St Albans Girls' School - YEAR 7 ADMISSIONS 2021-2022 - Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel - St Albans Girls' School

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St Albans Girls' School - YEAR 7 ADMISSIONS 2021-2022 - Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel - St Albans Girls' School
St Albans Girls’ School


Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel
St Albans Girls' School - YEAR 7 ADMISSIONS 2021-2022 - Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel - St Albans Girls' School
St Albans Girls’ School
                             Determined Admissions Arrangements
                                   for 2021-22 (Single Sex)

General Principles

St Albans Girls’ School is a single sex comprehensive school in St Albans for girls aged 11-18. The sixth
form is co-educational. We are a high achieving specialist Business and Enterprise Academy, specialising
in educating girls. Girls are admitted at the age of 11+ without reference to ability or aptitude using the
criteria below. The main principle of admission to STAGS is to maintain the integrity of the character of
the school providing a superb breadth of learning opportunities for young people in the community of
St Albans. Applications are welcome from parents whose children are likely to make a full and
committed contribution to the life of the school, and to benefit from the extensive additional facilities
and opportunities.

The published admission number (PAN) for Year 7 for September 2021 will be 240.

The Admissions Policy for entrance into our Co-educational Sixth form is given in Section 5.

Section 324 of the Education Act 1996 requires the governing body to admit a girl with a statement of
Special Educational Needs that names St Albans Girls’ School. We will also admit a girl with an Education,
Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names the school in accordance with Section 43 of the Children and
Families Act 2014. These children will count towards the published admission number.

If there are fewer applications than places available all applicants will be admitted. If there are more
applications than places available, the criteria outlined below will be used to prioritise applications.

Oversubscription criteria:

Rule 1 - Children looked after and children who were previously looked after, but ceased to be so
because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship

Rule 2
Medical or Social: Children for whom it can be demonstrated that they have a particular medical or
social need to go to the school, which includes Children previously from abroad who were cared for by
the state because he or she would not otherwise have been cared for adequately, and subsequently

A panel of Hertfordshire County Council officers will determine whether the evidence provided is
sufficiently compelling to meet the requirements for this rule. The evidence must relate specifically to
the school applied for under Rule 2 and must clearly demonstrate why it is the only school that can meet
the child’s needs.
St Albans Girls' School - YEAR 7 ADMISSIONS 2021-2022 - Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel - St Albans Girls' School
St Albans Girls’ School
Rule 3 - Siblings living in the priority area: Children who have a sibling at the school, living in the priority
area at the time of application (unless the sibling is in the last year of the normal age-range of the school)
Note: the ‘normal age range’ for our school is Years 7 to 13 as we are an 11-18 school.

Rule 4 - Children of Staff: Children of members of staff who have been employed at the school, on a
permanent contract, for two or more years at the time at which the application is made, whether full
time or part time, teaching or education support staff. Children of a member of staff recruited to fill a
vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

For the purpose of this rule, the child of a member of staff is defined as any child for whom a member
of staff has parental responsibility. Parental responsibility is defined as:

       He/She is the child’s natural mother, natural father or has demonstrable legal parental
        responsibility, for which evidence is provided
        Further information on parental responsibility can be found at: 4002954

Girls living in the priority area

Parishes/unparished areas or towns in the school’s priority area are: St Albans, Sandridge, Aldenham,
Colney Heath, Harpenden, Kimpton, London Colney, Redbourn, Shenley, St Michael,
St Stephen and Wheathampstead. See map of Admissions Priority Area Appendix 1, to assist as visual

Girls who live in the priority area on a proportional basis:

Places will be allocated to each parish/unparished area or town in the priority area in proportion to the
number of applications made. In the event of there being more applications than places available to a
particular parish/unparished area or town, places will be allocated as follows:

Rule 5: To girls in the priority area for whom STAGS is their nearest Hertfordshire maintained school or
academy that is non-faith, non-partially selective and makes provision for children of the relevant
gender. If more children qualify than there are places available, those living closest to the school will be

Rule 6: To girls in the priority area for whom it is not their nearest Hertfordshire maintained school or
academy that is non-faith and non-partially selective and makes provision for children of the relevant
gender. These places will be allocated on a random basis.

