PUPIL PREMIUM STRATEGY 2019-2020 - St Martin-in-the-Field ...
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ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance PUPIL PREMIUM STRATEGY 2019-2020 “If we can respond to the massive challenge to use the Pupil Premium funding to close the gap, we will have gone a long way to fulfil the purpose of education for the young people who need it most. We will have accepted the notion that no young person, by virtue of their birth, should necessarily achieve less than others” (Sir John Dunford National Pupil Premium Champion, September 2013 to August 2015) WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance 1. Summary information School St Martin-in-the-Fields High School for Girls Academic Year 2019/20 Total PP budget £207, 570.93 Date of most recent PP Review Sep 2019 Total number of 480 Number of students eligible for PP 198 Date for next internal review of this strategy Sep 2020 students 2. Current attainment Pupils eligible for PP (your school) Pupils not eligible for PP (national average) % achieving grade 4+ in English and Maths 20% 72% % achieving grade 5+ in English and Maths 7% 50% Progress 8 -0.2 0.13 Attainment 8 38.5 50.1 WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance 3. Barriers to future attainment (for students eligible for PP including) In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor literacy skills) A. 2018 Ofsted report identified variability in the day to day teaching of disadvantaged students as a barrier of not meeting the needs of the student B. High attaining PP students are making less progress than other high attaining student Disadvantaged students, as well as other students in school, have a low level of reading on entry and do not often undertake wider reading, which slows C. progress The numeracy and literacy skills in a significant number of PP students has led to below national average progress in maths and English by the need of Key D. Stage 4 External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates) E. Lack of support with learning at home and lack of engagement of parents for students who are most vulnerable to underachieve F. There is an increase in the number of social care involvement with a minority of families WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance 4. Outcomes Desired outcomes and how they will be measured Success criteria Lesson delivery are of high quality PP students make better progress by receiving quality first teaching and Best practice is identified and shared through various avenues A learning Professional Learning Community to support collaborative work amongst teams CPD to support the delivery of lessons Improve Attainment 8 and Progress 8 score when compared to 2019 Disadvantaged students achieve the Ebacc with EM at grade 5+ Diminish the difference in the progress of PP students and their NPP peers and against To diminish the difference in Attainment 8 and Progress 8 outcomes for B national disadvantaged students and their non-disadvantaged peers Termly progress report shows disadvantaged students in all years working towards making progress as their peers HoD termly analysis shows the difference in their subject areas Minimum progress 8 score of 0 in both English & Maths C Increase the % of 4+ in Maths & English for disadvantaged students 50% pupils achieve a grade 4+ in English 50% pupils achieve a grade 4+ in Maths HAP disadvantaged students to have a positive Progress 8 scores HAP disadvantaged students make good or better progress by the end of Key D HAP disadvantaged students to achieve high end grades when compared to their peers Stage 4 Progress for disadvantaged students is made in line with peers nationally 5. Planned expenditure Academic year 2019/20 The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the Pupil Premium funding to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support to support whole school strategies. WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance i. Quality of teaching for all Desired outcome Chosen action/ approach What is the evidence and rationale How will you ensure it is Staff lead When will you review for this choice? implemented well? implementation? A. PP students make better Professional Learning Community We want to offer high quality teaching Lesson observation and SWI Termly progress by receiving quality established to support first quality to all pupils to improve student’s learning walk DDU first teaching and learning. teaching progress and improve school overall CMC B. To diminish the difference results. Regular work scrutiny carried KWI in Attainment 8 and Progress Focus Friday to share best practice out both within the learning 8 outcomes for Teacher leadership training and communities and whole disadvantaged students and Implementation of Leadership CPD sessions help with the school their non-disadvantaged training to develop all teachers how improvement in teacher’s best practice. peers to effectively track and implement An improvement in teacher’s best Progress data collection and C. Increase the % of 4+ in effective strategies to address under- practice will contribute to the thorough and detailed Maths & English for performance and further develop continuous improvement in student’s analysis of data disadvantaged students student’s performance progress D. HAP disadvantaged HoDs to review homework students make good or better High quality training and CPD for all High quality feedback is a way to policy, the quality and progress by the end of Key staff to develop effective pedagogy, improve attainment and this an quantity of homework given. Stage 4 effective AFL strategies, useful and effective approach that needs to be challenging, marking and feedback embedded across the school. Google classroom to support Evaluating the effectiveness of students in taking responsibility for homework to ensure it helps pupils to their learning inside and outside of make good or better progress the classroom PIXL £5000 CPD & other training £15000 Kerboodle & Hegarty maths £3000 Total budgeted cost £23,000 WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance ii. Targeted support Desired outcome Chosen action/ approach What is the evidence and rationale How will you ensure it is Staff When will you review for this choice? implemented well? lead implementation? A. PP students make better First story creative writing club to KS4 initiative to build confidence in creative Evaluation of the sessions RKO September 2020 progress by receiving quality first support 20 HAP students in English writing through poetry and Oracy amongst Monitoring and tracking of SAS teaching and learning. specifically PP students to create growth in student’s progress IBA Literacy - 1-1 (toe by toe) and small their self-esteem, confidence and LSI B. To diminish the difference in group work for students with difficulties communication skills 1-1 student interviews AHU Attainment 8 and Progress 8 in reading for understanding, delivered CMC outcomes for disadvantaged by LSA and SEND support Extended reading has been proven on Termly progress data collection SPO students and their non- numerous occasions that it makes a and analysis DBA disadvantaged peers Targeted Year 11 period 7 for all subjects substantial impact and pupil’s reading and PL C. Increase the % of 4+ in Maths attitude EMO & English for disadvantaged Secure the improvement in the learning Hegarty maths training and students of maths to ensure students make