Strathmore School Charter 2021 - Strathmore Primary School

Page created by Allen Bush
Strathmore School Charter
Our Vision
                                                                         Tūruapō tā mātou

                                                             Giving Children a Future
                                                         Te hoatu nga tamariki ki meake nei

                                                                      Our Mission
                                                                      Whakatakanga tā mātou

We will advance a culturally responsive learning environment where school, whanau and
            community support students to succeed in all their endeavours.
                                                                         Our Logo
                                                                         Waitohu tā mātou

The school logo is made up of a Scottish thistle which represents the Scottish heritage that was brought to Tokoroa when Sir David Henry set up the Kinleith Mill.
Many street names given to the early-established streets in Tokoroa are from Sir David Henry’s home town of Edinburgh – including Strathmore.
    The motif under the thistle was used on the School’s Silver Jubilee Booklet. The Maori design reflects our large Maori whanau and the tipani above the Koru
 represents our Cook Islands whanau. Below the koru is a design similar to ones found throughout the Pacific, it stands for all Pacific Islands cultures at our school.

Our School Community
                                                                       Hapori kura tā mātou
This Charter is important to our school community – our children, staff, principal, parents, grandparents, board of trustees, and community.
As well, we are aware of our accountability to the Ministry of Education.

About Strathmore School – Our school opened as Tokoroa South School in 1965. It currently has 6 operational classrooms plus a room used for the school’s Flying
Start pre-school preparation programme. It is known for its friendly whanau feel.
    • It runs #ItsCooltoKōrero to encourage students to make use of te Reo Māori.
    • It runs a Reading League Programme providing an educationally powerful partnership with parents.
    • It has strong Kapa Haka and Pasifika performing groups and has a strong choir.
    • It draws its students primarily from the Strathmore area although many of the students are from outside this zone.
The school has a number of second generation and some third generation students on the roll.
A marked feature is the transient nature of the population in the Strathmore area as reflected by enrolment patterns. Approximately 1/3 of the school roll changes
each year. In 2020 the school ended with 150 students on the roll, with enrolment figures of 60 children for a nett gain of 11 children for the year.

The ethnic mix is:      2021 School Ethnic Grouping      2021 MOE Ethnic Grouping           2017 School Ethnic Grouping            2017 MOE Ethnic Grouping
       NZ Maori                44%                             55%                                       56%                             64%
       Pasifika                29%                             23%                                       34%                             29.5%
       NZ European             26%                             21%                                       10%                              6.5%

The ethnic composition of the school has changed in the last few years with a fall in the percentage of Maori children and rise in the percentage of Pasifika and NZ
European children.

The school’s community is characterised by:
       Young families, shifting population, occupational variety, a number of beneficiaries and solo parent families and a variety of ethnic groups.
                       The school is an urban contributing school with an average roll of 140 mid-year. It currently has a decile rating of 1B.

To help achieve our Vision & Mission – we expect students to be Strathmore Kids

Strathmore School Values
                                               Whanonga pono o te Kura Tatamoa

                                  At Strathmore School we encourage students to keep it R.E.A.L

These values are encouraged, modelled, and reinforced through our school culture, classroom practice, explicit learning
activities, and celebration of success in these values at assemblies

Respect - Whakaute
We show respect to ourselves, others, property and the community.

Excellence - Hiranga
We give our best at all times. We attempt all that is asked of us and take risks with our learning.

Attitude - Waiaro
We have a positive attitude towards all that we do.

Leadership - Hautū
We develop leadership through a range of activities and opportunities provided during our time at Strathmore School

Strathmore School Strategic Plan 2021-2023
            Strategic Goals                               Annual Aims                                                        Annual Targets
                                                                                                       The 10 boys and 11 girls achieving below learning expectations in
                                                                                                       Mathematics will make accelerated progress with 60% being at by
                                                                                                       the end of 2021 and the others being on track to be at or above
                                   To increase the number of students achieving at or above the
                                                                                                       expectations by the end of Year 6.
                                   learning progressions in Reading, Writing and Mathematics
Goal 1:                                                                                                The 21 boys and 11 girls achieving below learning expectations in
                                                                                                       Reading will make accelerated progress with 60% being at by the end
To raise student                                                                                       of 2021 and the others being on track to be at or above expectations
achievement by                                                                                         by the end of Year 6..
                                   To effectively implement the Digital Technologies curriculum
ensuring access to the             content                                                             The 13 boys and 7 girls achieving below learning expectations in
New Zealand                                                                                            Writing will make accelerated progress with 60% being at by the end
                                   To increase the use of Unit Study areas (Science, Social            of 2021 and the others being on track to be at or above expectations
                                   Studies, Art) to develop key competencies                           by the end of Year 6.

