Improvement plan for 2019 to 2021 - Click to upload school logo - Blakeview ...

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Improvement plan for 2019 to 2021 - Click to upload school logo - Blakeview ...
Improvement plan for Blakeview Primary
2019 to 2021

School name

Blakeview Primary                                    Click to upload school logo
Vision statement
At Blakeview Primary School...

Our vision is to Empower learners for positive
participation in our School, our Community and our

We value Respect, Responsibility & Honesty.

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Plan summary
                                                                                                                                                                      This table will be automatically populated
                                                                                                                                                                             to provide a summary of your plan.

 Goals                              Targets                                                                                                    Challenge of practice
                                  In 2019 the Reception cohort will achieve 75% of SEA.
Improve student achievement      In 2019 Year 1 cohort will achieve 70% of SEA. Phonics checklist target is greater than 70% (2018 28/40)     By improving the organisation, scope, sequence and
                                 In 2019 Year 2 cohort will achieve 65% of SEA.
in reading R to 2.                                                                                                                            pedagogy in systematic synthetic phonics and early
                                 Receptions enrolled in 2019 will in 2020 75% of students will reach the phonics check benchmark.             reading teaching we will improve outcomes in R-2
                                 Receptions enrolled in 2019 will 2020 reach 76% at SEA level 13 (yr1).
                                 Year 1's enrolled in 2019 will in 2020 reach 71% at SEA level 21 (yr2).                                      Reading and Literacy.
                                 Year 2 enrolled in 2019 will in 2020 reach 75% at level 25 + (yr3)

                                 Receptions enrolled in 2019 will reach 77% at SEA level 21 (yr2).
                                 Year 1's enrolled in 2019 will reach 72% at SEA level 25 (yr3).
                                 Year 2's enrolled in 2019 will reach 75% of PAT R scale score 106 (yr 4)

                                 60% of year 3's 2019 enrolment will reach the Brightpath Scale of 200. 60% yr 3's will reach SEA band 3
Improve student achievement      70% of year 4''s 2019 enrolment will reach the Brightpath Scale of 260.                                      By strengthening Writing teaching practices through
                                 80% of year 5's 2019 enrolment will reach the Brightpath Scale of 320. 80% yr 5's will reach SEA band 5
in writing in Year 3 to 5                                                                                                                     whole school approaches for effective Writing
                                 65% of year 3's enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 260 in 2020.                             instruction including the use of formative assessment
                                 75% of year 4''s enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 320 and will reach SEA band 5 in 2020
                                 85% of year 5's enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 382 in 2020                              strategies and analysis of student data we will improve
                                                                                                                                              outcomes in Writing Years 3, 4 and 5.
                                 70% of year 3's enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 320 and will reach SEA band 5 in 2021
                                 85% of year 4''s enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 382 in 2021
                                 90% of year 5's enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 440 and will reach SEA band 7 in 2021

                                 For those students enrolled in year 2 in 2019, whose achievement bands were just below the
Increase student achievement     PATM SEA in year 2, increase by 10% the number of students achieving SEA in PATM                             By developing whole school agreements in the way we
                                 Year 3 in 2019 to reach 80% SEA in NAPLAN.
in mathematics particularly in                                                                                                                teach Mathematics, including formative assessments
the number and algebra strand    Year 3's enrolled in 2019 will reach 82% in PAT M scale score of 110                                         strategies and analysis of student data we will increase
in years 2 - 5                   For those students enrolled in year 5 in 2019 an additional 10% whose achievement                            numeracy achievement.
                                 bands were just below the PATM SEA in year 4, will achieve SEA in PATM

                                 Year 3's enrolled in 2019 will reach 84% SEA in NAPLAN
                                 For those students enrolled in year 5 in 2019, 15% more students will achieve the
                                 year 7 NAPLAN numeracy SEA than did in year 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 2 of 12
Improvement plan for Blakeview Primary
2019 to 2021

How to complete this template
• Complete every step. The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this. In addition, your education director will provide support.

• Complete steps 1 to 3 during term 4 of 2018 and have it approved by the principal, governing council chairperson, and education director.

• Email this plan (steps 1 to 3) to your education director.

• Publish your school improvement plan on your school website.

• Work through step 4 (Improve Practice and Monitor Impact) regularly throughout the school year. This step does not need to be published on your website.

