Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Tamworth West Public School 3158 - Amazon AWS
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Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 Tamworth West Public School 3158 Page 1 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
School vision and context School vision statement School context Our vision is to provide a safe, happy, caring and engaging environment where our Tamworth West Public School is located near the centre of Tamworth and services the community values education and we all collaboratively strive to reach our potential. needs of approximately 395 students from very diverse backgrounds within the city of Tamworth. We have undergone significant growth over the past few years, increasing in population by approximately 40 percent. We currently house 16 mainstream classes, two moderate intellectual disability/autism support classes and a support class for students with mild intellectual disability. Our staff is caring and supportive. We enthusiastically embrace and implement innovations in many areas of school life to ensure the best possible learning opportunities for our students. We are an inclusive and student-centred school that offers a positive, spacious and well equipped environment. Our physical environment is inviting and interesting. We offer indoor and outdoor learning environments and are fortunate to be able to continue to improve our aesthetics through the dedication of our hard working P&C. As a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school, our community supports and promotes the development of students who are respectful, resilient and responsible. Through our situational analysis, we have identified three areas of focus for our 2021 - 2024 Strategic Improvement Plan. We will work to foster a culture that is strongly focused on learning and ongoing performance improvement. This will be achieved through developing consistent school-wide practices for assessment; using student assessment to identify achievements and progress and reflect on teaching effectiveness and school directions; and understanding and implementing the most effective explicit teaching methods, with the highest priority given to evidence based teaching strategies. Through analysis, our school has identified system- negotiated target areas in reading and numeracy. In our school, professional learning will be aligned with the school plan and its impact on the quality of teaching and student learning outcomes will be evaluated. We will introduce explicit systems for collaboration and feedback to sustain quality teaching practice. Our partnership with Hawker Brownlow Education will support substantive change and comprehensive improvement based on 50 years of research and observation. Work will also take place on developing a strategic and planned approach to whole school wellbeing processes that support the wellbeing of all students so they can connect, succeed, thrive and learn. We will promote positive and respectful relationships between all school stakeholders and aim for optimum conditions for student learning across the whole school. When conducting the analysis of school wellbeing, it was evident that PBL is valued and there is an overwhelming desire to retain the expectations and whole-school approaches Page 2 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
School vision and context School vision statement School context that have already been implemented. We will support our PBL journey with a specific focus on building resilience through The Resilience Project and Smiling Mind. We will focus on three key pillars that have been proven to cultivate positive emotion; Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM). Work will continue to ensure that all classrooms and other learning environments are consistently well managed and promote student engagement and responsibility for learning. We will also work with parents and the community to support consistent and systematic processes that ensure student absences do not impact on learning outcomes. Page 3 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction Our purpose is to improve student performance, growth Reading Assessment is used flexibly and responsively as an and achievement in reading and numeracy through integral part of daily classroom instruction. Formative developing and sustaining data driven teaching practices We will: assessment is practised expertly by teachers. (SEF - that are responsive to the learning needs of individual LEARNING - Assessment - Formative assessment) students and underpinned by evidence-informed Use reading assessment to improve student learning strategies and embedded evaluative practice. by - The school analyses student progress and achievement data and a range of other contextual information. • making student reading assessment a part of Teachers respond to trends in student achievement, at Improvement measures everyday practice. individual, group and whole school levels. (SEF - LEARNING - Assessment - Summative assessment) Target year: 2022 • using reading assessment to provide students with learning opportunities. The school uses systematic and reliable assessment There is an uplift of 11.63% of students in years 3 and 5 • designing and delivering high-quality formal reading information to evaluate student learning over time and achieving in the top two bands in NAPLAN reading (lower assessment tasks. implements changes in teaching that lead to measurable bound system-negotiated target). improvement. (SEF - LEARNING - Assessment - Whole • carefully structuring group reading assessment school monitoring of student learning) Target year: 2022 activities to ensure that students are supported, challenged and able to work successfully together. All teachers have a sound understanding of student There is an uplift of 9.24% of Aboriginal students in years assessment and data concepts (e.g. causality, bias). They 3 and 5 achieving in the top three bands in NAPLAN Use reading data to inform teacher practice by - analyse, interpret and extrapolate data and they reading (lower bound system-negotiated target). • regularly dedicating time to using reading data collaboratively use this to inform planning, identify Target year: 2023 effectively. interventions and modify teaching practice. (SEF - TEACHING - Data