Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Armidale Secondary College 8915 - Amazon AWS
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Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 Armidale Secondary College 8915 Page 1 of 8 Armidale Secondary College (8915) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 April, 2021
School vision and context School vision statement School context Our future, our learning. In 2021, Armidale Secondary College began operations at a new, state-of-the-art campus in Armidale, NSW. The school's new facilities are the byproduct of a lot planning and Our community promotes creativity, collaboration and success for every learner through a consultation that were conducted over the past three years and being operational in the new safe, inclusive environment, and a personalised, relevant curriculum. build symbolises a step forward for public education in the region. Armidale Secondary College is a unique education facility. The school is partially selective (Years 7-10), has a comprehensive special education facility, and is also the location of the Armidale Intensive English Centre. Armidale Secondary College enrols a very diverse student cohort and is a proud educational facility catering for the needs of the full range of learners. Armidale Secondary College has a large enrolment of ATSI, EAL/D and refugee students. As a result of a thorough situational analysis, the school has identified three critical areas for improvement which include the system-negotiated targets in addition to student voice and high-challenge, high-support teaching and learning strategies. Page 2 of 8 Armidale Secondary College (8915) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction Our purpose is to ensure students grow in their learning Reading Initiatives • There is a high-functioning professional learning through explicit, consistent and evidenced-based community which is focused on continuous teaching. Our teachers will evaluate their effectiveness • Establishment of a Literacy Coordinator (0.2FTE) improvement of reading and reflectively adapt their practice through quality, • Accelerated Reader and reading intervention • The school uses embedded and explicit systems that targeted professional learning and use of student withdrawal groups facilitate professional dialogue and collaboration on assessment data to inform teaching. • Creation and extension of a whole-school reading data analysis culture through CREW, Begin each new unit with a • Evidence informed strategies (Super Six and Improvement measures reading initiative and Super Six Comprehension Reading for Meaning) optimise student progress in Strategies and Reading for Meaning Professional reading and are embedded across the school Target year: 2024 Learning (PL) • A whole school reading culture is established Reading • Progressive review of Stage 4 and then Stage 5 faculty programs evidencing Super Six and Reading • Improvement in the percentage of students achieving for Meaning strategies in the top 2 bands to be above the school's lower Evaluation plan for this strategic direction • Initial training of identified faculty members in bound system-negotiated target in reading 24.4% Reading for Meaning and delivering this to faculty In order to reflect on the effectiveness of the strategic • Improvement in the percentage of students achieving members directions, an evaluative process (QDAI) has been expected growth to be above the school's lower- utilised. bound target in reading of 63.3%. Numeracy Initiatives • Question: Has staff capacity in interpreting and • All KLA programs and classroom observations • Establishment of Numeracy Coordinator who analysing student data (STAR, Best Start, NAPLAN) evidence Super Six Comprehension Strategies and implements a whole-school focus on numeracy and in the explicit teaching of reading strategies Reading for Meaning strategies evidenced in all Key Learning Areas (KLAs) (Super Six and Reading for Meaning) been improved • All Year 7 students are tested in Week 1/2 of Term 1 Teaching and Leaning programs through targeted PL? using STAR Assessment. Students requiring • Mapping numeracy skills across each KLA • Is there evidence in all faculty programs of the intervention identified an placed in withdrawal groups • Introduction of an 'ASC Numeracy Guide' explicit teaching of reading? by Week 3 • PL for staff - interpreting Best Start and NAPLAN • Is there a whole school reading culture through • All Year 7 and 8 core classes participating in CREW and Accelerated Reader? Accelerated Reader program and reading for 20 data minutes per day across all KLAs • Are all Stage 4 classes engaged in the Accelerated Aboriginal NAPLAN & HSC Initiatives Reader program? • Robust communication with parents regarding initiatives and interventions • Develop and adjust student subject selection • Data and analysis: This strategic direction will be process led by the Learning and Engagement evaluated through staff surveys and TTFM data, • All staff have engaged with Reading for Meaning PL Teaching and Learning programs and classroom Centre. • All staff are actively engaged in data analysis and observations through the PDP process, external interpretation - evidenced by staff surveys, staff • Targeted individualised support for Aboriginal and student performance measures (STAR, NAPLAN, TTFM data Torres Strait Islander students to achieve NAPLAN Best Start). This data will be analysed to to growth in response to both external and school determine the extent to which initiatives are being • School Evaluation Framework indicates improvement based data. taken up and improvement measures met. from baseline 'working towards' to 'delivering' in Data • Establish effective Personalised Learning Plans • Implications: Future directions and next steps will skills and use. (PLPs) using SMART goals, and Careers HUB to be developed from this data analysis. Target year: 2024 develop individualised targeted support Page 3 of 8 Armidale Secondary College (8915) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Improvement measures Initiatives • Student performance data is used to identify Numeracy students requiring increased support and explicit teaching. Improvement in the percentage of students achieving in the top 2 bands to be above the school's lower bound Attendance Initiatives system-negotiated target in numeracy 22.3%. • Crew teachers counsel students with low or Improvement in the percentage of students achieving decreasing