• Complete step 5 (Review and Evaluate) in term 4 of each year. This step does not need to be published on your website, though it should inform the
  Improvement Planning and Outcomes section of your annual report to the school community.

• Your school improvement plan will be current for 2019 to 2021 and should be updated in term 4 each year.

For further information and advice, contact:
Andrew Wells
Review, Improvement and Accountability Manager
Phone: 8226 1576

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Step 1                                                                                                                                              Analyse and prioritise

Analyse evidence of student learning and answer the question ‘What are our goals for improvement?’ Specify up to 3
goals and annual targets for student learning improvement in the table below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

  Goals                                                                Targets
  Goal 1       Improve student achievement in reading
                                                                                   In 2019 the Reception cohort will achieve 75% of SEA.
                                                                       2019       In 2019 Year 1 cohort will achieve 70% of SEA. Phonics checklist target is greater than 70% (2018 28/40)
               R to 2.                                                            In 2019 Year 2 cohort will achieve 65% of SEA.

                                                                                  Receptions enrolled in 2019 will in 2020 75% of students will reach the phonics check benchmark.
                                                                       2020       Receptions enrolled in 2019 will 2020 reach 76% at SEA level 13 (yr1).
                                                                                  Year 1's enrolled in 2019 will in 2020 reach 71% at SEA level 21 (yr2).
                                                                                  Year 2 enrolled in 2019 will in 2020 reach 75% at level 25 + (yr3)

                                                                                  Receptions enrolled in 2019 will reach 77% at SEA level 21 (yr2).
                                                                       2021       Year 1's enrolled in 2019 will reach 72% at SEA level 25 (yr3).
                                                                                  Year 2's enrolled in 2019 will reach 75% of PAT R scale score 106 (yr 4)

  Goal 2                                                                          60% of year 3's 2019 enrolment will reach the Brightpath Scale of 200. 60% yr 3's will reach SEA band 3
               Improve student achievement in writing                  2019       70% of year 4''s 2019 enrolment will reach the Brightpath Scale of 260.
               in Year 3 to 5                                                     80% of year 5's 2019 enrolment will reach the Brightpath Scale of 320. 80% yr 5's will reach SEA band 5

                                                                                  65% of year 3's enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 260 in 2020.
                                                                       2020       75% of year 4''s enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 320 and will reach SEA band 5 in 2020
                                                                                  85% of year 5's enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 382 in 2020

                                                                                  70% of year 3's enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 320 and will reach SEA band 5 in 2021
                                                                       2021       85% of year 4''s enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 382 in 2021
                                                                                  90% of year 5's enrolled in 2019 will reach the Brightpath Scale of 440 and will reach SEA band 7 in 2021

  Goal 3       Increase student achievement in                                    For those students enrolled in year 2 in 2019, whose achievement bands were just below the PATM SEA in
                                                                       2019       year 2, increase by 10% the number of students achieving SEA in PATM
               mathematics particularly in the number                             Year 3 in 2019 to reach 80% SEA in NAPLAN.
               and algebra strand in years 2 - 5                                  Year 3's enrolled in 2019 will reach 82% in PAT M scale score of 110
                                                                       2020       For those students enrolled in year 5 in 2019 an additional 10% whose achievement bands were just below
                                                                                  the PATM SEA in year 4, will achieve SEA in PATM

                                                                                  Year 3's enrolled in 2019 will reach 84% SEA in NAPLAN
                                                                       2021       For those students enrolled in year 5 in 2019, 15% more students will achieve the year 7 NAPLAN
                                                                                  numeracy SEA than did in year 5

                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 4 of 12
Step 2                                                                                                         Determine challenge of practice

Consider how improvements in teaching practice will help to achieve your improvement goals and answer the
question ‘What areas of practice should we focus on improving to reach our goals?’ Specify your challenge of
practice for each goal in the table below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

  Challenge of practice
  Goal 1       By improving the organisation, scope, sequence and pedagogy in systematic synthetic phonics and early reading teaching we will
               improve outcomes in R-2 Reading and Literacy.

  Goal 2       By strengthening Writing teaching practices through whole school approaches for effective Writing instruction including the use of
               formative assessment strategies and analysis of student data we will improve outcomes in Writing Years 3, 4 and 5.

  Goal 3       By developing whole school agreements in the way we teach Mathematics, including formative assessments strategies and
               analysis of student data we will increase numeracy achievement.