Any unused places are reallocated to parishes to remain as near to the originally established proportions
as possible. This is achieved by considering each place to be redistributed in turn and assigning it to the
most under allocated/least over allocated parish.

Girls living outside the priority area
Rule 7: Siblings living outside the priority area: Children who live outside the priority area and who have
a sibling at the school at the time of application, excluding sisters who a) first entered the school in the
Sixth Form (Year 12) or b) are in Year 13 which is the last year of the normal age range of the school.
St Albans Girls’ School
Rule 8: Places will be allocated on a random basis.
Random allocations are undertaken independently of the school by Hertfordshire County Council. Every
child’s preference is allocated an individual random number between 1 and 1 million when their name
has been entered onto the county council’s admissions database. If a preference is expressed for St
Albans Girls’ School, this number will be used in the random allocation process, with the lowest number
being given priority.

Further details about the parish proportionality calculation are attached at Appendix 2 of these
arrangements. Definitions and explanations are attached at Appendix 3.

These rules are applied in the order they are printed above. If more children qualify under Rules 1, 2, 3,
4 and 5 than there are places available, a tie-break will be used by applying the next rule to those

Where there is a need for a tie-breaker where two different addresses measure the same distance from
a school, in the case of a block of flats for example the lower door number will be deemed nearest as
logically this will be on the ground floor and therefore closer. If there are two identical addresses of
separate applicants, the tie break will be random. Every child entered onto the HCC admissions database
has an individual random number assigned, between 1 and 1 million, against each preference school.
When there is a need for a final tie break the random number is used to allocate the place, with the
lowest number given priority.

In Year Admissions

The school is part of the Hertfordshire County Council’s coordinated In Year admissions scheme. In-year
applications should be made online at A paper application form
can be requested from the Customer Service Centre, 0300 123 4043.

Places will first be allocated in accordance with rules 1-4 above and then as follows:
Rule 5: Children who live in the priority area for whom it is their nearest Hertfordshire maintained school
or academy that is non-faith, non-partially selective and makes provision for children of the relevant
If more children qualify under rule 5 than places are available, the tiebreak would be those that live
closest to the school.
Rule 6: Children in the priority area on a random basis.
Rule 7: Children outside the priority area on a random basis.

Continuing Interest

After places have been offered, Hertfordshire County Council will maintain a continuing interest
(waiting) list on behalf of the school. A child’s position on a CI list will be determined by the admission
criteria outlined above and a child’s place on the list can change as other children join or leave it. The
county council will contact parents/carers if a vacancy becomes available and it can be offered to a child.
Continuing interest lists will be maintained for every year group until the summer term (date to be
specified and confirmed to parents at the time of allocation). To retain a CI application after this time,
parents must make an In Year application.
St Albans Girls’ School
Fair Access

The school participates in the Hertfordshire County Council’s Fair Access protocol and will admit children
under this protocol before children on continuing interest.

Sixth Form admission arrangements
The school will admit up to 50 external students to its Sixth Form.

Minimum academic entry requirements to study A levels are:

Students must have achieved at least 40 GCSE points, calculated as follows, from their best 8 GCSE

a.     Grade 9 = 9 points, Grade 8 = 8 points, Grade 7 = 7 points, Grade 6 = 6 points, Grade 5 = 5 points,

Students choosing to study Maths and/or Science at A Level, require Grade 7 or above at GCSE in those
subjects. For all other subjects, Grade 6 is required in the subject to be studied at A Level. New subjects
available for study at A Level, usually require Grade 6 or above in associated GCSE subjects. Full details
are on the school website.