Some pupils need targeted literacy support dissemination to staff D. HAP disadvantaged students progress using Hegarty maths as a to catch up. resource for intervention and homework. Improve the quality of numeracy make good or better progress by Targeted interventions, ensuring the right across the school the end of Key Stage 4 Targeted Year 11 intervention group students are going to the right sessions, taught by an additional maths teacher targeting specific needs Tracking and analysing of Improvement in maths performance in student’s progress Kerboodle used to support the teaching relationship to other subjects across the of science Science and MFL school Sharing best practice Tracking and analysing of Collaborative work between HAP and PP High quality resources helps to develop student’s progress lead to secure improvement in progress effective strategies and useful interventions by all pupils to address underperformance as well as to PiXL training for More Able challenges learners Coordinator Students to have targeted support from Disadvantaged and more able students Improve the quality of teaching external agencies, providing intervention needs to be challenged more (OFSTED, 2018) CPD training to support lesson to ensure progress Data indicates that that HAP PP students are delivery performing at the same level from the same Chaplaincy starting point as the non HAP PP peers. HAP students continue to be clearly identified and tracked in WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance Poor attendance and behaviour of students lessons and the lack of parental engagement in some cases leads to slow and poor progress in Regular monitoring and tracking school of student’s progress Support students in overcoming barriers and RAP meetings with KPI leads and to help breakdown the social, emotional and HODs behavioural barriers to learning that they are experiencing Records kept of meetings and attendance tracking support and A safe space with experienced support to intervention support vulnerable students going through difficult circumstances. Parents attendance to meetings including Progress meetings Case studies of student support Additional staffing for Maths and booster sessions £30,000 Literacy programme & SEN support) £25,000 External agencies £25,000 More able support £10,000 First Story £5000 Other Intervention and support £10,000 Total budgeted cost £105,500 WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance iii. Other approaches Desired outcome Chosen action / approach What is the evidence and rationale How will you ensure it is Staff When will you review for this choice? implemented well? lead implementation? A. PP students make better Free breakfast club sessions Students who are in school early are less Registers taken and tracked CMC Sep 20 progress by receiving quality first likely to be late, more prepared for their day Evaluation of sessions SWI teaching and learning. Resource room and have a greater amount of time with Tracking of student’s progress SPO positive role models. All requests approved and DPI B. To diminish the difference in ICT equipment monitored to ensure value for IBA Attainment 8 and Progress 8 Having a nutritious breakfast maintains money. PL outcomes for disadvantaged Revision aids focus, concentration and substantially Participation in D&T food lessons DWA students and their non- improves behaviour. JCA disadvantaged peers Teaching material for D&T Food Records of interviews are kept DPI C. Increase the % of 4+ in Maths PP students will have monitored access to Participation in work experience AHU & English for disadvantaged Careers interviews, career meeting, necessary supplies, workbooks and Workshops documents and students workshops and work experience resources in year 10 and year 11 session evaluation forms reflects D. HAP disadvantaged students impact Targeted intervention for identified Revision guides and appropriate texts are Use behaviour data to ensure make good or better progress by students, including 1:1 support from provided free of charge to student premium appropriate pupils are identified the end of Key Stage 4 students. behaviour manager to receive intervention Trips, enrichment and other PP students often times attend lessons PL to engage parents before, opportunities to enhance learning without ingredients for cooking class which during and after intervention outside of the classroom impacts on their learning Monitor behaviour improvements Lambeth Black Caribbean Aim High All students receive careers guidance in behaviour against students Project through wellbeing lessons in all year and an attainment/progress interview with a Career Advisor. Uniform allowance to support those in Termly behaviour analysis. need KS3 PP students will also receive career Trip and activities are organised guidance through 1 to 1 sessions and by various trip organisers to More able projects and trips to raise workshops support the learning for e.g. aspirations for academic success ● Lion heart challenge Year 10 students experience 1 week of work programme Motivational seminars and experience ● Brecon and Beacons acknowledging and celebrating and trip rewarding students success when targets EEF Toolkit suggests that targeted ● Lille trip are met interventions matched to specific students ● Paris trip WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance with particular needs or behavioural issues Academic and Peer mentoring can be effective. . Student survey Educational visits helps to engage students Attendance register in their learning to positively impact on their behaviour/attainment logs to progress and build on their cultural capital. show student progress Educational visits helps to engage students Records are kept of interventions in their learning to positively impact on their progress and build on their cultural capital Tracking of student’s progress and raise aspirations Student identified and support Essential support is important for families to and guidance provided through 1- access subsided uniformed when required 1 meetings due to challenging circumstances HAP PP students needs to make more Records are kept progress in line with students nationally. Tracking of student’s progress Opportunities to raise aspirations such as visits to universities in particular Russell Not academic rewards and this is Group ones such as Cambridge, Imperial shared in Prize giving and Year London. assemblies Being involved in special projects with Tracking of student’s progress external bodies needs to be created to promote academic excellence in the school. Records are kept Students responds well to external Reward assemblies motivational speakers and specific praise Monitoring and tracking of Combatting the barrier to learning that PP student’s progress students face of lacking academic organisations Guidance for students to prepare for lessons WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Service Compassion Justice Perseverance Careers & advice £5,000 Rewards £12,000 Trips & Enrichment £15,000 Breakfast Club £10,000 Lion Heart Challenge £4000 Additional resource £10,000` Workshops & seminars £5000 Behaviour manager appointment £5000 Uniform £3000 Total budgeted cost £69, 000 Areas of Development Planned expenditure Quality of teaching for all £23,000 Targeted support £105,000 Other approaches £69,000 Reserve Funding £10, 570.93 Total PP budget 2018/19 £207, 570.93 WITH LOVE AND LEARNING
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