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Step 3                                                                                                                 Plan actions for improvement

Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’ Specify your
actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

                                                Improve student achievement in reading R to 2.
  Goal 1
  Challenge of practice                         By improving the organisation, scope, sequence and pedagogy in systematic synthetic phonics and early
                                                reading teaching we will improve outcomes in R-2 Reading and Literacy.

  Actions                                         Timeline          Roles and responsibilities                                   Resources

 Implement a clear scope and sequence                             AP - attend meeting with Reception and Year 1 teachers       Jolly Phonics (top up resources possible $1000)
                                                                  AP - Plan meeting with Year 2 teachers                       Australian Curriculum
 in phonics teaching in R -2 by         Feb 2019                                                                               PASM test
 developing a lesson model with timings                           Speech Pathologist (buy in) - Support R-1 teachers 
                                                                  implementing oral language activities based on PASM          s-teaching.html#T1
 and to include the intentional use of
                                                                  results passed from Pre-school                               Decodable readers ($2000)
 decodable readers and shared formats                             On-Site speech intervention SSO to support students          Model lesson plans and timings- pilot group of teachers to trial and
 for phonics lessons                                                                                                           feedback to staff.

 2019 phonics checklist data used                                 Yr 1 teachers - establish targets for 2020 teachers          Analysis of the phonics checklist
 to create action plan to address                                 for their students going to yr 2                             Termly meetings -purpose of meetings is phonics
 phonics gaps                                    Term 3           AP and Speech Pathologist - attend a meeting                 data review against the standard and planning for
                                                                  with yr 1 teachers                                           re-teaching to enable students to achieve standard
                                                                  AP and Speech Pathologist - attend a meeting       
                                                                  with yr 2 teachers

 Develop whole school                                             Principal and AP- meet with year level teachers (Rec,        Use of data to target differentiation wave 1, wave 2
                                                                  Yr1, Yr 2) every term to discuss student progress,           and wave 3 (who are these students and what are
 expectations in relation to quality             Terms 1 - 4      discuss differentiation in relation to phonic development    we going to do to support their learning)
 first teaching so that less children                             and later in reading abilities (Running records)             SSO to support wave 3 students on a regular basis.
 are withdrawn.                                                   SRT - Meet and review all intervention programs every        SRT - provide ongoing training to up skill SSO's
                                                                  term, present data every term to leadership.
                                                                                                                               National Literacy Learning progression

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 6 of 12
Step 3 continued                                                                                                 Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 1 continued                        Improve student achievement in reading R to 2.

 Actions                                  Timeline          Roles and responsibilities                                     Resources

Establish cycle of testing including                       Leadership - Block meeting, tracking 5 students below          Up to date reading running records
assessment for proficiencies in                            benchmarks.                                                    Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar training R-3
                                         Twice a           Running Record facilitators - to provide yearly training       Up to date Jolly Phonics resources
phonics, tricky words, running records   term              Class teachers - to implement running records twice a term.    Readers available
and early years assessments in                             AP- source Jolly Phonics training.                             ACER early years assessment in reading YR and 1
Reading. Develop and implement                             SRT - Align interventions with assessments.          
assessment map.                                                                                                           r-phonics-teaching.html#T1

Use coaching and feedback to                               Rec teachers - teach lessons and to be observed                Possible TRT's to support observation
                                                           Yr 1 teachers - teach lessons and to be observed
develop teachers content                 Term 2            Yr 2 teachers - teach lessons and to be observed               release time (2xtrt to release in 2 days =
knowledge - phonic and guided                              AP - to support by releasing teachers to participate in        $1,100)
reading                                                    observations.                                                  Partnership PLC / Work with Literacy
                                                           Teachers - attend a meeting to discuss their observations
                                                           AP - Partnership PLC - Anne Bayetto                            Guarantee Coach

Make purposeful use of speech                              Rec, Yr 1 and Yr 2 teachers - receive          Buy in Speech Pathologist- $25,000
pathologist develop oral language Terms 1- 4               additional support implementing jolly phonics, Wellcomm Kit $500
including the establishment of                             phonics activities and to develop a repertoire
whole class language interventions                         of oral language resources. Support the
based on Wellcomm screening                                literacy block consisting of the big 6.