If the school is oversubscribed, priority will first be given to:
    i)   Children looked after or previously looked after, who meet the academic entry criteria

     ii)   Children living closest to the school


Parents wishing to appeal who applied through Hertfordshire’s online system should log in to their
online application and click on the link “register an appeal”. Out of county residents and paper applicants
should call the Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043 to request their registration details and log
into and click on the link “log into the appeals system.

For In Year Admissions:

Hertfordshire County Council will write to you with the outcome of your application and if you have
been unsuccessful, we will include registration details to enable you to login and appeal online at
St Albans Girls’ School
                                       What Happens When
1 September 2020           Online system opens for you to apply online
31 October 2020            Deadline to apply for a school place
4 December 2020              Last date to submit a written explanation giving reasons why your application was
                                late, for your application to be agreed as ‘on time’.
                             If you move house, this is the last date for you to provide evidence of your new
                                address and for it to be considered ‘on time’ in the allocation process.
                             Last date to submit a change of preference as a result of test results received after
                                31 October 2020.
1 February 2021            Applications received after this date will not be offered a school place until the week
                           of 26 – 30 April 2021.
1 March 2021               National Allocation Day
                            Herts County Council will email you the school you have been allocated, if you
                              applied online and confirmed your email address.
                            The online allocation system will be updated with allocations and be made available
                              only after allocation emails have been sent.
                            Notification letters will be posted first class only to parents or carers who applied
                              on paper.
                            If you applied online, you can use online facilities including opting out, making a new
                              application and submitting an appeal.
1 – 15 March 2021          Continuing interest lists are created
                            Applicants that did not get any higher preference schools will automatically go on
                              the list for those schools
                            Parents or carers should confirm this with schools responsible for their own
                            Email if you do not want your child to
                              remain on continuing interest lists
1 – 8 March 2021           Continuing interest applications open
                            There are a small number of Hertfordshire schools that will accept new preferences
                              for the first continuing interest run. Please see for
                              details from 1 March 2021.
15 March 2021              Last date to accept the place offered
                            Online applicants should accept the place online
                            Paper applicants should return their response form to the Admissions and Transport
22 – 26 March 2021         First continuing interest run
                            Herts County Council will contact you with an offer of a new school place, if you are
                              successful at this first continuing interest run
26 March 2021              Last date to register an appeal.
29 March – 8 April 2021    Continuing interest applications open again
                            You can add new school preferences for all schools for the second run of continuing
8 April 2021               Last date to register a change of preferences or for new applications to be added
                           for the second continuing interest run.
26 -30 April 2021          Second (and final) continuing interest run
                            Herts County Council will contact you with an offer of a new school place, if you are
                              successful at this second continuing interest run.
29 April –14 June 2021     School place appeals take place during this period (excluding 31 May – 3 June).
May – July 2021            If school vacancies occur, places will be filled from remaining continuing interest lists.
23 July 2021               Continuing Interest lists for Year 7 (secondary school) close on 22 July 2021.
                           To retain your continuing interest for a Hertfordshire secondary school you will need
                           to make an in year application from 23 July 2021.
St Albans Girls’ School
                                        Admissions Priority Area
25 July 2019            Continuing                                                         interest for secondary schools
close on 24 July 2019. To retain your
                            continuing interest, you will need to make an in year application


                                           Harpenden            Wheathampstead

                         Redbourn                                Sandridge

                                                               St Albans Girls’ School

                                                       St Albans              Colney
                            St Michael

                                           St Stephen



Key                                                                © Crown copyright and database rights
      St Albans Girls’ School                                     2015 Ordnance Survey EUL
        Parishes/towns & Unparished                                Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions -
        areas in the Priority Area                       
St Albans Girls’ School
                                    School Buses and Transport
St Albans Girls' School is served by a variety of private and public bus services that ensure your daughter
can travel to school. However, St Albans Girls' School provides no school transport.

It is a Parents/Carers responsibility to ensure that, if they accept a place at STAGS, their daughter can
arrive at school on time and travel to and from school safely.

