Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Tanilba Bay Public School 4547 - Amazon AWS
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Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 Tanilba Bay Public School 4547 Page 1 of 8 Tanilba Bay Public School (4547) -2021-2024 Printed on: 21 April, 2021
School vision and context School vision statement School context One Team Taniiba, sharply focused on improved student learning and wellbeing. Tanilba Bay Public School serves students from the Tanilba Bay, Mallabula and Lemon Tree Passage communities. The 448 students currently enrolled learn and play surrounded Our goal is student success. We aim to deliver well-rounded, evidence-based learning by the natural beauty of the foreshore, with koalas and bearded dragon lizards often spotted programs that ignite curiosity, build competence and enable creativity. in our expansive grounds. We want Tanilba Bay student to thrive and flourish. All staff share the goal of supporting Approximately 16% of Tanilba Bay students identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. students to feel known, valued and cared for - helping them to meet and conquer Our school partners positively with local Worimi people to ensure that Aboriginal culture and challenges and frustrations, to own mistakes and learn from them, and to develop heritage is acknowledged and celebrated at our school. Our school is an active member of resilience, courage and kindness. the YouYoong Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) and supported by an engaged P&C. As a professional learning community, we strive to grow high functioning teams that enable the success of students and one another. Our 'end in mind' is a school community marked To inform this plan, our staff team engaged in situational analysis, drawing on multiple data by high levels of connection, trust and collective efficacy, both within our staff teams, and sources to identify areas for improvement. Data was also generated through community between the school and its wider community. consultation, including a Community Focus Group, and through working with our P&C and Student Parliament. Situational analysis revealed causes for celebration, including: • Good "Value Added" scores in NAPLAN 2018 and 2019 - our teachers had a positive impact on student learning between Years 3 and 5 • Adoption of a new approach to Literacy Teaching in 2020, involving the explicit teaching of Phonics in the early years of school • Expanded Learning Support options: Targeted interventions for students identified as performing below year level expectations, enabled via the COVID Intensive Learning Support Program. • Parents consulted feel that the school's approach to bullying and management of negative behaviour has improved considerably • Teachers feel that the school's performance is improving, with particular improvement noted in the areas of Data Skills and Use, Curriculum Delivery and Assessment, as assessed using the School Excellence Framework Self-Assessment Survey. Our situational analysis also revealed opportunities for improvement, with student results, wellbeing, community perceptions of our school and team dynamics all areas we believe would benefit from investment, new learning and shared commitment. After situational analysis and consultation, we have adopted the following three strategic directions: 1. Success: Student growth and attainment 2. Belonging: Students feel known, valued and cared for 3. Trust: Mutually supportive, improvement-oriented teams Page 2 of 8 Tanilba Bay Public School (4547) -2021-2024 Printed on: 21 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction To enable positive student growth in Literacy and High Impact Teaching Teaching and Learning Programs: Numeracy, we will adopt an evidence-based approach to teaching and learning supported by systematic analysis Our professional team will design and deliver impact- Teaching and learning programs across the school show of high quality data. oriented teaching programs, continuously monitor their evidence that they are adjusted to address individual efficacy and adjust to enable optimum student success: student needs, ensuring that all students are challenged and all adjustments lead to improved learning. Teachers Improvement measures • Restructure Literacy teaching K-6, grounded in the involve students and parents in planning to support Science of Reading, with emphasis on the explicit learning, and share expected outcomes. Target year: 2022 teaching of Phonics • Develop and deliver rich units of work in English, Differentiation: The proportion of Years 3 and 5 students achieving in the Top 2 Bands NAPLAN in Reading to rise 8.9% to 32.6% based on the Department of Education's Textual Concepts framework Teaching and learning programs across the school show (lower bound system-negotiated target). evidence that they are adjusted to address individual • Implement personalised Mathematics learning student needs, ensuring that all students are challenged The proportion of Years 3 and 5 students achieving in the program utilising digital technologies to enable data- and all adjustments lead to improved learning. Teachers Top 2 Bands NAPLAN in Numeracy to increase by 11.9%. informed differentiation involve students and parents in planning to support to 25.4%. (lower bound system-negotiated target). • Adopt a differentiated approach to the teaching of learning, and share expected outcomes. Target year: 2023 Spelling. Whole school monitoring of student learning: Data-Informed Learning Support and Enrichment The percentage of students achieving expected growth in The school uses systematic and reliable assessment Reading to rise 7.7% to 59.3% Our professional team will develop systems and information to evaluate student learning over time and processes that enable improved assessment and implements changes in teaching that lead to measurable The percentage of students achieving expected growth in monitoring of student learning, quality learning support improvement. Numeracy to rise 10.5%. to 53.4% and enrichment programs, and evaluation of program efficacy: The school has processes in place to support teachers' Target year: 2024 consistent, evidence-based judgement and moderation of • Design, construct and maintain data infrastructure assessments. At least 75% of students completing Year 5 will have aligned with a whole-school assessment schedule achieved the learning indicators on the Additive Strategies strategies