                                                                                Total financial resources allocated                               $29, 600

                                         Students will be able to recognise all the jolly phonics 42 sounds, alternate sounds, tricky words and apply phonic principles to unknown or
 Success criteria                        nonsense words as demonstrated with proficiency at additional checking point. Student will do, write and say these phonics sounds.
                                         Students with specific reading difficulties will be referred to early intervention programs and working with SSO's on a regular basis using
                                         specific learning needs.
                                         Teachers will be able to differentiate wave 1, wave 2 and wave 3 learning, by using assess, plan and teach cycle on regular intervals as a
                                         team, with their line manager and utilsing buy-in speechy knowledge and skills during the coarse of the year.

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Step 3 continued                                                                                       Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 2                             Improve student achievement in writing in Year 3 to 5

 Challenge of practice             By strengthening Writing teaching practices through whole school approaches for effective Writing
                                   instruction including the use of formative assessment strategies and analysis of student data we will
                                   improve outcomes in Writing Years 3, 4 and 5.

 Actions                             Timeline      Roles and responsibilities                                    Resources

Evaluate the existing literacy block             Leadership -attend block meetings discussion and sharing       books linking writing to reading in the library
                                                 what do we do in our literacy block.                           ($25 each per book - persuasive foci = $1500)
investigating whole school           Terms 1-3   Rec and Yr 1 to have a common agreement on what this           Purchase Sheena Cameron - Writing and resource book
approaches to teaching in reading                looks like.                                                    for all teachers ($1000)
                                                 Yr 2 - 3 to have a common agreement on what this looks like.
and writing.                                     Yr 4 - 7 to have a common agreement on what this looks like.
                                                                                                                Partnership - book marking guide
                                                                                                                Extended school time for Literacy Block
                                                 Term 1 - 4 Learning Walks                                      Best Advice Big 6 papers

Differentiate student writing goals              AP - show staff how to access student                          AP and Glenda (Brightpath Team)
linked to Brightpath student reports Terms 1-4   reports for specific writing goals
                                                 Yr levels - block meetings
                                                 line managers - support teachers

Yr 3 & 5 teachers to analyse                     Glenda - to provide a workshop in T2 or T3 around              AP and Glenda
NAPALAN writing results by using   Terms 1-4     reading to writing (pupil free day)                            NAPLAN Writing marking guide
                                                 Leadership - follow up in PM conversations about     
the NAPLAN writing rubric to                     how this learning has changed their teaching practice.
inform learning and teaching                                                                                    es/national-literacy-and-numeracy-learning-prog
                                                 Teachers - to show evidence in Writing student goals

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Step 3 continued                                                                                     Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 2 continued                   Improve student achievement in writing in Year 3 to 5

 Actions                             Timeline       Roles and responsibilities                                Resources

Develop the use of Brightpath                     AP - work with Glenda around how to use                   Brightpath- unlock all rulers that are avialable
                                                                                                            text type map linked to Brightpath rulers
reports so that teachers use this   Term 1        reports in detail                                         Term 1 - Narrative
with purpose and meaning                          AP - demonstrate to staff at staff meeting                Term 2 - Information Report (yr 1-7)
                                                  Teachers - utilise these reports for student              term 3 - Persuasive report
                                                                                                            Term 4 - Recount
                                                  goal setting and parent/teacher interviews                (This written in English agreement)

Evaluate the effectiveness of                     AP - attend Brightpath Training                           AP and Glenda to asses, plan and teach
marking and feedback through        Terms 2-3     AP - plan pupil free day with Glenda once been to         during the moderation process. (AP release
establishing cycles of monitoring                 the training                                              to attend T&D $550)
                                                  Teachers - participate in the pupil free day
through moderation workshops-                                                                               release class teachers for 1/2 day each (total
                                                  Leaders - engage in training around book
assess, plan and teach cycle                      monitoring with ED                                        $7000)

Train and support teachers to                     AP- participate in Partnership English PLC                Sheena Cameron Writing resource book
adopt pedagogical approaches:       Term 2        Leadership - each term work in year level                 Curriculum boxes with supported materials
building knowledge of the field,                  teams around writing analysis data and
supporting reading learning about                 target setting
genre and supporting writing

                                                                      Total financial resources allocated                            $10,050

 Success criteria                   In work samples we see students' writing skills improving through our assessment using standardised too Brightpath
                                    or NAPLAN writing marking rubric). Specifically we will see students progressively demonstrating;
                                    *awareness of purpose and audience
                                    *greater use of compound and complex sentences to convey ideas
                                    *precision in their choice of vocabulary

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Step 3 continued                                                                                            Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 3                                Increase student achievement in mathematics particularly in the number and algebra strand in years 2 - 5

 Challenge of practice                 By developing whole school agreements in the way we teach Mathematics, including formative
                                       assessments strategies and analysis of student data we will increase numeracy achievement.

