School plan 2018-2020 - Woy Woy South Public School 4329 - AWS

School plan 2018-2020 - Woy Woy South Public School 4329 - AWS
School plan 2018-2020
   Woy Woy South Public School 4329

Page 1 of 6                      Woy Woy South Public School 4329 (2018-2020)   Printed on: 9 April, 2018
School background 2018–2020

    School vision statement                                       School context                                                 School planning process
     Woy Woy South Public School is committed to                  Woy Woy South Public School is an aspirational K–6             The writing of this school plan commenced in 2017 with
     strengthening a learning culture by building the             school and a proud member of the Brisbane Water                participation in the External Validation process and surveys
     professional capacity of teachers and supporting the         Learning Community and Koorana Local AECG. The                 of staff, students and parents to determine the future
     community to continually and effectively provide a quality   school pays respect and acknowledges that it is on             directions for the school. This data was supplemented by
     education for all students. The school, its staff, Parents   Darkinjung land. There are 506 students currently enrolled,    meetings with parents and the 'Tell Them From Me' teacher
     and Citizens Association, Koorana Local AECG and the         including 55 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students,   (25 respondents) and parent (90 respondents) surveys
     wider community, are united in their commitment to achieve   in addition to students from a wide range of                   which specifically focused on the drivers of student
     productive partnerships for the betterment of our            socio–economic backgrounds. Staff are committed to             learning, classroom and school effectiveness and fostering
     students.                                                    establishing a challenging and supportive environment          positive relations between the school and the community.
                                                                  based on quality teaching and learning experiences across
                                                                  the curriculum.                                                Analysis of student data across national testing and school
                                                                                                                                 assessments was undertaken together with data generated
                                                                  Focus is placed on the development of quality literacy and     through the PBL program (Positive Behaviour for Learning).
                                                                  numeracy programs and the implementation of                    The information gathered was then linked to Department of
                                                                  new technology to support and engage students in the           Education initiatives and targets and Koorana Local AECG
                                                                  learning process. The AVID (Advancement Via Individual         recommendations. The three strategic directions are
                                                                  Determination) Program promotes a growth mindset               designed to promote equity and excellence, enabling
                                                                  and strong organisational skills for future learning. A wide   students to become successful learners, confident and
                                                                  range of extracurricular activities are provided to extend     creative individuals and active and informed citizens. Core
                                                                  and enrich student learning.                                   processes developed to improve teacher quality and
                                                                                                                                 student learning outcomes drive the strategic directions in a
                                                                  The Positive Behaviour for Learning program (PBL) is           culture which values continuous holistic learning.
                                                                  embedded in the life of the school with the core values of     Community relationships are well established and ongoing
                                                                  Respect, Responsibility and Relationships clearly              maintenance and development of these contacts are a high
                                                                  articulated by all members of the school community. To         priority.
                                                                  further support the success of students, additional funding
                                                                  provides identified programs to improve educational            Improvement measures will be indicated by analysis of
                                                                  outcomes for Aboriginal students and to meet the additional    data in NAPLAN, class assessments, PBL and results from
                                                                  needs of students from low socio–economic backgrounds.         the 'Tell Them From Me' surveys completed by students,
                                                                                                                                 teachers and community.
                                                                  The school develops citizens of and for the future,
                                                                  embedding the school values of RESPECT,
                                                                  RESPONSIBILITY and RELATIONSHIPS, whilst
                                                                  celebrating the talents and diversity of its families and

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School strategic directions 2018–2020

                        STRATEGIC                                                     STRATEGIC                                                      STRATEGIC
                       DIRECTION 1                                                   DIRECTION 2                                                    DIRECTION 3
                   Quality Education for all                                 Quality Teaching, Leading and                                      Productive Partnerships
                           Students                                             Professional Learning

     Purpose:                                                       Purpose:                                                      Purpose:

     To create a stimulating and engaging learning environment      To develop a team of dynamic professionals who seek,          To build on and expand the collaborative and supportive
     that caters for the holistic needs of all students to ensure   share and implement best practice. The team                   partnerships which support student learning and celebrate
     that they are aspirational, successful and provided with the   demonstrates a commitment to the provision of innovative      the talents and diversity of all families in our community.
     opportunities to achieve their full potential.                 pedagogy across all areas of the curriculum in an inclusive
                                                                    and supportive school environment.                            Learning – Learning Culture, Wellbeing, Curriculum and
     Learning – Learning Culture, Wellbeing, Curriculum and                                                                       Learning, Assessment and Reporting, Student
     Learning, Assessment and Reporting, Student                    Learning – Learning Culture, Curriculum and Learning,         Performance Measures.
     Performance Measure.                                           Assessment and Reporting, Student Performance
                                                                    Measure.                                                      Teaching – Effective Classroom Practice, Data Skills and
     Teaching – Effective Classroom Practice, Data skills and                                                                     Use, Collaborative Practice.
     Use, Learning and Development.                                 Teaching – Effective Classroom Practice, Data skills and
                                                                    Use, Collaborative Practice, Learning and Development,        Leading – Leadership, School Planning Implementation
     Leading – Leadership, School Resources, Management             Professional Standards.                                       and reporting, School Resources, Management Practices
     Practices and Processes.                                                                                                     and Processes.
                                                                    Leading – Leadership, School Resources, Management
                                                                    Practices and Processes.

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Strategic Direction 1: Quality Education for all Students

    Purpose                                           People                                                   Processes                                       Practices and Products
     To create a stimulating and engaging             Students                                                  Establish a quality learning environment       Practices
     learning environment that caters for the                                                                   which supports risk taking, promotes
     holistic needs of all students to ensure that    Understand the learning intentions for each               student engagement and acknowledges            Teachers collect assessment data at
     they are aspirational, successful and            lesson and are able to provide feedback on                student effort and achievement.                regular intervals to track student progress
     provided with the opportunities to achieve       the attainment of each goal.                                                                             and inform teaching and learning
     their full potential.                                                                                      Strengthen systems and protocols for           programs.
                                                      Develop the resilience to be risk takers                  teachers to collect and analyse data on
     Learning – Learning Culture, Wellbeing,          and apply a growth mindset approach to all                student learning to differentiate practice.    Teaching programs show evidence of
     Curriculum and Learning, Assessment and          learning.                                                                                                differentiated practice being undertaken as
     Reporting, Student Performance Measure.                                                                   Evaluation Plan                                 a result of the analysis of student data.
     Teaching – Effective Classroom Practice,                                                                   Internal student performance data              Regular analysis of student assessment
     Data skills and Use, Learning and                Have the capacity to support individual                                                                  data informs whole school progress in
     Development.                                     students in identifying and achieving their               Business Intelligence Student Performance      literacy and numeracy and provides a
                                                      learning needs, through effective analysis                Reports                                        platform for additional support, resourcing
     Leading – Leadership, School Resources,          of literacy and numeracy assessment data.                                                                and professional development.
     Management Practices and Processes.                                                                        PLAN data
                                                      Value professional learning activities to                                                                Students know their learning objectives for
    Improvement Measures                              identify, undertake and implement the most                Other external student performance data –      each lesson, are able to set their learning
                                                      effective strategies to improve teaching and              External competitions, Login to programs       goals, articulate the process necessary to
     The % of Yr 3, 5 and 7 students in the top       learning.                                                 such as Maths Online, Reading Eggs,            achieve their goals and monitor progress.
     two bands for reading by 2020 will increase                                                                Typing Tournament, Premiers Reading
     by 12% to 54%, 31% and 36%                       Leaders                                                   Challenge                                      All classrooms will promote a growth
     respectively. The % of Yr 3, 5 and 7                                                                                                                      mindset and reward students for their
     students in the top two bands for                Have the capacity to develop systems                      Attendance / Suspension rates                  efforts and ability to take risks.
     numeracy will increase by 12% to 57%,            using data to inform collective decisions
     28% and 37% respectively by                      about student learning, provide appropriate               PBL data                                       Products
     2020 (Baseline – BL 2017).                       resources and continually monitor the
                                                                                                                School Plan 2018 – 2020                        Teaching programs and observations
                                                      impact of programs and make adjustments
     Aboriginal students in the top two                                                                                                                        reflect evidence based high quality literacy
                                                      to improve practice.
     bands will increase to 30% by 2019 and                                                                     Tell Them From Me Surveys                      and numeracy programs for K–6 students.
     35% by 2020 (BL 2015–2017) as a rolling          Parents/Carers
     average where the group size is statistically                                                              Extra curricular activities (e.g. number       Student assessment data reflects a clear
     significant.                                     Support learning through engaging in and                  offered and participation rates)               progression in the attainment of skills by
                                                      valuing their children's understanding of                                                                the students.
     School data shows sustained growth               literacy and numeracy practices.                          Attendance at Parent/Teacher nights and
     in reading and numeracy that is greater                                                                                                                   Teaching and learning programs are
                                                                                                                other information sessions
     than statistically similar schools on external   Community Partners                                                                                       derived from analysis of assessment data
     measures.                                                                                                                                                 and reflect the differentiation needed
                                                                                                                Minutes of staff meetings – analysis of data
                                                      Understand and contribute to student                                                                     for students to achieve their full potential.
     Increase in participation rates of students in   learning in the capacity of positive learners,
     extra–curricular activities to match or          tutors and mentors.                                                                                      Students are recognised for strong
     exceed State norms (TTFM BL 2017 from                                                                                                                     development of a growth mindset and a
     48% to 55% by 2020).                                                                                                                                      positive approach to new learning.
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Strategic Direction 2: Quality Teaching, Leading and Professional Learning