                                   To develop and deliver schoolwide lessons on the history of
                                                                                                        To increase school attendance to 92% and thereby increase
                                   To maximise learning opportunities for students by ensuring          children's learning opportunities.
                                   regular attendance at school and making use of Online learning       To reduce unjustified absences to less than 4%.

                                   Students are proud of their unique identities, their culture and
Goal 2:                            language

To value and embrace               Maori and Pasifika students are engaged in learning through a
all cultures of our                culturally responsive practices and achieving educational success
children so they can be
proud of where they                Effective strategies for enhancing Māori and Pasifika school
are from and who they              community educational involvement in place

                                   To make use of the Pasifika Education Plan 2020- 2030 to enhance
                                   learning opportunities for our Pasifika children

Strategic Goals                             Annual Aims                                   Annual Targets

Goal 3:
                              Support students to take responsibility for their own learning
                              through developing their key competencies.
To encourage students to
become self-managing,
                               Further develop the use of Spotlight to allow students to have
lifelong learners, able to     greater control over their learning and be responsible for providing
contribute effectively to      evidence of that learning.

                              Schoolwide self-review system focussed on maximising student

Goal 4:                       Teachers participate in and make use of Professional Development
                              in boys’ Reading to support increased student progress
Teachers will develop
culturally responsive
                              Teachers develop knowledge and understanding of te reo and
teaching, learning and
                              Tikanga Maori in order to further ensure culturally responsive
assessment practice
leading to increased
student progress and           Teachers develop knowledge and understanding of te reo and
achievement so they            au ‘apinga Kuki Airani in order to further ensure culturally
                               responsive teaching.
succeed in all their
endeavours.                    Teachers are upskilled and delivering digital technology content
                               in classroom programmes

                               To continue to use Spotlight effectively for Planning and

Strategic Plan 2021 -2023
          Goal                                     2021                                  2022                                                           2023
To raise achievement of       Students’ achievement measured against Learning      Students’ achievement measured against            Students’ achievement measured against
students by ensuring          Progressions                                         Learning Progressions.                            Learning Progressions.
                              Target groups established in classes with teachers   Target groups established in classes with         Target groups established in classes with
access to the New             focussing on accelerating those students’ learning   teachers focussing on accelerating those          teachers focussing on accelerating those
Zealand Curriculum            Target group students being regularly assessed in    students’ learning                                students’ learning
                              accordance with school assessment requirements       Target group students being regularly assessed    Target group students being regularly assessed
                              Ongoing regular assessment and monitoring of         in accordance with school assessment              in accordance with school assessment
                              progress for target group students at class,         requirements                                      requirements
                              Syndicate and Staff meetings.                        Ongoing regular assessment and monitoring of      Ongoing regular assessment and monitoring of
                              Board of Trustees given regular updates on target    progress for target group students at class,      progress for target group students at class,
                              group progress.                                      Syndicate and Staff meetings.                     Syndicate and Staff meetings.
                              Funding made available to support targeted groups    Board of Trustees given regular updates on        Board of Trustees given regular updates on
                              Focus on best practice for reading for boys in the   target group progress.                            target group progress.
                              classroom.                                           Funding made available to support targeted        Funding made available to support targeted
                              Teachers undergoing Boys’ Reading PLD                groups                                            groups
                              Teachers using digital curriculum content in         Effective Reading practices for boys being used   Science and Social studies being effectively
                              classroom programmes.                                in the school.                                    taught throughout school.
                              Students using digital technology to create own      Science and Social studies practices reviewed     Technology and PE and Health Curriculum
                              content                                              and PLD on best practice held                     being reviewed
                              Unit studies being used to support growth of key     History of Aotearoa being taught throughout
                              competencies in students                             the school
                              Students are aware of past events in Aotearoa and
                              how they have affected us today.
                              Use of Electronic registers and incentives for
                              attendance help maximise students’ learning
To value and embrace all      Maori and Pasifika Students’ achievement             Maori and Pasifika Students’ achievement          Maori and Pasifika Students’ achievement
cultures of our children so   measured against Learning Progressions.              measured against Learning Progressions.           measured against Learning Progressions.
                              Ongoing monitoring of progress.                      Ongoing monitoring of progress.                   Ongoing monitoring of progress.
they can be proud of          Curriculum planning and delivery includes relevant   Curriculum planning and delivery includes         Curriculum planning and delivery includes
where they are from and       cultural content.                                    relevant cultural content                         relevant cultural content
who they are.                 Regular celebration of cultures held.                Regular celebration of cultures held.             Ongoing review of school practices to ensure
                              #ItsCooltoKorero@Strathmore encouraging use of       Cultural kete in place at levels 1 -3 and being   we are being culturally responsive to the needs
                              te reo and tikanga                                   used to ensure students are taught, have          of our students
                              Teachers encouraged to undertake Māori/Pasifika      involvement in appropriate cultural               Regular celebration of cultures held.
                              studies.                                             programmes.                                       Cultural kete being used to ensure students are
                                                                                   Greater involvement of students in leading        taught, have involvement in appropriate
                                                                                   Goal setting conferences

