                       - 29 30 31
3    25 26 27 28 29               30 31                  12       27 28 29             30                -     25     26        27     28    29

 Beginning of Students’ T3                              G12 Centralized Summative Test                       Beginning of Summer Classes                        Summer Class Assessment
                                                               G1-11 Centralized Test

              Trimester               Grades             Assessment                                                                                                Subjects
                                                                                              From                         To
                                       1-11       Beginning of Centralized Test             21/06/2021                                                          Group A subjects
                  3                                                                                                It is determined by the
                                       12        Beginning of Centralized Test              20/06/2021           number of subjects in the                      Group A subjects
                                                 Beginning of Summer Classes                25/07/2021          stream and exam time table               Arabic - English - Mathematics
              End of Year              4-12
                                                Beginning of Summer Class Assessment        15/08/2021                                            Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

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