The school does not organise any buses for the students, but there are buses, organised by parents/Herts
County Council, available from the following areas:-

Greenwood Bus Services (dedicated school bus/private bus service)

Two Buses serve:
    Service 1 - Borehamwood, Shenley, Radlett, Frogmore, Park Street
    Service 2 - Bricket Wood, How Wood, Chiswell Green, Verulam Estate

Buses stop at a number of dedicated points which are set out on an exact timetable which will be sent
with your pass. Prices are dependent on route and are subject to change. Please contact Ann Hayward
for details.
Ann Hayward: Tel: 07905 201228

E446 - Hertfordshire County Council Bus Service
Parents of students who are entitled to free school transport can apply for this through Admissions and
Transport at Hertfordshire County Council. This should be done as soon as is possible and once
Admissions and Transport have been contacted then they will send out forms for the parent to

Spare seats on a vehicle are allocated last and HCC do not process these until the new school year has
started and they have ensured that all entitled children are dealt with. Parents should contact HCC
directly once the 2020/21 academic year has started if they wish to pay for a spare seat on the E446.

Bus serves Kimpton, Blackmore End, Wheathampstead, St. Albans Girls' School.

Please contact Herts County Council Admissions and Transport for more details: Tel: 0300 123 4040
email: This bus service is operated for Herts County Council by
Richard Taylor Travel. Parents must apply via Herts County Council, these contact details are just for
enquiries/lost property 01462 442409, email:
St Albans Girls’ School
                                             Public Buses

84 and 84A Metroline Buses serve Barnet, Potters Bar, South Mimms, London Colney, St Albans City
Centre and St Albans Girls’ School (bus comes on site twice in the morning and two buses collect at
Metroline 01707-347700

300, 301
Buses serve Welwyn Garden City, Hatfield, Fleetville (Hatfield Road), St Albans City Station, St Albans
City Centre and St Albans City Hospital

Buses serve Brookmans Park, Welham Green, Colney Heath, Smallford, Fleetville, St Albans City Station,
St Albans City Centre, Green Lane

Buses serve Luton, Harpenden, St Albans and Watford (stops on Harpenden Road/Sandridgebury Lane)

Buses serve Welwyn Garden City, Hatfield, Jersey Farm, Marshalswick, New Greens

For further information please contact:
transport or
Arriva Buses 0344 8004411
St Albans Girls’ School
                                        Working Day Visits

We are extending our Open Mornings this year, so that you have more of an opportunity to meet us
during the school day. If you would like to attend one of our Working Day Visits as listed below, please
contact our Reception on 01727-853134 to book a place. They will include a tour of the school and a
question and answer session with a member of our Senior Leadership Team and will last approximately
an hour. To ensure safety and social distancing we ask that only Year 6 students and one parent/carer
attend these visits and that all visitors to the school wear masks at all times.

                           DAY                     DATE                   TIME
                         Monday                14 September             11.20am

                         Tuesday               15 September             10.00am

                       Wednesday               16 September              2.20pm

                         Tuesday               22 September             11.20am

                       Wednesday               23 September              8.55am

                        Thursday               24 September             10.00am

                         Monday                28 September              2.20pm

                         Tuesday               29 September             11.20am

                       Wednesday               30 September             10.00am

                         Tuesday                 6 October              11.20am

                       Wednesday                 7 October               8.55am

                        Thursday                 8 October              11.20am

                         Monday                 12 October              12.25pm

                         Tuesday                13 October              11.20am

                        Thursday                15 October               8.55am
Useful Information for Moving On 2020

        If you are a Hertfordshire resident you should make an on-line application at:

                          If your child lives outside Hertfordshire,
             please contact your own local authority for details on how to apply

Hertfordshire County Council administer our admission allocations, for help and support please
                 contact the Customer Service Centre on: 0300-123-4043
Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel
Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel

               St Albans Girls’ School
                Head Teacher: Mrs M Chapman

                   Sandridgebury Lane, St Albans,
                      Hertfordshire, AL3 6DB

                         Tel: 01727 853134


An Outstanding Specialist Business and Enterprise Academy

      Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel
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