Teachers work with Kāhui Ako to implement              Further development of programmes that               cultural programmes Teachers encouraged to
                             Cultural Kete with expectations for students at        involve parents in their children’s learning.        undertake Māori/Pasifika studies.
                             different levels                                       Use of eTAP@ home/Spotlight to provide lines         Parents regularly support student learning
                             Te reo and Tikanga Māori being used by teachers        of communication and support with parents.           through ongoing communication and support
                             and students.                                          Parents being provided with resources and            from classroom teachers.
                             Findings from work on Pasifika Action Plan being       support to assist children’s learning at home.       School using best practice for Maori and
                             implemented (see below)                                Practices that support learning success for          Pasifika learners
                             Class goal setting conferences give parents            Pasifika learners embedded in classroom
                             resources to support their child's learning at home.   practice
                             Current initiatives to involve parents in supporting
                             their children’s learning are maintained.
                             Investigate and trial innovative ways of involving
                             parents in their children’s education
                             Reporting to parents includes activities to be done
                             at home.
                             Community hui to discuss future directions for
                             school and development of a relevant future
                             focussed curriculum.
                             Use staff meetings to develop and grow teacher
                             knowledge and understanding of what works best
                             for Pasifika Learners
                             Work with Pasifika community to develop
                             knowledge and understanding of how their
                             children learn best.
                             Regular delivery of te reo and au ‘apinga Kuki
                             Airani by CRT release teacher.
To encourage students to     Teachers provide opportunities for students to use     Teachers continue to embed opportunities for         Students are able to take responsibility for their
become self-managing ,       Spotlight/Seesaw to take responsibility for their      students to take responsibility for their learning   learning.
                             own learning.                                          Work done on effective student agency being          Teachers and students set goals for learning
lifelong learners, able to   Teachers attend and implement Kāhui Ako PLD            implemented in classrooms                            Teachers ensure students know what they need
contribute effectively to    focussed on student agency                             Teachers and students set goals for learning         to do next to further their learning.
society and the economy      Teachers and students set goals for learning           Teachers provide learning tools to enable            Key competencies continue to be focussed on
                             Teachers provide learning tools to enable students     students to be responsible for own learning          in planning, delivery and assessment of the
                             to be responsible for own learning                     Teachers ensure students know what they need         curriculum
                             Teachers ensure students know what they need to        to do next to further their learning.                Teachers using planning and assessment tools
                             do next to further their learning.                     Teachers using planning and assessment tools         for key competencies.
                             Teachers make use of Spotlight to plan for and         for key competencies.                                Curriculum is future focussed and making
                             assess key competencies                                Curriculum is future focussed and making             effective use of e-learning to enhance students
                             Teachers set up Spotlight so students can access       effective use of e-learning to enhance students      learning opportunities.
                             their learning programmes.                             learning opportunities                               Students able to share learning with parents
                                                                                                                                         through the Spotlight portal.