skills and use - Data literacy) • collecting meaningful reading data. There is an uplift of 8% of students achieving expected growth in NAPLAN reading (lower bound system- Teachers clearly understand, develop and apply a full • analysing reading data to monitor student learning negotiated target). range of assessment strategies - assessment for learning, and progress. assessment s learning and assessment of learning - in Target year: 2022 • making teaching decisions for reading based on data determining teaching directions, monitoring and assessing analysis. student progress and achievement, and reflecting on There is an uplift of 11.08% of students in years 3 and 5 teaching effectiveness. (SEF - TEACHING - Data skills achieving in the top two bands in NAPLAN numeracy Implement explicit teaching of reading by - and use - Data use in teaching) (lower bound system-negotiated target). • preparing for explicit teaching of reading. A whole school approach ensures the most effective Target year: 2022 • explaining, modelling and guiding learning in evidence-based teaching methods optimise learning reading. progress for all students, across the full range of abilities. There is an uplift of 14.62% of Aboriginal students in Teachers employ evidence-based effective teaching years 3 and 5 achieving in the top three bands in • monitoring student progress and checking for strategies. Effective methods are identified, promoted and NAPLAN numeracy (lower bound system-negotiated understanding in reading. modelled, and students' learning improvement is target). monitored, demonstrating growth. (SEF - TEACHING - Effective classroom practice - Explicit teaching) Target year: 2023 Numeracy There is an uplift of 22.56% of students achieving We will: Evaluation plan for this strategic direction expected growth in NAPLAN numeracy (lower bound system-negotiated target). Use numeracy assessment to improve student Page 4 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Improvement measures Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction Target year: 2024 learning by - Question Students will show improved comprehension as • making student numeracy assessment a part of To what extent have we improved student performance, evidenced through improved results using CARS & everyday practice. growth and achievement in reading and numeracy? STARS. • using numeracy assessment to provide students with Data learning opportunities. Grade breakdown will evidence: • designing and delivering high-quality formal The following data sources will be regularly analysed: • Kindergarten - at least 90% of students starting at numeracy assessment tasks. grade level or higher • NAPLAN data • carefully structuring group numeracy assessment • Year 1 - at least 90% of students starting at grade activities to ensure that students are supported, • Scout - value added data level or higher challenged and able to work successfully together. • Check-in Assessment data • Year 2 - at least 90% of students starting at grade Use numeracy data to inform teacher practice by - • PAT testing level or higher • Year 3 - at least 90% of students starting at grade • regularly dedicating time to using numeracy data • Comprehensive Assessment of Reading Strategies level or higher effectively. data • Year 4 - an increase to at least 90% of students • collecting meaningful numeracy data. • PLAN2 data starting at grade level or higher • Student work samples • analysing numeracy data to monitor student learning • Year 5 - an increase to at least 80% of students and progress. • Student focus groups starting at grade level or higher • making teaching decisions for numeracy based on • Assessment tasks • Year 6 - an increase to at least 70% of students data analysis. starting at grade level or higher • Class programs Implement explicit teaching of numeracy by - Target year: 2022 Analysis • preparing for explicit teaching of numeracy. The Cohort % Correct by Area of Learning Report in the • 5 weekly implementation and progress monitoring of • explaining, modelling and guiding learning in activities/initiatives Check-in Assessment will reflect an increase from 52.7% numeracy. in 2020 for Year 3 to 62.7% by 2022 for Year 5 in • Quarterly review and triangulation of data sources comprehension. • monitoring student progress and checking for listed above understanding in numeracy. Target year: 2022 • Weekly focus for professional discussion in collaborative team meetings The Cohort % Correct by Area of Learning Report in the • Regular discussion of progress by executive staff Check-in Assessment will reflect an increase from 34.3% in 2020 for Year 3 to 45% by 2022 for Year 5 in • Annual review of progress towards improvement vocabulary. measures Target year: 2022 Implications The Cohort % Correct by Area of Learning Report in the The analysis will inform: Check-in Assessment will reflect an increase from 53.4% in 2020 for Year 3 to 65% by 2022 for Year 5 in • future directions Page 5 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Improvement measures Evaluation plan for this strategic direction processes. • reporting of school progress measures in each Annual Report Target year: 2022 The Cohort % Correct by Area of Learning Report in the Check-in Assessment will reflect an increase from 64.1% in 2020 for Year 3 to 75% by 2022 for Year 5 in statistics and probability. Target year: 2022 The Cohort % Correct by Area of Learning Report in the Check-in Assessment will reflect an increase from 55.9% in 2020 for Year 3 to 65% by 2022 for Year 5 in number sense and algebra. Target year: 2022 The Cohort % Correct by Area of Learning Report in the Check-in Assessment will reflect an increase from 43.2% in 2020 for Year 3 to 55% by 2022 for Year 5 in measurement and geometry. Target year: 2024 Improvement as assessed against the School Excellence Framework (SEF) in the following areas: LEARNING Domain ASSESSSMENT • Formative assessment - Excelling • Summative assessment - Excelling • Whole school monitoring of student learning - Excelling TEACHING Domain EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM PRACTICE • Explicit teaching - Excelling DATA SKILLS AND USE Page 6 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Improvement measures • Data literacy - Excelling • Data use in teaching - Excelling Page 7 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Collaborative