sub-element of the Numeracy Progressions by • Expand learning support and enrichment options, Student Performance Measures: the end of the scholastic year. with student needs identified through rigorous data analysis School data shows that student progress and At least 90% of Kindergarten students will have achieved achievement is greater than students at statistically similar • Embed visible success criteria for students along schools on external measures, and this is consistent with Level 3 on the Phonics Knowledge and Word Recognition with practices that enable consistency of teacher sub-element of the Literacy Progressions by the end of strong student progress and achievement on internal judgment measures. the scholastic year. • Monitor efficacy of teaching programs to inform At least 75% of Year 3 students will have achieved Level ongoing reflection. Progress and achievement of equity groups within a 7 on the "Understanding Texts" sub-element of the school is equivalent to the progress and achievement of Literacy Progressions by the end of the scholastic year. all students in the school. At least 75% of Year 5 students will have achieved Level 8 on the "Understanding Texts" sub-element of the Evaluation plan for this strategic direction Literacy Progressions by the end of the scholastic year. Page 3 of 8 Tanilba Bay Public School (4547) -2021-2024 Printed on: 21 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Improvement measures Evaluation plan for this strategic direction Questions School Excellence Framework: How effective are school programs and practices in At the end of the scholastic year, evidence-based self- delivering improved Reading and Numeracy outcomes for assessment will identify the school as performing at the various cohorts? following levels in targeted SEF elements: How effective are our intervention programs in achieving Curriculum: Excelling uplift improved student learning for targeted students (Reading and Numeracy)? Data Skills and Use: Excelling Data Multiple data sources will be utilised to ensure validity and reliability of information via guided analysis, including triangulation. These will include Learning Progressions (PLAN2), PAT-M, PAT-R (Comprehension), and NAPLAN. Moderation and Validation processes will be utilised to assure consistency of teacher judgement. Analysis Ongoing data analysis led by Executive and Intervention Team, conducted during scheduled data conversations. Implications On the basis of data analysis, programs, practices, strategies, systems and processes will be continued, adjusted or discontinued depending on efficacy. Analysis will also inform the Annual School Report and completion of the School Excellence Framework Self- Assessment Survey (SEF-SaS) each year. Page 4 of 8 Tanilba Bay Public School (4547) -2021-2024 Printed on: 21 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Belonging: Students feel known, valued and cared for Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction To improve student wellbeing, we will deliver programs Behaviour: that enhance students' sense of belonging and help them PBL Reboot grow into confident, resilient student leaders and citizens. Positive, respectful relationships are evident and Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a strengths- widespread among students and staff and promote based approach that enables a positive learning student wellbeing to ensure optimum conditions for Improvement measures environment. student learning across the school. Target year: 2022 Our School PBL team will develop and implement Attendance: effective, data-informed systems and practices that By the end of the year, Tanilba Bay students will report an support student wellbeing and educational outcomes Teachers, parents and the community work together to increased sense of Wellbeing, as evidenced by an uplift of within a multi-tiered system of support: support consistent and systematic processes that ensure 3.5% (to 89.8% or more) on measures of Wellbeing student absences do not impact on learning outcomes. assessed by the Tell Them From Me survey. • Tier 1 Universal School-wide systems develop a consistent understanding of the PBL framework, with A planned approach to wellbeing: The percentage of Tanilba Bay students who attend a particular focus on the multi tiered-continuum of school 90% of the time or more will rise by 3.1% to 82.4% support and the application of data, systems and The school has implemented evidence-based change to practices. whole school practices, resulting in measurable Target year: 2024 • Tier 2 Targeted Interventions help to create systems improvements in wellbeing and engagement to support and practices that support students with additional learning. By the end of the year, an uplift of 20% (to 77%) will be recorded on the "Positive Sense of Belonging" measure social and academic needs. on Tell Them from Me Survey:Students • Tier 3 Intensive Individualised Support focusses on early intervention for students with challenging Evaluation plan for this strategic direction By the end of the year, an uplift of 13% (to 75%) will be behaviours so the school can effectively plan recorded on the "Safety at school" measure on Tell Them strategies to reduce the occurrences of these Questions: from Me Survey:Parents behaviours. How is student wellbeing changing over time? By the end of the year, the percentage of Tanilba Bay Target 95 students who attend school 90% of the time or more will What impact are our school systems, processes, have risen to above 90% (above the Department's Upper As a professional team, we will develop and implement programs and strategies having on student wellbeing, Bound Target of 87.4%). systems and processes that promote, measure and engagement and participation? recognise improved student attendance: School Excellence Framework: How strong is students' sense of belonging at our school • Visible success criteria for students and teachers At the end of the scholastic year, evidence-based self- (attendance targets) What are the factors that shape their sense of belonging? assessment will identify the school as performing at the • Improved systems and processes for promoting, following levels in targeted SEF elements: managing and tracking student attendance. Data: Learning Culture: Excelling • Systems of recognition and reward for good • Internal data re negative behaviours, including attendance, including involving community partners suspnesions Wellbeing: Excelling in promotion