Students taught how to access, provide evidence       Students making effective use of Spotlight to
                         and comment on their learning.                        take responsibility for their own learning
                         Teachers monitor and support students in use of

Teachers will develop    Self-review area of Boys Reading for 2021 set up      Self-review areas for 2021 - established and        Self-review areas for 2022- established and
culturally responsive    and under way.                                        under way. – Social Studies, Science                under way. Technology, PE and Health
                         Reviews provide recommendations which are             Reviews provide recommendations which are           Reviews provide recommendations which are
teaching, learning and   actioned and lead to improved student                 actioned and lead to improved student               actioned and lead to improved student
assessment practice      achievement                                           achievement.                                        achievement
leading to increased     Teachers provided with PLD – Theory and practice      Ongoing PD in line with school reviews and          Ongoing PD in line with school reviews and
student progress and     to enhance knowledge and skills in delivering         curriculum development.                             curriculum development
achievement so they      Reading programmes for Boys                           Teachers continue to grow their knowledge and       Digital tools being used effectively by teachers.
                         Teachers implement best practice in their reading     understanding of te reo and tikanga Māori, and      to inform next steps for learning.
succeed in all their     programmes                                            au ‘apinga and te reo Kuki Airani.                  Teachers support students to use digital tools
endeavours.              Teachers make use of understandings and               Teachers using best practice to improve             to inform parents of their learning and support
                         knowledge from programmes to enhance                  learning success of Māori and Pasifika students     parents to help their children’s learning at
                         classroom programmes and practices                    Digital tools being used effectively by teachers.   home.
                         Teachers make use of cultural kete to support         to inform next steps for learning.
                         students’ use of tikanga and te reo.                  Teachers continue to develop students ability
                         Teachers make use of te Kakano resources to           to use Spotlight to take responsibility for their
                         upskill their te reo                                  own learning.
                         Teachers make use of understandings and               Teachers using digital tools to inform parents
                         knowledge from programmes to enhance                  and provide support for parents to assist
                         classroom programmes and practices                    children’s learning in the home
                         Teachers make use of work implementing the
                         Pasifika Education Plan to develop students’ use of
                         au ‘apinga and te reo Kuki Airani.
                         Teachers undertake PLD in Digital technology.
                         Staff Meetings used to upskill teachers in use of
                         coding and robotics.
                         PLD in use of Spotlight
                         Staff sharing planning through Spotlight
                         Teachers upskill students in use of Spotlight for

2021 Annual Plan
Goal: To raise achievement of students by ensuring access to the New Zealand Curriculum.
Aim                           Expected Outcomes                 Specific Actions                                                 Responsibility       Timeframe     Variance
To increase the number of     Number of students working at     Students’ achievement measured against Learning                  Principal            End of 2021
students achieving at or      or above the Learning             Progressions                                                     Teaching Staff
above     the     learning    Progressions shows significant
progressions in Reading,      increase
Writing and Mathematics
                              Students in target groups show    Target groups established in classes with teachers focussing     Principal            Ongoing
                              accelerated progress.             on accelerating those students’ learning                         Leadership Team
                                                                Target group students being regularly assessed in accordance     Classroom Teachers
                              Schoolwide targets for Reading,
                                                                with school assessment requirements
                              Writing and Mathematics being
                                                                Ongoing regular assessment and monitoring of progress for
                                                                target group students at class, Syndicate and Staff meetings.
                                                                Board of Trustees given regular updates on target group
                                                                Funding made available to support targeted groups
There is improved             Literacy achievement              Focus on best practice for reading for boys in the classroom.    Principal            Throughout
achievement in Literacy       throughout the school is          Teachers undergoing Boys’ Reading PLD                            Literacy Leaders     2021
throughout the school         improved

To effectively implement      Students are able to become       Teachers using digital curriculum content in classroom           Principal            Ongoing
the digital Technologies      creators of digital technology    programmes.                                                      Leadership Team
curriculum content                                              Students using digital technology to create own content          TIC - Technology
To increase the use of Unit   Unit studies programmes           Unit studies being used to support growth of key                 Principal            Ongoing
Study areas (Science,         enhanced and supporting           competencies in students                                         Leadership Team
Social Studies, Art) to       growth of Key competencies                                                                         Teachers
develop key competencies
To develop and deliver        Students are aware of past        Teachers using #ItsCooltoKōrero to introduce historical          Principal            Ongoing
schoolwide lessons on the     events in Aotearoa and how        events and their effects                                         Classroom Teachers
history of Aotearoa.          they have affected us today.      Classroom teachers following up with in depth look at those
                                                                events and their effects
To maximise learning          Students are attending school     Use of Electronic registers and incentives for attendance help   Principal            Ongoing
opportunities for students    on a regular basis                maximise students’ learning opportunities.                       Teachers
by ensuring regular           The number of truancy or
attendance at school          unjustified absences are

Goal: To value and embrace all cultures of our children so they can be proud of where they are from and who they are.