Culture and Collective Responsibility Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction Our purpose is to work as a Professional Learning The school uses embedded and explicit systems that Community (PLC) to ensure all students learn at high Collaboration facilitate professional dialogue, classroom observation, levels. Educators will work collaboratively and take the modelling of effective practice and the provision of collective responsibility for the success of each student. We will: specific and timely feedback between teachers. This Engage in effective collaboration through - drives ongoing, school-wide improvement in teaching The fundamental structure of a PLC is the collaborative practice and student results. (SEF - TEACHING - teams of educators whose members work • regularly participating in structured lesson Learning & Development - Collaborative practice and interdependently to achieve common goals for which observations that focus on how different teaching feedback) members are mutually accountable. These common goals approaches impact on student learning. are directly linked to the purpose of learning for all. The All lessons are systematically planned as part of a • regularly dedicating time for working with colleagues team is the engine that drives the PLC effort and the coherent program that has been collaboratively designed. to plan, develop and refine teaching and learning primary building block of the organisation. Accommodations and adjustments are made to suit needs programs. as they arise. Lesson planning references student • working in partnership with colleagues to achieve information including progress and achievement data, Improvement measures shared collaboration goals. curriculum requirements, and student feedback, and provides continuous improvement for all students, across Target year: 2024 the full range of abilities. (SEF - TEACHING - Effective Professional Improvement classroom practice - Lesson planning) The average score of where staff at Tamworth West Public School believe they are in relation to Collaboration We will: Teachers routinely review learning with each student both in the What Works Best Summary Report increases to a Engage in effective collaboration through - in class and on work submitted, ensuring all students score of at least 4.5 out of 5. have a clear understanding of how to improve. Student • seeking professional learning opportunities to share feedback is elicited by teachers and informs their Target year: 2024 and gain expertise in evidence-based teaching teaching. Student errors and misunderstandings are practices. explicitly addressed until teachers and students are The average score of where staff at Tamworth West confident that mastery is demonstrated. (SEF - Public School believe they are in relation to IICD Improve our understanding and use of effective TEACHING - Effective Classroom Practice - Feedback) Collaboration in the Improvement, Innovation and Change feedback by - Data Set Summary Report increases to a score of at least The staff evaluate professional learning activities to 4.5 out of 5. • reflecting and communicating about learning tasks identify and systematically promote and implement the with students. most effective strategies to improve teaching and Target year: 2024 • providing students with detailed and specific learning. Teachers collaborate with staff in other schools feedback about what they need to do to achieve to share and embed good practice. (SEF - TEACHING - The average score of Tamworth West Public School staff growth as a learner. Learning & Development - Professional learning) in relation to Professional Learning in the Improvement, Innovation and Change Data Set Summary Report • encouraging students to self-assess, reflect and Teaching staff demonstrate and share their expertise increases from a score of 3.89 to a score of at least 4.5 monitor their work. within their school and with other schools. All teachers out of 5.. • ensuring that students act on feedback that they have expert contemporary content knowledge and deploy Target year: 2024 receive. effective teaching strategies. The school trials innovative practices and has processes in place to evaluate, refine The average score of Tamworth West Public School staff and scale success. (SEF - TEACHING - Learning & in relation to Professional Learning - Engagement in the Development - Expertise and innovation) Improvement, Innovation and Change Data Set Summary Report increases from a score of 2.5 to a score of at least Page 8 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Collaborative Culture and Collective Responsibility Improvement measures Evaluation plan for this strategic direction 3.5 out of 5. Question Target year: 2023 To what extent are we working collaboratively and taking collective responsibility for the success of each student? The average Professional Learning hours per employee increases from =15 hours. Data Target year: 2024 The following data sources will be regularly analysed: The Tell Them From Me teacher survey reflects an • NAPLAN data increase in the school mean and all format questions for Collaboration as follows: • Check-in Assessment data • PAT testing • School Mean - increase to at least 9.0 • PLAN2 data • I work with other teachers in developing cross- curricular or common learning opportunities - • Student focus groups increase to at least 9.0 • Staff focus groups • Teachers have given me helpful feedback about my • Surveys teaching - increase to at least 9.0 • Observations • I talk with other teachers about strategies that increase student engagement - increase to at least • Proficiency scales 9.5 • Class programs • Other teachers have shared their learning goals for • Professional learning records students with me - increase to at least 8.0 • Scout data • Teachers in our school share their lesson plans and other materials with me - increase to at least 9.0 Analysis • I discuss my assessment strategies with other teachers - increase to at least 9.0 • 5 weekly implementation and progress monitoring of activities/initiatives • I discuss learning problems of particular students with other teachers - increase to at least 8.5 • Quarterly review and triangulation of data sources listed above • I discuss my learning goals with other teachers - increase to at least 9.0 • Weekly focus