 Actions                                Timeline       Roles and responsibilities                                   Resources

Implement a clear scope and sequence in              Numeracy Coach - 3 days coaching. modelling                   Australian Curriculum
Mathematics teaching in R- 7                         Lead Teachers - facilitators (Amy, Nellie, Lucy) supporting
                                         Terms 1-4   observations, modelling and mentoring                         ACARA Numeracy Progression
Assess - Plan - Review - Assess -Teach
cycle                                                Year 2 - 5 teachers participate in meetings and peer          Scope and Sequence documents
                                                     observations                                                  Materials growth mind set
Establish SEA targets with 2019 teachers             DP - Support staff through coaching and modelling
using the waves of intervention model.               SRT - Support staff through coaching and modelling

Through coaching modelling                           PLC group                                                     Material sharing - success criteria and formative
enable to use whole school             Ongoing       Numeracy Coach - facilitate professional learning             assessment
reference text and varied                            Lead Teachers                                                 Evidence Base Materials - Numeracy Shift Gear
                                                     Peer Observations                                             Numeracy Progression
representations of mathematics to
                                                     Leadership - Learning Walks                                   Scope and Sequence documents - curriculum
design effective learning.                                                                                         folder

Teachers will provide clear learning                 Numeracy Coach - 3 days coaching, modelling                   Materials
intentions for students that foreground Terms1-4     Lead Teachers - Facilitators (Amy, Nellie, Lucy) Supporting
                                                     observations, modelling and mentoring.                        Numeracy Progression
the numeracy growth mindset / success                Terms 1 - 4 PLC'S year level groups                           SIP Curriculum Folder
criteria as part of their learning design.           Principal schedule the meeting for student free day - using   Text : Elementary and Middle School
Student / Teacher then develop next                  formative assessment for learning
step teaching / learning.                            SRT - Support - modelling                                     Mathematics - John Van De Walle

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Step 3 continued                                                                                       Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 3 continued                     Increase student achievement in mathematics particularly in the number and algebra strand in years 2 - 5

 Actions                               Timeline       Roles and responsibilities                               Resources

Peer Observation lessons: moderation                 Year 2 - 5 teachers teach lessons and be                 TRT to cover observation release time.
of student work samples Evaluate the  September      observed.                                                $8,000
effectiveness of marking and feedback October        Year 4 to 5 teachers - observe
through establishing cycles of
                                      2019           AP, DP NC - Cover teachers' classes so
monitoring through PLC'S and
workshops                                            they can observe one another teaching.

Meet to analyse student work                         Numeracy Coach - plan and facilitate                     PAT M Results
samples                               staff/block    meetings.                                                NAPLAN Results
Plan adjustments to instruction for   meetings       PLC'S - Years 2 - 5 teachers attend meetings             TEfL - Learning Design
                                                                                                              ACARA Numeracy Progression
the next steps teaching                              PLC - partnership hub group formative
                                                                                                              Scope and Sequence documents
                                                     assessment                                               Australian Curriculum

Set challenging learning goals                       Numeracy Coach - plan and facilitate                     Design materials -
using diagnostic tools and the        Terms1-4       meetings.                                                SIP curriculum folder
National Numeracy Learning                           PLC'S                                                    Best Evidence materials (Hattie & Timperley 2007)
                                                                                                              Formative Assessment Text - Shirley Clarke
Progression                                          Years 2 - 5 teachers attend meetings
                                                                                                              TK Intervention Text kit $3000

                                                                        Total financial resources allocated                       $16000

 Success criteria                     Higher student engagement in mathematics resulting in less behaviour call outs
                                      In observations and on work samples we will see years 2 - 5 students increasing their ability to demonstrate a
                                      growth mindset, next step teaching and relevant elements of the Australian curriculum.
                                      Students with misconceptions in addition and subtraction, place value, multiplicative thinking and fractions/ decimals
                                      will be provided with specific scaffolded support

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School improvement plan                     Approvals

Approved by principal

Brenton Conradi

Date 30/11/18

Approved by governing council chairperson

Colleen Hage

Date 30/11/18

Approved by education director


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