Aim                        Expected Outcomes                      Specific Actions                                        Responsibility        Timeframe        Variance
Maori and Pasifika         All Maori and Pasifika students will   Maori and Pasifika Students’ achievement                Principal             End of 2021
students are engaged       show progress in achievement           measured against Learning Progressions.                 Classroom Teachers
in learning and            against Learning Progressions by       Ongoing monitoring of progress.
achieving educational      the end of the year.
Students are proud of      Celebration of our Maori and           Curriculum planning and delivery includes relevant      Principal             Throughout
their unique               Pasifika cultures taking place on a    cultural content.                                       Deputy Principal      2021
identities, their          regular basis.                         Regular celebration of cultures held.                   Cultural Committees
culture and language                                              #ItsCooltoKorero@Strathmore encouraging use of
                                                                  te reo and tikanga
                           Ensure our cultures are recognised     Teachers encouraged to undertake Māori/Pasifika         Principal             Throughout
                           throughout our curriculum              studies.                                                Classroom teachers    2021
                                                                  Teachers work with Kāhui Ako to implement               Kāhui Ako Lead        By end of Term
                                                                  Cultural Kete with expectations for students at         teachers              2
                                                                  different levels
                                                                  Te reo and Tikanga Māori being used by teachers
                                                                  and students.
                                                                  Findings from work on Pasifika Action Plan being
                                                                  implemented (see below)
Effective strategies for   Parents support students in            Class goal setting conferences give parents             BOT                   Ongoing
enhancing Māori and        learning by helping them at home       resources to support their child's learning at home.    Senior Leadership
Pasifika school            Parents aware of and supporting        Current initiatives to involve parents in supporting    Team
community                  classroom programmes                   their children’s learning are maintained.
educational                                                       Investigate and trial innovative ways of involving
                           Parents further involved in their
involvement in place                                              parents in their children’s education
                           children’s education.
                                                                  Reporting to parents includes activities to be done     Classroom Teachers    March/August
                                                                  at home.
                                                                  Community hui to discuss future directions for                                Term 1 2021
                                                                  school and development of a relevant future                                   Ongoing
                                                                  focussed curriculum.
To make use of the         Teachers are using effective           Use staff meetings to develop and grow teacher          Principal             Throughout
Pasifika Education         practice that support Pasifika         knowledge and understanding of what works best          Senior Leadership     2021
Plan 2020- 2030 to         learner success                        for Pasifika Learners                                   team
enhance learning                                                  Work with Pasifika community to develop
opportunities for our                                             knowledge and understanding of how their children
Pasifika children                                                 learn best.                                             CRT release teacher
                                                                  Regular delivery of te reo and au ‘apinga Kuki Airani
                                                                  by CRT release teacher.

Goal: To encourage students to become self-managing, lifelong learners, able to contribute effectively to society and the economy

Aim                       Expected Outcomes              Specific Actions                                  Responsibility      Timeframe   Variance
Support students to        Students participate in       Teachers provide opportunities for students to    Senior Leadership   Ongoing
take responsibility for   planning and assessment of     use Spotlight/Seesaw to take responsibility for   Team
their own learning        their learning.                their own learning.
through encouraging                                      Teachers attend and implement Kāhui Ako PLD       Classroom           Term1 & 2
                          Students know next steps to
student agency and                                       focussed on student agency                        Teachers
                          further their learning.
developing their key                                                                                                           Ongoing
                                                         Teachers and students set goals for learning
competencies.             Students take responsibility                                                     Senior Leadership
                          for their own learning.        Teachers provide learning tools to enable         Team
                          Students have skills and       students to be responsible for own learning       Classroom
                          understanding that allows      Teachers ensure students know what they need      Teachers
                          them to become lifelong        to do next to further their learning.
                          learners                       Teachers make use of Spotlight to plan for and
                                                         assess key competencies

Further develop the use                                                                                    Teachers            Ongoing
                          Students able to use           Teachers set up Spotlight so students can
of Spotlight to allow
                          Spotlight to manage their      access their learning programmes.
students to have
                          own learning.
greater control over                                     Students taught how to access, provide
their learning and be     Teachers able to monitor       evidence and comment on their learning.
responsible for           student learning through
                                                         Teachers monitor and support students in use
providing evidence of     student input in Spotlight
                                                         of Spotlight
that learning.