for professional discussion in collaborative team meetings • Regular discussion of progress by executive staff Target year: 2024 • Annual review of progress towards improvement 100% of teachers work effectively as part of a measures collaborative team and are engaged in high-quality collaborative practice. Implications Target year: 2024 The analysis will inform: Page 9 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Collaborative Culture and Collective Responsibility Improvement measures Evaluation plan for this strategic direction • future directions Improvement as assessed against the School Excellence • reporting of school progress measures in each Framework in the following areas: Annual Report TEACHING Domain EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM PRACTICE • Lesson Planning - Excelling • Feedback - Excelling LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT • Collaborative practice & feedback - Excelling • Professional learning - Excelling • Expertise & innovation - Excelling Page 10 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Connect, Succeed, Thrive and Learn Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction Our purpose is to ensure that all of our students are able Teachers, parents and the community work together to to connect, succeed, thrive and learn. Attendance support consistent and systematic processes that ensure student absences do not impact on learning outcomes. There will be a planned approach to developing whole We will: (SEF - LEARNING - Learning culture - Attendance) school wellbeing processes that support high levels of wellbeing and engagement. Improve school attendance through - The school is organised so that all students have regular opportunities to meet with an identified staff member who • regularly and accurately monitoring attendance and can provide advice, support and assistance to help Improvement measures taking prompt action to address issues with individual students fulfil their potential. (SEF - LEARNING - students. Wellbeing - Caring for students) Target year: 2022 • regularly analysing attendance data and using this to The school has implemented evidence-based change to There is an uplift of 6.36% of students attending >90% of inform planning. whole school practices, resulting in measurable the time (upper bound system-negotiated target). • developing consistent and systematic processes that improvements in wellbeing and engagement to support ensure student absences do not impact on learning learning. (SEF - LEARNING - Wellbeing - A planned Target year: 2024 outcomes. approach to wellbeing) Wellbeing data in the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey • celebrating regular and improved attendance. Positive, respectful relationships are evident and increases to be between 87.3% and 92.3% (lower and widespread among students and staff and promote upper system-negotiated targets). Wellbeing student wellbeing to ensure optimum conditions for Target year: 2022 student learning across the whole school. (SEF - We will: LEARNING - Wellbeing - Behaviour) Promote student wellbeing by - Sense of Belonging data in the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey increases to at least 79.97% (annual • selecting and developing strategies to proactively All classrooms and other learning environments are well trajectory lower bound target). teach healthy coping strategies, resilience and self- managed within a consistent, school-wide approach. Well regulation. planned teaching is taking place, so that all students can Target year: 2024 engage in productive learning, with minimal disruption. • initiating strategies, with an emphasis on student Teachers model and share a flexible repertoire of The average score of where staff at Tamworth West voice, to build a positive learning environment in strategies for classroom management and promotion of Public School believe there are opportunities for student classrooms characterised by supportive relationships student engagement and responsibility for learning. (SEF voice, as reported in the What Works Best Summary and regular contact with each student. - TEACHING - Effective classroom practice - Classroom Report, increases to a score of at least 4.5 out of 5. management) • targeting support for different phases of student development and for students who may be at risk. Target year: 2024 • using collaborative strategies and sharing with staff across the school, the school community, and other Evaluation plan for this strategic direction Improvement as assessed against the School Excellence Framework (SEF) in the following areas: agencies as required, to support the wellbeing of Question students. LEARNING Domain To what extent are our students able to connect, succeed, Manage classrooms effectively by - thrive and learn? LEARNING CULTURE • developing high-quality student-teacher relationships. Data • Attendance - Excelling • providing structure, predictability and opportunities The following data sources will be regularly analysed: WELLBEING for active student participation in classrooms. Page 11 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Connect, Succeed, Thrive and Learn Improvement measures Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction • Caring for students - Excelling • actively supervising students to keep them on task. • Attendance data • A planned approach to wellbeing - Excelling • responding to disengagement and disruptive • TTFM data behaviour and supporting students to re-engage in • Behaviour - Excelling • Student focus groups learning. TEACHING Domain • Staff focus groups • Surveys EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM PRACTICE • Observations • Classroom management - Excelling • Class programs • ebs ontrack+ data Analysis • 5 weekly implementation and progress monitoring of activities/initiatives • Quarterly review and triangulation of data sources listed above • Weekly focus for professional discussion in collaborative team meetings • Regular discussion of progress by executive staff • Annual review of progress towards improvement measures Implications The analysis will inform: • future directions • reporting of school progress measures in each Annual Report Page 12 of 12 Tamworth West Public School (3158) -2021-2024 Printed on: 1 April, 2021
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