ARC Members: Iceland, Ireland, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Finland, , Scotland, Uruguay, Wales A Global Snapshot: Australia, California, Chile ...
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ARC REPORT ON SCHOOL REOPENING PLANS (A GLOBAL SNAPSHOT) ARC Members: Iceland, Ireland, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Finland, , Scotland, Uruguay, Wales A Global Snapshot: Australia, California, Chile, Denmark, Hong Kong, Massachusette, New York, New Zealand, Norway, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, UK, Vermont Last Updated: August 15, 2020 A R C E D U C A T I O N P R O J E C T U N I V E R S I T Y O F O T T A W A Countries and States ordered alphabetically
ARC MEMBERS SCHOOL REOPENING PLANS Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Scotland, Uruguay, Wales Iceland -Pre-primary schools will continue to operate as normal, although infection prevention measures that relate to cleaning, disinfection will remain in effect. There are no restrictions on the number of children in the pre-primary school outdoor area. -For primary schools general infection prevention measures will apply concerning hygiene, disinfection and hand washing in schools. Therefore, the limits to the use of entrances or the maximum number of children in each room are not needed. -Upper Secondary School students are allowed to return to school buildings after May 4, but number restrictions are still in effect (no more than 200 in the same space) and it must be ensured that those who choose to are able to stay 2 metres apart. Source: Ireland -All schools reopen from the end of August 2020 -Emphasis will be on: a) Regular and good hand hygiene b) Good respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette c) Enhanced cleaning regimes -Maintaining physical distancing in the classroom and within schools -Extra financial support for schools and students with special needs -Reduction of assessments and certifications in different grade cycles According to the Irish government, all schools will reopen by the end of August 2020. School staff will be emphasizing regular and good hygiene practises, as well as good respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette. Also, cleaning regimes in schools will be enhanced. Within schools and classrooms, staff and students will be required to socially distance. The Government has also foreseen extra financial and human resource support for students with special needs. Finally, there will be a reduction of assessments and certifications in different grade cycles. Source:
Nova Scotia, Canada -In-school classes resume for all students -Cohorting or grouping will be used for in person classes -Students in pre-primary and grades P–8 will have in-school learning -Students in grades 9–12 will have primarily remote learning -Students learning at home will be supported with access to devices -Students can book in-person time with teachers and support staff at schools At-home learning plan responds to direction from the Chief Medical Officer of Health. The plan delivers remote teaching and learning for all students affected. It includes support for students who are learning at home. In response to 28,000 parent and student surveys, a framework will be released that establishes parameters for teachers, learning devices, and support services. Source: Saskatchewan, Canada -K-12 schools can plan to resume as previously scheduled this fall -Parents and caregivers have been asked to monitor their children -If any symptoms are present, both students and school staff remain home Schools have been asked to increase sanitation measures and continue to promote proper hygiene practices. This includes the availability of hand sanitizer wherever possible, establishing clear protocols for bringing supplementary school materials such as backpacks and school supplies in and out of schools, and planning for minimized contact among students and staff as much as possible. To read more click here. Sources: Finland -Gradually reopened after May 14, 2020 -Re-entry staggering according to age: youngest first -Everyone must avoid physical contact -School breaks and meals are done with one’s class -Distance learning has been banned since May 14, 2020 In Finland, schools were reopened after May 14, 2020. Re-entry was staggered with the youngest students being sent back to school first. It is required in Finnish schools to avoid all physical contact. Also, students are required to only take school breaks and meals with classmates. As such, distance learning has been banned since school reopening. Source:
Scotland -All schools will reopen by August 11, 2020 -All students will be back in school full-time education by August 18, 2020 -Face masks, social distancing, emphasis on cleaning, personal hygiene and ventilation -Extra human resource supports for vulnerable students -Contingency plan for blended learning or online learning in case of another outbreak Schools in Scotland anticipate reopening by August 11, 2020; students will be phased back in. All students will be expected to be in school full time as of August 18, 2020. While face masks, social distancing and extra cleaning are part of the back-to-school plan, school ventilation will also be closely monitored, and adjusted to full fresh air. Scotland has put in place a 2- option contingency plan should there be another outbreak that leads to school closures: a blended learning one, as well as a full online learning environment. Source: Uruguay -First country in Latin America to reopen schools -Schools began reopening June 1, 2020 -Early adoption of face masks -Reopening strategy included in three