Goal: Teachers will develop culturally responsive teaching, learning and assessment practice leading to increased student progress and achievement so they succeed in all their
Aim                               Expected Outcomes                    Specific Actions                                           Responsibility     Timeframe    Variance
Schoolwide self-review system     Self-review identifies areas for     Self-review area of Boys Reading for 2021 set up and       BOT                By Term 4
focussed on maximising            school/ teacher/ systems             under way.                                                 Principal
student achievement               improvement that will enhance        Reviews provide recommendations which are actioned         Leadership Team
                                  outcomes for students                and lead to improved student achievement
Teachers participate in and       Teachers able to use best practice   Teachers provided with PLD – Theory and practice to        Teaching Staff     By end of
make use of Professional          in planning, teaching and            enhance knowledge and skills in delivering Reading         Principal          Term 2
Development in boys’ Reading      assessment of reading to             programmes for Boys
to support increased student      enhance Reading learning for all     Teachers implement best practice in their reading
progress                          students, particularly boys.         programmes

Teachers develop knowledge        Teachers’ understanding of Te        Teachers make use of understandings and knowledge          Principal          Throughout
and understanding of te reo       Reo and tikanga Maori supports       from programmes to enhance classroom programmes            Teaching Staff     2021
and tikanga Maori in order to     classroom practices and              and practices                                                                 Ongoing
further ensure culturally         enhances learning for students.      Teachers make use of cultural kete to support
responsive teaching.              Students confident in use of te      students’ use of tikanga and te reo.
                                  reo and tikanga                      Teachers make use of te Kakano resources to upskill
                                                                       their te reo
                                                                       Teachers are upskilled in delivering the history of
Teachers develop knowledge        Teachers’ understanding of Te        Teachers make use of understandings and knowledge          Principal          Throughout
and understanding of te reo       Reo and au ‘apinga Kuki Airani       from programmes to enhance classroom programmes            Teaching Staff     2021
and au ‘apinga Kuki Airani in     supports classroom practices and     and practices                                                                 Ongoing
order to further ensure           enhances learning for students.      Teachers make use of work implementing the Pasifika
culturally responsive teaching.   Students gain confidence in use      Education Plan to develop students’ use of au ‘apinga
                                  of te reo and au ‘apinga             and te reo Kuki Airani.
Teachers are upskilled and        Teachers are able to effectively     Teachers undertake PLD in Digital technology.              Principal          Throughout
delivering digital technology     deliver digital technology content   Staff Meetings used to upskill teachers in use of coding   Deputy Principal   2021
content in classroom              in classrooms                        and robotics.
To continue to use Spotlight      Teachers planning effectively for    PLD in use of Spotlight                                    Principal          Ongoing
effectively for Planning and      students.                            Staff sharing planning through Spotlight                   Deputy Principal
                                  Teachers support students to use     Teachers upskill students in use of Spotlight for
                                  Spotlight to take greater            learning
                                  responsibility for their learning
                                  Planning available for Leadership
                                  team to view

Annual Targets 2021

Goal: To increase the number of students achieving at or above the
Learning Progressions for reading                                                          Target:
Baseline data: School wide reading data in 2016 showed 77%, 2017 showed 75.5%,             The 21 boys and 11 girls achieving below learning expectations in
2018 showed 58%, 2019 showed 63%, 2020 showed 62% of all students were
achieving or exceeding Learning Progressions.
                                                                                           Reading will make accelerated progress with 60% being at or above by
Analysis of the 2020 data identified concerns with 32 out of 115 students working          the end of 2021 and the others being on track to be at or above
below Learning Progressions.                                                               expectations by the end of Year 6.
Actions to achieve targets                                                                 Led by                         Budget      Timeframe
Review November 2020 achievement data with teachers and determine the particular           Principal / Teachers                       Week 1- 3 Term 1
learning needs of target group.
Establish target groups of identified students and carry out baseline data gathering       Classroom Teachers                         By week 4 Term 1