of attendance targets and celebrations of school success. • SCOUT data: Attendance • Social-Emotional Wellbeing (SEW) Survey (Australian Council of Educational Research) Leaders of the Future • Tell Them From Me Student survey Page 5 of 8 Tanilba Bay Public School (4547) -2021-2024 Printed on: 21 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Belonging: Students feel known, valued and cared for Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction As a professional team, we will collaborate with students • Student Focus Groups to help them grow a strong sense of belong, leadership • Tell Them From Me Parent survey. skills and enhanced student wellbeing: Analysis: • Establish schedule for generating and analysing high quality data that measures student wellbeing over Analysis will be embedded within the project through time progress and implementation monitoring. Annually the • Scope programs, practices, systems and processes school will review progress towards the improvement effective in other contexts in enhancing student measures. wellbeing Implications: • Develop Scope and Sequence for explicit teaching of knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes that • The findings of the analysis will inform future actions. underpin Student Wellbeing. • Annual reporting on school progress measures published in the Annual School Report and published on the school website. Page 6 of 8 Tanilba Bay Public School (4547) -2021-2024 Printed on: 21 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Trust: Mutually supportive, improvement-oriented teams Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction To enable collective efficacy, we will implement strategies Collaborative practice and feedback: designed to improve trust, connection and collaboration Team Building within, among and between our professional teams and The school uses embedded and explicit systems that our school community. Our school leadership team will design and implement facilitate professional dialogue, collaboration, classroom programs, systems, processes, strategies and procedures observation, the modelling of effective practice and the to build the capacity of our professional teams, namely: provision of specific and timely feedback between Improvement measures teachers. This drives ongoing, school-wide improvement • Embed collegial coaching to inspire continuous in teaching practice and student results. Target year: 2022 improvement in teaching, including via Quality Teaching Rounds Coaching and mentoring: Parents will rate the school's communication highly, returning a score of 70% or higher on the "Parents are • Grow an accountability culture, with visible success criteria and iterative feedback loops embedded in Whole school and/or inter-school relaitonships provide Informed" measure of the Tell Them from Me Survey school systems and processes mentoring and coaching support to ensure the ongoing (uplift of 9% from 2020 baseline). development and improvement of all teachers. • Embed strong systems of support for Beginning Target year: 2024 Teachers and Teachers Seeking Accreditation. Community engagement: The school's professional team will be highly Shine a Light The school is recognised as excellent and responsive by collaborative, as evidenced by a score of 80% (uplift of Our professional team will engage in frequent, positive its community because it uses best practice to embed a 10% from 2020 baseline) or more on the "Collaboration" and effective communication with our school community culture of high expectations, and effectively caters for the measure of the Tell Them from Me Survey. to raise awareness of school success: range of equity issues in the school. School staff will have a high degree of confidence in the • Improve communication pathways so that parents Service Delivery: school's leadership teams, systems and processes, as evidenced by a score of 74% (uplift of 12% from 2020 and the community can access consistent, accurate information via multiple platforms: School Website, Management practices and processes are responsive to baseline). Skoolbag, Facebook, traditional print media and school community feedback. There is a whole school heightened visibility of school success approach to improving service delivery and customer Parents will rate the school highly as a welcoming place, (parent and/or student) experience. as evidenced by a score of 75% or more (uplift of 5% from • Develop and distribute media content that 2020 baseline) on the "Parents feel welcome" measure on showcases school success. Community satisfaction: the Tell Them from Me Survey. Excellence in Aboriginal Education The leadership team measures school community (parent Employment of Aboriginal Education Officer to lead and and student) satisfaction and shares its analysis and coordinate Aboriginal Education and support programs actions in response to the findings with its community. across the school, as well as deliver in-class support to Aboriginal students: Evaluation plan for this strategic direction • Deliver community engagement activities and family support to enable increased attendance, educational Questions: participation and strong relationship with the Aboriginal community How effective are our staffing and resourcing models in • Embed systems of in-class support for Aboriginal promoting collaboration ? and Torres Strait Islander students to enable smooth transitions, effective differentiation and improved How have new communication systems, processes and Page 7 of 8 Tanilba Bay Public School (4547) -2021-2024 Printed on: 21 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Trust: Mutually supportive, improvement-oriented teams Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction learning outcomes. procedures impacted parents' perceptions of the school? • Embed cultural learning programs for Aboriginal and How have new initiatives impacted trust within our Torres Strait Islander students and cultural professional team and between our team and the school awareness training for staff. community? Data: Tell Them From Me: Parents Tell Them From Me: Teachers Analysis: The Executive Team will analyse data from various survey instruments and share information with professional teams and the wider community. Implications: Systems and processes will be adjusted in line with learning from data analysis. Page 8 of 8 Tanilba Bay Public School (4547) -2021-2024 Printed on: 21 April, 2021
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