    Purpose                                          People                                                   Processes                                        Practices and Products
     To develop a team of dynamic                    Students                                                  Utilise and share the knowledge and skills      Practices
     professionals who seek, share and                                                                         of staff in the whole school, Local
     implement best practice. The team               Have the capacity to identify their particular            Management Group and school networks            All teachers engage in quality professional
     demonstrates a commitment to the                learning needs and provide feedback to                    to ensure the delivery of quality educational   learning that is evidence based and linked
     provision of innovative pedagogy across all     teachers.                                                 programs.                                       to maximising student engagement and
     areas of the curriculum in an inclusive                                                                                                                   performance.
     and supportive school environment.              Staff                                                     Implement quality professional learning to
                                                                                                               develop highly trained and innovative           All teachers develop and implement quality
     Learning – Learning Culture, Curriculum         Understand and value opportunities to build               teachers and employ systems to maximise         teaching programs and innovative practices
     and Learning, Assessment and Reporting,         their capacity to collaboratively participate             the learning outcomes for all students.         to differentiate lessons in order to improve
     Student Performance Measure.                    in high quality professional learning in order                                                            the learning outcomes for all students.
                                                     to target identified learning needs.                      Structured opportunities for collaboration,
     Teaching – Effective Classroom Practice,                                                                  innovation and reflection promote a culture     Strong collaboration and sharing of
     Data skills and Use, Collaborative              Leaders                                                   that is inclusive and supportive.               expertise and resources occurs within and
     Practice, Learning and Development,                                                                                                                       across all networks.
     Professional Standards.                         Have the capacity to identify quality                    Evaluation Plan
                                                     professional learning, and have the                                                                       Close links with the Aboriginal community
     Leading – Leadership, School Resources,         expertise to coach and mentor staff to                    Minutes from focus groups and staff             build and strengthen cultural knowledge for
     Management Practices and Processes.             foster a positive learning culture.                       meeting                                         all students.

                                                     Value opportunities to share best practice                Internal student performance data.              Products
    Improvement Measures
                                                     across the school, networks of schools and
     The elements of Leadership and                  external agencies.                                        Teaching and learning programs                  High levels of professional collaboration,
     Collaboration as reported in the Tell Them                                                                                                                and reflection drives professional learning
     From Me Survey continue to exceed the           Parents/Carers                                            SCOUT Student Performance Reports               and teaching programs.
     state norm by 0.5. (Baseline – BL 2017) –
     Leadership 7.7 (School), 7.1 (state),           Understand and value the role they play in                Classroom observations                          Professional development opportunities in
     Collaboration 8.1 (school), 7.8 (state).        leading their children to be successful,                                                                  innovative and differentiated learning is
                                                     lifelong learners.                                        Professional Development Plans                  evident in all teaching programs and
     The % of students achieving expected                                                                                                                      practices.
     growth for reading in Yr 5 will increase from   Community Partners                                        Induction programs and mentoring for
     61.9 (BL 2017) to 65 in 2020, and for Yr 7                                                                beginning teachers.                             Best practice is shared with staff within the
     from 43.8 (BL 2017) to 60 in 2020. In           Are aware of the social and wellbeing                                                                     school and external agencies resulting in
     numeracy, the % of students achieving           needs of students and parents and have                    Logs of Professional development.               enhanced programs being offered to all
     expected growth in Yr 5 will increase from      the capacity to provide the appropriate                                                                   students.
     44.1 (BL 2017) to 60 and in Yr 7 the % of       programs and support needed.                              Teacher accreditation
     expected growth will increase from 68.9                                                                                                                   Teaching programs and activities reflect the
     (BL 2017) to 70.                                Value and feel confident to facilitate                    Tell Them From Me surveys                       school’s close links with the Aboriginal
                                                     culturally inclusive programs that enrich the                                                             community and utilise strategies to cater for
     The value added for Yr 3 to Yr 5 continues      knowledge and continuity of Aboriginal                                                                    the individual needs of students.
     to remain at excelling and the value added      culture.
     for Yr 5 to Yr 7 increased to sustaining and
     growing (BL 2017, SCOUT).