attendance. expected growth to be above the school's lower-bound • Community education program of explaining leave target in numeracy of 64%. processes. Target year: 2023 • Increased engagement with external agencies. • Structured reward system for recognising good Aboriginal NAPLAN & HSC attendance and focused on improving attendance. Increase the percentage of Aboriginal students achieving • PL around Department attendance obligations. top 3 NAPLAN bands in reading and numeracy to be above the school's lower bound system-negotiated • Introduction of School Bytes to improve school targets. processes. HSC Initiatives Increased proportion of Aboriginal students achieving the HSC by 2023 by 50% whilst maintaining their cultural • Targeted professional learning for staff to improve identity. their ability to analyse Minimum Standard and HSC data to identify target areas Target year: 2022 • Targeted tutoring for students using school Attendance attendance and N Warning data Greater than 66.7% of students attending school for 90% • Develop a Professional Learning Community (PLC) of time or more. with high-performing HSC schools. • Targeted professional learning and mentoring of Target year: 2024 Inexperienced and beginning HSC teachers HSC Improvement in the percentage of HSC course results in the top 3 bands 51.7% base line trending towards the lower-band target of 59%. Page 4 of 8 Armidale Secondary College (8915) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: High Challenge, High Support Teaching and Learning Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction To support all students to engage in their learning and Teaching and learning at Armidale Secondary College is access the curriculum. Through a model of high challenge High Support Initiatives underpinned by well-planned structures that are high support teaching and learning, teachers will support responsive to student needs. All students in class are their learners to achieve their best in a high support • Professional learning for staff about system catered for through a fully differentiated curriculum, which environment. differentiation requirements and how to record increases student access to the curriculum, improves differentiation throughout the teaching and learning students' sense of wellbeing and success. Our EAL/D cycle. cohort are able to access the curriculum as a result of Improvement measures teachers' knowledge of trauma and its impact on learning • Staff collaboration to develop and use learning and how language is learned. Target year: 2024 profiles of students using a range of student data. • Staff collaboration to write high-support teaching and Assessment practices have been modified and improved • Improve consistency in processes for differentiation learning programs and resources, which consistently in responses to a school assessment review. Going for of curriculum across KLAs and Stages to foster an reflect differentiated activities to meet student needs. Green, Going for Gold is embedded in assessment environment of high support. practices in Years 7-10. • Explore and implement student grouping structures • High support structures support all students, to increase support. including those in the selective stream through to life There is increased satisfaction in the community in skills students. • Implementation of the 2021 High Potential and Gifted relation to reporting on student progress. Parents/carers Students policy. and students find reports to be meaningful and timely. • All staff have high expectations of their learners. • 100% of teaching and learning programs will reflect Staff at Armidale Secondary College are consistent in authentic differentiation which improves curriculum EAL/D Initiatives their use of teaching and learning practices and embed access for the full range of learners. literacy and numeracy priorities and general learning • Establish a connection with School Performance capabilities across teaching programs. The consequences Target year: 2024 Directorate's EAL/D Education Leader to work for both positive and negative behaviour are seen to be collaboratively with the Principal and school the same in all school settings. • All Armidale Secondary College staff have increased executive to reflect on EAL/D practices and use the knowledge of EAL/D pedagogy, the impacts on EAL/D SEF to create an improvement plan. trauma on learning and the EAL/D Learning • Provide staff with cultural awareness learning on Evaluation plan for this strategic direction Progressions, which are used to cater for our EAL/D students from a refugee background, focusing on our students. Ezidi enrolment. In order to reflect on the effectiveness of the strategic directions, an evaluative process (QDAI) has been Target year: 2024 • Provide staff with learning on trauma and its impact utilised. on student learning. • Students and parents/carers understand the assessment approaches in the school and their • Upskill staff in the field of EAL/D pedagogy, including • Question: benefits for learning. the use of the ACARA EAL/D Learning Progressions • Has staff capacity in the areas of differentiation, and EAL/D reporting. assessment and reporting improved? • Feedback from students on their learning derived from assessments informs future teaching. • EAL/D specialist staff, include a 0.6FTE SLSO, • Is there evidence in all faculty programs of authentic working collaboratively with teaching staff to plan for differentiation? • The school uses systematic and reliable information teaching and learning. to evaluate student learning over time and • Is there evidence in an increase in staff collaboration implements changes in teaching that leads to Assessment Initiatives to plan for teaching and learning? measurable improvement. • Review current assessment practices across the • Is there an increase in student accessibility to and • The school has processes in place to support school engagement with the curriculum? Page 5 of 8 Armidale Secondary College (8915) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: High Challenge, High Support Teaching and Learning Improvement measures Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction teacher teachers consistent, evidenced-based • Up scale 'Going for green, going for gold' • Are staff consistent in their adoption of these judgement and moderation of assessments. assessment/rubric initiatives? Target year: 2024 • Increase staff awareness of quality assessment • Data and analysis: This strategic direction will be practices