Teachers to undertake Teaching as Inquiry project focussing on target group                AP/DP                                      Ongoing
In school.                                                                                 Classroom Teachers
Provide support and Resources to enable teachers to develop and deliver programmes of      Maths leaders                  400         Ongoing
work focussed on areas of weakness
Develop reading programmes focussed on engaging identified students                        Classroom Teachers                         On-going throughout year
Use of Reading League to encourage students to Read
Monitoring meetings every term to discuss progress of target students – Syndicate /Staff   Classroom Teachers                         On-going throughout year

Board receives report on progress towards meeting targets, April, August October and       Principal                      As needed   April. August, October
considers any recommendations for additional support
Individualised support of teachers by Literacy leaders                                     Maths Lead Teachers / Senior               On-going throughout year
                                                                                           Leadership Team
Professional Development for teachers with a focus on boys’ reading as required            Senior Leadership Team         500         As needed

Meet with parent and whanau of target group students around ways to support students’      Principal / Teachers           200         On-going throughout year
Review target group progress from June Learning Progressions Data                          Principal/Senior Leadership                June

Targeted group students placed where applicable in Teacher Aide programmes                 SENCO / Teachers                           Ongoing

Analyse November achievement data to inform progress and planning for the following        Principal / Teachers                       November 2021

Goal: To increase the number of students achieving at or above the Learning Progressions for writing         Target:
Baseline data: School wide writing data in 2014 showed 59%, 2015 showed 72%, 2016 showed 67%, 2017           The 13 boys and 7 girls achieving below learning
showed 67%, 2018 showed 57%, 2019 showed 70%, and 2020 showed 71% of all students were achieving
or exceeding Learning Progressions.
                                                                                                             expectations in Writing will make accelerated progress
Analysis of the 2020 data identified concerns with the achievement of 20 students working below Learning     with 60% being at or above by the end of 2021 and the
Progressions.                                                                                                others being on track to be at or above expectations by
                                                                                                             the end of Year 6.
Actions to achieve targets                                                                     Led by                         Budget      Timeframe
Review November 2020 achievement data with teachers and determine the particular               Principal / Teachers                       Week 1- 3 Term 1
learning needs of target group.
Establish target groups of identified students and carry out baseline data gathering           Classroom Teachers                         By week 4 Term 1

Teachers to undertake Teaching as Inquiry project focussing on target group                    AP/DP                                      Ongoing

In school.
Provide support and Resources to enable teachers to develop and deliver programmes of          Classroom   Teachers
                                                                                               Literacy leaders               400         Ongoing
work focussed on areas of weakness
Develop writing programmes focussed on engaging identified students.                           Classroom Teachers                         On-going throughout year

Monitoring meetings every term to discuss progress of target students – Syndicate /Staff       Classroom Teachers                         On-going throughout year

Board receives report on progress towards meeting targets, April, August October and           Principal                      As needed   April. August, October
considers any recommendations for additional support
Individualised support of teachers by Literacy leaders                                         Maths Lead Teachers / Senior               On-going throughout year
                                                                                               Leadership Team
Professional Development for teachers as required                                              Senior Leadership Team         500         As needed

Meet with parent and whanau of target group students around ways to support students’          Principal / Teachers           200         On-going throughout year
Review target group progress from June Learning Progressions Data                              Principal/Senior Leadership                June

Targeted group students placed where applicable in Teacher Aide programmes                     SENCO / Teachers                           Ongoing

Analyse November achievement data to inform progress and planning for the following year       Principal / Teachers                       November 2021

Goal: To increase the number of students achieving at or above the
Learning Progressions for Mathematics                                                      Target:
Baseline data: School wide maths data in 2016 showed 60%, 2017 showed 57%,                 The 10 boys and 11 girls achieving below learning expectations in
2018 showed 60%, 2019 showed 72%, and 2020 showed 75% of all students were
achieving or exceeding Learning Progressions.
                                                                                           Mathematics will make accelerated progress with 60% being at or
Analysis of the 2020 data identified concerns with 21 students working below               above by the end of 2021 and the others being on track to be at or
Learning Progressions.                                                                     above expectations by the end of Year 6.
Actions to achieve targets                                                                 Led by                         Budget      Timeframe
Review November 2020 achievement data with teachers and determine the particular           Principal / Teachers                       Week 1- 3 Term 1
learning needs of target group.
Establish target groups of identified students and carry out baseline data gathering       Classroom Teachers                         By week 4 Term 1