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Strategic Direction 3: Productive Partnerships

    Purpose                                         People                                                   Processes                                     Practices and Products
     To build on and expand the collaborative       Students                                                  Develop and refine reciprocal community      Practices
     and supportive partnerships which support                                                                partnerships that promote a holistic
     student learning and celebrate the talents     Understand that the community is a place                  approach to student learning at school and   Continue to expand partnerships with local
     and diversity of all families in our           for learning and that being an active                     in the community.                            community organisations and businesses
     community.                                     member can enhance their education                                                                     to allow students to engage in authentic,
                                                    and wellbeing.                                            Implement a whole school,                    connected learning experiences.
     Learning – Learning Culture, Wellbeing,                                                                  collaborative approach to the provision of
     Curriculum and Learning, Assessment and        Staff                                                     flexible and technically rich learning       Staff support parents to be active
     Reporting, Student Performance Measures.                                                                 environments that promote community          participants in their children's education
                                                    Value interacting with community members                  ownership, builds pride and celebrates       and provide strategies that promote
     Teaching – Effective Classroom Practice,       to enhance student learning in local                      student success.                             personal progress and aspirations for
     Data Skills and Use, Collaborative Practice.   settings.                                                                                              life–long learning.
                                                                                                             Evaluation Plan
     Leading – Leadership, School Planning          Have the capacity to design and facilitate                                                             Utilise current technology and use flexible
     Implementation and reporting, School           workshops that engage and educate the                     5 Weekly Milestone monitoring                learning spaces to cater for the individual
     Resources, Management Practices and            local community.                                                                                       learning needs of every student.
     Processes.                                                                                               Tell Them From Me Survey
                                                    Leaders                                                                                                Products
    Improvement Measures                                                                                      Feedback from monthly P&C meetings
                                                                                                                                                           The school's communication
                                                    Understand the positive impact community
     Increase from 6.6 (Baseline – BL 2017) to                                                                SEF S–aS                                     platform comprehensively informs key
                                                    relationships have on student success.
     7.0 and exceed NSW Government norm                                                                                                                    stakeholders on all aspects of school life.
     (6.6) in the 'Tell Them From Me'               Parents/Carers
     (TTFM) Parent Survey aspect of 'Parents                                                                                                               Parents and community are actively
     are Informed'.                                 Understand the valuable contributions they                                                             engaged through face to face contact and
                                                    make to school life and recognise the                                                                  understand the learning progress and
     Increase from 7.3 (BL 2017) to 8.0 and         impact they have on the educational                                                                    aspirations of their children and how to
     exceed NSW Government norm (7.4) in            success of their children.                                                                             effectively support them to learn.
     the TTFM Parent Survey aspect of 'Parents
     Feel Welcome'.                                                                                                                                        The school is identified as a quality learning
                                                    Recognise their role as valued players in
                                                                                                                                                           environment within and beyond the local
                                                    the consultative decision making process
     Exceed NSW Government norm by 0.5 in                                                                                                                  community.
                                                    and recognise their impact on school
     the TTFM Teacher Survey aspects of             processes and practices.
     'Technology' (6.7) and 'Parent Involvement'
     (6.8).                                         Community Partners

                                                    Appreciate and value the affect
                                                    that collaborative learning between
                                                    students, parents and teachers has
                                                    on overall school life and a positive outlook
                                                    on learning.

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