and research evaluated through staff surveys, community School reporting is responsive to community feedback feedback (reporting) and teaching and learning Reporting Initiatives programs, assessment tasks, CCVs and qualitative and the school's curriculum directions and initiatives. sources. . This data will be analysed to to determine • Capture data from the community about our reporting the extent to which initiatives are being taken up and • Formative assessment is increasingly used and practices and how we can improve them. improvement measures met. recorded to generate point-in-time reporting opportunities for parents/carers. • Capture data in the form of student voice to ascertain • Implications: Future directions and next steps will student perspectives and attitudes towards school be developed from this data analysis. reports. Target year: 2024 • Develop reimagined reports in response to feedback. • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is fully established • Increase the use and engagement of Sentral's parent at Armidale Secondary College. portal • One-to-one learning is occurring in all KLAs. BYOD Initiatives • Staff are skilled in the delivery of curriculum in a one- to-one environment. • Technology Team develops and refines a BYOD policy that informs staff PL and the direction of Target year: 2024 technology in the curriculum. School has implemented a process of KLA review of • One-to-one learning is gradually implemented. teaching and learning and all KLAs have been reviewed and provided feedback to commit to continual KLA Review Initiatives improvement.. • System of reviewing KLAs is implemented to commit to continued best practice in teaching and learning. Page 6 of 8 Armidale Secondary College (8915) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Student Voice Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction The school's situational analysis identified a need for Students actively participate in meaningful decision- students to have the opportunity to actively participate in In the classroom making at the school and as a result experience higher decision making at school on things that shape their levels of wellbeing, empowerment and learning outcomes. educational experience. Student voice must value the • Learning dispositions are incorporated into teaching perspectives and opinions of students and act on them in and learning programs and students work with staff Students develop skills and capabilities to feel connected a way that genuinely shapes learning and decision to develop learning goals and success criteria and successful at school and in life. making at the school. • Project/inquiry-based learning is incorporated into Students have greater agency over their learning and Stage 4 and 5 with students and staff co-constructing adults within the school value the perspectives of students Improvement measures course content/assessment modes and act on them in a genuine way. • Learning and teaching activities include informed Target year: 2024 and planned multicultural perspectives to ensure students see things through different cultural lenses. • Students design challenging learning experiences Evaluation plan for this strategic direction based on learning goals, interests, talents and In our school passions. In order to reflect on the effectiveness of the strategic directions, an evaluative process (QDAI) has been • Annotated teaching programs showing opportunities • Establishment of Student Government at ASC to utilised. for voice, choice and working together. enable student-led projects to improve school culture, climate and operations in addition to • 100% of students engage in the reporting process Question: Have students had influence over decisions engaging students in the governance and decision through the creation of self-reflection statements. affecting them, their learning and interests? Have making of the school students had choice about their learning? Have students • 100% of Stage 4 and Stage 5 assessment tasks • Student self-reflection on reports and student-led had genuine opportunities to collaborate with other evidence choice. parent/teacher conferences students and adults in meaningful ways? Target year: 2024 • Students work with staff to analyse data eg. Tell Data: Teaching programs, CCVs, TTFM survey data, Them From Me (TTFM) and identify other sources of • All Stage 4 and 5 subjects will imbed student agency student focus groups measuring student satisfaction and passion will be supported by teachers who are collaborating to deliver a mix of interdisciplinary and • Opportunities for students to make real-life Analysis: Analysis of the data to ascertain the extent to project work. connections with our partner schools. which the purpose has been achieved. • Student Government is the peak body for student • Student-led annual multicultural initiatives, such as Implications: Where to from here? What are the next advocacy in the school and is actively supported by Harmony Day and NAIDOC Week. steps and future directions? staff as facilitators. • Whole-school student-led events will always include a student acknowledgement of country in addition to • All students will be empowered to prepare informed a multicultural item where possible. self-reflections on reports and facilitate student/teacher/parent conferences. In our community • Crew will become a vehicle where student agency and leadership is exercised and sessions are led by • Community-based projects in partnership with other students. agencies to support learning • Student engagement with local government and community organisations Target year: 2024 • Opportunities for 'real world' learning exist in Page 7 of 8 Armidale Secondary College (8915) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Student Voice Improvement measures partnership with community organisations and members. • Students practice and apply skills in agency and leadership in the community. • Student TTFM data shows that advocacy at school will be trending upwards annually towards the state average (73%). Target year: 2024 • School events such as Harmony Day and NAIDOC week will be organised and led by student leaders • 100 percent of crew groups will be involved in such school event/s. • Staff and students will value participation in whole school events as part of the culture at ASC. Page 8 of 8 Armidale Secondary College (8915) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 April, 2021
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