Teachers to undertake Teaching as Inquiry project focussing on target group                AP/DP                                      Ongoing
In school.                                                                                 Classroom Teachers
Provide support and Resources to enable teachers to develop and deliver programmes of      Maths leaders                  1000        Ongoing
work focussed on areas of weakness
Develop mathematics programmes focussed on engaging identified students                    Classroom Teachers                         On-going throughout year

Monitoring meetings every term to discuss progress of target students – Syndicate /Staff   Classroom Teachers                         On-going throughout year

Board receives report on progress towards meeting targets, April, August October and       Principal                      As needed   April. August, October
considers any recommendations for additional support
Individualised support of Teachers by Mathematics leaders                                  Maths Lead Teachers / Senior               On-going throughout year
                                                                                           Leadership Team
Professional Development for teachers through Whole School PLD                             Senior Leadership Team         500         As needed

Meet with parent and whanau of target group students around ways to support students’      Principal / Teachers           200         On-going throughout year
Review target group progress from June Learning Progressions Data                          Principal/Senior Leadership                June

Targeted group students placed where applicable in Teacher Aide programmes                 SENCO / Teachers                           Ongoing

Analyse November achievement data to inform progress and planning for the following        Principal / Teachers                       November 2021

Goal: To maximise learning opportunities for students by ensuring                      Targets:
regular attendance at school                                                           To increase school attendance to 92% and thereby increase
Baseline Data: Attendance rate for 2017 was 87.8% Unjustified absences 5.4%            children's learning opportunities.
               Attendance rate for 2018 was 87.8% Unjustified absences 5.4%
               Attendance rate for 2019 was 88.9% Unjustified absences 4.95%
                                                                                       To reduce unjustified absences to less than 4%.
                Attendance rate for 2019 was 87.7% Unjustified absences 4.44%

Actions to achieve targets                                                      Led by                         Budget         Timeframe
Use Etap SMS Attendance registers to allow quick identification of              Office Administrator                          Ongoing
Monitor attendance and send letters where there are concerns about              Office Administrator           Administration Ongoing
attendance                                                                                                     Office time
Use newsletter to remind parents of requirement to send children to             Principal                      Principal time Ongoing
school                                                                                                         Newsletters
Provide rewards for full attendance as incentives for others to attend          Principal                      $100           Ongoing

Use eTAP SMS to send letters to parents regarding absences/lateness             Principal                      $50            Ongoing
where this is causing concern.                                                  Office Administrator
Use the Attendance service to locate the whereabouts of students absent         Office Administrator           Administration Ongoing
without notes or the office being informed for longer than two days                                            Officer time
Make use of SWIS where truancy is being condoned by parent of excuses           Principal                      Truancy        As needed
are not within school absences policy                                                                          Service
In severe cases of truancy refer to CYFS as a care and protection concern       Principal                      Principal time As needed

Board Undertakings
                                                                                           Notes:                                       Date(s): Next

Consultation with Pasifika community                                Meeting – to be held annually                       Term 1 2021

Consultation with Maori community                                   Meeting – to be held annually                       Term 1 2021

Report to Maori community on Maori achievement                      Meeting – to be held annually                       Term 1 2021

Consultation with wider community about strategic direction         Questionnaire                                       Term 4 2020

Consultation with wider community re charter                        Newsletter/Survey                                   Term 4 2020

Ratification of charter                                             BOT meeting                                         By 28 February 2021

Submit 2021 Charter, Annual Plan and Targets to Ministry                                                                By 28 February 2021
Submit Charter 2020 Variance Report and Annual targets to                                                               By 28 February 2021

School’s Planning Year                                              Report, review goals, set new targets/goals,        01/01/2021 – 31/12/2021
                                                                    develop action plans, implement, review

Annual Report                                                       Audited accounts sent to Ministry                   By 31/05/2021

The school offers Te Reo Maori and Tikanga Maori programmes in all classrooms. The students learn Maori songs, greetings and words, mihi and sentence
formation. It is expected that students in Year 3 up will have met the requirements of Level 1 Te Reo Maori and students at Year 6 will meet the requirements of
Level 2 Te Reo Maori. The school has an active Kapa Haka group.

In addition the school offers Te Reo Kuki Airani to classes through the classroom release teacher.

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