levels: regions where there were less Covid-19 cases, vulnerable areas as well as the completion of important grade cycles and students with special needs. Uruguay’s school were reopened on June 1, 2020. This country was not only the first in Latin America to do so, but they also favoured the early adoption of face masks. Their reopening strategy includes three levels of intervention. Schools located in regions where there were less Covid-19 cases were reopened first. Then, schools reopened in areas where there were more vulnerable school populations. Finally, students completing grade cycles and those with special needs were prioritized during the return-to-school phase. Source: Wales -All students return to school September 1, 2020 -Equivalent of 600 extra teachers and 300 teaching assistants hired -Extra support at Years 11, 12 and 13, as well as disadvantaged and vulnerable learners of all ages -Parents will only be informed if someone tests positive for Covid-19 at which time contact tracing will be done In Wales, all students will be returning to school as of September 1, 2020. The government anticipates hiring the equivalent of 600 extra teachers and 300 teaching assistants. These supplementary human resource supports have been hired to help students in Years 11, 12 and 13, as well as those who are disadvantaged and vulnerable of all ages. Should a confirmed Covid-19 case be declared, parents will be informed, and contact tracing will occur accordingly. Source:
SCHOOL REOPENING PLANS:A GLOBAL SNAPSHOT Australia, California, Chile, Denmark, Hong Kong, Massachusette, New York, New Zealand, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, UK, Vermont Australia -Some states, such as New South Wales and Queensland, sent students back to school in late May 2020 -Phased in return to school -Some medical experts are calling for a strict workplace and school lockdown in some other states -Victoria and Melbourne have a series of spikes in new Covid-19 cases Not all schools are open in Australia. New South Wales and Queensland sent students back to school in late May 2020. They phased in the return to school. However, medical experts are calling for a strict workplace and school lockdown in some other states, such as Victoria and Melbourne, as recently as July 18th 2020 due to a series of spikes in new Covid-19 cases. Source: California, USA -School buildings remain closed -Daily live instruction required -Minimum daily instruction: a) 3 hours per day for kindergartners b) 3 hours, 50 minutes for grades 1-3 c) 4 hours for grades 4-12 -Accommodation for students with special needs -Re-engagement plans required for students who miss more than 3 school days online -Ensuring family connectivity, or alternate arrangements -Weekly engagement records of synchronous and asynchronous lessons -School-family teams to create a learning continuity and attendance plan At this time, school building in California will remain closed. However, stringent guidelines for instruction, attendance and student engagement monitoring will be in place as of September 2020 for online learning. Students will have between 3 to 4 hours of online instruction daily, depending on grade level. Source:
Chile -Mainland school still closed until further notice -Easter Island schools just opened -Face masks, temperature check -High school students have gone back to school first While schools are closed in mainland Chile, the four schools located on Easter Island have opened. Everyone wears face masks and undergoes temperature checks. High school students were sent back first. Source: Denmark -Schools in Denmark re-opened in April 2020 -Primary students returned first -Half the students are onsite -Handwashing and sanitisation are required -No face masks Students in Denmark progressively returned to school as of April 2020. Primary school students were the first to return, followed by students from other cycles. Half the students were onsite. While hand washing and sanitisation are required, face masks are not. Source: Hong Kong -Reopened school in late May 2020, but closed again the third week of July 2020 -Face masks, temperature checks, sanitizer (required) and goggles (optional) -Videos explaining sanitation protocols to parents -Some classes have 'Corona ambassadors’ to remind students about social distancing -Some students eat behind 3 sided protective barriers, have distance dots on the ground While schools reopened in late May 2020, they were closed once again in July 2020 due to another important Covid-19 outbreak. When schools were open, face masks, temperature checks, and sanitising were required, but the use of goggles was optional. Some schools opted to have students act as ‘Corona Ambassadors’ by having them remind other students to keep the required social distance. Finally, in some schools, students were required to eat behind a three-way protective barrier in class, if sharing tables with other students. Source:
Massachusetts, USA -Return to school in September 2020, but starting 10 days later due to negotiations with the teachers’ union -Each school will have a Covid-19 coordinator -Additional funds are made available to schools to support school openings -Students in Grade 2 and above are required to wear face masks -Exceptions to wearing a mask are available with a medical certificate -Face mask breaks are to be scheduled several times a day with appropriate social distancing -Families must provide the face masks -Schools will not be screening for Covid-19 each morning. Massachusetts’ will reopen school in September 2020. However, the school year has been shortened by 10 days exceptionally due to Covid-19. The shortened school year is a result of recent negotiations with the teachers’ union. The State will provide schools with extra funding. Students in Grade 2 and above will be required to not only wear face masks, but families will need to provide them. Mask breaks will be scheduled regularly throughout the school day while still respecting social distancing. Source: New York, USA -Return to school is optional -Blended learning will be available -Face masks required, and provided if necessary -Extra signage and custodial sanitization -Support for mental health and academics anticipated Parents have the option of returning their children to school in September 2020, or not. Those families who choose to keep their children home will have access to blended learning. Social distancing is required in schools and on school buses, as are the face masks (as provided by the school, or provided by the family). Appropriate social distance signage and extra custodial sanitisation are planned. The State will be supporting Trauma-Informed Care, Bridge to School Plan, Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Infrastructure. It will also strengthen Tier 1 SEL (Explicit SEL Instruction and SEL-Academic Integration), and targeted Mental Health Supports. Source: New Zealand -Students returned to school in mid May 2020; parents encouraged to send their children - Parents advised of confirmed or probable cases of Covid-19 at school -Parents must drop off their children in ‘kiss and go’ zones as part of social distancing requirements -Class sizes cut in half -An international education recovery plan is being prepared - Online Covid-19 tracking survey -Attendance required Students were required to return to school in May. Schools will advise parents of both confirmed and probable Covid-19 cases in the school. They have put a variety of measures in place: kiss and go drop off zones, no parents physically allowed in school buildings, and class sizes have been cut in half. An online tracking device is used also to trace Covid-19 cases. Finally, a plan for international education recovery is in the works. Source:
Norway -Schools reopened on April 20, 2020 -Primary students were the first to return. -High school students return in the Fall -Different safety measures for Kindergarten and the other levels Norway was one of the first countries to reopen schools in Europe. Kindergarten and primary students were the first to return. Some students will special needs did not return right away. Social distancing is required by all. Source: Qatar -School starts reopening Sept. 1 as follows: a) Sept. 1-3: 50% of all students in all grades return to class b)Sept. 6-13: attendance of 50% maintained per week. However, students will be split into two groups and rotated over a course of two weeks. c)Sept. 17: 100% in person attendance -Attendance is mandatory for staff - Face masks, social distancing, hand washing, sanitizing Schools in Qatar will reopen as of September 1, 2020. There is a 3-step phased-in return-to-school. The first week, 50% of all students in all grades will return to school. The following week, students will be split into two cohorts and will attend school on alternate weeks, for a period of two weeks. Finally, as of ,September 17, 2020, all students will be required to be at school 100% of the time. Source: Singapore -Returned to school in late May 2020 -Temperature checks -Fitted face masks -Hand sanitizing -Social distancing Singaporean students went back to school in late May 2020. At school, their temperature is checked daily, students and staff wear face masks, hand sanitize and socially distance. Source:
South Korea -Students were back in school as of May 20, 2020 -Temperature checking, sanitizer, face masks -Students have plastic partitions at their desk Students in South Korea have been back to school since May 20, 2020. At that time, temperature checking, sanitizers and face masks were required. Students also had plastic partitions installed at their desks. Source: United Kingdom -Since June 15 2020, primary schools could bring back other pupils if they have the space -All students back in the Fall -Requires people who are ill stay at home -Includes robust hand and respiratory hygiene -Has Enhanced hands cleaning procedure -Active engagement with NHS test and trace -Contact reduction and distancing Students in the UK have had the option of going back to school since June 2020. However, all students are required to be back in school in September 2020. In the UK, officials are focussing on hygiene, enhanced cleaning, testing and tracing procedures, as well as contact reduction and social distancing. Source: Vermont, USA - Delayed school start two weeks later than usual in September 2020 - Each school will have a Covid-19 Coordinator - Daily health screenings upon immediate arrival at school or bus (whichever happens first) - Face masks, hand washing, and sanitisation are required regularly over the course of the school - Plans have been created for emergencies during Covid-19: fire drills, intruders -Training and Coordination of services are major elements of this plan. Vermont will be starting the school year later than usual. Each school will have a trained Covid-19 coordinator who ensures health and safety protocols are in place and respected. There will be daily health screenings upon immediate arrival at the school bus or school. Face masks, sanitisation, and hand washing are some of the basic protocols in place. However, Vermont has gone many steps further. For example, they have adapted their emergency protocols (fire, intruder, etc.) to the Covid 19 context. Source:
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